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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

Chapter 5
Klein: Object Relations Theory

Learning Objectives

After reading Chapter 5, you should be able to:

1. Define object relations theory and compare it to Freudian theory.

2. Discuss the psychological life of the infant as seen from Klein's

point of view.

3. Explain Klein's concepts of the paranoid-schizoid and depressive


4. List and discuss Klein's psychic defense mechanisms.

5. Compare and contrast Klein's concept of the Oedipus complex with

that of Freud.

6. Discuss Mahler's ideas on psychological birth.

7. Discuss Kohut's views of object relations.

8. Discuss Bowlby's attachment theory.

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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

9. Discuss Ainsworth's Strange Situation.

Summary Outline

I. Overview of Object Relations Theory

Many personality theorists have accepted some of Freud's basic
assumptions while rejecting others. One approach to extending
psychodynamic theory has been the object relations theories of
Melanie Klein and others. Unlike Jung and Adler who came to
reject Freud's ideas, Klein tried to validate Freud's theories. In
essence, Klein extended Freud's developmental stages downward
to the first 4 to 6 months after birth.
II. Biography of Melanie Klein
Melanie Klein was born in Vienna in 1892, the youngest of four
children. She had neither a PhD nor an MD degree but became
an analyst by being psychoanalyzed. As an analyst, she
specialized in working with young children. In 1927, she moved
to London where she practiced until her death in 1960.
III. Introduction to Object Relations Theory
Object relations theory differs from Freudian theory in three
important ways: (1) it places more emphasis on interpersonal
relationships, (2) it stresses the infant's relationship with the
mother rather than the father, and (3) it suggests that people are
motivated primarily for human contact rather than for sexual
pleasure. The term object in object relations theory refers to any
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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

person or part of a person that infants introject, or take into their

psychic structure and then later project onto other people.
IV. Psychic Life of the Infant
Klein believed that infants begin life with an inherited
predisposition to reduce the anxiety that they experience as a
consequence of the clash between the life instinct and the death
A. Fantasies
Klein assumed that very young infants possess an active,
unconscious fantasy life. Their most basic fantasies are images of
the "good" breast and the "bad" breast.
B. Objects
Klein agreed with Freud that drives have an object, but she was
more likely to emphasize the child's relationship with these
objects (parents' face, hands, breast, penis, etc.), which she saw
as having a life of their own within the child's fantasy world.
V. Positions
In their attempts to reduce the conflict produced by good and bad
images, infants organize their experience into positions, or ways
of dealing with both internal and external objects.
A. Paranoid-Schizoid Position
The struggles that infants experience with the good breast and the
bad breast lead to two separate and opposing feelings—a desire
to harbor the breast and a desire to bite or destroy it. To tolerate
these two feelings, the ego splits itself by retaining parts of its life
and death instincts while projecting other parts onto the breast. It
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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

then has a relationship with the ideal breast and the persecutory
breast. To control this situation, infants adopt the paranoid-
schizoid position, which is a tendency to see the world as having
both destructive and omnipotent qualities.
B. Depressive Position
By depressive position, Klein meant the anxiety that infants
experience around 6 months of age over losing their mother and
yet, at the same time, wanting to destroy her. The depressive
position is resolved when infants fantasize that they have made
up for their previous transgressions against their mother and also
realize that their mother will not abandon them.
VI. Psychic Defense Mechanisms
According to Klein, children adopt various psychic defense
mechanisms to protect their egos against anxiety aroused by their
own destructive fantasies.
A. Introjection
Klein defined introjection as the fantasy of taking into one's own
body the images that one has of an external object, especially the
mother's breast. Infants usually introject good objects as a
protection against anxiety, but they also introject bad objects in
order to gain control of them.
B. Projection
The fantasy that one's own feelings and impulses reside within
another person is called projection. Children project both good
and bad images, especially onto their parents.
C. Splitting
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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

