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An RT6 Production .


Step into the world of the most dangerou
CYBERPUNK character class- the SOLO. Whethe
you walk the mean streets as a killer for hire, or swea
allegiance t o the megacorps as one of their cybei
1 netic samurai, this new supplement is what you nee
I to take your Solo character to the Edge!

In this exciting issue:

Types of Solos, specializations and skill packages
1; I
The lowdown on the most dangerous Solos of all
WO It I,)) SIT1JfI'I'ION 1JlWfl'I'l1
Where to find combat action
b1Ol)llltN S'I'RIIIIT(;fIN(;S
Chromers, Boosters, Posers and 'Dorphers as
player characters
'I'III~M'ORIJ) OF (~OVliltM~I13N~l'
CIA, KGB, Interpol and Mossad operations in 2013

Plus vehicle combat rules, corporate wars, new

weapons, new cyberwear and more!

ISBN m937279-06

P.O. BOX 7356 Berkeley, CA 94706-0356

CP 3101 SOLO OF FORTUNE Copyright@ 1989 R. Talsorian Games. All Rights Reserved.

The Corporations control the world from their skyscraper fortresses, enforcing their rule with
armies of cyborg assasslns. On the Street, boostergangs roam a shattered urban wilderness,
killing and looting. The rest of the world is a perpetual party, as fashion model techies rub
blosculpt jobs with battle-armored roadwarriors In the hottest clubs, sleaziest bars and mean-
est streets this side of the Postholocaust. The future never looked so bad.

But you can change It. You'vegot interface plugs In your wrists, weapons in your arms, lasers
in your eyes, biochips in your brain. You're wired in, cyberenhancedand solid state as you
take it to the fatal Edge where only the toughest and the coolest can go. Because you're -


The original game of the
dark future! A world of
FORTUNE The total coverage of
one of the Cyberpunk
A realistic space
supplement for the
Now, the inside story on
corporate assassins, genre's most popular CYBERPUNK universe,
the most dangerous
heavy metal heroes and books. Deltas, cyber- based on the real
brainburning cyberhack- snakes. panzerboys and technologies of today-
ter- the SOLO!
ers; packed with cutting dirtgirls, all up against and tomorrow. Orbital
Reviews for new
edge technology and the might of the Orbital colonies, spaceplanes,
weapons, job boards
intense urban action. In Corporations! It's all hypersonic fighters and
and scoops on world hot
one box is everything you here in this authorative complete rules for
spots, plus other tips on
need to tackle the mean sourcebook written by living, working and
how you can become a
streets of the the year the creator of Hardwired fighting on the High
deadly member of the
2013! himself1100pgs. $12 Frontier. For Fall, 1989.
corporate elite.
3 books, dice, & 80pgs. $10
80 pgs. $10
reference sheet. $20

GAMES INC. P.O. BOX 7356, BERKELEY, CA 94707-0356


By Mike Pondsmith krticles By:
So what do I do with this book unpuy? Zolin Fisk
Mike Pondsmith
By now, you've read through enough to get an idea that this isn't the Will Moss
normal kind of "supplement" for a roleplaying game. That's fine Dave Friedland
Cyberpunk isn't a normal kind of RPG. In this supplement, we've tried Scott Ruggles
to dump you headfirst into the world of 2013 AD by exposing you to a Derek Quintanar
popular (and not all that unfamiliar) magazine of the day. It's the first
of a number of 2013 "magazines" you'll see in future releases. Editors: Derek Quintanar,
SOLO OF FORTUNE is "distributed" by Fax-Press, a 21st century Mike Pondsmith
marketing corporation specializing in digital mail systems. It's subcrib-
ers can dial it up via modem on their home PC, pick it u p on the news- Technical Consultants: Matt
stand, or even "experience" the articles via a special BBS on the Net Anacletto, Rob Pruden
which allows them to hear a narrator's voice over selected 3D scenes of
battle and warfare. Possibly the ultimate in vicarious thrills, neh? Cover: The Graphic
In addition, Solo can be transmitted to a FAXPRINTER, a modem 21st Cover Model: Toby Edwards
century device that fax-prints and binds the magazine while you wait,
from any convenient screamsheet newsbox. Like most things you'll
encounter in the Cyberpunk universe, the faxprinter is just a little bit Art Direction: Mike
ahead of today ...probably next week. Pondsmith, Phil "Nacho"
Hernandez. Logo by Mike
But what do I do with it? Ebert.

In Solo, you'll find lots of useful things for the Referree who wants to Interior Art: Mike Pondsmith,
run a Solo-based campaign. There's Solo history (THE FIRST CORPO- Sam Liu, Scott Ruggels, Rob
RATE WAR) to give you an idea of how to run Corporate conflicts. Caswell
There's background on Solo Types (FOCUS ON SOLOS), including
goverment operatives to give your teams a little heat. MODERN
STREET GANGS offers a new and unexplored character Role: the Typography: Gee-Max Stu-
CyberDtreetpunk, with examples and how-to-play hints. CORPO- dios
RATE EXTRACTIONS, VEHICLE COMBAT, and even a look at the
elusive world of EUROSOLOS are included. Not to mention lots of Weapon Designs: Louis
useful ads with new game equipment and info built right in. Zutavern & Scott Ruggels

Check out the WORLD SITUATION and HIRING HALL articles. Copyright 19890 by Mike
Rather than pasting in a module you won't use anyway, we've given Pondsmith. All rights reserved
you the framework for literally dozens of adventures in these handy under the Universal Copyright
sections. Also, sections like I WAS THERE and LOVE & BULLETS Convention.
FROM MOSCOW can provide the hooks to hang campaigns in both
the Trauma Team and Soviet Union areas. Published by
R.Talsorian Games, Inc.
So what you do with this is expand your campaign. Make it big. Big- P.O. Box 7356, Berkeley, CA 94707
ger. Bust out of the limits of Night City and take it worldwide. The
world is your playground, if you have a 65%boost, a set of plugs and a Dedicatedto those brave men of
Stermeyer to jack into them. After all- the 20th century who made the
1 21st century possible.



SOLOS............................... 11 R M e J I STI11S S12C1tET
The World of Government
RIO1)IltN Solos ...................................... 57

The True Cyberpunks ...........17

Streetgangs pg 17
I 1J 1tOS'~l'LIE:
On the Edge With Europe's
Ultimate Warriors ..................26

THE Ol'BN ltO111)

Fleldtesting the Best In
flOIJl)INti 'rR11 IJIN13 Vehicles ................................. 71
The State of Corporate
Security, Penetration &
Defense .................................. 33
:urostyle pg. 26
Instant Response Time .....4
'rR1I s ' r l ~ l t N ~ I l 1 Y I l t I Was There ........................ 7
RI 95112 .......................... .38 TIZCHNICAL:
Fully Chipped .......... 6
Medically Alert ..................8
The SOLO Histories Part Four- COLIJMNS:
TR13 PIItST In Focus ........................... 23
Dead on Target ................25
It.................................... 51
Open Road pg. 71
I have been an active member of Muharraq, which your two colum- undocumented material, we find our-
an elite European solo team for nists claimed to have visited, was selves justified in doing so for this par-
twelve years now, and I must say leveled in an attack on December ticular case. If you had noticed, which
that receiving your periodical has 28th, 1996. Before the city could be you obviously didn’t, the article was a
consistantly been one of the high- rebuilt, the war known as the simulation of an island attack. Ba-
lights during my busy career. Never Middle East Meltdown occurred. harin was used as the example for this
before have I found a publication Subsequent winds coated the city of purpose men with the knowledge that
that covers as much material as A1 Maharraq with radioactive ash the island was uninhabitable.
yours. Although I disagree with from various targets that had been
your general political outlook and incinerated during the brief ex-
have found several inconsistancies change of warheads. The ”island Sirs:
that have cropped up throughout paradise” that your columists raved I would like to thank you for Dan
the years, I have remained an avid about was contaminated to such a Reeves’ article ”Sowing the Seeds of
reader of this magazine. I thor- degree that the entire island had to Revolution: A History of America’s
oughly read each issue to gather be abandoned. Today, there is noth- Nomad Tribes” in your March issue
helpful information for myself and ing left on the island except for a (2013). As a member of a Family and
my co-workers. monument to those innocent people an avid reader of your magazine, I
That is until your issue of Febru- who were killed by the fallout. found the article helpful in under-
ary, 2013. Had your columnists actually standing my heritage.
In the course of perusing said done any amount of research on I have been on the road since birth
issue, I found several things that I their subject they would have and have seen just a lot that America
either disagreed with, or found to be learned this and more. I find this has to offer. Even after spending
totally incorrect. The most offensive lack of research, and blatant disre- four years in our armed forces fight-
of your articles was that of ”Bubba gard for the truth to be most discon- ing in Columbia and Peru, I still
and Roy go to Bahrain.” The article certing. I would advise that you not think that there is much that I
plainly showed that not only had repeat such an error in the future if haven’t experienced. I think Mr.
neither of the two men gone to Bah- you wish to maintain your reader- Reeves’ article showed the true na-
rain,but in their attempt to”fakeit,” ship. ture behind the Nomadic move-
did not even do the basic research to ment without being malicious, as
improvise their story. Sincerely, some reporters tend to be.
As not too many people know, Mathias Griider
Bahrain was one of the only free Bonn, FDR
islands left in Africa after the reor- Thank you,
ganization. During their valiant Clive Jenkins
struggle for independance against Although it is not normally the pol- The Road to Freedom,
the Pan African Alliance, the city, A1 icy of this, or any other magazine to use America
Thanks for your support. We feel that that allows you to process signals from Got something to say? Get it of your
the Nomad tribes in America are overly your eyes to your trigger finger faster chest with a letter! Write to Instant
persecuted, often for things they have than normal. All they do is tie you into Response Time, c/o Solo Publications,
never contemplated, let alone done. the weapon's optical systems which al- 1212 Lipmann Drive, Baltimore, MD.,
low you to react faster. USA, 21215 N&/FAX 357-065-2110.

In reading your review of the

Armalite Manufacturing T-14Shot-
gun System (March 2013 issue), I
found myself asking a couple of
questions that I never felt were quite
As far as I can tell, the T-14is
similar to the Stoner weapons sys-
tems of the twentieth century, but
the first problem I had with it was
why someone would want all these
attachments for a shotgun that is ba-
sically an anti-personel weapon to
be used in close quarters?
The second question I had con-
cerns the interface chip. As far as I
can tell, you need a separate chip to
interpret different weapons, such as
one in a .44pistol and other for a 5.56
assault rifle. If this is so, then how
can you chip into the T-14 without
confusing your interface?

Dan Greaveson Now+ new generation of body armor

San Francisco, Ca designed for the corporate mercenary
of the 2000s. METALGEARTM,combines
light woven carbon-berylliumfibres in a
Well Dan, we don't know where you plastic base for the maximum in
were during the first few paragraphs of hardshell protection!
the article, but here is a quick reason for
having an assualt system for a shotgun. Hard Facts: METALGEAR's patented
multilayer system has a full SP rating of 25,
You never know what kind of combat higher than 90% of all standard Kevlar
you are going to be in. weave protection. Yet, at a total weight of
The T-14system was designed to 2.2 kg. for the complete package, it's
modify your shotgun to get the best lighter than a full armorjack (3kg) with an
results in a combat situation. Origi- SP of 18!
nally it was tested and used in the Canal
Modular: METALGEARM comes in four
Zone where therewere so many different easy to use modules: Helmet, chest plate,
types of areas being patrolled that the arm sleeves and leg sleeves. Each can be modular section!
system saved the United States troops a worn separately, giving each area a full 25 I------------ 1
lot of money, since all they had fo do was SP of protection.These modules are in a
modify the system for whatever partol it clamshell design, allowing them to be
snapped completely over all exposed
'was being used on.
parts, and are secured by easy to open
As for your second question, you securii snaps.
have the wrong idea about weapons
interfaces. They are not specific inter- GET THE ULTIMATE IN FULL COMBAT
Mail b:
RM 222
faces that only allow you access to one PROTECTION AT A MUST-BUY INTRO- I
weapon, but rather a universal interface DUCTORY PRICE! 700251 I


I \\NS TIi12ltl2 n!

By Rex "Maddog" Burton B

The day had been a long one. We Jackson and Daniels, our them- that's the chip in action. I
were about to come off shift-only medtech's, got ready to jump as Ace pulled her trigger three times and
two minutes left-when a card manuvered the AV between us and she started to sing. Both went down
broke in the Combat Zone. Dis- the remaining solos. It looked like a spurting blood and I jumped behind
patcher was full u p so she tagged us routine in and out as they hopped the wall once again.
for the retrieval. Just as the AV-4 the stiff back to the 4. We were just Just as I made it to cover, the
was powering up, Smitty, a solo for boosting out when the back deck entire area exploded in flames and
team three, tossed me a Willy Pete. was all but tom off by minigun fire! shrapnel. My left shoulder was
"For a hot situation," he shouted as Ace tried to bring it down softly, but forced back as one of the shards of
I hooked it on my armor jack. we slammed in pretty hard . Lead hot metal slammed into me. I may
The trip took two and-a half started ricocheting inside the AV- have been wearing an armor jack,
minutes at two-fifty klicks per. he'd dropped us facing the solos. I but it still hurt like hell as I ripped
While we were airborne, I did a jumped out and raced for cover, the frag from my shoulder. Now I
quick weapons check you never shots peppering the ground next to was pissed.
know when your life may depend my feet. I poked my head out behind the
on that one last going over. It's a car, only to be shot at again. This
good thing that I did, too. My "Iwondered what time I saw where the shots came
"Baby", a special-chipped, custom- from, so I snapped off a couple of
ized Remington autoloader, was sort of 'dorph- blasts in that direction and started to
half up so I slapped in three double head would be move. I figured that I could get the
oughts, a teflon slug and got ready drop with Baby on whoever it was
to rock. stupid enough to and that would only leave one solo
Once over the card, our driver to deal with.
Ace circled in for the best angle to try five guys in I was wrong. I found not one, but
put us between the danger and our battle dress..." both of the remaining solos
patient. I took a quick glance at the crouched behind an overturned
situation and saw five guys in street I jumped between a burned van. I blew oneaway withBaby,but
camo, all fully auto, standing over Chevy and a brick wall and took a the other kicked her out of my
the crumpled form of what looked quick inventory of my available fire- hands, tearing the plug from my
to be a corp. I wondered what kind power; it always helps to calm me in arm. With a shit-eating grin on her
of 'dorph head would be stupid combat. Now, I desperately needed face, she popped a pair of rippers.
enough to try five guys in battle situational information so I poked Well I'm no virgin, so I drop into
dress and decided that whoever he my head out and took a five second a combat crouch and pull the ma-
was, he shouldn't have been there look. chete I took off that colonel while
in the first place. Whatever the rea- Two of the solos were advancing fighting down at the Canal. "Rip-
son, it was our job to get him out. at a five yard stagger while another per" took two slashes at about thirty
Ace layed down a suppressive AV-4 hovered overhead, still firing percent boost, then went berserk.
with the minigun and the solos scat- at our downed bird. I ducked back, I dodged left and right until I got
tered. Four of them made it to cover: counted to three and then came back a feel for the rhythm; then I made my
the one that didn't erupted into a up, ready to fire. move. I stepped in after a backhand
volcano of flesh and blood as the As soon as I caught sight of the slash and made her eat all three feet
7.62's shredded him. two solos, Baby leaped toward of cold steel. I wiped my blade on


her body, wrapped a makeshift bar
dage around my wrist, picked u
Baby and started back to the Four.
I was just about to step into th
clearing when the second A7

"Now, I'd seen a

munitions dump
back in '08, but I 20TH CENTURY STANDARDS

swear this explo-

sion was
prettier. 11
started to land, its open door facin, AK-47 M-FAL
me. On instinct, I grabbed th New barrel-cooling New bullpup frame, smartchipped.
shroud, bullpup config. New magazine for 60 mds.
boomer Smitty had tossed mc
twisted the pin and chucked it intl
the open door.
Now, I'd seen a munitions d u m
blow in Honduras back in '08, but
swear this explosion was prettier.
would've sat down to watch th UZI M-l6A, AR-15
show, but I had a crew that needec Extended magazine, Frame stock, interchage-
plastic bullets, cooling able barrels, srnartchip-
my attention. Slinging Baby ove shroud. Ped.
my shoulder, I started toward ou
downed AV and my fallen corn
rades. Guns never really go out of style. the mechanical firing pin with an electronic
Your great-grandfather was proba- one. Driven by an interlink between your
Rex (Maddog) Burton is a five tour CJ bly hunting with his Springfield '03 cyberoptics and an attached IR or sonic
bervet of Honduras, Panama (The Ca pulse scope, the gun fires as soon as the
(that's 1903!) up into the 1970s, optimal target has been locked on. $200.
nal Zone) and the Colombian Dry while extensions of the German
Wars. He is currently employed as Walther/Luger family of pistols from Braces 81 Stocks: Gyrocompensating
"patient retrieval specialist" b! the 1930's are still dropping men stocks and recoil compensators allow
Lifeline's Trauma Team.TM Inc. i today. In this continuing column, greater accuracy, particularly with older,
Night City. heavy caliber weapons (Add +1 to WA). $50.
we'll talk about ways in which you
can take your surplus retreads (pro- Plastic Ammunition: Still cased, but using
IS IT TRUE YOU CAN vided they're well maintained) and modern plastics instead of brass. Lighter,
BUY SOVIET CYBER- make 'em the match of the latest cheaper (1/3rd of normal costs).

WEAR BY MAIL? DA! alley-sweepers.

