90 Days Workbook (English)
90 Days Workbook (English)
90 Days Workbook (English)
90 DAY
T. Harv Eker
People are creatures of habit. Research shows that those who participate in a
“daily” routine are 3 times as likely to stay on their program than those who
participate 6 days a week - and fare 5 times better than those who participate 3, 4
or 5 days a week. Therefore, for best results, use your program daily for the
entire 90 days. If you miss a day, simply start again the next day possible.
Be kind to yourself. The mind does not like change and this program is a change.
Therefore your mind may tell you that it does not like the program or that it won’t
do any good or you don’t have time today. Don’t listen! Don’t think! Simply say
to your mind, “thank you for sharing” and do the program. The program is quick
and simple and will take less than 10 minutes a day. Give yourself a chance. You
can do all the “thinking” you want, after the 90 days.
1. We recommend you have your five accounts or cookie jars in place. If you do
not have all five then start with one; your “financial freedom” jar. Don’t worry
if you don’t have the perfect jar. Any container will do for now; a glass, a cup
even a bag will work.
2. Mark your starting point on your Financial Freedom Account “Tracking Chart”
contained in the program. This includes the value of all your investments
devoted solely to financial freedom including RSP’s, stocks, bonds, savings, the
“net” value of real estate with the exception of your own home, etc.
You will be updating this chart every 30 days. At this time, make sure you include
the funds you are setting aside in your financial freedom jar on a daily basis.
Begin each day by opening your workbook and filling in the date. Then complete
the wealth conditioning process for that day. Do this before you do anything else
in the morning. That way, you can be sure it gets done.
Put your hand over your chest to feel the vibrational energy of your statements. Read
both of your Attitudes of Wealth declaration sheets out loud and with conviction.
Deposit any amount of money into your financial freedom jar. The amount is
not important. Even one dollar a day is o.k. Remember, the “habit” is more
important that the amount. Our objective is three-fold.
3. VAKS:
Do your VAKS. These include all 4 movements with your declaration (thumbs
up in a sideways figure 8 (making sure to come upwards through the middle of
the 8), massaging your earlobes, crossing over your arms with your knees,
hands on your heart.) Each movement should last about 30 seconds.
#2 Declare your big dream.
i.e. “I am the #1 best-selling author on the N.Y. Times Best-seller list.”
i.e. “I own a home on the beach in Maui.”
#4 Declare a supportive belief around money and wealth (a good choice would
be opposite of the primary non-supportive belief you are working on).
i.e. “If I get rich, my true friends will like me just as much as today.”
i.e. “Creating wealth is not a struggle. Poverty is.”
Note: Make sure you have some semblance of control in whatever you VAKS.
Do not use VAKS that depend on others to do something.
Like attracts like. Success breeds success. The more you “feel” successful the
more success will come your way. You cannot feel successful if you do not
look for and acknowledge your successes. The successes can be major or
minor. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you acknowledge yourself for
whatever you did do.
Do not look for what you didn’t do or didn’t get done or could have done
better. That is a “loser’s” way of looking at the world. Look specifically for the
progress you made in any arena be it financial, business, health, fitness,
relationship, learning, serving, etc.
Weekly Wealth Conditioning Processes
Every day you will do a different exercise that will recondition you for success.
You will be rotating through the following wealth conditioning processes, one per
day. It is best to do these exercises in writing in your workbook, however, if you feel
more comfortable or time only permits you to do them orally, that’s fine. Just do it!
1. Clarity of Intention:
The number one reason most people don’t get what they want is they don’t
know what they want. Clarity leads to power. It is imperative that you know
your financial objective; how much money or income you are going for. By
doing so, you will engage you mind’s “reticular activator” (this is like a heat
seeking missile) which will then attract and alert you to opportunities which
are in alignment with your intention.
Also you will describe how you will feel when this intention becomes your
reality. This again engages the emotions and strengthens the program.
