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Covid RT-PCR

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ORIGINAL RESEARCH Annals of Internal Medicine

Variation in False-Negative Rate of Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase

Chain Reaction–Based SARS-CoV-2 Tests by Time Since Exposure
Lauren M. Kucirka, MD, PhD*; Stephen A. Lauer, PhD*; Oliver Laeyendecker, PhD, MBA; Denali Boon, PhD; and Justin Lessler, PhD

Background: Tests for severe acute respiratory syndrome coro- in an infected person decreases from 100% (95% CI, 100% to
navirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) based on reverse transcriptase polymer- 100%) on day 1 to 67% (CI, 27% to 94%) on day 4. On the day of
ase chain reaction (RT-PCR) are being used to rule out infection symptom onset, the median false-negative rate was 38% (CI,
among high-risk persons, such as exposed inpatients and health 18% to 65%). This decreased to 20% (CI, 12% to 30%) on day 8
care workers. It is critical to understand how the predictive value (3 days after symptom onset) then began to increase again, from
of the test varies with time from exposure and symptom onset to 21% (CI, 13% to 31%) on day 9 to 66% (CI, 54% to 77%) on
avoid being falsely reassured by negative test results. day 21.

Objective: To estimate the false-negative rate by day since Limitation: Imprecise estimates due to heterogeneity in the de-
infection. sign of studies on which results were based.

Design: Literature review and pooled analysis. Conclusion: Care must be taken in interpreting RT-PCR
tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection—particularly early in the course of
Setting: 7 previously published studies providing data on RT- infection—when using these results as a basis for removing pre-
PCR performance by time since symptom onset or SARS-CoV-2 cautions intended to prevent onward transmission. If clinical sus-
exposure using samples from the upper respiratory tract (n = picion is high, infection should not be ruled out on the basis of
1330). RT-PCR alone, and the clinical and epidemiologic situation
should be carefully considered.
Patients: A mix of inpatients and outpatients with SARS-CoV-2
infection. Primary Funding Source: National Institute of Allergy and In-
fectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins Health System, and U.S. Cen-
Measurements: A Bayesian hierarchical model was fitted to es- ters for Disease Control and Prevention.
timate the false-negative rate by day since exposure and symp-
tom onset. Ann Intern Med. 2020;173:262-267. doi:10.7326/M20-1495 Annals.org
For author, article, and disclosure information, see end of text.
Results: Over the 4 days of infection before the typical time of This article was published at Annals.org on 13 May 2020.
symptom onset (day 5), the probability of a false-negative result * Drs. Kucirka and Lauer contributed equally to this work.

T ests for severe acute respiratory syndrome corona-

virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) based on reverse transcriptase
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) are often used to
ity, personal protective equipment, and health care
personnel (1). As the epidemic progresses, hospitals
increasingly have to decide how to respond when a
rule out infection among high-risk persons, such as ex- patient or health care worker has a known exposure to
posed inpatients and health care workers. Hence, it is SARS-CoV-2. Although 14 days of airborne precautions
critical to understand how the predictive value changes or quarantine would be a conservative approach to
in relation to time since exposure or symptoms, espe- minimizing transmission per guidelines from the Cen-
cially when using the results of these tests to make de- ters for Disease Control and Prevention (2), this is not
cisions about whether to stop using personal protective feasible for many hospitals given starkly limited
equipment or allow exposed health care workers to re- resources.
turn to work. The sensitivity and specificity of PCR- As RT-PCR– based tests for SARS-CoV-2 are becom-
based tests for SARS-CoV-2 are poorly characterized, ing more available, they are increasingly being used to
and the “window period” after acquisition in which test- rule out infection to conserve scarce personal protec-
ing is most likely to produce false-negative results is not tive equipment and preserve the workforce. When ex-
well known. posed health care workers test negative, they may be
Accurate testing for SARS-CoV-2, followed by ap- cleared to return to work; similarly, when exposed pa-
propriate preventive measures, is paramount in the tients test negative, airborne or droplet precautions
health care setting to prevent both nosocomial and may be removed. If negative results from tests done
community transmission. However, most hospitals are during the window period are treated as strong evi-
facing critical shortages of SARS-CoV-2 testing capac- dence that an exposed person is SARS-CoV-2–negative,
preventable transmission could occur.
It is critical to understand how the predictive value
See also: of the test varies with time from exposure and symptom
onset to avoid being falsely reassured by negative re-
Web-Only sults from tests done early in the course of infection.
The goal of our study was to estimate the false-negative
rate by day since infection.
262 © 2020 American College of Physicians
False-Negative Rate of RT-PCR–Based SARS-CoV-2 Tests by Time Since Exposure ORIGINAL RESEARCH

Figure 1. Sensitivity of RT-PCR tests, by study and days since symptom onset, for nasopharyngeal samples (left),
oropharyngeal samples (middle), and unspecified upper respiratory tract (right).