New Frames: Many new frames exist for old
TransSov Imports has a wide selection of standards, converting these weapons to
reconditioned SovWear direct from ware- Magazine Extensions: These handy rede-
bullpup or other configurations. The old parts
housing in Afghanistan. And at prices you signs and aftermarkets allow you to carry
are simply screwed into the newframes, with
won't believe! Cyberlegs at only $875! double or triple the amount of ammo origi-
the various adapters built in. $100-300
Cyberarms at $669! Dish out up to 3D10 nally specified for the weapon. $40 ea.
kicking, 2D10 crushing and 3D6 punch- Better Cooling: Older SMGs and assault
ing damage with an SD of 40! And with lnterchangable barrellreceiver groups:
rifles suffer from massive overheating prob-
only a 20%failure rate! Write today for our These modern polymer-alloy re-kits allow
lems on full auto. These aftermarket cooling
free brochure. you to change the weapon to carry different
barrels combine better heat dispersion with
calibers of ammunition. $200 ea.
TRANBOV 0MPPQRTB streamlining and better protection from the
2241 W. Park, k e a , CA 94672 elements (increase REL by one class). $50.
Smartgun Interlocks: These units replace
Rich “Meatball” Cramer, M.D., E.M.T.
Smn Ruggels

You started out than acurse; the new arm was better Your new lover ran screaming from
with a basic set of than the old. If you had the money, your apartment when you broke her
plugs, nothing you might have had the other arm arm, just to prove a point: Metal is
fancy, but it let you replaced right then and there. You better than meat. It’s the wave of the
jack into the Net were chromed and ready for action. future, and you’re ahead of the pack.
and operate your You had respect, and knew you de- You took your philosophy to the
rifle. They also landed you the job at served every bit of it. It didn’t matter streets, lettingthe friends inside your
the Company. You worked hard, head guide you. One night, you let
doing simple assignments. It was an entire dance club know, certain
enough. You put in adown payment that those who survived would get
on the new cyberoptics. Now you Metal is better the point and join you. Then you
could do night work. Things started
getting rougher. The company for-
than meat,,, One would have even more friends. The
cops didn’t see it your way, but they
warded you the money for a set of night, you let an were only meat, and much too slow.
rippers. In exchange, you started Meat law didn’t apply to you; you
pulling some of the dirtier jobs, not entire dance club were of a higher order. If only they
that you seemed to mind as much as know, certain that could understand...someone, any-
you used to. The “real world” has a one.
way of wearing away at your ideals. those who
Then you ran into someone who
Then came your big break, an infil- survived wouId get understood. Someone who had
tration job. But first, you had to let the point.. been there much longer than your-
them install the audio systems and self. A man of chrome with wires in
the chipware. What a rush! You his head and voices in his brain. A
could learn languages and combat that your co-workers no longer man with a very large gun. But the
skills in the time it took you to jack in talked to you...they could go to hell metal that matteredthe most was his
the program. It seemed like all of for all you cared. You had plenty of badge. A Cyberpsycho cop with a
that old “slow” training you did in friends. Just throw a mental switch court order for your termination. He
college was a waste of time ... tech- and the audio system would create was sending you to Hell, and you
nology could do it a hundred times friends for you, inside your head. didn’t even care as he pulled the
faster. Your friends didn’t see it that trigger that cashed in your number...
way, but hey, what did they know? That agricorp almost cashed in your
When your lover walked out on number when they hit you with the Self denial is an ugly thing, and far
you... well, that didn’t matter either.
gas, but nerves are easily repaired, too common among the veteran
Love is easily bought and sold, butand with the twin boosters in your solos who should know better. Even
New Tech would always be with you, spine, you became superhuman. the best in the business“choke” from
never letting you down. The things you could see, the ac- time to time, and when they wake up
tions you could take...y ou quit your a week later in the hospital and as-
The accidentwas more of a blessing job, it had nothing left to offer you. sess the damage, they casually give
the order to slap on more metal. most solos have is with their ap- options” in their hardware to insure
Often, they view their injuries as an proach to combat injuries. Most the results they wish from their em-
asset, an unavoidable, perhaps solos see serious injury, those re- ployees. Trained techies can
even expected transition which will quiring major repair or replacement, overide many of these back door
make them better for the the experi- as an unwritten code calling for cy- programs if you give them fair warn-
ence. No solo thinks that they will be bernetic upgrade. It is more than a ing and pay them well.
afflicted with cyberpsychosis. The matter of professional status. Many
sad fact is, more than 80% of solos solos actually believe that there is no Product Alert: Certain hardware
who have been in the business more other option in their profession. The and wetware options are more risky
than four years are well on their way truth of the matter is that most inju- than others. Be wary of modifica-
to the point of no return. Many feel ries can be repaired through tissue tions to the hands. Hands and fin-
that as long as they still have all of grafting and organ replacement. gers are an important focus for all
their limbs, they have nothing to activity, and many solos have felt
worry about. Metal is a state of mind ..make time...to great unease after exchanging their
more than body. Even an all meat fingers for artificial casings of plastic
body can go over the edge if there is learn it’s (New and razor steel. Boosterwarecan be
too much wiring inside. especially dangerous, and many ac-
Tech’s) advan- cidents have occurred during the
Warning Signs: Detecting the tages, limitations weeks following installation. Reflex
onset of cyberpsychosis is not al- boosting solos have been known to
ways easy, and may at first be and effects on overcompensate and injure them-
marked down as combat stress or a
passing state of depression. Your
best bet is to keep a journal. Record
your mind 4% body. .. selves and their friends. Sensory
boosting solos often forget to “tune
down” intense reactions and over-
your thoughts and feelings and look Even mangled limbs can be regrown load their receptors, leading to
for changes. Step back and exam- over the course of a few months. states of temporary catatonia. A
ine yourself. Have your attitudes With proper therapy, solos can be word from the wise for those using
changed? How about your friends? back on their feet, as good as new, reflex chipware. Do not “chip in” your
What have you given up as “excess without having to risk cyberpsycho- programs until they are needed. Do
baggage” that only six months be- sis. not keep them running after their
fore was a cherished part of your usefulness has ended. The cyber-
life? Testing your limits slowly is impor- netic infusion of reflex skills has a
tant when installing new cyberware. profound effect on the central new-

Your reflexes are another early Never install more han one new ous system and the users psychol-
warning sign. Persons undergoing system at a time if ssible. Take ogy, resulting in personality
the early stages of cyberpsychosis the time to judge its ffects, or have changes to match the new found
tend not to edit their actions before a professional psyc ologist monitor learning. This can induce a state of
performing them, much in the same you before and after installment. schizophrenia if too many programs
way that intoxicated people ignore Know when you have reached your are running at once, and can lead to
their own common sense. These limits. Do not assume your reactions unwarranted “impulse” reactions to
conditions become worse as your will be the same as an associate’s outside forces. We have all heard
humanity slips away under the who has the same hardware. Every tales of nervous corp execs chipped
surgeon’s knife. You are a profes- person has a different reaction to for handguns blowing away their
sional. You plan your actions care- every option, and these reactions office mates by mistake during a
fully. When it begins to look like raw can not be predicted before installa- surprise birthday party. Funny-
instinct is overriding your common tion. until it happens to you.
sense, visit a clinic and have them
run a “CAT” scan. It is always pos-Most importantly, know what you are When installing New Tech, make
sible to reverse the process if yougetting yourself into when you install time available to learn its advan-
can still make the decision for new cyberware. Have a technically tages, limitations, and effects on
change on your own. inclined associate screen any hard- your mind and body, beforecharging
ware given to you as part of a corpo- off into the streets looking for action.
Preventing cyberpsychosis is rate contract. Many companies The insights you gain could save
easier then you think. The problem have been known to install “special your life.
Treatment: Whether you are in the The Law: Just as the amendments
early stages or have gone com- to Roe vs. Wade in the nineties re-
pletely over the edge, there is only defined technical terms for the be-
one recognized way of treating cy- ginnings of humanity, the cyberpsy-
berpsychosis once it is outside of cho laws have defined the ending of
your ability to control. humanity. If your cyberpsychotic
Although the basics of cyberpsy- state crosses over the line, making
chosis are well documented (see Therapy begins with the removal of you a known danger to society, a
Cyberpunk, View From the Edge, all cyberware which is not directly court of law, upon reviewing your
pgs. 19-20), you may want to opt supporting the life of the patient. A case without consent, can issue an
for a more precise version of the combination of euphorics and stimu- “Warrant of Termination”. Only suc-
illness than just a raving killer on lants are administered over the cessful treatment for your cyberpsy-
the loose. In each of these course of many weeks of therapy, chosis can remove such an injunc-
variations, the eventual result is a during which the patient is monitored tion on what is left of your life. Be
blind rage against people; how- around the clock by a staff of trained warned. When you go over the
ever, these choices will begin to
appear as personality flaws at an psycho biologists. In most cases, edge, when you no longer consider
Empathy 2 or lower. Roll 1D10. the patients “humanity” will slowly yourself part of humanity, you will be
return, even in such cases where it treated with the same prejudice al-
Roll Result appears to have been supressed lotted to faulty, out-of-date machin-
1-3 BLIND HATRED OF HUMANITY: entirely. Unfortunately, this therapy ery. You will be eliminated. The
(standard cyberpsychosis) has been known to lead to other members of law enforcement‘s Cy-
4 CATATONIA: You withdraw from forms of mental illness, including berpsycho Squads are the craziest,
all contact with humanity. mania, deep depression, and suici- most heavily armed soldiers you are
dal tendencies. The treatment has likely to find outside of a war zone. If
5 OBSESSION: You become
centered on one focussed idea (more also been known cause “techno you are their target, then it is already
cyberwear, money, germs). shock in a number of patients, an too late.
overall aversion to technology, with
6 PARANOIA: They’re all out to get
you. You trust no one. Get them first.
phobia like feelings towards any Yes, it can happen to you. It may
technology which physiologically orbe happening already. If you are
7 DELUSIONS: your worldview is psychologically alters the patient.possessed of a good deal of cyber-
totally skewed. You believe something ware, then a personal psychologist
Still, anything is preferable to cy-
totally unconnected to reality. Roll
another 1D6: berpsychosis. is as important an asset as good
1-2) Immortality (you can‘t be Trauma Team coverage. Be aware
killed) Oh yes, there is a second cure for of yourself and the world you live and
3-4) Fantasy (you live in a
complex fantasy world of your advanced cyberpsychosis, regularly work in. Stay alert, and don’t let the
own devising. practiced by our nation’s law en- metal gain control of the meat.
5-6) Infallability (You’re never forcement agencies... Termination.
Dr. Richard Cramer, Lifeline
8 HYPERACTIVITY: You can;’t Trauma Inc.,” 2013
sleep. You can’t rest. You run around like
your’e on speed all the time.

9 PHOBIC: You are afraid of
something- deathly afraid. The sight or
thought of it will paralyze you with fear
(80% of the time). Pick one: cats, dogs,
heights, enclosed spaces, dark, germs,
people, open spaces.
10 SCHIZOPHRENIC: Your personal-
ity fragments, developing into 1D6
different identities. At times of stress, any
one of these may take over (roll 1D6,
assigning a value for each personality-- TK Scdt
reroll any unassigned values).

10 SOU) 017 FORTUNE, MAY, 2013

Focus on Solos

This issue: “The six types of solos.”