3. Visualization:
It’s been said that the subconscious cannot distinguish the difference between
imagination and reality. Therefore the objective is to create the “reality” of
what we want in our mind and allow our “reticular activator” to manifest it
into our lives.
It’s important to add each of the senses into your “picture”. If nothing is there
to smell, create something. Create something to touch and feel.
4. Belief in Value:
Many people don’t feel they deserve success because they don’t fully believe
in the product or service they are offering or don’t feel it is of high value. If
this is the case for you, either change products, services or jobs or change your
perspective. In order to receive, you must feel you are giving. Therefore, it is
important to specify and express the benefits your value adds to people.
The object is to declare the reasons why you truly believe you can be and
deserve to be rich.
i.e. Communicate with someone you have a concern about speaking to.
i.e. Take care of a task that needs to be done regarding your finances (pay a
bill, sort your receipts, balance your cheque book) even though you
don’t feel like it.
Simply notice your non-supportive “mind chatter” and the feelings that may
go with it, but recognize that they have no power to stop you. Your protective mind
is like an overworried mother. Simply say “Thank you for sharing,” and proceed.
The object is for your subconscious to understand that you are already
“wealthy.” Since like attracts like, more success will come your way. Plus, by
appreciating what you have, you’ll find you are a happier person.
Describing “why” you are grateful for something, adds importance and impact.
Describing how you “feel” adds emotion, which strengthens the conditioning
It usually works best to keep your “play” money in cash and put it into your
designated jar.
The financial freedom deposits you make on a daily basis do NOT take the
place of your primary deposit, which should be10% of your income if
possible. The daily deposits into your “jar” are smaller amounts specifically to
create your “money magnet” and build a strong habit.
2. On days 30, 60, and 90 you are asked to move your “financial freedom” funds
from your “jar” to an interest bearing investment account. This is to turn your
savings into an income producing “investment”, as well as to keep your
money safe.
After the 90 days is complete, simply follow this pattern for the rest of your life!
3. On days 30, 60, and 90 you are asked to remove your “play” money from it’s
jar and make plans to nurture yourself with it, during the coming week.
Remember, if you don’t allow your spirit to play, it will rebel against the
“logical” side of you and sabotage your goals. You must “blow” this money on
a monthly basis, or at maximum, during the quarter. Your only rule is to make
sure you have a “great time” with it. We recommend you do things a little out
of the ordinary. i.e. massages, pedicures, renting a boat, buying that bracelet
you’ve had your eye on, throwing a party, ordering champagne at dinner, etc.
After the 90 days is complete, simply follow this pattern for the rest of your life!
4. On days 30, 60, and 90 you are asked to mark your progress on your Financial
Freedom Account “Tracking Chart” located on the next page of this workbook.
The law of manifestation states that what you focus on expands. Meaning what
you track, increases. Since we want our financial freedom account to increase,
we track it.
After the 90 days is complete, simply follow this pattern for the rest of your life!
5. Again, what you focus on expands, therefore on days 30, 60, and 90, you will
also be asked to track your net worth. This sheet is located on the page
following the Financial Freedom Account “Tracking Chart”.
The goal is not necessarily to see huge changes from month to month. The
object is to focus on your net worth and see progress.
After the 90 days is complete, simply follow this pattern for the rest of your life!
If you follow this program to the letter, you will not only be more successful, you
will be happier. Remember, be kind to yourself. If you fall off the bandwagon, do
not quit. Simply say, “oh well” and begin where you left off.
Remain open and watch for “miracles.” The universe works in strange ways. Mini
miracles happen all the time, we just don’t notice them. If you find yourself
“lucky” or fortunate at any time during this program, make sure you say “thank
you” to the universe and acknowledge that the program you are working is
working for you.
We are awaiting your results. Please e-mail us during or after the 90 days to let us
know how you are doing and about the successes you are having in your life.
VAKS stands for Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic and Spirit. What this exercise
does is integrate the left brain and the right brain; your logical side with your
creative side. It is the most effective way to change beliefs and drives the
conditioning process deep into the subconscious.