Nasopharyngeal Oropharyngeal Unclear

Raw Sensitivity of the RT-PCR Test, %

75 Kujawski

Number of



0 7 14 21 28 0 7 14 21 28 0 7 14 21 28
Days Since Symptom Onset

RT-PCR = reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction.

METHODS cluded only confirmed cases from those studies. The

Source Data studies by Liu and colleagues (9) and Guo and col-
As part of a broader effort to provide critical eval- leagues (5) included both confirmed cases (≥1 positive
uation of emerging evidence, the Novel Coronavirus RT-PCR result, similar to other studies; n = 153 for Liu
Research Compendium at the Johns Hopkins School of and n = 82 for Guo) and probable cases as determined
Public Health did a literature review to identify preprint by a set of clinical criteria (n = 85 for Liu and n = 58 for
and peer-reviewed articles on SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics Guo). In both studies, most probable case patients
(3). Investigators searched PubMed, bioRxiv, and were positive for IgM or IgG SARS-CoV-2 antibodies
medRxiv using a strategy detailed in Supplement Table (67 of 85 probable cases for Liu were IgM- or IgG-
1 (available at Annals.org). The search was last updated positive, and 54 of 58 for Guo were IgM-positive). Thus,
on 15 April 2020. From the broader search, we identi- 22 participants were considered case patients on the
fied articles that provided data on RT-PCR performance basis of clinical criteria alone because we could not
by time since symptom onset or exposure using sam- separate them out using the information provided.
ples derived from nasal or throat swabs among patients Supplement Table 2 (available at Annals.org) provides
tested for SARS-CoV-2. Inclusion criteria were use of an additional details on the source data used in our calcu-
RT-PCR– based test, sample collection from the upper lations. As a sensitivity analysis to assess the effect of
respiratory tract, and reporting of time since symptom individual studies on our inferences, we excluded each
onset or exposure. We excluded articles that did not study in turn from calculations of the posttest probabil-
clearly define time between testing and symptom onset ity of infection after a negative RT-PCR result (Supple-
or exposure. We identified 7 studies (2 preprints and 5 ment Figure 3, available at Annals.org).
peer-reviewed articles) (4 –10) with a total of 1330 respi- Statistical Analysis
ratory samples analyzed by RT-PCR. Figure 1 summa- Model for Estimating False-Negative Rate and False
rizes the source data. One study by Kujawski and col- Omission Rate by Time Since Exposure
leagues (10) provided both nasal and throat samples
Using an approach similar to that of Leisenring and
for each patient; we used only the nasal samples in our
colleagues (11) and Azman and colleagues (12), we fit-
ted a Bayesian hierarchical logistic regression model
How Cases Were Defined for test sensitivity pj,t with a random effect for study j
Most studies (Danis and colleagues [6], Wölfel and and a cubic polynomial spline for log-time t since
colleagues [4], Kim and colleagues [7], Kujawski and exposure:
colleagues [10], and Zhao and colleagues [8]) did serial xj,t ~ Binomial(nj,t, pj,t)
testing and required at least 1 positive RT-PCR result to logit( pj,t) = ␤j + ␤1log(t) + ␤2log(t)2 + ␤3log(t)3
consider a case confirmed. Our pooled analysis in- ␤j ~ Normal(␤0, ␴2)
Annals.org Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 173 No. 4 • 18 August 2020 263
ORIGINAL RESEARCH False-Negative Rate of RT-PCR–Based SARS-CoV-2 Tests by Time Since Exposure

