Salt and Miscellaneous Sodium Compounds
Salt and Miscellaneous Sodium Compounds
Salt and Miscellaneous Sodium Compounds
Manufacturing Process
F. Sodium Hydrosulfite
was obtained by the almost obsolete reaction of
called as sodium dithionite or “Hdryo”
sodium nitrate or “niter” with sulfuric acid
a whitish to light yellow crystalline having a
sulfuric odor
spontaneously heats on contact with air and
D. Sodium Bisulfite
a common inorganic salt
a universal reducing agent
appears as white crystals or crystalline powder
textile industry, used for indigo dyeing
Uses used as a non-aggressive alternative as a bleach
for removing color
industrial employment either in solution or as a
solid Manufacturing Process
tanning industry, used as a reducing agent for
There are two ways both includes zinc powder
chrome solutions
First procedure
textile field, a bleaching agent, an antichlor
i. done by the reaction of sulfur dioxide
raw material for the manufacturing of
hydrosulfite solutions
consumed in the paper, photographic and organic
chemical industries
Manufacturing Process
ii. treating an aqueous suspension of zinc dust in
i. Produced by passing sulfur dioxide through formaldehyde with sulfur dioxide at 80°C
mother liquors from previous processes iii. double decomposition reaction is carried out with
containing in solution small amounts of sodium soda ash forming the sodium salt
bisulfite and soda ash iv. pure product is obtained by evaporation in
ii. product is obtained as a suspension which is vacuum
removed from the solution by centrifuging
G. Sodium Sulfide
E. Sodium Sulfite
yellow to brick red crystalline mass or fused solid
inorganic salt with a chemical formula of Na2SO3 exposed to moist air it is liable to spontaneous
white crystal or powder with reducing property heating and may cause ignition of nearby
a component in many drugs, which helps combustible material
maintain their potency and stability
pulp and paper industry, water treatment, textile
used for the prevention of the discoloration industry, and various chemical manufacturing
acts as a preservative processes
used to lower the chlorine levels of the waters production of rubber chemicals, sulfur dyes and
used in boilers, since sodium sulfite acts as an oil recovery
oxygen scavenger to avoid corrosion gel form, sodium sulfide is used to soften toenails
prepared by treating a solution of sodium oldest and most used is the reduction of sodium
hydroxide with sulfur dioxide sulfate with powdered coal in a reverberator
With more SO2, the solid dissolves to give the furnace
disulfite, which crystallizes upon cooling Another process is the reduction of barite in the
same manner, leaching, and double
decomposition with soda ash
newest method involves the saturation of a
Industrially, sodium sulfite is made by treating sulfur caustic soda solution with hydrogen sulfide and
dioxide with a solution of sodium carbonate
the addition of another equal portion of sodium a reagent for conversion of amines into diazo
hydroxide compounds
Sodium Nitrite
When it is placed on paper or wood, the heat of hydration used in the extraction of gold
of the material is sufficient to cause ignition. used in the leeching process in most gold mining
occasionally used against predatory animals
L. Sodium Perborate
mostly used as a bleaching agent ii. Another way of preparing sodium cyanide is by
used in many cleaning products treating hydrogen cyanide with sodium hydroxide
could also be found in some whitening
toothpaste, denture cleaners, hair bleachers and
wound cleaners O. Sodium
Manufacturing process odorless yellow solid that is soluble to water
i. made by heating a sodium perborate Uses
tetrahydrate. Sodium perborate tetrahydrate is
made by reacting hydrogen peroxide with borax used as photographic materials
preparation of red blood salts and pigments
used for steel carburizing, tanning, dyeing,
printing and in the side of pharmaceuticals
a greyish-white powder with a slight ammonia i. manufactured from a crude sodium cyanide made
odor from calcium cyanamide by fusion with sodium
reacts violently with water, acids and chloride in an electric furnace
halogenated compounds ii. ferrocyanide reaction is carried on in a hot
aqueous solution with ferrous sulfate
Uses iii. sodium and calcium ferrocyanides are formed
and calcium sulfate precipitated
a strong base and is used in many chemical
iv. calcium ferrocyanide is changed to the sodium
salt by addition of soda ash precipitating calcium
used in the preparation of some dyes and several
important organic compounds
v. slurry is filtered and washed and the decahydrate
Manufacturing process Na4Fe(CN)∙1OH20 crystallizes out on cooling
Lead-acid battery (lead storage battery) - the most
important secondary cell
Iron acts as
the cathode and carbon as the anode. Sodium-
calcium mixture is deposited at the cathode
Manufacturing process
Electrothermal Industry
Electrothermal means relation to or combining
heat and electricity
Elctrothermal Industry is the industry that
a. Production of sodium chlorate requires an equipment that uses electricity to
produce heat in order to manufacture a product.