1) Visual
For this movement, extend your arms in front of you, clasp your hands together
with interlocked fingers and your thumbs pointing up towards the ceiling. Move
your arms first to the top left and continue in a sideways figure “8” motion. Make
sure to come upwards through the middle of the “8”. As your arms move through
the figure “8”, your eyes should follow your thumbs through the motion. Be sure
to move only your eyes and not your head as you do this. At the same time,
repeat aloud, your affirmation e.g. I am financially free, over and over again for
30 seconds.
2) Auditory
Massage the outer rim of both ears simultaneously with your thumb and index
fingers. Start at the top of your ears and gently roll and pull outward and back all
the way down to the bottom of your ears. Repeat this motion for 30 seconds while
saying your affirmation.
3) Kinesthetic
From a standing position, arms raised and bent at the elbows, slowly raise your
left knee off the ground, twisting your body to meet and touch your right elbow.
Return to your original position and repeat with the opposite knee to opposite
elbow. Alternate in a slow, flowing motion while repeating your affirmation for
30 seconds.
4) Spirit
Place one hand on top of the other over your heart, feeling the voice vibration.
Close your eyes and repeat your affirmation aloud for 30 seconds.
The Wealth Conditioning Program
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Clarity of Intention:
Write the actual amount of money or wealth you intend to create in the form of
a declaration. Then read it aloud at least 3 times slowly.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 5-10 specific and important things for which you want more money.
Choose one item and describe why it’s important to you and how it would
make you feel.
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Visualization:
Take 1 minute and visualize yourself being financially free. Look all around
you, what do you see? What do you hear? What could you touch? What
could you taste? What could you smell? How do you feel? To strengthen
this exercise, you might want to write this description first and then go to
the visualization.
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
4. Belief in Value:
Describe how you help people; the benefits your product, service or job has
for others.
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 3 reasons why you believe you can be and deserve to be wealthy.
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
Choose an action that challenges you and moves you forward. Take that action
today, in spite of any negative feelings or what your mind may tell you.
Write down the action you will take today, and at the end of the day, describe
the feelings you felt in completing the action and/or how you feel you’ve
grown by taking action “in spite of...”
DATE: ____________________________
* If today is payday, divide your income into your designated jars or accounts.
List at least 10 people/things you are grateful for in your life right now.
Choose one item/person and describe “why” you are grateful for this. Describe
how it makes you feel.
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
4. Clarity of Intention:
Write the actual amount of money or wealth you intend to create in the form of
a declaration. Then read it aloud at least 3 times slowly.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 5-10 specific and important things for which you want more money.
Choose one item and describe why it’s important to you and how it would
make you feel.
DAY 10
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Visualization:
Take 1 minute and visualize yourself being financially free. Look all around
you, what do you see? What do you hear? What could you touch? What
could you taste? What could you smell? How do you feel? To strengthen
this exercise, you might want to write this description first and then go to
the visualization.
DAY 11
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Belief in Value:
Describe how you help people; the benefits your product, service or job has
for others.
DAY 12
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
List 3 reasons why you believe you can be and deserve to be wealthy.
DAY 13
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
Choose an action that challenges you and moves you forward. Take that action
today, in spite of any negative feelings or what your mind may tell you.
Write down the action you will take today, and at the end of the day, describe
the feelings you felt in completing the action and/or how you feel you’ve
grown by taking action “in spite of...”
DAY 14
DATE: ____________________________
* If today is payday, divide your income into your designated jars or accounts.
List at least 10 people/things you are grateful for in your life right now.
Choose one item/person and describe “why” you are grateful for this. Describe
how it makes you feel.
DAY 15
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Clarity of Intention:
Write the actual amount of money or wealth you intend to create in the form of
a declaration. Then read it aloud at least 3 times slowly.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
DAY 16
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
List 5-10 specific and important things for which you want more money.
Choose one item and describe why it’s important to you and how it would
make you feel.