By Bill Sharpe
Bang! You’re dead ...
...and some ripperdoc is slicing you you survive the assignments, you’re tailed in all of the different types of
up for the spare parts market. If, set for life. soloing. That’s where I propose to
that is, there’s enough of your body help. I have divided the different
left to salvage. How is a young solo just breaking specialties into six somewhat artifi-
into the market to make sense of all cial but appropriate roles. The bulk
I’ve seen it happen too many times this? Well, one has to start small. of my column this issue is will be
in my career. A young solo doesn’t This issue’s column is for all of those given over to breakdowns of these
know his limitations. He overex- youngsters who think they have six roles. Each breakdown will con-
tends himself and operates outside what it takes to bea professional, but tain a description of that type of
of his specialty. Next thing you soloing, as well as suggestions on
know, he runs into a situation he appropriate skills and cybenvear.
hasn’t been trained to deal with and “The solo who All the information is based on per-
changes from a young solo into a
dead one. Naturally, a crusty old
tries to do it all is sonal experience, and the input of
the knowlegable Solo of Fortune
solo who‘s been in the field for a dead solo... 11 staff. Take the information to heart.
twenty years may be able to take on Remember, as the great Morgan
any number of different types of Stroessner said during the South
assignments. Enough field experi- don’t quite know how to begin. The American wars (before he died in
ence and you can be a competent first step down the long road to- the tragic bombing of Militech’s
bodyguard, pilot, or battlefield sol- wards being an experienced solo now defunct Buenos Aires office by
dier. But it takes a long time, a lot of begins with knowing how to apply Columbian drug lords): ”The solo
luck, and a pretty good amount of oneself. In order to succeed, a solo who tries to do it all is a dead solo.”
intrinsic brains and talent to build has to exploit the skills and cyber- On the other hand, look how far he
up the necessary repetoir6 of skills, wear he or she has in the most went before he cashed in.
experiences and Scars to be the kind efficient means possible. The secret
of all-purpose, in-demand solo that to this is to specialize to some degree Before I tackle the separate catego-
most young hotheads dream of or another. The good battlefield sol- ries, I’d like to say a little something
someday being. Of course, a solo dier will most likely be a poor body- about the skills and equipment
with a multi-disciplined power re- guard, and the bodyguard a clumsy which all solos should invest in. It
sum6 can expect to be contracted bounty-hunter. goes without saying that anyone
for the most difficult assignments. calling himself a solo should be com-
But a good resum6 and a hot rep The inexperienced youngster may petent with most types of small
brings a high contract price, and if not have a good idea of what is en- arms and some sort of hand-to-hand
combat system. Know your melee urban, chemical, marine and space That’s it for the requisite skills for
weapons too. Chipped skills are combat. Consequently,exceptional competent cybersoldiering. Now
fine, but don’t rely on them, as chips stamina and endurance are a must. we move along to the part which I’m
can become lost or damaged, espe- A good deal of physical strength is sure will excite many of the more
cially in combat. Also, chipped recornended (for brute tasks such as hardcore prospective combatmen:
combat skills are too predictable in a climbing and lifting), but not en- the actual cyberwear itself. Most
professional environment. Have tirely necessary depending on what cybersoldiers can expect to have a
some sort of marketable talent. You skills an individual has. Naturally, a typical number of interface plugs.
won’t get the good jobs unless you high level of competence with all Cybersoldiers are, however, more
stand out in the crowd. As far as small arms types is a prerequisite. prone to implants and major struc-
cyberwear is concerned, expect to Additionally, cybersoldiers should tural modification than some other
have some boosterwear, be it sen- be able to operate many types of types of solos. Limb replacement is
sory or reflex, and have interface exotic personal arms, such as anti- not uncommon among those with a
plugs and at least a couple of chips aircraft missiles and demolitions ex- good number of combat hours, if
for your general reference. Our plosives. It’s not enough just to be only because a fair number of limbs
world is complex, and you’ve got to able to use weapons, however. The are lost in battle. But, as combat con-
be able to accommodate diverse good cybersoldier also has more ditions become more and more rig-
situations quickly. Remember, be than a passing command of strategy orous, artificial limbs are gaining
competitive, but don’t overdo it. and small unit tactics. A squad of popularity as a pre-emptive body
The worst thing for your career is a solos is no good if you don’t know modification. The value of a cyber-
one way trip into cyberpsychosis. limb in combat is considerable, but
The value of a the competent soldier can fare just
With the formalities out of the way, fine without one. If you’re going to
we’ll move right along into section I cyberlimb in c o n get a cyberarm, I would suggest
know you’ve been waiting for: getting some kind of weapon in it. I
Uncle Billy’s solo-type breakdowns. bat is considell. know many a soldier who died for
The first category thatI’11coveris the able, but the com- want of a backup weapon. Well,
battlefield operative, or cyber- where better to keep one? Especially
soldier. This is as about as straight- petent soldier can good for the on-the-go urban com-
forward as it gets. Many solos have bat solo who may find himself sud-
already had some form of military
fare just fine with= dely dropped into situations where
experience; the cybersoldier simply out one. larger, external weapons are too
makes it his career. The difference is, unwieldy or conspicuous.
rather than serving any one govern- how to use it, and remember, leader-
ment or corporation, the cyber- ship abilities and experience will The next category we’ll cover is for
soldier is a mercenary, contracting boost your contract price. Other all the glamor boys and girls out
freelance to the highest bidder. valuable skills include the ability to there. It’s one of the most prestig-
Experience on the battlefield, supe- operate military vehicles such as ious areas of soloing, and frequently
rior combat skills, and appropriate tanks and armored cars, and famili- a lot of fun, but it is one of the most
cybernetics are what make hiring arity with military heavy weapons difficult to break into. I’m talking, of
cybersoldiers worthwhile for a gov- and artillery. If there’s a chance you course, about bodyguarding and
ernment or corporation. Frequently, may encounter it on the battlefield, personal security. This is high pro-
a squad of cybersoldiers will be you’re better off knowing how to file work, and it takes a good rep and
contracted to undertake a mission operate it. Furthermore, I would a considerable resumk to attract the
considered too hazardous or diffi- certainly rather face some piece of kind of star clients who can make the
cult for normal soldiers. The older, equipment on a battlefield if I was job such a blast. Many are the per-
reknowned, and experienced cyber- familiar with its potential and capa- sonal security specialists who have
soldier is usually hired on as mis- bilities, than if I’d never encoun- spent several years nannying two-
sion commander, or as a strategic tered or operated it before. Those bit rockerboys and chauffeuring su-
director, often for a handsome price. who plan on becoming involved permarket managers before making
with covert operations or infiltra- it big with celebrity escort contracts.
Cybersoldiers can expect to encoun- tion should make sure that their Those who make it quickly usually
ter some of the toughest combat con- stealth, security systems, and infil- pay a bloody price ...your name has
ditions in existence...from trench, to tration skills are well honed. to pop up prominently on the win-
ning side of some high-visibility in- body-guards should specialize in location at which the client will be
cident in order to attract the correct concealable small arms and hand- spending extended amounts of
people’s attention. Better hope to-hand and melee combat. Aware- time.
you’re still alive when they ask for a ness skills are at a premium when
meeting. Even when achieved, suc- dealing with potential assassination Personal security specialists should
cess in this field is an ephemeral victims, especially in crowded, ur- stick to the low key when it comes to
thing. All it takes is one dead client, ban environments. Be familiar with cyberwear. Remember: two cyber-
and a reputation years in the mak- assassination and small-unit incur- legs at a celebrity party marks you as
ing, is trashed for good. Start from sion styles. If you take responsibility a guard, and makes you a target for
square one, do not pass go, do not for someone’s life, understand the initial removal if there is an incur-
collect any more celebrity contracts. techniques that may be used against sion. I can guarantee you that a dead
them. In the noncombat direction, bodyguard will not have his con-
Personal security specialists can ex- solos expected to chauffeur should tract picked up. If you must have
pect to be contracted as body be excellent drivers, with an in limb replacements, make them look
guards, chauffeurs or house and of- either natural or stylish. Useful
fice security for an individual or items will be such things as radio
group. Contracts can be for a single I can guarantee splices and telephone links for keep
event or short time, in which case it ing in touch with the client, or other
is rather like a glorified escort serv-
you that a dead guards, and the usual boosterware,
ice, or services can be retained for bodyguard will not cyberoptics and chipware.
indefinite periods of time. Depend-
ing on who the client is, visibility can have his contract That wraps u p personal security.
be anywhere from ultra-high to ul- picked upmmm For the career-oriented types, there
tra-low. Some solos specialize in is the job of corporateoperative.Not
either high or low visibility jobs, but the most glamorous of solo fields
it is best to be able to deal with both. depth knowlege of their principal but it’s job security, and there are
operating areas. In addition, make company benefits such as trauma
Important skills for the personal se- sure your etiquette and culture are team coverage and access to corpo-
curity specialist extend beyond up to snuff. An embarrassed client rate equipment and heavy weapons.
combat, as the house or attendant will most likely not contract you Also, a stint with a reputable corpo-
guard must be comfortable and again. Know your residential secu- ration (if such therebe) can be a good
operative in any surroundings fre- rity systems, and familiarize your- resum6 item. Assuming, that is, they
quented by the client. Weaponwise, self in advance, if possible, with any ever let you seek other work.
Being a corporate solo is problem- tion as skills. Choose those which that works together. It’s for a pre-
atic, in that it can encompass battle- are appropriate to your specialty, or agreed sum of money, usually 33-
field work, corporate security, per- hope that the company will outfit 50% in advance, with the rest upon
sonal security or all three. Some so- you. Just don’t let them overdo it. delivery (or proof of termination) of
los are assigned to one field of work I’ve heard some rumors about a the target. It takes a good rep and
in particular, on the basis of pre- couple of the nastier corporations considerable experience before a
existing skills.Other solos are called outfitting solos with body-plating solo will be offered big contract jobs.
on to assume a number of different and illegal weapons, and then Several years on the open circuit are
roles, in which case they may be trying to harness, control or cure usually necessary to make a good
spread a little thin. That’s the corps their cyberpsychosis in order to turn enough name to attract the big busi-
for you; always trying to get the them into robot-like ultrasoldiers. ness. Naturally, non government
most for their money. The good side That’s one experiment I would ad- sanctioned bounty-hunting is tech-
of this is that the company will usu- vocate not getting involved in. It’s nically illegal, but that doesn’t stop
ally provide training, and a good not worth the free cybernetics. corporations, mob chiefs, or just
company can have an excellent about anyone with a few Eurobucks
training program. The types of as- For those of you who are a little and a chip on their shoulder from
signments corporate solos can re- more solitary and independent, doing it. (Naturally, Solo of Fortune
ceive include company army duty, there is the down and dirty field of does not endorse any extralegal ac-
black operations and extraction bounty-hunting. There is no polite tivity, but we do take it upon our-
work (see this issue’s article on or academic term for it. It‘s rarely selves to report all information per-
extractions), industrial espionage, glamorous. It’s always dangerous. tainent to any given subject.)
personal security for company ex- The job entails tracking down
ecutives, and on-site guard work.
Generally, it takes some time doing
grunt-work before a new employee
...Non-sanctioned Combat skills for bounty hunting
are strictly relative to the methods of
the solo in question. Some are the
is given really exciting assignments, bounty hunting is brute force, crack ’em on the head
but once you’ve moved u p in the type, some like to neutralize their
corporate ranks, you may find that technically illegal, quarry from a distance. One man
there is no shortage of solid work for but that doesn’t pursues and engages the target at
the dedicated combat specialist. whatever opportunity presents it-
stop anyone with a self, another lies in wait in a pre-
I can emphasize no particular com- selected location. Some work in
bat or equipment skills (other than few Eurobucks and person, some by proxy or traps. The
the general ones listed at the begin- a chip on their advantages of the different methods
ning of the column) for being a cor- are open to interpretation, and heav-
porate solo. The new recruit will be shoulder... ily dependent upon the situation in
assigned on the basis of whatever which they are used. I advise flexi-
thky can do. Check with the differ- people in hiding, or on the run from bility. If you are too complacent in
ent corporate recruifing offices and some individual or organization. one style, you may run into a situ-
find out which companies have The bounty-hunter finds and c a p ation where it is inappropriate, or
openings in areas appropriate for tures this person, if they’re wanted you may gain a rep for using it. A
you. I would suggest that the pro- alive, or presents proof of their reputation like that can be a pain if
spective company operative be death in return for payment. the quarry catches on to you and
familiar with the bureaucracy, eco- Bounty-hunting is freelance by na- decides to bite back. Skills which all
nomics and operations of large cor- ture, but there are two types of as- bounty hunters should have include
porations. Some computer skills signments. Open assignments are tracking and shadowing, police or
may be useful as well. The prospects jobs announced, either generally or investigative techniques, and a
for advancement are better if yoh selectively,to more than one hunter. good deal of street-smarts. Under-
haye the kind of white collar shills The one who succeeds gets paid. A cover skills are good too, as a lot of
that c o g s like to see in all of their
lucrative open assignment can fre- footwork is often necessary for lo-
employees, even the solos. quently lead to conflict and emnity cating the target. A little psychology
between competing hunters. The doesn’t hurt. Get inside the quarry‘s
Cybernetics for corporation bound contract assignment is given to one mind. Know how they’re thinking.
solos are in the same nebulous posi- hunter, or to an established team That kind of hunch work has been
behind the unearthing of many a don't recant my words. Few street
well hidden target. samurai die of natural causes. Those
who have been alive long enough to
Cybernetics for bounty-hunters be competent in all sorts of jobs are
should also be selected with regards among the most fearsome and re-
to the individual's methods. I would spected of solos. Only the unifying, Professional Jargon of
suggest that, unless you plan to get all-pervading environment of the the "Business"
yourself into hairy situations on a city streets makes this multi-roled
regular basis, bounty-hunting is one existence possible. As long as the Bombshell: evacuate quickly, run
of the fields of soloing where major street samurai is in his or her Close a Contract: kill, assassinate. Also:
cybernetic enhancement is least element, anything is possible. neutralize, grease, wax, hose, pop, dust, smoke
and vape.
useful. The majority of the time Deniable Person: someone hired so that they
spent on the job is devoted to track- Taking this diversity into account, can later disavow all knowledge if something
ing the target. Since most jobs re- what skills can we recommend for goes wrong.
quire the target to be returned intact, all street samurai? First and fore- Insertion: delivery of a team dose to it's target.
relatively soft methods should be most, streetwise. If you're not per- Extraction: the removal of a team horn it's
operations area. Also: corporate kidnapping.
used in capture and retention. A big, fectly at home on the city streets, at
Firelane: the clear area a weapon can put it's
nasty cyberarm with a mondo gun any time of day, in any part of town, shots into.
in it will not be appropriate to this you have no business in this job. Kill Zone: the body areas where a weapon
kind of task. Your money is better Know the area, know the people, used will kill it's target. Also the area of max de-
spent on useful memoryware for know the places. Make damn sure struction in an ambush situation.
assuming the undercover roles you're up on your hand to hand Bag Job: surreptitious entry, usually to copy or
remove material.
you'll need for the job, or for calling combat and melee weapons. Street COMINT: communications intelligence.
up skills for tracking situations. samurai get into more fistfights and ELSUR: electronic survelliance.
Several plugs and a large memory- brawls than any other people I "Dying of the Measles": a killing that is made
ware library are the most useful know, cyberboxers included. It to look "natural".
cybernetic items I can think of for comes with the territory. Be able to Cut-out: a go-between, used for security in a
covert operation.
bounty-hunters. Other than that, the use a pistol fast and accurately. A
False Flag: to make an operative think he is
usual boosterware and cyberoptics crowded bar or narrow alley is a bad working for one person or group, when he is
should suffice. place for some huge, unwieldy as- really working for another completely different
sault rifle. Know the gangs. Form master.
The last clear cut category we'll alliances with them when possible, To get dirty: to be arrested, or come under
cover in this column is the solo-for- but never trust them. Be able to police harrassment.
Landing Hot: a fast landing or landing with a
hire, or street samurai. This is the move in a crowd. Know how to damaged vehide.
ultimate in freelance solo work. The drive. Have contacts. A good source Hot U : a landing zone under hostile fire; to
street samurai does whatever of information can take you farther make a landing under fire.
people are willing to pay him or her on the street than a fast gun, if used Roll up: to capture.
to do, provided they can do it. They correctly. Stay tied in to what's h a p Sanitize: to remove all identifying marks,
fingerprints, etc.
answer to no one, they sign no con- pening. A street samurai must be Shoeslshoemakers: false IDSand those who
tracts, they owe no alliegance. It's a able to feel the pulse of the city. It is make them.
proud and lonely calling, good only their life and breath, their bread and Sleeper: potential operative kept on tap for
for those who were meant to live on water. future use.
the mean streets of the city. Some Technical Penetration: use of mechanicall
electrical information gathering.
street samurai specialize, it's true, A street samurai's cybernetics are
Tiger Team: computer experts that test system
but most of the many I've known purely a matter of taste. There is no security by attempting penetration.
would tackle any job they thought limit on what is appropriate, short of Slipup List: methodical collection of possible
they could do. Common jobs are cyberpsychosis. Use your discretion mistakes that might happen during a mission.
hits, abductions, guard work, infil- and judgement in deciding what RV: rendezvous point. Also: pickup zone or PZ.
tration, running or couriering, and enhancements would be useful. Al- lnjun Country: enemy teritory. Also: the Sharp
End, the A 0
theft. It's probably the only type of though Solo ofFortune does not offi- IA: Immediate Action drill. A set series of
soloing where this kind of diversity cially advocate it, I would suggest actions performed by a combat team to speed
is either desirable or common. This that black market cybernetics are reaction to combat.
is, of course, exactly what I warned more common among street samu-
about at the head of the column. I rai than any other type of solo. The
SOIA0 sICILIAS only firm suggestions I can make are
those tha,t I would put forward for
you would be better off as a techni-
cal or corporate specialist, than as a
all solos (Interface plugs, booster- solo who is constantly exposed to
Basic Career Package For All Types ware, cyberoptics and audio). Other combat environments. Don't get
Minimum Slats: INT, STR, REF, CL, +7, EMP
at least +6, Basic Core Skills: Pistol, Martial than that, the possibilities are lim- killed for a fantasy.
Arts, Driving, Athletics at +4 t0+6. Lesser ited only by your imagination,
Skills: Melee Weapons, Rifle at +3 minumum. money and sanity. Go for a cyber- Cybernetics should be treated like
limb. Vampires. Glowing eyes. Do it skills for specialists. Make sure you
Corporate Operative: You are a jack of all for practicality, or for looks. Re- have the essentials for soloing, and
trades. Skills: basic skill package, plus concen-
tration of skills in Pistol, Martial Arts. Some
member, style is as important as then whatever is appropriate for
Specific Knowlege of Corporate Administration practicality on the streets. Hell, get a your specialty. Don't base your spe-
useful. Hardware: Smartgun, plugs & chips, cigarette lighter implanted in your cialty entirely on chipped skills or
some cyberlimbs, but subtle. At least one thumb. It'll impress your mates. reflexes, however. You should be
hidden weapon. effective even if you've been
Cybersoldier: Trade INT for MA & BOD (you're
Finally, we come to the end of the stripped of all of your cybernetics.
a grunt). High EMP. Skills: Rifle, Heavy road. The last, and most enigmatic Enhancement is good. Dependency
Weapons (see pg. 75), Martial Arts. Driving kind of solo: the specialist. This is is bad. Don't be a robot. You'll get
Skills a must. Hardware: single cyberarm with the solo with that one outstanding killed. Dead specialists are seldom
as mu& armor and weapons as possible. Both quality or skill, the one thing on called upon to exercise their talents.
legs cybered, boosted. Any simple combination which their career is based. They
of optics, audio. Plugs very useful.
may be able to hold their own in a That wraps up my analysis of the
BodyguardlPersonal Security: BOD & REF score of different situations, but it is
different types of solos in today's
can be traded for INT & A T (gotta look good this one trait that is the essence of world. I hope this is of some use to
for the client!) or EMP. Skills: Pistol, Martial their career. Truthfully, this is kind those of you who are just starting
Arts, Melee Weapons, Driving & Pilot for of a pseudo-category, since a spe- out, and may be confused as to how
chauffeur. Awareness, Human Percept,
Intimidate for spotting and dealing with
cialist can operate as any of the otherto go about getting your feet wet in
fans.Tech Skills should include survelliance and types of solo I have already outlined. the high powered world of profes-
security systems (Specific Knowledge). Hard- But few others will stake so much on sional soloing. The suggestions for
ware: precision smartguns with plugs, "cutout" one advantage, and that sets special- skills and cybernetics should be
options to avoid hitting bystanders. Optics and ists apart from all others, and makes taken as representative examples,
them worth mentioning on their not ironclad rules. Remember the
Bounty Hunter: INT & CL most important, with own merits. It goes to show that, if prime lesson: don't overextend
REF & LUCK for tight spots. Skills: All small you have one spectacular talent but yourself, especially early in your
arms, at least one non-lethal melee weapon ski1 are strictly mediocre with regards to career. This is an important piece of
to "bring 'em back alive." Notice, Stealth, everything else, you can still be an wisdom. Learn it, know it, live it. If
Disquise, Streetwise, Shadowing, Intimidate. effective solo. you're going to get yourself killed,
Hardware: Two sets of plugs for running chips,
equipment. Well hidden cyberlimbs & weapons;
wait until you've established your-
you don't want to advertise. Lots of chips for The skills that I have seen capital- self, so you can be a legend, instead
information, particularly specific knowledge ized on by specialists are armed or of just a corpse.
chips on your target. unarmed combat, infiltration, pilot-
ing, streetwisdom, marksmanship, Next issue, for you experienced so-
Street Samurai: a jack of all trades. Skills: strategy and tactics and so on. No los: the pros and cons of interna-
Streetwise is #1! Fast Talk, Intimidate. Ward-
robe & Style (style is everything on the Street).
matter what your strong point is, tional work. Also, how to gloss your
Concentrate on Pistol and Martial Arts. make sure you are at least adequate resume and turn a minor incursion
Hardware: mix and match. Plugs for certain. with, if not spectacular at the gen- into a major battle! Until then, stay
Lots of new black market tech for flash and the eral soloing skills mentioned at the ahead of the pack, and do it with
edge. Lots of chips for fast skills on one-time beginning of this column. As far as style!
what skills are good specialties, use
Specialist: Any basic package will do. Make your imagination, Almost anything
sure to concentrateon INT and REF as a stron! can be applied to soloing, with a
base. Skills: Pick 2 or 3 and build them way little careful thought. Just make sure
up-this is your main gig! Pistol, Martial Arts, you don't get in over your depth. If
etc. Hardware: Plugs and lots of chips for jobs.
you have any doubts, take a good,
Custom hardware (as the Ref permits).
hard look at yourself. It may be that
By Gustav "Red Horse" Guttermann
There's not a street samurai if you become a gang's target, there sub-gang) is probably the combat
breathing that doesn't fear the are few places in the city where they equal of your average veteran solo.
metroplex's most lethal predators. can't reach you. It's no wonder that The Booster lives for his next hard-
They're boosted to the max and many organizations are now negoti- ware fix. They rob, burn and mur-
cruising for blood. Traveling in ating with street gangs for resources der in order to get hardware, or the
swarms, they can pick apart the best and manpower. They get the job money to afford it. Status in a
corp assassin in the space of a heart- done at low cost and they are a re- Booster gang is measured by how
beat. Worse, they are completely newable resource. For every punk "hardcore" you are, a term which
unpredictable. One moment, your who buys it on an operation, there describes a punk's deteriorating
saviors, the next, your worst night- are two greenies just getting their humanity. A true hardcore kills his
mare. colors, ready to take their place. best friend in cold blood, then cuts
They're punks, and they're taking off the arm that struck the blow and
over you^ city. If you intend to work the Street, has it replaced, just to prove a point.
Many professional mercenaries it's essential you know as much as When dealing with Boosters, do not
scoff at the idea of a gang of burnt possible about the Streetpunk style. attempt intimidation or bribery.
out 'dorphers posing much of a Although every group follows its Peaceful negotiation is a good way
threat to anything. These people own credo, there are some current to wind up dead in the gutter. Pain
obviously haven't spent much time trends that deserve attention. The is the only language these punks un-
on the Street, where gangs are a part time may come when you are forced derstand. Shooting a few Boosters
of everyday life and death. The to confront or cooperate with one of in front of their leaders is an ap-
modern punk, although not the these groups, and knowing their proach that has been known to
equal of the well trained solo, is an style will get you a lot further than work. Shooting yourself without
enemy to be reckoned with. Most that new smartgun you just chipped flinching works even better. Good
have access to hardware and combat in. luck, and remember, they may be
drugs usually available only hardcore, but they aren't stupid.
through corporate contracts. Their Boosters: These are certainly the Watch your back.
leaders are survivors who know the best known and perhaps the most
turf like the back of their hand. A lethal of the current Streetpunk Posers: These are gangs which fol-
surprising number have seen mili- trends. A Booster who has survived low a distinctive style, taking on the
tary service. Ruthless and vengeful, more than five years in his set (or personality and looks of a favorite
celebrity, be they actor, politician, or cause he has yet to go completely off
slam, dorph, and lace, but others
both. Some (known as sissy gangs to of the deep end, he may show morewill have access to unique designer
the hardcores) just wear the clothes common sense in his actions, which
drugs with unpredictable effects.
and makeup of their idols. Most can be both good and bad for any-Usually gangs of dorph heads who
these days opt for the full bio-sculpt one trying to negotiate with him.experiment end up killing them-
and personality adjustments. It is The best way to get in tight with a
selves, but not before taking others
this second stage which makes the group of Chromers is to learn as with them. Most Dorph Heads are
Poser dangerous. "Adjustment" is off in their own worlds and won't be
much as you can about their music.
similar to the programming meth- Getting to know their favorite interested or even capable of work-
ods used by most religious cults. rockerboys personally is also a big
ing for anyone. However, offering a
The new Poser, out from under the plus. Dorph Head access to large
knife, spends weeks in the local amounts of his favorite poison will
"bunk house", having his brain in- Dorph Heads: Also known as usually yield results.
undated with images of the gang's
icon. Old vids and recordings are Puppets: This is the common street
played constantly. The Poser is term for gangs of punks who've
deprived of sleep and food, and any hired out, either overtly or covertly,
mentioning of their former lives is to a major corporation or criminal
met with quick and brutal punish- organization. There are two types of
ment. The end result is a brain- Puppet gangs. Those who have con-
washed and psychotic youth, living tracted for money and hardware
in a dream world. The Poser is both (usually Boosters), and those who
the most and the least predictable of were formed by the corporations
street punks. Although it 's easy to themselves. This second class of
unscramble the patterns they follow Puppets is a dangerous one. They
in their daily routines, dealing with are, in effect, corporate terrorists,
them is another matter entirely. and will be well armed and well led.
Any threat to their lifestyle, whether If you're assaulted in the streets by a
real or imagined, is quickly met with gang of Boosters that seem a little
violence. When two Poser gangs too slick to be believed, chances are
meet, there is almost always blood- you're dealing with the street a m of
shed. Organizations employing a corp that wants your head. Deal-
Posers usually take special care in ing with Puppet gangs is close to im-
programming them first, promising possible, as most corporations will
to bring them closer to their idols. It be able to beat any offers you could
is rumored that some Posers have make. If you think you have a Pup-
been employing specially designed pet gang after you, your best option
'lich' programs, actually overwrit- would be to put the word on the
ing their old personalities with syn- streets. Most "real" Streetpunk
thetic ones. gangs hate Puppets, and if you're
The best way to deal with Posers is lucky, perhaps a group of authentic
avoid them completely. Boosters or Posers will do your dirty
work for you.
Chromers: Street gangs which base 'dorphers, these gangs of doped u p
their style around the latest hard punks can be completely harmless, Guardians: Occasionally bands of
streetrock are known as Chromers. standing on street comers handing concerned youths and reformed(?)
They carry hardware like the Boost- out flowers, or they can be wacked punks will come together to form
ers, and follow their idols like the out killing machines, impervious to protection gangs, known on the
Posers, but overall are less danger- pain and fear, as dangerous as a cy- streets as Guardians. These vig-
ous. Many are just rebellious kids berpsychonutcase. It all depends on ilante organizations can be just as
looking to party. Unfortunately, a what they've been dosing up with ruthless as the gangs they're trying
number of them graduate to Booster recently. To know a Dorph Head's to control, but fortunately for most
and Poser gangs. The Chromer is drug is to know the Dorph Head. solos, Guardians are likely to be un-
quick to defend his fellows, and be- Most stick to the basics, such as concerned with their affairs. Of
course, if a Guardian gang discovers A Streetpunk by his very nature has can bully your way into exclusive
you are behind the actions of a dan- a number of restrictions as a charac- clubs; even get in the cops’ faces
gerous band of punks, they may see ter type. First and foremost, there is every so often. The fear of retali-
personally to your demise. Guardi- his gang. It is here that he bases his ation by the gang will keep people in
ans follow their own codes of honor, loyalty. Only the top members of check.
and will not hire out to anyone, for street gangs can operate under their
any price. They have been known to own set of rules, and the actions of Going up in Rank If your gang
work with Cops and Trauma Teams the gang as a whole can often place doesn’t know about your accom-
from time to time. the character in dire situations. plishments, using your special skill
will amount to nothing. Rank can
Nihilists: Also known as Zombies, The Streetpunk character has his only be raised by impressing the
It is fortunate that this new street own special ability, known as Rank other members of the gang. In most
movement is still small in numbers.
The Nihilists have a single minded
philosophy. Having decided that
there is nothing left in life worth liv-
ing for, they have banded together
to help each other go out in a blaze of
glory. The greater the infamy that a
Zombie can bring to himself by his
death, the more he shall be remem-
bered by his fellows. Making head-
lines is the ultimate goal. Zombies
engage in acts of suicidal terrorism
and mass murder. They often go
after the rich and famous. The worst
of them are trained combat veterans
who have too strong a survival in-
stinct to die easily. They may sur-
vive a number of ”missions” before
cashing in their chips. It is impos-
sible to deal with Zombies. They
only wish to die. A battle with a
gang of Zombies will always be a
fight to the death. If you encounter
Nihilists, your best bet is to keep a
low profile and get as far away as
possible. If you are the target of
Zombies, be prepared to leave the This skill is the Punk‘s status in his cases, street gangs will have strict
country or hire a good security team. gang. It represents a number of fac- rites of passage before a Punk can go
You’re going to need one. tors. First, Rank dictates the Punk’s up in rank. If you are designing a
ability to call on the resources of his veteran gang member, you must
The Streetpunk as fellows in times of need. Usually, check with the referee to make cer-
this will involve getting payback tain that the character has passed all
a Character Class revenge on a target who has at- of the tests to gain his rank. The best
tacked or threatened the character. bet is for the character to start at level
Many of the members of street Rank is also an indication of how 2, raising his Rank during play.
gangs do not fall under the usual much influence the character has on The following is a list of Ranks for
class descriptions available to play- gang actions, ideals and style as a a typical Booster gang. Listed are
ers and referees. If you are running whole. Finally, Rank is also a form the rites of passage and the perks for
or playing in a campaign taking of intimidation in the streets. The gaining the new Rank.
place on the mean streets, you might higher your Rank, the less likely the
want to consider using a member of character will be challenged by citi- Level 12: Greenie: Initiation con-
a street gang as a character or NPC. zens and rival gang members. You sists of mugging an innocent, defac-
ing property with gang colors, and attacked, the members of your set missions. People on the street (and
the swearing of oaths. Most initia- (sub-group of the main gang) will be rival gang members) will not touch
tions are ”blood rites” which in- more than willing to help you get you unless under direct orders. The
volve anything from being beaten some payback. Most other gang cops want your butt, but will not go
by senior gang members, to the cut- members will think twice before after it without mounting a major
ting off of fingers, to serious messing with you on the spur of the operation. If caught, the gang will
hospitalization. Perks: You now moment. You’ll be asked to help in do everything in their power to help
wear gang colors, so ordinary citi- the training and teaching of new spring you. You are entitled to
zens will leave you alone. You have members, who in turn will have undertake missions in the gang‘s
the right to party with the gang, but some degree of loyalty to you. If name and/or use gang resources
you had better listen to orders. If and manpower under contract for
you are attacked in the streets and third parties. Major criminal net-
you scream loud enough, chances You lead a deadly works can be organized. You will
are nearby members will come to have access to most of the resources
help you out. army of psycho- to be found on the streets. If you are
attacked or threatened, a small army
Level 34: Punk: You have commit- pathic youths who is yours to command. Within the
ted major crimes such as armed rob- look up to you as a gang itself, you can pick and choose
bery and arson. You have fought your friends and relations. Be
with rival gangs and both drawn minor god. You are warned, poor leadership is fatal.
blood and have been bloodied your-
self. You’re always looking for new feared by every Level 9,lO Ganglord: You are hard-
hardware, and your “boosts” one. wired to the max, with at least 60
should have cost you at least 15 points of humanity loss. You di-
humanity points. Perks: You can rectly confront authority, eliminat-
open your mouth at meetings with- ing all in your way. You’ve fought
out having it shot off, but don’t ex- arrested, an effort will be made to cyberpsycho squads and won.
pect anyone to take your advice seri- post bail and help you beat the rap. Having organized the successful
ously. You can intimidate local extermination of an entire rival
street scum and new recruits from Level 7,B: Bloodboy: You are a vet- gang, you’re prepared to challenge
other gangs. You have the respect eran. You are also a cop killer. In the authority of the current Gang
and fear of ordinary citizens and the addition, you must have killed or Lord directly and if possible, take
animosity of the cops. If you are incapacitated high ranking rival his place. Perks: You are now either
attacked, you will most likely be gang members (Rank 5 or above) in the right hand man to the ganglord,
able to convince a few of your fel- single combat. To show that you are or are in charge yourself. You lead a
lows to help you get revenge. truly “hardcore”, you will be asked deadly army of psychopathic
to murder a close friend or family youths who look up to you as a
Level 5,6: Homeboy: You have member. You should have lost at minor god. Feared by everyone, you
killed in cold blood. Although this least 40 humanity points by now know everything that goes on in the
need not have been premeditated, and the last of your morals are rele- City. Major powers fight to win
you must have shown yourself to be gated to the back burner. To gain your favor and thus your support.
ruthless. Killing in gang fights and this position you must have been You are also crazy beyond pain and
during crimes is acceptable. You chosen by a retiring (i.e., moving up) fear; ready to kill on a moments no-
must have had run-ins with the set leader, or you must fight for the tice, or die trying. Good luck.
cops. No one who hasn’t done hard spot when it is vacated (by death or
time will make it this far. In all injury). You could also attempt to Joining a gang during play: It is
likelihood, you’re now addicted to stage a coup. Perks: You are one of possible for other character classes
the gang’s drug of choice. You the inner circle who helps make to join gangs. In fact, most large
should have lost at least 30 points of decisions for the gang. You are Lieu- gangs will have a number of Fixers,
humanity by this time and be pack- tenant to the Gang boss. If your Netrunners, and Med Techies to
ing the gang’s signature hardware. gang is large enough, you will have help them with their operations.
Perks: You are now a respected the opportunity to be in charge of a However, these members will never
gang member. Your opinion is wel- whole sub-group (set) of the gang, be true Streetpunks in the eyes of
come, but don’t step on any toes. If controlling your sets’ actions and their fellows. They will have to
work twice as hard to gain Rank,
and will never rise above level 5,
regardless of their actions. Charac-
ters who join gangs in the middle of
a campaign will always be looked
on with suspicion, and will be the
first to be sacrificed when push
comes to shove.
Rank: +1-5, rarely higher than +7
Outside missions: It isnot expected Major Skills: Fast talk, Brawling or Melee
that you spend 24 hours a day, 7 inleaons, Thief, Streetwise, at levels of +3
days a week with your gang. Al- to +6. Usually one or two Specific
though most Streetpunks do not KnowledgeSkills related to drugs, drug
work (at a steady job), they will often Common Cybertech: A few MRAM and
undertake deals and contracts on RPTR chips because you're usually too
their own initiative. Just make sure hopped up to study or train. Maybe some
optionwear weapons, such as scratchers.
that you are available when your Most of the time, you don't care.
gang needs you, and most of all,
never screw over your own gang!

