Ophthalmic and Diagnostic Instruments: Ophthalmoscope / Retinoscope / Otoscope
Ophthalmic and Diagnostic Instruments: Ophthalmoscope / Retinoscope / Otoscope
Ophthalmic and Diagnostic Instruments: Ophthalmoscope / Retinoscope / Otoscope
Page Page
1. Copyright and trademarks.................................................... 3
• Upgrading to rechargeable handles............................. 20
2. Introduction............................................................................ 4 • Battery conditioning / charging.................................... 21
3. Symbols................................................................................... 5 7. GenMed Wall Unit................................................................ 22
4. Safety...................................................................................... 6
• Wall mounting
• Device classification • Wall mounting template............................................... 23
• Warnings • Power supply assembly.................................................. 24
• Cautions • Connecting / securing heads......................................... 25
• Safety considerations..................................................... 10 • Using the GenMed Wall Unit....................................... 26
5. Diagnostic Instrument heads • Dispos-A-Spec
• Ophthalmoscope models............................................... 11 8. Lithium Chargers.................................................................. 27
• Lens wheels.................................................................... 12
• Lithium Mini Charger
• Lens ranges • Lithium Double Charger
• Graticules and graticule control • Charging cycle
• Filters and filter control................................................. 13 9. Cleaning instructions........................................................... 28
• Retinoscope models....................................................... 14 10. Specifications and electrical ratings................................... 29
• Otoscope models............................................................ 15 • Electrical specifications
• Bulb replacement........................................................... 17 • Transport, storage and operation
6. Instrument handles.............................................................. 18 11. Annex I – EMC statement and guidelines.......................... 30
• Handle models 12. Spare parts and accessories................................................. 35
• Handle identification..................................................... 20 13. Warranty............................................................................... 36
• Inserting / replacing batteries 14. Contact and disposal information...................................... 37
Read user instructions for warnings, cautions and Mandatory action sign Fragile
additional information
Symbol for
Optical radiation hazard
Double insulated temperature limitation
Hot surface
Manufacturer's name and address RoHS Compliant
This Symbol on the product or on its packaging Non-ionizing radiation Do not use if
and instructions indicates that it was put on the package is damaged
market place after August 2005 and that this This way up
product shall not be treated as Household Waste
Keep dry
Type B protections against shock (otoscope only)
CE Regulation 93/42 EEC: Class I • Do not position the device so access to the mains plug is
FDA: Class II limited or obscured
Ophthalmoscopes and retinoscopes are intended to illuminate Switch off the electrical supply and disconnect from the
the interior of the eye. Otoscopes are intended to illuminate the mains electrical supply before cleaning and inspection.
interior of the ear.
• If the product emits a strange odour, heat or smoke, stop use
Carefully read this Instruction Section before using your Keeler immediately. The continued use of a damaged product or part
product. For your own safety and that of your customers may cause injuries
observe all cautionary information provided in this section. The
• Do not touch the terminal contacts of the charging dock or
following information is intended to highlight potential safety
hand unit, or the terminal contacts and the patient
hazards that can be associated with misuse, or damage.
• Check your Keeler product for signs of transport / storage device safety and performance may be compromised
damage prior to use • Use only Keeler approved batteries, chargers and power
• Do not use if the product is visibly damaged, and periodically supplies as per the accessories listed in section 12
• Do not use in the presence of flammable gases / liquids, or in LED module has not
Warnings and cautions – General (cont’d) • At product end of life dispose of in accordance with local
environmental guidelines (WEEE)
• The product has been designed to function safely when at an
ambient temperature between +10°C and +35°C • To isolate the equipment, disconnect from the mains or switch
off at the mains
• Keep out of the reach of children
• Keeler Professional Retinoscopes contain strong magnets. care. If you come into contact with electrolyte, wash exposed
Pacemakers and magnetically stored data will be affected or area with soap and water. If it contacts the eye, seek medical
• Strong magnetic fields may influence or distort sensitive • Ensure battery orientation is correct, or personal injury /
electronic or mechanical test instruments. Very sensitive damage to equipment may occur
devices may even be destroyed. Always keep magnets at a • Do not mix battery types
safe distance from such devices
• Do not attempt to charge Non-Rechargeable batteries
• Do not use Keeler Retinoscopes in ambient temperatures
above 30°C • Do not charge battery in an environment
where the temperature may exceed
• Disposable speculae should not be used for insufflation 40˚C or fall below 0˚C
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4. Safety
• Dispose of batteries in line with local environmental After removal of the bulb / LED do not touch the bulb /
regulations LED contacts and the patient simultaneously.