Infants tolerate good and bad aspects of themselves and of

external objects by splitting, or mentally keeping apart,
incompatible images. Splitting can be beneficial to both children
and adults, because it allows them to like themselves while still
recognizing some unlikable qualities.
D. Projective Identification
Projective identification is the psychic defense mechanism
whereby infants split off unacceptable parts of themselves,
project them onto another object, and finally introject them in an
altered form.
VII. Internalizations
After introjecting external objects, infants organize them into a
psychologically meaningful framework, a process that Klein
called internalization.
A. Ego
Internalizations are aided by the early ego's ability to feel anxiety,
to use defense mechanisms, and to form object relations in both
fantasy and reality. However, a unified ego emerges only after
first splitting itself into the two parts—those that deal with the
life instinct and those that relate to the death instinct.
B. Superego
Klein believed that the superego emerged much earlier than
Freud had held. To her, the superego preceded rather than
followed the Oedipus complex. Klein also saw the superego as
being quite harsh and cruel.
C. Oedipus Complex
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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

Klein believed that the Oedipus complex begins during the first
few months of life, then reaches its zenith during the genital
stage, at about 3 or 4 years of age—the same time that Freud had
suggested it began. Klein also believed that much of the Oedipus
complex is based on children's fear that their parents will seek
revenge against them for their fantasy of emptying the parent's
body. For healthy development during the Oedipal years,
children should retain positive feelings for each parent.
According to Klein, the little boy adopts a "feminine"
position very early in life and has no fear of being castrated as
punishment for his sexual feelings toward his mother. Later, he
projects his destructive drive onto his father, whom he fears will
bite or castrate him. The male Oedipus complex is resolved
when the boy establishes good relations with both parents.
The little girl also adopts a "feminine" position toward both
parents quite early in life. She has a positive feeling for both her
mother's breast and her father's penis, which she believes will
feed her with babies. Sometimes the girl develops hostility
toward her mother, whom she fears will retaliate against her and
rob her of her babies, but in most cases, the female Oedipus
complex is resolved without any jealousy toward the mother.
VIII. Later Views of Object Relations
A number of other theorists have expanded and altered Klein's
theory of object relations. Notable among them are Margaret
Mahler, Heinz Kohut, John Bowlby. and Mary Ainsworth.
A. Margaret Mahler's View
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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

Mahler, a native of Hungary who practiced psychoanalysis in

both Vienna and New York, developed her theory of object
relations from careful observations of infants as they bonded with
their mothers during their first 3 years of life. In their progress
toward achieving a sense of identity, children pass through a
series of three major developmental stages. First is normal
autism, which covers the first 3 to 4 weeks of life, a time when
infants satisfy their needs within the all-powerful protective orbit
of their mother's care. Second is normal symbiosis, when
infants behave as if they and their mother were an omnipotent,
symbiotic unit. Third is separation-individuation, from about 4
months until about 3 years, a time when children are becoming
psychologically separated from their mothers and achieving
individuation, or a sense of personal identity.
B. Heinz Kohut's View
Kohut was a native of Vienna who spent most of his professional
life in the United States. More than any of the other object
relations theorists, Kohut emphasized the development of the
self. In caring for their physical and psychological needs, adults
treat infants as if they had a sense of self. The parents' behaviors
and attitudes eventually help children form a sense of self that
gives unity and consistency to their experiences.
C. John Bowlby's Attachment Theory
Bowlby, a native of England, received training in child
psychiatry from Melanie Klein. By studying human and other
primate infants, Bowlby observed three stages of separation
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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

