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3 (Concept)

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1. Out of 6 boys and 4 girls a team of 5 is to be formed 8. There are 8 singers who is ready to perform in a show
such that at least one girl is included in the team, in how that is scheduled for two timings, before lunch and after
many ways such a team can be formed? lunch. If before lunch maximum 5 singers can perform
(a) 252 (b) 246 while after lunch maximum 4 singers can perform then in
(c) 562 (d) None of these how many different ways organizer of the event can sched-
2. In Independence Day party every student gave a gift to ule the program?

every other student. If total number of gift distributed is (a) 122 (b) 126
240 then how many students were present in the party? (c) 142 (d) None of these
(a) 16 (b) 15 9. How many teams of 11 players can be made from 25
(c) 32 (d) None of these players if players Rajesh, Rajni and Riju can not be se-

3. In Independence Day party every student gave a gift to lected together? (Two of them can be together)
every other student. If total number of gift distributed is (a) 25C11– 22C8 (b) 25C11 – 22C11
240 then how many gifts received by a participant (c) 25C11– 25C8 (d) None of these
Rakesh? 10. Consider a set S={100, 101, 102, .... 199) a number
(a) 16 (b) 15 machine has done following operations.

(c) 32 (d) None of these Step (i) select 2 numbers at random from the sets S
4. In a party there are 10 men and 15 women dance such Step (ii) Multiply the two numbers selected in step (i)
that in a particular dance only 1 man and 1 woman par-
ticipated. Total how many dance was performed?
(a) 150
(c) 300
(b) 144
(d) None of these
VA and the result R is the output of the machine.
In how many ways selection can be done at 1st step if the
final result R is a multiple of 3.
(a) 33C1 × 33C1 + 33C1 × 67C1
5. If a bus conductor has 190 different tickets then find the (b) 33C1 × 67C1 + 32C1 × 66C1
number of stoppage that the bus has consider only one (c) 33C1 × 33C1 + 33C1 × 67C1
way journey. (d) None of these
(a) 19 (b) 20 11. In a group picnic 10 married couples planned to play
(c) 22 (d) None of these mixed doubled game in tennis. The condition is that no

6. At praxis business school Kolkata, a committee of 5 has

husband wife pair is present in the game. Then what is
to be formed from 10 volunteers out of which 6 are boys
the total number of game played?
and 4 are girls. The committee should have at least 1 girl
and two girl volunteers Mahima and Nita refuse to work (a) 10C2 × 8C2
together. In how many ways committee can be formed? (b) 2 × 10C2 × 8C2
(a) 150 (b) 144 (c) 2 × 10C2 6C2

(c) 190 (d) None of these (d) None of these

12. Playing 11 has to be selected from 15 players which has
7. For 1st stage of scholarship 6 students has to be selected 5 bowlers what is the number of ways of selecting 11
such that 3 students from mathematics group and 3 stu- players such that at least 4 bowlers are always selected?
dents from biology group. Number of participants in dif- (a) 5C4 × 10C7 + 5C5 × 10C6

ferent group is as follows: (b) 5C4 × 10C7 + 5C3 × 10C6

(e) 5C4 × 9C7 + 5C5 × 10C6
Mathematics group: Total 7 students - 4 boys and 3 (d) None of these

girls 13. In a group of 10 students comprising 6 boys and 4 girls,

Biology group: Total 7 students - 4 boys and 3 girls. in how many ways we can select a team of 5 so that
number of girls is always more than the number boys?
How many ways group of 6 students is selected if it has (a) (4C3 × 6C2) × (4C4× 6C1)
3 boys and 3 girl students? (b) 4C3 × 6C1 + 4C4× 6C1
(a) 485 (b) 440 (c) 4C3 × 6C2 + 4C4× 6C1
(c) 490 (d) None of these (d) None of these

