Adriana+Cavarero Relating+Narratives 2000
Adriana+Cavarero Relating+Narratives 2000
Adriana+Cavarero Relating+Narratives 2000
'Cavarero's text is one of the most brilliant, nuanced, inspiring, and erudite
studies in philosophy and literature to be produced by a feminist scholar in recent
years. This text is a pure pleasure to read as it confounds our understanding of
autobiography, revealing the fundamental dependency of the one who might
narrate his or her own life on the "you" to whom he or she turns in order to
become a narratable subject. Cavarero moves with imagination and acute
intelligence, with Arendt and Benjamin as her philosophers, through classical and
inodern works of literature to show us how the one to whom we spealc
constitutes the possibility of our own life-stories. Her conclusions reverbel.'ate
with significance for thinking through the relation between ethics and narration,
where telling, .living, and loving come to life through the insuperability of the
Judith Butler, University of California, Berkeley
This series presents the best and most original work being done within the European
philosophical tradition. The books included in the series seek not only to reflect what is
taking place within European philosophy, they will also contribute to the growth and
development of that plural tradition. Works written in English, as well as translations into
English, are included, engaging the tradition at all levels whether by introductions that
show the contemporary philosophical power of certain works, or in collections that
explore an important thinker or topic, as well as significant contributions that call for
their own critical evaluations.
Adriana Cavarero
The story of Oedipus 7
2 The paradox of Ulysses 17
3 The desire for one's story 32
4 Oedipus errs twice 49
5 On the outskirts of Milan 55
6 In a New York bookstore 67
7 The necessary other 81
8 Orpheus the poet 94
11 Scheherazade trapped in the text 119
12 Karen Blixen, or the classic rule of storytelling 129
13 The world is full of stories just waiting to be told 139
Index 145
Paul A. Kottman
By a name
I know not how to tell thee who I am
(Romeo and Juliet)
someone is is not ineffable at all, but rather is revealed and made manifest
through that person's actions and speech- words and deeds which, ex post facto,
form the unique life-story of that person. Arendt writes: 'Who somebody is or
was we can lmow only by !mowing the story of which he is himself the hero - his
biography, in other words. ' 4 'Who' someone is, therefore, remains inexpressible
within the language of philosophy; but does not, as a result, remain utterly
ineffable. 5 Rather, 'who' someone is can be '!mown' (although this is not
epistemologicallmowledge) through the narration of the life-story of which that
person is the protagonist.
This is an important starting point for Cavarero's work. 6 When it comes to
!mowing 'who' someone is, the language of philosophy reveals its shortcomings
and limitations, but in a way that shows how the bounds of philosopny do not
also limit what is sayable or tellable. Importantly, philosophy is not the only
discourse in which we !mow how to engage; it does not devour all of our
language(s). Indeed, words are spoken and tales are told- tales that could never ·
belong fully to philosop1rlcal discourse. Cavarero expresses this as follows:
One could imagine the following objection: how would this 'confrontation'
between 'philosophy' and 'narration' differ from the old alternative l"oooslmythos?
Would not this 'confrontation' between 'philosophy' and 'narration' simply be
an old philosophical 'confrontation,' one that relies upon familiar, unquestioned
genres, registers, figures and so forth? And yet, I would suggest by way of
introduction, that by offering itself as something 'other than philosophy,' the
narration,. according to Cavarero, also points towards what Jacques Derrida has
called 'a genre beyond genre.' 7 That is to say, the narration here exceeds the
opposition mythllooos, in so far as it takes on a sense, or reveals a latent potency,
that is unforeseen by this opposition, and that cannot be contained by it. This
question becomes even more pertinent when we consider- that Cavarero suggests
narration might be considel'.ed as a 'feminine art.' 8 Again, one could pose an
analogous objection: 'if narration is said to be the feminine other of phillogo-
centric philosophy, is this not simply to fioure narration as feminine and
philosophy as masculine, in a way that falls back upon the same old binaries and
figures?' Yet, when Cavarero calls narration a 'feminine art,' she is implying that
the feminine cannot be reduced to any one of its figurations within the
male/female binary. 9 In this sense, narration- all the more so as something
feminine - would designate a set of possibilities that exceed any philosophical
opposition that would claim to contain it. 10 Here, these possibilities have
precisely to do with the disclosure of an absolutely unique existent, the tale of
who someone is.
lmportandy, immediately after Arendt writes of the 'curious intangibility' of
'who' someone is for philosophical discourse, she links philosophy's inability to
d etermme . to ' po1itzcs.
. ' wh o ' someone IS · >tt Philosop hy ' s 1a.uure
c_, 1 to name ' w ho '
someone uniquely is, in other words, also signals a failure of traditional Western
politics. It indicates, for instance, the extent to which traditional philosophy and
politics respond to universals, rather than to unique persons and their interac-
tion. As a result, the link between narration, and the revelation of 'who'
someone is through that narration, offer for Arendt, and for Cavarero - a new
sense of politics, an· alternative way of understanding human interaction, as the
interaction of unique existents. 12 I will try to oudine some implications of this in
what follows.
For both Arendt and Cavarero, the uniqueness of each life does not indicate a
life lived in isolation, but rather 'the togetherness and intercourse' of these single
existents. It is important to understand that what Cavarero has 1n mind by
'unique existent' here is not the same as the 'individual' championed by modern
political doctrines. Political doctrines, from Aristode to Hobbes, notes
Cavarero, all 'respond, in different ways, to the same question: what is Man?
This insistence on the what to the detriment of the who is symptomatically even
truer when the "individualist theory" refuses to emphasize the competitive nature
of the single, or "dissolves" it into the political principle of equality.>~ 3 Indeed,
Cavarero criticizes the tradition of 'individualist thought' for the way in which it
flattens out the uniqueness of the individual, in favor of a set of universal rights
for the individual, which are 'equal,' or 'equivalent.>~+ The 'unique existent' in
Cavarero's sense - contrary to the 'individual' invoked in modern and
contemporary doctrines of 'individual rights' - is in a constitutive relation with
the other, with others. Like Arendt,· Cavarero begins from the simple fact that the
first consideration for any politics is that human beings live together, and are
constitutively exposed to each other through the bodily senses. 15 To this,
Cavarero adds the fact that each of us is narratable by the other; that is, we are
dependent upon the other for the narration of our own life-story, which begins
from birth. To Arendt's notion of the constitutive exposure of .the self, Cavarero
thus adds the narratabtltty of that self. The 'narratable self' - one of the central
notions introduced in Relating Narratives - is a self, which, following Arendt, is
exposed from birth within the interactive scene of the world (which Arendt calls
'political'). Through this constitutive exhibition, the 'self comes to desire the
tale of his or her own life-story from the mouth (or pen) of another.
The narration of a life-story, therefore, offers an alternative sense to politics,
not only because it deals with unique persons, but because it illustrates the
interaction of unique people. Arendt suggests that the fact 'that every individual
life can eventually be told as a story with a beginning and end is the prepolitical and
prehistorical condition of history.' 16 And Cavarero goes one step further and
formulates this 'prepolitical and prehistorical condition' as the 'narratability' of
every person, which is in a sense prior to whatever particular story or history
that person then lives and leaves behind; prior to politics and history in the
conventional sense. The narration of another's life-story, therefore, takes on the
revealing and expositive sense that Arendt give's to politics. Cavarero provides a
striking instance of this in Relatin9 Narratives, through a compelling interpretation
of Italian feminist practices of storytelling. 17 The reciprocal narrations of
'consciousness-raising groups' are one scene in which the self is constitutively ·
exposed to the other - an exposure that makes this a political scene. In short,
narration is political for Cavarero and Arendt first of all because it is relational.
Furthermore, whereas philosophical discourse functions politically only through
the question of 'what' men and women are - their qualities, or qualifications as
individuals, citizens and so forth - narration reveals, in a way that totally
refocuses the political, who someone actually is. Narration, writes Cavarero, is
the 'verbal response' to this 'who'- a response whieh, remarkably, can take on
the meaning of a political action.
When Cavarero speaks of a 'narratable self,' therefore, she is not speaking of
the classical 'subject,' or about 'subject-formation.' What makes a narration a
political act is not simply that this narration invokes the struggle of a collective
subjectivity, but rather that it malce& clear the fragility of the unique. The
uniqueness and the unity of a self, which is disclosed through that self s actions
and words, and which is then narrated as a unique and unified life-story, does not
display any of the general characteristics- of traditional subjectivity: interiority,
psychology, agency, self-presence, mastery and so forth. Rather, the 'narratable
self is a unique existent, 'who' someone is. Also this 'narratable self is
constitutively in relation with others. 18 In this sense, Cavarero's work might be
read alongside what Jean-Luc Nancy outlines in his own critique of subjectivity.
Nancy remarks that the 'subject' has traditionally called up 'essence' or 'being,'
but that this subject also 'designates and delivers an entirely different thought:
that of one and that of some one, of the singular existent that the subject
announces, promises, and at the same time conceals.' 19 Nancy, too, uses the
pronoun 'who' to indicate an 'existent (and not the existence if the existent).'
He also adds that this 'who' is indeed what is -finally 'called forth' by the
traditional philosophical question of essence. 20 To put it in Arendt's and
Cavarero's terms, the question of 'what' someone is, which asks after the
'essence' of Man, at the same time calls for the 'who' of the existent in response.
In all of these ways, the priority of the classical subject is displaced, in Cavar-
ero' s work, in favor of a self that is narratable. I emphasize this point in order to
distinguish Cavarero's thinking from contemporary Anglo-American theories
that endeavor to articulate the social, or psychic, or discursive 'formation of the
subject.' (To be sure, the phrase 'Anglo-American theories' does not have a
fixed referent, but, nevertheless, I trust that the English-speaking reader will
allow that, without referring to a homogeneous unity, I might still introduce
Cavarero's work as a 'translation,' that is, as something new that is entering an
already living discursive environment.) Indeed, in my view, Cavarero's work
offers a unique challenge, and thus an opportunity, for a contemporary Anglo-
American thought that deals with subject-formation, or for a politics that relies
upon revisiting the question of the 'subject.'
In order to better understand some points of comparison and divergence, I
will imagine briefly an encounter between Cavarero's work and that of Judith
Butler. Butler's work is especially helpful here- not because she is representative
of Anglo-American theories of subject-formation21 (on the contrary, while her
work no doubt resonates with larger debates in the United States and elsewhere,
and it is exemplary for its insightful innovation and philosophical rigor - not to
mention its influence) -rather, Butler's work seems helpful in the context of this
introduction, first because her work may offer a familiar point of departure for
the English-speaking reader of this book, and second because it shares a number
of concerns with Cavarero's work Beyond the generalities- the fact that both
have made significant contributions to feminism, that both are trained in
philosophy, and work within a certain tradition of continental thought - I will try
to outline some compatibilities and a number of divergences. My aim is not to
take sides when discussing these two authors, for this does not seem to me to be
a productive way to proceed. 22 I would- rather, hopefully, create a space for a
discussion that would include other voices as well, by indicating where and how
Cavarero's work might effectively intervene in - by radically re-orienting -
contemporary debates in the English-spealdng world.
Butler's work is characterized by a trenchant articulation of the formation of
the subject (as well as an articulation of the limits of that very articulation).
Taking up Foucault, she understands the 'subject' to be constituted· through an
'exclusionary matrix,' which. also outlines 'the domain of that subject;' and thus
which also produces 'those who are not yet 'subjects.' The subject, in so far as
one can trace its formation, emerges through a matrix of power that forms
subjects through a process of exclusion: by producing 'a constitutive outside to
the subject.' As a result, the subject is understood to be formed through its
unavoidable relationship to what becomes excluded in the process of its own
rather desires this story, this story if birth, from the mouth if another. For Cavarero,
this desire is a fundamental feature of every 'narratable self.' (More on this
desire in a moment.)
On the other hand, in the above passage Butler notes that 'the narration of
how the subject is constituted presupposes that the constitution has already taken
place, and thus arrives after the fact.' Here, the subject tells the tale of its own
constitution, but in order to tell that tale the subject must already be fully
constituted. This side of the paradox, which Butler outlines, in other words,
arises from the temporal impossibility of the subject making itself into its own
narratable 'object.' The subject, impossibly, riflects back upon itself in order to
tell of its own formation. (Again, that we are talking about 'the subject' in the
context of Butler's text in no way assures us that we are discussing a unique
person. Rather, the 'story' in question here appears to be the story of the
philosophical subject, the 'linguistic category,' or 'place-holder.' Hence, this
'story' would not be a personal life-story, but rather a 'genealogy.') 37
Cavarero suggests that in personal experience, too, the 'narratable self is at
once the transcendental subject and the elusive object of all autobiographical
exercises of memory. ' But Cavarero insists that this experience of memory is not
the same as the 'reflecting' or reflexive structure, which characterizes the
constitution of the subject. 38 While it is true that the narratable self functions as
both 'subject .and object' in Cavarero's account, the unreflective,. inactive
worldng of memory in the narratable self renders the universality of these terms
'subject/ object' irremediably ambiguous. For indeed, in personal experience,
the 'terms' subject and object if the story lose their generality, and function instead
as expressions of the unique self's sense of familiarity within the context of auto-
narration. Indeed, narration works here to displace philosophically intelligible
discourse as the only possibility for spealdng of 'individuals' (and, for that
matter, ofs.Peaking about 'subjects or objects'). Moreover, in the autobiographi-
cal exercise of memory, as Cavarero outlines the matter, it is not a question of
the self becomfug 'intelligible' - but rather the experience that the self has of
being narratable, and therefore familiar. When formulating what she means by
the 'narratable self,' Cavarero does not use the terms 'intelligibility' or
'knowledge,' but rather she insists upon the 'familiar sense' of every self. 39 The
'narratable self' does not make him or herself into the object of his/her own
narration- for instance, by taking the tl:rir-d-person perspective- but rather, as
Cavarero puts it, 'lives ·him or herse!f as his/her own story, without being able to
distinguish the I who narrates from the se!f who gets narrated. ' 40 Put simply, each
of us is familiar with the experience of memory's auto-narration, which
continually - and involuntarily - 'tells us our own personal story.' 'The
narratable self,' writes Cavarero, 'finds its home, not simply in a conscious
exercise of remembering, but in the spontaneous narrating structure of memory
itself. ' 41 This is not a temporally reflexive structure, but rather the temporality
of a life-span - 'the temporal extension of a life-story which is this and not
another. ' 42
In this way, the narratable self has the innate sense - which springs from
having been born a unique being - that his or her life-story is unique and belongs
to him or her alone. The 'story' of the birth of each narratable self would thus -
contrary to the genesis of the subject - be equally unique and unrepeatable.
Furthermore, Cavarero adds that this 'sense' extends towards our perception of
others. Just as each of us has the sense that our life-story is unique, so too 'each
of us knows that who we meet always has a unique story [storia]. And this is true
even if we meet them for the first time without knowing their story at all. ' 43
What is important, therefore, is not a knowledae of this story, or a knowledge of
its contents or details. What the life-story says is not, finally, at issue. The
'intelligibility' of the person that we meet is, likewise, not at stake- for even in
the absence of such intelligibility we know that the other is a unique person, with ·
a unique story. We know this, moreover, without regard to whatever category
or social place that person may occupy. Even the amnesiac, Cavarero points out,
has the sense that he or she has a unique life-story - even without being able to
recall it. 44 It is this se!Jse of being narratable - quite apart from the content of the
narration itself - and the accompanying sense that others are also narratable
selves with unique stories, which is essential to the self, and which makes it
possible to speak of a unique being that is not simply a 'subject..'
What is more, the 'narratable self cannot be said to be a product of his or her
life-story, or an effect of that story's performative force, but 'coincides rather
with the uncontrollable narrative impulse of memory which produces the text [of
this story].' 45 This is. not to deny that stories have a performative or rhetorical
force; rather, it is to suggest that this· force is not essential to the 'narratable
self.' While the 'narratable self is not fully distinguishable from his or her life-
story, neither is he o:t: she reducible to the contents of this story. In other words,
what this story tells about the person whose life it recounts does not, fmally,
produce or reveal the identity of that person - even if this person depends upon
this life-story recounting somethin9. 'Put simply,' writes Cavarero, 'through the
unreflecting knowledge of my sense of self [dell' assporarmi], I know that I have a
story and that I consist in this story ... I could nevertheless not know myself to
be narratable unless I was not always already interwoven into the autobiographi-
cal text of this story. Such an interweaving is indeed irreparable, and comes to
the self as a reifying experience. ' 46 Thus, Cavarero presents us with. a narratab1e
self whose identity - while interwoven with what his or her life-story recounts -
consists in the unreflective sense that this life-story belongs to him b:t: her alone,
and that it therefore reveals who he or she uniquely is.
Cavarero goes a step further, and claims that this sense of self that results
from 'knowing' oneself to be narratable is accompanied by a desire for this
narration. Again, what one desires in the tale of his or her life-story is not simply
the 'information' which that narration tells - for the contents alone do not
confer identity. Rather, Cavarero argues that, knowing him or herself to be
unique and therefore narratable, the self desires 'the unity . . . which this tale
confers to identity.' Everyone, asserts Cavarero, is born both unique and one.
However, this unity, which is there at the moment of birth, is lost with the
passage of time - a loss that feeds the desire for this lost unity, in the form of the
tale of the life-story. If the unity that is there at birth is what is desired, then this
tale must logically include the story of birth and early childhood - which, of
course, cannot be told autobiographically. As Cavarero demonstrates through an
innovative rereading of the Oedipus myth, this unity, which the tale of one's life-
story confers, can only come from the mouth of another. The desire for this
narration, therefore, implies that each of us is exposed to, and narratable by,
another. And it implies that each of us entrusts his or her 'unity' and identity to
another's tale.
Here again, this desire leads to a constitutive exposition of the self to the
others, for we can only come to know our life-story by being exposed to others.
And this 'exposition,' following Arendt, is above all political (again in Arendt's
anomalous sense). Here one might perhaps see a certain compatibility: between
this constitutive exposure and Butler's provocative notion of 'passionate
attachments.' In the course of her articulation of the 'ambivalent' formation of
the subject in The Psychic Life cif Power, Butler offers an interesting thesis about
adult-child relations, in which the child's 'primary dependency' upon the adult is
offered as one way of understanding how 'this situation of primary dependency
conditions the political formation and regulation of subjects.' 47 Although, as
Butler points out, the child's dependency upon adults 'is not political subordina-
tion is any usual sense,' she suggests that the child's vulnerability to subordina-
tion, violence, and even death, is a condition for that-child's becoming a subject
-and thus conditions his or her 'political formation' as well. 48 Here one might
recognize in Butler's formulation a fleeting affinity with Cavarero's sense that the
absolute exposure of the newborn prefigures, or is, political exposure of a
different ldnd. 49 Indeed, by attributing some sense of politics (even if not 'in any
usual sense') to this fundamental dependency of the child upon the adult - a
dependency that is a condition of, and thus in some sense prior to, the child's
becoming a 'subject' - Butler leaves open the possibility of an utterly different,
unusual, politics; indeed, a politics that would not yet beg the question of
subjects, subjection, or the ambivalence of agency - the questions that occupy
the bulk of her text. 50 Altliough Butler devotes only a moment to this child-adult
relation, it seems to me that this moment is one place in which the possibility of a
new dialogue, or a new sense, of politics might present itself- one which is
founded upon the exposition and vulnerability inherent in each of our entrances
into the world.
This moment of compatibility, however, also marks a point of divergence-
for the direction for thinking proposed by Cavarero in this present work is
radically different from the one proposed by Butler and others interested in
revisiting the problem of subject-formation.
Butler's argument goes in one direction, shifting from the vulnerability
inherent in every child-adult relation to a more general 'power' upon which one
is dependent for one's formation as an adult-subject. 5 1 In the larger context of
Butler's argument in The Psychic Life qf Power, the child-adult relationship
described earlier appears to end up metonymically figuring the way in which
'power acts on the subject ... as what makes the subject possible ... its formative
occasion ... ' (p. 14 of Butler's book). 52 In addition to this Foucauldian notion of
'power,' which Butler draws upon and reworks, she also develops her political
work in large part through the Althusserian notion of 'interpellation,' and
Austin's notion of 'performativity' (especially through Derrida' s radical
reformulation of Austin). 53 That these notions are developed so thoroughly in
Butler's texts is an indication of the important role that a rethinking of -the
relation between the 'subject' and lanauaae plays in her political thinking. Butler,
for instance, continually problematizes the neat separation of the subject from
language, in order to illuminate the extent to which the agency of the subject is
bound up with the agency of language. Althusser proves helpful in this regard,
for 'interpellation' helps us to understand that the 'subject's capacity to address
appears to be derived from having been addressed.' Moreover, we come to
understand that we cannot even 'imagine [the subject] ... apart from the
constitutive possibility of addressing others and being addressed by others ...
without this linguistic bearing toward one another. ' 5+ Butler understands that the
condition forthe 'social existence' of the subject is that one enter into 'linguistic
life,' that one be called something by another - even if the subject then acquires
some sense of agency by miming the language through which one gains this
linguistic life. 55 Here, Butler emphasizes - in a manner not inconsistent with
Arendt's or Cavarero's sense that the 'self' is exposed from the start to others-
that subjects are constittJ.tively exposed ('vulnerable') to one another linguistically;
and that this 'linguistic vulnerability . . . is one of the primary forms' of social
relation. 56 Just as Arendt emphasizes- that 'to be alive means to live in a world
that preceded one's own arrival and will survive one's own departure,' Butler's
notion of 'vulnerability' implies that we inherit a language ·that precedes us and
which we_ do not own. 57 And yet, it seems to me that the constitutive exposure
of the 'narratable .self,'- as described by Cavarero in the present text, offers -a
Indeed, one may well imagine oneself in ways that are quite to the con-
trary of how one is socially constituted; one may, as it were, meet that
socially constituted self by surprise, with alarm or pleasure, or even
shock. And such an encounter underscores the way in which the name
wields a linguistic power of constitution in ways that are indifferent to the
one who bears the name. 60
hate-speech comes not solely from what one is being called, but from the fact that
one's singularity, a singularity that exceeds any 'what,' is utterly and violently
ignored, excluded from these semantics. Put quite simply, it is the total disregard
for who one is that makes hate-speech so painful.
In addition, in so far as this disregard prevails, to varying degrees, in all scenes
of interpellation, one could not hope to radically counteract hate-speech without
also offering alternative versions of social existence that do !JOt rely chiefly upon
'interpellation' as the model for the formation of linguistically vulnerable beings.
On this point, perhaps, Cavarero's thinking might offer just such an alternative.
Indeed, it seems to me that Cavarero's work might offer an entirely different
perspective from which to understand name-calling, 'interpellation,' or
'linguistic vulnerability' more generally. It is no doubt true, as Butler asserts,
that language can hurt us because it also forms us, that the wounding power of
words is in large part a consequence of our constitutive linguistic vulnerability,
and a consequence of our vulnerability to the interpellative effects of discourse.
And yet, there are perhaps other ways of understanding this vulnerability, ways
that take into account the uniqueness of the one that is vulnerable. We might
begin, following Cavarero and Arendt, to understand this vulnerability as
something which exposes each of us, uniquely, to each other. Each of us is open,
and therefore vulnerable, to what others tell or call us. But this is a vulnerability
that, beyond ·being a condition for social existence in a general sense, also
belongs to who each of us is; for we are all uniquely vulnerable, in different ways,
to different words, at different times. 'Linguistic vulnerability; recast in the light
of Cavarero's thinking, is thus a constitutive feature of our uniqueness. Put
simply, this vulnerability- by opening us to be hurt, or affected, by 'what' we
are called - might even be that which gives us the sense, through the pain or
shock we feel, that what we are called does not correspond with who we feel
ourselves to be.
It should be recalled that Butler's account does not end with interpellation,
and that one of the conclusions which Butler draws is that the terms by which
one is addressed can be put to (potentially) new uses, 'one whose future is
partially open. ' 61 This iS no doubt true; and in and of itself this claim would be
recogpizable in much of Cavarer.o's previous work. 62 And yet - although
Cavarero would hardly disa_gree with Butler's sense of the subversi:ve possibilities
inherent in repetition - in Relating Narratives Cavarero offers a whole other
perspective on the disjunction between discourse and life.
'Discourse is not life; its time is not yours.' Butler often refers to this axiom
of Foucault. 63 For Butler, the disjunction between discourse and the life of the
subject is precisely what opens a space for resignification, for subversive citation
and so forth. Again, Butler suggests that the subject might gain some sense of
individual agency by appropriating, and reworking, the-terms by which he or she-
How many ways are there of understanding this disjunction of life and dis-
course? Might the relation between 'narration' and 'life,' as Cavarero outlines it
in RelatinB Narratives, offer us a different perspective on this disjunction?
Cavarero, of course, does not refer so much to the relation between 'life' and
'discourse,' as focus upon the relation between a life and the story or tale of that
life. Whereas Butler emphasizes, or offers a new theory of, the relation between
the individual and discourse vis-a-vis the disjunction between 'discourse and life,'
Cavarero focuses instead upon the relation between the self and the narration of
his/her life-story. Now obviously, a 'narration' talces shape discursively; it
unfolds in a given language, with a given style, employs certain terms, and draws
upon relatively determined conventions- historical and otherwise. Moreover, to
be sure, -the <time' of a life-story is not reducible to the 'time' of that life. As
Cavarero admits, in reference to Ulysses or Achilles for instance, the life-story of
.a hero belongs to a temporality different from the life-span of that hero. The
'story' that Homer recounts in The Iliad or The Odyssey (whether orally or in
writing) has a life that is incommensurate with the lives and actions of Achilles or
Ulysses. Indeed, Achilles and Ulysses are able to overcome death, in a way,
through the immortality of Homer's verse. In this sense, the relation between a
life and his/her story is fleeting - we could say that this 'life' becomes a
'character,' one which is open to infinite interpretation or resignification in
precisely the ways upon which literary criticism thrives.
However, Cavarero's approach is attentive to a different perspective. Again,
in her view, the text (whether oral or written) or the script of this life-story, is not
the most importarrt·thing. Indeed, what the life-story contains - its discursive
manifestation, its contents, its style, even its particular language or idiom - is,
from her perspective, 'inessential. ' 65 Instea~ Cavarero describes the relation
between one's life and his/her life-story, in terms of the desire that he/ she has for
that narration. It is the desire to hear, or to read, the tale of one's life, which
leads Cavarero toward a different understanding of the relation between 'life'
and the tale that designs a unity for that life, or gives it a figure. (Again, the life-
story reveals not only the uniqueness, but also the unity of the life from which it
results.) It is this unity that is desired by the narratable self, a: unity that only the
tale of his/her life-story can provide. Now, to say that the self has a 'unity' is not
to say that it has 'at its center a compact and coherent identity.' On the contrary,
lives are disjointed and fragmentary - nonetheless, Cavarero understands that a
certain fleeting, 'unstable and insubstantial unity' can be provided by the tale of
one's life-story. 66 And it is the desire for this unity or form that manifests itself in
the relation between life and narration or storytelling.
Importantly, this desire creates a scene where the relation between a life and
the tale of that life is not a disjunction, but rather a relation of 'tension'
(Cavarero's word). In such a scene, Foucault's axiom is suspended, for the desire
that binds the narration of a life to that life does not have a 'time' that pre-exists
or post-dates that life-span. The 'tension' of the desire that binds one's life to the
tale of that life's story has no other time than what passes between birth and
death. The self desires to hear his/her story while he/she is alive. Put another way,
by introducing desire into the scene of narrative relations, Cavarero is able to
describe the relation between a 'life,' and the words that reveal the sense of that
life, in a way that is not a disjunction. In such a scene, since the self is a desirina
self, he or she is also 'linguistically vulnerable' - although not solely to an
interpellative discourse that forms him or her, while remaining indifferent to his
or her lifetime. Rather, the self desires, and is open to, the tale of a life-story
that unfolds in his or her lifetime in a way that uniquely reveals who that person
is. Unlike 'interpellation,' the tale is not 'indifferent' to the one whose life it
reveals; on the contrary, the tale is for that unique existent. This is why Cavarero
focuses not so much on the 'immortalizing verse,' (or its style or content), but
rather upon the desire which a-person shows to hear the tale of his/her life, while
they are alive.
All of this, importantly, indicates to Cavarero some latent possibilities for
reconfiguring politics in a more radical sense. Indeed, it is here precisely the
possibility of suspendina the disjunction between 'discourse and life' that orients
our attention towards this desire that binds unique lives to narration, and that
may open a new relation between the narr-ative scene and politics. Butler's
account, like other Foucaultian or post-Foucaultian theories, makes use of the
space opened up by the incommensurability of discourse and life in order to
illuminate some possibilities and risks involved in the subject attaining a relatively
'autonomous' agency or voice. 67 However, Cavarero focuses instead upon those
moments when the disjunction between discourse and life is suspended through
narration, and suggests that narrative relations, which see the desire for narration
encounter its tale, can themselves be a political action. T.his happens, for
instance, when one tells another the tale of his or her life; revealing that they
recognize who that person is. If one understands 'politics' in Arendt's sense,
argues Cavarero - that is, as a 'plural and interactive space of exhibition' - then
the scene of narration, of telling each other life-stories, takes on the character of
political action. 68 Moreover, through such a suspension of the disjunction
between discourse and life, it becomes possible to imagine a relational politics
that is attentive to who one is, rather than to what one is. For within the context
of telling someone the story of his/her life, within the scene of a narrative
relation, the focus is shifted from the generalizable qualities of those involved, to
the unique existents with whom the tales correspond.
The story of Romeo and Juliet is also a story of 'interpellation,' of the disjunc-
tion between discourse and life - the tragedy of the name; or, of having been
vulnerable to it. Romeo and Juliet's unique, singular story, their tragedy, would
not be what it is without this 'other' tragedy of the name, which surfaces
whenever ao/one is named. Therefore, the singular, tragic story that belongs only
to Romeo and Juliet, and their desire (in all of its retellings before and after
Shakespeare) also tells the story of a tragedy that is not only theirs. For the
tragedy of the name (and this is what is tragic about Romeo and Juliet) is that it is
indifferent to the one who is named. This indifference is again the pain, even the
death, that name-calling carries with it. ('As if that name,/ Shot from the deadly
level of a gun,/Did murder her, as that name's cursed hand/Murder'd her
kinsman' (III. iii. 101-4)). The name carries death for the one who bears it,
because the name has no regard for the life of its bear-er: it is destined to survive
that life, and thus announces its-death. I recall Romeo and Juliet in conclusion here
first of all because of this double tragedy. It is,-on the one hand, a tragedy that is
theirs alone, a story through which we come to know who Romeo and Juliet
were. On the other hand, their tragedy is inseparable from the 'other' tragedy of
the name, which is lethally indifferent to who they were.
In Shalcespeare's retelling, Romeo and Juliet themselves seem to understand
that their story, what is happening uniquely to them, is also this 'other' tragedy of
the name that is not only theirs. Romeo and Juliet analyze their predicament in
precisely this way - moving from their names to naming in general, from
'Montague' to 'rose,' from '-Romeo' to 'love' ('Call me but love, and I'll be new
baptis'd: Henceforth I never will be Romeo' (II. ii. 50-1)). The name 'Romeo'
is, Juliet knows, not who she desires - it names nothing of his body, nothing
'belonging to a man;' she loves not his name, which she says is her 'enemy,' but
rather desires who he is. We 'know' this, just as Juliet knows that who Romeo is,
his body, is separable from his name - for the latter is 'hateful,' while the. former
is loved. Indeed, her love is made possible by- or perhaps itself is the occasion of
-the separation of 'who' Romeo is from his name, from his genealogy. 69 For his
part, Romeo comes to hate his name only when he is loved by Juliet; that is, he
only begins to imagine himself to be separable from his name at the moment in
which he realizes he is desired by another. It is this loving relation with the other,
we might say, which makes possible the disjunction between 'who' one is and
'what' one is called.
But this is a tragic love. The tragedy of the name is not, in other words, a
tragedy that simply bifalls Romeo and Juliet, or happens 'to' them - for who
Romeo and Juliet are, as their story reveals, is bound up with the tragedy of the
name. Romeo and Juliet would not be who they are without this 'other' tragedy
of name-calling, which is indifferent to who they are. A proper name ('Romeo,'
'Capulet') does not designate anything human - and yet, a unique 'who' is
unique only through his/her vulnerability to this name. 70 On the one hand, only
a unique existent is loved, or desired, beyond his/her name - and yet, only a
unique existent is so vulnerable to this name, a vulnerability that is a part of who
he/she is. 71 Only a human being bears this paradoxical relation to the name, to
'what' is so indifferent to 'who' he/she is. For while the name 'Romeo' does not
name him as a unique 'existent,' it is nonetheless inseparable from his essence; he
could not be who he is without it. Juliet recognizes this when she asks
'Wherefore art thou Romeo?' Romeo's 'being,' she laments, is inseparable from
the 'you' ('thou') that bears the name 'Romeo.' Unlike the 'rose,' a thing that
would retain its sensuous essence without the name 'rose,' Romeo's being, as a
human, is not fully separable from his name. 72 The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet,
therefore, is not as we might imagine- simply the lethal indifference of the
name to the unique 'who.' Rather, the tragedy lies more deeply in the relation
the unique 'who' maintains with this lethal indifference of the name. Romeo and
Juliet would not be who they are - that is, their story would be different -
without this vulnerability to 'what' they are called. Their unique story would not
be what it is without the 'other' story of the name.
And yet, in speaking of this 'other' story or tragedy of the name, it is impor-
tant to recall that a story is not reducible· to a name; just as a tale does not work
like 'interpellation.' Telling someone a story, in short, is not the same as calling
them a name. For while the names 'Capulet' and 'Montague' are lethally
indifferent to who Romeo and Juliet are, their story is not indifferent to this
'who' - indeed, their story is theirs. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet ends by
invoking the 'story' if Romeo and Juliet, as that which belongs to them ('For
never was a story of more woe/Than this of Juliet and her Romeo' (V. iii. 308-
9)).73 One might claim that this is the 'story' of their names, 'of Juliet and her
Romeo.' And yet, these names now conjure a singular story- one that we are
instructed to repeat ('Go hence to have more talk of these sad things' (V. iii.
306)). In other words, the names 'Romeo and Juliet,' and their tragic effect, give
way to the story of Romeo and Juliet. While this is a story that bears their names
as its title, it nonetheless tells of 'who' they were beyond their names. If their
names, 'Romeo' and 'Juliet,' have a life beyond the life of the protagonists -it is
equally true that these names also survive thanks to this story, thanks to its
singularity. The very names 'Romeo' and 'Juliet,' which were so indifferent to·
who they were while they lived, curiously end up surviving in the title of the story
that uniquely reveals who they were. Thus, if Romeo and juliet says something
about the indifference of the name to the unique life that bears it, it also serves to
remind us of the power of the singular story to suspend this indifference.