DAY 17
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Visualization:
Take 1 minute and visualize yourself being financially free. Look all around
you, what do you see? What do you hear? What could you touch? What
could you taste? What could you smell? How do you feel? To strengthen
this exercise, you might want to write this description first and then go to
the visualization.
DAY 18
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Belief in Value:
Describe how you help people; the benefits your product, service or job has
for others.
DAY 19
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 3 reasons why you believe you can be and deserve to be wealthy.
DAY 20
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
Choose an action that challenges you and moves you forward. Take that action
today, in spite of any negative feelings or what your mind may tell you.
Write down the action you will take today, and at the end of the day, describe
the feelings you felt in completing the action and/or how you feel you’ve
grown by taking action “in spite of...”
DAY 21
DATE: ____________________________
* If today is payday, divide your income into your designated jars or accounts.
List at least 10 people/things you are grateful for in your life right now.
Choose one item/person and describe “why” you are grateful for this. Describe
how it makes you feel.
DAY 22
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Clarity of Intention:
Write the actual amount of money or wealth you intend to create in the form of
a declaration. Then read it aloud at least 3 times slowly.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
DAY 23
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 5-10 specific and important things for which you want more money.
Choose one item and describe why it’s important to you and how it would
make you feel.
DAY 24
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
4. Visualization:
Take 1 minute and visualize yourself being financially free. Look all around
you, what do you see? What do you hear? What could you touch? What
could you taste? What could you smell? How do you feel? To strengthen
this exercise, you might want to write this description first and then go to
the visualization.
DAY 25
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Belief in Value:
Describe how you help people; the benefits your product, service or job has
for others.
DAY 26
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 3 reasons why you believe you can be and deserve to be wealthy.
DAY 27
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
Choose an action that challenges you and moves you forward. Take that action
today, in spite of any negative feelings or what your mind may tell you.
Write down the action you will take today, and at the end of the day, describe
the feelings you felt in completing the action and/or how you feel you’ve
grown by taking action “in spite of...”
DAY 28
DATE: ____________________________
* If today is payday, divide your income into your designated jars or accounts.
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
List at least 10 people/things you are grateful for in your life right now.
Choose one item/person and describe “why” you are grateful for this. Describe
how it makes you feel.
DAY 29
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Clarity of Intention:
Write the actual amount of money or wealth you intend to create in the form of
a declaration. Then read it aloud at least 3 times slowly.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
DAY 30
DATE: ____________________________
* Remove your “play” money from its jar and make plans to nurture yourself
with it, this week.
* Mark your progress on your Financial Freedom Account “Tracking Chart”.
* Move your “financial freedom” funds from your jar to an interest bearing
investment account.
List 5-10 specific and important things for which you want more money.
Choose one item and describe why it’s important to you and how it would
make you feel.
DAY 31
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Visualization:
Take 1 minute and visualize yourself being financially free. Look all around
you, what do you see? What do you hear? What could you touch? What
could you taste? What could you smell? How do you feel? To strengthen
this exercise, you might want to write this description first and then go to
the visualization.
DAY 32
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
4. Belief in Value:
Describe how you help people; the benefits your product, service or job has
for others.
DAY 33
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 3 reasons why you believe you can be and deserve to be wealthy.
DAY 34
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
Choose an action that challenges you and moves you forward. Take that action
today, in spite of any negative feelings or what your mind may tell you.
Write down the action you will take today, and at the end of the day, describe
the feelings you felt in completing the action and/or how you feel you’ve
grown by taking action “in spite of...”
DAY 35
DATE: ____________________________
* If today is payday, divide your income into your designated jars or accounts.
List at least 10 people/things you are grateful for in your life right now.
Choose one item/person and describe “why” you are grateful for this. Describe
how it makes you feel.
DAY 36
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
4. Clarity of Intention:
Write the actual amount of money or wealth you intend to create in the form of
a declaration. Then read it aloud at least 3 times slowly.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
DAY 37
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 5-10 specific and important things for which you want more money.