anxiety: (1) protest, (2) apathy and despair, and (3) emotional
detachment from people, including the primary caregiver.
Children who reach the third stage of separation anxiety lack
warmth and emotion in their later relationships.
D. Mary Ainsworth and the Strange Situation
Mary Ainsworth was born in Ohio in 1919 and died in 1999. She
and her colleagues developed a technique called the Strange
Situation for measuring one of three the types of attachment
styles—secure attachment, anxious-resistant attachment, and
anxious-avoidant attachment.
IX. Psychotherapy
The goal of Klein's therapy was to reduce depressive anxieties
and persecutory fears and to lessen the harshness of internalized
objects. To do this, Klein encouraged patients to reexperience
early fantasies and pointed out the differences between conscious
and unconscious wishes.
X. Related Research
Research on object relations has included a variety of topics,
including eating disorders and adult relationships. One study of
both topics was conducted by Smolak and Levine (1993) who
found that bulimia was associated with detachment from parents,
whereas anorexia was associated with high levels of guilt and
conflict over separation from parents. More recently, Steven
Huprich and colleges (Huprich, Stepp, Graham, & Johnson, 2004)
found that both men and women who were insecurely attached
and self-focused (egocentric) had greater difficulty in controlling
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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

their compulsive eating than did those who were more securely
attached and less self-focused. Attachment theory was originally
conceptualized by John Bowlby, who emphasized the relationship
between parent and child. Since the 1980s, researchers have
begun to examine systematically the attachment relationships in
adults, especially in romantic relationships. The usefulness of
attachment theory was investigated in a classic study by Cindy
Hazan and Phil Shaver (1987). These researchers found that
people with secure early attachments experienced more trust,
closeness, and positive emotions in their adult love relationships
than did other people. Steven Rholes and colleagues found that as
they predicted, avoidant individuals do not seek out additional
information about their romantic partners’ intimate feelings and
dreams, and anxious individuals seek more information about their
partners’ intimacy-related issues and goals for the future (Rholes,
Simpson, Tran, Martin, & Friedman, 2007). Rivka Davidovitz
and others also examined attachment style in leader-follower
relationships, specifically military officers and their soldiers
(Davidovitz, Mikulincer, Shaver, Izsak, & Popper, 2007; Popper
& Mayseless, 2003). They found units with officers who had an
avoidant attachment style to be less cohesive, and their soldiers
reported lower psychological well-being than members of other
units. Anxiously attached officers’ units rated low on
instrumental functioning, but high on socioemotional functioning.
Recent research shows that attachment theory is important to
understanding a wide range of adult relationships.
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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

XI. Critique of Object Relations Theory

Object relations theory shares with Freudian theory an inability to
be either falsified or verified through empirical research.
Nevertheless, some clinicians regard the theory as being a useful
guide to action and as possessing substantial internal consistency.
However, the theory must be rated low on parsimony and also
low on its ability to organize knowledge and to generate research.
XII. Concept of Humanity
Object relations theorists see personality as being a product of the
early mother-child relationship, and thus they stress determinism
over free choice. The powerful influence of early childhood also
gives these theories a low rating on uniqueness, a very high
rating on social influences, and high ratings on causality and
unconscious forces. Klein and other object relations theorists
rate average on optimism versus pessimism.

Test Items


1. Klein believed that the infant's relationship to the

__________________ served as a model for later object

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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

2. Object relations theory is an offspring of _________________

instinct theory.

3. According to Klein, __________________ are psychic

representations of unconscious id instincts.

4. Infants ___________________, or take external objects, into their

psychic structure.

5. An infant adopts the __________________________ position to

fight off feelings of persecution.

6. Klein's _____________________ position consists of feelings of

anxiety over losing a loved object combined with a sense of guilt
for desiring to destroy that object.

7. With the psychic defense mechanism of ___________________,

infants attempt to manage the good and bad aspects of themselves
by keeping apart incompatible impulses.

8. With __________________ identification, infants split off

unacceptable parts of themselves, project these parts onto another
object, and then introject these parts back into themselves in a
changed form.

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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

9. Although the ____________________ is poorly organized at birth,

it is strong enough to feel anxiety and to use defense mechanisms.

10. A little boy's ______________________ position is marked by a

passive homosexual attitude toward his father.