Indeed, the survival of the story of Romeo and Juliet - infinitely revised,
interpreted, restaged, with names and places changed, in different languages -
says something about our desire for their story as well. In other words, the
survival of a story beyond the 'life' of which it tells - unlike the survival of a
'name' - indicates a continuing desire for this story, for its singularity. While
names survive without regard for the ones who bear them, the survival of a life-
story depends upon a desire for the singularity of that story, of that life.
Following Cavarero, we might say that the desire for the story of Romeo and
Juliet is more than just the desire for Shakespeare's Romeo and juliet. Of course,
we might doubt that the-story of Romeo and Juliet would have survived without
Shakespeare (or, for that matter, without Bandello or da Porto). And yet,
Shakespeare's text, or his language, is not itself the object of our desire, even if it
serves to heighten it. The text is, as Cavarero teaches us, inessential where this
desire is concerned. Uke the lovers themselves, we desire Romeo and Juliet for
'who' they are through their story, beyond the form that story takes.
In Relating Narratives, Cavarero indeed connects the desire for a lover to the
desire- for one's story, taking note of the way in which lovers engage in reciprocal
narrations, alternating love-making with storytelling. 74 The desire for one's story
is bound up, especially in the case oflovers, with a desire for another. Of course,
we do not know what stories Romeo and Juliet told each other. Shakespeare
does not give us this any more than he gives us the form their love-malting took.
For we do not need to know 'what' narrative exchanges took place between
Romeo and Juliet. While Romeo and Juliet are independent beings, each with
their own unique life-story, for us the tale of these independent stories is not
important. For us it is their story, the story of their love, which we desire. It is
their story, their tragedy, which survives in our desire for its singularity.
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet (II. ii. 53-4), from the Arden edition, edited
by Brian Gibbons (New York, 1980). All further citations from the play are taken
from this edition.
2 Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957),
p. 181.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid., p. 186.
5 Cavarero puts it this way: '... one of the centuries-old problems of philosophy
becomes superfluous; namely' the unsayability of the individual, already decreed by
Aristotle ... within the expositive horizon of the who, the individual is not ineffable at
all' (this volume, p. 89).
6 Since there is already an excellent introduction in English to Cavarero' s work in
general by Rosi Braidotti, I will focus instead upon questions pertaining to Relatino
Narratives. Cf. 'Foreword' to In Spite if Plato (New York: Routledge, 1995), pp. vii-
7 Cf. Jacques Derrida, 'Khora,' in On the Name (Stanford: Stanford University Press,
1993), p. 90.
8 See, for example, Cavarero's discussion of The Arabian Niohts in Part N, Chapter 11
of this volume.
9 Here one can recognize the strong influence that Luce Irigaray' s work has had upon
Cavarero's thinking. Irigaray, of course, was the first to argue that the feminine
cannot be reduced to its figuration- especially in her Speculum if the Other Woman,
trans. Gillian C. Gill (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1985), and This Sex Which
is Not One, trans. Catherine Porter and Carolyn Burke (Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univer-
sity Press, 1985). Cavarero has invoked Irigaray in this regard on a number of
occasions, see for instance her essay 'Towards a Theory of Sexual Difference,' in The
Lonely Mirror, edited by Sandra Kemp and Paola Bono (New York: Routledge, 1993);
see also Rosi Braidotti'sintroduction to In Spite ifPlato, pp. xiv-xv, xvi.
10 Cavarero writes, moreover, that the very split between narration and philosophy,
between loooslmythos, is itself an effect of masculine, phallocentrism ' ... the tragedy
of the originary scission between the ... discursive order of philosophy and that of
narration -is an entirely masculine tragedy' (p. 53 of this volume).
11 Arendt writes: ' ... the impossibility, as it were, to solidify in words the living essence
of the person as it shows itself in the flux of actions and speech, has great bearing
upon the whole realm of human affairs ... [and] is a basic factor in the equally notori-
ous uncertainty not only of all political matters, but of all affairs that go on between
men directly .. .' The Human Condition, pp. 181-2.
12 As Cavarero indicates-in this volume-, what Arendt means by 'politics' is something
completely different from the traditional usage of that term. I am not able to unpack
here the anomalous sense that Arendt gives to that word, and I would like to refer the
reader to Cavarero' s comments throughout this text, and to the notes that she
13 Cavarero, p. 88 of this volume. See also Cavarero's discussion of Hobbes' Leviathan· in
her Fioures if the Body: Philosophy and Politics (forthcoming, University of Michigan
f4 Cavarero, p. 88 of this volume.
15 Arendt, The Life if Mind (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1977), pp. 26-9.
16 Arendt, The Human Condition, p. 184 (my italics).
17 See Section II, Chapter 5 of this-volume.
18 This is why, in choosing an English- title for the book, I wanted· to include the term
'relation,' which is at once narrative and interpersonal. The Italian title, which was
chosen by the publisher Feltrinelli (not by Adriana Cavarero), does not contain this
term. I would like to thank Olivia Guaraldo for her advice.
19 Who Comes After the Subject? edited by Jean-Luc Nancy, Eduardo Cadava and Peter
Conner (New York: Routledge, 1991 ), p. 4. See also Cavarero, p. 38 of this volume.
20 ' ... the question of essence - "What, existence?"- calls forth a "who" in response.'
Who Comes ilfter the Subject, p. 7.
21 Indeed, while Butler is no doubt concerned with accounting for the forming of the
subject or with subjectivity, this concern simultaneously unfolds as the articulation of
the limits of any such an account. 'Perhaps ... we are no longer in the business of
"giving an account of the formation of the subject." We are, rather, confronted with
the tropological presumption made by any such explanation, one that facilitates the
explanation but also marks its limits.' Judith Butler, The Psychic Life if Power (Stanford:
Stanford University Press, 1997), p. 4.
22 I would like to add that I have been fortunate enough to have studied with both Butler
and Cavarero, and that the two have a professed, mutual admiration. Cavarero wrote
the Foreword to the Italian translation of Bodies that Matter, and Butler in turn has
been instrumental in introducing Cavarero's work to American publishers.
23 The reader might look at the first pages of Bodies that Matter, following the
.occurrences of the word 'subject.' For instance, '... the supject is constituted
through the force of exclusion and abjection, one which produces a constitutive
outside to the subject, and abjected outside, which is, after all, "inside" the subject as
its own founding repudiation.' Judith. Butler, Bodies that Matter (New York: Rout-
ledge, 1993), p. 3.
24 Ibid. In The Psychic Life if Power, in the context of a different argument, Butler names
Hegel in this regard: 'the question of how the subject is formed in subordination,
preoccupies the section of Hegel's Phenomenolo91 if the Spirit that traces the slave's
approach to freedom and his disappointing fall into the "unhappy consciousness." The
master, who at first appears to be "external" to the slave, re-emerges as the slave's
own conscience' (p. 3). For more on Butler's use of Hegel, see Christine Battersby's
remarks in The Phenomenal Woman (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1998), pp. 120-4.
25 Butler, Bodies that Matter, p. 3.
26 See Part III, Chapter 7 of this volume.
27 Which is not, of, to say-that friendships or love-affairs are free from violence.
However, the scenes that Cavarero chooses in order to sketch her theory are charac-
teristically different from those chosen by Hegel in the Phenomenolo91 if Spirit, or by
Butler. The relation between narrative selves is not invasive - and does not necessar-
ily beg the question of penetration in the manner that is so central to Bodies that
28 This would be different from Butler's claim that the '·exclusionary matrix through
which subjects are formed thus requires the ·simultaneous production of a domain of
abject beings.' Bodies that Matter, p. 3.
29 Butler, The Psychic Life if Power, p. 10 and passim. It is clear from the context that by
'individuals,' Butler does not mean the 'individual' of individualist political theories,
lilce that of Robbe:>, for instance, but rather an individual person,. more alcin to what
Cavarero or Nancy· call the unique 'existent.'
30 Butler, The Psychic Life ifPower, pp. 10-11
31 Cavarer.o writes in this volume:· ' ... to erase the miracle of finitude ... from Plato.
onwards, has been the mission that philosophy, seduced by the universal, originally
decided to take upon itself: to redeem, to save, to rescue the particular from its
finitude, and uniqueness from its scandal. This task of redemption, however, logically
transformed itself into an act of erasure. As Hegel admits ... "philosophical contem-
plation has no other intention than to abolish the accidental." ' (p. 53 of this volume).
32 Butler, The Psychic Life qfPower, p. 11.
33 The paradoxes that Butler articulates are not the same paradoxes that Cavarero
outlines in her theory of the 'narratable self' - I am thinking first of all of what
Cavarero calls 'The Paradox of Ulysses.' See Chapter 2 of this volume.
34 Cavarero, p. 84 of this volume.
35 See Cavarero's reading of Gertrude Stein's radical autobiography, in this volume,
Partiii, Chapter 7.
36 Of course, as Cavarero points out, within a certain, classical, autobiographical
tradition, there are instances of 'selves' that presume to tell the story of their own
birth; Cavarero remarks, however, that this is the same mistake that Oedipus made-
with tragic consequences.
37 There would be a lot more to say, of course, about the relation between 'story,'
narration and 'genealogy,' through Nietzsche, Foucault, lrigaray and others. I might
recall briefly that, at least etymologically, a 'genealogy' would imply the subsumption
of the unique being into a lineage that privileges the social or collective over the
individual existent. I take this from Emile Benveniste's observation that the root word
sen, which appears in sen us or aenealoBJ, implies a notion of birth as a social event, and
refers to the 'reproduction' of citizens, free males and so forth. A genealogy of the
subject, considered from this perspective, works contrary to the notion of uniqueness
and birth that Cavarero strives to recover in her writing. In this sense too, Cavarero's
work is closely aligned with what Luce.Irigaray has to say about genealogy, and the
exclusion of the feminine (the daughter). Cf. Emile Benveniste, Le vocabulaire des
institutions indo-europeennes, 2 vols (Paris: Minuit, 1969), Livre 2, '·Le vocabulaire de
!a parente,' pp. 203-76; and Luce Irigaray, 'Une chance de vivre,' in Sexes and
Genealosies (New York: Columbia Press, 1993].
38 For an excellent summary of 'reflection' as a characteristic of philosophical discourse,
see Rodolphe Gasche, The Tain cf the Mirror: Derrida and the Philosophy cf Riflection
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986), pp. 13-80.
39 'Sense' is my English translati0n for an effectively untranslatable set of Italian terms
that Cavarero uses to express this 'non-knowledgeable' familiarity. She refers to a
sapore -literally, a 'taste' or 'flavour,' but which could- also mean a 'scent,' a 'tang', a
'zest,' and she uses the verb assaporarsi, which means to 'have a taste of oneself,' or
'to recognize one's own scent or flavour.' The -word sapore is phonetically close to
sapere [knowledge], but the emphasis falls, instead, on an experience that one has of
being familiar with oneself bodily rather than intellectually. One senses oneself to be
oneself unreflectively, rather than knowing oneself to be oneself through reflection.
40 Cavarero, p. 34 of this volume.
41 Ibid.
42 Ibid., p. 35.
43 Ibid.
44 On this point, I might take the liberty, as a translator, to pose a question or two
regarding the lanauaae in which the amnesiac senses him/herself to be narratable. For
without the possibility of a trace, for example, of some language in which to say '1,'
how could the amnesiac 'I' sense itself to be narratable? (I am thinking, for instance, of
53 The subtitle for her recent Excitable Speech, for instance, is 'A Politics of the
Performative.' Since Butler's notion of 'performativity,' not to mention that of
Austin or Derrida, has already been the topic of numerous critical works, I will not
discuss it here.
54 Excitable Speech, p. 30 and passim.
55 'Because I have been called something, I have been entered into linguistic life, refer
to myself through the language given by the Other, but perhaps never quite in the
same terms that my language mimes.' Excitable Speech, p. 38.
56 In a footnote to this passage, Butler reminds the reader that this is 'a fundamentally
Heideggerian point,' which could account for the compatibility that I am seeing
between her position here and Arendt's, who also draws upon Heidegger in this
57 Hannah Arendt, The Life if Mind (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1971), p. 20. Of
course, Arendt's sense of 'appearance' is somewhat different from the sort of social
interaction that Butler articulates in her work.
58 Cavarero (this volume) indeed notes that 'the word' is often the 'privileged vehicle'
through which we are exposed to one another (p. 59).
59 Excitable Speech, p. 38.
60 Ibid., p. 31 (my italics).
61 Ibid., p. 38. Butler has, again, offered a number of different articulations of this
notion of subversive repetition. See, to begin with, the last chapter of Bodies that
Matter; ·Or the concluding sections of Gender Trouble (New York: Routledge Press,
1990), or the last pages of Excitable Speech.
62 In fact, Cavarero's previous publications, In Spite if Plato and the forthcoming Figures
if the Body: Philosophy and Politics, often employ an analogous strategy - they find
subversive possibilities through radical refigurations and redeployments of the
traditionai figures of femininity that characterize our philosophical and cultural
inheritance. Both Cavarero and Butler refer to Luce Irigaray as an important influ-
ence in this regard.
63 This axiom serves as the epigraph for the last chapter of Bodies that Matter, and
resurfaces in Excitable Speech: a Politics if the Peiformative (New York: Routledge,
1997), where Butler offers the following interpretation. 'By this statement, Foucault
appears to mean that one's life is not reducible to the discourse that one speaks or to
the sphere of discourse that animates one's life. What he fails to emphasize, however,
is that the time of discourse, even in its radical incommensurability with the time of
the subject, makes possible the speaking time of the subject.' p. 28. Also cf. Michel
Foucault, '·Politics and the Study of Discourse,' in The Foucault Iijfect: Studies in
Governmentality, ed. Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon and Peter Miller (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1991), p. 71.
64 When Adriana Cavarero presented part of Relating Narratives as a lecture at UC
Berkeley in October, 1997, Judith Butler was one of the respondents. I remember
quite vividly Butler's citation of this phrase as the thrust of her response to Cavarero's
paper. At the time, I understood Butler's point to be a critique of Cavarero's notion
of the bond between a narratable self and that self's life-story. My intention here is
not to restage that response, but rather perhaps to imagine a different way of posi-
tioning it.
65 This is not to say that they are utterly insignificant, or without consequence; rather to
suggest that they are not essential to the alternative perspective that Cavarero is
proposing (Cavarero, p. 35 of this volume).
66 Ibid., p. 34.
67 Excitable Speech, p. 28.
68 Cavarero (this volume) notes, as a salient instance, the way in which feminist
'consciousness-raising groups' have been characterized by the act of reciprocal
narration. See Part II, Chapter 4.
69 Cavarero (this volume) says as much, that one loves who the other is, in spite of what
he/ she is (p. 112).
70 Cavarero does not say this, although this might be one way of understanding that
interpellation describes not only the general formation of the 'subject,' but pertains
uniquely to each one of us.
71 Cavarero (this volume) herself notes that only a human being can have a proper name
'as a sort of vocative unity of his/her uniqueness.' (p. 18). In other words, the proper
name, while itself something inhuman ('not belonging to a man'), happens only to
72 I take my cue here from Jacques Derrida's remarks in his essay 'Aphorism
countertime,' in Acts rif Literature, edited by Derek Attridge (New York: Routledge
Press, 1991), especiallypp. 427-8.
73 As many critics of Shakespeare have noted, Romeo and Juliet disdain their Hrst names
as if they were inseparable from their family names, 'Montague' and 'Capulet,' but it
is their fust names that survive as the title of their story - and that have a singularity
that exceeds the story of their respective families.
74 See Part ill (entitled 'Lovers') in this volume.
Karen Blixen recounts a story that she was told as a child. A man, who lived by a
pond, was awakened one night by a great noise. He went out into the night and
headed for the pond, but in the darkness, running up and down, back and forth,
guided only by the noise, he stumbled and fell repeatedly. At last, he found a leak
in the dike, from which water and fish were escaping. He set to work plugging
the leak and only when he had finished went back to bed. The next morning,
looking out of the window, he saw with surprise that his footprints had traced
the figure of a stork on the ground.
At this point Karen Blixen asks herself: 'When the design of my life-is com-
plete, will I see, or will others see a stork?' 1 We might add: does the course of
every life allow itself be looked upon in the end like a design that has a meaning?
Apparently we are not dealing with a design that has been foreseen; it is not
projected or controlled. On the contrary, the poor man, called to action by
external circumstances, runs and stumbles into the darkness. He works hard, and
only when the disaster is under control does he return home. He never loses
sight of his purpose, he never abandons the aim of his course; rather, he brings it
to completion. His journey mixes intention with accident. While he is subjected
to many trials and tribulations, his steps nonetheless leave behind a design; or,
rather, a design results from his journey- one that has the unity of a figure. The
significance of the story lies precisely in the figural unity of the design, and in this
simple 'resulting,' which does not follow from any project~d plan. In other
words, the design- which does not consist simply of confused marks, but has the
unity of a figure -is not one that guides the course of a life from the beginning.
Rather the design is what that life, without ever being able to predict or even
imagine it, leaves behind. The stork is only seen at the end, when whoever has
drawn it with his life - or when other spectators, looking from above - see the
prints lift on the ground.
Blixen's text bears the printed design of the stork on the same page as the
story. When she was a child, _the person who told her the story traced for her the
development of the design that sustains the narration. Rather than simply being
an effective, didactic device, it was a gesture that grasped a fundamental truth of
the fable. Precisely because the design is the story, rather than just accompanying
the story or illustrating it, the design coincides with it perfectly - in the sense
that the pattern that every human being leaves behind is nothing but their life-
story. 'All sorrows can be borne if you put them into a story or tell a story about
them,' writes Blixen; and Hannah Arendt comments: 'the story reveals the
meaning of what would otherwise remain an intolerable sequence of events. ' 2
For the man in the fable, the meaning is represented by the stork. It could
obviously be another animal, tree or object. The meaning that saves each life
from being a mere sequence of events does not consist in a determined figure;
but rather consists precisely in leaving behind a figure, or something from which
the unity of a design can be discerned in the telling of the story. Like the design,
the story comes after the events and the actions from which it results. Like the.
design - which is seen only at sunrise from the perspective of whoever looks at
the ground from above without treading on it - the story can only be narrated
from the posthumous perspective of someone who does not participate in the
events. 'When the design of my life is completed, will I see, or will others see, a
stork?' The figural unity of the design, the unifying meaning of the story, can
only be posed, by the one who lives it, in the form of a question. Or, perhaps, in
the form of a desire.
It is not by chance that the child's story, animated by the movement of the
design, narrates a stork. The stork - protagonist of a folklore, which, in the
West, has no boundaries - brings babies and narrates them Iables. 3 No one
knows where the migrating stork, with her long wings and benign face of
mystery, comes from; or from whence come the babies which she brings or the
fables that she tells. The stork does not 'make,' but rather brings, transports and
hands down. She is a narrator, not an author. Like Karen Blixen, she is a
storyteller: she tells stories. 4
In any case, the design traced by the life of Karen Blixen could never be the
same stork that the man in the fable saw at sunrise. Every human being is unique,
an unrepeatable existence, which - however much they- run disoriented in the
dark, mixing accidents with intentions neither follows in the footsteps of
another life, nor repeats the very same course, nor leaves behind the same story.
This is also why life-stories are told and listened to with interest; because they
are similar and yet new, insubstitutable and unexpected, from beginning to end.
They are always 'anecdotes of destiny. ' 5
According-to Hannah Arendt, Blixen' s 'philosophy' suggests that 'no one has a
life worthy of consideration about which a story cannot be told.' It does not
follow, however, 'that life could be or rather should be lived ·like a story, that
what must be done in life must be done. in such a way -that a story comes after
it. ' 6 Life cannot be lived like a story, because the story always comes afterwards,
it results; it is unforeseeable and uncontrollable, just like life. If the man of the
fable had voluntarily run through the night in order to trace the design of a stork,
he would not have fulfilled the story. A different story would have resulted from
his actions: the strange tale of a man who spent the night tracing a stork with his
The man of the story is, of course, privileged. The magic of the fable, which is
capable of concentrating an entire life into a single night, allows him to see the
design on the following morning. Doubting that she will enjoy the same
privilege, Karen Blixen cautiously asks herself if, instead, there will be others who
will be able to see a stork when the design of her life is complete. If life is a 'run-
around' that responds to events without being able to transcend them; if it
consists simply of acting and reacting without prefiguring its own traces, then
this is probably th~ case. In other words, the one who walks on. the ground
cannot see the figure that his/her footsteps leave behind, and so he/ she needs
another perspective. It is no accident that the one who understands- the meaning
of the story is above all the narrator, who, tracing the stork on the page,
accompanies the story with the design.
Narration, as is well known, is a delicate art- narration 'reveals the meaning
without committing the error of defining it. ' 7 Unlike philosophy, which for
millennia has persisted in capturing the universal in the trap of definition,
narration reveals the finite in its fragile uniqueness, and sings its glory. Karen
Blixen lmows this well, and, like a modern Scheherazade, she entrusts her
existence to the passion of telling stories - tire stories of others, like Esa, her
African chef; or invented stories, stories which branch off into thousands of other
stories. 'No one could have told her life-story as she herself would have told it,'
observes Hannah Arendt. 8 The fact remains that she never told it as a design, not
even in the semi-autobiographical pages of Out if Africa. Evidently Karen Blixen
lmew that she could not see with her own eyes the design of her life. She knew
that, outside of the child's tale, it is always another who sees the stork.
As the fable teaches, the design lasted only for one morning. The footprints
on the wet ground will disappear with the first rain or, perhaps, will lose their
foni:l under the trampling of other shoes. The stork is fragile; it is the fleeting
mark of a unity that is only glimpsed. It is the gift of a moment in the mirage of
There is an ethic of the gift in the pleasure of the narrator. The one who
narrates not only entertains and enchants, like Scheherazade, but gives to the
protagonists of his/her story their own stork. If leaving behind a design, a
'destiny,' an unrepeatable figure of our existence, 'is the only aspiration
deserving of the fact that life was given us,' ·then nothing responds to the human
desire more than the telling of our story. 9 Even before revealing the meaning of a
life, a biography therefore recognizes the desire for it.
Accorcling to Karen Blixen, the question: 'who am I?' flows indeed, sooner or
later, from the beating of every heart. It is a question that only a unique being
can sensibly pronounce. Its response, as all narrators know, lies in the classic rule
if storytelling. 10
1 Karen Blixen, Out if Africa (New York: Random House, 1938), p. 201.
2 Hannah Arendt, 'lsak Dinesen: (1885-1962)', Daguerrotypes (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1979), p. xx.
3 Cf. Marina Warner, From the Beast to the Blonde (London: Vintage, 1995), pp. 58-65.
4 [TN: 'Storyteller' is in English in the original.]
5 [TN: Anecdotes if Destiny is the title of a work by Karen Blixen (New York: Vintage
Books, 1985).]
6 Arendt, 'lsak Dinesen (1885-1962),' p. 170.
7 Ibid., p. 169.
8 Ibid., p. 165.
9 Ibid., p. 169.
10 Karen Blixen, 'The Cardinal's Tale,' in Last Tales (New York: Vintage Press, 1975).
Part I
The mythological Sphinx will rise, and Oedipus will suddenly fmd him-
self facing her: confronted with her question, to which he wisely re-
sponds, but without realizing that this response of his would do no good
for anyone, without realizing that his knowledge was only good for
something general- 'Man,' he responded, as we know- when the point
was to know himself, he himself, in the hiddenness of his being. He was
indeed hidden- until, totally defenseless, he was exposed into the world
-just born, barely awake.
Maria Zambano, Chiari del Bosco
'Now, Oedipus great and glorious, we seek your help again. Find some
deliverance- for us by any way that god or man can show,' says the Priest in
Oedipus the Kins. 1 He has solved the riddle of the Sphinx, freeing Thebes. He
answered the monster.' s question regarding which animal walks first with four
legs, then with two, and finally with three: 'Man.' Oedipus knows, therefore,
'what' man is. Thelcnowledge that he shares with the monstrous riddler consists
in a definition of the universal.
It goes without saying that there is a correspondence between Oedipus'
response and the form of Platonic discourse. What is 'the just,' the 'beautiful,'
the 'good' and, of course, 'what is man?' are, for Plato, the genuine questions of
the universal, which solicit a definition in response. 2 It is, in short, the very form
of philosophy. Might we therefore say that, faced with the Sphin.."'<:, Oedipus
reveals himself to be a philosopher? It would seem so. His knowledge says that:
man is an animai that as a child walks on four legs, as an adult on two, and in old
age -leaning against a cane- on three. Certainly, the scarcity of the enunciation
can, at first sight, astonish us if compaFed with the famous Aristotelian formula
that defines man as a rational and political animal - showing itself in this way to
be decidedly in keeping with the speculative tones of philosophical language.
Then again, Plato himself, in one of his most enjoyable exercises on the art of
definition, defines man as a two-footed animal, featherless and without horns. 3
The joke is obvious, but the structure of the discourse is the same. Philosophy asks
after man as a universal. (For this reason, we will now write Man, so that the
upper-case carries the weight of universality.) The definition, which functions as
a necessary response to this question, can be more or less refined, and is almost
always inadequate or even wrong, but the correct approach to the problem, its
epistemic form, does not change.
Oedipus' response evidently in keeping with the philosophical school of the
Theban monster - is nevertheless the right one. The fearful creature annihilates
itself: Thebes is freed from the monster. In exchange, Oedipus will have the
throne and the Queen Iocasta. Looking closely, with respect to the Platonic
canon, the Sphinx has, however, composed a philosophical discourse in reverse.
First came the definition in the interrogative form - then its object, as a
response. Thus, the logic of the riddle, which always goes backwards from the
interrogative definition to the discovery of what it meant, imposes itself. This is a
logic, which, on the other hand, is rather dreadful since the answer is in any case
linked with an effect of death. The challenge, of course, is deadly: as is typical of
ancient Greece, 'the riddle flows from the cruelty of a god, from malevolence
towards men. ' 4 Either Oedipus or the Sphinx must die; he to be devoured by the
monster, she to be cast into the abyss. No one gets out alive from the ancient
game that stages the extraordinary 'contrast between the banality, in the form
and the content, of these riddles and the tragedy of their outcome. ' 5 It is the
secret of her knowledge of Man that keeps the monster alive. The one who
reveals this secret is saved, but we begin to suspect that he risks living with this
monstrous knowledge.
Indeed, the definition itself is not the fearful or deadly side of the formula.
The Thebans knew this harmless definition, which speaks of the number of legs,
by heart. What decides who lives and who dies is, rather, the response, the
dqiniendum - namely, Man. The Bphinx obviously knows this already: her
knowledge is complete. By guessing the answer and putting it together with the
question, Oedipus takes possession of that knowledge. And yet, in this transition
from the secret of the monster to the human word, the deadly effect is not lost.
It would therefore seem that there is something constitutively monstrous about
the knowledge of Man. It is almost as though it is the attribution of universality
itself that makes a monster of Man. The legacy of the Sphinx is burdensome.
Philosophy in Thebes, despite the relief of the city, seems to be born under a bad
Perhaps the riddle is to blame - what with its reversed logic. and its lethal
effect. Indeed, normally philosophers neither make riddles nor put themselves at
risk in the deadly game of the riddle. Rather, philosophers quickly and peacefully
determine what it is about the universal Man that should be questioned regarding
'reality,' and they then proceed to the answer by means of a. definition. In this
way, having unwisely accepted the crucial aspect of the monstrous, philosophers
shift the problem on to the 'definition.' And yet the defmition, rather than being
a problem - as the Sphinx understood all too well, evidenced by the banal tone
of her riddle - is nothing but child's play, a game of variously assemblable
formulas (after all, even old Plato had fun with such formulas!).
The true mark of the monster lies, rather, in Man, as Oedipus had the
occasion to learn. 'Man' is a universal that applies to everyone precisely because
it is no one. It disincarnates itself from the living singularity of each one, while
claiming to substantiate it. It is at once masculine and neuter, a hybrid creature
generated by thought, a fantastic universal produced by the mind. It is invisible
and intangible, while nevertheless declaring itself to be the only thing 'sayable' in
true discourse. It lives on its noetic status, even though it never leaves behind any
life-story, and impedes language with the many philosophic progeny of its
abstract conception.
If the Sphinx's riddle concealed a philosophical monster, then it seems that
Oedipus has had the chance to glimpse its face.
A famous vase-painting shows Oedipus facing the Sphinx, in the act of solving
the riddle. He does not speak, he points at himself with his finger. The answer is
not verbal and does not name Man, but rather consists in the tacit word 'lime:'
The situation is truly paradoxical. At a time when he has yet to learn who he
himself is, Oedipus recognizes himself in the definition of Man. In the discovery
of the object of this definition, he indicates himself. More than simply being a
paradox, this seems once again to be the monster's umpteenth cruel game; since
it is precisely the extent to which Oedipus does not lmow who he is, that he can
identify himself in the Man that concerns the definition. Philosophers themselves
- servants of the universal - are the ones who teach us that the knowledge of
Man requires that the particularity of each one, the uniqueness of human
existence, be unknowable. 6 Knowledge of the universal, which excludes
embodied uniqueness from its epistemology, attains its maximum perfection by
presupposing the absence of such a uniqueness. What Man is can be lmown and
defined, as Aristotle assures us; who Socrates is, instead, eludes the parameters of
knowledge as science, it eludes the truth of the episteme.
In this way we can understand more exactly how the monster's last lethal
game works. Since Oedipus does not know at all who he is; or, rather, he believes
that he knows, but is mistaken - there, where the universal stakes its claim to
reality by neglecting 'uniqueness' -he is already in a vulnerable position.
The deadly alternative ofi:he challenge, between the Sphinx and Oedipus, is·
therefore also a deadly alternative between abstract Man and concrete
uniqueness. In the sentence, 'I, Man,' it is the reality of the 'I' that dies. The
ancient painting is a tremendous warning.
Thus, it seems to follow that, faced with the Sphinx and the philosophical
strength of the riddle, Oedipus does not yet lmow who he himself is. Within the
context of the Sophoclean play, all the same, the situation is rather complex,
since, on the other hand, Sophocles, the Athenian public and, obviously, we too,
lmow very well who Oedipus is. Indeed, we lmow who he is in detail. The play
presupposes a lmowledge of the mythos; that is, a detailed lmowledge of the tale,
which, from time immemorial, has recounted the entire story of Oedipus. The
story is therefore lmown by all, except for the protagonists on stage. The
theatrical play consists in bringing the plot of events back to the ambiguity that
sustains them and thus renders them narratable by the protagonists themselves.
In this way, duplicate narrations intersect: the internal, ambiguous one ofthe
actors, and the external, omniscient one of the myth, which comprehends the
first and puts it to work. The myth is capable of narrating at once - and this is its
power- the 'true' story of Oedipus, the story of who he is, and the false story
that leads him to be ignorant of 'who' he is. It is, moreover, this ignorance that
allows the two stories to emerge from the same act. The death of Laius, at the
fatal crossroads, is at once the murder of a stranger and a parricide. The union
with Iocasta is both a legitimate marriage, and an act of incest. What governs the
double narration - the ambiguous duplication that makes Oedipus an enigmatic
mask of duplicity -is his birth, the truth of which he is ignorant, and whose truth
the myth lmows. 7
This birth ends up being decisive in more than one sense. As a driving force of
the plot, it is loaded first of all by a prophesied parricide that determines the
protagonists' exchange ofidentity. The myth is welllmown. Oedipus is born of
Iocasta under a prophecy that destines him to slay Laius,- his father. Oedipus,
however, escapes the infanticidal command of his parent a good man took pity
on him and took him to Corinth, where Polybus raised him as if he were his son.
The story is familiar. Oedipus kills his father, believing him to be_a stranger, and,
not lmowing her to be his mother, marries Iocasta. That Oedipus is ignorant of
who he is, because he is ignorant of his birth, is therefore part of the story. Only
by knowing his birth can he lmow his story.
Indeed, within the scene of Oedipus the Kina, it is precisely the enigma of this
birth which catches up with him, making him discover who he is. He does not
come across the truth of his birth by accident -like man_y protagonists of modem
novels - but rather looks for it. The spread of the plague, the new evil that
afflicts Thebes after the horror of the Sphinx, gives him the chance. The oracle
says that the plague is the effect of the ancient unpunished guilt of the murderer
of -Laius who, remaining unlmown, contaminates the city with his presence. So,
who better than Oedipus, King of Thebes - who already solved the riddle of the
Sphinx - to track down the guilty party and free Thebes once more from the
curse? Thus, Oedipus sets about looking into the identity of the unlmovvn; that
is, the identity, unknown to him, of himself.
Being the subject and object of the investigation - as though the philosophical
guise fit him like a glove - Oedipus therefore seems to unlmowingly obey the
Delphic command, so dear to the philosopher: anothi se auton ('lmow thy self').
For now, we will not follow this train of thought. Here philosophy does not
matter; on the contrary, we will go in the opposite direction. In the 'lmow
yourself,' of Oedipus, it is indeed his unrepeatable identity that is found, and
not, as with Socrates, a principle of universal value: the famous 'knowledge of
not lmowing.' Furthermore, Oedipus does not embark on any introspective
journey into the interior of his self, but rather comes to know his identity from
the outside, through the story that others tell him. While Oedipus may have been
a philosopher in front of the Sphinx, now he is no longer one. The philosophical
undertaking concluded with the monster. For Oedipus, the adventure of the
narration has just begun.
As we know, this is an adventure with an unhappy outcome. From the
narration of another, Oedipus comes to know of his true birth, and thus his true
story: an awful story that makes him incestuous and parricidal. Yet, however
awful the outcome of such a narration may be, the drama of the Sophoclean scene
is nonetheless rather simple. Oedipus does not know who he is because he is
ignorant of his birth. Therefore, only the story of his birth can reveal the story of
which he is the protagonist. For Oedipus, in other words, knowing himself
means knowing his birth, because that is where his story began. That this story is
unfortunate, like the birth from which it begins, is of course part of the tragedy;
but this does not affect the truth of a general principle. The story of one's life
always-begins where that person's life begins. We are not speaking of Man in his
disembodied and universal substance, but rather of a .particular man, a unique
being who bears the name of Oedipus. Since he exists, he was. born of a mother.
The uniqueness of his identity, his daimon, has its origin in the event of this birth.
Oedipus has no doubts regarding this:
being ignorant of the factual truth of his birth, he has been able to believe himself
to be another; but he was never able to become another. He became exactly who
he was and is - in the very times that his uniqueness lived through, perhaps under
a false genealogy, but not under a false daimon.