Running a street gang campaign: Rank: +3-6

Major Skills: WardrobeBtyle, Disquise,
There are any number of ap- Persuasion, Athletics, Pistol, Melee
proaches to running characters in Weapons or Brawling, Streetwise, at
street gangs. Here are just a few. levels of +3 to +6. Usually one or two
additional skills related to the role played,
at levels of +3 to +4.
1: Start them off as raw recruits at a Common Cybertech: Lots and lots of
rank of 2. Allow them to get the feel MRAM chips to support your role. A few
of the gang as they work their ways APTRS for temporary skills. Cyberoptics 8
audio, hidden weapons. No boosted limbs
to the top, always sacrificing a little or anything obvious. After all, you have to
bit more of themselves with every look like your role-model!
step in true Streetpunk fashion.
2: Start the characters as established
gang members at a rank of 5 or 6. CHROMER
They are just getting ready to make Rank: +2-9,sometimes +10
their big scores. They'll have to Major Skills: Wardrobe/Style,Play
Instrument, Persuasion, Athletics. Pistol or
handle direct confrontations with Blade, Melee Weapons or Brawling,
powerful rivals, plus the guns of Streetwise, at levels of +3 to +6.
angry cops who want to take them Common Cybertech: Minimum- one set
of interface plugs. Cyberaudio with special
off the street once and for all. options, APTR chips for temp skills,
3: Have the characters organize a MRAM for music-biz related skills.
Guardian gang to clean up the Sensory booster very important!
streets. They must be prepared to
face the wrath of the regular street
gangs in the area, but if they're
lucky, the cops will lend them a
Rank: +2-6, sometimes.+7-9
hand. Major Skills: Streetwise, intimidate, Pistol,
4: Have the players design young Rifle, Brawling or Martial Arts, Melee
Cops, and have them enter the gang Weapons, Awareness, at levels between
undercover. Their job is to work +4 and +7.
Common Cybertech: Anything on list! At
their way up the ranks and destroy least two pairs of interface plugs. Boosted
the gang from within. This is the limbs with lots of chrome and extras.
most dangerous, but most challeng- Combat oriented equipment. Rippers or
BigKnucks a must! Experimental stuff- the
ing approach to running a gang more dangerous the better!
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It’s now, it’s fast, it’s deadly. I’m
talking about corporate extraction
-today’s hot technique for procur-
ing proven talent for an organiza-
tion. As the popularity of extraction
grows, so do the contract opportuni-
ties for solos specializing in corpo-
rateand covert operations work. But
what are the ramifications and le-
galities? How common is it? What
techniques are involved? And what
developments can we expect to see
in this field in the future? That’s the
topic of this month’s Solo of Fortune
Special Report.

First, what exactly is corporate

extraction? In legalese, it is the ille-
gal removal via conspiracy or ab-
duction of the duly contracted em-
ployee of a corporation by a compet- hot projects, or upper level corporate executiveswith access
ing organization, where resignation to proprietary information. All large corporations carry out
or transfer of that employee would extractionsconstantly. In fact, in a recent issue of The Corpo-
normally entail a breach of employ- ration Monthly, one industry analyst cited it as tending to-
ment or contract conditions. In wards epidemic proportions. Indeed, counter-extraction is
layman’s lingo, this means that a one of the most rapidly expanding facets of corporate secu-
corporation has some kind of wun- rity. (See the article on corporate security in this issue.)
derkind working for them, whom
they wish, at all costs, to retain. Fre- Governmentally speaking, extraction is illegal, but since
quently this entails a heavy guard, when does the government have a say in anything any-
and/or prisonlike conditions for more? The fact of the matter is that large corporations do as
the target. (Although they may still they please, and are accountable only to each other for their
draw a hell of a salary.) Another actions. Solos who are carry out extractions violate kidnap
corporation also wants this person’s ping, tresspassing, assault and vandalism laws. Murder
talent, but since the first corporation also becomes a factor, if anyone is killed during an

will not let them resign, or switch extraction. An individual who conspires to defect, or will-
jobs, the second corporation must ingly participates when extracted can be found guilty of
resort to extralegal means. Depend- conspiracy and breach of contract.
ing on the circumstances, the target
may or may not be a willing partici- All of this means diddly. You have nothing to worry about
pant in all of this. Extractions are from the government. You have a lot more to worry about
usually carried out on scientists or from the corporation you extract the target from. Large
researchers working on extremely corps are notoriously sore losers, and an extraction can eas- 23
ily serve as the precipitator of a spate new employers without a guarantee but that its popularity will be cycli-
of revenge killings, or even a corpo- of safety for their kin, a generous cal. As it becomes more frequently
rate war. Consequently, I would corporation may extract the family used, greater defensive measures
suggest that any solos considering at the same time as the target. Not- will be implemented, and it will
careers in freelance extraction take so-generous corporations will ig- consequently become more difficult
pains to protect their identities at all nore the family, and resort to lies or and costly. This will cause a drop in
costs. Corporations backing psychological conditioning to con- popularity, which will last long
extractionsalso go to extreme meas- vince the target of their safety. Su- enough for corporations to start
ures to remain anonymous. The rea- premely nasty corporations will becoming complacent. When this
son why extraction is open to ensure the death of the family, and
freelance work at all is because through the use of conditioning and
corps frequently fear using in-house twisting the facts,use the tragedy as Supremely nasty
teams to carry them out. Frequently, a technique for winning over the corporations will
an extracting team doesn't know victim. If you have a conscience,
what corporation it's working for. don't work for corporations known ensure the death
This can lead to complications, if to use this technique.
there are corps you specifically of the family, and
don't want to work for. Extracted Another problem recurrent in through the use of
personnel almost always undergo a
complete cosmetic and identity
change in order to keep them from
extraction work are so called "sour
grapes killings." There are two
types: offensive and defensive. In a
conditioning use ...
being recognized and associated defensive killing, if the success of an
the tragedy as a
with their new employer, and to extraction appears imminent; the technique for win-
prevent counter-extraction. One corp losing the extractee shifts it's
thing to watch out for: some corpo- tactics from attempts to retain the ning over the
rations have been known to attempt
to liquidate the extracting teamafter
target to attempts to "render the tar-
get unsuitable for extraction."
victim.. . '\
completion of the mission in order That's a euphemism for filling him '\

to prevent them talking. Do a little full of holes. Beware of this, if you're happens, extraction will become
research and find out what corpora- carrying out an extraction. A dead easier again and its popularity will
tions have a reputation for doing target will not fulfill the contract resurge.
this. If possible, avoid working for conditions. In an offensive killing,
them. (Brilliant advice, eh?) (and this is where the sour grapes Time will confirm or discredit my
moniker comes from) the extracting theory. Either way, I'm sure we all
team will have orders to kill the tar- look forward to seeing how this in-
get if successful extraction is not teresting technique develops. For
Frequently, an possible. The guiding philosophy is, now, its a field of soloing just wait-
extracting team of course, "if we can't have him/her, ing to be properly exploited. To
neithercan you". If you plan a career those of you who are interested, I
doesn't know what in extraction, make sure you have say good luck, and watch your back!
the guts to implement this kind of
corporation it's order.
working for... The future of corporate extraction is
somewhat hazy. Since it is growing
in popularity, corporations are tak- Why waste time in the Dojo? Our new
One problem often encountered in ing sterner and sterner measures to laser-delay phase programmable
corporate extractions is the protect their top level personnel. chipwear allows you to program your
own custom Martial Arts APTRs up to
extractee's family. If someone is con- This makes extraction more and level +3 for only $800. Styles include:
sidered worthy of extraction, their more difficult, and teams will need Shaolin Kung Fu Aikido-don
family is usually either under to be increasinglyspecialized to deal Savate Kenpo Karate
guard, or held hostage as a preven- with these defenses. I believe TaiKwon Do Capeoira
tive measure. Since many targets extraction will continue to be a com- THE WEAPONMASTERS
will refuse to cooperate with their mon tool for corporate recruitment, 983 Ellis, Santa Leon, NM 87282,

24 SOU) OF FOR'I'UNI!, MAY, 2013

Fun Times in t h e Big Soviet
By Francis “Jersey” Witherspoon
Corps are so typical. patchedup, and my arm was rewired my attention to their hardware and
After a two week operation in and working properly. Although I spoke with admiration. Their ap-
Alaska (pulling V.1.P.k out of an ex- had to send my gear via the diplo- praisal of their gear was better than
perimental military research lab out- matic bag to the U.S. embassy, my their English.
side of Fairbanks), popping caps, arm and eye would serve me well “Boris and I, highly regarded
slinging shrat, and generally sticking enough should their be any unex- heros. Many battles in Middle East.
it to the opposition, I found myself pected trouble along the way, not Only the best for us. You like, huh?”
rewarded with a measly 15% bonus that I expected any. Not many cor- I shook my head in disbelief. “You
to salary, my tapes for the media porate hits in Moscow these days. actually like that gear? Isn’t it a bit
confiscated, and an all expense paid Upon landing, Igot my first taste of clumsy for your line of work?”
vacation on the Black Sea to get me the Soviet Cybersoldier. There were
out of the execs hair for a month or two of them working in customs,
so. placed there specially to check out Boris laughed
‘The Black Sea?’ I thought. ‘Give foreigners like myself who had metal
me a friggin break!’ Then I reconsid- grafted to their meat. These were heartily mmm”NOt
ered. I’ve put in my time and seen a biggentlemen. I mean it. The short pretty like Ameri-
lot of this rock we live on, but in all one was six foot four and looked like
that time, I’ve never seen any action he could bench press a tractor. Both can arms and legs,
in the heartland of the iron curtain. were in uniform, poker faced, and
Now I had the opportunity to see how armed to the teeth with Kalishnakov but not important
our fellow professionals in Mother smart rifles. I followed the cable when kicking hole
Russia worked their special kind of back to the plug.
magic. I talked to the folks down in Their hardware bordered on nos- in tank, yes?”
Recreation and Covert Operations talgia! That plug looked like some-
and managed to haggle a Visa that thing that should have been at- The big guy, Boris I suppose,
would get me into the Soviet capital. tached to the back of an old kitchen laughed heartily. “Not pretty like
Next, I contacted SOF, told them appliance. I panned down, looking American arms and legs, but not
what Iwas about, and was sent a gift for additional cyberware. That’s important when kicking hole in tank,
wrapped set of press passes and when I noticed that the guards pants yes?” He stamped his foot for em-
other official-looking documents, were four sizes too big and his legs, phasis, and I’d swear on the grave of
and a small stash of those most what I could see of them, looked like my aunt Matilda that the whole air-
worthless of paper products, a junkyard. I thought Icould hear the port shookwith the impact. Idecided
Rubles, just in case I needed to gears whirring when he shifted on to change the subject.
grease a few palms to get the inside his feet. The second guard was no “Sowhere does a Russian solo go
story. better off, with a gun-metal arm and when he’s got the time and is looking
Within a week, I was set. My cables visible through the plates in for a little action?’
wounds from Alaska were all the wrist and fingers. They noticed Cont. Pg 78



