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Action Research Proposal Template Lead Proponent Member Member Title of Research

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Context and Rationale

We define “parent involvement” as the participation of parents in every facet of

children’s education and development from birth to adulthood, recognizing that

parents are the primary influence in children’s lives.  Parent involvement takes many

forms, including:

 Two-way communication between parents and schools

 Supporting parents as children’s primary educators and integral to their


 Encouraging parents to participate in volunteer work

 Sharing responsibility for decision making about children’s education, health,

and well-being

 Collaborating with community organizations that reflect schools’ aspirations

for all children

Research on the effects of parental involvement has shown a consistent,

positive relationship between parents' engagement in their children's education and

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student outcomes. Studies have also shown that parental involvement is associated

with student outcomes such as lower dropout and truancy rates. Whether or not

parental involvement can improve student outcomes is no longer in question.

Reading comprehension is the ability to process information that we

have read and understand its meaning. This is a complex process with

three levels of understanding: literal meaning, inferential meaning, and evaluative


Literal meaning is simply what the text says. It is what actually happens in the

story. This is a very important level of understanding because it provides the

foundation for more advanced comprehension. Without understanding the material

on this level, you could not go any farther.

Here are examples of the type of information that could be identified as literal


 The main idea

 Stated facts

 The sequence of events

 Characters in the story

Inferential meaning involves determining what the text means. You start with

the stated information. This information is then used to determine deeper meaning

that is not explicitly stated. Determining inferential meaning requires you to think

about the text and draw a conclusion.

Examples of the type of information that could be identified as inferential

meaning include:
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 Generalizations

 Cause and effect relationships

 Future predictions

 An unstated main idea

Evaluative meaning is what the text is telling us about the world outside the

story. Readers must analyze what they have read. Then, they must form an opinion

based on the information.

Modular Distance Learning

Involves individualized instruction that allows learners to use self-learning

modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy, whichever is applicable in

the context of the learner, and other learning resources like Learner’s Materials,

textbooks, activity sheets, study guides and other study materials. Learners access

electronic copies of learning materials on a computer, tablet PC, or smartphone.

CDs, DVDs, USB storage and computer-based applications can all be used to

deliver e-learning materials, including offline E-books. The teacher takes the

responsibility of monitoring the progress of the learners. The learners may ask

assistance from the teacher via e-mail, telephone, text message/instant messaging,

etc. Where possible, the teacher shall do home visits to learners needing

remediation or assistance. Any member of the family or other stakeholder in the

community needs to serve as para-teachers.

This action research proposal is intended to determine if parental involvement

can help in the improvement of the reading comprehension of Grade Six pupils in
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Bulihan Elementary School. It is especially important due to the fact that we are now

under a situation wherein parental involvement is a must and cannot be avoided.

This pandemic plunged our education system into a new normal which transitioned

the face to face learning modality into modular distance learning. The researchers

would like to emphasize the importance of parental involvement and its relation to

the success of the learners as reiterated by an author when he mentioned in his

article the role of the parents in the development and improvement of reading

comprehension among our learners...

It’s not fake news; it’s official. In December 2019, Malacañang said the “poor

reading comprehension of Filipino students is a reality.”

In a 2018 global survey called Program for International Assessment (PISA)

among 600,000 students worldwide, Filipino students around the age of 15 got a

rating of 340 points in reading comprehension, lower than the average of 487 points.

Consequently, in the said study, the Philippines ranked last among 79 countries.

Malacañang has taken this constructively, however, and rather considered it a

challenge to otherwise “make improvements in the state of Philippine education.”

The news hit us hard, teachers, especially since we consciously and

religiously labor six days a week in teaching our lessons to our students, teaching

them with the prescribed materials and even working longer hours to comply with

and submit the needed paperwork.

I am sure other people will react violently, probably saying the survey might

have its margin of error. Be that as it may, I believe that we elementary teachers can

find a way to help remedy this.

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I feel guilty knowing this, even as I work hard for my own school. I feel I need

to do something about it and not just acknowledge it or let it be...