Choose one item and describe why it’s important to you and how it would
make you feel.
DAY 38
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Visualization:
Take 1 minute and visualize yourself being financially free. Look all around
you, what do you see? What do you hear? What could you touch? What
could you taste? What could you smell? How do you feel? To strengthen
this exercise, you might want to write this description first and then go to
the visualization.
DAY 39
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Belief in Value:
Describe how you help people; the benefits your product, service or job has
for others.
DAY 40
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
List 3 reasons why you believe you can be and deserve to be wealthy.
DAY 41
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
Choose an action that challenges you and moves you forward. Take that action
today, in spite of any negative feelings or what your mind may tell you.
Write down the action you will take today, and at the end of the day, describe
the feelings you felt in completing the action and/or how you feel you’ve
grown by taking action “in spite of...”
DAY 42
DATE: ____________________________
* If today is payday, divide your income into your designated jars or accounts.
List at least 10 people/things you are grateful for in your life right now.
Choose one item/person and describe “why” you are grateful for this. Describe
how it makes you feel.
DAY 43
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Clarity of Intention:
Write the actual amount of money or wealth you intend to create in the form of
a declaration. Then read it aloud at least 3 times slowly.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
DAY 44
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
List 5-10 specific and important things for which you want more money.
Choose one item and describe why it’s important to you and how it would
make you feel.
DAY 45
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Visualization:
Take 1 minute and visualize yourself being financially free. Look all around
you, what do you see? What do you hear? What could you touch? What
could you taste? What could you smell? How do you feel? To strengthen
this exercise, you might want to write this description first and then go to
the visualization.
DAY 46
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Belief in Value:
Describe how you help people; the benefits your product, service or job has
for others.
DAY 47
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 3 reasons why you believe you can be and deserve to be wealthy.
DAY 48
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
Choose an action that challenges you and moves you forward. Take that action
today, in spite of any negative feelings or what your mind may tell you.
Write down the action you will take today, and at the end of the day, describe
the feelings you felt in completing the action and/or how you feel you’ve
grown by taking action “in spite of...”
DAY 49
DATE: ____________________________
* If today is payday, divide your income into your designated jars or accounts.
List at least 10 people/things you are grateful for in your life right now.
Choose one item/person and describe “why” you are grateful for this. Describe
how it makes you feel.
DAY 50
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Clarity of Intention:
Write the actual amount of money or wealth you intend to create in the form of
a declaration. Then read it aloud at least 3 times slowly.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
DAY 51
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 5-10 specific and important things for which you want more money.
Choose one item and describe why it’s important to you and how it would
make you feel.
DAY 52
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
4. Visualization:
Take 1 minute and visualize yourself being financially free. Look all around
you, what do you see? What do you hear? What could you touch? What
could you taste? What could you smell? How do you feel? To strengthen
this exercise, you might want to write this description first and then go to
the visualization.
DAY 53
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Belief in Value:
Describe how you help people; the benefits your product, service or job has
for others.
DAY 54
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 3 reasons why you believe you can be and deserve to be wealthy.
DAY 55
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
Choose an action that challenges you and moves you forward. Take that action
today, in spite of any negative feelings or what your mind may tell you.
Write down the action you will take today, and at the end of the day, describe
the feelings you felt in completing the action and/or how you feel you’ve
grown by taking action “in spite of...”
DAY 56
DATE: ____________________________
* If today is payday, divide your income into your designated jars or accounts.
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
List at least 10 people/things you are grateful for in your life right now.
Choose one item/person and describe “why” you are grateful for this. Describe
how it makes you feel.
DAY 57
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Clarity of Intention:
Write the actual amount of money or wealth you intend to create in the form of
a declaration. Then read it aloud at least 3 times slowly.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
DAY 58
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 5-10 specific and important things for which you want more money.
Choose one item and describe why it’s important to you and how it would
make you feel.