€urostyle: It’s A Whole
Different Ball Game on the Other
air like dragonflies, transporting the
rich to private chalets on mountain
scorn laugh at private jokes.
Chromed limbs waver under infra-
Side of the Atlantic summits. red light. You take your seat. They
You arrive at the club, a one story have been expecting you. They are
By Lars Svedberg, SOF construction in post-modernist the elite.
Euro-Correspondent Gothic. One look at your EBM gold
card and you are through the door. Welcome to the world of the pro-
You are a contractor for Euro Your suit and tie alone would cost an fessional European mercenary.
Business Machines and you are average American c o p a months They have never lived in the streets.
looking for the right operative for a salary. You are underdressed. They have never fought in the wars
touchy extraction. What. you are These are the beautiful people you or done time. They are the best in
looking for is one of the elite in the read about in the screamsheets, the world and know it.
business. If you were in America, whose images are flaunted nightly in We are not talking about the solos
you would put the word out on the the vids. They dance under pulsat- you find walking the streets of Great
Net and in the street, let ‘Yhe best” ing chromatic lights, moving to a Britain, who, much like our own pro-
beat their way to your door, fighting common rhythm; ignoring you. fessionals, have clawedtheir way up
for your lucrative contract. But this is The hostess leads you to a back to the top. The GBR has had second
not America. room. You kick in your optics, for the class status in the Euro Economic
You take off your skis and catch a darkness is total. Strains of Community since the nineties.
sled at the lodge, the coachman Beethoven’s Ninth play in the back- The cities of the ECC are clean
weaving his way through the wind- ground. There, by an alcove in the and well patrolled. There are no
ing, story book streets of beautiful wall. They lounge on silk pillows, “free fire zones” to transform kids
St. Moritz. The streets are lined with sipping cognac and slivovitz, dining into veterans. Since the Euro Space
Porches, Jags, and Royces. Vaca- on fine Viennese cuisine. Their Agency put up the orbitals, the re-
tioning shoppers dressed in coats of clothes are silk, all custom designed. maining soldiers have been sta-
mink and ermine glance at you with The cool fire of gem stones the size tioned in home guard positions, qui-
fashionable polychromed eyes. of walnuts glitter on fingers, necks, etly earning their pensions. There is
Above you,ospreys float through the and ears. Lips edged with a hint of only one breeding ground for solos
in Europe, and that is the corpora- are done “in house” by company found enjoying life in the play-
tions themselves. professionals. The pay is first rate, grounds of Europe, rubbing elbows
You start off like any other college and the benefits enable most covert with their compatriots, trading sto-
graduate, looking for a niche in the operatives to enjoy an enviable life- ries and brokering information,
style. Those incapacitated in the keeping track of who is on top; who
service of their companies are cov- is the best.
They have never ered for life. The accumulation of wealth and
But these EuroCorp jockeys are prestige are the only things impor-
lived in the unimportant. For the first tier jobs: tant to these elite EuroSolos. They
Streets. They have vital extractions, infiltrations, and are shrewd businessmen (and
“wet” operations, the companies of women) who would give any state-
never fought in the the ECC turn to the free agents, side fixer a run for their money. They
those solos who became good consider themselves members of a
wars or done time. enough to buy their way out of life- civilized profession, many times re-
They are the best time contracts and go freelance, fusing contracts which would bring
selling their services to the highest them into conflict with their friends
in the world and bidders on the common market. and relations. Although death is
This is a select group, consisting a always afactor, the EuroSolosknow
know it. maybe a few hundred individuals. they can expect fair treatment when
To find them (and they never go bested by their fellows. The tar-
real world. If they think you qualify, looking for work), you will need to nished reputation of the looser is
you have the option of training. After search the casinos in Monte Carlo, often punishment enough. These
a few simple missions, perhaps the beaches in Southern France, high tech mercenaries look down
some hardware. Even in civilized and the slopes in Switzerland. The upon their American and British
Europe, corporate conflicts are elite are rich. The elite are beautiful. counterparts, much in the same way
rampant, and there is work aplenty They can pick and choose the work that you would sneer if a Booster
for those with talent. However, un- they like, for they are always in tried to force his way into your health
like America, most black operations demand. Betweenjobs, they can be club. They especially dislike Soviet
operatives, who they consider bar- on the Net. They are given a single American solos have managed to
baric, and most feel that Japanese name and a location. The rest is up gain a spot on the Cybercircle. If this
and Korean solos are crazy. to them. This is not a contest of is true, none of them have seen fit to
Before you turn your nose up at assassins. The rules of the game talk about it. Europe is a dangerous
these seemingly overbearing young stipulate that a participant must seek place for the uninitiated, and any
aristocrats, you should know exactly out their target and challenge them readers who are beginning to get
what you are up against. EuroSolos to single combat. Back stabbing is delusions of glory should deeply re-
are rich, but they are no less profes- frowned upon. At the issue of the consider making any attempts to
sional. Many have private training Challenge, either solo has the option register in the Circle.
facilities, and devote as much time to of conceding without a major loss in
training as they do to spending their reputation. If a challenge is ex- The Angels are in a class by
money. They have friends in many cepted, the combatants agree to any themselves. Perhaps you have
corporations, and are known to carry personal rules. A fight will either heard mention of them in the shad-
exotic, deadly, often unique hard- continue until first blood, first major owy recesses of some corporate
ware and wetware. If your average injury, or on rare occasions, to the board room. Even the best of the
American Street Samurai is a bar death. Opponents will fight at the freelance EuroSolos speak of the
room brawler, then the EuroSolo is Angels in tones of respect. These
an Olympic trained boxer. They are are the “High Riders”, the best of the
confident and self assured, and ut- best. There are rumored to be no
terly ruthless when dealing with their The Cybercircle is more than a dozen of these “enlight-
enemies. If you are not a member Of a way for the Elite ened combat masters.’’ Their
their inner circle, expect no mercy. names are a mystery. No Euro Solo
EuroSolos have access to the most to hone their skills can recall a friend who has become
advanced medical facilities in the one, although all of the rich elite
world, and many have accounts at against the most secretly wait for their invitations. It is
the “black medicine” clinics of Swe- challenging oppo- said that the Angels live in glittering
den and Denmark. Cyberpsychosis towers in the Euro Crystal Palace at
is virtually unknown among EuroSo- nents they can L-5, low Earth orbit. Their assign-
los, and the secrets of their health ments are as elusive as their names.
are closely guarded. Fortunately, it find: Each other, No company has yet to admit to
is unlikely that most American hiring one of the Angels, or to having
operatives will ever run into a mem- been one of their targets. No doubt
ber of this elite club, as most Euro- location of the challenge, using a company targeted by the Angels
Corps prefer to hire locally for jobs in whateverweapons they have at their would quickly see its stock value
the states. disposal. Preparation both on the drop through the floor.
partofthehunterand the huntedisof Ask the EuroSolos and they will
The Cybercircle: What does a utmost importance, and all EuroSo- tell you that the Angels “Move in a
EuroSolowith time on his hands and 10s active in the Cybercircle travel blur, silently and with an unimagin-
money to burn do for entertainment? heavily armed. Crossing swords able grace.“ Their weapons are
If they are looking to build their repu- with a EuroSolo on holiday can be advanced and lethal. Their trade-
tations, and they have the talent to deadlier than facing one on assign- mark, a gold halo on a field of stars is
survive, many register their names ment. well known, but has never been
on the EuroNet with the Cybercircle. How the ratings system of the seen planet-side. Are these combat
Only a rumor years ago, the Cyber- Cybercircle works is a closely legends a myth, invented by the
circle is now a known organization guarded secret. No buttonhead has EuroCorps to maintain a level of
throughout Western Europe. The ever hacked his way into the Cyber- mutual respect and fear among the
Cybercircle is a way for the Elite to circle Net files and lived to tell about freelancers? No one is certain.
hone their skills against the most it. It is suspected that many Euro- Some say that the Angels created
challenging opponents they can pean and some Asian corporations the Cybercircle to recruit new mem-
find: Each other. A freelancer with receive copies of the Cybercircle bers into their fold. One thing is
a reputation will eventually uncover standings and use these for the certain ... If you meet an Angel while
information on registration and the basis of selecting freelancers for on assignment, it’s probably the last
rules. When a solo is ”active”, i.e., important assignments. assignment you will ever take ...
between jobs, they put the word out Rumor has it that a few ‘‘famous”
Working in Europe: Opportunities
abound for the high tech profes-
sional mercenary in Western Eu-
rope. The hard part is getting your
foot through the door. This is not to
say that the task is insurmountable,
but the typical American solo will
need to expect the worst while job
hunting in the ECC.
If you do not have a college de-
gree, you might as well stick to Brit-
ain or Greece while working over
seas. You will need to familiarize
yourself with EuroCorporate cus-
tom, and the variations of culture
from region to region. If you are not
already chipped for memoryware,
you should consider it. Most airports
and travel agencies can supply you
with the information and languages
you will need.
Before flying to Europe to en-
hance your career, consider working
for an American branch of a Euro-
Corp. Successful missions in Amer-
ica do not count for much in “Civi-
lized Europe”, but it is better than where the solos take national pride sionals at the lodge or casino and
going in cold, especially if your res- in landing the home contracts. Try wait for the contracts to come to you.
ume notes that you saved a Euro the cities of Athus in Belgium and Just don’t count on it.
Corp a good deal of capital invest- Rodange in Luxemburg,just outside
ment while completing your assign-
of the zone. Often, major operations
by French, German, and Swedish
Know where to look. Many Ameri- companies in the zone will draw off I~rl2lwIl2\\~:
can solos make the mistake of flying a good portion of the local talent,
directly to West Germany to seek leaving openings for the forign born I~IENNIIT SK~LII,
their fortunes. Homeguard indus- solo to work on smaller, but often-
times lucrative assignments.
tries, especially in major ECC con-
tributors like Germany are very When in Rome... Remember that
the Europeansplay by adifferent set Kennet Skold is a Swedish born
touchywhen it comes to hiringfor big solo who began his career with de-
jobs. They will usually pull their of rules. Stepping out of line will get
you frowned upon. Stepping on the grees in international relations and
forces from the EuroSolo elite, pre- computer science from the Univer-
ferring the past loyalty of old alumni toes of the elite EuroSolos can get
you dead. Honor and sportsman- sity of Stockholm. He was hired by
who have moved up in the world.
ship are qualities reserved for the Orbital Air, where he entered the
Your best bet is to hit the crossroads, covert operations training program
the unilateral industrial centers rich veterans dining on caviar in St.
Moritz. They are not above eliminat- on the basis of his success as a
formed at the border junctures. The college pentathlete. He credits “low
largest, and most open to opportu- ing a “brutish American” who inter-
feres with their livelihood. If you visibility, high yield operations in
nity contracts is the France/Belgium/ Eastern Europe for his financial and
Luxemburg industrial zone. This expect to some day hob nob with the
elite, be prepared to work in Europe professional success. He has been
“neutral ground” for European cor- working freelance for three years,
porate competition is often the for a long time. Who knows; after
five years of successful contracts and owns property in Sweden, Swit-
launching point for full scale indus- zerland, Monaco, Liechtenstein,
trial espionage, if not out and out and a few big scores you might be
able to relax with your fellow profes- and the Bahamas. He refrains from
warfare. Avoid the French side,

statements concerning his finances, SOF: So you claim to have never many, and not all are solos by pro-
but claims he “need not work again” botched an assignment? fession.
to enjoy the pleasures of his life- SkOld: Ihave always completed the SOF: Have you ever run into con-
style. “letter” of the contract. flicts with friends working for conflict-
SOF: Do you work exclusively for ing interests?
SOF: You and your comrades-in- EuroCorps, or have you been hired SkOld: It is avoided when possible,
arms refer to each other as mem- by other international business inter- but it has been known to happen.
bers of the elite. How would you ests? We play to win, but respect the lives
define this? SkOld: Firstly, you are under the of the losers, should they still be in
SkOld: We have the highest levels assumption that Freelance Euro- possession of them.
of professional success in the busi- pean solos are like their lower SOF: Have you ever needed to
ness. We are paid well to complete counterpartswith life contracts in the eliminate a friend, one of the elite,
assignments that those beneath us corporations. This is hardly the during a contract?
could not accomplish. That we were case. There is agreat deal of money SkOld: I would prefer not to say.
able to break lifetime contracts with to be made in the profession outside SOF: What about the Cybercircle?
our companies shows that we have of corporate dealings. The current SkOld: What about it?
earned enough respect to be con- wealth of the ECC has led to a new SOF: Do you participate?
sidered dangerous to cross. generation of young corporate aris- SkOld: I am currently active.
SOF: Dangerous? Surely not to a tocracy, rich businessmen who feel SOF: Can you tell us more about it?
major corporation. the need for personal protection. In SkOld: No.
SkOld: We could be killed, yes. It is addition, the old money of Europe SOF: How about the Angels? Cor-
more a matter of professional con- feels more and more threatened by porate legend or deadly reality?
siderations. We belong to a select the advance of technology. They SkOld: Most certainly reality. I have
group whose members are well are willing to pay a hefty price for se- worked for Orbital Air and have trav-
known to each other. An affront curity. eled many times to L-5. They most
against any of us by an unscrupu- SOF: So by mingling with the elite, certainly exist, but you will never see
lous company would reverberate you become the elite. one on Earth, or at least, never know
through our profession. That com- SkOld: We are not mere soldiers. it.
pany would not gain our services With our profession comes an obli- SOF: Do you think you will ever
again. gation to quality and culture which is become one?
SOF: And it is the companies that preferred to the services of profes- SkOld: That is not for me to decide.
seek out your services, not the re- sionals from other regions. We are SOF: What is the greatest satisfac-
verse. trusted by the civilized classes of tion you derive from your profes-
SkOld: Correct. We need not look Europe, and they are willing to pay sion?
for work. Contracts find their way to for that trust. SkOld: The sense that I live among
our doors. SOF: This gives you access to a the greatest individuals our planet
SOF: And how do the Corporations great deal of confidential informa- has to offer. The men and women
determine the right solo for the job? tion. who make up the elite of Europe in
SkOld: Our resumes are well known SkOld: Many grateful clients have my profession are far more than well
in certain circles. pointed us in the right directions. paid mercenaries. Most are artists
SOF: You own homes in many na- Brokering other interests is part of of one sort or another. They are well
tions, shares in resorts, even a pri- the profession as well. bred with refined tastes and judge-
vate beach in the Bahamas. Your SOF: You refer to power brokering, ments. They are as close to the top
contracts must pay very well. such as sales of arms and informa- of achievement as is possible in our
SkOld: Of course. tion? international society. Unlike the self
SOF: How do the Corporations jus- SkOld: Whatever viable interests destructive solos in America and
tify these rates of pay, when there come our way. Britain, we do not intend to “burn
are other competent solos in the SOF: You speak in the plural. How brightly for an instant and go out in a
international field who would work many members of the elite would blaze of glory”. We intend to be
for much less? you say there are and how many do around for a long time. Our children
SkOld: Success. Be assured, as you know personally? shall inherit all that we achieve.
soon as we fail, the contracts dry up. SkOld: That is hard to say. Perhaps SOF: That’s quite a heavy state-
In my case, as with many of my a few hundred, of which a handful ment.
friends, this has yet to happen. are the true elite. My friends are SkOld: Perhaps, but until someone
30 SOIA) OF FOR’l’UNIS, MAY, 2013
better proves us wrong it will con- Reflexes never lower then 8. Experi- emergencies, the EuroSolo can
tinue to hold true. ence will have raised many of their usually call upon any available re-
skills beyond the initial levels gained sources that money can buy.
The EuroSolo in Cyberpunk is by Lifepath. In spite of agood deal of Running a group of Euro Solos
somewhat better trained then your hardware, most will have high Em- can be an interesting diversion for a
average operative from Night City. pathy stats. An elite EuroSolo can referee with a flair for the interna-
What they are lacking in street savy, afford the most advanced clinics, tional and a knack for “high pow-
they more than make up for in preci- and will only suffer half of the normal ered” roleplaying. For the most part
sion of skill. humanity loss from their customized though, referees should not let play-
The typical corporate run Euro- cyberware. They will have good ers control Euro Solos, as they will
Solo has a Combat Sense between skills in areas such as Business tend to overshadow all other char-
4 to 6. On the Lifepath, they start Sense, Persuasion, Seduction, acters.
with a normal childhood, and then Wardrobe & Style, and Culture. In
spend their first four years on the
Higher Educationpath. Upongradu-
ation, they are inducted into a corpo-
ration and spend a number of years
in intense covert training. For this,
the EuroSolo uses a special educa- CHRISTIEN LASALLE
tion path, unavailable to normal
characters. This reflects the ad- LUC
vanced training facilities available in EMP .......... a w BOD .............. 7
most large EuroCorps. ‘after HL and boost adjustments
Add +3 to any eiaht skills of your Skills: Athletics (+7), Awareness(+5), Persua-
choice: Athletics, Drive, Basic Tech, sion (+3),Seduction (+4),Wardrobe/Style(+5).
Infiltration, Shadowing, Seduction, Gen.Knowl. (+4),Culture (+3),Language (+4),
Corporate Policy (+4).Gambling (+3), Drive
Pistol, Rifle, Melee Weapons, Mar- (+6), Rotorwing Pilot (+4),AV-4 Pilot (+3),
tial Arts, Driving, Helicopter Pilot, Pistol (+7), Melee (+6), Martial Arts-Savate
AV-4 Pilot, Awareness, General (+6), Basic Tech (+2). Combat Sense +6
Hardware: Reflex boost, Cyberaudio, Radio
Knowledge, Specific Knowledge, splice, Phone link, cyberoptics (2) with Target-
Simple Language, Complex Lan- ing, Antidazzle, Thermograph, Image en-
guage, Disguise, Med Tech, Thief, hance. Interface plugs (3 sets, one forvehicles,
two for weapons & chips).
Persuasion, Interrogation, Human Background: 32 year old male. Spent 1st four
Perception, Wardrobe & Style, Cul- years after childhood touring Europe,4 yrs. COIL
ture, Corporate Policy (see sidebar). lege, then 8 yrs basic corp service with EBM.
Of these skills, Corporate Policy Last 4 yrs., freelancing part time while prepar-
ing to break with Corporation.
must be chosen. In addition to com-
bat skills, Culture, Languages, and ACADY NOIRE
Persuasion are highly recom-
In addition, a EuroSolo gains the LUCK ............ 5
standard number of pick-up skills. EMP .......... 6/4* BOD ..............5
‘after HL and boost adjustments
A member of the EuroSolo Elite
Skills: Athletics (+4), Awareness (+5), Persua-
will have taken the above education sion (+3),Seduction (+6), WardrobelStyle (+8),
path twice. They will have Combat Gen.Knowl. (+6), Culture (+4),Lanquage (+6),
Sense skills between +7 and +8, if Gambling (+3),Drive (+6), Pistol (+9), Melee
(+7),Martial Arts (+8), Shadowing (+6).
not higher. Tt-,ey are all very Combat Sense +6.
wealthy, and will generally have Hardware: Reflex & sensory boost, cyberau-
equipment which adds an additional dio, Radio splice, Phone link, cyberoptics (2) Three New Skills
with Targeting, IR, Times Square, Interface Culture: knowledge of jet set fads, habits
+1 to what ever rolls they modify. plugs (2 sets).
hangouts. Cool based.
Most will have boosted reflexes and Business Sense: knowledge of how to invest,
Background: 28 year Old Entered running businesses, spotting business opportuni-
cyber optics with infra-red capabili- College from high school in Switzerland. Did ties, Modified by Ref, Int based,
freelance while in college as INTELLEX body- Corporate Policy: knowledge of company rules
ties. Many will have an Attractive- and how to select key personnel. Int based.
ness of 10 due to biosculpting, and
SOlA) OF FORlIJNE, MAY, 2013 31