where xj,t is the number of patients who tested 30%) on day 8 (3 days after symptom onset) then be-
positive on RT-PCR out of nj,t total tests t days after gan to increase again, from 21% (CI, 13% to 31%) on
exposure in study j. The exposure was assumed to have day 9 to 66% (CI, 54% to 77%) on day 21.
occurred 5 days before symptom onset based on the
median incubation period previously estimated in a Posttest Probability of Infection if RT-PCR Result
large study of transmission in household contacts (13) is Negative (1 Minus Negative Predictive Value)
and among publicly confirmed cases (14). From the Translating these results into a posttest probability
sensitivity, we calculated the expected false-negative of infection, a negative result on day 3 would reduce
rate on each day. We also calculated the posttest prob- our estimate of the relative probability that a case pa-
ability of infection, assuming a pretest probability tient was infected by only 3% (CI, 0% to 47%) (for ex-
based on the attack rate in close household contacts of ample, from 11.2%, the rate seen in a large study of
SARS-CoV-2 case patients in Shenzhen, China (77 of household contacts, to 10.9%) (Figure 2, bottom). Tests
686 [11.2%]) (14). We assumed a specificity of 100% for done on the first day of symptom onset are more infor-
RT-PCR, as reported in the U.S. Food and Drug Admin- mative, reducing the inferred probability that a case
istration package insert for the Quest RT-PCR assay for patient was infected by 60% (CI, 33% to 80%).
SARS-CoV-2, which based its estimate on testing in 72 Variation in Posttest Probability of Infection if
presumed negative samples from the upper respiratory RT-PCR Result is Negative, by Pretest Probability
tract and 30 from the lower respiratory tract (15). This The posttest probability of infection in a patient
specificity is further supported by a European study with a negative RT-PCR result varies with the pretest
that showed no cross-reactivity with other coronavi- probability of infection—that is, how likely infection is on
ruses in 297 clinical samples (16). the basis of the magnitude of exposure or clinical pre-
sentation. When we assumed a high pretest probability
Sensitivity Analyses of infection (4 times the attack rate observed in a large
Although the Food and Drug Administration re- cohort study), the posttest probability of infection was
ported that specificity for SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR is 100%, at minimum 14% (CI, 9% to 20%) 8 days after exposure
many of the supporting studies were done outside the (Figure 3). When we assumed a lower pretest probabil-
United States, and we cannot exclude variability in test ity of 5.5% (half the observed attack rate), the negative
performance. Thus, we repeated our analysis assuming posttest probability of infection was still minimized 8
90% specificity to assess the sensitivity of our results to days after exposure (1.2% [CI, 0.7% to 2.0%]).
this assumption. A second assumption of our model, Sensitivity Analyses
the 5-day incubation period, was based on a large When we repeated our analysis assuming a speci-
study of household contacts in Shenzhen (13) and on ficity of RT-PCR of 90% rather than 100%, results were
publicly confirmed cases (14). We did additional analy- very similar (Supplement Figure 1, available at Annals
ses varying the incubation period to 3 and 7 days to .org). We found a higher probability of infection in the
assess the sensitivity of our results to this assumption. setting of a negative RT-PCR result, with the greatest
We also repeated analyses excluding 1 study each time difference occurring on day 2 (12.4% vs. 11.3% [1.1
to assess the effect on our inferences. percentage point higher]). When we repeated our anal-
yses varying the incubation period, we found that an
Code and Data Availability earlier onset time of symptoms led to a quicker de-
The data and code used to run this analysis are crease in false omission rate and a later onset time led
publicly available at https://github.com/HopkinsIDD to a slower decrease; however, curves were similar
/covidRTPCR (17). overall, and our primary inferences remained the same
relative to the date of onset (Supplement Figure 2,
Role of the Funding Source available at Annals.org). When we repeated our analy-
The funders had no influence on the study's de- sis of the posttest probability of infection excluding a
sign, conduct, or reporting. different study each time, our inferences were un-
changed (Supplement Figure 3).

Probability of a False-Negative Result Among DISCUSSION
SARS-CoV-2–Positive Patients, by Day Since Over the 4 days of infection before the typical time
Exposure of symptom onset (day 5), the probability of a false-
Over the 4 days of infection before the typical time negative result in an infected person decreased from
of symptom onset (day 5), the probability of a false- 100% on day 1 to 68% on day 4. On the day of symp-
negative result in an infected person decreases from tom onset, the median false-negative rate was 38%.
100% (95% CI, 100% to 100%) on day 1 to 67% (CI, 27% This decreased to 20% on day 8 (3 days after symptom
to 94%) on day 4, although there is considerable uncer- onset) then began to increase again, from 21% on day
tainty in these numbers. On the day of symptom onset, 9 to 66% on day 21. The false-negative rate was mini-
the median false-negative rate was 38% (CI, 18% to mized 8 days after exposure—that is, 3 days after the
65%) (Figure 2, top). This decreased to 20% (CI, 12% to onset of symptoms on average. As such, this may be
264 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 173 No. 4 • 18 August 2020 Annals.org
False-Negative Rate of RT-PCR–Based SARS-CoV-2 Tests by Time Since Exposure ORIGINAL RESEARCH

Figure 2. Probability of having a negative RT-PCR test result given SARS-CoV-2 infection (top) and of being infected with
SARS-CoV-2 after a negative RT-PCR test result (bottom), by days since exposure.