• Tape over battery contacts to avoid short circuiting during Refer to the instructions on page 17 for bulb replacement.
Safety considerations
It is well established that exposure of the eye to intense light While no visible retinal lesions have been identified for
sources for extended periods of time poses a risk of retinal ophthalmic instruments, it is recommended that illumination
photic injury. Many ophthalmic instruments illuminate the eye levels be set to the minimum level necessary to perform the
with intense light. The decision about the intensity of the light diagnostic function. Young children and persons with diseased
level to use in any procedure must be made on a case to case eyes may be at a higher risk. The risk may also be increased if
basis. In each case, the clinician must take a risk benefit the person being examined has had any exposure with the same
judgement about the intensity of light to be used. Use of instrument or any other ophthalmic instrument using an intense
insufficient intensity may result in inadequate visualization and visible light source during the previous 24 hours. This will apply
in adverse effects more serious than retinal photic damage. particularly if the eye has been exposed to retinal photography.
Further, despite all efforts taken to minimise the risk of retinal
damage, damage may still occur. Retinal photic injury is a CAUTION - The light emitted from this instrument is potentially
possible complication of the need to use bright light to clearly hazardous. The longer the duration of exposure, the greater the
visualize ocular structure during delicate ophthalmic surgical risk of ocular damage. Exposure to light from this instrument
procedures. when operated at maximum intensity will exceed the safety
guideline after 3 minutes. The ophthalmoscope should not be
continuously switched on for more than 15 minutes. If it is left
on for 15 minutes or longer then it must be switched off and
left to cool for at least 10 minutes before the next use.
Specialist Standard
Graticule and Auxiliary Lens
Filter Control Wheel
Lens Wheel
Lens Wheel
Practitioner / Professional
Filter Control
Lens Wheel Auxiliary Lens Control
Graticule and
Filter Control
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5. Instrument heads - Ophthalmoscopes
Professional Slit
+29D to –30D in single Dioptre steps Used primarily to determine retinal elevations and
depressions but may also be used to assess anterior
Practitioner and Standard
chamber depth.
+40D to –25D
+20D to –20D Home Back Next 12
5. Instrument heads - Ophthalmoscopes
Projects a graticule on to the retina for assessment of Is used to examine the blood vessels in fine detail. The
the degree and direction of eccentric fixation. This is green filter blocks red rays showing blood vessels as
particularly useful when examining children. black against a dark green background. This filter is particularly
useful for diabetic retinopathy.
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5. Instrument heads - Retinoscopes
Brow Rest
The Keeler retinoscope is supplied with a choice of brow rests to
accommodate spectacle wearers. To interchange the brow rest
and Axis disconnect and attach as indicated.
Aperture Control
The aperture control has two positions. To change from the
large to the small aperture slide the control from left to right as
Focussing and axis control (Streak)
The vergence is altered by sliding the focussing control up and
Note: Handheld diagnostic instruments can become hot
down as indicated. In the top position the effect is a concave
during use and charging.
mirror. Mid position produces a streak behind the patient. The
mid position is used to determine the presence and axis of any
astigmatism. In the bottom position the effect is a divergent
plane mirror effect. Refraction is normally performed between
the mid position and the bottom position. The focussing and
axis control can be rotated continuously in any direction. Home Back Next 14
5. Instrument heads - Otoscopes
Five permanent Speculae are provided with each Otoscope/Set. Practitioner
The diameters are as follows: 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 & 8mm. These are
attached to the Otoscope head as shown in the following
Standard / Pocket
The disposable speculae is attached as shown on the previous Standard and Pocket Otoscopes
page. The magnifier can be removed to allow the introduction of
surgical instruments.
Pneumatic Testing*
An insufflation tube can be fitted to your Otoscope to enable Fibre Optic/Practitioner
you to carry out pneumatic testing. The Fibre Optic magnifier can be moved to one side or removed
completely to aid the introduction of surgical instruments.
For Practitioner, Standard, Pocket & Fibre Optic Otoscopes attach
the insufflation adaptor into port. The insufflation tube can Deluxe Otoscope
then be attached to this.