$1150 HC=3D6
Increase your close combat abilities
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$2199 HC=3D6 +4
If you're the type who likes to get up
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be pulled back to extend a 1 foot,
highspeed chainsaw with molecular
wire blade (2D6+2damage). Secret
bicep compartment stores knives,
A-- -*-
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_ I - _ _

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Now, get the sort of performance you
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unbreakable myomar plus spine re-
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$650 HC=1D6/2
The next generation of Kiroshira Technologies famous Boosterware
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STORE HOURS M-F 9-9 WEEKENDS, 9-11 Now at any of our over 2,300stores worldwide. Check your
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32 SOIA) (117 FORTUNB, MAY, 2013

guards, anti-infiltra tion systerns,
access control, automated weapons
systems and so on. Information se-
curity involves protecting com-
puter information and computer
managed transactions. It is nor-
mally entirely computer based, and
consists of early warning systems,
coded access, and intrusion counter-
measures such as legitimate and
black programs. This is usually
monitored and overseen by net-run-
ners and non-interfaced operatives.

The key to the entire security system

of the modern corporation lies in the
computerized information security
division. Once you’ve gained con-
trol of a corp’s computers, you’ve
gained control of everything: fi-
nances, records, proprietary infor-
mation, and command of property
security. It is this computer control
of site security which can be the at-
tacking solo’s boon, and the
defender‘s curse, or vice versa, if
you’re clever!

What this means, is that solos

should always treat their netrunner
friends with the utmost respect,
because ultimately it’s their help
which will keep you from getting \*,t
killed. It’s difficult to just charge in, ~

The State of Corporate guns blazing, these days. Any solo

with infiltration experience will tell

Security: Penetration and you how much easier it is to pene-

Defense. trate an installation once a friendly
netrunner has access to the on-site
By Solo of Fortune computer system. This is the very
Security Specialist reason why modem computer sys-
Kenzaburo Watanabe tems are so difficult and deadly to
gain unauthorized access to. They
Corporate security is one of the most solos entail the augmehtation or are the nerve center of the modem
important topics in the world today. penetration of it. Thus, it benefits all corporation. There is a twofold les-
It is also one of the biggest busi- solos to be aware of the state of son inherent in this, depending on
nesses. Witness the rise of the Ar- modern corporate security. whether you’re offense or defense.
asaka Corp., whose entire, vast Only by knowing both angles will
conglomerate is built on the founda- There are two types of corporate se- you be an effective solo when it
tion of the world’s most successful curity: property and information. comes to dealing with corporate
corporate security division. But Property security is responsible for security. Incidentally, when I speak
what bearing does modern corpo- protecting buildings, money, per- of offense in this article, I mean
rate security have on solos? Plenty, sonnel and tangible resources. It physical infiltration or attack by a
when we consider the jobs of many usually encompasses human solo, or team of solos against a pro-
tected site. Since purely informa- following what I've said is the key to if the situation merits the sacrifice.
tion-level penetration of a corporate success. Any good attacker or defen-
security system is the realm of the der will be able to anticipate text- Defensive twists include relying
netrunner, and not the solo, we will book defenses or offenses based more on "primitive" methods. Put
not cover that. along the lines I have illustrated. out more foot patrols. Use human
You have to dare to be different. instead of computer eyes to monitor
The lessons are as follows: Attackers must learn to undermine sensitive areas. Have a command
First: If you're overseeing site secu- computerized defense systems and structure and communications net
rity in a sensitive area, keep a close the intelligent defender's inherent which can operate independently of
watch on your computer. It will fre- mistrust of them. Defenders must the site computer. Be able to disable
quently be the initial site of invasion. learn to override the computer in computer controlled defense sys-
At the first sign of suspicious activ- times of crisis, falling back on purely tems in case of netrunner penetra-
ity, get a netrunner on line. Don't physical security methods. tion. There are few things worse
trust the computer's own defenses; than having your own guns turned
they may have already fallen. A against you. If your computer has
human netrunner is always your I know of more been harmlessly infiltrated a num-
best line of defense against another ber of times in a short period, dont get
netrunner. Once you've confirmed solos who've got- complacent !Treat every incident as if
intrusion, beef up your manpower it's known to be the precursor to an
security and go on alert. It may just ten killed in corpo- attack.
be a computer incursion, but it may rate incursions
also be the precursor to a physical All of this information can be a little
attack. Also, if an assault com- because their difficult to digest unless you have a
mences, maintain direct contact framework or context within which
with your security forces, as com- netrunner was to visualize the concepts that I've il-
puter transmitted directives might detected, yet they lustrated. For those of you who may
be intercepted or altered. be unfamiliar with what an actual
went right on in,,. corporate security layout is like, I've
Now the flip side for an attacking blocked out the breakdown of a
solo or team of solos. Note one: if typical site security arangement.
possible, always have a netrunner For offense, clever strategy twists Several years ago, I was contracted
on-line or standing by. With modem are such things as baiting the de- as a consultant to the Arasaka Cor-
corporate security so computerized, fense. Prior to the attack, have a ne- poration. I worked on the upgrade
you must work from the inside out trunner tweak the target's computer of their Los Angeles office's security
to attain maximum efficiency and system a few times over the course system. That system is representa-
effectiveness. Note two: if your ne- of several hours or days. After it's tive of what you can expect from
trunner is sussed, they wiZl be expect- put down to a glitch, or harmless many modem corporations in the
ingyou! I know of moresolos who've hacking, you may get a second way of tough site security, and so,
gotten killed in corporate incursions chance if your netrunner is detected serves as my model. This will be
because their netrunner was de- during the actual assault infiltration useful to those planning incursions,
tected, and yet they went right on in (Its a "cry wolf" tactic). Altema- and those designing security sys-
like nothing had happened. Natu- tively, don't have the netrunner go tems.
rally, they were all mowed down as in at all until the initial assault is
soon as they were inside the com- underway, and defending forces Arasaka L.A. is a sixty- story build-
pound. If you can't adapt your tac- have taken some damage. Once an ing, and as aresult, employs a corre-
tics, better no netrunner at all than a attack is under way, it's too late for spondingly high number of human
failed netrun. pre-emptive defensive countermea- guards and automated devices. At
sures, and your netrunner can roam any given time, there are two-
Now that I've put forth these two at will without needing to worry hundred guards on duty, armed
strategies, offensive and defensive, about the repercussions of detec- with pistols, submachine guns or
it's up to the inventive solos out tion. You will, however, give u p shotguns. The guards are ranked
there to figure out how to anticipate some of the tactical advantage in military style so as to retain cohe-
and defuse them. Don't operate having your netrunner go first. It is siveness in battle. Fifty of these are
under the assumption that blindly u p to the team commander to decide stationed in groups of two or more
at certain places, such as the loading stantly monitored by people. All human attention. Interior weapons
docks, entrances to the building and Arasaka security cameras can image systems are usually electricity or gas
restricted areas. One hundred of the infrared, and the computers are pro- based to minimize property dam-
troops walk on patrols consisting of grammed to detect combat heat sig- age. Somerobotic gunsmay be used.
one to five men. Of these, half are natures.
assigned to pre-set patrol routes The computer itself and its opera-
which take no longer than ten min- The computer is also responsible for tors are well ensconced in a secure
utes to complete. Sensitive areas the discharge of automated defense armored area (encompassing sev-
may have a patrol route as short as and detection systems. These sys- eral floors), deep in the heart of the
two minutes or less. The other half tems can be over-ridden or manu- building. Access to the computeis
are free roamers, who patrol ran- ally activated by human operators. control, security and data systems is
domly and may be summoned in- External detection and defense sys- well protected by several layers of
stantly to any site where they are tems on the site grounds are usually legitimate and “blackt defense pro-
deemed neccesary. External patrols laid out as such first, an electrified grams. Arasaka is a prime user of il-
may be on foot or in vehicles. The re- perimeter fence with detectors and legal black programs, employing
maining fifty troops are on call in cameras. Next comes a lawn overly- several extremely nasty ones, many
ready areas should they be needed. ing a series of computer monitored potentially fatal to intruding ne-
These troops have instant access to pressure plates. These plates will trunners. Once control of the site
personal armor and heavy weapons report any object or person on the computer is gained, however, an
and are generallyused only in emer- lawns. If the object is computer or Arasaka facility becomes much eas-
gencies. The individual guards are camera-verified as hostile, the plates ier to penetrate. Of course, your
rotated between different types of can be armed to discharge explo- team netrunner may become some-
duty every week. sives, various gasses, smoke and/or what overworked, and conse-
to enable robotic guns. Any indus- quently sloppy. This can cause prob-
All guards, whether stationed or lems, as Arasaka also frequently has
patrolling, are equipped with head- a human netrunner on line in order
set radios and computer cardkeys If you can deal to provide extra defense against in-
which report their position if used at cursion. Wisely, they do not place
a door, computer terminal, or secu- with Arasaka, you sole trust in their computer.
rity station. Position and status re- can deal with
ports from radios or cards are re- This summarizes a typical Arasaka
quired every ten minutes from sta- anything.. layout. I would suggest that as a se-
tionary and free-roaming guards, curity based company, Arasaka’s
and at regular points not further measures exceed those of most, if
than five minutes apart along patrol trialized or obstacle filled area, such not all, other corporations. Of
routes. In addition, all Arasaka as a tree-line, will also be monitored course, once you can deal with
guards have an implanted bio- with electronic eyes and listening Arasaka, you can deal with any-
monitor which immediately reports devices. Radar and computer con- thing.
any unusual body conditions or trolled anti-aircraft guns are em-
trauma to the central computer. This placed on the roof for defense I have only scratched the surface of
can serve as early warning if a team against airborne attack. an immense body of modem strat-
of guards is ambushed. egy and tactics, and from the diffi-
Interior layout includes computer cult viewpoint of both sides. It’s up
All guard movement is monitored and remote control of doors and ele- to you, as the solos resposible for
and controlled by computers with vators, cameras, pressure plates and maintaining or circumventing cor-
human overseers. The computer electronic eyes. Extensive detection porate security, to take the limited
tracks guard movement by position systems operate only in large corri- information that I’ve offered in this
reports and security cameras. Ar- dors, entranceways and senstive ar- article and add to, improve and im-
asaka protected buildings have eas. Except in these areas and dur- provise upon it. Good luck, and
cameras in all major rooms and cor- ing attacks, interior weapons sys- here’s hoping the guy you’re up
ridors, and at all major hallway in- t e m are usually disabled, but detec- against hasn’t read this article!
tersections. Only cameras in areas of tors always function under com-
high security, suspicious activity, puter supervision. The computer
and/or immediate combat are con- decides what may be worthy of
Strength 2 Strength1

nun Strength 2. chooses
Executive Suites Lower Managers Offices


FLOORS 40 thru 60

Controlled from


63- 0



~ --63 WINDOW-


It has been said that the U.S. Not that the M-95 was a bad condense on the metal parts inside
Army's personal weapons have weapon, but it did have certain the case at night. Only daily airing
gone downhill since the M-1 Garand drawbacks in its design. It began as out and a thorough cleaning would
was phased out. The M-14 was a a well researched copy of the G-11 prevent the action from turning into
heavy, stopgap measure that, while system, and royalties were paid to a bright orange armorer's night-
accurate, was costly to manufac- the original patent holders, Heckler mare within a month. And in a
ture. The M-16 was a dangerous toy. & Koch. However the G-11 was tactical situation, weapons care is
The M-16A1 and A2 were small engineered for a war in a temperate uncertain.
steps on the way to turning the toy climate, specifically for the defense
into a real weapon. The M-95 was of western Europe. When the The M-95A1 was a stopgap in the
developed after the Special Forces United States became involved in best army tradition. The casing was
reported favorably on the perform- the unpleasantness south of the even more sealed (well enough to
ance of the Heckler & Koch G-11. But border, many of the theaters of float) and the barrel bushing was
Special Forces should never be con- operation were jungle environ- fitted to such close tolerances that
fused with the rank and file. Now ments. The shortcomings of the fieldstripping was a royal pain. A
weapons makers from around the sealed, watertight casing of the G-11 silicone drying agent similar to the
world have answered the call for a and M-95 became rapidly apparent. ones found packed with new cam-
new personal weapon. The humid air of the jungle would era equipment was taped to the in-
At the Range

side of the casing, above the action. field-like bullpup; and the Budge- and feeds the ammo in nose down.
After 18 months, a better thought t a m C-41 pistol. To test the weap- Then the box is discarded. The CG-
out measure was introduced with ons, we brought up our usual as- 13 has a very comfortable heft and
the production of the M-95A2. Field sortment of targets: a watermelon to point, and it was demonstrated on
stripping was much easier, and a test organic damage, an old army numerous occasions that the M-95
ceramic coating on the barrel, simi- PASGT vest to test penetration, an familycan put out a horrendous vol-
lar to shuttle tiles, was introduced to NRA lOOm Centerfire rifle target to ume of fire in trained hands.
manage heat build up and reduce check accuracy, and an I X sillhou-
the IR signature. What wasn’t ette to test the handling capability in The fixed plastic scope mount on the
hardchromed was stainless steel, burst and full auto fire. M-95 series has been replaced with a
and the silicone bag was retained. with an older style dovetail rail. The
The M-95A2 wasn’t a bad weapon, We arrived at Anderson Quarry scope mounting rings are sturdy,
so the announcement of a weapons early in the morning, after our cus- parkerized alloy, and the scope bar-
trial by the Army was only a small tomary breakfast at Mosely’s Diner, rel is made of a thick aluminum that
surprise. and began setting up the targets. We is more than adequate to fulfill its
loaded the magazines and started secondary role as a carry handle.
Soon after it was announced, our our tests. The mounting system is adaptable
offices received a call from two of enough to mount a wide variety of
the manufacturers participatin& in- military and commercial sighting
quiring if we’d be interested in the devices. While the mounting may be
chance to test their candidates. The Sternmeyer weapon is a light conventional, the adjustment is not.
Having previously scheduled a trip weapon, weighing in at six pounds Instead of the standard side knobs
to our private range to test the C41 (2.8 kilos) empty, but that weight or set screws in the base, the Stem-
pistol, we jumped at the chance. rises by two pounds when fully meyer scope is adjusted by two
loaded. It holds 90 rounds of stainless steel, ratchet screw heads,
The weapons received were the 5.56x30mm caseless in its integral flush mounted on the objective
Sternmeyer CG-13, basically a re- magazine. This is standard for the mount ring. 1 click moves the point
engineered M-95A2 with the special G-11 format. The ammo is stored in of aim lcm at 100 meters. The eye-
Sternmeyertouch; The Fabrica Mili- a thin plastic box with a pulltab. To piece ring holds the rear of the scope
taria de Argentina M2012, an En- reload, one rips the top off of the box in a yoke arrangement, allowing no
In the target tests the rifle performed
within the expectations of the
5.56x30mm caseless round, but
Sternmeyer is planning simultane-
ous release of its new Composition
,'R" rounds with the introduction of
this rifle (see sidebar). The water-
melon sported a 4 inch wide exit
wound when using standard mili-
tary ball, which I would call respect-
able, but the burst mode ate the wa-
termelon away in a messy spectacle.
Okay, so it was easy to fire and aim,
but was it easy to clean?