In so far as the Oedipus myth is so awful and so full of symbolic references,
as well as a remarkable history of interpretation - it speaks, therefore, in its
elementary structure, of a daimon that is rooted in the birth of the protagonist,
and who is revealed in all of his actions . . . even though he is ignorant of their
meaning while he performs them. From the myth's omniscient point of view,
such a daimon can thus be read as a prophecy brought inexorably to fulfillment.
From the point of view of Oedipus on stage, this is rather the uniqueness of his
personal identity, which is revealed through the actions that he has performed.
Such a revelation - which is always and in every way unmasterable for the one
who is being revealed - is, in Oedipus' case, simply made even more invisible
and unknowable to him. His daimon is indeed hidden by an initial misunder-
standing that changes the effective relations of the context. In other words,
Oedipus is ignorant of the relationships that bind him to those he meets.
Nevertheless, as proof of the fact that the meaning of a given action escapes every
agent - as Hannah Arendt would say - a story results from Oedipus' actions,
which harbors the meaning of his identity. 9
The Sophoclean text is thus able to suggest an initial thesis: what Man is, is
said by a definitory knowledge of philosophical assonance - who Oedipus is, is
said by the narration of his story. To complete the thesis, however, we must add
a qualification: it is others who tell him his story.
Indeed, for Oedipus, who he is, is the result ofthe life-story that others tell
him. This is a polyphonic tale, as it comes from the narrative fragments that
Iocasta, the pastor, and the messenger from Corinth recite on stage in a dramatic
In the end, the whole story becomes clear anyway, and even the misunder-
standings that sustained it re-enter the story coherently. The actions that
Oedipus has performed are still the same - a murder, a marriage - but their
meaning has changed. If at first Oedipus believed himself to be someone else,
then now he knows who he is, having .finally learned from the tale of his life-
story. The Oedipal form of nnothi se auton does not consist in an exercise of
introspection, but rather in soliciting the external tale of his own life-story.
Discovering in this the truth of his birth, the son of Iocasta is thus born into
his identity, which is rendered tangible by the story; that is to say, he is reborn
through the daimon of his own origin. 'This day will give you life and it will
destroy you,' Teiresias had predicted. 10 On the very same-day on which he is
once again given life through the story of his birth, the other Oedipus - the man
of Corinth and the happy King of Thebes- is destroyed. The result is, obviously,
the revelation of the enormous misfortune that the omniscience of the myth had
made known to us from the start. Oedipus is who was born. Oedipus is who he
was and had always been - from beginning to end in the unity of a self now
rendered palpable by the story - never having been able to become someone
else. Moreover, being able to believe himself to be another was in fact part of his
unique, and unfortunate, story. The mixture of intentions and circumstances was
indeed too unbalanced in favor of unlucky combinations. The unforeseeable
outcome of actions became for him something terrible.
Rivers of critics' ink, and a century of psychoanalysis, free us from the task of
reflecting further upon the meaning of this blameless misfortune. What is certain
is that, even in the search for his own identity, the monstrous catches up with
Oedipus. We will skip the reasons for this, and will follow another way of
reading, which concerns that already announced self-differentiation of philosophy
from narration, which seems to lead again to the mask of Oedipus. We could
define it as the confrontation between two discursive registers that manifest
opposite characteristics. One, that of_philosophy, has the form of a definitory
knowledge that regards the.universality of Man. The other, that of narration, has
the form of a biographical knowledge that regards the unrepeatable identity of
someone. The questions that sustain the two discursive styles are equally diverse.
The first asks 'what is Man?' The second asks instead of someone 'who he or she
is.' Oedipus is implicated in both questions, but it is obviously above all the latter
that occupies the scene of Oedipus the King..
In this scene, one of the narrators is. blind: Teiresias, the soothsayer, whose
figure personifies the omniscience of the myth itself. The soothsayer, Teiresias,
like the myth, knows the whole story in minute detail. Like us - the spectators,
the readers -he is omniscient. And yet, unlike us, he is on stage. He knows what
has happened, what is happening and what will happen, because the times of the
story are already condensed into the present of his soothsayer's memory. Unlike
the spectators, who are there to. watch, he is blind. Indeed, Teiresias does not see
the things as they happen, he does not participate in the performance of the
events. Instead, he conserves the story in the present of a memory where
everything has already happened. For him 'the factum irifectum fieri nequit is
applied, even to the future event.' 11 If the telling of every story cannot help
concerning what has already been done, and cannot be undone, then the
omniscient myth, which is embodied in the mask of the soothsayer Teiresias,
implicates the future as well in this rule.
The particularity of Teiresias lies therefore in being on stage while things
happen, and in being able to tell stories about them as though they had already
happened. Like the spectator who knows the myth, he is powerless; that is, he
cannot act in a way that interferes in the events. And yet, contrary to the
spectator who watches, he cannot see them because, as a narrator, he has· already
seen them happen. In any case, how could he undo that which, in the story of the
myth, has already been done? How could he intervene in a future that is already
past? In so far as his role as soothsayer links him to the future, the gaze of
Teiresias, like that of every narrator, is always retrospective. 12 The singular,
staged duplication of the myth, which he narrates, is a story of which neither he
nor anyone else is the author. As an odd, staged reduplication of the biographical
story, which others, in unison, make of Oedipus, he is the only one who can
narrate a biography in which even that polyphonic story, with everything that
follows, already comes back.
What is more, when Oedipus has heard the whole story, he too goes blind.
The recognition of the narratable status of his identity, or, the explicit desire to
know his story, whatever it is, produces for Oedipus a tragic self-confinement in
the solipsistic sphere of personal memory. In other words, Oedipus is now blind
because he sees, replayed in his memory, what he had never seen before. He was
the first, autobiographical narrator of his false story - the story that concealed
rather than revealed who he is, the radical model of the unreliability of every
autobiography. Now that he has been told his real story, the terrible significance
of his identity holds him bound to this story. Blind to the present, like his
memory, he will continue to live without existing in the present, carrying only
his story with him. Oedipus has learned at great cost that existence, in its
embodied uniqueness, is narratable. And yet, it would seem that there is nothing
in the world for which he would give up this narration.
Although many believe that the parricide and incest sustain the Oedipal
desire, it seems plausible that the desire in Oedipus to be born into his 'real'
identity, through others' tales of his life-story, is equally strong. With what
seems at first sight to be an analogous approach, Roland Barthes wonders: 'Does
not every tale lead back to Oedipus? Is not storytelling always the search for
one's own origin, to tell of one~s own troubles with the Law, to enter into a
dialectic with emotion and ·hate?' Again, what Barthes himself defines as 'le
monument psychoanalytique' enters into play, as does the discounted phallocentric
mark that links the story to Oedipal pleasure: ' (denuding, knowing, being
familiar with the beginning and the end), if it is true that every tale (every
revelation of truth) is a. mise-en-scene of the Father (absent, hidden, hypothe-
sized).'13 Contrary to Barthes- and in contrast to le monument psychoanalytique,
which has held sway over the Oedipus myth for too long - we are trying to
underscore the way in which the Oedipal desire turns stubbornly towards the
life-story that reveals to him who he is, as he was born of his mother. In short, we
are reading Sophocles, not Freud. Hannah Arendt, denouncing the disappearance
of the custom of telling stories in contemporary times, wonders if this disappear-
ance is the result of 'this curious neurotic concern with the self which in analysis
was shown to hav.e nothing to tell but variations of identical experiences - the
Oedipus complex, as distinguished from the tale Sophocles had to tell-?' 14
Taldng into account Barthes' suggestion, which focalizes 'the nexus between
the tale and Oedipus, between desire and narration,' we therefore affirm that
what the Sophoclean Oedipus manifests is first of all a desire for narration, or the
desire for the telling of his story. This story is, importantly, biographical, not
autobiographical. It comes tragically to Oedipus from others' narrations, at the
very moment at which he mistakenly claims to be telling it. 'Doomed man! 0
never to live to learn the truth of who you are!' 15 cried a piteous Iocasta, hoping
that the autobiographical exercise of her son would leave no room for the
eruption of the biographical storm.
Unfortunately, however, who else could ever be the Oedipus whose identity
we lmow and whose name we remember, if not the protagonlst of his story? And
what does this story teach if not Oedipus' looldng-for-himself, as he is 'this and
not another' 7 - if not his 'considering himself to be a destiny, and not wanting to
be otherwise.' 16
Sophocles, Oedipus the Kina, translated by E. F. Watling (Baltimore: Penguin Books,
1947), p. 26.
2 Plato, Parmenides, 130b-c. See, Plato: The Complete Works, edited by John Cooper
(Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 1997).
3 Plato, Statesman, 265b.
4 Giorgio Colli, La nascita della filosrifia (Milan: Adelphi, 1981 ), p. 50. [TN: Translation
is mine.]
5 Ibid., p. 52.
6· Cf. Luce Irigaray, Sexes and Genealoaies, trans. Gillian Gill (New York: Columbia,
7 Cf. Jean-Pierre Vernant, Myth and Traaedy in Ancient Greece, trans. Janet Lloyd
(Sussex: Brighton Press, 198-1), p. 92; and Umberto CliTi, Endiadi, (Milan: Fel-
trinelli, 1995), p. 34 and passim.
8 Sophocles, Oedipus the Kina, p. 55.
9 Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958),
p. 184.
10 Sophocles, Oedipus the Kina, p. 38.
11 Giuseppe Serra, Edipo e la peste (Venice: Marsilio, 1994), p. 41. I owe much more
than this citation to this magnificent book by Serra.
12 Arendt, The Human Condition, p. 184.
13 Roland Barthes, The Pleasure rif the Text, trans. Richard I'vliller (New York: Hill and
Wang, 1975), pp. 20, 74 and 92.
14 Arendt, 'Letter to Mary McCarthy, May 28-31, 1971', from Between Friends (New
York: Harcourt and Brace, 1995), p. 295.
Octavio seemed upset. 'And we?' -he asked, his voice trembled slightly,
'We have a story?'
As I hesitated to respond, he began to weep uncontrollably.
'We have a story,' he repeated between sobs, as though he had just
learned that he belonged to a new rung on the ladder of beings.
Adele bent over to caress him, 'Do not cry,' she murmured, 'we all
have a story. However we cannot know our own, but only those of oth-
Paola Capriolo, Ilgigante
Among ancient characters, -oedipus is a truly special case. There is, however,
another equally famous hero, who, while not ignorant of his birth, does not seem
to know who he is, until he meets up with himself through the tale of his story.
His name is Ulysses.
In one of the most beautiful scenes of the Odysso/, Ulysses is seated as a guest
in the court o£ the Phaecians, incognito. A blind rhapsod entertains those
gathered with his song. He sings, 'the famous deeds of men, that song whose
renown had already reached the wide sky.' 1 He sings of the Trojan war, and tells
of Ulysses and his undertakings. And Ulysses, hiding himself in a great purple
tunic, weeps. 'He has never wept before,' comments Hannah Arendt, 'and
certainly not when what he is now hearing actually happened. Only when he
hears the story does he becomes fully aware of its significance. ' 2
We will call this scene the paradox cf Ulysses. As we saw with Oedipus, this
consists in the situation for which someone receives his own story from
another's narration. And so it happens to Ulysses at the court of the Phaecians.
He weeps because he fully realizes the meaning of the story. But what exactly
does the story sianify? - neither the action itself nor the agent, suggests Arendt,
but rather the story that the agent, through his actions, left behind him: that is,
his life-story. In hearing his story, then, Ulysses is moved to tears. Not only
because the narrated events are painful, but because when he had lived them
directly he had not understood their meaning. It is as if, while acting, he had
been immersed in the contextuality of the events. It is as if, each time, he were
captured in the present of the action that cuts off the temporal series of before
and after. But now, in the tale of the rhapsod, the discontinuous times of that
happening come together in a story. Now Ulysses comes to recognize himself as
the hero of this story. By fully realizing the meaning of his narrated story, he also
gains a notion of who is its protagonist. Therefore, before hearing his story,
Ulysses did not yet know who he was: the story of the rhapsod, the story told by
an 'other,' finally revealed his own identity. And he, dressed in his magnificent
purple tunic, breaks down and cries.
Unlike Oedipus, Ulysses is not ignorant of his birth. If Ulysses is who was
born, 'this and not another,' he is not mistaken at all about the noble parents
who engendered him. He should therefore have no reason to be ignorant of who
he is; or, at least, he should not have the same reasons as Oedipus. In fact, when
the King of the Phaecians, moved by Ulysses' crying, asks him who he is, he
responds: 'I am Odysseus, son of Laertes,' and then proceeds with a long,
autobiographical tale. The way in which the questions of the nobleman were
formulated furnishes us, however, with a valuable indication. 'Tell me the name
you go by at home - what your mother and father and countrymen call you. For
no one in the world is nameless, however mean or noble, since parents give
names to all the children they have.' 3
There is here, obviously, also an ironic game being played by Homer, since
No One was the name chosen by Ulysses to mislead Polyphemus. (Is it perhaps
the case that the hero, discovering how his name already has immortal fame, now
weeps out of relief for being released from the cruel joke of calling himself No
One?) In any case, this is not the final point. The point lies in the gravity of the
question posed to the unknown guest.
By posing this question, the King of the Phaecians underscores that every
human being, from the time of his or her birth, has a proper name, as a sort of
'vocative' unity of his or her uniqueness. Only a human being has such a proper
name. This is even more true in the case of Ulysses because among the
Homeric characters he is the only one to hear this proper name. Still, it is not
this absolute, onomastic originality makes a name into a- sign of uniqueness.
The uniqueness lies rather in the paradoxical fact that everyone responds
immediately .to the question 'who are you?' by pronouncing -the proper name,
even if a thousand others can respond with the same name. Notwithstanding the
fact .that it is shared with many others, the proper name is the strange, verbal-
synthesis of a uniqueness that is exposed to its own question; moreover; there is
no further knowledge that corresponds with it. As Walter Benjamin notes, the
names that parents give a child 'do not correspond- in a metaphysical rather
than etymological sense - to any knowledge, for they name newborn children. ' 4
The name announces the uniqueness, in its inaugural appearing to the world,
even before someone can know who the newborn is; or, who he or she will turn
out to be in the course of their life. A unique being is without any quality at its
beginning, and yet it already has a name. The newborn does not choose this
name, but is given it by another, just as every human being does not choose how
to be. The uniqueness which pertains to the proper is always a gil'en, a gift.
Of course, it is not always the parents who name children. This is the case of
orphans, to whose names there corresponds a valuable truth. 5 Names like
Donato and Benedetto suggestively disclose that whoever is born and abandoned
by the mother is still an existent offered by her as a gift [donato I dono] to the
world and blessed [benedetta] by it. The infant, though found in solitude, finds in
this solitude only a disgraceful and extraordinary state of affairs. Indeed, the
absence of the mother is immediately perceptible in the question that is inevitable
but is destined to remain unanswered: 'who gave birth to this creature?' With
this question, the language of the existent reveals its symptomatic opposition to
the language of philosophers. The latter, looking to the existent in general, asks
'from where' the newborn came, and is therefore required to confine its
explanation to the alternative, as solemn as it is empty, between being and
nothingness. But the question that is addressed to the unique, newborn being is
precisely that which asks 'from whom' the newborn came. And common parlance
answers 'from God' -thereby bequeathing to the infant the surname Diodato
('God-given')- or, looking ahead- Diotallevi ('may God raise you'). And yet,
God himself, besides being the Creator of us all, is called upon to make up for
the absence of a mother because every existent, from its birth, is exposed; that is,
brought into appearance as someone who is abandoned. This exposure is, in the
case of the orphan, simply more fragile. The mother, who embodies the ex- of
existent, despite having been there at the origin of the child's existence, is now
no longer there. Existence as exposure becomes, in this case, the perceptible
truth of every existent, made more acute by the immediate loss of one's own
'I am Odysseus, son of Laertes,' responds Ulysses instead, ignoring the
maternal origin of existence (as is typical not only of heroes). The name thus
works lilce a glue between the story that the blind rhapsod· has told up until this
point, and the rest of the story which Ulysses sets about recounting. The proper
name, as a phonetic seal of the hero's identity, works lilce a glue between the
biographical story and the autobiographical one. And yet, this is precisely where
the heart of the paradox lies. How was Ulysses able to weep over the revelatory
effect of the biographical tale if he himself is. capable of narrating his autobiogra-
phy? Why - as already happened with Oedipus and whatever may be the
circumstances of his birth -is the meaning of identity always entrusted to others'
telling of one's own life-story?
H"annah Arendt would have no trouble unpacking this strange paradox. For
her, it follows from the fact that the category of personal identity postulates
another as necessary. Even before another can render tangible the identity of
someone by telling him/her his/her story, many others have indeed been
spectators of the constitutive exposure of the very same identity to their gaze. In
other words a human being, in so far as he/she is unique and shows him- or
herself to be such from the time of his or her birth, is exposed. This is why identity
corresponds with the who 'of the question posed to every newcomer: "who are
you?" ' 6 'The urge toward self-display by which living things fit themselves into a
world of appearances' makes of identity an in-born [in-nato] exposure of the who
to the gaze and to others' questions. 7
Of course, this self-showing and reciprocal exhibition does not only concern
human beings. 'The world in which men- are born contains many things, natural
and artificial, alive and dead, all of which have in common that fact that they
appear, and are therefore destined to be seen, touched, tasted, smelled, to be
perceived by sensing creatures.' 8 In a similar way, Maria Zambrano writes that:
'everything is correlated, in life: seeing is correlated to being seen, speaking to
listening, asking to giving. ' 9 Only in Arendt does this cosmic feast of reciprocity
marry with radi~al phenomenology, which for her is concentrated in the formula
for which 'Beina and Appearina coincide.' 10 Such an appearing has 'an ontological,
and not simply phenomenological, bearing.' 11 In the general exhibitionist
spectacle which Arendt gives us, appearing is indeed not the supe:ftcial phenome-
non of a more intimate and true 'essence.' Appearing is the whole of being,
understood as a plural finitude of existing. This goes above all for human beings,
who have the privilege of appearing to one another, distinguishing themselves in
their in-born [in-nata] uniqueness, such that, in this reciprocal exhibition, a who is
shown to appear, entirely as it is. As Jean-Luc Nancy also emphasizes, 'for the
one who exists, what matters is existence, not essence' ;12 that is, at stalce is a
uniqueness of personal identity, which, far from being a substance, is of a totally
expositive and relational character. From birth, -everyone, as a unique existent,
shows who he or she is to others.
The expositive and the relational character of identity are thus indistinguish-
able. One always appears. to someone. One cannot appear if there is no one else
there. It follows, to say it again with Nancy, that 'the un-exposable is the non-
existent'; 13 that is, existing consists in disclosing oneself within a scene of
plurality where everyone, by appearing to one another, is shown to be unique.
They appear to each other reciprocally - first of all in their corporeal materiality
and as creatures endowed with sensory organs. Put another way, the language of
the existent assumes the bodily condition of 'this and not another' in all of its
perceptible concreteness. Starting from birth, from the 'naked reality of our
originary physical appearance,' each of us is who appears to others uniquely and
distinctly. 14
Besides being she from whom the existent comes, the mother is also the other
to whom the existent first appears, although Arendt does not say this. This
physical identity continues to. appear to others throughout life 'in the unique
form of a body and sound of voice. >lS The primacy of appearance constitutes,
through the others' gaze, the fundamental corporal aspect of identity. In other
words, already on the corporeal level, in so far as a unique being is concerned,
identity depends upon the presence of others. Appearing, always and every-
where, is the only principle of reality: 'the "sensation" of reality, of sheer
. thereness relates to the context in which single objects appear as well as the
context in which we ourselves as appearances exist among other appearing
creatures. >1 6
The distinction between a corporeal level and, so to speak, a 'spiritual' level
of identity, nonetheless has its justification only within the polemical limits to
which the dichotornic obsession of philosophy restricts us. 17 Philosophy, of
course, loves to separate - within the subject - the body from the soul. h1 spite
of philosophy, appearance - and the primacy of the visible with which it
embraces phenomena - are nonetheless always and everywhere rooted in the
materiality of the context. -Even the newborn creature is already a unique
existent that exhibits his/her body and spirit to others as inseparable. As Oedipus
knew all too well, uniqueness is an embodied uniqueness - this and not another,
all his life, until who is born dies. The primacy of the visible thus has the merit of
exemplifying the reason for which an identity constitutively exposed to others is
also unmasterable. Indeed, the one who is exposed cannot know who is exposing
because he/she does not see him- or herself. It is therefore, argues Arendt, quite
likely 'that the "who" which appears so clearly and unrnistalcably to others
remains hidden to the person himself; like the daimon in Greek religion, which
accompanies each man throughout his life, looking over his shoulder from behind
and thus visible only to those he encounters. >lB
To appear to others simply because one encounters them, and to actively
show them who one is, are nevertheless two different things for Arendt. Simply
put, this difference concerns the mere appearing physical identities and their
active self-disclosure. This is not a difference between mere materiality and a
lofty spirituality, or between body and soul. Rather, it is a difference of scene.
The scene upon which 'human beings appear to one another not as physical
objects, but as men' is indeed that which sees them actina with words and
deeds. 19 Going against the traditional, canonical lexicon, Arendt gives this scene
of interactive exhibition the name of politics. 20
they really are, to reveal themselves in their real appearance and therefore to
become fully real. ' 25 In the agora, the citizens likewise construct the only status
of reality allowed to the human existent as a unique existent upon interaction and
upon a plural network of gazes. In this way, we can easily understand why, for
Arendt, action is synonymous with politics - modeled on the heroic action of the
Homeric epic, it acquires in the polis its more famous scenario.
Heightening the impulse to self-disclosure that pertains to acting, heroic
action thus has the merit of highlighting the constitutive coinciding of being and
appearing that defines the totally exhibitive character of identity. This is an
identity that, far from corresponding with a substance, is entirely expressive.
Blanchot too, finally, suggests that beneath this identity, before it or beyond it,
there is nothing else. Arendt makes clear that identity does not express (that is,
press out) something internal, the deep and intimate identity of the self. Identity
expresses nothing other than 'itself and what is shown or exhibited.' 26
Commenting on the Arendtian notion of acting, Bonnie Honig affirms that
'identity is not the expressive condition or the essence of action, but rather its
product. ' 27 It is important to underline that this is nonetheless a producing that
does not follow a temporality of before and after, or of cause and effect, but
rather actively shows that which from the beginning - from birth - consists in its
To be sure, by emphasizing heroic action, the constitutive unmasterability
[impadroneggiabilita] of the 'who' is made hugely evident. No one can know,
master or decide upon identity. Each one of us is only capable of exhibiting it, of
exhibiting that unrepeatable uniqueness which he is, as he appears to others in
the actual context of his exhibition. Our Ulysses, who interacts with his peers on
the Trojan plain, is thus not an extraordinary case at all. As happens not only
with heroes, but also with all of the other actors, he does not know who he is
because he could in no way know it. The one who is revealed never knows whom
he reveals. Given that everyone's identity lies completely in the exhibitive
character of this who - who the agent reveals is, by definition, unknown to the
agent himself.
On Arendt's suggestion, we have therefore finally solved one side of the
paradox; namely, that enigma by which, at the court of the Phaecians and before
listening to his story, Ulysses shows that he does not know who he is. In this
ignorance of his own identity, he is not a special case. And yet, the fact that he is
a hero is still not an incidental feature, for the hero is not limited to acting among
his peers. By heightening the impulse to self-revelation, he spontaneously
performs great deeds. He performs actions worthy of fame; he performs
memorable actions. The story that results from such actions is thus already
characterized by an intrinsic memorability. The narrator, in telling of them,
simply puts them into words.
them retrospectively. He lmows better than the others what happened, precisely
because he does not participate directly in the context of the actions from which
the story results. Indeed, the eventual reports by the actors can become at most
'useful sources' at the disposal of the narrator. But, for the meaning and the
truth of the story, it is imperative that the one who tells the tale is not involved
in the action of its protagonist.
At the court of the Phaecians, the relationship between Ulysses and the
rhapsod is thus perfect. The obvious double of Homer, the rhapsod, as happens
also with Teiresias, is blind. He sees neither the action nor the agent, because he
is not present at the scene where the action takes place and where the agent is
exposed to the spectator. Rather, he sees, with his blind eyes, the story that
results from these actions - because this story is present to him in the invisible
form of memory. The blindness of the narrator, the blindness of Homer, of the
rhapsod and of Teiresias, contrasts with the gaze of the spectator - and
underscores the essential difference between action and narration. Both appertain
to the meaning [siBn!ficarsi] of identity. But, while on the level of action this
meaningfulness is rooted in the fragility and the unmasterability of the context,
on the level of narration the meaning pertains rather to a story that is as
immutable as the past. The fleeting and discontinuous present is opposed to the
immutability, and the duration, of the past. The fundamental difference between
action and narration lies in this: the revelatory power of action expires in the
moment of its occurring, the story conserves the identity of its hero in time -
and every so often for all time - if it has the fortune of finding a great narrator.
After all these millennia, thanks to Homer, are we not still concerned with
Ulysses-the-hero is indeed_above all paradigmatic for the intrinsic memorabil-
ity of his actions. Foreseeing the inevitable death that sooner or later awaits him,
he performs gr-eat actions, trusting in their memorable effect. 'To save human
deeds from oblivion,' is indeed, in Greece, the task of the narrator who passes
them on through the memory of those who follow. 33 Importantly, according to
Arendt, this immortalizing role of narrating concerns both poet and historian -
Homer as much as Herodotus. They can 'bestow mortal fame upon word and
deed to make them outlast not only the futile moment of speech and action but
even the mortal life of their agent. ' 34 As the true greatness of man, as a measure
of his being-human, acting is indeed fragile_ It appears, and consumes itself in the
very moment of its appearing. Only the poet and the historian can save it from
oblivion. They share the same task, since individual stories (like History, a 'book
of the tales of humanity' 35 ) are constitutedoy their interlacing. They result from
human actions.
Both the poet and the historian, therefore, appeal to the unrepeatability of the
unique, not to the- universal and the general. They have neither theses to
demonstrate, nor historical 'laws' to discover. They are impartial, they simply
recount that which happened one day in the ·shared space of appearance. Homer,
the inspiration to Herodotus, is at the same time the first poet and the first
historian. Arendt can thus say that, 'impartiality, and with it all true historiogra-
phy, came into the world when Homer decided to sing the deeds of the Trojans
no less than those of the Achaeans, and to praise the glory of Hector no less than
the greatness of Achilles. ' 36 The result, of course, is a multi-perspective
narration that brings together the different stories in a plot rich with digressions
and suspensions. To this extent, the epic style could be defined as anticipating
post-modernity in its narrative model, even as it is also the faithful tradition of
the unmasterable crossing of diverse stories that result from different actions.
Indeed, for Arendt, Homer is the archetypal figure of the storyteller- the narrator
of stories who concentrates both the art of the historian and the art of the poet in
his work. In other words, he is the blind poet; the one who, by recounting
stories, saves the reciprocal exhibitions of the actors from that fragile actuality of
the present to which they belong. 37
'Homeric impartiality rested upon the assumption that great things are self-
evident, shine by themselves' says Arendt. 38 Like every hero, Ulysses is surely
convinced of this. He performs great actions precisely because their splendor
imposes itself upon the poet, earning the hero the tale. While he does not control
the story that results from his actions, it can nonetheless be affirmed that Ulysses
is able to 'produce' their narrata1>ility. This is not, however, a 'producing' in the
usual sense of the term, which implies a capacity to project and control the
'product,' but rather in the sense of the memorability and thus the narratability
that is guaranteed to the intrinsic brilliance of great actions. The hero indeed
explicitly seeks an immortal fame, namely the narratability of a story that is passed
down through the generations. Ulysses' .descendants know who he was, well
beyond his death. The same etymological root that links fame, kleos, to the name
pronounced out loud, kledon, brings together in the hero the uniqueness of the
proper name, and that which assures him the posthumous fame ef his own story. 39
At the court of the Phaecians, when Ulysses happens upon the tale of his
story, while having the honor of becomfug 'paradigmatic for both history and
poetry,' he is nevertheless still alive and kicking. 40 We will leave him, therefore,
to his quite human tears, ·in order to turn to another hero; one who - even
though he too weeps unabashedly, as is typical of heroes- was able to fully plan
the memorable effect of his death. Of course, I'm talking about Achilles.
Already extraordinary by birth, as he is the son of the divine Thetis and the
mortal Peieus, Achilles is indeed able to choose his destiny. Rather than opt for a
long and obscure life, he chooses a brief and glorious one instead. This is why we
see him weep on the seashore and lament that -the young Briseis, the coveted
spoil of war and deserved prize for his valor, has already been given to another.
'Mother! You gave me life, short as that life will be, so at least Olympian Zeus,
thundering up on high, should give me honor,' complains Achilles. 41 That his life
would be both glorious and brief was in fact part of the pact of his choice. His life
had to be brief, precisely because the mark of glory was clear, and on account of
the immortal fame that gave it its meaning. His wrath for the offense, lilce his
complaining prayer, therefore has its reasons. Moreover, it serves as the
motivation for even greater actions in the conclusive battle on the Trojan plain.
Thus, in the end, everything comes back. Achilles dies young, at the culmination
of a great action and in that full and deserved glory which, in fact, gave him
immortal fame. The daimon of Achilles, frozen in the Homeric tale of his life-
story, became eudaimon.
According to Hannah Arendt, we have lost the meaning of the ancient saying
that no one can be called eudaimon before dying. We translate eudaimon as happy
or blessed, but the term eudaimonia indicates neither happiness nor blessedness.
The word indicates rather 'blessedness, but without any religious overtones, and
means literally something like the well-being of the daimon who accompanies
every man throughout life, who is his distinct identity, but appears and is visible
only to others. ' 42 It indicates a sort of 'well-being' of identity, or that the
identity endures; that is, it designates a state in which the identity is no longer
subject to changes. It is a state that is, of course, impossible in life - but after
death, after the revelatory actions come to a definitive end, it becomes possible
in the form of a story. The essence of who someone is 'can come into being only
when the life departs, leaving behind nothing but a story. ' 43 This 'unchangeable
identity of the person' that only death rescues from change, renders anyone
eudaimon, by giving them their story.
Achilles is thus an extraordinary hero because he is able not only to earn, but
also to control, his narration. By choosing a brief and glorious life, he is in fact
sure to act in a manner that is close to an imminent death. He is eudaimon
therefore because he chooses to obtain a lasting state of identity through his
death. Summing up his whole life 'in a single deed, so that the story of the act
comes to an end together with the life itself, ' 44 Achilles consigns to the narrator a
personal identity that is already immutably configured as an essence of his who. Of
course, even he needs Homer and, therefore, he depends on the narrator. But,
among the heroes, he is the one who gets closest to that paradoxical situation in
which the protagonist of a life-story is also its author.
It therefore seems that, in the example of Achilles, the hero re-enters at the
very end- if not in the philosophical mode of 'thinking for death,' at least in that
of 'acting for death.' All of this appertains to- the epic - to the pact that Homer
makes with Mnemoo/fle, Memory, in order to respond to death, which brings
forgetting. As Benjamin writes, 'only by virtue of a comprehensive memory can
epic writing absorb the course of events on the one hand and, with the passing of
these, make its peace with the power of death on the other. ' 45 In spite of this
tradition, the homage that heroic actions concede to death in order to earn an
imperishable memory is, within Arendt's speculative horizon, quite astonishing.
The remarkable anomaly of Arendt's political thought depends in fact upon a
radical change of perspective that consists in looking at the category of birth
rather than of death. 'Since action is the political activity par excellence, natality,
and not mortality, may be the central category of political, as distinguished from
metaphysical, thought' she proclaims in a famous passage. 46 She elaborates:
'speaking in terms of existential modalities, the difference between, or the
opposition of, Politics and Philosophy, is equivalent to the difference between, or
the opposition of, Birth and Death; or in conceptual terms, to the opposition
between Natality and Mortality. Natality is the fundamental condition of every
living-together and thus of every politics; Mortality is the fundamental condition
of thought, in so far as thought refers itself to something that is as it is and is for
itself. ' 47 The exhibitive quality of acting is rooted in this same theoretical
horizon. It malces birth into a phenomenal scene capable of conferring upon
identity its expressive, contextual and relational status. In this way, birth, action
and narration become the scenes of an identity that always postulates the
presence of an other.
Indeed, it is precisely the centrality of birth that produces the tight link
between action and narration. Explicitly recalling Aristotle's Poetics, Arendt
repeatedly emphasizes how the protagonist of the narrated story is who was
shown in the actions from which the story itself resulted. To put it in the lexicon
of Roland- Barthes, 'the character is always the agent of an action,' dependent
upon it and subordinated to it. 48 Unlike how it appears in the modern novel-
where the character embodies a psychological essence and becomes a 'pers~na,'
or 'a fully formed being, even when he/ she does nothing, even before acting' -
the hero of a story, according to Arendt, is necessarily the one who, with words
and deeds, is revealed to- others, leaving behind the story. The story is subordi-
nated to the revelatory action. A story can be told because there was first an
actor on the world stage.
The story is therefore distinct from the narration. It has, so to spealc, a reality
all of its own, which follows the action and precedes the narration. All actors
leave behind a story [storia], even if nothing guarantees that this story will later
get told. Simply put, according to Arendt, although there can never be a tale
without a story, there can nonetheless be stories without a tale. The hero's story
finds its origin in his actions, not in the epic narration. The story [la storia] is a
series of events, not a text. The hero's story is a series of events, which, thanks
to their greatness, expose themselves to the immortalizing work of the text.
Homer, The Odyssey, trans. Ennis Rees (New York: Modern Library, 1960), p. 119:
Book viii, vv. 72-4.
2 Hannah Arendt, The Life if Mind (New York: Harcourt and Brace, 1971), p. 132.
3 Homer, The Odyssey, p. 134: Book viii, vv. 550-4.
4 Walter Benjamin, 'On language as such,' in Selected Writings, Vol. I (Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1996), p. 69.
5 [TN: These next few paragraphs have already appeared in English as part of the article
'Birth, love, politics,' Radical PhilosopJ:y, 86 (1997), pp. 19-23, translated by Isabella
Bertoletti and Miguel Vatter. I have made use of their translation, with a few minor
changes where necessary.]
6 Arendt, The Human Condition, p. 183.
7 Arendt, The Life if Mind, p. 34.
8 Ibid., p. 32.
9 Maria Zambrano, I Beati (Milano: Feltrinelli, 1992), p. 116. [TN: My translation.]
10 Arendt, The Life if Mind, p. 19.
11 Roberto Esposito, L'Origine Della Politico (Rome: Donzelli, 1996), p. 48. [TN: My
12 Jean-Luc Nancy, The Inoperative Communif)' (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Press, 1991), pp. 1-43.
