Marital Rape: RTI Foundation
Marital Rape: RTI Foundation
Marital Rape: RTI Foundation
Marital rape is a big problem in India, and most people believe such a
thing doesn’t even exist. Wives are deemed to have given consent to
sex every time her husband wants, which is not only degrading to
women but a sinister law.
The petition is still pending before the High Court and a pragmatic
approach is expected from the court. Many developed countries such
as the U.K and the USA have already criminalised marital rape. It is
expected of our Courts to safeguard the equality of women by taking
appropriate steps.
The law was inhumane even then and it still is, however, there are
some eminent jurists who are in favour of leaving the provision un-
This argument might seem harsh and cruel at first, but on further
analysing it, we can understand that the society in the west is very
different from ours, customary laws are different and even our
religions are different, all these factors combined with a high rate of
illiteracy make such an environment where people are not ready for
marital rape to be criminalised.
The aforementioned argument is made from a very conservative
approach, neglecting modernisation and women empowerment. It not
only neglects women empowerment but even takes away their right to