Like the M-95A2 it was designed to

replace, the CG-13's interiors are
hardchromed or stainless steel.
Contrary to custom, the barrel is a
proprietary alloy and chromed in
the bore. I have recognized the
value of chrome lined barrels since
owning a 7.7mm Japanese war tro-
phy rifle that I had as a boy. Chrome
lined barrels can get by with less
=e: Tight 3 round bursts maintenance than stainless. With
the M-95 family the action and re-
lateral or rotational movement. This rifle as he was heard to say, "s'okay, ceiver were removed from the rear,
arrangement looks like it can take a I guess". I liked the piece, managing leaving the barrel to be cleaned in
lot of punishment. Several different 1 inch groups offhand, and rivalling place. On the Sternmeyer weapon,
powers of optical scopes can be fit- Bubba's half inch groups while the action is removed after the barrel
ted to these rings, but others can be bench rested. It's pleasant to shoot, is removed. It is removed using a
purchased so as to mount particular the recoil is only a slight nudge. special 'T" wrench that is stored in
specialized sighting systems. This Since the barrel is on line with the the buttstock. Pressing in and giv-
particular CG-13 sported a x4 power buttstock, there's no muzzle climb. ing it a one-third turn clockwise
scope, a type used for hunting or In hrll auto mode, the recoil was disengages the barrel from the re-
sniping, so the accuracy results sufficient to deliver an urgent push, ceiver, and it can be removed easily
should be regarded with this in but J.T. was able to make a Zorro for inspection. From the rear, a catch
mind. " Z with a little effort. However, inside was slid forward, disengag-
emptying the magazine will cause ing the trigger group, which is slid
The rifle came sighted in for 150 the casing to smoke despite the forward and off the casing. Due to
meters, and Bubba fired two test barrel's ceramic cladding. The the heat build up, dry lubricants
shots at the N.R.A. targets. Bubba is weapon was not meant for the were used whenever possible and
chipped and wired, so his perform- squad automatic role. Bursts were many bearing surfaces were teflon
ance should be average for elite cy- quite manageable, the accuracy suf- coated. The action, while looking
bersoldiers. He got half inch fering only minimally (it tended to like a shiny Chinese puzzle, is also
groups(al1 in the 10 ring) at 150 me- walk randomly around the target easily dissassembled for cleaning.
ters, firing five rounds per target at instead of moving in a specific direc- Bubba almost cracked a smile clean-
three targets, in semiautomatic tion). The rate of fire is quite high, ing it.
mode (in 8 seconds!). Performance and the bursts sound like one long
like that is a sobering thing to see. report. The rate of fire is listed in the The main selling point of this rifle is
Bubba is also not the most compli- specs as being 900 rounds per min- its price. $695.00 list for a reliable
mentary of folks, but he must have ute. weapon, manufactured by ma-
been somewhat impressed with the chines is quite reasonable. It's as
cheap, or cheaper than other weap- rifle, firing a 6.5x45mm caseless maximize comfort, reliability, and
ons of its type. An M95-A2 on the round; its only concessions to mod- cleanliness, with a fit and finish
civilian market lists for $750.00. Iternity. It is constructed of machined nearly u p to Swiss standards.
takes the standard 5.56x30mm case- steel parts, sheet steel stampings,
less and Stemmeyer is planning si- and plastic furniture, hearkening The weapon weighs 3.7 kilos empty,
multaneous release of new ”Com- back to the designs of the late 50’s- and a full magazine only adds 1.2
position R” rounds, which we tried early 60’s. Not only is the construc- kilos for a sturdy box holding 30
out (see sidebar). All in all, a nicetion of the weapon somewhat ar- rounds. This weapon is chambered
package. chaic, but a lot of the subassemblies for a proprietary Argentine car-
have been derived from other de- tridge, the 6.5x45mm [use stats for
FAIMUCA 1112 AItMIIS 1111 signs. To look at it, one is strongly the 7.62 Sov.) caseless though the
AIWENTINA PI-2012 reminded of its Enfield lineage, the weapon is easily remanufactured
internal workings owe something to for 7.62~39Soviet, 7.62 NATO, or 7.5
the basic Kalashnikov designs, but French short. Adaptability may be a
The M-2012, despite its model num- the gas piston is a short stroke like an
selling point for this rifle.
ber, is a nostalgic look back to the M-1 carbine, or an M-14. The design-
(Cont. pg. 42)
way guns used to be made. The M- ers chose a nice set of features that
2012 is a bullpup configured battle

Caseless ammunition seems to and cased ammunition do not share. from factory sealedcontainers, and
have achieved legitimacy. Once keeping it dry after it is broken out.
considered a technical curiosity, it First, since there is no casing, the The manufacturers are constantly
has now achieved the status of propellant is exposed to the working on improvements. Stern-
“standard military ammunition”. It elements. The oxidizers in the pro- meyer sent along two boxes of its
takes more production to make a pellant do not combine with the pro- “CompositionR” ammunitionfor us
brass casing than it does to make a pellant until combustion. However, to try. It is reportedto bewaterproof,
ball point pen. Production being the oxygen in the atmosphere is free and has the aforementionedlaquer
money spent, the militaries of sev- to do so. The rounds are then said to coating. It performedwell as can be
eral nations have adopted the cost- be stale. This can be checked by seen by the ballistic report. But we
cutting measure of caseless alter- looking for whitish or light grey de- also tested the CG-13 with old
natives. Without the brass, a signifi- posits on the outside of the round. A “stale” ammunition. It fed and fired
cant amount of weight is saved, al- stale round will most likely fire, but without difficulty, despite a potential
lowingthe soldier to carry more am- the more stale it is, the higher the for fouling inthis ammo. This spoke
munition. A promotional poster put percentage of inert substances will well of the designersof theweapon.
out by the old Heckler& Koch com- be left behindwhenthe bullet leaves,
panycomparedwhat 7.5 kiloswould causingfouling and a bakedon build Don’t throw away your old guns yet,
get you. A HK G3 rifle and sixty up in the chamber. With less propel- though. Cased ammunition has the
rounds of 7.62 NATO ammunition lant available,the performanceof the advantage of being able to be
weighed 7.5 kilos. An M-l6A1 and round is also degraded. stored for long periods. The oldest
one hundred and fifty rounds of ammunition I have ever fired was
5.56NATO weighed 7.5 kilos. HK’s A related problem is moisture. While minted in 1915, and I regularly run
(then) new G-11 with five hundred not combining with the propellant, it across large cased lots of ammo
rounds of 4.5mm caselessweighed may attack the binder on some from the 40% 503, and 60’s.
7.5 kilos. It is clear which is the brands of ammo, causing it to be- Weapons using cased ammo have
better price per pound. With the comesomewhat chalky andcrumbly. an installed user base of hundreds
adoption by the US. of the M-95, a Aremedyforthis hasbeentocoatthe of millions if not billions, so cased
clear signal was sent around the outside of the roundwith a thin phe- ammowill bewith us untilthe end of
worldthat caseless ammunitionhad nolic laquer that is consumed by the next century at least. Caseless
been recognized. This does not combustion (and may aid it). ammo, though, is the wave of the
mean that “cased” ammunition is future, or at least a strongly viable
automatically obsolete. There are a Many of these problems can be alternative. I
couple of problems that caseless avoided by using fresh ammunition
The sighting systems are standard, slight problem getting the first But its power, when combined with
if expensive, military. In this couple of rounds to feed, but it was the light weight of the rifle, gives a
specimen’s case, it sported a Knop a brand new, unfired piece, and somewhat unpleasant kick. During
fler & Konig 2x power laser reflex needed a little breaking in. After that the days of the last fighting south of
scope. This system works by paint- initial stickiness, we encountered no the border, most of the local troops
ing a target with the laser, and then other problems with the weapon. used a dizzying array of longa-
using microprocessor-controlled J.T.was able to get 2cm groups at 150 chambered for 7.62NATO. The felt
liquid lenses, determines the range, meters offhand, just taking his time. recoil reminded me strongly of the
and the proper elevation to hit a He said he liked the scope. Bubba short barrelled, paratrooper stocked
target at that range by moving the emptied the magazine, with no lightweights that the indigs favored
aimpoint, causing the shooter to rounds outside the 10 ring (about most. There must have been some
bring it to the correct angle. Some k m ) , but made a cryptic negative cultural connection between
scopes of this type can be fussy and comment about the shouldering Cojones and recoil, although the
fragile, but we had no problems spot on the buttstock. I found the recoil was nothing compared to that
with this particular unit. A cyberop- weapon to have a nice balance and of the afore-mentioned Japanese
tical triangulation system would be point. Since most of the weight was war trophy, it was mildly unpleas-
even more effective, but at $5000 to to the rear of the pistol grip, my ant. The muzzle flash was quite
$10,000 a piece, only the most shoulder supported most of it. I felt pronounced, even in daylight,
trusted or financially solvent would that I could have held the ready prompting me to believe that the
have these. The unit on the gun goes position all day. Recoil was a differ- Lapiz round was developed for a
for $1200 and is quite adequate for ent matter. longer barrel.
most uses.
J.T., having some experience with The cartridge, nicknamed ”El The rifle had no full auto mode, only
the Enfield style, was the first to try Lapiz”due to its dimensions, is a single shot or a four round burst
out this Argentineproduct. He had a very accurate and powerful round. could be selected. Supposedly there

42 SO10 OF PORTUNP., MAY, 2013

is a squad automatic version, that make it well suited for house to be a little steep, even given its qual-
comes with a 100rnd. drum and a 31 house actions. Again, adaptability is ity, but if the squad automatic ver-
inch ceramicclad H barrel, so this a strong point. sion is less than $200.00 more, it
would explain some of the design would make a fine addition to any
considerations of the weapon. The Cleaning is straightforward; most of fireteam. The weapon can be or-
Lapiz round would be very suitable the parts are hardchromed. This ver- dered direct from F.M.A. or through
for a squad automatic. sion has a fluted barrel for heat dis- any number of import firms.It gets a
sipation. First, the top cover is re- recommendation from us.
moved, then the buttstock is slid off
The watermelon was devastated, the rear, by depressing two studs on 1sIJlMXl'AlWIS
but only two rounds landed on tar- the opposite sides, and removed. 0-41 SEMI-AUTOMA'l'IC
get, the other two went wild over the The bolt and bolt carrier assembly
target into the backstop. The burst are removed from the rear of the This was the pistol we were up here
feature seemed only effective at rails just by sliding it off the rear. to test, originally. This is a 1kilo, ten
ranges of 5 to 20 meters. The lpsc Since the action is initiated by a dis- shot, semiauto pistol. It fires a 10 x
silhouettes show the results. The connected piston, very little propel- 25mm caseless ( termed .41caseless
round puts out a lot of damage, and lant gas finds its way into the re- in the 'states). It has roughly the
the rifle will guide it accurately. It ceiver. Field stripping is easy, and outline of the old Government .45,
showed very good penetrating the only tool needed is a flat steel but the square triggerguard, the
power versus the vest, and I have no combo-key that is stored in the knobs below the sights, and the lack
complaints about its performance. buttstock, or on a keychain. There of an ejection port identify this as a
In the semiauto mode it would al- are six subassemblies, each acces- C-41. The finishis a fine glossy blue/
most qualify for the sniper's role, sible, removable and easy to clean. black, rather like the finish on old
while the weapon's short overall Smith and Wesson pistols, shiny
length and burst capability would $1400 for a weapon of this type may enough to use as a mirror. Budge-
Triangulation unit (or COT). Bubba
was very curious about the rig, so he
was first up. Wired courtesy of
Uncle Sugar’s Green Machine,
Bubba has a Magnetic Induction
type interface. They look like a pair BUDGETARMS c-41
of metal dots on the inside of his p 1 J E -41 (9mm)lO 3 VR
wrist. The disadvantage of this type Ten shot, high caliber pistol with good
is a lower communication rate than reliability.
a direct connect interface,so they are


Above: Bubba's "spots"

expanded to fill the reticule. This us, or the editorial staff of Solo. It was sessed, we couldn't enjoy the bene-
function can allow you to fire Bubba's idea alone. Anyone who fits of the weapon. I liked it. J.T.
around corners, but only with the objects can take it up with him. Per- thought it was above average, but he
accuracy of iron sights; less if the sonally. He would enjoy the prac- prefers revolvers.
scope is misaligned. Still I would tice. He brought from his van a large
prefer losing a hand to a head. airline animal carrier. Inside was Its elliptical barrel made cleaning a
Hands can be replaced. some feral-looking canine, a coyote breeze. The action is well engi-
or some such. We all got kind of neered and simple, like all Budge-
So how did it perform? Well, Bubba quiet when he told us what he t a m products. But, like all Budge-
fired at a sheet of six 8 inch NRA wanted to do. He told us the best t a m products, it's manufactured
targets from 25 meters. He swept the way to test a COT unit, or any cyber-by machines. To disassemble the
pistol back and forth, and shot all six scope, was to use it against a mov- weapon, make sure the magazine is
targets in as many seconds. While ing, heat generating target. He out. First the slide is drawn back.
not all bullseyes, they were suffi- Second, both safeties are engaged.
asked one of us to release the animal.
ciently close to the center. Against Third, one must rap the left hand
J.T. did, but it needed a little encour-
an IPSC target at 25 meters, they're agement before it bolted from the with the rear of the slide to remove
all in the 10 ring. Very accurate, as any chambered round. A visual in-
carrier. Bubba let it run for about 30
expected. The penetration of the meters before he popped off two spection is difficult, but must be
vest was poor, but it's just a pistol. performed to insure there is no
rounds. The critter tumbled to a stop
The watermelon came apart nicely. in the bush. Bubba then trotted overround in the gun. Otherwise, it fol-
Bubba said this was all nice and to the body and took some notes (seelows basic Browning take down
well, but targets are no challenge for sidebar "Bubba's Notes"). procedures, with some differences.
a COT-rigged Firearm. He wanted Because of the compensation
to try a different test. The weapon performed very well. extension, removing the barrel
We all tried the pistol, but without bushing is an operation that must be
The following was not planned by the enhancements that Bubba pos- performed twice. The recoil spring


is removed. Then the link pin is sonally. Once upon a time, it was screwed or spotwelded in place,
pushed out through the side, and only the most respected arms com- with the lower reciever and slide
the slide and barrel are slid off the panies that used plastic in the con- molded around them in an injection
front of the grip assembly. The bar- struction of their guns. Pistols such molding process. The magazines
rel should drop out into your hands. as the Glock 17, and the HK VP7OZ are usually made from a hard, some-
This is all that needs to be done. Any contained large amounts of plastic, what brittle polystyrene plastic,
further disassembly should be per- but were exemplary weapons. Then with a simple coil spring driving the
formed by a competent gunsmith. in the late W s , Far East manufactur- follower. Usually the makers have
ers tried to move in on the profitable the courtesy to mark on the exterior
The basic pistol is $600.00, and a arms trade spawned by the south of of the piece the type of ammunition
good deal for a computer manufac- the border war and the various it takes, but occasionally the round
tured handgun of this quality. The coups in Africa. Their AKM's were is totally inappropriate for the con-
finish, as we said before, is superb. well recieved, but their plastic pis- struction involved. I can just see
The Nikon COT costs only $4000, tols with the brightly colored grips some poor fool carrying a loaded
and is well worth it if you can use it, and inserts only generated mild in- "Dai Lung Magnum 357" when he's
and expect trouble on a daily basis. terest at first, and that was due to the surprised by some enemies. He
A pistol and COT, mated and microscopic cost. Then Diego draws his weapon and fires. Then
checked can be ordered from Martin Salazir was seen (a lot) with the fight ends because the slide
Budgetarms. It is a good, if expen- a Kang Tao type 97 stuffed in his broke off the grip and entered the
sive system, especially if you're belt. Pretty soon it was fashion. fool's skull through his eye. Most are
hunting coyotes. Anyone who wished to appear mris chambered for .22, .25ACP, .380,
macho stuffed one of these twenty 9mm Parabellum, 9mmR, .38 Spe-
dollar specials down their pants. cial, or 8.5mm Caseless. Just look on
They didn't remain twenty dollars the slide to find out what it takes.
for long
On this trip, J.T. brought u p his col- The aforementioned "Surprising
lection of Polymer one-shots. It was Pretty soon these companies tried to Stranger " was made of a particu-
a large cardboard box full of this outdo themselves in the decorative larly tough plastic. It had very few
cheap trash. J.T. confessed that it tastelessness department: shiny metal parts and was styled strictly
was a guilty pleasure of his to collect black pistols with white, or "Pear- functionally. It looks like a four shot
these things. Everything from lite" dragons wrapped around the pepper box. It is one of the more
"Fashion Gun" brand to plastic near grip. Soon other designs were intro- dangerous weapons. To load it, one
look alikes of famous types. They duced in even more outre shapes: must obtain four lOmm caseless
were generally automatics, basi- "Sci-fi" sidearms, fake flintlocks rounds, then pry the primers out of
cally injection molded plastic over a sold as "Pirate Gun", and decorative them with a knife (dangerous to do).
metal frame (cast aluminum or infe- sculptures ( like a serpentine mon- Next, one must thumb the rounds
rior aluminum alloy) with few ster that wraps around your hand, into the muzzle of the gun, then seat
springs or moving parts. They with the barrel protruding from the them against the electrical spikes in
cycled poorly as a rule, but there mouth).These, or poor copies of ex- the back of the chamber with a ram-
were one or two reliable ones in the isting a m , are what you run across rod provided with the gun. A nine
box. How long those would remain most of the time. The futuristic look- volt battery is then inserted into the
reliable, with their actions perma- ing weapons are the most popular, grip. It is now ready for use. The
nently sealed in plastic, was a mys- but occasionally some offbeat de- basic wiring seems to be taken from
tery. Trigger pull ranged from 2 to 5 sign catches the public's fancy. a stun gun, and there isn't enough
pounds, with the "Magnum Lux" metal in it to trigger airport detec-
registering a whopping 8 pounds, Internally, they consist of: a smooth- tors. It is small and very conceal-
and the "Surprising Stranger hav- bore aircraft-grade stainless steel able. As I said, a very dangerous
ing only a button to initiate an elec- barrel, a sealed metal cylinder with weapon.
trical detonation. the firing pin and spring within, and
a metal frame in the shape of the grip The "Fashion Gun 9" has a thirteen
Most of the current crop were made with the hammerspring and trigger- round magazine and as the name
for the teen collector market, the in- group sealed in a stamped alumi- says, takes 9mm Parabellum. Emp-
terior parts remaining the same year num capsule from which only the tying the magazine will cause the
after year; the exterior changing sea- hammer and trigger emerge, barrel shroud to melt and slough off

Dai Lung Magnum Espinoza One Shot Fashion Gun 9

P 1 J E .357 caseless 10 2 UR P 1 J E 50cal caseless 1 2 UR P 1 JE9mm132UR
Automag Copy commonly used by One shot, heavy caliber. Tends to explode Lightweight pistol, common to many of the
cheap hoods. About $60. or misfire (60% chance). $75 Poser set. About $40.
'PBBCL= 2D6+2, MBL=1D6+3, E=lD6+2

Surprising Stranger Sei Fi Starrior 4 Kang Tao Type 97

P 1 J E lOmm caseless (use 9mm) P 1 JE9mm12 2UR P 1 JE9mm12 2UR
4 2 UR Blaster copy from 20th century movie Famous 9mm Beretta copy. $35.
Four shot, peppetbox design. called Star Trek Wars. $60
About $15.

like cheese off a hot, fresh pizza. At safe pistols made predominantly because no gunstore sold (or admit-
this point, the gun jams perma- out of pot metal, smuggled in ted to selling) these weapons, and
nently. The plastic is truly inferior, through Mexico. The apocryphal the only people found with them
and inappropriate for the job it was price for these was somewhere in tended to be illegals. Some laws
used for. You get what you pay for, the $40.00to $80.00 U.S.range. In the were enacted that dealt with the
as this only costs $35.00 new. late 1980's, there was an attempt by possession of these weapons as
U.S.lawmakers to ban the sale of so something like felony smuggling.
The sights on these weapons are called "Plastic Guns" citing that However, most other cities have
rudimentary at best, and non exis- they were undetectable by the air- ignored the problem. Only Califor-
tent on some. One would be hard port detectors of the time. This was nia, New York, New Jersey, Con-
pressed to hit a stationary target at false as the plastic used in the con- necticut, Massachusetts, and the
12 meters with one of these. These struction was dense enough for it to District of Columbia consider them
are some of the most inaccurate show up on X-ray machines, and the to be a felony to possess. Other states
pieces of machinery ever to be misla- metal contained in the magazine consider it to be misdemeanor
beled firearms. But it gets worse. and the barrel was enough for it to smuggling, and tax the offending
When I was in Thailand a few years trigger detectors. Import restric- party. Texas does nothing. The gov-
ago, I saw a wannabe Yakuza bran- tions were enacted, but even some ernor said that anyone using them
dishing a $15 mauve-colored hand- police departments adopted these got what they deserved.
gun that looked like a robot's leg, same guns for departmental use.
and he had taped a $7000 cyber- But in the late 1990's during the These weapons often find their way
scope to it. These were unbalanced, heating up stages of the second con- into thecountry in shipments of toys
scary, people. flict, a lot of the first generation and camera equipment. I don't
polymer one-shots crossed the bor- think they should be legislated
In the 1970's,many U.S. municipali- der and wound up in the hands of against, but I think good,common
ties passed laws against a type of r e the San Diego and East L.A. Gueril- sense and a healthy dose of self-
volver known then as a 'Saturday las. The city councils of both munici- preservation should keep people
Night Special'. Mostly it was a ficti- palities didn't know how to deal from trusting their lives to these
tious gun, but some these were un- with the flood of Asian imports, badly engineered and produced
More gems from J.T.’s Collection:

Teen Dreem
P i JE9mm1010 UR
Federated Arms X-22
P 1 JE.221010 R
Ten shot pistol with full auto capacity. Ten shot pistol with .22 caselessload.
Tends to melt under fire (SOYO).About About $25. Comes in 13 colors.