Probability RT-PCR Negative,
Given SARS-CoV-2 Positive





Given RT-PCR Negative
Posttest Probability,



0 7 14 21
Days Since Exposure

RT-PCR = reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction; SARS-CoV-2 = severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

the optimal time for testing if the goal is to minimize single test. If we assume independence of the test re-
false-negative results. When the pretest probability of sults, serial testing would almost certainly reduce the
infection is high, the posttest probability remains high false-negative rate; however, without more data on the
even with a negative result. Furthermore, if testing is underlying mechanism for the high false-negative rate,
done immediately after exposure, the pretest probabil-
ity is equal to the negative posttest probability, mean-
ing that the test provides no additional information Figure 3. Posttest probability of SARS-CoV-2 infection after a
about the likelihood of infection. negative RT-PCR result, by pretest probability of infection.
Since the outbreak began, concerns have been
raised about the poor sensitivity of RT-PCR– based tests
(18); 1 study has suggested that this might be as low as
59% (19). We have designed a publicly available model
that provides a framework for estimating the perfor- 0.4
mance of these tests by time since exposure and can Pretest Probability
be updated as additional data become available. 44%
Given RT-PCR Negative

Tests for SARS-CoV-2 based on RT-PCR added little
Posttest Probability,

0.3 11%
diagnostic value in the days immediately after expo- 5.5%
sure. This is consistent with a window period between
acquisition of infection and detectability by RT-PCR
seen in other viral infections, such as HIV and hepatitis
C (20, 21). Our study suggests a window period of 3 to
5 days, and we would not recommend making deci-
sions regarding removing contact precautions or end- 0.1
ing quarantine on the basis of results obtained in this
period in the absence of symptoms. Although the false-
negative rate is minimized 1 week after exposure, it re- 0.0
mains high at 21%. Possible mechanisms for the high 0 7 14 21
false-negative rate include variability in individual amount Days Since Exposure
of viral shedding and sample collection techniques.
One consideration is whether serial testing would RT-PCR = reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction; SARS-CoV-
offer any benefit in test performance compared with a 2 = severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

Annals.org Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 173 No. 4 • 18 August 2020 265
ORIGINAL RESEARCH False-Negative Rate of RT-PCR–Based SARS-CoV-2 Tests by Time Since Exposure