DAY 59
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Visualization:
Take 1 minute and visualize yourself being financially free. Look all around
you, what do you see? What do you hear? What could you touch? What
could you taste? What could you smell? How do you feel? To strengthen
this exercise, you might want to write this description first and then go to
the visualization.
DAY 60
DATE: ____________________________
* Remove your “play” money from its jar and make plans to nurture yourself
with it, this week.
* Mark your progress on your Financial Freedom Account “Tracking Chart”.
* Move your “financial freedom” funds from your jar to an interest bearing
investment account.
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
4. Belief in Value:
Describe how you help people; the benefits your product, service or job has
for others.
DAY 61
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 3 reasons why you believe you can be and deserve to be wealthy.
DAY 62
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
Choose an action that challenges you and moves you forward. Take that action
today, in spite of any negative feelings or what your mind may tell you.
Write down the action you will take today, and at the end of the day, describe
the feelings you felt in completing the action and/or how you feel you’ve
grown by taking action “in spite of...”
DAY 63
DATE: ____________________________
* If today is payday, divide your income into your designated jars or accounts.
List at least 10 people/things you are grateful for in your life right now.
Choose one item/person and describe “why” you are grateful for this. Describe
how it makes you feel.
DAY 64
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
4. Clarity of Intention:
Write the actual amount of money or wealth you intend to create in the form of
a declaration. Then read it aloud at least 3 times slowly.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
DAY 65
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 5-10 specific and important things for which you want more money.
Choose one item and describe why it’s important to you and how it would
make you feel.
DAY 66
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Visualization:
Take 1 minute and visualize yourself being financially free. Look all around
you, what do you see? What do you hear? What could you touch? What
could you taste? What could you smell? How do you feel? To strengthen
this exercise, you might want to write this description first and then go to
the visualization.
DAY 67
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Belief in Value:
Describe how you help people; the benefits your product, service or job has
for others.
DAY 68
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
List 3 reasons why you believe you can be and deserve to be wealthy.
DAY 69
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
Choose an action that challenges you and moves you forward. Take that action
today, in spite of any negative feelings or what your mind may tell you.
Write down the action you will take today, and at the end of the day, describe
the feelings you felt in completing the action and/or how you feel you’ve
grown by taking action “in spite of...”
DAY 70
DATE: ____________________________
* If today is payday, divide your income into your designated jars or accounts.
List at least 10 people/things you are grateful for in your life right now.
Choose one item/person and describe “why” you are grateful for this. Describe
how it makes you feel.
DAY 71
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Clarity of Intention:
Write the actual amount of money or wealth you intend to create in the form of
a declaration. Then read it aloud at least 3 times slowly.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
DAY 72
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
List 5-10 specific and important things for which you want more money.
Choose one item and describe why it’s important to you and how it would
make you feel.
DAY 73
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Visualization:
Take 1 minute and visualize yourself being financially free. Look all around
you, what do you see? What do you hear? What could you touch? What
could you taste? What could you smell? How do you feel? To strengthen
this exercise, you might want to write this description first and then go to
the visualization.
DAY 74
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Belief in Value:
Describe how you help people; the benefits your product, service or job has
for others.
DAY 75
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 3 reasons why you believe you can be and deserve to be wealthy.
DAY 76
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
Choose an action that challenges you and moves you forward. Take that action
today, in spite of any negative feelings or what your mind may tell you.
Write down the action you will take today, and at the end of the day, describe
the feelings you felt in completing the action and/or how you feel you’ve
grown by taking action “in spite of...”
DAY 77
DATE: ____________________________
* If today is payday, divide your income into your designated jars or accounts.
List at least 10 people/things you are grateful for in your life right now.
Choose one item/person and describe “why” you are grateful for this. Describe
how it makes you feel.
DAY 78
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Clarity of Intention:
Write the actual amount of money or wealth you intend to create in the form of
a declaration. Then read it aloud at least 3 times slowly.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
DAY 79
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 5-10 specific and important things for which you want more money.
Choose one item and describe why it’s important to you and how it would
make you feel.
