1483 Malaika Altaf Butt Bs Psy Final
1483 Malaika Altaf Butt Bs Psy Final
1483 Malaika Altaf Butt Bs Psy Final
ROLL.NO: 1483
Q2. Design a research to investigate the effect of covid 19 on students.
Write a brief intrioduction, literature review, Hpothesis and also
mention the sample, tools and procedure of research?
In the end of 2020, an outbreak of covid-19 a viral disease was emerged in city of
china (Wuhan) suddenly and spread rapidly throughout the globe (Wickramasinghe et al.,
2020). The Educational institutes were closed on 20th March, 2020 due to severe
pandemic of COVID-19 and all the individuals are instructed to stay at home and isolate
themselves from others. All activities were shut down due to this lockdown creating a
huge gap was created in educational system and economy of all countries (Malik &
Ajmal, 2020). The learning system is shifted to ICT and online learning from home that
changes the demand of learning criteria to the availability of internet-enabled devices.
However, the computer-generated method of teaching and learning was a challenging for
both students and teachers. As COVID-19 targeted the Pakistan many studies were
conducted in the medical sector and other areas related to health sciences. (Abdulamir &
Hafidh, 2020). In comparison research record about the COVID-19 effects in education
field is scanty (Wu, 2020).
The first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in February 2020 in Pakistan. The
cases of COVID-19 were tremendously increased in month of march and 300,000
educational institutes have been closed for protective measures (Malik, 2020). This
unexpected lockdown shifted the schools, colleges and universities to digital connection
to maintain learning of students. But lack of availability of multiple application system of
internet and need of smart devices creates hurdles in learning process all over the
Malik (2020) reported that a text message system introduced in the month of May
that facilitates students and parents to communicate with teachers having approximately
250,000 users.
Aucejo et al. (2020) surveyed almost 1500 students in united states at largest
public institutions. The negative effect of COVID-19 was seen across many dimensions.
COVID-19 effects leads to have delayed graduation of 13% of students, 40%of students
become jobless and 29% at age 35 earn less than their expectation. They also reported
that the economic and health related impacts brought by COVID-19 differs scientifically
by socioeconomic factors.
The technique of stratified random sampling will be used for this study. In this
sampling process, the population will be divided into homogenous groups and each group
containing subjects with similar attributes.
In the present study design the population will be divided into four groups
depending on the level of students such as:
1. Intermediate students
2. Bachelors students
3. Masters students
4. M.Phil students
About 84 of total students of different study level will be samples for conducting current
Research Instrument
To collect data for research study close-ended questionnaire will be used. Google
form will be used to design the questionnaire for collection of online data. it will be
administered through social media platform such as WhatsApp, and other apps to get the
answers from the specific target group. The data will be analyzed quantitatively and
descriptive statistical analysis will be done.. The data will be analyzed using SPSS
Aucejo, E. M., French, J., Araya, M. P. U., & Zafar, B. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on student
experiences and expectations: Evidence from a survey. Journal of public economics, 191, 104271
Jackson C., Vynnycky E., Mangtani P. (2016). The relationship between school
holidays and transmission of influenza in England and Wales. Am J Epidemiol; 644–51.
Machado L. S. et al. (2019). Parent in science: The impact of parenthood on the scientific
career in Brazil, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Gender Equality in
Software Engineering, pp. 37–40.
Owusu-Fordjour, C., Koomson, C. K., & Hanson, D. (2020). The impact of Covid-19 on learning-the
perspective of the Ghanaian student. European Journal of Education Studies.
Wickramasinghe, N. C., Steele, E. J., Gorczynski, R. M., Temple, R., Tokoro, G., Wallis,
D. H., &Klyce, B. (2020). Growing Evidence against Global Infection-Driven by
Person-to-Person Transfer of COVID-19. VirolCurr Res, 4(1).
Wu, Y., Yan, X., Zhao, S., Wang, J., Ran, J., Dong, D., ... & Chung, R. Y. N. (2020).
Association of time to diagnosis with socioeconomic position and geographical
accessibility to healthcare among symptomatic COVID-19 patients: A retrospective study
in Hong Kong. Health & place, 66, 102465.
Q3. What is the biggest goal you have achieved in life? Explain the goal with
the help of at least four theories of motivation.