this assumption may not be warranted. For example, if imaging findings are nonspecific, misclassification is
the rate were due to individual variability in viral shed- likely, wherein some proportion of probable cases are
ding, performance would likely not be improved by actually true negatives rather than false negatives. We
serial tests. Although we are aware of no large-scale believe that this effect was small because excluding
studies, some preliminary reports suggest lack of inde- these studies from our analysis did not change our pri-
pendence; for example, in 1 case report of a person
mary inferences.
with infection confirmed on the basis of both radiologic
findings and RT-PCR positivity from endotracheal aspi- In summary, care must be taken when interpreting
rates, RT-PCR results from nasopharyngeal swabs were RT-PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection, particularly
negative throughout the clinical course (6). Further early in the course of infection and especially when us-
studies to better characterize the underlying mecha- ing these results as a basis for removing precautions
nism for poor diagnostic performance of SARS-CoV-2 intended to prevent onward transmission. If clinical sus-
RT-PCR are needed to inform testing strategies. picion is high, infection should not be ruled out on the
The relationship between a false-negative result basis of RT-PCR alone, and the clinical and epidemio-
and infectiousness is unclear, and patients who test logic situation should be carefully considered. In many
negative on samples from nasopharyngeal swabs may cases, time of exposure is unknown and testing is done
be less likely to transmit the virus regardless of true on the basis of time of symptom onset. The false-
case status. We found an increase in the false-negative negative rate is lowest 3 days after onset of symptoms,
rate starting 9 days after exposure; however, it is pos- or approximately 8 days after exposure. Clinicians should
sible that some of the later results were not actual false consider waiting 1 to 3 days after symptom onset to min-
negatives but rather represented clearance of the infec- imize the probability of a false-negative result. Further
tion. Thus, interpretation later in the clinical course de- studies to characterize test performance and research into
pends on the purpose of testing: If the goal is to clear a higher-sensitivity approaches are critical.
patient from isolation, these negative results may be
correct, although more data are needed given studies From Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
showing viral replication in other sites. However, if the (L.M.K.); Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
goal of the test is to evaluate whether additional Baltimore, Maryland (S.A.L., D.B., J.L.); and Johns Hopkins
follow-up is needed or whether the patient should be School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
treated as SARS-CoV-2–positive for the purpose of con- Public Health, and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
tact tracing, the test may not be providing the desired Diseases, Baltimore, Maryland (O.L.).
information and caution should be used in decision
making. Because antibodies appear later in the course
Financial Support: In part by the Division of Intramural Re-
of infection, a combination of antibody testing and RT-
search, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
PCR might be most useful for patients more remote
National Institutes of Health; by the Johns Hopkins Health Sys-
from symptoms or exposure.
tem; by grant NU2GGH002000 from the U.S. Centers for Dis-
Our study has several limitations. There was signif-
ease Control and Prevention; and by extramural grants
icant heterogeneity in the design and conduct of the
R01AI135115 and T32DA007292 from the National Institutes
underlying studies from which the data used in our of Health.
analyses were drawn. However, when we did a sensitiv-
ity analysis excluding each study in turn, we found that
no 1 study was especially influential and inferences Disclosures: Dr. Lauer reports grants from the Centers for Dis-
were largely unchanged. Sample collection techniques ease Control and Prevention and National Institute of Allergy
varied across studies (oropharyngeal vs. nasopharyn- and Infectious Diseases during the conduct of the study. Dr.
geal swabs), and several studies stated that samples Laeyendecker reports salary from the National Institute of Al-
were from the upper respiratory tract without providing lergy and Infectious Diseases Division of Intramural Research
further details. Thus, we could not fully account for dif- during the conduct of the study. Authors not named here
ferences in sample collection techniques. Most studies have disclosed no conflicts of interest. Disclosures can also
tested samples at time of symptom onset rather than be viewed at www.acponline.org/authors/icmje/ConflictOf
time of exposure, leading to high variance in estimates InterestForms.do?msNum=M20-1495.
in the first few days after exposure. Our model is appli-
cable only in the setting of a known, one-time expo- Reproducible Research Statement: Study protocol: Further
sure, not in the setting of continuous exposure, such as details are available from Dr. Kucirka (e-mail, lauren@jhmi
in health care workers who may be exposed daily to .edu). Statistical code and data set: Available at https://github
SARS-CoV-2–positive patients. Finally, most studies de- .com/HopkinsIDD/covidRTPCR.
fined true-positive cases as those with at least 1 positive
RT-PCR result, meaning that patients who never tested
Corresponding Author: Lauren M. Kucirka, MD, PhD, 600
positive would not be included; this could lead to un-
North Wolfe Street, Phipps Building Suite 279, Baltimore, MD
derestimation of the true false-negative rate. Two stud-
21287; e-mail, lauren@jhmi.edu.
ies included probable cases based on clinical and epi-
demiologic characteristics even if the patients had
never had a positive RT-PCR result or serology. Be- Current author addresses and author contributions are avail-
cause such criteria as fever, respiratory symptoms, and able at Annals.org.
266 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 173 No. 4 • 18 August 2020 Annals.org
False-Negative Rate of RT-PCR–Based SARS-CoV-2 Tests by Time Since Exposure ORIGINAL RESEARCH

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Annals.org Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 173 No. 4 • 18 August 2020 267
Current Author Addresses: Dr. Kucirka: 600 North Wolfe Author Contributions: Conception and design: L.M. Kucirka,
Street, Phipps Building Suite 279, Baltimore, MD 21287. S.A. Lauer, J. Lessler.
Dr. Lauer: 615 North Wolfe Street, E6003, Baltimore, MD Analysis and interpretation of the data: L.M. Kucirka, S.A.
21231. Lauer, O. Laeyendecker, J. Lessler.
Dr. Laeyendecker: 855 North Wolfe Street, Rangos Building, Drafting of the article: L.M. Kucirka, S.A. Lauer, J. Lessler.
Room 538A, Baltimore, MD 21205. Critical revision of the article for important intellectual con-
Dr. Boon: 624 North Broadway, Room 888, Baltimore, MD tent: L.M. Kucirka, O. Laeyendecker, D. Boon, J. Lessler.
21215. Final approval of the article: L.M. Kucirka, S.A. Lauer, O.
Dr. Lessler: 615 North Wolfe Street, E6545, Baltimore, MD Laeyendecker, D. Boon, J. Lessler.
Statistical expertise: L.M. Kucirka, S.A. Lauer, J. Lessler.
Obtaining of funding: J. Lessler.
Administrative, technical, or logistic support: O. Laeyendecker, J.
Collection and assembly of data: L.M. Kucirka, S.A. Lauer, D.

Annals.org Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 173 No. 4 • 18 August 2020

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