DAY 80
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
4. Visualization:
Take 1 minute and visualize yourself being financially free. Look all around
you, what do you see? What do you hear? What could you touch? What
could you taste? What could you smell? How do you feel? To strengthen
this exercise, you might want to write this description first and then go to
the visualization.
DAY 81
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Belief in Value:
Describe how you help people; the benefits your product, service or job has
for others.
DAY 82
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 3 reasons why you believe you can be and deserve to be wealthy.
DAY 83
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
Choose an action that challenges you and moves you forward. Take that action
today, in spite of any negative feelings or what your mind may tell you.
Write down the action you will take today, and at the end of the day, describe
the feelings you felt in completing the action and/or how you feel you’ve
grown by taking action “in spite of...”
DAY 84
DATE: ____________________________
* If today is payday, divide your income into your designated jars or accounts.
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
List at least 10 people/things you are grateful for in your life right now.
Choose one item/person and describe “why” you are grateful for this. Describe
how it makes you feel.
DAY 85
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Clarity of Intention:
Write the actual amount of money or wealth you intend to create in the form of
a declaration. Then read it aloud at least 3 times slowly.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
DAY 86
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 5-10 specific and important things for which you want more money.
Choose one item and describe why it’s important to you and how it would
make you feel.
DAY 87
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
4. Visualization:
Take 1 minute and visualize yourself being financially free. Look all around
you, what do you see? What do you hear? What could you touch? What
could you taste? What could you smell? How do you feel? To strengthen
this exercise, you might want to write this description first and then go to
the visualization.
DAY 88
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth (opposite of primary
non-supportive belief).
4. Belief in Value:
Describe how you help people; the benefits your product, service or job has
for others.
DAY 89
DATE: ____________________________
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations
List 3 reasons why you believe you can be and deserve to be wealthy.
DAY 90
DATE: ____________________________
* Remove your “play” money from its jar and make plans to nurture yourself
with it, this week.
* Mark your progress on your Financial Freedom Account “Tracking Chart”.
* Move your “financial freedom” funds from your jar to an interest bearing
investment account.
Choose an action that challenges you and moves you forward. Take that action
today, in spite of any negative feelings or what your mind may tell you.
Write down the action you will take today, and at the end of the day, describe
the feelings you felt in completing the action and/or how you feel you’ve
grown by taking action “in spite of...”
Day 91 and Beyond
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the “Millionaire Mind” 90 Day
Wealth Conditioning Program. If you have done the exercises on a daily basis,
there is no doubt you will have ingrained several positive new habits and ways of
thinking and being into your life. Chances are you are happier, more peaceful and
have already experienced significant results financially. This could be in the form
of new opportunities, an increase in income, enhanced productivity, money
management and funds coming in from unexpected sources.
The key now is to keep it up! Remember, the only difference between rich people
and poor people is that rich people have better financial habits and more
empowering ways of thinking about money and wealth. By completing the
program, you now have a good start on both. But the game isn’t over until you are
financially free. Therefore, it is imperative that you continue with the same habits
and even the exercises until you have reached your goal.
To facilitate your process you may want to order another workbook. Otherwise,
you can simply use blank sheets of paper and attempt to do it on your own.
T. Harv Eker
Completing Your 90 Day Program
Over the past 90 days or the duration of the program...
5. Describe your progress in terms of “how you feel about life.”
6. Describe your progress in terms of “how you feel about others and the
Well done! Give yourself a pat on the back, empty that “play” jar and GO
REWARD YOURSELF. You deserve it!
Comment Form
We believe the “Millionaire Mind” Wealth Conditioning Program can truly
enhance people’s lives. We would love to hear about your progress, success, or
any comments you may have that might improve the program. Please complete
this comment form and fax, mail, or e-mail us. Hopefully it’ s all right with you if
we use your statements for marketing purposes. If not, simply tell us otherwise.
Thank you.
Success Resources
At Success Resources we have a simple mission: to change lives.
Our mission is to educate and inspire people to live in their higher self – based on
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