13 Ibid.
14 Arendt, The Human Condition, p. 176.
15 Ibid., p. 177.
16 Arendt, The Life if Mind, p. 51.
17 Cf. Arendt, The Life if Mind, pp. 30-3.
18 Arendt, The Human Condition, p. 179-80.
19 Ibid., -p. 177.
20 Here I am confined to synthesizing, in the space of a few lines, a political thought that
is totally original and anomalous, whose complexity makes me refer the reader to the
excellent, and well-documented, book by Simona Forti, 'Vita Della Mente' e Tempo
Della Polis (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1994). [TN: English readers might seeM. Canavan,
Hannah Arendt: A Reinterpretation rif her Political Thouaht (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1992).]
21 Arendt, The Life rif Mind, p. 28.
22 Arendt, The Human Condition, p. 130.
23 Ibid., p. 126.
24 Cf. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Aesthetics (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975), p.
247; Maurice Blanchot, The Irifinite Conversation (Minneapolis: University of Minne-
sota Press, 1993), pp. 74-8; see also, Franco Moretti, Modern Epic: The World-System
from Goethe to Garcia Marquez, translated by Quintin Hoare (New York: Verso, 1996),
p. 14.
25 Arendt, The Human Condition, p. 95. Notice the repetition of the word 'reality.' Even
more explicitly in the same text, Arendt writes that 'for us, what appears- what is
seen and felt by others as by ourselves- constitutes reality' (ibid., p. 85), 'the reality
of the public sphere is founded on the simultaneous presence of innumerable per-
spectives' (ibid., p. 90).
26 Arendt, The Life rif Mind, p. 35. In a similar way, and still focused on discourse, we read
in Heidegger: 'In speaking, Being-there expresses itself- not because it is encapsu-
lated in an "inside" which is opposed to an outside, but rather because this, as being-
in-the-world, is already "outside." What gets expressed is precisely this being out-
side.' Martin Heidegger, BeinB and Time, translated by Macquarrie and Robinson
(New York: Harper and Row, 1962), p. 289.
27 Bonnie Honig, 'Towards an agonistic feminism: Hannah Arendt and the politics of
identity' in Feminists Theorize the Political, edited by Judith Butler and Jean Scott (New
York: Routledge Press, 1992), p. 220.
28 Arendt, The Human Condition, p. 186.
29 Ibid., p. 192.
30 Ibid., p. 186.
31 Ibid.
32 Hannah Arendt, The jew as Pariah (New Yorlc: Grove Press, 1978), p. 101.
33 Hannah Arendt, Between Past and Future (New York: Penguin, 1961), p. 43.
34 Ibid., p. 46.
35 Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition, p. 186. For the importance of this idea of the
link between History and narration, which anticipates the theories of Hayden White
and Paul Veyne, see Simona Forti, 'Vita della mente' e tempo della polis, pp. 238-41.
36 Arendt, Between Past and Future, p. 51.
37 In Arendtian terms, the blind poet- modelled on Homer- indicates the figure of the
storyteller. The storyteller does not, however, encompass the whole arena of poeticiz-
ing. Arendt, who has been interested in poets for the whole of her life, cites them
continuously and co-signs with her flrst husband, Gunther Stern, an· essay on.Rilke.
She appreciates the intensity of Auden, and considers Benjamin to be a writer who
'without being a poet, thought poetically.'
38 Arendt, Between Past and Future, p. 52.
·39 Cf. Marcel Detienne, La scrittura di Oifeo (Rome: Laterza, 1990), p. 137.
40 Arendt, Between Past and Future, p. 45.
41 The Iliad, Book 1, lines 415-17, p. 89.
42 Arendt, T-he Human Condition, p. 193.
43 Ibid.
44 Ibid., p. 194.
45 Walter Benjamin, 'The Storyteller' from Illuminations, trans. Harry Zohn (New
York: Harcourt Brace, 1968), p. 97.
46 Arendt, The Human Condition, p. 9.
47 Arendt, Philosophy and Politics: What is Political Philosophy? from the Library of
Congress, Washington DC (Box 40, p. 024446), cited by Simona Forti in 'Vita Della
Mente' e Tempo Della Polis, p. 127.
48 Roland Barthes, Introduction to the Structural Ana{ysis if the Narrative (Birmingham:
Birmingham University Press, 1966), p. 32.
There is a crucial aspect of the paradox if Ulysses that Harmah Arendt overlooks. It
consists in the fact that, at the court of the Phaecians, the rhapsod' s tale
encounters unexpectedly the hero's desire for narration. Between identity and
narration and this is our thesis, already armounced with Oedipus there is a
tenacious relation of desire.
Such an unexpected encounter is rendered evident above all by the circum-
stances through which Ulysses is present, incognito, at the telling of his own
story. Even if this story already has a fame that reaches 'to infmite heaven'- and
thus already has the intrinsic memorability of the hero' & actions it is in fact the
first time that Ulysses hears it narrated: that is, he hears himse!fbeing narrated.
His presence in disguise is thus something more than a clever dramatic device. It
is rather that which allows the narratable character of identity to come to Ulysses
through the unforeseen narration of a story of which he is the protagonist, but
not the addressee. The figure of Ulysses is indeed unique because of this very
aspect: he seems unaware of his desire here and now for the tale of his own story.
This is why, faced with the unexpected realization of his own desire for
narration, Ulysses weeps. The story -has, all at once, revealed lrls narratable
identity and his desire to hear it narrated. Now he knows who he is, he knows who
he exhibited through his actions; but he ·also knows ~that it was his narratable
_identity that allowed him to perform great actions, because of the desire to hear
Indeed, it is not necessary that the personal memory be explicitly solicited in its
autobiographical exercise; that is, memory need not make of itself an 'active
remembering.' The narratable self finds its home, not simply in a conscious
exercise of remembering, but in the spontaneous narrating structure of memory
itself. This is why we have defined the self as narratable instead of narrated.
Indeed, the particular contents - the pieces of story that the memory narrates
with its typical and unmasterable process of intermittence and forgetting - are
inessential. What is essential is the familiar experience of a narratability of the
self, which, not by chance, we always perceive in the other, even when we do
not know their story at all.
In other words, in personal experience, the narratable self is at once the
transcendental subject and the elusive object of all the autobiographical exercises
of memory. Subject and object are, moreover, ambiguous terms. It is enough to
say that each one of us lives him or herself as his/her own story, without being able .
to distinguish the I who narrates it from the self who is narrated. We are thus left
with a kind of circular memory, which simply appears, in perfect and total
familiarity. 2 This is why we have defmed the narratable self as somethingjamiliar.
The Greek meaning of the word oiketes does indeed suggest that the self makes
her home, so to spealc, in the narrating memory - the inalienable dwelling of her
living her/himself, remembering herself In the words of Lyotard: 'the singular
knowledge of being here [this sense] is ontological [and] derives only from the fact
of remembering oneself.' 3
The narratable self - as the 'house of uniqueness-' - is for this reason not the
fruit of an intimate and separated experience, or the· product of our memory. It is
neither the fantasmatic outc;:ome of a project, nor the imaginary protagonist of
the story that we want to have. It is not a fiction that can distinguish itself from
reality. It is rather the familiar sense [>apore jami1iare] of every self, in the
temporal extension of a life-story that is this and not another. 4 This can also be
formulated as a general principle: To the experience for which the I is immedi-
ately, in her unreflecting sense [sapore] of existing, the self of her own narrating
memory - there corresponds a perception of the other as the self of her own
story. It does not matter whether this story of the other is known in detail, or
whether it is totally unknown·. The other always has a life-story and is a
narratable identity whose uniqueness also consists, above all, in this story.
Correcting Arendt, we will therefore say not only that who appears to us is
shown to be unique in corporal form and sound of voice, but .that this who also
already comes to us perceptibly as a narratable self with a unique story [storia].
The person whom we meet is therefore a narratable self, even if we do not
know his or her story at all. To put it in a convenient formula: tire other is always
a narratable self, quite apart from any consideration of the text. It does not
matter here if the text is written or oral, if it comes from a tale or from gossip,
self s unreflective sense [gusto] for recalling itself - belongs to the existent.
Neither has she forgotten that the ones who surround her have an identity
because they have a personal story. On the contrary, she lmows that she has lost
her identity together with her story; because she lmows that everyone has a
story. In so far as she is a victim of amnesia, she finds herself being someone who
has suddenly become no one, because she is now merely a sort of empirical life
without a story. The identity that materializes in a life-story has no future that is
properly its own, if it has no past in the present of its memory. We are dealing
with a unique existent who has even forgotten her own, proper name [il proprio
So it is natural that th.e forgetful one searches in the memory of others for her
lost text. By maldng others recount her own story, she is in fact attempting to
stitch her narratable self together with the story into which she was constitutively
interwoven. She is attempting to fit her havinB been that which she is into the life-
story that has been interlaced with others' stories on the exhibitive and relational
scene of the world. For as long as her memory does not come back to her, this
text, narrated by others, retains the aspect of a total reification that -neither
comprehends nor consoles. Until the text regains its original union with the
narratability of the self, it indeed takes on that performative valence of which
post-modern theory is so fond. That is, the text produces an identity that the
forgetful one is forced to take upon herself only externally - without that
familiar self-sensing recognition [senza riconoscerne il sapore]. She is a wretch
precisely because she is a narratable self who, by losing her story, has lost her
identity. No one can therefore return it to her by retelling to her the text
through which this identity is reified. The text is in fact inessential only for those
who continue to listen to the tale of memory.
There is therefore a remarkable difference between the forgetful wretch and
the Ulysses of our paradox. Just as the first desires desperately that her memory
will once again recount her story to her, so too the second -is surprised by his
desire to hear it told by another. Autobiography and biography, while being
different genres of the story, do not seem to be able to manage without one
another within the economy of a common desire. But what exactly is desired by
this desire?
Obviously, this tale is desired - but, above all, the unity, in the form of a
story, which the tale confers to identity. A stork is what is desired. While we
have, in many ways, appreciated the Arendtian category of uniqueness [unicita],
we will not neglect the category of unity [unite!], as she does. The etymological
root that these two terms have in common is a good indication. From the
beginning, uniqueness announces and promises to identity a unio/ that the self is
not likely to renounce.
This is a promise that springs from the elementary reality of an existent being,
and not from the untrustworthy promise that the 'subject' has made to her for
centuries. As Nancy puts it, the possibility of a thought of the one, of the
someone, of the singular existent, is indeed 'that which the subject announces,
promises, and at the same time conceals. ' 6 In other words, while claiming to be
valid for everyone that is human who is rational and thinking, as the experts
would say - the subject lets itself be seduced by a universality that makes it into
an abstract substance. The fragility of each one is thus inevitably sacrificed to the
philosophical glories of the One. The one who lies in uniqueness, on the other
hand, is different because she appears from her birth, she comes and presents
herself indefinitely until her death, without her unity ever being a substance.
The baby who is born is always unique and one. Within the scene of birth, the
unity of the newborn is materially visible and incontrovertible through its glaring
[plateale] appearance. As a result, the newborn absolutely cannot be defined as
discontinuous because time is not yet there, even if it begins to pass. This
existent which only just exists, since she has just shown herself, thus eludes every
post-modem perspective because she cannot be thought within a philosophy that
is fragmentary or eccentric. The newborn - unique and immediately expressive
in the fragile totality of her exposure -has her unity precisely in this totally nude
self-exposure. This unity is already a physical identity, -visibly sexed, and even
more perfect in so far as she is not yet qualifiable.
Despite Arendt's reticence on this point, one must affirm that, being born,
there always appears to the world a sexed who. The one who is born is always this
boy or this girl, even if the absolute nudity that exposes it corresponds with the
absolute absence of the what. This is because the existent, in the moment of his
or her entrance into the world, is naked or bare of this what- not because he/ she
exposes him- or herself at the beginning as a 'bare life.' Indeed, sexual difference
does not qualify the existent, it does not specify the what, but rather embodies
the newborn's uniqueness from the moment of this inaugural appearance. The
one who is born does not yet have any qualities; and yet has a sex. How else
could he/she be distinguished as 'this and not another,' from the moment of
birth and throughout life? 'There exists a sort of gratitude for all that is as it is;
for all that has been given and has not been done,' writes Arendt in a letter to
Scholem, including her being a woman among the indisputable facts of her life. 7
The one who shows him- or herself, the existent as exposable, therefore has a sex
from birth, because this is the way he! she is.
Nevertheless, here within the scene of birth, the coinciding of unity and
identity, in the as-yet-unqualifiable-nude-who, is only a miracle of the beginning.
Because straight away time begins to flow and the existence of the newborn,
which carries on her exposure in time, becomes a .story. In the course of this
becoming, or rather in the course of her exposure -to the becoming-time of
existence, the unity of the who that unmistakably appears at birth comes to pass -
as a legacy of that first announcement - on to the narrating structure of memory
as a 'sense' [sapore] of her own narratability. And yet, this is not straight away for
memory, even if the time of the story starts right away.
Indeed, the first and fundamental chapter of the life-story that our memory
tells us is already incomplete. The unity of the self- which lies in the miracle of
birth, like a promise of its nalced uniqueness - is already irremediably lost in the
very moment in which that same self begins to commemorate herself. This loss
of unity gets turned into the lack that feeds desire.
If everyone is who is born, from the start - and with a promise of unity that
the story inherits from that start - then no recounting of a life-story can in fact
leave out this beginning with which the story itself began. The tale of her
beginning, the story of her birth, nevertheless can only come to the existent in
the form of a narration told by others. The beginning of the narratable self and
the beginning of her story are always a tale told by others. Poor Oedipus knows
it well, he who would not give up that story for anything in the world. Oedipus
is therefore special only for his misfortune, because there is perhaps no one alive
who does not understand what an inalienable right this narration is.
In fact, within the space of this inalienable right, a. kind of analogical proof can
be found. By malcing herself a spectator of another's birth, the self can surprise
herselfby imagining, analogically, the event of her own birth.
This analogical proof does more than skim the surface of the problem. The
unity that is familiar to the narratable self indeed continues to show itself as the
legacy of a promise whose fulfillment is entrusted to the tale told by another.
Even early childhood re-enters into this tale. It is thus understandable that
childhood is often described culturally as a loss. It is not only that which 'adult
life has lost, a state ree0gnized too late,' but it is also: that which personal
memory must inevitably register as a loss. 8 Autobiographical memory always
recounts a story that is incomplete from the beginning. It is necessary to-go back
to the narration told by others, in order for the story to begin from where it
really began; and it is this first chapter of the story that the narratable self
stubbornly seeks with all of her desire.
'I am Odysseus, son of Laertes,' responds Ulysses to the king of the Phae-
cians. Without perhaps even knowing it - as often happens - he has recycled the
beginning of a story (which others have told him) in an autobiographical tone; he
is reproducing a text composed by others. If it wants to begin from birth,
autobiography is in fact always a rifabulation of a story told by others. But it
wants to begin with birth, because that wliich sustains it is the desire for unity
that only the narration can offer in a tangible form. This unity is nothing other
than the story narrated by someone from beginning to end, or at least, from the
beginning until now. In other words, the identity of a unique being has its only
tangible unity - the unit:J that he/ she seeks because it is unique - in the tale of
his/her story.
One could therefore hypothesize a possible compromise between biography
and autobiography: first, my birth, early childhood and my death entrusted to a
tale told by others; then, in the middle, self-narration in the first person. But this
is not the point. The point is that, in any case, the life-story that memory
recounts is not enough for the narratable self. Not so much because the memory
proceeds like a voluble and discontinuous narration, or because the demon of
self-interpretation produces mythical-biographical texts, but rather because
memory claims to have seen that which was instead revealed only through the
gaze of another.
The memory of every human being is indeed characterized by this structural
mistake, which makes it untrustworthy. It doubles itself in the eye of the other
and claims to have seen the daimon, or the identity of the one who is shown,
without that same agent being able either to see, or know, or master who is being
exposed to the others' eyes. In this way, as happened with Oedipus, personal
memory continues to tell us a false story; that is, a story that, although it has the
merit of offering worldly contents to the narratable self, also offers a false
perspective. In its silent autobiographical exercise, personal memory turns the
narratable self into a Narcissus. Its promises of truthfulness- are utterly vain, as is
the truth of the famous 'autobiographical pact,' theorized by Lejeune, whereby
the one who writes her own story does not tell the truth about herself, but rather
claims to be telling it. 9 Like an impossible game of mirrors, the self is indeed here
both the actor and the spectator, the narrator and the listener, in a single person.
The self is the protagonist of a game that celebrates the se!f as other, precisely
because the self here presupposes the absence of another who truly is an other. In
this sense, by bringing together the auto, the bios, and the nraphein, the self
conquers for itself an absolute unity and .self-sufficiency. .And yet she is not
content, because she has the sense [ne assapora] that she is being deluded.
At once exposable and narratable, the existent always constitutes herself in
relation to an other. With all the inimitable wisdom of a familiar feeling [sapore],
she knows that she is an urrrepeatable uniqueness, but does not know who she is,
or who is exposed. She knows she is a narratable identity, but also knows that
only another-can correct the fallacy of the autobiographical impulse. The unity of
the desire namely, the unity entrusted to the tale that everyone desires - is
not, .in fact, an aspect of unconsciousness or .a problem of introspection. It is
rather the irreflexive object of the desire for the unity of the self-in the form of a
Within a certain contemporary philosophical- context (Macintyre and Ricoeur,
to give a couple of names) the sense. of identity gets taken back to the 'unity of an
embodied narration in a- single life;' 10 or to the 'narrative component o£ the
On the other hand, it is not our purpose here to raise the problem of
'objectivity' in storytelling. Whatever the degree of fidelity invoked by the
intentions and the documentary archive in its possessions, the tale indeed, as we
know, selects, cuts, and discards. The biographer always has a perspective that
excludes other perspectives, and often designs the unity of the protagonist along
with the construction of a novel, which, as Roland Barthes would say, dares not
call itself 'a novel.'
The very centrality of the text, theorized by Barthes, lies indeed at the
foundation of that contemporary thought, which sees, above all - in biography
and autobiography - strategies for the rhetorical constructions of the self. The
literary narration or the novel, according to more or less obligatory styles,
become the implicit models for every writing of a life-story. In Barthes' view,
writing does not put into words the essence of who someone effectively is or was,
but rather produces that identity textually and artificially. As a result, taking
writing as a paradigm - making every language into a text - also turns every
'real' existent into something definable as 'extra-textual' or 'extra-discursive.' In
this way the text, or the traditional form of the biographical and autobiographical
genre, V\'i.ns out over life. Thus, as Carolyn Heilbrun says, 'lives are not what
furnish the models, but rather _the stories. And it is difficult to construct stories
to which lives can be adjusted. We can only renarrate and live according to the
stories that we have read or heard. We live our lives through the texts.' 15
The first consequence of this perspective is that, by swalloV\' life, the text
also risks swallowing the unrepeatable uniqueness of the existent. Omnivorous
texts, hungry for life and ready to offer themselves as the more dignified
replacements of an all-too-human corporeality - this is how the texts adored by
much of the more refined post-modern theory seem to be. I will not dare declare
here, as Donna Haraway does, that 'if they are only texts, give them back to the
boys,' but we are rather prudently keeping our distance through the theme of
desire. We are dealing with a desire-for unity which asks the narration of another
above all to be recognized as desire. This Is what the biography responds to
whatever the artistic qualities and the contents ofits tale, whatever the intentions
and the rhetorical strategies of its narration, and whatever the text its narration
inevitably produces.
From this point of view, even the text that puts into words a biography of
discontinuous and fragmentary characters (even in the most radical 'postmodern'
sense) still ends up unable to flee from the unity, which, listening to the tale with
the ear of its desire, is conferred upon it by narratable self. Our Ulysses is an
example of this, although the blind rhapsod might be defined as anticipating post-
modernity within the multi-perspective narrative style that is typical of Homer.
Ulysses still does not discover who he is in the instantaneous refiguration of his
single actions, but rather in the tale of his life-story. To cite Arendt again, what
the tale of the rhapsod signifies and 'translates into words is the story to narrate,
not the action itself nor the agent.' 16
The narratable self that listens to her story, and is one because of the familiar,
narrative structure of memory, transfers this irreflexive unity, even in the most
manifest fragmentarity of the text. Moreover, it is above all the autobiographical
impulse of memory that produces discontinuous and fragmentary texts, which,
although untrustworthy and elusive, can nonetheless never be exchanged for
someone else's story- as happens in the magnificent textual games of Jorge Luis
Borges. This everyday certainty of the self, which comes from sensing oneself to
be 'this and not another,' indeed continues to resist both the inimitable pleasure
of Borges' inventions, and the more refined enticements of contemporary theory
- which continue to impose upon the self the pleasure, if not the necessity, of the
infinite dissolution of her internal and multiple alterity.
Significantly, with this spontaneous resistance- which seems, at first sight, to
be based upon the banality of good sense - the narratable self ends up doing a
good service for philosophy. Indeed, philosophy ought to be more cautious in
playing around with the endless game of the other. By continuing to transport the
category of alterity into the intimacy of the self, contemporary philosophy in fact
produces the inevitable consequence of impeding every serious naming of the
other in so far as he/ she is an other.
As Arendt teaches us, a unique being is such only in the relation, and the
context, of a plurality of others, which, likewise unique themselves, are
distinguished reciprocally - the one fiom the other. The story of a unique being is
obviously never the monotonous and monolithic story of an idem, but is always
the unpredictable ana multi-vocal story of an ipse. Although it changes in the
course of its life and in the course of its story - even to the point of no longer
seeming or feeling the same - this ipse, like Oedipus, is 'this and not another'
from the beginning to the end of this life and this story.
We have pointed out the way in which Ulysses differentiates himself from
Achilles because the 1atter chooses to entrust the essence of his identity to death,
an identity that is condensed in the definitive greatness of his heroic actions. Even
the eudaimonia, through which Achilles reassures himself, is thus an extraordinary
manifestation of his desire for unity, which is given over directly to the tale. The
example of Achilles is therefore quite important in order to clarify another aspect
of the question. His capacity to summarize all of his life 'in a single act, such that
the story of the act ends with the life itself,' indeed exemplifies how the unity of
the self can also be entrusted to a single act. Put another way, the desire for unity
that the narratable self manifests does occasionally translate itself as the
conviction that there is a moment in which one's entire destiny, or rather one's
entire story, can be summarized.
In The Life if Tadeo lsidoro Cruz, Borges writes that 'any life, no matter how
long or complex it may be, is made up essentially if a sinale moment the
moment in which a man finds out, once and for all, who he is.' 17 True to this
principle, Borges does not then recount all the nights of Isidoro, but rather only
'the night in which he glimpsed his own face, the night in which at last he heard
his name. Fully understood, that night exhausts his story; or rather, one moment
in that night, one deed.' 18
This is an instance in which Isidoro comprehends who he is from the other,"and
suddenly sides with the enemy in battle - the other who is confronting him,
weapons in hand -because he understands 'that the other man was himself.' 19
Through a curious twist on the Arendtian rule that entrusts the identity of the
who to the gaze of the other, Borges does not abandon the perspectival
dislocation of the self within the specular game of the double (which is so dear to
him). Beyond this symptomatic narrative invention, the tale of Isidoro still has
something in common with that of Achilles. It illustrates how a single act can
summarize an entire life-story. Tellingly, a desire for unity-of-self, which prefers
synthesis, becomes evident. No identity can in fact gain a better unity than that
which condenses itself in the narration of a single act of the hero.
Next to this condensation in a single act, which has fascinated narrators for
centuries, we might add (on the equally ancient side of the collective imagina-
tion) the age-old conviction that the dying man reviews in a single instant his
own, entire story. We could put it more elegantly, with Benjamin, according to
whom 'a sequence of images is set in motion inside a man as his life comes to an
end unfolding the views of himself under which he has encountered himself
without being aware of it.' 20 With the very last act of his narcissistic impulse, the
memory of the dying turns him into the spectator of the film of his life-story.
Even in this popular belief, there is an important clue. It confirms the desire for
unity, which gets doubly satisfied by death - whether as the final chapter of the
tale, or as the summarizing gaze that watches the story.
The unity that the narratable self asks of the tale is never a question of the
text. It is rather the question of her innate desire, which can turn in many
directions -·to the narration for the thread of the story, or to a single act, or to a
summary of the dying one. Indeed, if Ulysses weeps, it is not because the story of
the rhapsod faithfully reproduces that identity which the hero himself does not
know and does not control. Rather, it is because the text that he is unexpectedly
given clearly recognizes or, better, reveals- his desire to him. In fact,-since it
arises so unexpectedly, the desire itself leads the hero to engage in a lengthy self-
narration, more than is generally respectable for an autobiographical narration.
It is occasionally said that autobiography responds to a rather precise question:
who am I? The autobiographical project 'would thus obey the order given by the
Delphic oracle, the commandment anothi se auton.' 21 It seems rather that one
could maintain the exact opposite. Autobiography does not properly respond to
the question 'who am I?' Rather, it is the biographical tale of my story, told by
another, which responds to this question. 'Know thyself,' in the case of a self for
whom self-lmowledge is constitutively precluded, cannot help but become the
total self-predisposition to listening to his own biography. In different ways,
Ulysses and Oedipus are also figures of this theorem.
Janet Varner Gunn, Autobiography: Towards a Poetics if' Experience (Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982), p. 137.
2 This phrase is liberally taken from Roland Barthes' The Pleasure if' the Text.
3 Jean-Frans;ois Lyotard, Lectures d'erifance (Paris: Galilee, 1991), p. 58.
4 [TN: See footnote no. 39 in the Translator's Introduction.]
5 Janet Varner Gunn, Autobiography: Towards a Poetics if' Experience, p. 141.
6 Jean-Luc Nancy, Introduction to Who Comes After the Subject?, ed. Eduardo Cadava, P.
Conner and J. L. Nancy (New York: Routledge, 1991), pp. 4 and 7.
7 Arendt, The jew as Pariah, p. 270; see also Frans;oise Collin, 'Plurailita, differenza,
identita' in DWF {Donna Woman Femme], 2-3 (1995), p. 88.
8 Cf. Carolyn Steedman, Past Tenses (London: Rivers Oram, 1992), p. 140.
9 Cf. Philippe Lejeune, On Autobiography (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
10 Alasdair Macintyre, After Virtue: a Study in Moral Theory (Notre Dame: University of
Notre Dame Press, 1981), p. 243.
11 Paul Ricoeur, Oneself as Another (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992), p. 201.
12 Cf. Charles Taylor, Sources if' the Self the Making if' Modem Identity (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1989).
13 Arendt, The Human Condition, p. 254.
14 Ibid., p. 193.
15 Carolyn Heilbrun, Writing a Woman's Life (New York: Norton Press, 1988), p. 36.
16 Hannah Arendt, The Life if' Mind, p. 133.
17 Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph and Other Stories: 1933-69, translated by Norman
Thomas di Giovanni (New York: E P. Dutton, 1968), p. 83.
18 Ibid.
19 Ibid., p. 85.
20 Walter Benjamin, Illuminations (edited and with an introduction by Hannah Arendt;
trans. by Harry Zohn (New York: Schocken Books, 1986)), p. 94.
21 Christophe Miething, 'Le grammaire de l' ego: phenomenologie de la subjectivite et
theorie autobiographique,' in Autobiographie et biographie, ed. M. Calle-Gruber and
Arnold Rothe (Paris: Nizet, 1989), p. 1SO.
Part II
Long after, Oedipus, old and blinded, walked the roads. He smelled a
familiar smell. It was the Sphinx.
Oedipus said, 'I want to ask one question. Why didn't I recognize my
'You gave the wrong answer,' said the Sphinx.
'But that was what made everything possible,' said Oedipus.
'No,' she said. 'When I asked, What walks on four legs in the morn-
ing, two at noon, and three in the evening, you answered, Man. You
didn't say anything about woman.'
'When you say Man,' said Oedipus, 'you include women too. Every-
one knows that.'
She said, 'That's what you think.'
Muriel Rukeyser, 'Myth'
second millennium, and which has sung the glory of its protagonist, Man, from
the beginning. Every feminist scholar has on her shelves hundreds of volumes that
testify to the misdeeds of Man, and denounce his arrogance.
In the version of Muriel Rukeyser' s myth, the Sphinx nonetheless seems to
lead Oedipus into another, later trap. There is the risk that his error, rather than
making amends, doubles itself. One might expect from a philosopher (as
Oedipus shows himself to be - capable as he is of making himself immediately at
home in the universal), a final response that adds Woman to Man. 'Man and
Woman' would in this case be the response to the riddle about the legs. Oedipus
does not give this response; but - after reading Rukeyser' s poem, or perhaps
even before - we feel it vibrate in the air as a reticence of the myth, as an
uninterrogated side of the mistake. In truth, the trap is seductive, even for us. It
would be enough to add Woman to Man and everything would turn out fme.
Adding Woman to Man, however, means duplicating the representation of
the universal without freeing oneself whatsoever from its abstract valence,
without abandoning whatsoever the ancient error of metaphysics. Of course, the
incontrovertible given that there are two sexes of the human species mal<es of
this duplication a homage to the minimal sense of appearing. However, as
happened with Man·, Woman can still be nothing but all women, precisely
because it is none of them. Its presumed reality, substantiated in the universal
sign of the capital letter, belongs to the mystic register of collective representa-
tion. Like Man, Woman leaves behind no life-story. One cannot ask about
Woman who she is, but only what it is.
The monstrous Sphinx is nonetheless a feminine creature. 'A woman in the
shape of a monster/a monster in the shape of a woman/the skies are full of
them' writes Adrienne Rich-. 2 Therefore the trap that she seems to set for old
Oedipus in the poetry of Rukeyser might turn out to contain something of use
for the fate of her sex. Making himself a philosopher in the name of Man,
Oedipus shows that he embraces the tradition of the masculine subject, which
places the woman as an object (denying her, so to speak, the capital letter). In
other words, in the long philosophical succession that Oedipus inaugurates, the
woman is notoriously in the position of the object; or rather, she is thought,
represented, defined from the point of view of the Man. In so far as she is the
woman if Man and for Man, different from him .since he is the paradigm of the
human species, the woman- though a noun [nome] - is never universal. She
consists rather in a series of images, which represent, from time to time and
according to the context, what a woman must be in the economy of masculine
desire: for the most part a mother or a wife, and, on occasion (as seems to be the
case!), a combination of the two. From..the point of view of the Sphinx, by
pushing Oedipus to the edge of an answer which joins Man and Woman, ihe
enigma is a sort of challenge or, perhaps, a practical joke, not without humor.
Indeed, what is the Sphinx herself if not one of the most explicit figures of
these androcentric representations of woman? What is she if not the feminine
monster - the frightening side of the animality which Man sees in the feminine -
confronting him, the King?
Therefore, by pushing him to the edge of an error which he does not even
imagine, the Sphinx challenges Oedipus on a level of epistemic coherence. She
invites him to place Woman next to Man - in the position, always denied her, of
the subject. What is more, with this response she, who with her ferine body
walks on four legs, could permit herself a certain variety of deambulating styles.
While philosophical discourse on the universal - the definitory art that loves the
abstract - is a rather large mistake, it does not diminish the weight of the
androcentric arrogance that reserves for Man the role of the subject. In its classic
profile, philosophy is the child of Oedipus alone, not of the Sphinx.
In another poem by Muriel Rukeyser, 'Private Life of the Sphinx,' the voice
of the monstrous singer is developed in a long monologqe. 3 She says at the
Obviously the question is ridiculous because she speaks of the number of legs.
But it is especially ridiculous in and of itself, stupid, joolish. 4 However, its aim
does not consist in the completion that Oedipus' response, equally foolish, could
confer upon it. Rather, it consists in pushing Oedipus to look at himself, .to ask
himself who he is. Indeed, he looks: but he looks in the wrong direction and thus
does not see himself. He sees the kingdom instead, and sees himself as the -King
of T-hebes, husband of Iocasta, a powerful man. He takes everything right away -
even the Sphinx, who is by now reduced to a figure in his myth, to a signifier of
his story. Oedipus, we might say again, heads decidedly towards the possessive
destiny of the phallocentric subject, totally ignoring who he himself is.
Of course Oedipus (who bears the foot [pous] in his very name)- the Oedipus
who was stolen as a child, but is now great and powerful, with his feet on the
ground, mid-way through life; the Oedipus who will soon be blind and forced to
walk with a cane - could have sensed a warning when confronted with the riddle
of the legs. 5 He could have found there, in the foolish question, some good
reasons for looking at himself, or at his story. But the rewriting of the myth, in
Muriel Rukeyser' s briefversion, offers us another solution. The key does not lie
in the allusive words of the riddle, but rather in the link between the wrong
answer and the incest- that is, in the crucial consequence of the error.
Indeed, what is truly strange is the question that old Oedipus dares pose to
the Sphinx: 'Why didn't I recognize my mother?'
As the frightening face of the first enigma, the Sphinx evidently remains, in
Oedipus' opinion, the supreme lady of all enigmas- especially this one, which he
does not know how to solve. However, the solution, which the Sphinx reveals,
lies precisely in his response, which - by saying 'Man' without mentioning
women - commits the first error. Believing that he has given the correct
response, Oedipus won in this way both the kingdom and the queen. But, since
the response was wrong, he married his mother without being able to recognize
her. His response 'made everything possible,' even the incest.
Old Oedipus still does not understand- not yet. On the contrary, he repeats
the old error. Indeed, in order to justify himself, not only does he assume that
the term Man includes women as well, but he emphasizes that this is something
which everyone knows, that it is common and indisputable knowledge. 'That's
what you think,' retorts the Sphinx to the poor blind man. Oedipus' last
response, the extreme defense, the obvious justification for a chain of errors, is
in truth the worst of all. From Man - in which there still lived the uncertainty
and the trembling of the challenger, in the risk of the old response - Oedipus
now intends the universality of Man as the obviousness of a generallmowledge.
Therefore the enigma of the incest, which follows as a consequence of the
mistalcen answer to the first enigma, becomes clear. Indeed, how could he have
recognized his mother, who was obviously a woman too, under the name Man?
How could he ever have recognized her who, in all logical rigor - and as
Aristotle argued - should then also say that man is born of Man?
Only later, we know, does Oedipus learn at his expense that his mother is this
one, she and not another- the one from whom he was born, he and not. another.
Only too late is Oedipus forced to learn that the abstract language of Man
prevents one from recognizing the face, which is always unique and unrepeat-
able, of the existent. -Old Oedipus, whom the Sphinx encounters in Rulceyser's
poetry, is therefore an absent-minded man with a short memory. Futilely warned
by his life-story, as though no one had ever told it to him, he returns, by a kind
of tragic distraction, to the old vice of philosophy.