The Deluxe magnifier may be swung to the side to aid the
introduction of surgical instruments. The magnifier can also be
An Insufflation adaptor is also available for Practitioner as
rotated clockwise to bring the focus closer to the end of the
shown on the previous page.
Bulb replacement
Bulbs / LED’s can reach high temperatures in use – allow • Loosen the set screw securing the instrument
to cool before handling. head to the handle (GenMed Wall Unit only)
• Care should be taken when handling halogen bulbs. Halogen while rotating the handle counterclockwise with the other
bulbs can shatter if scratched or damaged • Take care to ensure the battery / bulb does not drop out when
• After removal of the bulb / LED do not touch the bulb / LED the head and handle are separated
contacts and the patient simultaneously • Remove the faulty bulb and dispose of in accordance with
• Keeler bulbs can only be used in the instrument for which local environmental regulations
they are designed – refer to part number list in section 12 • Replace the bulb with one of the correct voltage and type.
• Ensure the replacement bulb is the correct voltage. See base Ensure that the location key is aligned with the aperture in
Rechargeable 2 x AA or 2x AA or Rechargeable 2 x C or
Battery MN1500 MN1500 Battery MN 1500
(Red Cap) (Blue Cap) (Blue Cap)
(Blue Cap)
(Red Cap)
Handle Identification Please note Keeler rechargeable handles are normally supplied
complete with a rechargeable battery (3.6v - 0.7Ah Ni-Cd).
Keeler C size and pocket handles are colour coded to allow you
to distinguish between a dry cell battery handle (2.8v) and a
rechargeable handle (3.6v). Dry cell batteries
The following dry cell batteries should be used:
The handles and Keeler bulbs are colour coded as follows:
• Keeler Pocket Handle – 2 x AA size dry cell batteries –
Blue base = 2.8v for dry cell batteries. Duracell MN 1500 or equivalent.
Red base = 3.6v for rechargeable batteries. • Keeler C size handle – 2 x 1.5v C size batteries. – Duracell MN
Black base = LED for dry cell and rechargeable batteries. 1400 or equivalent.
Disconnect from charger prior to removing instrument head. Please note the bulb in your instrument will also need to be
upgraded from 2.8v to 3.6v.
Dispose of old batteries safely.
Contact Keeler for details:
Inserting/Replacing Batteries Tel: +44 (0) 1753 857177
Unscrew battery cap, insert batteries and replace battery cap Fax: +44 (0) 1753 827145.
as shown on page 18.
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6. Instrument handles
Battery charging Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 three times, i.e. fully charge and
discharge the battery three times to complete the conditioning
Do not attempt to charge non-rechargeable
process. Once you have conditioned your batteries as described
above you may place your instrument in the charger when not
in use between examinations.
Battery Conditioning
Your Keeler rechargeable batteries need to be conditioned to
Charger Compatibility
ensure you achieve the maximum life from the product. Follow
Keeler Rechargeable Handles can be used in the
the conditioning instructions as indicated.
following Keeler chargers only:
Step 1
• Keeler Mini charger
Fully charge your new Keeler rechargeable battery. This will take
• Keeler Duo charger
approximately 15 hours.
Step 3
Once empty recharge the battery until full. This will take
approximately 15 hours.
Wall mounting
1.8m MAX
Check the distance Secure the GenMed Wall Unit and Dispenser Unit as
from the wall socket to shown below:
the intended mounting
For the Gen Med Wall Units drill two holes Ø6mm x 55mm deep
and 110mm apart.
For the Dispenser Unit drill an additional two holes 249mm below
the existing holes using the template on the following page. Home Back Next 22
7. GenMed Wall Unit and Dispenser mounting template
Set Plug
Replace the blanking plate with the appropriate mains plug
adaptor if required, or use IEC 60320 TYPE 7 connector
(not supplied).
Connect to
Wall Unit IEC 60320 TYPE 7 connector
Dispos-A-Spec PULL
When using the Mini charger the handle can be left in place.
Charging cycle
Lithium Double Charger The battery will take approximately 2-3 hours to fully charge.
The battery will last approximately 2-3 hours on full power.
a Wipe the external surface with a clean absorbent, non- Solution can be heated to no more than 35°C.
shedding cloth dampened with a water / detergent solution b Carefully examine to ensure that all visible contamination has
(2% detergent by volume) or water / isopropyl alcohol solution been removed.
