Cheeky Monkey Teacher's Book Unit 4
Cheeky Monkey Teacher's Book Unit 4
Cheeky Monkey Teacher's Book Unit 4
Key language
Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Lesson 4 Lesson 5
Lesson 6 Lesson 7
Circle time • Lay the It’s raining, It’s snowing, It’s windy, It’s sunny
flashcards in the circle. Point to a child and say What’s
the weather like today? Encourage them to point to
1 Sing The hello song 2 (CD1 track 34)
a flashcard. Say (It’s sunny). Encourage the other
• Organise the children into a circle. Put on the Cheeky
children to join in.
puppet. Get Cheeky to wave and say Hello! Encourage
the children to wave to Cheeky and say Hello, Cheeky!
• Tell the children they are going to sing a song about 2 Do Cheeky’s jungle gym (CD1 track 50)
the weather. Point to the window and say What’s the • Make sure the children are sitting down and that they
weather like today? Raise your arms questioningly. have enough room to move freely.
• Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions. • Play the CD. Do the actions and encourage the
Encourage the children to join in. Move Cheeky as if children to join in.
he’s also singing along. (See Unit 3 Lesson 1 Activity
1 for the tapescript.)
7 Say Transition chant 2 (CD1 track 36) 2 Sing I like bananas! with the flashcards
• Put your finger to your lips and say Shh! Be very (CD1 track 49)
quiet! Say the chant and do the actions while leading • Say Let’s sing I like bananas! Stick the sausages,
the children to their tables. Encourage them to join in. eggs, tomatoes, milkshakes and bananas flashcards
(See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.) on different walls of the classroom. Play CD. Sing the
song. Encourage the children to join in and point to the
flashcards. (See Lesson 1 Activity 6 for the tapescript.)
Table time
3 Play Pictionary with food
8 Stick on the food (Pupil’s Book p42 & p43,
• Slowly draw a bunch of bananas on the board,
Unit 4 stickers)
stopping at intervals to say What’s this? Encourage
• Hand out the stickers, pencils and the Pupil’s Books or
the children to say bananas. If the children guess
the individual worksheets.
correctly, say That’s right! Bananas! Repeat with
sausages, eggs, tomatoes and milkshakes.
Getting ready: Put the sausages, eggs, tomatoes, I like tomatoes. Yummy tomatoes! (Point to the
milkshakes and bananas flashcards in a bag (Activity tomatoes.)
2). Put the cake, ice-cream and apples flashcards in a They’re delicious! (Rub your tummy.)
bag (Activity 4). Try some! Mmm! (Smile.)
I like milkshakes. Yummy milkshakes! (Point to the
Circle time milkshakes.)
They’re delicious! (Rub your tummy.)
1 Sing The hello song 2 (CD1 track 34) Try some! Mmm! (Smile.)
• Organise the children into a circle. Put on the Cheeky
puppet. Get Cheeky to wave and say Hello! Encourage 4 Play Monkey, look! to introduce cake,
the children to wave to Cheeky and say Hello, Cheeky! ice-cream and apples (CD1 track 9)
• Tell the children they are going to sing a song about • Put the cake, ice-cream and apples flashcards in a bag.
the weather. Point to the window and say What’s the Put on the Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to shake the
weather like today? Raise your arms questioningly. bag. Say What’s in the bag? and get Cheeky to look
• Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions. inside.
Encourage the children to join in. Move Cheeky as if
5 Say Transition chant 2 (CD1 track 36) 2 Act out the I like bananas story (CD1 track
• Put your finger to your lips and say Shh! Be very 52)
quiet! Say the chant and do the actions while leading • Choose four children using The one banana, two
the children to their tables. Encourage them to join in. banana chant. (See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.) Give
(See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.) them each a role, either Cheeky, Rory, Tom or Ellie.
You will play the part of Mummy. Play the CD.
Encourage the children to act out the story. (Use the
Table time story activity in Lesson 2 as a guide.) Encourage the
other children to join in with the Story song.
6 Draw your favourite food (Pupil’s Book
p51) 3 Play Guess the food with the play mat
• Hand out the pencils and crayons and the Pupil’s • Lay out the play mat in the circle time area. Hide
Books or the individual worksheets. the (ice-cream) flashcard behind your back. Choose
• Point to the sausage and say What’s this? Encourage a child to play the game using The one banana,
the children to say sausage. Repeat with banana, egg, two banana chant. (See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.)
tomato, milkshake, cake, ice-cream and apple. Encourage the child to guess what the flashcard is by
• Say Do you like sausages? Encourage the children pointing to the item on the play mat and saying the
who like sausages to put their hands up. Repeat with name. If the child guesses correctly, say Well done!
bananas, eggs, tomatoes, milkshakes, cake, ice-cream Play the game with other children and repeat with the
and apples. other food.
• Say Choose your favourite food. Encourage the
children to point to their favourite food. Hold up your
pencil and say Draw your favourite food. Encourage
the children to draw their favourite food in the picnic