There is a way in which the story of Oedipus is a tragedy that could only
happen to a man. In other words, the tragedy of the originary scission between
the universal Man and the uniqueness of the self, between the abstraction of the
subject and the concreteness of the uniqueness - in a word, between the
discursive order of philosophy and that of narration - is an entirely masculine
tragedy. Even in the recent 'fulfillment' of the emancipatory model (which ends
up legitimizing that which Oedipus, in the late justification of his formidable
error, considers to be obvious), rather few women in fact seem disposed to
recognize themselves in the universality of the term Man. The clear refusal by
hospitals, sitting with a pizza or a drink - women are usually the ones who tell
life-stories. As Franc;:oise Collin puts it, 'communication between women unfolds
as the comparison of life-stories, rather than as the reciprocal exchange of
ideas. ' 7 Throughout the ages, the aptitude for the particular makes them into
excellent narrators. Cornered in weaving rooms, like Penelope, they have, since
ancient times, woven plots with the thread of storytelling. They have woven
[intessuto] stories, letting them casually tear the metaphor of the textum of
professional men of letters. Whether ancient or modern, their art aspires to a
wise repudiation of the abstract universal, and follows an everyday practice
where the tale is existence, relation and attention.
Entrusted to such a feminine art, it thus seems that a philosophy of narration
is by now the only cure that could save the very name of philosophy from its
tragic fate.
Muriel Rukeyser, 'Myth,' from The Collected Poems (New York: McGraw Hill, 1984),
p. 498.
2 Adrienne Rich, 'Planetarium,' from Lies, Secrets and Silence (New York: W.W.
Norton, 1979), p. 47.
3 Muriel Rukeyser, 'The Private Life of the Sphinx,' from Collected Poems, p. 278.
4 (TN: Joolish' is italicized in English in the original.]
5 Cf. Jean-Pierre Vernant and Pierre Vidai-Naquet, Odipe et ses mythes (Bruxelles:
Editions Complexe, 1988), p. 101.
6 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Lectures on the Philosophy qf History, Vol. 1 (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1984), p. 8.
7 Franc;:oise Collin, 'Pensare/raccontare' in DWF [Donna Woman Femme], 3 (1986), p.
The gift of the written story which connects thoughts and saves one from
letting herself go is an exquisite image of what we have tried to explain,
that is, that in women's struggle, the symbolic revolution- the repre-
sentation of oneself and of one's fellow women in relation to the world -
is fundamental and must come first.
The Milan Women's Bookstore Collective
In one of the most famous books of Italian feminism, Non credere di avere dei diritti
[Don't Think You Have Any Rights], a true story gets reported. 1 We are in the
1970s, and the protagonists are two friends with assonant names: Emilia and
Amalia. They attend, in Milan, ']a scuola delle 150 ore'. 2 The story which concerns
them appears in the book as a report of Amalia, after the premature death of her
friend, who died at fifty-three years of age.
Emilia, in the early days, 'was pretty boring: she went on telling her story
umpteen times a day,' says Amalia. 3 The latter has the gift of being able to
express things well, whether out loud or on paper, which the other lacks. In their
exchange of writing exercises, the gap became evident. 'When I let her read
what I had written,' continues Amalia, 'especially when I was tallcing about my
hometown, about the farmers and particularly about my life, she cried. ' 4 She too
'needed to tell about her life,' notes Amalia in order to explain this weeping,
'but she wasn't able to connect any of it up, and so she let herself go.' Amalia
then decides to take an interesting initiative: 'once I wrote the story of her life,
because by then 1 knew it by heart, and she always carried it in her handbag and
read it again and again, overcome by emotion. ' 5
The episode almost seems like a transposition of the Homeric Ulysses on to
the outskirts of contemporary Milan. There is the weeping in the- listen-
ing/reading of a story, and there is the same emotion in the recognition_of one's
own life-story narrated -by another. There is, however, also, beyond the oral or
written form of the story, a substantial difference. In the Homeric scene, the
rhapsod and Ulysses are strangers: the first does not lmow that he is singing the
story of the second in his presence, and neither had Ulysses ever told the rhapsod
anything about himself. Amalia and Emilia, on the other hand, are two friends.
The first writes the story of the second because Emilia had continually recounted
her story, in the most disorganized way, showing her friend her stubborn desire
for narration. The gift of the written story is precisely Amalia's response to this
desire. Now Emilia can carry the text of her story with her and reread it
continuously moved every time by her own identity, made tangible by the tale.
Of course, Emilia could have written an autobiography with her own hand -
in fact she tried. Like Arendt, we nonetheless begin to suspect that what
prevented her from successfully completing the undertaking was not so much a
lack of literary talent, but rather the impossibility of personally objectifying the
material of her own desire without falling into the perspectival mistake of
memory. In other words, the who of Emilia shows itself here with clarity in the
perception of a narratable self that desires the tale of her own life-story.
However, it is the other - the friend who recognizes the ontological roots of this
desire - who is the only one who can realize such a narration. This means that
Emilia obstinately manifests the desire that the course of her life trace a stork,
that her uniqueness leave behind a story. By writing the story for her (not in her
place, but for her), Amalia gives it a tangible form, sketches a figure, suggests a
unity. Amalia herself, moreover, finds success in autobiographical narration as
well. She even_makes her friend weep. Her friend weeps because she recognizes
in that narration the object of her own desire. Autobiography and biography
come thus to confront each other in the thread of this common desire, and the
desire itself reveals the relation between the two friends in the act of the gift.
As a young maidservant in contemporary Milan would note at this point,
women everywhere, and quite often, set themselves to telling their stories to one
another, as though through each story there passed their own existence and
personal identity. 6 The fact is that this passage does indeed occur. Not only for
the reasons that psychoanalytic theory could ably indicate, but also for those
reasons that the political thought of Arendt, reinterpreted in the· light of feminist
ex_perience, helps us to better understand.
As we read in Non credere di avere diritti, the aim of women who have returned
to school in order to attend the 150-hour adult classes is indeed to 'think that my
"I" exists.' Emilia does not seem to have any doubts about the importance of this
ontological affirmation. For her, such existence coincides with the very
narratability that desires to make itself materialize in a tale. Emilia knows that a
life about which a story cannot be told risks remaining .a mere· empirical
existence, or rather an intolerable sequence of events. What is intolerable,
therefore, is not so much a life that 'has always been a "no" ' and which seems
poor at fifty-three years of age, married and without children; but rather the fact
that the life-story that results from it remains without narration. 7 She thus
passes, from the failed autobiographical attempts, to the biography that her
friend gives to her as a gift. This biography is highly tangible, all the more so in so
far as it is written. By always carrying it in her purse and rereading it continu-
ously, Emilia can touch with her hand and devour with her eyes her personal
identity in a tangible form. She can, like Ulysses, be moved by it.
The paradox of Ulysses functions therefore also in this case, but the compari-
son between Ulysses and Emilia works only up to a certain point. Indeed, Ulysses
is a hero; that is, he has had the Trojan scene as an interactive space for exhibiting
his own uniqueness. To use Arendt's language, Ulysses is the archetypal actor
who, performing actions in a shared political space, reveals who he is to his peers.
The life-story that results from these actions corresponds with a specifically
human existence in so far as it is political. Emilia, however, has had no such
public scene of reciprocal and interactive exhibition. Emilia, as happens with
many women in Italy (and elsewhere), has probably had the domestic scene as
the setting for her existence. If the principle- according to which the unexpos-
able is the non-existent - is valid, then Emilia has lived a life in which her
uniqueness has remained partially unexposed due to the lack of a shared scene of
co-appearance [comparizione], the lack of a true political space.
It is helpful to recall once more that we are using the term 'political' in
Arendt's anomalous sense. We are not pointing out the well-known historical
phenomenon of women's exclusion from political institutions; but rather the
phenomenon through which many women, like Emilia, have no experience of a
plural and interactive space of exhibition that is the only space that deserves the
name of politics. Actually, the best comparison here is not a Milanese worker
[operaio]- the most likely masculine equivalent of Emilia's condition- but rather
it is that ancient hero who, ·despite his suspect virility, keeps us company here.
The fact is, as Arendt herself emphasizes, it also happens that men too are
excluded from participating in a political space of interaction. As many scholars
maintain, but as Arendt more than others is able to argue, Western history is a
history of depoliticization. Replaced by the rule of the few over the many; or
rather replaced by various models of domination, throughout this two-thousand
year history - the political as a shared space of action disappears, or rather
reappears only intermittently in revolutionary experiences.
Nonetheless, the dominant social codes, which ascribe different roles to men
and women, make this lack-of-politics [impoliticita] different for each. For
women, the absence of an interactive scene, where uniqueness can ·be exhibited,
is historically accompanied by their constitutive estrangement from representa-
tions of the subject, which rule in the patriarchal symbolic order. As was noted
earlier, the tradition which, by ignoring uniqueness, celebrates the glorious
the story to follow the actions of the hero from which the story itself results. In
other words, Arendt would like the question 'who are you?' to respond to the
revealing action of identity; only cifter and because cif this action does a life-story
result, which then needs a narrator. Emilia and Amalia, however, seem to go
immediately to narration, as do many women in the course of a narrative
friendship. The uniqueness, partially unexpressed due to the absence of political
scenes of interaction, therefore gets concretized in a narratable self, who entrusts
the inalienable sense of her existence to the narration. Emilia, not having had
political spaces of exhibition, fears that she may not leave any story behind which
is worthy of narration. She wants this narration in the tangible form of a written
tale at any cost. It is as if, contrary to Arendt's theory, the narrated story that
produces the reality of the self then regards, first of all, the revealing quality of
political action, or regards the process of narrating this life-story as if it were
already a political action.
Surprisingly, it is.
The typical feminine impulse to self-narration can indeed be recognized even
in the phenomenon of 'consciousness-raising groups,' which characterized Italian
feminism in the 1970s. 8 This phenomenon is, at its root, the passage of a rather
diffuse habit in the everydayness of female relations to the relatively stable and
organized form of the group. The desire is still that of expressing oneself, in the
double sense of actively expressing one's own self and of finding the words that
translate that exposition into narrative form. In the practice of 'consciousness-
raising,' the feminine custom of self-narration thus finds a political scene - that
is, in the Arendtian sense, a shared and interactive one. The thesis 'of an intrinsic
authenticity of the personally lived,' which has always sustained the female
friendship-relation, can finally make itself explicit and come to an interactive
significance that assumes the exhibitive characteristics of action. Nothing, in fact,
is lacking, because this experience can, in Arendt's sense, define itself as
political: a shared, contextual, and relational space is created by some women
who exhibit who they are to one another. There is nonetheless an utterly peculiar
aspect with respect to Arendt's criteria: the exhibitive action coincides here with
a self-narration. Arendt's criteria are thus trarisgressed - if not the principle
according to which the action can consist in a discourse, at least the principle that
declares autobiography to be ineffective.
In -the practice of consciousness-raising, the narratable self, pushed by the
justifiable fear that the partially unexposed is partially non-existent, comes by
herself to satisfy her own desire for a narrated story. The life-story, having come
into its own tale, puts into words an identity - at the same time and in the same
context in which the women present generate a political space that finally
exposes them. Put another way, there is a priVileging of the word as the vehicle
of a desire for identity that only the narrated form seems able to render tangible.
And there is, at the same time, the creation of a relational space of reciprocal
exhibition, which is clearly perceived and affirmed as political. The insistence on
the relationship between women, on the contextuality if the practice and on 'starting
from onese!f[partire da se]' -that has characterized the feminist political lexicon in
Italy since the 1980s - therefore finds a fundamental source in the consciousness-
raising groups. Its uniqueness consists in a horizon that sees politics and narration
Moreover, the exclusively feminine setting of such a horizon in the
consciousness-raising group becomes important. The stories of women, which
intertwine on the separatist scene, allow them 'to deconstruct a point of view on
the world, which claims to be neutral, but in reality conforms largely to masculine
desires and needs ... to learn to narrate themselves as women means in fact to
legitimate for themselves a definition which is outside the gaze of the other.' 9 Or
rather, outside the standards of the gaze of Man. In other words, the relational
context, in which the uniqueness of each one can finally expose itself, renders
simultaneously visible not only the concrete sensation that pertains to the
uniqueness of each one; but also the sexual difference which is shared, and which
shows itself capable of working as a point of view that is independent of the
masculine one. Since the expression of personal identity comes also to express a-
gender identity, the fact th<1t each is a woman and not a man risks therefore
betraying itself in the super-personal paradigm of Woman. It risks betraying itself
in a representation of Woman and being satisfied with that. It risks falling into the
trap of the Sphinx which old Oedipus avoided (not because- he was smart, but
because of a defect of memory).
However, the gender identity cannot avoid producing, in this context, a
contradictory effect, in so far as it invites the uniqueness of each woman to
identifY herself with all other women. In the reflection of the one in the other,
the very personal identity that is consigned to the tale of an unrepeatable life-
story runs the risk of losing its expressive reality and- founding itself in the
common 'being women' that is represented here. 'I am you, you are me, the
words which one says are women's words, hers and mine.' 10 The empathy risks
producing a substance. Put simply, who I am and who you are seem to surrender
to the urgency of the question of what Woman is.
Even if universalism of the masculine type is amended, the old error of
Oedipus returns all the same. The uniqueness of the self sacrifices itself to the
hypostatization of the female gender and, while it gains a critical perspective on
the patriarchal tradition, it nonetheless deviates from its original desire. Yet
beyond this assimilating effect (wlUch goes on relatively quickly to close the
experience of consciousness-raising groups), the phenomenon is still of extreme
interest. As Ida Domanijanni writes, 'Here the original figures of the thought of
sexual difference c0me to light, and here one finds that particular form of
interaction of the feminine "I" with the order of discourse and representation
which constitutes the nucleus of the debate over politics of the symbolic.' 11
Already at the inaugural point of feminist practices, it becomes evident how the
usual feminist impulse to self-narration, at the moment in which it generates a
political space, roots itself- implicitly or explicitly, spontaneously or reflexively,
genuinely or hypothetically- in a self that is constitutively sexed. 12
Reread in the light of this phenomenon, the Arendtian category of the who,
precisely in so far as it is expressive and relational, thus is materialized in the
specificity of the feminine sex, showing how the uniqueness of human existence
deals constitutively with sexual difference [la sessuazione]. 13 Not only because, if it
is correct to follow Arendt and say that 'men, and not Man, live on Earth and
inhabit the world,' it seems even more fitting to say that not Man, but rather
men and women live there and inhabit it; but especially because the phenomena
in question stage [inscenano] the exhibitive impulse of a who, which, by distin-
guishing itself, exhibits at the same time the distinction of its sex. 14 To use
Arendt's terms, it must be decided if the fact that I am a woman and not a man
belongs to the order of my qualities (what I am), rather than to my uniqueness
(who I am). At the heart of the first alternative there is a subject, unique and
unrepeatable, which nonetheless is born 'neutral' as far as sex goes and thus can
make of its feminine quality a hypostasis that can be entrusted to the realm of
representation. At the- heart of the second alternative there is a uniqueness,
equally unique and unrepeatable; birth shows who the newborn is - namely,
sexed [sessuata], and given over to the contextual and relational realm of
The maidservant in Milan, could therefore once again suggest for us a rather
simple summary. From birth, the uniqueness which appears, and which provokes
the fundamental question 'who are you?,' is an embodied uniqueness and
therefore sexed. Neither the political scene nor the narrative scene, nor their
extraordinary coinciding in the consciousness-raising groups, can ignore this
sexedness [sessuazione] 15 if, on this scene, it is truly the who that shows itself.
Beyond the nai:ve gaze of the housewife, it is above all the advent of feminism
that permits us to twist the Arendtian categories towards the concretion of the
self. The self-expression of identity reveals itself here to be rooted in a desire
which could call itself ontological, since some of the existence of who is revealed
'goes' [ 'ne va'] into this desire. Although women live in the world, this i.s an
existence that the patriarchal tradition tends to synthesize within the catalog of
feminine qualities that reduce the who to the what: a mother, a wife, a nurse.
Outside of these qualities, or rather outside of the phallocentric representative
order, women would end up existing only in the empirical sense, in such a way
that their life would be a zoe rather than a bios. It does not amaze us, therefore,
that the in-born (in-nata] self-exhibitive impulse of uniqueness comes together for
many women in the desire of the bios as the desire for biography.
The fact that masculine friendship is rarely of a narrative type - or that many
men would rather speak of things (football, cars), or of what they are (lawyers,
tennis-players), instead of who they are - is a rather interesting symptom. Of
course, this could be taken as a sign of androcentric guilt. In this guilt (which
throughout the ages has satisfied in Man the 'metaphysical vampirism' of men),
the biographical impulse of masculine-friendly relations overshadows the
uniqueness of the bios. 16 As dear Oedipus had to pay a high price to learn.
Now, Emilia encountered the gift of her story written by another in a precise
context. The two friends attended the 150-hour adult school, which, with good
reason, went hand in hand with the consciousness-raising groups in the events
which, in Italy, opened up some political spaces for women in the 1970s. 17 The
episode of Amalia and the same phenomenon of consciousness-raising call us
therefore not to underestimate the crucial intersection of politics and narration.
Even if their perfect coincidence is probably unrepeatable and, anyway, hardly
obligatory, it is indeed interesting not to lose sight of this narrow bond, seeking
perhaps to comprehend it in all of its latent potential.
In this regard, Arendt's suggestion concerning the inessentiality of the text
gains a splendid proof. Indeed, we do not come to lmow the adored pages that
Emilia preserves in her handbag. What this singular episode of narrative
friendships teaches is precisely the relation of desire between Emilia and the
biographical pages - which are unknown to us, and which were written for her
by Amalia. The relationship between Emilia and her narrated story is indeed a
stubborn relation of desire. This desire appears to place itself, not between the
empiricall'eality of a self without a story and its narratability, but rather between
a self that always already senses herself to be narratable and the act -of narration.
From this perspective, both the text that results from the awkward autobio-
graphical attempts of Emilia and the written work of Amalia can easily remain
outside· of our analysis without affecting its 'completion' or 'rigor. ' Our concern
leads back to a human being's desire for narration, in which uniqueness and unity
coincide once again, after birth. From the point of view of this desire, Barthes'
theory, according to which narrator and characters are 'beings of paper,' is not
valid at all. 18 Consider, as a refutation, the fact that Emilia weeps over the pages
that she preserves in her handbag.
It is moreover significant that the relational familiarity of a narratable self has
its most explicit figure in the narrative character of feminine friendships. In this
case, the narratable selves of the friends are undeniably what drive the scene. The
scene consists in the intersection of autobiographical narrations, which malce sure
of the result of the reciprocal biographical activity. Put simply, I tell you my
story in order to make you tell it to me. At work, therefore, is a mechanism of
reciprocity through which the narratable self of each woman passes on to the self-
narration, up to the point at which the other woman is familiar enough with the
story to be able to tell it herself. They are able to tell stories to one another, of
course, but above all to tell the story again to the one who is its protagonist. The
suspected psychoanalytic dynamic that supports narrative friendships is therefore
rather the scene of a narratable self that offers autobiographical materials to a
biographer, who, in turn, is an accomplice in the whole operation.
In this way, the criterion that differentiates friendships from acquaintances can
be identified. The difference between acquaintances and friends consists indeed
in the circumstances through which only the latter are capable of telling that
story, although the former do not doubt that we have a story and might even
lmow its broad outline. Whether they then go on to tell it or not, in whatever
form or circumstance, does not affect the significance of our proposition. Within
the general horizon of human relations that causes us to perceive one another as
narratable selves, friendship is a specific horizon where this narratability can be
meaningfully translated in the act of a reciprocal narration. Although, as
Gertrude Stein would say, there is 'the need to have always met whomever we
lmow,' with our acquaintances we only have rapports [rapporti]; with friends we
have a relationship [relazione]. 19 Even lovers too, as one can say with a certain
moralistic irony, _have a relationship. Indeed, in love too the reciprocal narrative
exercise often occupies the scene.
The self - to the extent to which a who is not reducible to a what - has a
totally external and relational reality. Both the exhibitive, acting self and the
narratable self are utterly given over [consegnati] to others. In this total giving-
over, there is therefore no identity that reserves for itself protected spaces or a
private room of impenetrable refuge for self-contemplation. There is no
interiority that can imagine itself [auto'!ifabularsi] to be an inexpressible value.
What is more, since the scene of action is contextual and mutable, the reality
of the self is necessarily intermittent and fragmentary. The story that results
therefore does not have at its center a compact and coherent identity. Rather, it
has at its center an unstable and insubstantial unity, longed for by a desire that
evokes the figure - or rather, the unmasterable design - of a life wh~se story
only others can recount.
In the same years in which Amalia writes for her ·friend her story, but in
another far-away place, the South African writer Elsa Joubert writes the
biography of a black woman, giving her the fictitious name of Poppie Nongena.
They are not friends; Elsa Joubert is a 'white lady,' the other is a maid: 'the only
rung of contact, frequentation and acquaintance which [a black woman in times
of apartheid] can establish with whites.' 20 It happens that they have the occasion
to meet each other, and the first asks the second to let her memory flow in a long
autobiographical tale in order 1o then put it into words.
African woman, of her family and of the feminine genealogy that sustains its
memory, The Long Journey qf Poppie Nongena runs the further risk of appealing to
those who speak the Afrikaans language but do not know how to read it.
· Joubert herself seems still to have wanted to solve this problem. On her
initiative, for the family and friends of Poppie, a theatrical performance of the
novel was arranged. 24
It has been published in English under the title Sexual Difference: the Milan Women's
Bookstore Collective (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990).
2 [TN: 'Le scuole delle 150 ore,' 'the 150-hour schools,' were schools founded by the
Italian Left in the 1970s, whose purpose was to provide supplementary education in
the arts and sciences for workers or housewives who lacked higher education -
workers were allowed to take 150 hours, paid, out of their work year in order to
attend these schools.] Cf. Sexual Difference: the Milan Women's Bookstore Collective, pp.
3 Ibid. , p. 1OS.
4 Ibid., p. 106.
5 Ibid.
6 I allude here to the Platonic figure, which according to Plato embodies feminine
knowledge. I discuss this figure of the young maidservant in In Spite cif Plato, trans.
Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio and Aine O'Healy (New York: Routledge, 1995), pp.
7 Sexual Difference: the Milan Women's Bookstore Collective, pp. 105-6.
8 Ibid., pp. 40-59.
9 Manuela Fraire, 'Arte del fare, arte del disfare,' in Lapis, 28 (1995), pp. 12-13.
10 Sexual Difference: the Milan Women's Bookstore Collective, p. 44.
11 Ida Domanijanni, 'll desiderio della politica,' from the Introduction to Liz Cigarini,
La Politica Del Desiderio (Parma: Pratiche, 1995), p. 11.
12 [TN: There is an error in the printed Italian text, which has 'sensed' ['sensato'] for
sexed [sessuata].]
13 [TN: I here translate la sessuazione as 'sexual difference', whereas Serena Anderlini-
D'Onofrio and Aine O'Healy, who translated Cavarero's In Spite cif Plato, coin the
term 'sexedness'. They give a lengthy explanation for their decision to employ the
word 'sexedness' in the 'Translator's Note' to that book.] Cf. In Spite cif Plato, pp.
14 Arendt, The Human Condition, p. 9.
15 [TN: There is another error in the Italian text here, which I have amended in the
English. In addition, here I thought it best to follow Anderlini-D'Onofrio and
O'Healy'-s translation of sessuazione as 'sexedness,' for syntactical reasons.]
16 Cf. Luce Irigaray, Sexes and Genealoaies, p. 128.
17 Sexual Difference: the_Milan Women's Bookstore Collective, pp. 40-3.
18 Barthes, Introduction to the Strnctural Analysis cj'Narrative, p. 40.
19 Gertrude Stein, Everybody's Autobioaraphy (New York: Cooper Square, 197l), p. 46.
20 Itala Vivan, 'Nota Critica' to Elsa Joubert, 11 Lunao Viaaaio di Poppie Nonaena
(Florence: Giunti, 1991), p. xi.
In the passage reported above, the English feminist sociologist Liz Stanley
describes for us a scene that she probably saw in Manchester, where she teaches -
but which we, following our provincial imaginations, freely place in a New York
bookstore. In any case, the message is clear: women show a great interest in
biographies and happily read them. That a biographical story is, in general, more
palatable than a volume of philosophical essays is certainly- understandable. That
it is more palatable than a mystery is even more telling. Life-stories seem to earn
the highest popularity-ratings among readers.
The reader browsing through this New York bookstore is probably a feminist,
just as it is likely that the 'X' of the title and the author of the book are female.
We can therefore define a rule: women - feminists included - are happy to read
biographies of women, written by women. Put conversely, there are many
women who write life-stories of other women, in order to appeal to the reading
public of women. They are bound together by a kind of pact. On the seal of this
pact, suggests Liz Stanley·, lie lives-with-meanina. 1 We are therefore not too far
from the principle of a narrated identity as the tangible expression of existence.
We are also not very far removed from the design of the stork. Some difference
remains, however. Besides being a different approach to the question- e.g. Liz
only the fantasmatic product of the textual self; or, rather, the result of the
performative power of the text and its rhetorical strategies.
Neither does this critical mechanism change much when one is dealing with a
biographical exercise instead of an autobiography. Within the post-modern
perspective, the demiurgic centrality of the text indeed continues to produce the
heroes of the narrated story, even when the hero himself does not narrate it.
Invented stories and life-stories, novels and biographies or autobiographies,
reveal themselves as adhering to the same model: the rhetorical construction of a
substantial and self-referential self, intent on valorizing his own interiority; in
other words, 'the classical subject.'
For the majority of American feminists - in both biography and autobiogra-
phy, there is, frighteningly, afoot a self about which substantiality is most feared
by post-modernity: namely, the metaphysical profile of the subject. Because ofits
stubborn affection for the fragmentation of the classical subject, the post-modern
view, moreover, finds suspicious - in principle - the uniqueness of the self, in so
far as it is too perilously close to the idea of a unitary, substantial and self-
referential subject. As has already been indicated, we live with a tradition of
critical reflection that privileges the text, inaugurated by Barthes, and that
remains in continual tension with the formula for which the self is only an effect
of language. The problem of autobiography is therefore prejudiciously focalized
on the araphein to the detriment of both the bios and the se!f[auto].
Even from the perspective that privileges the text, feminists still sound a call
to arms. Indeed, the so-called gender difference intervenes. The fundamental
accusation is that both traditional criticism and text-centered criticism have never
'fully accounted for the peculiar characteristics of autobiography (and biography)
written by women, having limited themselves to looldng at those written by men
- or, worse still, to excluding them from analysis, or treating them as a sort o£
subgenre. ' 5
Taldng the classical model back through the long 'ideological history of the
self,' Anglo-American feminism, as articulate and complex as it is, lands upon a
common principle: 6 the uniqueness of the self (even more strildngly alleged to be
a real and material existent), is nothing more than an ideological construction of
traditional and patriarchal autobiographical standards, which, as such, is refuted.
Different theoretical strategies are opened here: for example, discovering
whether women have always signified a difference in this narrative genre; or,
indicating the correct way of writing and reading life-stories within the horizon
of post-modern feminism.
Now, since this horizon is post-modern - while there are a variety of ap-
proaches - an agreement on general principles nonetheless emerges. One of
these affirms the peculiar non-univocity of the self - -that is, its constitutive
fragmentation- in auto/biographical feminist writing. 7 Another emphasizes the
way in which 'the individual course intersects continually with the collective, in
the conviction that something of their own life is shared with the lives of many
other women. ' 8 And another one denounces the risk of an auto/biographical
model of 'white women' that would come, guiltily, to hegemonize the field of
feminist criticism itself.
When analyzed from a historical-semantic, or formal linguistic, perspective,
or read from the point of view of a literary scholar or sociologist, the central role
of the text, to be sure, remains untouched. The specificity of the feminine is a
specificity of the text. The feminist approach to auto/biography, more than
deferring to the sexed unity of the existent, denies its materiality and, even
before that, its unity. Actually, given the familiar metaphysical unfolding of the
One in philosophical phallocentrism, it is above all unity that becomes demonized
within the post-modern or post-structuralist horizon that these feminists
embrace; with the odd result, as Christine Battersby would say, of confirming
the traditional patriarchal meaning that wants 'women to be a fragmented self, ·
incoherent and resistant to every synthesis. ' 9
It is equally odd that this theoretical perspective faces obstacles within the
very scene in the New York bookstore cited above. It is more than likely that our
reader shows an interest not so much in a deconstruction of the text, but rather
for a life-story that is capable of narrating the uniqueness of its protagonist.
Indeed, what else is she looking for in the photographs if not this uniqueness in
the form of body and facial expressions? What else attracts her attention if not
this material 'proof' of a woman who really lived, in flesh and bone, in a time
and a place?
A photograph, too, is a text; and it clearly has an author, or rather an image
that is constructed by a particular -point of view. A photograph, too, therefore
constructs a subject, as Liz Stanley herself argues convincingly. We can
nonetheless suppose that the New York reader seeks the living material of this
subject beyond and in spite qf its photographic construction. After all, who among
us who passionately devour auto/biographies would· not have wanted to meet
Virginia Woolf in order to be a direct spectator of her actions and her appearance
before us? Who of us does not look at her photographs - placed here and there
on the walls of rooms 'of our own'- as a surrogate of that missed encounter?
Virginia Woolf is a fitting example. If it is true that all human beings are
unique, it is- equally true that some are also remarkable, exceptional. The fact
remains that not only the exceptional leave behind a story. The narratable self is
a figure of uniqueness, not of exceptionality. Women who write biographies and
autobiographies have understood this for a long time. Alongside
auto/biogr.aphies of famous women, it is in fact not uncommon to find in the
bookstore some that.are dedicated to any old woman [donne qualunque]. Indeed,
here lies the magic of the biographical text: any woman, who is the biography's
questions regarding the persistence of identity lies in fact in the confusion of the
status of the who with the what. The what - that is, the qualities, the character,
the roles, the outlooks of the self- changes and is inevitably multiple and may be
judged or reinterpreted in many ways. The who, on the other hand as the
uniqueness of the self in her concrete and insubstitutable existence - persists in
continual self-exhibition, consisting in nothing else but this exposure, which
cannot be transcended.
Arendt, in this regard, notes that - in so far as personal identity cannot be
exchanged with another - identity maintains a sort of curious intangibility which
eludes all efforts at unequivocal verbal definition: 'the moment we want to say
who somebody is, our vocabulary leads us astray into saying what he is; we get
entangled iJ.?. a description of the qualities he necessarily shares with others like
him; we begin to describe a type or a 'character' in the old meaning of the word,
with the result that his specific uniqueness escapes us. ' 11
Arendt therefore leads us to an important theme. Not only does the who -
that is, identity - elude verbal definition; but the definitory exercise (which
works in relation to it) produces an ambiguous nomination of its what. The
discursive order that says who someone is, in fact, does not belong to the
(genuinely philosophical) art of definition, but rather to the art of biography.
Personal identity, which- in the gaze of the other or in a momentary encounter
- cannot be exchanged for another, thus finds in his or her life-story a temporal
extension; or, the continual dynamism of his or her persistence. In other words,
the verbal response to who someone is always consists in the narration of his or
her life-story; that is, in the tale where this someone has used up already her time
(at least her time up until now) - the unrepeatable existence of a single
insubstitutable being.
Obviously, in a life-story, qualities of the protagonist get narrated as well.
Since there is no who that is not always already intertwined with its what, or that
is inseparable from it, the tale also tells what someone was and is and thus
offers interesting material to historical or sociological, if not literary, analyses. In
this sense, the tale sometimes makes the protagonist into a 'character' or 'type'
- even a 'type' of existential fragmentation ~ making him or her exemplary
under this profile, and thus exchangeable with many others. If we did not fear
the ambiguity of the term, we might therefore say that the biographical tale
tends to evidence the various identities through which the same protagonist
passes. (For example, in the case of Emilia, her identity as an urbanized
proletariat or as re-educated housewife.) But it is not this type of identity that we
are talking about. Following Arendt, the term identity must indeed be
understood not .as that which results from a process of identification, or from a
social construction of that identity, but rather as that which a singular existent
designs in her uncategorizable [incatalogabile] uniqueness. -Although it is
This desire, however, does not move towards a narration that has the power
to go beyond the death of the protagonist. Rather, it moves here and now - in
the actuality of its tension, so to speak - towards the promise of the unity of the
self which the other, beyond simply satisfying, can actually recognize. Self-
immortalizing is something that heroes do; or perhaps poets, artists, navigators;
or, more recently, industrial leaders or university professors. It therefore comes
as no surprise that, from their ivory towers, they see the text with a posthumous
gaze, continuing to perpetuate the virile habit of measuring themselves against
There is even the old dispute between the narrator and his heroes. The
immortal fame of the latter depends upon the former. As Horace - whose verses
erect a 'monument more lasting than bronze,' making his 'undying I' grow in the
praise of his descendants - knew well, 'many heroes lived before Agamemnon;
but all are overwhelmed in unending night, unwept, unknown, because they lack
a sacred rhapsod. >1 3 The narrator is therefore the one who, in the last analysis,
gains the greater fame. The theory of the inessentiality of the text has thus the
additional merit of rendering superfluous this malicious dispute over immortal
Sometimes, however, a bit of malice is not such a bad thing. One could
indeed maliciously suspect that the whole affair about the centrality of the text,
which reduces the existence of the living to a status of extra-textuality, depends
on the well-known tendency of intellectuals to represent the world in their
likeness and image. This is, of course, an ancient vice. It originates, perhaps,
with Parmenides - the first professional thinker - who declares that 'being and
thinking are the same.' The 'I think, therefore- I am' of Descartes, and the 'all
that is real is rational' of Hegelian memory, echo him through the millennia.
After which, in more recent times, the subject fades away - but not the
sacredness of intellectual work, which, for centuries, has claimed to put it into
the world. On the contrary, such intellectual work, tirelessly speculating upon
itself, decides that the very same speculators are a fictitious product of the
speculating game. With a rather democratic gesture, the text thus consumes
everyone's existence - philosophers and housewives, heroes and poets,
characters and authors -in a single mouthful.
It_is therefore not the case that our New York l.'eader reveals a strong interest
for life-stories, furnished with nice photographs, and not for literary or
philosophical criticism. Evidently, however, she has already become bored with
books written by someone who, though appearing by name on the cover,
endeavors with delight to argue for the unreality of his own existence, and
additionally for the unreality of our reader's existence as well.
1 Ibid., p. 20.
2 Cf. Kathleen Barry, 'Biography and the search for a women's subjectivity,' Women's
Studies International Forum, 12 (1989), p. 571.
