Sri Durga Parameshwari Stotram
Sri Durga Parameshwari Stotram
Sri Durga Parameshwari Stotram
ा ं नमः
॥ !ीगा5परमेHरीIो6म ॥
Having protected the nation from all dangers hitherto, O Durgamba, why do You now remain
अपराधा बeशः ख प6ाणां :ितपदं भवiेव ॥
् २॥
को वा सहते लोके सवाDIाkातरं िवहाय ैकाम ॥
aparādhā bahuśaḥ khalu putrāṇāṃ pratipadaṃ bhavantyeva ।
ko vā sahate loke sarvāṃstānmātaraṃ vihāyaikām ॥ 2 ॥
Children indeed do commit a number of blunders at every step. Who else in this world can bear
with them except the Mother?
ु ष ु दीन ेष ु ॥
मा भज मा भज गo ताटWं प6के
के वा गृpिN सताkा6ा qrाsदािYके लोके ॥ ३ ॥
mā bhaja mā bhaja durge tāṭasthyaṃ putrakeṣu dīneṣu ।
ke vā gṛhṇanti sutānmātrā tyaktān vadāmbike loke ॥ 3 ॥
O Mother Durga! Do not remain indifferent to your children in distress. Who in the world will
protect the children that have been forsaken by their mother?
O Mother of the World! Henceforth shower such compassion that will remove at once the grave
dangers faced by this nation. Make this supplication of mine fruitful.
Are there not many devatas who are engaged in protecting people who are free of sins? O Mother, I
however have not observed anyone but Thee who has avowed to protect those who are full of