“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”
Albert Einstein
Everyone has any of goals in life as difficult goals attract attention and keeps us away
from distraction. My biggest goal was to study in government college and university.. When I
was in F.Sc. I went far from the Kachehri Station and saw GC University. At first sight I was
much captivated by the beauty of gothic lady. It was a big dream of mine to be a part of this
university by enrolling in BS honors in psychology. And how I achieved my goal can be
explained with the help of these theories of motivation.
Cognitive theory of motivation suggests that motivation is the outcome of peoples thoughts,
beliefs, ideas, expectations and goals.
A) Intrinsic Motivation:
I worked long hours as I love to study. Knowing that if I work hard today then I will be able to
satisfy their merit needs to take admission and I will be a part of it in future. This is the intrinsic
motivation that is prompting me to work.
B) Extrinsic Motivation:
My sister was Ravian and I was much motivated by her. Once I went to university with her on
convocation. The atmosphere was very pleasant as the faces of student were gleaming by the
happiness of success. One more thing which I have seen was proud in them because of
graduating from a very prestigious institute and my sister was among one of them. Students were
with their parents and that was a pleasing moment for their parents too. I was imagining myself
on this state and by considering this all. if I work hard, then there lies extrinsic motivation behind
my efforts.
It states that every person has one of three main driving motivators: the needs for
achievement, affiliation, or power.
a. Primary needs:
Physiological and safety needs are basic needs which are fulfilled since my childhood
and it includes basic drives such as needs for water, food, sleep and sex.
b. Psychological needs:
These are the higher order needs.In order to fulfill my esteem needs to get
independence, achievement, mastery, and dignity how others recognize and values my
competence. My main aim is to make a psychological centre of my own where I can
provide therapy to the mentally ill victims of society. I will serve needy ones out of cost
which will be my biggest achievement it will also add dignity to my personality..
Moreover, it will provide me financial stability and independence.
c. Self-fulfillment needs:
It is a state of achieving ones potential including creative activities and it occurs in
only a few famous individuals
It states that specific and challenging goals along with appropriate feedback
contribute to higher and better task performance.
How I get motivated from my goal?
As once I shared with my teacher that GCU is my dream university and want to
be a part of it. she says you must have at least 80 percent marks that was a very specific
and clear. To take admission in GC University was a challenging goal and it pushes to
work harder in my FSc. I discovered new ways to accomplish it. It make me able to add
innovations and creativity.
Feedback is necessary either it is achieved or not because it helps us in identifying
discrepancies. In the same way when I achieved my goal as reward is associated with
goal accomplishment.
Today Iam part of my dream university and I achieved my one of biggest goal of
1. Before conditioning:
In the first part there exists the natural existing stimulus which will provoke
automatic response. In classical conditioning of a student who is not interested in
studying mathematics Unconditional stimulus (US) which provoke an Unconditioned
response (UR) of dis-likeliness and boringness. At this moment, Neutral stimulus
(graphics alone) have no effect on response yet.
2. During conditioning:
During this phase, the neutral stimulus is paired with unconditioned stimulus due to
which an association is developed between Neutral stimulus (NS) and Unconditioned
stimulus (US) which then results in Conditioned response.. In our concerned case, the
study of mathematics (US) is paired with graphical representation of several objects
(NS), in which teacher is able to develop interest in several question of sum and
subtraction by drawing different material objects or animals in form of graphical objects
and then teacher draws these objects on students homework copy to solve the sum and
color them too.
Before trials student was sitting careless in the classroom during lecture and then his
teacher starts delivering lecture on addition and subtraction question by drawing two
apples on white board and then fills color in them with the help of marker. .Due to this
first trial, student starts paying attention in class then after second trial student began to
understand the lecture and after third trail student starts studying with interest. In this
way, the Unconditioned stimulus (study of mathematics) is associated with Neutral
Stimulus (graphical objects) which resulted in Conditional Response (study with
3. After conditioning:
Neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus. Even if conditioned stimulus is not
present it triggers the same responses as of it. Conditioned response is now our learned
response. .After conditioning, whenever anyone talk of study of mathematics,
immediately graphical objects will come into student’s mind and he/she will become
happy and show interests in studying mathematics.
So, in this way we can apply classical conditioning on student with lack of interest in
studies of mathematics, to develop his interest.