3 Rosi Braidotti, Dissonanze (Milan: La Tartaruga, 1994).
4 Janet Varner Gunn, Autobioaraphy: Towards a Poetics if Experience, p. 30.
5 Laura Mattesini, 'Scrivere di se: una rassegna critica sull'autobiografia femminile',
DWF {Donna Woman Femme}, 2-3 (1993), pp. 28-47. [TN: my translation.] As the
title indicates, the article is a very useful review of feminist literature, especially
American, which is dedicated to autobiography; and has the merit of reporting in a
long, documented bibliographic note, to which I refer the reader. Especially in the
English-speaking world, this type of study has seen a marked, and interesting, in-
crease in recent years, with an end nowhere in sight.
6 Cf. Felicity A. Nussbaum, The Autobioaraphical Subject (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1989), p. 12.
7 The neologism of the term 'auto/biography' appears in the text and title of the book
by Liz Stanley, according to theoretical criteria explained by the author. The use that
I make of it here must be understood as a choice of mere typographical convenience·.
By auto/biography I mean simply both autobiography and biography.
8 Laura Mattesini, 'Scrivere di se: una rassegna critica sull'autobiografia femrninile',
p. 39.
9 Christine Battersby, Gender and Genius (London: The Women's Press, 1989), p. 151.
10 Arendt, The Human Condition, p. 193.
11 Ibid., p. 181.
12 Roland Barthes, Introduction to the Structural Analysis if the Narrative (Birmingham, UK:
Centre for Contemporary Culture Studies, 1966), p. 32.
13 Horace, Odes 3, 30, and 4, 9; from Odes and Epodes (Cambridge, Massachusetts:
Harvard University Press, 1988).
Part III
About six weeks ago Gertrude Stein said, it does not look to me as if you
were ever going to write that autobiography. You know what I am going
to do. I am going to write it for you.
Gertrude Stein, The Autobiosraphy tifAlice Toklas
the text, however, as a character narrated by Alice. The play of this fiction could
also be formulated differently. One could indeed say that, in The Autobioaraphy if
Alice Toklas, Alice herself- while figuring in the autobiographical role of the first
person- nevertheless ends up playing the role of Gertrude Stein's biographer. In
short, the fiction is complex and entertaining precisely because it is explicit. The
autobiographical and biographical genres are superimposed upon one another.
The roles of the narrating self and the narrated self confuse Alice's name with
Gertrude's, perplexing the reader. There ar~ numerous possible interpretations
of this transgressive gesture that sustains the text, not the least of which is the
one adored by the post-modern paradigm. From an elementary point of view,
one thing nevertheless remains true. Gertrude writes her life-story, makina it
told by another; by Alice, her friend and partner, her lover.
As many interpreters have noted, this is a life-story that does not at all
resemble the classic profile of the tale, and resembles even less what is inspired
by the 'confession' or the 'novel.' On the contrary, the privileged viewpoint is
given to a vision rooted in the actuality of the happening. 1 Alice- in the famous
experimental writing of Gertrude- watches, and writes what she sees. She sees
some quite extraordinary characters enter into Gertrude's Parisian house, albeit
from her angle of vision- which is, of course, secondary. And, as she sees them,
so she tells of them. In the same way, she sees and describes Gertrude's visits to
the shows or the studios of the most famous painters of the period. Even in the
digressions that abound in the text, forward and backward in time, the visual
technique remains a fundamental choice.
The privileging of the gaze indicates therefore another crucial trick. Gertrude
constructs a text where she watches herself with the eyes of the other; or, rather,
in Arendtian terms, she constructs a scene where she paradoxically appears to
herselfin the only way in which she can ~ppear- to the gaze of others.
Many remarkable artists of the period appear before the gaze of Alice and are
described, or recounted, by her. But Gertrude remains at the center of the
vision, and orients it. Indeed, the presence of-others- observed and narrated-by
Alice - allows Gertrude's story to make clear the interwoven character of
others' stories, which constitutes the expositive and relational reality of the self.
The gigantic egotism of Gertrude Stein thus succeeds in producing a literary
fiction of stories that intersect where she herself stands out, and where Alice -
the lover, the friend - still appears as the other who watches her and as the other
who tells her story. Put another way, the text functions as a sort of theater of the
self in which Gertrude stages her exhibitive impulse and her desire for narration.
Alice, who watches and recounts, more than simply being a literary artifice, is
here the necessary other.
The dynamic of the text indeed bears witness to the fact that Alice does not
play a merely instrumental role. This dynamic is, moreover, developed by the
position of the one who watches and recounts. In other words, Gertrude Stein
does not simply create an ingenious narcissistic mechanism, but rather adapts the
writing as much as possible to the perspective, narrative position of the other.
For example, she lets Alice - who is not involved in a conversation between
Gertrude and Picasso- have the time to observe alone, from her point of view,
the paintings that hang on the wall. The privileging of the visual orientation -
totally immersed in the actuality of a present which makes the narrative coincide
with the description - thus produces the curious absence of any sentimental
accent. Lacking in introspective satisfactions and psychological enquiries, the text
is a feast of exhibition and appearance. The reality of the self, far from possessing
an interior, is totally external. Alice narrates that which she sees in the moment in
which she sees it. Like Picasso's paintings, Gertrude appears to the gaze or the
senses of the other. 'I met Gertrude Stein. I was impressed by her coral brooch
and by her voice,' recounts Alice in the text written by Gertrude. 2 That meeting
signals the beginning of a love-affair that the tale still refuses to infuse with any
retrospective sentimentalism.
As the fruit of a curious fiction that clearly refutes itself, the text is therefore
interesting not only as the transgression of the autobiographical genre, but also
for the desire that sustains its ingenious mechanism. That this desire is tightly
bound to a lesbian relationship has been made clear by feminist literary
criticism. 3 What is remarkable, however, is the capacity of the book to stage a
relationship between Alice and Gertrude that refigures itself in terms of both a
visual and narrative reciprocity. Indeed, the game is found out. The two are
accomplices. Alice types- or, rather, first reads, and then rewrites, the pages
that Gertrude has written by hand. Alice was not a typist by trade. She had to
learn how to use the typewriter in order to support Gertrude's work. Their life
together is in large part modeled on the traditional couple, where one - the
writer, the genius - plays the role of the 'husband,' while the other - the cook,
the secretary- plays the role of 'wife.' Gertrude writes. Alice recopies.
The text that results from this is obviously important; indeed, it is exemplary
as literary experimentation- but this is first of all a part of the game. The text,
in fact, succeeds in producing curious rhetorical strategies precisely because it
refigures the real relationship and itself functions as the reciprocal desire, both
lived and narrated, that characterizes it. Put simply, The Autobiography cf Alice
Toklas transgresses the classical tenets of autobiography because it puts into
writing the relational character of a self that the autobiographical genre - as such
-is prevented from putting in words.
From a rigorous perspective, even Gertrude Stein's text does not escape this
rule. Indeed, it is written by Gertrude and-it narrates chiefly about Gertrude. The
Alice who recounts in the first person is onry a _pretext. Due to the particular
nature of this pretext, the text nevertheless, in a certain sense, eludes this rule -
at least as far as it is possible to elude it. Indeed, in the pretext, it is the other
who watches Gertrude and tells her story. The complicity of Alice in the
undertaking adds to the trick, and renders it perfect. One of the most shameless
examples of egotism in contemporary literature thus gives us a lesson in altruism. ·
Prior to being a generous life-style in the service of others, altruism is indeed
the foundational principle of a self that knows itself to be constituted by another:
the necessary other.
lf not only Emilia, but also Gertrude Stein (who proclaimed herself, without
mincing words, to be a genius), can interpret the figure of a 'narratable' self and
her desire, an obvious question arises. Is all of this a narcissistic orgy centered on
the pleasure of hearing one's story told? Is this perhaps an auto/biographical
twist on typical modern individualism, in feminist clothing?
The Arendtian hero, who has accompanied us from the start, has in effect
often been accused of exhibitionist narcissism; indeed, the Arendtian sense of
politics has been judged to be constitutively narcissistic. Reserving some doubt ·
with regard to Gertrude Stein, we realize, nonetheless, right away, how difficult
it is to malce the same judgment regarding Emilia. Not only because narcissism is
a question between self and self, where the other (if there is one) functions only
as a spectator to be dazzled - but also since the uniqueness that exposes itself, in
Arendt's sense, brings to the scene a fragile and unmasterable self. Both the
exhibitionist self of action and the narratable self are completely given over to
others. In this total giving-over there is therefore no identity that reserves for
itself protected spaces or private rooms of impenetrable refuge for self-
This is why autobiography is a mistake of desire, the vicious circle of a mis-
taken course. This is why Gertrude Stein challenges the autobiographical genre
by writing a text where it is the other who tells her story. The narrative
character of memory is indeed everything in which the narratable self consists,
without yet being able to keep any distance from itself. To tell one's own story is
to distance oneself from oneself, to double oneself, to make of oneself an other.
It is not by chance that narratology must deal with 'the anomalous coincidence of
author, narrator and character,' which is typical of the autobiographical work. 4
There is, in autobiography, the strange pretense of a self that malces himself an
other in order to be able to tell his own story; or, rather, of a self which, using
his memory as a separated mirror in which he inseparably consists, appears to
himself as an other - he externalizes his intimate self-reflection. The other,
therefore, is here the fantasmatic product of a doubling, the supplement of an
absence, the parody of a relation. Gertrude Stein knows this well, and she
challenges the very mechanism by introducing into the autobiographical scene an
other who really is an other.
and now, and which coincides simply with the actual end of the story. 9 In other
words, the biographical tale can always enjoy the momentary completion of its
unity in the story 'up until now,' even if this unity finds its formal perfection-
which is necessarily inaudible to the ear of desire - in the final word written by
Whether absolute or momentary, the completion of the tale of a life-story is
still peculiar. Even when the last word is written, it never gives in to the illusion
of a complete totality. That which 'in the end' comes to completion in the tale is
in fact never the total sense of the self, but rather the lifetime that death cuts off.
In other words, death does not coincide with the final stroke that bnnas to an end
the design of the stork. Never closed in a perfect line that rejoins the first point
with the last, the stork can be retraced at many points of the tale. The existent,
which is insubstitutable for the duration of his/her life-span, is never an all -
although it is born into the promise of Still less does he/she find in death
'an adequate base for establishing in what sense the totality of Being-there can be
talked about. >IO Only a perspective that is obsessively focused on death can in
fact read existence in terms of totality. Even the posthumous horizon that
characterizes the motive of many autobiographical writings supports this
obsession. 11
Precisely because of this irremediable exposure to others, uniqueness -
a1though it speaks the desiring language of the one - rejects, at the root, the
synthesis of the all. The en kai pan, the One and All, belong to the doctrine of
Parmenides-, not to the design of a life traced by human footsteps on the terrain
of unforeseeability and contingency. Fragile and exposed, the existent belongs to
a world-scene where interaction with other existents is unforeseeable and
potentially infinite. As in The Arabian Niahts, the stories intersect with each other.
Never isolated in the chimerical, total completion of its sense, one cannot be
there without the other.
The narratable self thus re-enters into what we could call a relational ethic of
contingency; or, rather, an ethic founded on the altruistic ontology of the human
existent as finite. Already exposed within the interactive scene that Arendt calls
'political,' there lies at the center of the narrative scene a who which - far from
enclosing herself within the pride of a self-referential ego meant to last forever -
gathers the in-born matrix of an expositive and relational existence. She wants
and gives, receives and offers, here and now, an unrepeatable story in the form of a
This ethic finds therefore a fundamental principle in the recognition that every
human being, whatever her qualities, has her unjudgable splendor in a personal
identity that is irrefutably-her story.
This is not a recognition that belongs to the- classical realm of moral theory,
and neither is it a principle whose ethic can be deduced. This is rather an
irreflexive recognition, already at work in the exhibitive nature of the self, which
is rendered even more explicit in the active and desiring practice of reciprocal
storytelling. The relational character of the ethic that responds to this is not
therefore the fruit of a choice; or, rather, the object of a possible appraisal or the
result of a grandiose strategy. It is rather the necessary aspect of an identity
which, from beginning to end, is intertwined with other lives - with reciprocal
exposures and innumerable gazes- and needs the other's tale.
Thus, all universalizing ethics (or politics) that are founded on Man, and those
that champion the modern individual, end up being refuted. Although in
different ways, both of these doctrines ignore the who and focus instead on the
what. It is enough to cite the rational and political animal of Aristotle, or the homo
homini lupus of Hobbes. These respond, in different ways, to the same question:
what is Man? This insistence on the what to the detriment of the who is sympto-
matically even truer when the 'individualistic theory' refuses to emphasize the
competitive nature of the single, or 'dissolves' it into the political principle of
equality. The fact is that human beings live together. Whether natural or
artificial, their community is involved with a problem of acting and of living
together that cannot refrain from talting the other into consideration. This is
precisely why- coinciding in some cases, as happens in the Greece of Plato· and
Aristotle - ethics and politics often go hand in hand.
Within the individualist horizon, the other- different or equal, according to
criteria of categorization - is, however, someone who is before us and with
whom we must establish rules for living together. He or she never embodies the
constitutive relationship of our insubstitutible identity. The other is rather
someone who is also there and occupies, more or less peacefully, the same
territory. In fact, according to the doctrine of natural law, in the classical
formulation of individualism, residinB tonether (stare insieme] - rendered possible
and disciplined by politics - is the 'artificial' result of an agreement, not the
founding condition of humans, in so far as they are constituted by a beinB tonether
(essere insieme], which, within the plural -space of appearance, shows their
uniqueness and guarantees their reality. It is hardly necessary to refer to Hobbes,
and to his famous theory of the war of all against all, in order to take note of the
way in which the foundations of the individualist doctrine ignore precisely the
constitutive relation of the self with the other. Ut sinnuli, in Hobbes' radical
formulation, but, nonetheless, separable - indeed, originally separated from one
anothe~ - the individuals of the modern doctrine al'e sources of values and rights
for themselves. Their greatest burden is that they must take account of others -
they must negotiate rules, accept limits, make compromises.
Neither is it any longer worth the trouble of illustrating by extension, the
neuter-masculine model that substantiates individuals, and towards which
feminist thought has for a long time now directed its criticism. 12 Indeed, our
they reciprocally appear as an other. 16 They thus do not lend substance to the
anonymous face of an indistinct and universal alterity- namely, that face of the
abstract altruism which is too easily identified as a generic benevolence or pious
intention. The altruism of uniqueness is neither sacrifice nor dedication, nor
mortification, nor renunciation. It is rather the ontological status of a who, which
is always relational and contextual, for whom the other is necessary.
The altruism of uniqueness has thus the additional merit of avoiding that
'rhetoric of alterity,' which the philosophical discourse of the twentieth century
seems to adore. 'The Other' or 'the other,' capital or lower-case, often gets
invoked by contemporary philosophers as a proof of their good intentions with
respect to the individualistic spirit of the times. Whether it is the alterity that
invades the self, rendering him nomadic and fragmented, or the alterity that lures
the self more subtly with his embrace, these others never have the distinct and
unrepeatable face of each human in so far as he is simply another. Intolerant, as
usual, of many elementary givens of existence - a large part of contemporary
philosophy disdains the ontological status that binds the reality of the self to the
(well, yes, empirical) material presence of someone other.
As we never tire of repeating, the ontological status of reciprocal appearance
[comparizione] belongs to the existents- distinct and plural, each one for and with
another- of a living context like life. Continuing to live as a unique existent, here
and now, in flesh and bone, this and not another, the who therefore avoids both the
usual language of ethics and of politics. Constitutively altruistic, rather than by
choice, the ethics and politics of uniqueness indeed speak a language that does not
know general names. They tend, moreover, to coincide in the relational character
of the very same scene - where the other who interacts, watches and recounts is
the inassimilable, the insubstitutable, the unrepeatable. She is a unique existent
that no categorization or collective identity can fully contain. She is the you [tu]
that comes before the we [noi], before the plural you [voi] and before the- they [lora].
Symptomatically, the you [tu] is a term that is not at home in modern and
contemporary developments of ethics and politics,. The 'you' is ignored by the
·individualistic doctrines, which are too preoccupied with praising the rights of
the J, and the 'you' is masked by a Kantian form of ethics that is only capable of
staging an I that addresses itself as a familiar 'you' [un 'io' che si da solamente del
'tu']. Neither does the 'you' find a home in the schools of thought to which
individualism is opposed - these schools reveal themselves for the most part to
be affected by a moralistic vice, which, in order to avoid falling into the
decadence of the I, avoids the contiguity of the you, and privileges collective,
plural pronouns. Indeed, many 'revolutionary' movements (which range from
traditional communism to the feminism of sisterhood) seem to share a curious
linguistic code based on the intrinsic morality of pronouns. The we is always
positive, the plural you [voi] is a possible ally, the they has the face of an
antagonist, the I is unseemly, and the you [tu] is, of course, superfluous.
It is therefore interesting to note the way in which- by allowing the we of the
context to be modeled on the relationship between the you and the I - the
narrative practice of the consciousness-raising groups already ends up subverting
this curious morality of pronouns. This shift towards an altruistic ethics of
relationality is the right direction, and facilitates the course that the feminism of
sexual difference follows in its most recent developments. As evidence, consider
the way in which the Italian Left regards as incomprehensible the feminist lexicon
that is bizarrely centered on the link between 'starting from oneself and 'the
relation between women.' 17 Within this horizon (which we now take to heart),
the crucial problem still does not consist in this congenital incomprehensibility,
but rather in the empathetic trap into which each scene of narrative reciprocity
risks falling.
The empathetic theory is quite familiar to literary criticism, which occupies
itself with the cultural and social construction of the self in modern narrative. It
illustrates how, beginning with the eighteenth century, the sense of the 'self is
articulated above all through the use of a history of suffering and tribulation told
by another - most of all by someone who belongs to the ranks of the op-
pressed. 18 This is therefore a type of empathy tha:t functions typically within the
constitution of a self that metabolizes the story of the other. In other words, this
is a recognition in which uniqueness, as such, disappears.
Although the feminist practice of consciousness-raising does not deal with
literature, it can be analyzed from the perspective of this empathetic theory. In
the exchange of auto/biographical tales, the recognition of the uniqueness of the
other and her desire for narration is, within the narrative scene, often mixed
with the tendency to recognize the meaning [sensa] of one's own self within the
other's story, especially if that story speaks of suffering and misery. The comfort
of similarity wins out over the relational status of distinction. The effect - or,
perhaps, the empathetic motive for reciprocal narration - thus risks frustrating
that reciprocal appearance [comparire] of uniqueness that qualifies the dynamic of
recognition as an ethic. To recognize oneself in the other is indeed quite different
from recognizing the irremediable uniqueness of the other.
This phenomenon must be carefully considered. In the last analysis, the risk of
constructing the common 'being woman' [ 'essere donne'] as a substance, as the
Woman that responds to their common experience, can be traced to the
generalization of this empathy within the groups of consciousness-raising. In the
words of Non credere di avere dei diritti, 'the practice of self-consciousness
presupposed and favored a perfect reciprocal identification. -I am you, you are
me, the words which we say are women's words, hers and mine.' 19 Who I am
and who you are are thus passed over in favor of the question 'who are we,'
which is simply an ontological error of the language.
What we have called an altruistic ethics of relation does not support empathy,
identification, or confusions. Rather this ethic desires a you that is truly an other,
in her uniqueness and distinction. No matter how much you are similar and
consonant, says this ethic, your story is never my story. No matter how much
the larger traits of our life-stories. are similar, I still do not recognize myself in
you and, even less, in the collective we. I do not dissolve both into a common
identity, nor do I digest your tale in order to construct the meaning of mine. I
recognize, on the contrary, that your uniqueness is exposed to my gaze and
consists in an unrepeatable story whose tale you desire. This recognition,
therefore, has no form that could be defined dialectically; that is, it does not
overcome or save finitude through the circular movement of a higher synthesis. The
necessary other is indeed here a finitude that remains irremediably an other in all
the fragile and unjudgeable insubstitutability of her existing. Put simply, the
necessary other corresponds first of all with the you whose language is spoken by
the shared narrative scene.
Within the horizon of the narratable self, the pronoun of biography is in fact
not he [egliJ but you [tuJ. The one who tells us our story speaks the language of the
you. Within the shared narrative scene, the addressee of the tale and its presence
wins out over the classic role, in the text, of the absent protagonist.
Cf. Simona Cappelli, 'Le autonarrazioni di Gertrude Stein,' DWF [Donna Woman
Femme], 2-3 (1993), p. 52.
2 Gertrude Stein, The Autobiography if Alice Toklas (New York: Modern Library, 1993),
P· 6.
3 Cf. Catharine R. Stimpson, 'The mind, the body, and Gertrude Stein,' Critical
Inquiry, 3 (1977), pp. 459-506; Leigh Gilmore, 'A signature of lesbian autobiogra-
phy: Gertrude/Altrude,' Prose Studies, 14 (1991), pp. 50-68; Sidonie Smith, Subjec-
tivity, Identity and the Body (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993), pp. 65-82.
4 Andrea Battistini, Lo Specchio di Dedalo: Autobiogrrifia e Biogrrifia (Bologna: II Mulino,
1990), p. 129.
5 Jacques Derrida, The Ear rfthe Other (New Y:ork: Schocken Books, 1985).
6 Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo, translated by Walter Kaufman (New York: Random
House, 1967),p. 217.
7 Ibid.
8 Maria Zambrano, I Beati (Milan: Feh:rinelli, 1992), p. 77.
9 Carolyn Steedman, Past Tenses, p. 48.
10 Martin Heidegger, Being and Time, trans. John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson
(New York: Harper, 1962), p. 372.
11 Cf. Maurizio Ferraris, Mimica (Milan: Bompiani, 1992).
12 I have dealt with this question in 'Equality and sexual difference: amnesia in political
thought,' in Beyond Equality and Ddference: Citizenship, Feminist Politics and Female
Subjectivity, edited by G. Bock and S. James (London: Routledge, 1992), pp. 32-47.
13 Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition, pp. 8, 127.
14 Maurizo Ferraris, Mimica, p. 9.
15 Hannah Arendt, The Life tif Mind, pp. 32, 34.
16 Cf. Adriana Cavarero, 'Birth, Love, Politics' in Radical Philosophy 86 ( 1997), pp. 22-3.
17 See the analysis oflda Domanijanni, 'Politica del simbolico e mutamento' in Culwra e
politica delle donne e la sinistra in ltalia (Trimestrale della Fondazione Istituto Gramsci
di Roma), 3 (1992), pp. 131-57.
18 Cf. Carolyn Steedman, Other People's Stories: Modernity's Szdfering Self, presented also at
the conference on Autobiography: Strate8)' for Survival (University of Warwick, Octo-
ber, 1996).
19 Sexual Ddference: the Milan Women's Bookstore Collective, p. 44.
Eurydice dies; Orpheus seeks consolation in his art. 'But he, solacing love's
anguish with his hollow shell, sang of thee, sweet wife- of thee, to himself on
the lonely shore,' Virgil tells us. 1 The poet sings for himself, narrating about her
on the solitary bank, but his song is heard by others - listeners who grow in
number and let themselves be seduced by the poetic verse: men and beasts,
infernal gods and dead souls. In this way, the memory of Eurydice is circulated
and the song can be repeated, from generation to generation, becoming
immortal- even beyond the lifetime allowed to Orpheus.
Orpheus has essentially two faces, which cross a long literary tradition
dedicated to the myth. On the one 'hand, he is the very symbol of poetry, of the
language that enchants the hearer, of the magic verse that has 'the capacity to
break down the barrier between_ life and death, and even to bring the dead back
to life. ' 2 -On the other hand, he is the ultimate lover, the one who challenges the
gods of Hell in order to have his beloved back and, because of his tremendous
passion, undoes his own undertaking. Virgil's Orpheus, who sings precisely of
her, of the loved one, ·serves to bring together these two faces, linking the
narrating verse to the amorous relationship. This is a tragic link, however. As his
name says, Orpheus is an orphan: his song comes from an inexorable loss, from
the death of the loved one. As the symbol of the p~etry of love, Orpheus
inaugurates the stubborn tradition, which wants the loved woman to be a dead
As the poet par excellence - not only the poet of love, hut the very symbol of
poetry- he is, however, also able to impersonate the direct adversary of the poet
par excellence, Plato.
Ever since philosophy decided to call itself such, and to define its disciplinary
status with the work of Plato, it has declared war against the art of poetry, and
proudly differentiates itself from it. After Havelock's famous studies there are no
longer any doubts about the original cause of this series of events. 3 The
extraordinary stance of hostility which Plato reserves for the poetic art - or, for
the various types of narration (epic, tragedy, poetry) that dominate Greek culture
at the time - is a consequence of the gesture with which he comes to found
philosophy as an alternative genre of discourse. Briefly, the epochal passage from
orality to writing, from Homer to Plato, is, above all, a passage from narrative
verse, which enchants the hearer by evoking images in the seductive and
irreflexive flux of the tale, to philosophical discourse, which proceeds rather with
method to define and to fix its terms. 'The crucial movement of philosophy is
born with the repudiation of poetry,' the work of abstraction is born of the
repudiation of the pleasure of narration. 4 From the stories of Homer we pass to
the 'immobility without history' of ideas. What Oedipus learned at his expense
is, for Plato, a principle- indeed, it is the very principle of philosophy.
With the typical seriousness of his irony, Plato has no scruples when it comes
to making fun of Orpheus. In the dialogue on love, The Symposium, he takes
delight in interpreting the myth from a perspective that tries precisely to
discredit Orpheus as the figure of the poet. Plato makes Phaedrus say how the
gods showed to Orpheus, at-Hades, 'only the shadow of the woman he came for,
without giving him the woman herself, because they judged him to be weak, just
like a cithara-player.' 5 To the illusionist effect that, according the philosopher,
characterizes the poetic art, the gods have correctly responded with the illusion
of a shadow [phasma], or rather with the phantom of Eurydice, her deceptive
image, her copy. Orpheus, the cithara-player, is wealc for Plato. He is a purveyor
of shadows and deceptions, who receives in exchange the mocking deceit of a
shadow. In fact, for the philosopher, there is nothing more harmful, more anti-
_pedagogical, more Platonically anti-political, than an art that appeals to the
wealmess of the passions- which is, not by chance, totally feminine. Nothing is
more perilous than a tale that stages human fragility, inducing the spectators to
participate ih it and to share in its emotions. With the pride of the founder, Plato
opposes this art- which narrates of singular existents, and their fragility, as a
goodness - the disciplining exercise of philosophy; namely, the work of thought,
which can, by right, be defined as 'reasonable and detached, in relation with
external forms; masculine and mature, and capable of attracting students, the
province of an elite;' in short, a school for the best boys. 6
For Orpheus, poet and lover, the consequences are not small. Indeed, from
Plato's perspective, philosophy is not only a discipline, which, as Foucault would
say, stylizes Man on the model of his abstract, discursive order. Philosophy -
which is obviously polemic in relation to the 'vulgar' love, which attaches itself
to the bodies and the passions - also turns 'celestial' love, between two souls
filled with loaos, into an ascendant course that draws on the truth of the ideas. 7 In
this way, love doubles itself into its vulgar figure and its ascetic figure. The first is
left to the weakness of the little people, the women and the cithara players. The
second conducts philosophy in a realm of pure thought, which is entirely like the
realm of death.
'Throughout the whole history of philosophy,' writes Arendt, 'persists the
truly singular idea of an affinity between philosophy and death. ' 8 Philosophers
from Plato to Heidegger (and beyond) proclaim this emphatically. The common
people, for their part, figure this out rather quickly - and have fun ridiculing
them. However, what distinguishes the philosopher from the common people is
the very tone of this emphasis. The activity of thought consists in fact always and
everywhere in a solitary experience, which temporarily abandons the world of
appearances- or, rather, the world of life and plurality that we inhabit together
with our peers. Since, for human beings, 'the most radical experience of
disappearance is death, and the retreat from appearances which is equal to
death,' the analogy between death and thinking has an obvious foundation. 9
Making thought into his favorite activity- indeed, into his very profession- and
qualifying this activity as 'a living for death,' the philosopher .simply registers the
way that things are. His ingenuity consists in the emphatic tone with which he
announces this rather common experience to the profane. He pretends to
smuggle as a discovery and a privilege something that is, instead, actually
From this emphasis there nonetheless follow, for the philosopher, even -more
serious .crimes than the sin of naive vanity. The greatest of all, according to
Arendt, is that of maldng himself at home in the realm of pure thought and of
judging the world of human plurality to be superfluous. Universal Man thus
comes to eclipse the uniqueness of each human being. The theory expels the
_politics of plural interaction and replaces it with the rule of the few over the
many. In other words, the metaphysical tradition is centered on the category of
death - to which Arendt opposes her political conception of action and birth.
It thus becomes clear why Arendt refutes the very name of philosopher,
preferring that of political thinker. For the love of human plurality, she indeed
embraces a speculative horizon, which - against the philosophical custom of
separating itself from the world - opens a worldly scene, plural and shared,
where each one exhibits who he or she is, and leaves behind a· story. The role of
the poet and the narrator, in Arendt's anomalous theory, finally gets recuperated
after centuries of neglect. We might expect therefore that Arendt finds some
excellent arguments for difendina Orpheus from the malice of Plato. Amazingly,
this is not the case.
The brief reference that Arendt reserves for the myth of Orpheus is in fact
inserted by her into a broad reflection dedicated precisely to the activity of
thought. The argument regards the fact that thinking always takes as its object
something invisible; that is, some 'de-sensitized sensible objects,' rendered this
way by the imaginative work of memory. The myth of Orpheus has the merit of
illustrating efficaciously 'that which happens in the instant in which the thought-
process interrupts itself in the ordinary world of life,' or rather that which
happens when we stop thinking and return to the reality of the world: 'every
invisibility vanishes again.' 10 Put another way, in its constitutive separation from
the world of visible appearances, the one who thinks has in his mind some
invisible objects that is, some desensitized images. When, detaching himself
from the activity of thinking, he turns once again to the world, these images
disappear along with the thought.
The myth of the crucial turnina around [voltarsi] therefore functions rather well.
In the context of Arendt's argument, Eurydice impersonates the role of the
invisible, while Orpheus - in, for him, a somewhat anomalous role - represents
Within the perspective of this surprising reading, Orpheus's decision to turn
around when he gets close to the light finds an easy explanation. The physical
visibility of the objects - which is obvious in the world of the living, ill~ated
by the sun - is indeed hypothetically possible only when, rising from Hell and
'on the very verge of light,' Orpheus turns around in order to 'look back at
Eurydice.' 11 This is mad, of course, because in a flash the loved one dissolves. He
has fatally disobeyed the condition of never turning around, imposed by
Proserpina. 'Something worthy of being forgiven, if Helllmew how to forgive!'
notes Virgil with a quite human lyricismY But the point is, Arendt would say,
that not even the gods of Hell are able to pardon the one who violates the law that
separates thought from the world of the visible. The condition, imposed by the
gods, is that Orpheus should not turn around to look at the loved one who walks
behind him. Apparendy, this is not a prohibition that absolutely denies to the
living the vision of dead souls, because the poet does see the specters of the
deceased, which gather in throngs around his song. The prohibition only goes for
Eurydice; that is, for the one who, being the object of thought, the image of the
mind, is necessarily incompatible with the physical visibility that concerns the
Since the Arendtian discourse on the activity of thought here concerns the
invisible, even the narration enters inevitably into the argument. 'Therefore the
simple tellina of what happened ... is preceded by the -de-sensing operation,' notes
Arendt in order to corroborate her thesis. 13 Like thought, narration has to do
with invisible objects. The imagination is common to both.
Now, the reading which Arendt reserves for the myth of Orpheus turns out to
be rather surprising. Not so much because, identifying the poet par excellence with
the activity of thinking, she upsets the Platonic revindication of the opposition of
the roles; but above all because she loses a good chance to lead Orpheus back to
that model of the storyteller which would suit him better. As the narrator, who
always has a retrospective gaze because he turns to the past, to what has been and
is no longer, Orpheus indeed sings of the loved one because she is not there,
because she is dead. As is the task of the poet, he offers a narration post mortem to
the one who has completed her sojourn in the world of sensible appearances.
Rather than turning him into a philosopher who is irritated by the world
interrupting his thoughts, the error of turning around makes Orpheus into a poet
who transgresses the rule of his art, because of an overflowing passion for love.
If it is indeed true that both thinking and narrating share the rule that requires
that their objects be invisible, is it equally true that these 'objects' are not the
same? The beloved Eurydice, the Eurydice of poetic memory, is absolutely
different from the ideas contemplated by Plato. To say it somewhat romantically,
the memory of who one loves is never deferred to the cold splendor of the
It is, moreover, curious that, to have read the myth of Orpheus in reference
to thinking rather than narrating, Arendt ends up neglecting the possibility of
reinterpreting the myth as a dramatic version of the blind poet. Like Homer,
Teiresias, and Ulysses' rhapsod, Orpheus cannot in fact see the one whose story
he narrates. As the ancient image of the poet has it, he -at least symbolically
and, certainly, in a sudden and unexpected manner- experiences the blindness
that is typical of the narrator. Although temporary, it renders even more
significant the drama of the gaze, which Orpheus plays out with his 'turning
around.' The myth plays on the effects of an inexorable sequence. Turning his
back on the light, Orpheus looks backwards. Eurydice returns into the darkness
from which she came. In that moment- aligning himself with the classical figures
of therhapsod and the soothsayer the poet, by antonomasia, becomes blind.
This cannot be said about the classical figure of the thinker let us say the
'philosopher' - even if he shares with the poet the invisibility of the object.
Again, for Arendt, the philosopher- more than being blind - is 'dead to the
world' and, what is more, is happy that way. His professional characteristic
consists in abandoning the world in order to set himself apart in the splendid
activity of pure thought - the luminous region from which he never returns
voluntarily to the darkness of the cave.
The very splendor of the objects of thought in fact nourishes the well-known
Platonic .metaphor, according to which what is inVisible to the physical eye
becomes maximally visible to the gaze of the mind. Accustomed to a contempla-
tive life that is similar to death, the philosopher is never blind; on the contrary,
he sees more than others - with an acute eye undisturbed by the worldly
appearances - the intrinsic luminosity of the ideas. Those 'who have no clear
visual models in their souls' are more similar to the blind. 14 The philosopher
therefore applies the metaphor of blindness to others. Those who have eyes that
are obscured by the mere appearances of the world do not know how to look at
ideas. Given his familiarity with appearances, the poet is obviously one of their
For as much as invisibility ends up being the object that thought and narration
have in common, in the ancient image, only the narrator has a special link with
blindness. This is a classical link that Homer embodies in an exemplary way. ·
Unlike Arendt, we begin to suspect that there is, in this, something more than
the allusion to the posthumous gaze of the narrator.
