Personal Development: Quarter 1 - Module 5: Developmental Tasks and Challenges of Adolescence
Personal Development: Quarter 1 - Module 5: Developmental Tasks and Challenges of Adolescence
Personal Development: Quarter 1 - Module 5: Developmental Tasks and Challenges of Adolescence
Quarter 1 – Module 5:
Developmental Tasks and
Challenges of Adolescence
Personal Development 11/12
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II. Objectives:
To be able to discuss developmental tasks and challenges being
experienced during adolescence.
V. Learning Activities
Check the tasks that you think you have already finished as an adolescent.
___ Achieving mature relations with both sexes
1. Being in Grade 11/12, what are the tasks expected of you? Rate yourself from
1-10 (10 as the highest).
2. As you are in Grade 11, you are in the stage of transition, right? From high school
to college, from being an adolescent to young adult. How do you feel about this
transition? What is your turning point?
3. Do you think you are ready in this transition which may mean more
responsibilities and greater accountability? If no, what are the expected tasks
you need to work on? If yes, what are the ways so you can better plan for the
From activity 1, what are the tasks where you experience hardships or you feel
challenging. Explain why.
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
Processing Questions:
1. Why do you think that you experience difficulties in facing the developmental
2. As Grade 11, you have encountered those challenges, right? How was it? How
do you feel about these challenges?
3. Do you think that you can surpass those tasks even though there are
difficulties? If yes, what can you do to surpass it. And if no, what are the ways
so that you will obtain success.
VI. Deepening
Adolescence Early Adulthood Later Maturity
(13-18 (19 – 30) (61+)
(31 – 60)
* Achieving mature * Selecting a mate * Helping teenage * Adjusting to
relations with both children to decreasing
sexes * Learning to live become happy strength and health
with a partner and responsible
*Achieving a adults. * Adjusting to
masculine or * Starting a family retirement and
feminine social * Achieving adult reduced income
role * Rearing a child social and civic
responsibility * Adjusting to
* Accepting one’s * Managing a death of spouse
physique home * Satisfactory
career and * Establishing
*Achieving * Starting an achievement relations with one’s
emotional occupation own age group
independence of * Developing adult
adults * Assuming civic leisure time * Meeting social
responsibility activities and civic
* Preparing for * Relating to one’s obligations
marriage and spouse as a
family life person * Establishing
satisfactory living
* Preparing for an * Accepting the quarters
economic career physiological
changes of middle
* Acquiring values age
and an ethical
system to guide * Adjusting to
behavior aging parent
* Desiring and
achieving socially
The developmental tasks theory of Robert J. Havighurst elaborated in the most
systematic and extensive manner. His main assertion is that development is
continuous throughout the entire lifespan, occurring in stages, where the individual
moves from one stage to next by means of successful resolution of problems or
performance of developmental tasks.
Jeffrey C. Miller, Ph.D. has a point of view about the developmental challenges
of adolescent/ teenagers. He gave a brief summary of the most significant
developmental issues that an adolescent face:
1. Physical Transformation
2. Sexual development
The teenagers or adolescent years witness the emergence of sexuality,
with all of its hormonal changes, all of its ups and downs and all of its emotional
3. Separation from parents
It is on a crash course of how to live life with primary dependence on
him/herself rather than being guided, taught and supported by parents.
6. Growing responsibility
A substantial challenge for a teenager or an adolescent is learning to
bear the personal responsibility of living a healthy, productive, compassionate
and caring adult life.
Areas of 4 3 2 1
Assessment Advanced Proficient Basic Beginning
Ideas Presents ideas Presents ideas Ideas are too
Ideas are
in an original in a consistent generalvague or
manner manner unclear
Organization Strong and Organized Some No
organized beg/mid/end
organization; organization;
beg/mid/end attempt at a lack
beg/mid/end beg/mid/end
Understanding Writing shows Writing shows Writing shows Writing shows
strong clear adequate little
understanding understanding understanding understanding
about the about the about the about the
topic/task topic/task topic/task topic/task
Mechanics Very minimal Few errors Several errors Numerous
errors (with 0-3 (with 4-8 (with 9-14 errors (with 15
errors) errors) errors) errors or more)
___ 2. The developmental task will help the teenager to face the
challenges of life.
___ 3. One of the challenges of an adolescent is to achieve mature
relations both sexes.
IX. Assignment
On your journal, write your realization about the developmental
challenges so that you can pursue to the developmental task. Below is the
rubric for your assignment.
Areas of 4 3 2 1
Assessment Advanced Proficient Basic Beginning
Ideas Presents ideas Presents ideas Ideas are too Ideas are
in an original in a consistent general vague or
manner manner unclear
3. LOL – Middle Adulthood
5. LOL – Adolescence
Post Test
2. - Challenges
3. - Developmental Task
7. - Adolescence
Source: Book