11. During female oedipal development, a girl fears that her

___________ will injure her and take away her babies.

12. Mahler emphasized the psychological ________________ of the


13. Kohut emphasized the evolution of the ______________________

from a vague image to a clear sense of individual identity.

14. The ________________ stage is the first stage of separation

anxiety, as viewed by Bowlby.

15. The theorist who used the Strange Situation to show the
parent/infant relationship was _________________.


_____1. Klein enjoyed a warm relationship with her daughter Melitta.

_____2. In contrast to Freud’s, most of Klein’s patients were children.

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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

_____3. In comparison to Freudian theory, object relations theory

places more importance on interpersonal relations.

_____4. Object relations theory emphasizes the father-child relationship

over the mother-child relationship.

_____5. Throughout her life, Klein regarded herself as a Freudian, even

though she had strong disagreements with Anna Freud.

_____6. Klein rejected the idea of a death instinct.

_____7. The paranoid-schizoid position is limited to infants.

_____8. In theory, the superego is an internalization.

_____9. During the early oedipal months, both boys and girls adopt a
"feminine" position.

____10. Mahler's first major developmental stage was normal autism.

____11. During normal symbiosis, infants behave as if they and their

mother were a unified, omnipotent system.

____12. Mahler's separation-individuation stage takes place from about

the 4th or 6th year of life.
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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

____13. A weakness of Mahler's theory is that it is based on

observations of neurotic adults.

____14. Kohut believed that infants are naturally narcissistic.

____15. According to Kohut, innate instinctual drives are the core of

human personality.

____16. Bowlby's first stage of attachment theory is despair.

____17. During Bowlby's third stage of separation anxiety, the infant

becomes reattached to its mother.

____18. Ainsworth was influenced more by Bowlby than by Klein.

____19. Ainsworth found that secure infants will initiate contact with
their mother immediately when their mother returns following
a brief period of separation.

____20. Compared with secure infants, insecure infants lack the ability
to engage in effective play.

Multiple Choice

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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

______1. Klein suggested that the infant's first model for interpersonal
relations was
a. the mother's breast.
b. the father.
c. the self.
d. an imaginary playmate.

______2. One person psychoanalyzed by Melanie Klein was

a. Erik Erikson.
b. Erich Fromm.
c. Anna Freud.
d. Little Hans.
e. her son Erich.

_____3. Klein had a bitter rivalry with

a. Sigmund Freud.
b. Anna Freud.
c. her daughter Melitta.
d. all of these.
e. none of these.

_____4. Compared with Freudian theory, object relations theory

a. places more emphasis on sexual pleasure.
b. places more emphasis on interpersonal relations.
c. stresses the importance of the father.
d. emphasizes the id.
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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

______5. The person or part of a person that satisfies the aim of an

instinct is called
a. the impetus.
b. the source.
c. the object.
d. the unconscious motivator.

_____6. Like Freud, Klein believed that people are motivated by

a. the need for self-actualization.
b. the need for homeostasis.
c. the death instinct.
d. separation anxiety.

______7. Klein's two basic psychological positions are

a. the ideal and the real.
b. the mature and the immature.
c. the ego and the superego.
d. the paranoid-schizoid and the depressive.
e. introjection and projection.

______8. In order to control the good breast and to fight off its
persecutors, infants use
a. their superego.
b. their id.
c. the paranoid-schizoid position.

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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

d. the depressive position.

_____9. Klein believed that feelings of anxiety about losing a loved

object and a sense of guilt for desiring to destroy that object
were part of
a. the paranoid-schizoid position.
b. the depressive position.
c. moralistic anxiety.
d. idealistic anxiety.

____10. Klein's psychic defense mechanisms

a. protect the child against public disgrace.
b. defend the ego and superego against the id.
c. protect the ego against anxiety aroused by destructive
d. prevent unconscious fantasies from reaching consciousness.