If his blindness indicates the fact that the things which he narrates are not seen
by him directly because they are already past, then nothing would forbid the poet
from not being blind within the scene. Or, rather, nothing would forbid the
rhapsod from being able to physically see the Ulysses whose story he is
unlmowingly narrating. In fact, in the physical sense, Orpheus the poet is not
blind at all. And yet, even for him, there arises inexorably the law of blindness in
the sudden dissolving of Eurydice. The blindness therefore seems to indicate not
so much- or not only - the physical invisibility of narrated things, but rather the
exigency that the narrator not see he or she whose story he tells. Put another way,
in the examples cited above, the blindness of the poet comes to underline the
necessity of the lack if relation [l'irrelazione] on the narrative scene. It does not
amaze us, therefore, that - as definitive as the disappearance if the narrated person
.from the scene of the world is - death becomes a perfect image of this lack of
relation. The one who narrates the story of a deceased person certainly does not
narrate it to its protagonist.
The Arendtian thesis, according to which 'the essence of who one is comes
into being only when life departs, leaving behind nothing but a story,' has been
cited repeatedly. 15 We suspect that in death - in which Arendt too finds
inspiration - there is something more than the realization of the eudaimonia as the
lasting condition of a personal identity that is no longer subject to change. There
is also a critical allusion to the separation, which ideally keeps the one who
becomes narrated, at a distance from her narrator. Therefore, the scene of the
Phaecians (which, in theory, would resist this thesis) provides a significant
instance of it. Ulysses is in fact alive and is there, but the rhapsod does not know
him, and does not see him because he is blind. Between them, there is only a
story that results from the actions of the hero and that the rhapsod casually
narrates to .him. Neither can the narrator see Ulysses' tears. The posthumous
gaze of the blind poet symbolizes at the same time a logic of 'unrelation'
Arendt's preference for the heroic epic poem and for the blind poet thus risks
confirming this same logic. Consumed by the theme of death, the possible
contextual relations that the narrative scene contemplates disappear. All the
attention is concentrated on the classical figure of a scene where the ideal death
of the one who gets narrated, and the blindness of the one who narrates, sustain
each other by symbolizing the absence, between the two, of any relation.
In the Milanese episode of Emilia and Amalia - while it is not as canonical as
Homer, although it is certainly just as important - the contextual relation itself
between the one who narrates and the one who gets narrated comes to
undermine both the metaphor of blindness and the metaphor of death within the
narrative scene. In the relationship between the two friends, there comes to the
fore a narratable self who frustrates the two central elements of the ancient
Immune to heroism, here the self once again finds her familiar sense (sapore) in
the active relation (relazione in atto) with the one who grants her wish to hear
herself narrated. Moreover, the self often makes of this relation her fundamental
theater of reciprocal narrativity. The invisibility of memory thus comes to
encounter a happy correspondence in the visibility of the one who asks for and
receives the narration of her story. Just as blindness was a metaphor for the
absence of relation, seeing is here a symbol for all five senses. It indicates simply
that the relation is perceived, empirical, present. In the end, whether this text is
oral or written ends up being, in the last analysis, inessential.
The horizon in which the narratable self inscribes her meaning [sensa] is in fact
a horizon of desire that manifests itself and nourishes itself in the relation of two
living uniquenesses. This desire flows in the life-blood and has in death its
natural, physical limit - not its object in view of an immortal fame. Emilia
certainly does not want an identity, which, in the tangible form of the written
text, can outlive her. Emilia wants her friend to tell her story to her, while she is
still alive. Put another way, storytelling is the living's desire for narration, not
the desire for the immortal fame of the dead. ·
Obviously the dead too have a story. Or, better, the dead are by now nothing
but the tale of this story (il racconto di questa storia). It is, however, a story for us,
not for them. This is already true when ·the pronoun we indicates a general
public; we read biographical texts. But it is, above all, true- when the dead are our
dead. The one who dies, always dies to someone (or at least it sbould be so). He
or she is missed. A relationship is broken, and in the memory of the one who
lives there remains a life-story whose tale can no longer be heard by the
protagonist. In this way, the story gets told to others. Especially to those who
already know it. The story, far from being valuable for its newness, is indeed in
this case a co-memorative (con-memorante] repetition. The elaboration of the
mourning lies in the narrative work of a memory, which requires the complicity
Virgil, Georgics, Book IV, vv. 464-6 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University
Press, 1916).
2 Charles Segal, Orpheus: the Myth if the Poet (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1989), p. 207.
3 Cf. Eric Havelock, The Muse Learns to Write: Riflections on Orality and Literature from
Antiquity to the Present (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986).
4 Mark Edmundson, Literature Against Philosophy: Plato to Derrida (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 13.
5 Plato, The Symposium 179d-e. See Plato's Complete Works, edited by John Cooper
(Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 1997).
6 Mark Edmundson, Literature Against Philosophy: Plato to Derrida, p. 7. See also my
Figures '?fthe Body: Philosophy and Politics [translation forthcoming from the University
of Michigan Press].
7 This is, of course, the central argument of Plato's Symposium. I refer the reader, for
brevity, to my In Spite '?fPlato, p. 96.
8 Arendt, The Life if Mind, p. 79.
9 Ibid.
10 Ibid., p. 85.
11 Virgil, Georgics, Book IV, v. 490-1.
12 Ibid., v. 489.
13 Arendt, The Life if Mind, p. 87.
14 Plato, The Republic, 484c-d.
15 Cavarero, The Human Condition, p. 193.
The most famous modem transposing of the myth that gives voice to Eurydice is
that of the poet Rainer Maria Rilke, who 'transfers its interpretive key from
Orpheus himself to Eurydice.' 1 Actually, in 'Orpheus, Eurydice, Hermes,' she
pronounces a single word; or rather, a question: 'who?' The fatal monosyllable is
nonetheless crucial in the context.
The Rilkean poem describes a spectral scene, suspended in dark colors
between the world of the living and the world of the dead, where only Orpheus
and Hermes participate- with attention and intention- in what is happening.
Eurydice knows nothing of Orpheus's undertaking, she knows nothing of the one
who goes on ahead of her during the return among the living. She "knows nothing
of his desire and his impatience. This heightens the tension of the tale. She is no
longer the blonde woman
Full of her own death, once again a virgin: 'her sex had closed like a young
flower at the approach of evening,' she is by now a creature of the subterranean
world, perfect and indifferent. She is the sublime figure of absolute un-relation.
The god Hermes, who walks alongside her, guiding her return, cannot help but
show his disappointment when Orpheus turns around. 'He turned,' exclaims
Hermes in pain, sharpening the tension of the tale. And it is precisely in response
to this exclamation that Eurydice asks 'who?' The monosyllable, in its
inimitable dramatic brevity, thus indicates the total estrangement of Eurydice to
what is happening around her. Eurydice is the central figure of the myth
rewritten by Rilke, but the plot of the myth does not concern her.
While the tide of the myth bears three names - Orpheus, Eurydice, Hermes - the
text of Rilke's poetry omits them, preferring to impersonally name 'the man,'
the 'god' and she, 'the so-beloved,' die So-aeliebte. The who of Eurydice's
questions thus resounds with a double importance. On the one hand, the
response can in fact only consist in a name: Orpheus. On the other hand, it is
precisely of Orpheus that Eurydice - 'full of her great death, so new that
everything was incomprehensible to her' -conserves no memory, not even the
memory of a name. The god therefore, in his divine wisdom, does not respond.
The drama, the pathos of the scene indeed belongs only to the man and the god.
Eurydice, futilely led along the path that leads upwards, does not know who
walks ahead of her; 'wrapt in herself like one whose time is near, she thought not
of the man who went before them.' She does not even know that she is following
someone. 'Her paces circumscribed by lengthy shroudings, uncertain, gende,
and without impatience,' she is equally indifferent to her return down the road
after Orpheus turns around. She, so-loved, is indeed now in her absolute solitude
without any relation to the other, without any memory, and without any story.
This is why the god did not respond to her question: 'who?' because, for the
response to make any sense, he would have ·had to follow the name of Oq>heus
with the tale of his story.
An etymological approach to the names of ·the myth seems to curiously fit
within the Rilkean perspective. We have already noted that the orphanos, which
resounds in Orpheus, alludes to an abandonment, to a deprivation of the loved
one. The name, moreover, is also significandy connected to the peculiar
blindness of Orpheus, who - even more so as a poet- is blind [orbus], that is
deprived [orbatus] of the sight of she who slips further away into the distance. The
etymology of Eurydice seems rather to indicate, in the term eurus, a vastness of
space or power, which, joining to-dike [and thus deiknumi, to show], designates
her as 'the one who judges with breadth' or, perhaps, 'she who shows herself
amply.' Even the etymological guess-, therefore, allows us to bind the figure of
Eurydice to the vastness that resounds with her name - whether this is a
boundless territory that she inhabits, or something that concerns her power to
judge and to show; or, better, to judge br showina simply herself instead of
referring to intentional words or gestures.
In the poem that bears her na~e, she recites a monologue that is staged
immediately following the tragic turn of Orpheus. The initial verses, inaugurated
by the exclamation 'So you have swept me back,' have the tone of a deep rancor.
Perhaps citing the Rilkean version of the quiet fullness of death, and turning
directly to Orpheus, Eurydice tells him that:
Instead, Orpheus came in order to bring her back to the world of the living,
and then he turned around, pushing her back down again. In the words of ·
Eurydice, who, by now close to the light, is forced to return 'Where dead
lichens drip/Dead cinders upon moss of ash,' he is not at all the courageous lover
who- has challenged the gods of Hell and, turning around, has erred due to his
overflowing passion. Rather, he is arrogant and cruel. He is, in other words, the
one on whose desire and error the whole story, the whole plot of the story,
turns. He is the classical Orpheus, rewritten over and over, capable of charming
new generations of poets and readers, who are moved first of all by the spell of
his singing and by the tragedy of his story. In the verses of H .D., Eurydice, who
is dragged up and down without being able to intervene, discovers the
extraordinary possibility of commenting upon this story from her point of view.
The story reveals itself to be one of cruelty and arrogance, always decided by he
who has acted and- erred in order to possess her again, without asking himself, or
asking her, what the other's desire is.
If we think about it, the Orpheus of the classical myth is rather strange. He is
a magician of words, and master of verse. He knows that the loved-one walks
behind him, and yet he says nothing to her; he does not call her, does not
communicate, does not ask anything. This poetic enchanter is suddenly mute,
and is entrapped in the-logic of the gaze strange indeed.
Ovid himself had already -emphasized this visual entrapment. The song of
Orpheus has the power to paralyze .[stupuere] and petrify those who listen to it.
When Orpheus turns around and is 'struck' by the vanishing Eurydice, Ovid can
thus make fun of him by comparing him with someone turned to stone by the
gaze of Cerberus. The enchanting effect of Orphic poetry is therefore character-
ized by a stupefying valence, which has its mythic model in the petrifying gaze:
Cerberus, at the gates of Hell and, obviously, Medusa. Besides, in the Ovidian
version, it is Eurydice herself who figures 'as an inhabitant of Hell, who
transforms into stone any who looks upon her and who must go back inside (like
Cerberus) to her infernal abode.' 5 Supported by the logic of the gaze, the song of
Orpheus is a vocalization that immobilizes the listener. Orpheus is silent during
his ascent out of Hell, and never speaks to Eurydice, who follows him mutely;
this is why he pays the price for turning around - in a stupefied paralysis without
The way in which H.D., parodying this same logic, allows Eurydice to revisit
the myth by focusing on the arrogance of the gaze of Orpheus, thus becomes
rather significant.
She indeed asks him what he saw on her face when he turned around. The
whole scene plays on the effect of the earthly light that filters into the margins of
the exit and reflects upon her face, rendering her 'hyacinth colour caught from
the raw fissure iri the rock.' He possesses his o"wr{ light. Turning his back towards
the exit, his head is back-lit and is 'caught with the flame of the upper earth.' He
therefore sees on the face of Eurydice the very reflection of that earthly light that
his own turning-around renders, for her, unattainable.
The stenographic direction is truly subtle because - by reversing the perspec-
tival focus that traditionally centers on the gaze of Orpheus (who, by turning
around, looks at the loved-one, and we who look at him looking) - it transfers
the attention on to her. Indeed, Eurydice is here, contrary to the poem by Rilk:e;
an active center, and, at the same time, passive to vision. Or, rather, she is the
one who sees the scene and describes it from her point of view, discerning in
front of her the light that filters and the flames surrounding the head of Orpheus
that create the back-lighting effect. But she is also the one who, seeing herself
gazed upon by Orpheus, asks him what he is seeing and suggests the answer; or,
rather, she usurps the usual privilege of the other's perspective.
The poem of H.D., in which everything plays out around this gesture, thus
becomes legible in terms of the 'centrality of the system of the gaze in cinematic
representation,' which Teresa De Laurentis rethinks from the perspective of
feminist theory. In effect, the text of H.D., which almost follows DeLaurentis's
advice, seems both to take account of, and reverse, the classical modality of
identification, which implies for the female spectator 'both positionings of desire,
both the active and passive objectives; the desire for the other and the desire to
be desired by the other.' The result is an inversion of the meaning of the story. In
this poem, as in Plato and perhaps Ovid, there is neither pity nor emotion for the
unhappy undertaking of Orpheus. Nor is he here the poet; rather, he is the
ancient protagonist of the story, who is dethroned from his mythical function,
and, thus, from his role as poet and narrator. The protagonist and narrator, the
heroine and-the poetic voice, turn out now to be Eurydice.
After having been illuminated by the reflected light that comes from the earth
and from Orpheus, and after having glimpsed the azure sapphires and the gold
crocuses 'on bright surface' of the earth- all flowers which are by now lost-
Eurydice makes her home in perfect autonomy, in the colorless dark of her
abode. 'At least I have the flowers of myself,' she says, 'I have the fervour of
myself for a presence and my own spirit for light.'
Unlike the Eurydice of Rilke, whose fullness springs from the death of
consciousness and intention, the Eurydice of H.D. acquires her full autonomy
through the knowing and intentional course with which, although she cannot
change it, she is able to rewrite the plot of her story. There is obviously a
transition, filled with rancor and pride, from the love of the other to self-love.
The latter is symbolized by the Hell that opens 'like a red rose,' according to the
most famous metaphor of the feminine sex. What is a closed sex for Rillce,
through a new virginity of impenetrable fullness, becomes an opened sex for
H.D., albeit through the pleasure of a self-love that rejects the other- Eurydice
embodies in both cases a figure of un-relation (irrelazione].
While she is self-conscious and combative in H.D.'s version, Eurydice sings
her story only to herself, in the form of a monologue. The narration which
returns to the tone of an autobiography, while repeating the pathos of the ancient
play- renounces the amorous scene and keeps the lovers separate.
Charles·Segal, Orpheus: The Myth rif the Poet, p. 165.
2 Maurice Blanchot, The Space rif Literature, trans. Ann Smock (Lincoln: University of
Nebraska Press, ·1982), p. 173.
3 English translation of Rilke's poetry taken from New Poems, trans. by J. B. Leishman
(London: New Directions, 1964).
4 Hilda Doolittle, 'Eurydice,' in Selected Poems (New York: New Directions Books,
1988), pp. 36-40.
5 John Heath, 'The stupor of Orpheus,' The Classical journal, 9(4) (1996), pp. 363-4-.
We would like to tear Eurydice and Orpheus away from the funereal pathos of
the ancient myth. We would like to imagine a different outcome for the story
and picture the lovers, together once again, enraptured in the delight of a
reciprocal tale. Similar to feminine friendships, love is indeed often characterized
by a spontaneous narrative reciprocity. The reciprocal desire of a narraciole self
- which throws itself into autobiographical exercises in order to make the other
into a suitable narrator of her story - is of course part of the narrative. In love,
the expositive and relational character of uniqueness plays out one of its most
obvious scenes. On the stage of love, the questions 'who am I?' and 'who are
you?' form the beat of body language and the language of storytelling, which
maintain a secret rhythm.
We are all - at least those of us who have had the fortune - perfectly familiar
with this secret rhythm which, through the alternation of caresses and narration,
lets the loved-one play out this desire. In the community oflove, however, the
other [l'altrola] to whom the existent reciprocally appears is simply the beloved
[1'amato I a]. 1 And these bars that gender language could go on forever, because
love is the clearest proof that the uniqueness of the who always has a face, a voice,
a gaze, a body, and a sex; we could even say a soul, if we did not fear its
While not condoning its falsity, we can thus understand the error on which
the credibility of the myth hinges. It is, in fact, the very experience of orgasm
that is often identified with death - where the pleasure would coincide with self-
annihilation within the impersonal and autonomous logic of the flesh. Nonethe-
less what dies here, or what is already dead, is nothing else than the inflated
subject of its qualities. The loss of the meaning of what one is, and lmows oneself
to be- the total oblivion of one's own personal qualities and social markers- thus
get mistaken for the death of the self. However, we are dealing with a repetition
of birth, undergone by a self without qualities who, precisely because of this
magnificent stripping away of qualities, can suddenly remember the originary
coinciding of life and existence. The prevalence of the body is indeed here only
the inherence of the existence of the body - or, rather, the spirituality of the
flesh and fleshiness of the spirit, which malces their indiscernibility the miracle of
uniqueness. Lovers undress themselves in order to caress their naked bodies, and
yet only in the orgasm is the nakedness of the existence truly such, in so far as it
is stripped of every quality.
There is a great deal of common sense in the proverbial 'love at first sight.'
The expression signifies that one can fall in love with someone suddenly and at
first sight. But at first sight one cannot see anything but a physical appearance,
and thus one can only fall in love with the beauty that it embodies, as Plato
would say. And yet we lmow well that this is not so. We fall in love, rather, with
who shines through that body and that face; these become beautiful because they
are his or her body and face. They are beautiful in so far as they are unique and
felt to be such with an indisputable intensity. Since the criterion for this beauty
does not belong to the realm of judgment and, perhaps, not even to taste; rather
it belongs to the realm, indifferent to the 'what,' of the sudden manifestation of
uniqueness. Here too, therefore, in this immediacy that strikes the gaze, the flesh
and spirit of the loved-one are united and reveal an unrepeatable uniqueness,
while its qualities rapidly begin to vanish.
Love always the phenomenon of the unexpected which we were always
waiting for- has some uncontrollable and bizarre times, both in its upspringing
and in its end. Love, as we often lament, is brief. It easily succumbs to the
unhappy prevalence of qualities over the irremediable uniqueness of who we
loved. And we are then amazed by the fact that we had never seen what he or she
is. But it is precisely this <what' of the luminous revelation of the existent that
occupies the entire scene of mutual apparition, and which we could not see. We
could not see the qualities that render him or her similar to many others, the
judaable qualities. As the saying goes: love is blind not because it turns upon the
invisible, but because it is without judgment with respect to that which others see.
It experiences another type of gaze - a gaze that comes from the -agonizing
experience of a finite being's appearance, in its constitutive fr-agility.
storytelling - but that the first is most perfect when the second is totally absent.
'Carnally loving a stranger,' is its basic message, updating the autarchy of the eros
with a sort of positive spin on the 'vulgar' love despised by Plato. Consider, as an
example, the film Last Tango in Paris by Bernardo Bertolucci, where the
knowledge of the other's story signals, tragically, the end of a love entrusted
entirely to the language of the body. Like the myth about love and death, there is
a grain of truth to the myth about the isolation of eros. In its modern sense, the
autarchy of eros is traditionally attributed only to the male sex; while women
would be - through a strange tenacity of the romantic stereotype - 'sentimental'
and inclined towards the language of storytelling, if not to fantasizing
[qffabulazione]. The grain of truth in the myth is therefore easily revealed; it
alludes to the fact that the narrative character of feminine friendships signals a
female specificity, a conception of love that is nauseating to the champions of
autarchic eroticism.
As pointed out earlier, through the scission between 'body' and 'soul' that
characterizes the subject, women have an easier time approaching the experience
of the narratable self. In other words, their so-called sentimentalism is the
coherent aspect of a gathering of uniqueness, which, in the amorous scene as
well, confirms itself through the familiar indistinguishability of embodied
existences and life-stories. As poets of both sexes know well, love is too complex
a phenomenon to leave to the advocates of autarchic eros.
The dream of this autarchy, on the other hand, might be diagnosed as one of
the most blatant pathologies on the subject. It ought not to amaze us that, after
having founded itself on the dichotomy of body and soul, the subject succumbs
rather easily to the unstoppable progress o£ its internal scissions. The clinical
description of this pathology is familiar enough: reason, the passions, the
emotions, the feelings, impulses and so forth all become parts of the subject,
which must be located in an apposite site, according to variable maps, but always
tending towards a precise regjonalization. The region of the 'vulgar' eros, which
Plato located in the bowels, is one of the more stable. Eros too has its traditional
territory deep in the body, reclaiming an autonomy from both reason and the
Only the modern age, however, makes this territory into a paradox. For the
moderns, this is both an individual 'vice,' and the thrill of de~individualization;
the subjective libido and the impersonal law of the flesh, or, the act of loving a
stranger in order to become a stranger to oneself. Seduced by the autarchy of
eros, modernity thus ends up losing the secret rhythm, which, by interpolating
the language of the body and the language of storytelling, malces love into a feast
of uniqueness. It ends up losing the -identity of who we happen to love, and the
unjudgable reasons for which it is he or she that we love and not another.
We would like for eros and narration to be inseparable for the inconsolable
Orpheus, whom we would like to separate from his myth. Basically, a slight shift
of perspective is enough, and the myth changes. By saying that the poet sings of
Eurydice, the loved-one, of her story, Virgil himself becomes an accomplice in
our game. The fatal 'turning around' can, subtly, take on a different meaning.
Indeed, Orpheus turned around not only to see Eurydice and touch her, but
also to sing this story to her. In spite of the fact that the myth has made of him the
poet of Hell and of death, his inability to resist turning around is the gesture of a
lover who cannot refuse love as a scene of reciprocal narration and co-apparition.
The lived amorous experience has oriented, from the start, the everydayness of a
gesture that even the gods of Hell would have had to forgive. The lovers look at
each other, they touch each other and they tell each o1;her their stories. There is
no god who can ignore this, not ~ven those who promise the impossible.
Orpheus turned around, therefore, not because of weakness or malice, but
because it was cruelly foreseen that he give in to the call of a secret rhythm - one
which was more irresistible than his song.
[TN: Here again, the next few paragraphs have already appeared in English. I make
use of this translation, with a few alterations. Cf. 'Birth, love, politics,' in Radical
Philosophy, pp. 20-Z.]
2 Here I have in mind the critique of the predominant, heterosexual paradigm
developed by Judith Butler in Bodies that Matter (New York: Routledge, 1993). On
the other hand, I would like to indicate how, by posing the problem of 'who comes
after the Subject,' Jean-Luc Nancy rightly recognizes that the language of the who
cannot leave the double gendering out of consideration.
Part IV
Devoting himself to a problem that would never have troubled Arendt, Roland
Barthes proclaims that 'as an institution the author is dead' - its 'biographical
person has disappeared. ' 2 -Soon after, by decree of other contemporary
philosophers, following the possible obsequies of the reader, the author 'died' in
favor of the unquestioned centrality of the text. The literary establishment was
not satisfied with this. On the contrary, the renowned theme of 'writing's
relationship with death,.' that is, 'the relation which language maintains with
death,' has emerged as one of the stable pillars of contemporary thought. 3
For Foucault, this is a productive relation that opens up the work of the text.
Along with death, in order to stop that which will stop it, language reflects on
itself as in a mirror, and reacts to the decree of its extinction by multiplying itself
infinitely through this specular game. The scene of the Phaecians would bear
witness to this, where 'the song of the rhapsod already sang of Ulysses before the
Odyssey and before Ulysses himself (since Ulysses listens to him), but the rhapsod
will sing of him indefinitely after his death (since for him, it is as if Ulysses were
already dead); and Ulysses, who is living, receives this song as a wife receives a
dead husband.' In short, the tale returns circularly to tell itself, in a-kind of dance
Borgesian fiction is obviously the distraction of the copyist. The game of infinite
reduplication does not concern the narrator, but rather a technical error in the
tradition cf the text. The text, by now independent of Scheherazade - or, rather,
the text with respect to which 'the death of the author' had already been decreed
- becomes the true and only protagonist of this infinite circularity that
indefinitely puts off death.
Borges' game is quite subtle, because the interpolated story of the copyist is
what functions as a frame. As is well lmown, the book of The Arabian Niahts is a
compilation of fantastic stories within a story that acts as a frame. A heavily used
device in the narrative of invention (think of the Decameron), the frame 'exhibits,
flauntingly, the very act of narrating.' 7 The frame is therefore the tale that
generates the tale, exhibiting without mystery its generative function. In The
Arabian Niahts, this consists in a story that opens and closes the internal
proliferation of the stories.
As is welllmown, this is a story of the sultan Shahriyar. Betrayed by his wife,
the sultan kills her and extends his- thirst for revenge to the entire feminine
gender. He decides to marry a new virgin each night, in order to have the
pleasure of then killing her at sunrise. The courageous Scheherazade enters the
scene precisely in order to stop this slaughter. After offering herself as wife to
the bloody king, before dawn she begins to tell him an engaging story, which is
interrupted by the daylight. The suspension of the story, whose outcome he
desires to lmow, thus suspends the death of the narrator as well. The story picks
up again at sunset and the ritual begins again. Nights follow upon nights, and
stories upon stories. Until, after the last story, Scheherazade is able to avoid
death by showing the children (sons, it seems) born from the conjugal loves of
the thousand and one nights. The frrst story is therefore talcen up in the end, and
happily concluded. It acted as a frame for all the other stories.
True to the standards of the classic model, the story of Scheherazade and the
sultan, the frame-story, is. not told by Scheherazade; rather, it is the .story that
legitimates the role of narrator that she assumes in relation to the other stories. If
a frame is such because it generates and embraces the proliferation of tales, but
does not confuse itself with them, then the literary invention of Borges works to
upset the usual narrative order at a crucial point. Indeed, the distraction of the
copyist puts the story which acts as a frame into the mouth of Scheherazade,
turning it into one of the many stories from which it should distinguish itself.
Obviously, the effect is rather disconcerting: 'None is more disturbing than that
of the six hundred and second night, magical among all the nights. On that night,
the king hears from the queen his own story. He hears the beginning of the story,
which comprises all the others and also -monstrously -itself. ' 8
There are at least two disturbing elements: to the monstrosity of the tale,
which encompasses all the others including itself, we might add the surprise of
the sultan who hears his own story told to him. It thus seems that, following the
fictions of Borges' inspiration, it has happened that we have met up once again
with the paradox of Ulysses. The situation is truly curious and complex. Of
course, it is the scene of the Phaecians that continues to unsettle things. There is
a certain kinship between Foucault and the Arab tale, through the continual
narration that wants to keep death far away and therefore maintains a relation
with it. Borges, for his part, dwells heavily upon on the infinite circularity of the
tale- going so far as to repropose the well-known situation in which someone
hears another tell his own story. Within the perspective of the acclaimed
centrality of the textual game, Scheherazade continues to be a mere function of
the tale.
Obviously there is a more naive way of looking at the figure of Scheherazade.
In this extraordinary scene of misogyny - which sees the sultan strangle the
unfaithful wife, and then immediately decapitate all of her servants, in order to
then save himself for a long series of nuptial nights, all of which end with a
morning strangling - Scheherazade is a special figure. Indeed, we come to know
that 'she had read the books of literature, philosophy and medicine. She was
learned and knew poetry by heart, had studied historical reports and was
acquainted with the sayings of men and the maxims of Kings. She was intelligent,
wise and refined. She had read and learned, and had a prodigious memory.
Whatever she learned, she always remembered. ' 9 There is thus, within the
narrative construction, a clear two-sided game. On one side lies the sultan, as the
symbol of a masculine position of misogyny and cruelty. On the other side lies
Scheherazade, as the symbol of a feminine knowledge capable of giving the lie to
the misogynist prejudice, and capable of overcoming its violent effects.
Nonetheless, the most interesting element does not consist in this somewhat
anomalous victory of the feminine over the masculine, but rather in the type of
knowledge that Scheherazade embodies: the womanly art of narration. In other
words, the young girl - well read and equipped with a good memory -
symptomatically affirms on Arabic soil the 'muse' that Homer invokes, or the
myth of Calliope who, like every muse, is the daughter of Mnemosyne. We need
not even return to the ancient epic in order to encounter the figure of the female
storyteller - old witches and wise wet-nurses, grandmothers and storks, fates and
sibyls, can be encountered at every stage of the literary imagination to attest to
the sources and -the feminine practices -of narration. 10 Having entered into our
narrative tradition at the beginning of the eighteenth century and having straight
away become the female narrator [narratrice] par excellence, Scheherazade thus
functions as a significant linlc between an East and a West that come together
through the feminine matrix of the tale. Women tell stories: there is always a
woman at the origin of the endranting power of every story.
Alert to the feminine matrix of the tale, we can therefore go into detail
regarding the story that acts as a frame. Perspicacious and courageous by nature,
the young Arab girl reads, remembers and recounts. She is therefore not the
author of the stories, but rather the one who transmits them. The art of choosing
the occasions and the modes of the narration is nonetheless completely hers. No
one, in fact, forces her to make the most of her talent; on the contrary, it is she
herself who decides to risk her life in order to save other virgins from a certain
death with her art. In addition to finding herself in a situation that requires her to
tell stories in order to stay alive, Scheherazade lives in order to tell stories - and
in order that other women live. Death, which looms at the end of every story, is
challenged by an explicit choice. By decree of a champion of virility - which
makes the maidens' sexual submission coincide with their murder- there is each
day in the realm, 'a maiden married and a women dead,' according to an
obsessive rhythm that consumes in a single day the virginity and the life of an
ever new wife. Contrary to the law of the sultan, which makes death follow sex,
the law of Scheherazade makes a story follow sex, disconnecting sex itself frorn
death and from the rite of deflowering. Narration and conjugal love go tog_ether,
step by step, for one thousand and one nights. The tale not only stops death, but
also gains the time to generate life. Within the narrative scene of the relation,
despite its terrifying side, eros and storytelling obey a single rhythm.
There is a detail of the greatest importance that usually gets overlooked in the
analyses of The Arabian Nights. Scheherazade does not tell her first story to the
sultan, but rather to her sister. Indeed, her sister had permission to sleep on a
bed lower than the nuptial bed in the room of the couple. At the request of her
sister, Scheherazade thus begins a tale before sunrise that enthralls the sultan
until the sun comes up and which makes him postpone the death of the narrator
until the next day. He is still not the explicit addressee of a tale that is requested
by him, but rather only a listener knowingly seduced by the narrative art and her
strategy of suspension.
It is in fact typical of every story to demand that the tale stop only at the end,
wllen the story itself is finished and silence can speak. As Karen Blixen says,
every good narrator knows that 'where the narrator is faithful, eternally
unbendingly faithful to her story, there, at the end, silence will speak.' 11 The
story is always suspended. at its end. Evidently formed by the 'hard school' of
oral narration, Scheherazade lmows that the suspension of a tale belongs to the
genuine art ofstorytelling. She therefore runs no real risk when faced with the
bl0odlust of her husband. The logic of the tale defeats the misogynist desire for
revenge. Constitutively suspended at the end of the story, the development of
the tale overcomes the desire of the listener up until its irresistible conclusion.
This conclusion, however, in The Arabian Nights, is at once the end of a story,
and one that generates the beginning of another story. A masterpiece of its genre,
the Arabic text is constructed like a game of Chinese boxes - where the
characters of the stories told by Scheherazade likewise tell stories whose
protagonists appear as narrators of subsequent stories, and so forth ad iriflnitum.
Indeed, the number one-thousand-and-one, in medieval Arabic culture,
represents infinity. The mechanism internal to the narrative plot is potentially
capable of proliferating the tales infinitely. The interminable germination of the
tales can thus inspire in Borges - and in his followers - the extraordinary fiction
of the reader who finds himself trapped in the text. Here one could add, to the
classic figure of the infinite-as-circularity, the form of a labyrinth with a thousand
possible routes, but without exit. Everything is inside the tale and the tale is
everything. It is not lives that produce stories; it is rather the stories that produce
the characters who believe that they are alive. The tale is not limited to seducing
the reader with its illusionist capacity, but creates for him/her the illusion of a
real existence that is unaware of being a tale. Turning upon itself, the illusionist .
effect of the narration is therefore able to go well beyond what Plato himself
could imagine.
There is still another possible meaning in this game of the infinite plot that
interweaves the stories. From a certain point of view, The Arabian Nights in fact
lends itself to he understood as something akin to Arendtian 'realism' on
biography - since Arendt founds her theory of narration on the distinction
between true stories and invented stories, in order to then specify that the tale is
limited to the narration of the life-story that results from the actions of the one
who really lived them. ·Even more surprising, therefore, is the hypothesis that
such realism ends up being linked with what is perhaps the most famous example
.of the 'fantastic.' The point of convergence consists in the central role played by
the plot [intreccio]. 12
Exposed, relational and contextual, the Arendtian self leaves behind a life-
story that is constitutively- interwoven with many other stories. 'The disclosure
of the "who" through speech and the setting of a new beginning through action,
always fall futo an already existing web where their immediate consequences··can
be felt. Together, they start a new process that eventually emerges as the unique
life-story of the newcomer, affecting uniquely the life-stories of all those with
wnom he comes into contact'. 13 The stories that result from the self-exhibiting of
unique beings within a plural scene are already inextricably interwoven with one
another. This is why Homer-the-storyteller is at the same time the first historian.
Since it results from the interweaving of individual stories, the great History of
humanity is nothing but the hook of single stories - stories that Homer knows
how to narrate, both in their uniqueness and in their interweaving. And because
he puts into words the plot of the ·stories from which History results, Hannah
Arendt assures us that the Homeric epic is more 'realistic' than modern
ways), are found at the beginning of this succession. By making the intersection
of stories proliferate within the tale, according to ancient rhythms, their art
responds to the relational character of the originary scene through a mimesis that
is still close to practice. Their explicit admirer, Borges, lies- in a certain sense-
at the end of this succession, because he overturns the very genesis of the
foundation at its roots. In his story, in which the lives are swallowed up, the
relations become exclusively textual, or contextual. The text denies the reality
from which it had originally drawn its inspiration. The representation, instead of
re-presenting reality, swallows the originary scene and erases it.
The genealogy of the narration, after having turned the everyday practice of
storytelling into a refined art, thus leads - through a progressive slide into the
autonomy of the work - to the omnipotence of the book. At the end of the
succession, instead of being the 'narratable,' the existent becomes paradoxically a
'narrated,' which from time to time is under the illusion that it has an existence.