i. In the production of sodium chlorate, cell is filled This equipment is known as an electric furnace,
with brine solution. an integral part of the electrothermal industry
ii. The brine solution is made from soft water and
purified from any calcium and magnesium.
iii. The temperature of the cell is maintained at 40°C
by cooling water. Electric furnace
iv. Electrolysis of saturated acidulated brine is mixed
with sodium dichromate. a heating chamber that uses electricity as the
v. Sodium hypochlorite is produced, and it is heat source for producing very high temperatures
oxidized to form chlorate in order to melt and alloy metals and refractories
can reach temperatures as high as 4100°C
b. Production of sodium chlorate This type of furnace allows for more precise
control and more concentration of heat with less
thermal loss than is possible with other types of
furnace. It is cleaner and more convenient to
operate than the combustion furnace
usually operated with moderate voltage with
alternating current
The electric-resistance coils located above it b. ESK Process - addresses the problem of loss of by-
subjects the furnace to heat radiation. The product CO, SO2 and dust content in the waste gases in
melted metal flows down into a reservoir. It has a the Acheson furnace
spout (hole) that is used to drain the molten
metal by tilting the whole furnace. This type of
electric furnace is used mainly for melting
aluminum and its alloys and for low melting
temperature metals
1. By standard process
i. Crushed dried coke and limestone are mixed and
then is charged into the furnace.
specialized used is as a powdered abrasive and in
ii. The furnace is heated at 2000-2200°C. Air is
molded shapes such as nozzles for sandblasting.
allowed to go into the furnace in order to
Products such as tungsten and tantalum carbide
maintain the temperature.
are also manufactured
iii. The reaction product, calcium carbide, is sent to
Manufacturing process of Boron Carbide: the cooler to be cooled.
i. the preparation of phosphate rock, The acid and dust rock are fed simultaneously,
ii. then it mixes with acid, continuously, and automatically into a cast-steel trough
iii. followed by the curing and drying of the material, covered with hood. In the trough is a horizontal rotating
iv. finally the excavation, shaft with mixing blades which advances the material and
v. milling and bagging of the finished product. discharges it into a mechanical den. The den is a slow-
moving conveyer. Reaction time is 1 ¼ hr., after the
Although few plants use continuous processes, most material is stored
plants still conduct these operations in the various
separate steps. All plants first pulverize their rock. With b) Sackett Super-Flow process
modern pulverizing and air separation equipment, most
rock is ground to an average fineness of 80-90% through a This differs radically in the initial mixing of the rock and
100-mesh screen. Benefits of doing pulverizing the rock acid. Pulverized rock is delivered as a dust stream to be
first are: top of an acidulating tower along with an atomized spray
of sulfuric acid. During the movement through the tower
The reaction rate is faster the material undergoes rapid and final acidulation
More efficient use is made of the sulfuric acid evolving hydrogen, fluorine and other by-product gases
with consequent less acid which are flashed off, dissolved in water, and
A higher grade of product in better condition is concentrated. The superphosphate drops from the
obtained bottom of the tower as thin slurry like material to a
puddler which conveys it to the solidifier. The solidifier, a
channel-like pallet conveyer, functions as the den in the
older process and the material leaving it is ready for
curing. The final product has a hard, porous grain
structure of good physical properties
Granular superphosphate
3 processes
Triple Superphosphate
Phosphorus Production