MAXIMA MATHS CLASSES (IIT-JEE), E-15 Gulab Kutir, Behind Anjali Child Hospital, Tagore Nagar, RAIPUR (C.G)
14. 10 singers were selected to perform in a function, but at a 22. In Praxis Business school, during an election of mess
time only 3 singer can perform, then total how many times committee there are 3 seats of mess committee and 6
performance was done if no same groun of 3 students contestants. A student can not vote more than 3 votes,
performed twice? in how many ways a student can vote?
(a) 10 C 3 (b) 10C1 × 10C1 × 10C1 (a) 32 (b) 41
10 9 8
(c) C1 × C1 × C1 (d) None of these (e) 36 (d) None of these
15. 10 singers were selected to perform in a function, but at a 23. Total 16 people participated in a picnic, 6 peoples are to
time only 3 singers can perform, then how many times a be selected for a work such that exactly one from Mr. &
particular singer performed if no same group of 3 stu- Mrs. A is selected similarly one from Mr. & Mrs. B and
dents performed twice? Mr. & Mrs. C is selected for the work. How many ways
(a) 10 C 2 (b) 6C 2 this can be done?
(c) 9C1 × 8C1 (d) None of these (a) 960 (b) 480

16. Mr. Raman has 10 friends and he wants to invite his friends (c) 120 (d) None of these
for a get together. At a time he can invite only 4 out of 10 24. Consider a universal set S with n elements, set S = ( a1a2
friends. If a particular friend of Mr Raman, Mr. Singh ,...an) what is the number of subsets of this set which con-
came 'p' times and out of those 'p' times Mr. Singh came tain odd number of elements?

‘q’ times with Mr. Raj. another friend of Mr. Raman. By (a) 2n –1 (b) 2n–1
what percentage p' is more than 'q’? (c) 2n – 2 (d) None of these
(a) 55% (b) 120% 25. In a class the number of students is (2n + 1), in how many
(c) 150% (d) None of these ways at most n students can be selected from these stu-
17. Mr. Raman has 10 friends and he wants to invite his friends dents?

for a get together. At a time he can invite only 4 out of 10 (a) 2 n (b) 2n+1
friends. How many times a particular frind Ricky came (e) 2n –1 (d) 22n
with Susmit but not with Soumyajyoti ?
(a) 18
(c) 21
(b) 28
(d) None of these
18. ICICI bank has 12 vacancies out of which 3 seats
26. A fruit basket has ‘n’ different types of fruits and each
type has ‘k’ number of fruits. What is the number of ways
of selecting one or more fruits from the basket?
(a) kn –1 (b) (k+1)n–1
are reserved for women applicants if there are total 25 (c) (n + 1)k – 1 (d) None of these
applicants 20 of them are gentlemen and 5 of them are 27. How many numbers less than 10000 has only 3 factors?
women then in how many ways 12 applicants can be (a) 15 (b) 50
selected? (c) 25 (d) None of these
(a) 5 C3 22 C9 28. How many 2 digit numbers exist whose number of fac-

(b) 5C3 × 20C9 + 5C4 × 20C8 + 5C5 × 20C7 tors is 8

(c) 5C3 × 22C9 + 5C4 × 21C8 + 5C5× 20C7 (a) 8 (b) 10
(d) None of these (c) 12 (d) 14
19. At an election three wards of a town are canvassed by 29. How many factors of N = 25 × 35 × 55 × 75 ends with 2
4, 5 and 8 men respectively. If there are 20 volunteers, in zeroes.
(a) 576 (b) 288

how many ways can they be allotted to different wards?

(a) 20C5 × 16C5 × 11C8 (c) 625 (d) None of these
(b) 20C4× 16C5 × 11C8 30. Find the sume of all the factors of 7200 that ends with 5.
(c) 20C4 + 16C5 + 11C8 (a) 403 (b) 523
(d) None of these (c) 925 (d) 3053

20. Given 5 different green dyes, 4 different blue dyes and 3

different red dyes. How many combinations of dyes can A N SW ER KEY
1 B 11 B 21 D
be chosen taking at least one green and one blue dyes.
2 A 12 A 22 B

(a) 54 (b) 3720 3 B 13 C 23 A

(c) 4904 (d) None of these 4 A 14 A 24 A
21. Mr. Rahim has one 5 rupee, one 10 rupee, one 20 rupee 5 B 15 B 25 D
and one 50 rupee note, what is the number of different 6 C 16 D 26 B
sums that can be made from these notes? 7 A 17 C 27 C
(a) 16 (b) 31 8 B 18 B 28 B
9 A 19 B 29 A
(c) 32 (d) None of these
10 D 20 B 30 A

MAXIMA MATHS CLASSES (IIT-JEE), E-15 Gulab Kutir, Behind Anjali Child Hospital, Tagore Nagar, RAIPUR (C.G)

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