It is therefore obvious that Scheherazade, in so far as she is an exotic, literary
creature, falls more easily than others into the trap of the game. 1n Borges' game,
everything is overturned. The infinite storytelling of Scheherazade, which would
like to avoid death, now ends up frustrating its goal by turning life itself into an
illusion. She tells, in the text, how the body cf the book is the only thing that
facilitates the love-making of The Arabian Niahts, giving birth to three sons. In
short, the tale proliferates and procreates. The stork, drawn on the paper,
regularly reveals unforeseen outcomes.
Anyone who has had the good fortune of having a childhood full of stories,
while believing for a time that babies were brought by the stork, nonetheless
knows perfectly well that texts are not what give birth. In spite of everything, the
existent exists and resists. Moreover, we know that, starting with the Platonic
love that gave birth through discourse to discursive children, the fertile power of
the loaos is an old nemesis of the existent. With- all due respect to Descartes,
casita erao sum never brought anyone into the world.
As a rather British scholar calmly puts it: 'at a certain point, surely, we must
accept that material reality exists, that it continually lmocks up against us, that
. texts are not the only thing. >I 8
1 Benjamin, Illuminations, p. 98.
2 Roland Barthes, The Pleasure tfthe Text, p. 30.
3 Michel Foucault, 'What is an author?' from The Foucault Reader, edited by Paul
Rabinow (New York: Pantheon Books, 1984), p. 102.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.
6 Jorge Luis Borges, 'The Garden of Forking Paths,' from Labyrinths, edited by D.
Yates and J. Irby (New York: New Directions Books, 1964), p. 25. The interpolation
of the framing-story does not seem,, to have sprung entirely from the
imagination of Borges. The Catalan Rarn6n Llull (1233-1316) could be the source of
the game. Cf. Robert Irwin, The Arabian Niahts: a Companion (London: Penguin
Books, 1994), p. 95.
7 Renato Cavallero, 'Sociologia e storie di vita: il "testo," il "tempo," e lo "spazio" ' in
Bioarcifla, Storia e Societa, edited by Maria I. Macioti (Naples: Liguori, 1985), p. 61.
8 Borges, 'Partial magic in the Qgixote,' in Labyrinths, ed. Yates and Irby, p. 195.
9 The Arabian Niahts, trans. Husain Haddawy (New York: Norton, 1990), p. 11.
10 Marina Warner, From the Beast to the Blonde, p. 13.
11 Karen Bli.xen, 'The Blank Page.' A famous feminist reading of this extraordinary tale,
which turns upon the relation between the sexual and the textual, can be found in
Susan Gubar, ' "The Blank Page" and the issues of female creativity,' Critical Inquiry, 8
(1981),pp. 294-306.
12 [TN: The Italian word 'intreccio,' - 'plot,' - has the additional sense of
'interweaving,' upon which Cavarero plays.]
13 Arendt, The Human Condition, p. 184.
14 Plato, The Republic, p. 392d.
15 Horner, The Odyssey, p. 137; Book ix, vv. 19-20.
16 Benjamin, Illuminations, p. 83.
17 Ibid., p. 84.
18 Liz Stanley, The Autolbioaraphical I: the Theory and Practice qf Feminist Autolbioaraphy
(Manchester, New York: Manchester University Press, 1992) [distributed exclusively
in the USA and Canada by StMartin's Press, p. 246].
I wish you would write about What it is in people that makes them want
a story. The telling of tales. Ordinary life of ordinary people, Simenon-
like. One can't say how life is, how chance or fate determine people's
lives, except by telling the tale. In general one can't say more than -
'yes, that is the way it goes' [... ] We seem unable to live without events,
without events, life becomes an indifferent flux and we [are] hardly able
to tell one day from the next. Life itself is full of tales.
Hannah Arendt, from a 'Letter to Mary McCarthy' 1
the only tangible form of his existence. Until the registers end. And there is
nothing left to read.
This is the decisive turning-point. Mr Clay, indeed, lmows that there are
things to read. He lmows that 'people can refer to things which have already
happened outside of the master books,' and he also lmows that these accounts are
called stories. In his youth, he had even heard one or two stories told by a sailor
who 'referred to things which had happened to him.' These stories were, thus,
autobiographical stories- accounts of the things that happened to the narrator.
Since he still recalls one, Mr Clay decides to narrate in turn to the employee,
with the roles inverted.
He tells the story of the sailor: how the sailor happened to be stopped by a
rich gentleman during a brief stay in the port of a large city. The gentleman,
promising to pay him five guineas, took the sailor to his sumptuous house in
order to offer him refreshments, wine and dinner. After which, the gentleman.
began to reveal to the sailor how he had a young wife, but no children to whom
he could leave his enormous fortune ... The tale, at this point, seems ready to
take an interesting turn. But then Mr Clay is forced to interrupt the tale, to catch
his breath. The employee interrupts, and declares that he, surprisingly, lmows
the same story and can take his employer's place, and continue to tell it. In the
mouth of the employee, therefore, the tale goes on. The old gentleman, rich and
childless, led the sailor to his wife's bed, telling him 'you lmow my wish, now
you do your best to grant it.' Five guineas richer, after a night of love-making,
and without ever again encountering his benefactor, the young man returns to his
boat and departs for other ports of call.
The strategy of narration by successive. voices, or the renarration of the same
story from different perspectives, is rather common in Blixen' s work. Moreover,
it is obvious that the whole story that we are here rereading is a story invented by
Karen Blixen. (But was this not already the case for the Homeric Ulysses and for
Sophocles' Oedipus?) Following Arendt, we have indeed decided to 'naively'
assume the artistic invention to be the frame that offers speculative material to
the theorem of the link between identity and narration.
In the case of Mr Clay, this theorem runs up against a truly extraordinary
problem. Namely, that the story of the sailor has the peculiarity of never having
happened to anyone. As the employee says; 'all the sailors tell it, and each one of
them, since they would like it to have happened to themselves, tells it as if it
really had happened to him. But it didn't.' In short, this is a clearly invented
story, not. an account [resoconto] of things which happened. The difference between
the master books and this story, thus, is abyssaL Before his stunned employer,
the employee _goes even further - the story never happened and never will
happen, .and this is why 'it is told. If the tales of the prophets have the defect -
according to Mr Clay- of predicting things which begin to happen only 'every
thousand years,' the story of the sailor has an even greater defect. It not only
never happened, but never will happen. The factual unreality of its content is
part of the past, the present and the future: it does not belong to time.
Actually, this is only a problem for Mr Clay. Anyone, including the employee,
could indeed be content with the distinction between true stories and invented
stories. Nevertheless, this is not a simply invented story, but rather a story that is
characterized by the extraordinary law of not being able to ever happen to
anyone. The stubborn realism of Mr Clay - for whom every tale is an account of
things that 'really' happened- cannot tolerate this. Moreover, he finds himself in
a truly paradoxical situation - faced with a personal existence that has no life-
story to correspond with it; he discovers that there is a life-story to which, in
principle, no existence can correspond. The attraction between the two poles of
this opposition is inevitable. As the protagonist of mere business events - events
that are accounted for in calculated figures, Mr Clay in fact decides to translate
into events the only life-story he knows. He will make these narrated events
happen -he will give empirical material to the tale.
Since an old man stricken with gout would have a hard time performing the
part of the sailor, this materialization will not produce the story of Mr Clay.
Rather it will be a story in whose happening he will play the part, obviously, of
the rich gentleman. And here the troubles begin, because Mr Clay is not
married, and certainly has no young wife. A young girl must be procured- well,
not all that young- one who will become the prized actress of the story. The law
of unhappenability [inaccadibilita] wins out from the start, imposing itself upon
the fiction. Everyone has to play a part, simply staging a script. The only one to
whom the story could effectively happen is a young sailor, chosen from among
those who disembark at the port. The challenge, as Mr Clay puts it, is to malce
the story into reality - until a sailor can at least narrate it, from beginning to end,
as it really happened to him.
Having made all the necessary preparations, this sort of 'demonic comedy' has
begun. Its hero is a Danish sailor who, though he recognizes the story which he
has heard narrated many times, accepts the invitation of the old gentlemen
entirely out of the need for the five guineas. Everything unfolds, more or less,
according to the script- lest the authentic aim of the play fail utterly. After the
night of love-making, the sailor - interrogated· by the employee - indeed denies
that what happened to him was identical to that old and famous story. Moreover,
he thinks that it is not worth telling a story that everyone knows, and which no
one would believe to be true. If the goal was to malce someone who really lived it
narrate- the story, the whole mise-en-scene has therefore failed. The Dane will
never recount the story. Rather,. all the other sailors of the world will continue
to tell it, since they know that ·this story has never happened and can never
of the Danish sailor, Povl, coming thus to adhere perfectly to that status of
unrepeatability that in real stories can nel'er be overcome.
The economy of desire that Mr Clay inhabits is therefore truly strange. The
characteristic of his persona is not having a narratable identity, and therefore he
does not miss it. Indeed, he not only leads an existence that leaves behind no life-
story, but he is also ignorant of the fact that others lead existences that leave
behind a story. Incapable of conceiving of a narratable identity, and insensitive to
the self-rendered familiar by the narrating structure of memory, he is even
ignorant of the desire for narration that belongs to that self. What is more,
everything here proceeds in the reverse fashion. What is already there, is, in fact,
a narration - a famous one, which is infinitely repeated - and which recounts a
story that never happens and can never happen. The desire of Mr Clay, far from
going from the narratable self to the narration of his own story, goes from the
narration to the impossible facts from which the story should result. Mr Clay,
indeed, is first of all ignorant of the bonds that intertwine a life-story with a
narratabie self that desires narration.
Mr Clay desires instead that the only story that he has ever heard be an account
of things that have happened. Just as figures correspond with transactions, for
events there should be a corresponding story. Business affairs are tangible,
therefore things that happen should be equally tangible. This assumption about
events in terms of material tangibility reveals the strange nature of his desire.
This is not the desire for a story, but the desire to overturn the epistemic status
of every story, especially invented ones, for which events are intangible by
In a certain sense, Mr Clay ends up_ figuring as the opposite of Teiresias. The
blind soothsayer in fact knows the whole story, but cannot intervene in the things
that occurred or in things that will occur.. Mr Clay, on the other hand, knows the
whole story and_ intervenes in order that the occurrences pass from narrative
fiction into fact. He wants to materially translate an invented story into a true
story, but he ignores the fact that both always come cifter the narrated events. His
mistake is rather large but, in its vain unfolding, an unexpected convergence of
the invented story and the life-story is produced in the same narrative 'tr.uth.'
Indeed, the impossible task of translating this immortal story into a life-story
obviously fails - but the unexpected result of this failure becomes translated, in
the meantime, into the life-stories of the same characters. The Danish sailor,
while refusing to recognize himself in the immortal story staged for him, reveals
that he indeed has a personal and unrepeatable story. He was recently rescued
from a shipwreck, he comes from a long line of sailors, and he dreams of
acquiring a boat in order to sail back to the shores of his beloved homeland.
Indeed, this is why he has accepted the offer of five guineas and h..-s made himself
an accomplice of Clay's absurd plan. The plan itself - the immortal story in
which the sailor finds himself playing a role - crosses over into the sailor's life-
story, or at least comes to be part of it. Even other minor characters find their
life-stories intersecting with the mechanism inspired by Mr Clay's invented
story. The most extraordinary result nevertheless concerns Clay himself. His
encounter with the immortal story, and the absurd undertaking which follows it,
come to constitute the only events of his entire life that leave behind a story. By
trying to materialize the immortal story, he ends up leaving behind the trace of
his unrepeatable uniqueness.
Thus, at the end even Mr Clay has his story. His personal identity, narrated by
the tale, is, however, the result of an oblique desire. As the owner [padrone] of
goods, he in fact wanted to control [padroneeeiare] the irreversible status of an
invented story. What resulted instead was a life-story of that very personal
identity which he, like every human being, does not master. Indeed, this story
has the characteristics of every life-story - it could not be foreseen, or mastered,
or planned, because its hero is not its author. Of course, Karen Blixen is the ·
author behind it all, and she narrates it in the pages of the book. But the ideal
narrator, the other in the scene, is- in this context- the employee. From the
beginning, since he is the only one with whom the old man has a relationship, no
one better than he could have told us who Mr Clay is.
Of course, the great narrator Karen Blixen knows this too. 'Who are you, sir?'
asks the woman in lilack to Cardinal Salviati at the beginning of one of Blixen' s
Last Tales. 3 This is a good narrative beginning; indeed, as Arendt says, it is the
only question in which the beeinninB itself gets recognized.
'Who am I?' replies the Cardinal. His is a sort of automatic repetition of the
question, which, -however, grasps its essence perfectly. It concerns an 'identity to
be confessed.' In this nod to confession, there is undoubtedly a professional
touch, but not in a banal sense. In the discourses 'of his penitents,' the Cardinal
has indeed always recognized, not the corifession of an identity, but rather 'the
variations ofa single cry from the heart, of a single question: who am I?' In such
circumstances, the confessor is therefore the interrogated: he is not asked to
listen, but rather to. respond regarding the identity of the one who interrogates
him. And yet, he declares that he does not know how to respond. 'If only I could
respond to this question, if only I could resolve this enigma, then the people who
ask me would be saved.' The enigma of someone who asks another for the
revelation of his/her own identity therefore seems, in this case, to encounter a
The woman in black, however, does not give in. She too has often spoken of
the urgency of the question 'who am I?' in her sorrowful interviews with the
bishop. But now her question is different, reversed: she asks him 'who are you?'
In this scene, equally rare, where the roles are inverted, the Cardinal finds
himself forced to respond to his own enigma. He realizes then, not only that he
has a certain interest in the question, but that he has always lmown its solution. It
consists in responding according to the classic rule ?J storytelling.
In the mouth of the Cardinal, the story- his life-story- thus begins, according
to the usual, charming style of Karen Blixen (which is fascinating, but which here
we must pass over). Whatever the content of this story is, what is certain is that
the classic rule holds - namely, that the question of who one is finds its response
in the unfolding of the story. The Cardinal's answer, like that of every human
being, does not turn out to be an 'identity to be confessed,' but rather an identity
to be narrated. If, on the side of the answer, the identity coincides with the
narration, then on the side of the question, it reveals a kind of ontological desire
that springs from its own narratability. In the question: 'who am I?' there speaks
a narratable self in search of the tale of its story. And it is only in the decisive
recognition of that narratability that the tale can make itself into an answer.
The autobiographical tale of the Cardinal, solicited by the woman in black,
therefore meets the enigma and solves it. The sequence seems rather simple. The
question 'who are you?' - posed by the woman to the bishop - finds its natural
echo, almost an automatic repetition, a rhetorical sequence, in the 'who am I?' of
the interrogated. And the autobiographical tale is able to offer itself as the
correct response to both formulations. And yet they are not on the same level,
and they are not indifferent. It is indeed precisely the question 'who am I?' that
sustains the autobiographical tale of the Cardinal, while the 'who are you?'
functions here rather as an invitation or introduction. There is, in short, a
fundamental and urgent question, which resounds in the heart of everyone as the
self-interrogation about his/her own identity. It is a question that is often made
explicit by the 'penitent,' who turns to others, as if others could respond. This is
nonetheless a desire for narration, which finds its answer, not in the words of
others, but rather in the autobiographical tale. In this context, if it were not for
the role of listeners, the others end up being superfluous, or function as the
rhetorical pole of the question 'who am I?' The woman in black, who has asked
the Cardinal who he is, would thus have no other role than that of introducing
the self-interrogation of the bishop and of listening to his story.
The stylistic choice of the Cardinal - as the narrator of this story - neverthe-
less produces an effect that complicates the theory and makes us suspect that
things are not so simple, even for Karen Blixen. The Cardinal indeed not only
announces that he will tell a story that only at the end is revealed to be his story,
but he also chooses to narrate it in the third person rather than the first perso:J?-.
Although it is an autobiography, the narration that results. has neither the tone,
nor the style, nor cthe synthesis, of an autobiography. It seems rather that the
impersonal tale of the Cardinal puts him in the classic position of the narrator, in
so far as he appears to be other than the narrated characters. In this way the
autobiography takes on the aspect of a biography, and it even risks losing this
character by narrating material that precedes the birth of the Cardinal, and which
deals with the tragic fate of two twins, about whom, in the end, it is unknown
whether the bishop has narrated his own story or the story of his twin. Our
theory of the relation between identity and narration remains therefore strong,
but there is much that attenuates its autobiographical marie.
On the other hand, it is curious that the Cardinal does not deal with the
obvious consequences of his experience as a confessor. The question 'who am I?'
posed to him by the penitent, insists on a crucial paradox, namely, that of
obtaining a response from him. If the classic axiom, according to which such a
response consists in the telling of a story, is right, then it is in the guise of a
biographer that he invokes this axiom. Everyone wants a story- their own story-
which the Cardinal narrates.
For Blixen, too, the theory of the link between identity and story seems to
move from autobiography to biography, bringing into play the need for the other.·
According to this hypothesis, the Cardinal no longer has the secondary role of
listener, but rather the essential role of narrator. If the solution to the enigma
consists in an 'identity to be narrated,' then the other, as the narrator, is now
fundamental. If, in the heart of everyone beats the question 'who am I?' and if it
needs as a response one's own story narrated by another, then this other is no
longer the rhetorical site ·Of interrogation, but rather its decisive hinge.
The theory is now clear and coincides perfectly with the paradox of Ulysses. It
lies in the coming to self-interrogation of a narratable identity, whose status of
narratability must be recognized by an~ther through the biographical tale. 'Who
am I?' was the explicit question that the penitents addressed to the bishop; ltell
me my story,' was its intrinsic message.
We have read Karen Blixen with Arendt's eyes. In the brief comment that
Arendt dedicates to this very story, a single detail is worth noting: the question
of the woman in black becomes directly linked to the story of the Cardinal,
without any gesture towards the ';lutobiographical aspect of that very story.
Arendt's strange reticence regarding the autobiographical nature of the tale can
obviously be attributed to her known preference for biography. But there is
perhaps something more. Blixen's tale comes indeed to repropose the paradox of
Ulysses between a horizon that alludes to the narratable self and to. its desire. In
other words, unlike Arendt, Blixen introduces a narrative, contextual and
relational scene where biography and autobiography explicitly link the story to
the desire to hear it told.
'The Tale of the Cardinal' lends itself quite well to a kind of commentary on
Homer's Ulysses who, unexpectedly meeting up with the narration of his story,
recognizes his narratable identity as the 'emotional' reality of his desire. In
Blixen's tale, nonetheless, this interweaving is more complex, and at once, more
evident - at least, too evident to be ignored. The enigma of identity here has
indeed two figures for a solution. The first is the one that the Cardinal adopts
when he responds to the question 'who are you?' with an autobiographical tale.
The second is the one that the penitents invoke when they ask for others to tell
their stories. Especially in this second figuration - which repeats the paradox of
Ulysses - narratable identity is linked to an explicit desire for narration from
another's mouth. It is indeed the very desire for narration, rooted in the self,
that sustains the question 'who am I?' that flows from the heart of the penitents.
For Karen Blixen, who is fascinated by the figure of the stork, the narratability
of the self is obviously not intended as a potential, as a possible logic that the self
fmds at its disposition; but rather as a total; irresidual exposition of the self to its
own story, which has a truer, more profound nucleus. The narratable self only
constitutes itself fully through the tale of its story; or, through the design of a life
that only the tale refigures. Even if in Blixen' s writing this design often takes on
the disquieting name of destiny, it nonetheless reveals itself only cifier, and as a
type of newness [novita] with respect to the life that it (albeit unintentionally)
Indeed this happens to the young Calypso in 'Deluge at Norderney.' Her own
story, told to her by Madamigella Malin, is heard by the protagonist as though it
were 'a new story for her,' although it is 'a symbol,' or a beautified simulacrum
of 'how the young girl had really lived. ' 4 The self does not plan her destiny, nor
does she follow it; rather, she finds it in the tale of others, recognizing with
surprise the acts of her life.
For Blixen, who knows a thing or two about stories, the question which
reveals the desire of the self on the narrative scene is therefore the question 'who
am I?' addressed to another. It is helpful, once again, to distinguish the scenarios
in order to avoid confusion. As Arendt puts it, the question 'who are you?' does
not belong to the same scene as the question 'who am I?' but rather belongs to
that of a shared, exhibitive space where the response is the action. The ambiguity
that caused difficulty for the Cardinal and, consequently, made Arendt curiously
reticent regarding the autobiographical mark of the tale, is thus due to the
woman in black. Her question is out of context.
By asking 'who are you' within the scene of narration, she forces the answer
to be autobiographical instead of biographical. Thus, the Cardinal is not wrong:
he simply adapts to the inverse of the paradox of Ulysses, by adopting the style
and the syntax of the biographical tale. If he had had the prudence to first ask
'who am I?' - addressing this question to the woman in black- he would have
achieved a double result: first, of obtaining the narration of his story, although
this is unlikely; and second, more importantly, of recognizing, in the strange
question of the penitent, a narratable self that has come to the full expression of
her desire.
This desire goes in search of a narrator because life-stories, like destinies, have
no author. Only invented stories, it seems, have an author. Faithful to the archaic
form of narrating, Karen Blixen herself prefers nevertheless to define herself as a
conteuse; a woman who, like Scheherazade, does more than invent stories of
which she is the author - she comes across them and tells them. 'In principle, it
was a story,' says the Cardinal, mocking with surprising irreverence the reading
of the sacred text. The irreverence is, however, only apparent.
The only author of all stories, in the opinion of the cleric, is in fact God
Hannah Arendt, Between Friends: the Correspondence qf Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy,
1949-1975 (edited and with an introduction by Carol Brightman), 1st edn (New
York: Harcourt Brace, 1995), pp. 294-5.
2 Cf. Nadia Fusini, Nomi (Milan: Feltrinelli, 1986), p. 23.
3 Cf. Karen Blixen, 'The Cardinal's Tale' in Last Tales.
4 Karen Blixen, Seven Gothic Stories (New York: Modern Library, 1982).
She wrote some stories about what must have been for her the lesson of
the folly of her youth, namely the 'sin' of fulfilling a story- and inserting
it into life through a preconstituted model instead of patiently waiting for
the story to emerge, or revealing it in the imagination - insofar as it is
distinct from creating fictions - and then trying to stay faithful to it.
Hannah Arendt, lsak Dinesen
Scheherazade. She writes stories but, as she keeps emphasizing, her art is that of
the storyteller; that is, an art which belongs to the oral tradition of the tale. Unlike
the novel, which constructs characters and is ready to sacrifice the tale to their
psychological substance, Karen Blixen throws herself into telling stories that
'have no pity' for their protagonists. 2 According to the orality that has belonged
to storytelling since ancient times, the story indeed does not content itself with
introspection, and neither does it aspire to describe the Bildung of a soul like the
famous Bildungsroman. The story, rather, narrates a destiny that proceeds quickly
through events and occurrences. It is the destiny, totally unmasterable and
unique for each human being, that Arendt calls daimon. As Blixen puts it, it
alludes to the conviction that 'in the end, there is probably something for each
individual which he cannot refuse ... "life" is its price. ' 3
Whether it is called daimon or destiny, or simply something, this is that unre-
peatable design that each life traces with its course. It is not a role to be
interpreted, or even less a hidden substance to be embodied, but rather the·
totally apparent figure of a unique existence that suggests a unity.
Like Scheherazade, the Danish narrator understands perfectly how the story
malces its hero shine, and not the reverse. 'Ali Baba, who in himself is nothing
but a wood-cutter, is the worthy hero of a great story. ' 4 In other words, Ali Baba
does not plan or foresee his story. As with many other heroes, the story happens
to him without his having to worry about facing it, 'since it will be the story
which foresees. ' 5 As a good narrator, Scheherazade recounts the story of Ali Baba
just as it happened, faithful to a contingency of events that cannot be explained
by the logic of cause and effect. 'It is, indeed, already half of the art of narrating,
letting each story be free, in the act of reproducing it, from every sort of
explanation. ' 6
The modem art of the novel, on the other hand, loves explanations, and loves
to look inside, to excavate appearances in order to discover the interiority of the
subject. 7 By indulging in the psychological characteristics of the individual in
order to make them closer to us, more like us, almost a friend -and making us
interested in the individual more than his story this shows itself quite evidently
to be 'a human product.' 8 As the Cardinal says, 'in principle it was the story,'
the tale of a story that is closest to the divine art, in the sense that no human
being makes her own story, or plans it, or controls it, or decides it. Like destiny,
the story results from uncontrollable events that cannot be explained, or brought
back to an interior nucleus ·that would be their cause.
It is therefore not by chance that this divine source of the tale is drawn to the
metaphor, often used by Blixen, of the puppeteer behind the scenes, who
constructs destinies. As Arendt puts it, this ancient metaphor, already present in
Plato, is indeed 'a symbol for the fact that real stories, in distinction from those
we invent, have no author.' 9 In other words, only an omniscient divinity, that
looks from above and hands out destinies like a great puppet-master, can
symbolically play the role of the author. For Arendt, this is an imaginary role-
life itself never fulfills a destiny, but rather consists in the unmasterable
exposition of uniqueness, from which there results a story that the protagonist
had never planned and that was always without an author.
Karen Blixen the narrator, who is less concerned with distinguishing real
stories from invented ones, seems rather to have known the temptation to make
every story into a destiny that life works to 'realize.' This is a rather powerful
temptation, if it is true that, in her youth, 'the story which she had planned to
play out in her life had been to follow the story of her father.' 10 After her
'planned' life played some cruel tricks on her, she knew that she had to learn the
existential lesson inscribed in the narration. Whether true or invented, stories
are always stories of someone whose uniqueness is put into the words of the tale.
The task of the narrator is not to create them, but to make sure that the tale is
faithful to its story.
The call to the divine art aligns Blixen once again with her beloved counter-
part, Scheherazade. As the tradition of the storyteller, which goes back to the
'muse' invoked by Homer, has it- the one who tells stories is hardly preoccu-
pied with the question of the author (uulike the philosophers of our time). At the
center of the ancient art of telling stories lies the figure of the narrator, not that
of the author. Scheherazade read a lot and knew how to tell stories. Karen
Blixen, mediating the voice of her characters, continually alludes to the narrator
as the one who knows a story, and lmows how to tell it faithfully. It is almost as
though the logic of occurring always makes this a given, the story is already given
to the sublime art of the one who tells it. The chosen ones of this art therefore
have no -reason to worry about the role of the author, or about the power to
invent a story that 'constructs' or 'reveals' a character. On the contrary, they
insist on the central role of a story that seems to be autonomous, both from the
will of the protagonist and from the one who narrates it.
Like all great storytellers, Karen Blixen knows that the narrative fiction
alludes to a horizon of meaning in which, always and necessarily, the significance
of each lived life comes into play. She has no difficulty in passing from the fable of
the man by the pond, to the expression of her personal desire that her life too
leave behind a stork. Unlike the paradigm of modem man, whose experience is
that of 'the anon_ymity of the series, the impersonality of life,' she recognizes in
each life an unrepeatable meaning and gives it the 'tellability' of a tale. 11 As many
have noted, the gesture runs contrary to all the tendencies that twentieth-century
culture inherits and transforms.
The writings of Karen -Blixen thus open a narrative scene that ends up being
anomalous with respect to the authors of classic Bildungsroman,_ and with respect
to those who write 'stories offormationin which the formation does not happen:
in which the objective culture, rigid in its conventions and institutions, no longer
contributes to the construction of a subject, but wounds it and disintegrates it. >1 2
Put simply, Blixen' s stories do not court the modern subject, or the strange fate
of its post-modern dissolution. Rather, by telling of a uniqueness in which a
destiny that outlines unforeseeable events comes to the fore, Blixen pursues that
' "desire for meaning," for imagination, for re-enchantment,' which persists, like
an unconfessable secret, in the stubborn desire of the contemporary reader. 13
Recent attempts, especially on the part of feminist criticism, to re-appropriate
Blixen's texts through the post-modern perspective, end up being equally
At first sight, this criticism seems appealing. Not only because the archaic
form of oral narration, like Homer or Scheherazade, never proceeds in a linear
way- intersecting and assembling, interrupting and deviating, without offering a
centered narrative strategy that valorizes the fragment- but also because of the.
known tendency of Danish writers to often change their name. All of this
obviously appears irresistible to the theory of multiple subjectivity.
In the circle of feminist criticism, the tale most often talten as testimony to
Blixen's post-modernism is 'The Dreamers.' It tells the story of the singer
Pellegrina Leoni who, after losing her voice in a tragic accident, fakes her death
in order to assume many other identities. 'I no longer only want to be a single
woman, from now on I want to be many women.,' she says, 'I never again want
to link my heart and my whole life in a single woman, to suffer so much.' 14 She
thus invites her friend, Marcus Cocoza, to do the same - he indeed becomes 'the
slave and the prisoner.' 'From now on you must be more than one, many
people, too many to even think of,' Pellegrina tells him. And she maliciously
adds, 'Is it not strange that no philosopher has ever thought of it, and that the
idea came to me?'
For the post-modern approach, especially the feminist one, all of this is too
rich to be turned -down. 15 And yet, the actual progression of the story of
Pellegrina should dampen this initial enthusiasm. We come to know, from the
tale of her different lovers, how Pellegrina has impersonated 'many women' - a
Roman prostitute, a Swiss revolutionary, and a Swedish dame - each time
changing names, but nonetheless letting a common personality show through,
which is, in effect, recognized by her lovers, who overhear her tales. The story of
Pellegrina Leoni and her decision to be many women is told, to the lovers
themselves, by Marcus Cocoza - the only one who followed her like a silent
shadow, from beginning to end, and helped in all her metamorphoses.
The tale of Marcus Cocoza comes to the bed where Pellegrina, surrounded by
those who love her, is dying. Indeed, it is the very moment of death that reveals
the meaning of the story. In her delirium she recovers her first identity and sings
an operatic aria, while her whole body 'vibrates like the string of an instrument.'
in the ability to look at the world as a stage on which many lives intersect, leaving
behind their story.
Of course, Karen Blixen uses her own imagination. Nonetheless, the most
admirable side of her art consists in respecting the relation of 'dependency'
between lives, stories and storytelling that escapes Mr. Clay. Indeed, following
Arendt, while a story results from every life, no life can result from a story. The
figure of the stork that results from the footsteps of the man by the pond does
not guide him. To plan one's own life as though it were a story, to make it
conform to an idea, to live it like a novel, is merely an error that Karen Blixen
herself committed in the years of her youth.
The uniqueness of the existent has no need of a form that plans or contains it.
Rooted in the unmasterable flux of a constitutive exposition, she is saved from
the bad habit of prefiguring herself, and from the vice of prefiguring the lives of
others. The figure, the unity of the design, the profile of the stork- if it comes- _
only comes afterwards: as in the dream of a fable, or, perhaps, as a desire that is
not exchanged for its dream.
Cf. Judith Thurman,. Isak Dinesen: tbe Life if Karen Blixen (London: Weidenfeld and
Nicholson, 1982), pp. 255-6.
2 Ibid., p. 285.
3 Karen Blixen, Letters from Africa:/914-1931 (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson,
1981), p. 351.
4 Karen Blixen, 'The First Tale of the Cardinal,' in Last Tales, p. 36.
5 Ibid., p. 37.
6 Walter Benjamin, 'The Storyteller,' 11luminations.
7 Arendt, Tbe Human Condition, pp. 71-4.
8 Karen Blixen [writing as 'Isak Dinesen'], 'The First Tale of the Cardinal,' in Last Tales
(New York: Vintage Books, 1975), p. 36.
9 Arendt,_ Tbe Human Condition, p. 185.
1-0 Arendt, lsak Dinesen, p. 170.
11 Nadia Fusini, Nomi (Milano: Feltrinelli, 1986), p. 25.
12 Cf. Franco Moretti, Modem Epic: tbe World-System from Goetbe to Garcia Marquez, trans.
Quintin Hoare (London; New York: Verso, 1996).
13 Ibid., pp. 232, 234.
14 Karen Blixen [writing as 'Isak Dinesen'], with an introduction by Dorothy Canfield,
Seven Gotbic Stories (New York: Vintage Books, 1972), p. 332.
15 For example, see Susan Hardy Aiken, 'Writing (in) exile: Isak Dinesen and the
poetics of displacement,' in Women's Writing in Exile, eds Mary Lynn Brow and Angela
Ingram (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1989), pp. 114-30.
16 Karen Blixen, Seven Gotbic Tales, p. 352.
17 Arendt, lsak Dinesen, p. 162.
-18 Ibid.
19 lbid.,p.163.
20 lbid.,_p. 162.
Arabian Niehts, The 3, 87, 120-7, 139-40 Doolittle, Hilda (aka H.D.) 103, 105-8
Arendt, Hannah vii, ix-x, xvili,
xxvi-xxvii, 2-4, 12, 14-5, 20-3, Esposito, Roberto 29
89,96-100,119,124-30,136,139-44 Forti, Simona 29
Aristotle ix, 7, 9, 24, 84 Foucault, Michel xi, xx-xxii, 119-20, 122
Freud, Sigmund 14
Barry, Kathleen 77 Friare, Manuela 65
Barthes, Roland 14-15, 28, 42, 65, 69,
77, 119 Gasche, Rodolphe x..xvili
Battersby, Christine xxvii, 77 enothi se auton 12 ' 44
Benjamin, Walter 18, 27-8, 44, 119, Gunn, Janet V. 32, 77
Benveniste, Emile xxvili Haraway, Donna 42
Bertolucci, Bernardo 115 hate-speech ix-x..x
Blanchot, Maurice 22, 105 Havelock, Eric 95
Blixen, Karen (aka Isak Dinesen) 1-4, 123, Hegel, G.W.F. 22, 53, 76
128, 129-44 Heidegger, Martin 30, 87, 92, 96
Borges, Torge-Luis 43-4, 120-8 Heilbrun, Carolyn 42
Braidotti, Rosixxvi, 68 Herodotus 25
Butler, Judith xi-xv, xvii-xxili, Hobbes, Thomas ix, 88
xxvii-xxxi, 116 Homer 95, 124-5; Iliadxxi, 27-9, 32;
Odysseyxxi, 17-27,29,32-3, 37-44,
Capriola, Paola 17 55-6, 119-20; Penelope 54
Cavarero, Adriana i-xxvi, 65 Honig, Bonnie 23
Colli, Giorgio 15 Horace 76
Collin, Franc,:oise 54
consciousness-raising groups 55-6, 59, 91 Irigaray, Luce xxvi, xxviii, 15, 65
daimon 11-12, 22, 27, 40, 43, 140 Joubert, Elsa 63-6
De Laurentis, Theresa 107
Descartes, Rene 41, 76 Kant, Immanuel 90
Detienne, Marcel 30
Domanijiani, Ida 60-1 Lejuene, Phillippe 40