____11. Infants use this means of controlling good and bad aspects of
a. the paranoid-schizophrenic position
b. the depressive position
c. projection
d. sublimation
e. splitting

____12. Compared to Freud, Klein believed that the superego

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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

a. is much more harsh and cruel.

b. emerged much later.
c. grew out of the Oedipus complex.
d. preceded the development of the id.

____13. Klein believed that at the end of a successfully resolved

Oedipus complex, a girl will
a. see her mother as a rival.
b. develop positive feelings toward both parents.
c. fantasize robbing her mother of her babies.
d. adopt a homosexual attitude toward her mother.
e. develop negative feelings toward her mother and neutral
feelings for her father.

____14. Klein believed that a girl fantasizes that her father's penis
feeds the mother with babies during this period.
a. separation anxiety
b. preadolescent
c. introjective identification
d. oedipal

____15. This object relations theorist spent much time observing

normal babies as they bonded with their mothers during the
first 3 years of life.
a. Margaret Mahler
b. Melanie Klein
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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

c. Heinz Kohut
d. Mary Ainsworth

____16. Mahler's principal concern was with

a. the effects of the superego on a child's development of
b. the psychological birth of the child.
c. the child's neurotic-symbiotic relationship with its mother.
d. the narcissistic needs of the child.

____17. During the separation-individuation stage, Mahler said,

children begin to
a. develop feelings of personal identity.
b. despair of reuniting with the mother.
c. develop normal autism.
d. blame their mother for weaning them.

____18. Kohut was most interested in the

a. physiological needs of infants.
b. effects of the Oedipus complex.
c. process by which the self evolves
d. acquisition of language and its role in higher mental

____19. According to Kohut, the needs to exhibit the grandiose self

and the idealized parent image are called
Feist, Theories of Personality, 8e Student Study Guide-5 |
Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

a. masochistic needs.
b. sadistic needs.
c. self-esteem needs.
d. narcissistic needs.

____20. Bowlby's theory assumes that

a. psychologically healthy infants have emotionally detached
b. infants who are loved too much by their mother will have
difficulty forming adult relationships.
c. the mother-child bonding becomes a model for the child's
future friendships.
d. all of these.

____21. According to Bowlby, protest is the first stage of

a. the oedipal period.
b. identity.
c. separation anxiety.
d. the anal period.

____22. Ainsworth found that secure infants will

a. strongly protest when their mother leaves the room.
b. approach their mother when she returns to the room.
c. grow up to have great difficulty with interpersonal
d. relate more positively to their father than to their mother.
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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

Short Answer

1. Discuss similarities and differences between object relations theory

and Freudian theory.

2. Discuss the role of phantasies in Klein's theory.

3. Name and explain Klein's four psychic defense mechanisms.

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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

4. Discuss Klein's view of the male and female Oedipus complexes.

5. List and discuss Mahler's three developmental stages.

6. Discuss Kohut's views of object relations.

Feist, Theories of Personality, 8e Student Study Guide-5 |

Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

7. List and discuss the stages of Bowlby's attachment theory.

8. Describe Ainsworth's Strange Situation.

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Chapter 5 Klein: Object Relations Theory

Fill-in-the-Blanks True-False Multiple Choice

1. breast 1. F 1. a
2. Freud's 2. T 2. e
3. phantasies 3. T 3. c
4. introject 4. F 4. b
5. paranoid-schizoid 5. T 5. c
6. depressive 6. F 6. c
7. splitting 7. F 7. d
8. projective 8. T 8. c
9. ego 9. T 9. b
10. feminine 10. T 10. c
11. mother 11. T 11. e
12. birth 12. F 12. a
13. self 13. F 13. b
14. protest 14. F 14. d
15. Ainsworth 15. T 15. a
16. T 16. b
17. F 17. a
18. T 18. c
19. T 19. a
20. T 20 c
21. d
22. b

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