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Interactive 2 Unit 5-6 Test

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Name: Class: Date:

1 Underline the correct answer: A, B or C.

0 We ______ go out later, but we’re not sure.

A might B won’t C are going to
1 Jack ______ call you because he knows you’re busy.
A is going to B won’t C might
2 Do you think humans ______ ever live on the moon?
A won’t B are going to C will
3 I ______ study medicine because I want to be a doctor.
A might B ’m going to C will
4 We ______ have a holiday this year because we don’t have any time.
A will B might C aren’t going to
5 I ______ see Jane this evening, but if I do, I’ll give her your message.
A might not B won’t C ’m not going to

2 Underline the correct words.

0 You shouldn’t / should listen to your parents.

1 I have to / don’t have to go to bed early because it’s the weekend.
2 I know I shouldn’t / should eat so much fast food.
3 You have to / don’t have to be online to access your favourite websites.
4 We shouldn’t / should try and meet up this weekend. I’d love to see you.
5 Paul and Ben are really lucky because they don’t have to / have to do any sport at school.

3 Complete the text with the verbs.

will don’t have to x2 shouldn’t x2 have to x2 ’m going to

might x2 should

It’s my birthday soon and I asked for a computer. I hope my parents (0) will buy me one because I
(1) .................... do so much stuff on the internet for school. I’ve decided I (2) .................... study
really hard this year. I know I (3) .................... do my homework as soon as I get home but
sometimes I’m too tired. I (4) .................... try studying in the mornings before school – I don’t
know yet.

Mum says I (5) .................... spend so much time on social networking sites and that’s why I’m
tired. It’s Sunday tomorrow so I (6) .................... do anything for school. I (7) .................... call
Jon, but I’m not sure. I usually (8) .................... clean my room in the morning. I (9) ....................
do anything else so I (10) .................... complain!
4 Underline the correct words.

Interactive Testmaker 2 © Cambridge University Press 2011 (PHOTOCOPIABLE)

Page 1
Name: Class: Date:

0 I’ll cut and copy / paste this text for you.

1 I belong to two social network / networking sites.
2 You need a webcam / icon if you want people to see you on the computer.
3 I always save everything onto a memory stick / search engine.
4 It’s difficult to see the file / screen when the sun’s shining.
5 If you click on / off that folder, you’ll see my photos.

5 Put the letters in the correct order and make words for extreme sports.

0 troom cringa motor racing

1 engube gumjinp ........................................
2 gentradaskboi ........................................
3 trewa giniks ........................................
4 bausc nivgid ........................................
5 unitanmo inkbig ........................................

6 Correct the underlined words.

0 How many UBS ports has your computer got? USB

1 My laptop hasn’t got a mouse so we can’t see each other. ....................
2 If you hit on this link, you’ll see my website. ....................
3 Google is a very popular search machine. ....................
4 My computer has got really good microphones so music and films sound ....................
5 Can you show me how to cut and copy this document please? ....................

7 Complete the sentences.

0 A lot of my friends go mountain biking in the forests near here.

1 Why do people enjoy bungee ............... ?
2 Formula One motor ............... is very exciting to watch.
3 Skate............... is now an Olympic sport.
4 You should try scuba ............... . The fish are so beautiful.
5 I went water ............... last weekend but I spent most of my time in the water.

Interactive Testmaker 2 © Cambridge University Press 2011 (PHOTOCOPIABLE)

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