Should we then go back to how parents would sit with their children just to

start to get their notebooks and books to study? After all, it is habit-forming.

Otherwise, if the parents themselves cannot do that, or have not instilled in their kids

this habit, our learners would not be focused on their work.....

According to Waterford.org, an organization seeking to help children

succeed through access to lifelong education, the participation of parents in the

educational process means that teachers and parents share the responsibility to

teach students and work together to achieve educational goals. To this end, the

organization suggests that teachers invite parents to regular school meetings and

events and that parents voluntarily commit to prioritizing these goals. 

Parent involvement in a child's education is consistently found to be positively

associated with a child's academic performance.

 How the results could be used in action planning

Action Research Questions

1. What are the effects of parental involvement to:

a) Reading comprehension level of Grade Six pupils

b) Pupils’ motivation in learning process

2. How does modular distance learning affect the parental involvement?

Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

 Idea

 Problem
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 Procedure/system

 Solution

 Phenomenon

 Combination of any of these that were used to solve the research problem

Action Research Methods

A. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

The researchers will be using the experimental method to determine the

effect of parental involvement in the reading comprehension level of Grade Six pupils

in Bulihan Elementary School under Modular Distance Learning (MDL) and the

researchers will use observation sheet to measure the student engagement.

This study will be conducted among one hundred (100) respondents, 50

pupils as the control group and 50 pupils as the experimental group. The

respondents profile will be assessed according to the result of their PHIL-IRI.

The assessment tool will be validated and utilized for the study - to be able to

assess the effect of parental involvement in the reading comprehension level of

Grade Six pupils in Bulihan Elementary School under Modular Distance Learning

(MDL) and improve learning competency of the pupils.

B. Data Gathering Methods

This study will use purposive sampling to choose which section will be the

control and experimental group.

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Data collection will be gathered through online survey and will be divided into

these phases: selection of the sample, parental involvement through Modular

Distance Learning (MDL), and the PHIL-IRI data.

This study uses an objective assessment prepared by the researchers of

Bulihan Elementary School, District of General Mariano Alvarez. It is composed of

twenty items aligned with the given curriculum.

The twenty items test will be given to the control group and experimental

group. The experimental group was composed of 50 pupils who will be exposed to

printed modular reading comprehension. The control group of 50 pupils will be tested

through online reading comprehension. After the grading period the same test will

be given to both group.

The researchers will seek the consent of principal and parents of the

participants involved in the study. The researchers will guarantee the confidentiality

in the given information and test results of the participants.

C. Data Analysis Plan

After getting the test results, the researchers will use:

Mean- pre-test, post-test, mean gain score, observation sheet on student


T-test- to determine the difference in the Academic Performance between the

two groups and the performance of the experimental group with or without parental

involvement in the reading comprehension level of Grade Six pupils in Bulihan

Elementary School under Modular Distance Learning (MDL).

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Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

ACTIVITIES Month Month Month Month Month Month

Shade the corresponding

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
month per


Add rows if necessary

1. Pre-test
2. Issuance of parental

3. Conduct training to

parents regarding

strategies in reading
4. 2 weeks reading

activities guided by

5. Post test

Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

DISSEMINATION Month Month Month Month Month Month

ACTIVITIES 1 2 3 4 5 6

add rows if necessary

1. Sharing findings to

school head and co-

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2. Recommend the

utilization of parental

3. Promote parental

involvement through

4. Upload the study in

website for reference of

future researchers


Parent involvement / PTA & parent involvement. (n.d.). Papta.Org.




Parental involvement in education. (n.d.). Education.Stateuniversity.Com.



Delgado, P. (2019, October 22). The importance of parental involvement in

teaching. Observatory.Tec.Mx. https://observatory.tec.mx/edu-news/the-importance-


Romano, N. S. (2020, January 23). Why students have poor reading

comprehension. Manilatimes.Net. https://www.manilatimes.net/2020/01/23/campus-

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(Signature over printed


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