(70% IPA by volume). Avoid optical surfaces.
c Safely dispose of used cleaning materials.
b Ensure that excess solution does not enter the instrument. Use d Sterilize using a validated steam sterilizer complying with BS 3970
caution to ensure cloth is not saturated with solution. or equivalent standard. Operating cycle condition as below:
134 - 138°C sterilizing temperature at 2.25 bar operating
c Surfaces must be carefully hand-dried using a clean non-
pressure for minimum of 3 minutes hold time.
shedding cloth.
e Inspect for any visible damage prior to use.
d Safely dispose of used cleaning materials.
f Nominal life of 400 sterilization cycles for
reusable Speculum.
Plastic reusable Speculae will degrade if exposed to ultra-violet Disposable Speculae - use once only
light, dry heat or gamma irradiation. These methods of and dispose of safely.
¹ Refer to section 1.1.4 of the Guide for the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC (21st May 2007).
Keeler Diagnostic Instruments are intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user should assure
that they are used in such an environment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 Test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment - guidance
Electrostatic ± 6 kV contact ± 6 kV contact Floors should be wood, concrete or ceramic tile.
discharge (ESD). ± 8 kV air ± 8 kV air If floors are covered with synthetic material, the relative
IEC 61000-4-2 humidity should be at least 30%.
Electrical fast ± 2 kV for power supply lines ± 2 kV for power supply lines Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial
transient/burst. ± 1 kV for input/output lines N/A or hospital environment.
IEC 61000-4-4 *± 1 kV for input/output lines *GenMed Wall Unit only
Surge. ± 1 kV line(s) to line(s) ± 1 kV line(s) to line(s) Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial
IEC 61000-4-5 ± 2 kV line(s) to earth N/A or hospital environment.
Voltage dips, short <5% UT <5% UT Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or
interruptions and (> 95% dip in UT) for 0.5 cycles (> 95% dip in UT) for 0.5 cycles hospital environment.
voltage variations on 40% UT 40% UT
power supply input If the user of the Keeler Diagnostic Instruments requires
(60% dip in UT ) for 5 cycles (60% dip in UT ) for 5 cycles
lines. continued operation during power mains interruptions, it is
IEC 61000-4-11 70% UT 70% UT recommended that the charger be powered from an
(30% dip in UT ) for 25 cycles (30% dip in UT ) for 25 cycles uninterruptible power supply.
<5% UT <5% UT
(>95% dip in UT) for 5 s (>95% dip in UT) for 5 s
Power frequency 3 A/m 3 A/m Power frequency magnetic fields should be at a level
(50/60 Hz) magnetic characteristic of a typical location in a typical commercial or
field. IEC 61000-4-8 hospital environment.
Note UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.
Keeler Diagnostic Instruments are intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user should assure
that they are used in such an environment.
Emissions test Compliance Electromagnetic environment - guidance
RF emissions Group 1 Keeler chargers and power systems use RF energy only for their internal
Chargers and CISPR 11 function. Therefore, the RF emissions are very low and are not likely to
GenMed Wall Unit cause any interference in nearby electronic equipment.
only RF emissions Class B Keeler chargers and power systems are suitable for use in all
CISPR 11 establishments, including domestic establishments and those directly
connected to the public low-voltage power supply network that supplies
Harmonic emissions Class A
buildings used for domestic purposes.
IEC 61000-3-2
Voltage fluctuations / Complies
flicker emissions
IEC 61000-3-3
Battery operated Keeler Diagnostic Instruments are considered to be inherently EMC benign¹, and therefore
are not covered by the statements in this section.
¹ Refer to section 1.1.4 of the Guide for the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC (published 21st May 2007).
Keeler Diagnostic Instruments are intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user should assure
that they are used in such an environment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 Test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment - guidance
Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used no closer to
any part of the Keeler Diagnostic Instruments, including cables, than the
recommended separation distances calculated from the equation applicable to
the frequency of the transmitter.
Keeler Diagnostic Instruments are intended for the use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled. The
customer or the user of Keeler Diagnostic Instruments can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between
portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the Keeler instruments as recommended below, according to the maximum
output power of the communications equipment.
Rated maximum Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter
output power of m
150 kHz to 80MHz 80MHz to 800MHz 800MHz to 2.5GHz
d = 1.2√ p d = 1.2√ p d = 2.3√ p
0.01 0.12 0.12 0.23
0.1 0.37 0.37 0.74
1 1.2 1.2 2.3
Please note that bulbs and batteries are not covered by this
warranty statement.
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