Federated Arms X-38 Federated Arms Impact Federated Arms

P 1 JE.381010 R P 1 JE.221010 VR Tech-Assault
Inexpensive 38 caseless Ten shot, low caliber pistol with good SMG 1 J E .22 10 10 UR
automatic. $35 reliability. $60. Thirty shot SMG with full auto capacity.
May melt under full autofire (10%). $160.

pieces of trash. I watch the trade of image of these guns. However, the Budgetarms AW-2, and possibly
them with morbid amusement, J.T. given the strict product liability the Daiwoo M-470. This month I
even moreso than me. He doesn’t laws of this country, they cannot think that the laurels go to the Stern-
shoot the things he collects. He just take the same shortcuts as their meyer CG-13, for its ease of use and
piles them in the box, looking like Asian counterparts, hence safer general idiot-proofing. I think that
childrens’ toys in a toy chest. Can weapons. But with American com- the M-2012 would make a great
somebody answer my question of panies entering the market, it will squad automatic. If Fh4A follows
why the manufacturers of the ham- just add legitimacy to this product through, they’ll have a certifiablehit
merless versions insist on putting an that violates all sense of taste and on their hands. The C-41 is a fine
LCD time display on the back of the user safety. It’s an unfortunate de- handgun. There is nothing wrong
slide? The design ethics of these velopment. with it that a more general sighting
weapons I find strange and confus- m package wouldn’t cure for me, but
ing, like velvet Elvis paintings. its performance with our resident
Aside from the previous section, the chipped and wired expert convinces
To add insult to injury an American trip was a success, as we now have a him that it’s an excellent package. I
firm, Federated Arms, is entering better appreciation of some of the am waiting for what the upcoming
this market. Their X-22 and X-38 competition involved in the trial. I months will hold, if they’re as good
pistols, while acceptable firearms, don’t know what the trial will deter- as this one.
were not meant to have a dayglo mine, but it looks like some stiff
pink and green zebra pattern all competition. Next month, we’ll test
over them. It accentuates the toylike the Millitech offering (the M-95A3),
Above: The COT ($4000 I Wt.602. I +3 to WA)

This trip was originally for testing tional patern matching method, it top of the gun. Rear-view mirror
the Budgetarms C-41 pistol and the can also do it by offering the user a anyone?
Nikon COT scope. I had agreed to split window, where he can match
test and review the package after upper and lower halves of his target. The static test were just warm ups
talking with a Budgetarms rep I'd On a simple mental command, the for the coyote test. This is the only ef-
mentioned I was wired and he asked range figureis displayed below. The fectiveway to test a firefight system
if I wanted to test it. I agreed, as I farther you hold the gun from your like the COT. I suppose one could
usually find Budgetarms products cybereye, the more accurate is your mount one of these on a paintball
to be well made and reliable pieces reading. The full windowing capa- gun, but the ballistics would proba-
of equipment. The C-41 pistol was bility inside the reticule image was ably throw the programming off, and
no disappointment. The Nikon very happy surprise. paintballs move through the air so
scope was something surprising slowly. The sight performed well
and new. This feature would allow the user to against the coyote; I saw no appre-
ciable flutter or lag in the window
image. I tracked the coyote through
many of the zig zags along its path
with no loss of true tracking, and
then killed it at precisely 32.004
yards. I like accuracy like that.

The pistol itself performed well. The

compensating extension virtually
eliminated muzzle climb, but the
recoil could still be described as
Now obsolete: the Bushnell Interlock 553A ($7000 I Wt.402. I +1 to WA) "stiff'. The piece was not designed
shoot around corners. It would only for lightweights. The coyote re-
For only $4000.00, the Nikon scope
be as accurate as iron sights, but cieved some impressive wounds
is one of the cheapest of the Cyber-
could still be effective, especially for from the hollowpoints I was using.
optic Triangulation units on the
law enforcement in need of a peris- There was sufficient penetration
market. The older systems went
coping tool. Another function of this and collateral damage from the first
from $7000 to $10,000 and offered
scope that Royce and J.T. didn't find round, that I didn't need to fire the
less. Most COT systems will paint a
out about until press time, was that second. The second round hit a
reticle in your field of view. The
I had drawn a bead on them several vertibra and mushroomed greatly,
more expensive ones will list range,
times without facing them. The sending bone fragments all over the
or shots fired. Only the most expen-
reticle follows the gun to the edge of soft tissues. I like this round; it
sive will do both. The Nikon COT
vision, where it stops, but the view should generate good first round
only lists range, but it does it in a
through the window continued to stops. Irecomend this package to the
novel way.
pan with the gun. Effectively it pro- pros in the audience.
Aside from doing it in the tradi- vides you with an extra eye on the
RIF 1 N E -22 30 30 VR
A highly reliable caselessdesign with no
moving parts and an integral si1encer.A
fully plastic magazine and electrical fir-

ing pin makes this assault weapon in-
credibly q u i e t Perfect for black
operations! In grey, camoflage or black.

.477 Boomer Buster
R 1 N E .477* 4 2 VR
Now, a close in support weapon that
can stop a cyberpsycho cold! Nearly
an express rifle in design, with afolding
arm brace for support! $450.
'PE&CL= 5D6, MBL=3D6+4, L 2 D 6
On the Street, you don't have time to make mistakes. You have to
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50 SOIA) OF FOR'L'UNI, MAY, 2013
2004: The aging American trans- ber baron Michael Victor Durant has
portation giant, Transworld Air, is resulted in endless boardroom
staggering in it's tracks. Persistent proxy fights and interoffice sabo-
strikes from pilots, mechanics and tage. Only it's lucrative East coast
attendants unions have brought it's shuttle lines and SST-based Euro-
extended Pacific Rim flights to a runs remain intact, and even these
stop. A bitter war between middle are endangered as mismanagement
management and Transworld's and corruption tear Transworld
controversial CEO, corporate rob- apart.
In this grim scenario, the corporate first and most decisive of the corpo- chute" offer to Michael Victor
vultures of the World Stock ex- rate conflicts. Durant of an additional 2.6 million
change can see easy pickings. Tran- Euro and a partial share in EBM
sworld has absorbed the intercoastal August, 2004: Transworld Air, the stock.
traffic of several huge American air- largest air carrier in the United
carriers, as well as control of two States, is suffering a massive cash- The deal is almost assured to be-
maj0rU.S. airports, (Dulles in Wash- flow crisis. Hamstrung by treacher- come reality, until a sudden, major
ington D.C., and Kennedy in New ous management and constant development occurs. O n September
York). With proper expansion, both strikes, Transworld is preparing to 25th, 2004, a combined block of
sites can become critical to the de- file a Chapter 11bankruptcy when a shareholders, including members of
ployment of the new suborbital new factor enters the equation. the Pilot's and Mechanics unions,
shuttle, while the east coast shuttle force a proxy battle at Transworld's
services make"feeder" flights to the EuroBusiness Machines, the Ger- Miami headquarters. By midnight,
suborbital ports possible. As the man-based computer giant, has the surprise overthrow has re-
powers of the megacorporations been watching Transworld hun- moved M.V. Durant from the CEO
close in on the floundering trans- grily for several years prior to the position and caused a massive

Multirole Computer & Electronics Mfg.
mrl ce Transport &
ita1 Facilities
Main Office: Nairobi, Kenya
Main Office: Hamburg Regional Off ices: New York, Washington, Dallas
Regional Offices: Berlin, Rome, Madrid Major Shareholder: Antoine DuBois of Pans (15.2%)
Major Shareholder: Dr. Rudolph Muller of Bremen, Troops: 6,521 Covert Operatives: 335
Germany (20.8%) Equipment (as of 2004): 10 AV-4's,6 AV-6 attack
Troops: 7,254 Covert Operatives: 820 craft, 4 Osprey attack craft, 9 heavy cargo planes, 18
Equipment (as of 2004): 24 AV-4's, 18 AV-6 attack Herernes II spaceplanes, access to Tycho Massdriver.
craft, 12 Osprey attack craft, four heavy cargo Allies: Transworld Air, ARC, Advanced Development
planes. Research, First Continental Bank, Technostations
Allies: WeHGeshaft Bank, Drakon Fund, Militech Inc., Xoma Corp, Militech (arms only), Applied Tech-
(arms only),TTA Properties, Bronliegh Develop- nisystems.
ment, Mamoru-Nakimura LTD

portation giant, a scenario is created crisis (in fact, some corporate histo- shakeup of Transworld's governing
that will inexorably lead to corpo- rians suspect that EBM may have Board. Believing that the restruc-
rate war. precipitated the crash of Tran- tured company might survive, the
sworld by calling Transworld's new CEO refuses EBMs offer.
Corporate War. Although the tennis loans in several Euro-banks in
constantly thrown about in the me- which the computer firm holds con- At this point, EBM begins an un-
dia, few people on the street really trol). Chief among EBMs goals is friendly takeover of Transworld's
know what it means. Spanning con- the leveraged buyout of Tran- stock position, offering an increase
tinent-wide operations with mil- sworld, with an eventual break-up of almost fifteen Euro a share over
lions of employees, a full scale cor- and sale of it's assets. In September the current market value of Tran-
porate conflict is fought in of 2004,EBM, through it's interme- sworld stock. As investors rush for
boardrooms and stock exchanges as diaries in the WeltGeshellshaftBank the gold, Transworld begins to flail
much as in battlefields and tactical of Switzerland, makes an offer to wildly for a "white knight"; a rival
operations. In this segment of SOLO Transworld of 126 million Eurodol- corporation to counterbid EMBs
OF FORTUNE'S ongoing history of lars. This deal is sweetened by an offer and undermine the computer
the Solo profession, we explore the under-the-table "golden para- giant's move.
Enter Nairobi-based Orbital Air. At
this point, Orbital Air (a splinter
company originally formed from
the five nation consortium which
built the Kilomonjaro massdriver),
has just secured an exclusive 8 bil-
lion Euro deal to buy eighteen Her-
mes I1 spaceplanes from the Euro-
Space Agency. With investors from
five of themost powerful nations in
the EuroMarket on it's Board of Di-
rectors, Orbital Air can well afford
to relieve Transworld's dilemma. In
exchange, Transworld will transfer
rights to it's key airport facilities in
the U.S., as well as devoting a large
part of it's feeder flights to servicing
Orbital Air's spaceplane ports.

The Orbital Air-Transworld deal is Drakon Worldwide Fund is brought Sea spaceports, cuts all travel to
well on it's way to consummation in to carry out takeover procedures EBMs orbital workshack Security
when EBM makes a critical bungle. against ARC. Stepped up computer is beefed u p in OA facilities, and
Hoping to disrupt the negotiations, and communications security and a labor is pacified with a 2% raise.
EBM attempts to kidnap the OA freezeout of European business con- Dangling Transworld's shares as a
deal team enroute, using a front nections is used to blunt Zeta's at- carrot to attract allies, OA is frus-
group recruited out of the Union tack. A series of "accidents" and trated by repeated EBM-sponsored
Corse (the infamous Gallic Mafia of work slowdowns at OA facilities in terrorist attacks on Transworld re-
"French Connection" fame). How- Europe and Asia begins. Under sources. Both EBM and OA begin
ever, tragedy strikes when the heavy assault by EBMs counter- heavy lobbying with the EuroSpace
would-be kidnappers bungle the programming action, Zetatech pulls Agency to control space traffic in
job and accidentally kill most of the out of the battle in October of 2004. their favor, culminating in OA solos
OA negotiators. directly engaging in "piracy": hi-
jacking and diverting EBM ship-
One member of the Corse team is Tragedy strikes ments to South America, Africa and
taken alive; under extreme persua-
sion, EBMs complicity is revealed. when the Union other lonely places. This stolen ma-
terial is used as an inducement to
With this and other evidence, OA
moves into action. Contacts are
Corse persuade Chicago-based Advanced
Developed Research to provide
made with ARC (a Euro software kidnappers techinical support. As a civil con-
firm involved in designing the tractor to the U.S. Government,
spaceplane programming), and bungle and kill ADR represents the first entry of a
Zetatech (designers of the Hermes' national goverment into the conflict.
navigational computers). A full- the OA negotial
spectrum database attack is
launched in Europe using virus and
tions team. February, 2005: The banking com-
bine, First Continental, joins the OA
capture programs designed by both side, enticed by a chance to grab
firms and implemented by Zeta's However, ARC, sensing a rich profit some of EBMs more loosely held
netrunners and other off-thestreet and facing obliteration by EBM, affiliate branches. Blocking Drakon
hackers. signs a secret alliance agreement Fund's attack on ARC with a speedy
with OA. loan, First Continental brings it's
Massively assaulted inside all eight own security u p to speed.
continental European offices, January,2005 Orbital Air, operat-
EBM's response is equally swift. ing out of it's England and North March, 2005 The Wave-a massive


security force attack on OA's South money source. As terrorist and eco- order to counter their aquisition
American and African pirate nomic attacks mounted, the war actions. At the same time, OA ne-
operations. A combo of independ- grinds on. trunners are able to loot a good deal
ent "hired guns" and Third World of assets from Drakon, which offsets
proxy troops, led by EBM solos, With help of the U.S. government, First Continental's dropping out of
battle a mix of local crime gangs, OA blocks EBMs attempt to side- the war due to low resources. EBM
corrupt customs cops and OA solo step the orbital blockade by using steps up it's lobbying of world gov-
leaders. This draws worldwide no- Chinese lift vehicles. With supplies ernments on one hand to break the
tice in the media, and World News and manpower running low, both OA blockade, while countering
Service begins specific bureau cov- sides begin overtures to PetroChem, with attacks on OA offices world-
erage of the actions. the chemical/oil megacorp. While wide. Finally, exhausted by the
choosing to remain neutral, Petro- struggle and stretched to breaking,
April, 2005: EBM solos attempt a Chem does suggest its lesser part- both sides approach Infocorp,
temporary hijacking of an OA work- ner, Xoma Corp (a pharmasuticals which negotiates a three month
station to trade for it's blockaded subsidiary). truce while the combatants regroup
EBM facility. Through use of merce- and seek new financing.
naries from Militech, OA takes the
EBM station in an ugly battle with April, 2005: OA November, 2005: With both sides
high non-combatant casualties. For refuelled and rearmed, everyone
this action, the EuroSpace Agency takes the EBM comes out swinging. In skirmishes
calls both sides on the carpet, threat- all over Europe and Africa, EBM
ening the immediate grounding of space station solos find a match in OA's men,
all corporate space traffic if hos- thanks to an alliance with Applied
tilties continued in orbit. The re- in a ugly Technisystem (a bio-enhancement
mainder of the war is fought on the
ground. battle with firm). Orbital also receives mone-
tary support from Dynamic Media,
Inc (a mustang newdentertainment
May, 2005 Fuelled by the latest re- corp out to make a name for itself by
ports from WNS, governments in covering the conflict) and a new,
Europe, North America and Africa hot-running Carribean Metals com-
begin to investigate the open con- bine: the Orbital Metals Partnership
flicts and terrorist actions against By July of 2005, EBM has the upper of Jamaica.
both sides. Orbital Air, trying to hand, but barely; it's overseas ship-
maintain the moral high ground, ments are secure, but at a horren- On the other side, EBM recieves a
immediately hires outside media dous cost of men and material. Or- huge influx of cash from Mamoru-
groups to form a public relations/ bital Air's banking partner (First Nakamura LTD, an offshore invest-
propaganda campaign. Infocomp Continental) is almost dry, and O K s ment firm in Hawaii (rumored to
offers its services as a go-between public relations/confidence is at an have zaibatsu connections). Euro-
for both sides. During this time, all-time low. Business Machines' agit-prop ef-
TTA Properties and Bronleigh De- forts are so successful that local
velopment (both development and Up to now, by using hired proxies, governments in North America and
land corps), join the action on cadres (action groups led by corpo- Africa prepare to "temporarily"
EBMs side, starting aquisition pro- rate agents), and "hacker" warfare, nationalize Orbital Air's ground
ceedings against vital OA land the direct and public engagement of equipment and assets in their areas.
holdings in the U.S. and Europe. As opposing forces has been pre-
ADR comes under extreme pressure vented, thereby keeping the na- January,2006 With the other meg-
from the U.S. government to pull tional governments out of the pic- acorps grumbling about both play-
out of the war, OA offers major con- ture. But an increasingly belea- ers, and EEC pressure on their
cessions to the Administration. guered OA management is finally backs, Orbital Air decides on a bold
Meanwhile, ARC and U.S.-based forced to authorize "full participa- stroke. Taking two mbnths to pre-
Technostations switch the hacker tion". The result: harrassment of pare, the aptly named Operation
attack to Drakon Fund in an attempt personnel and attacks on offices of High Thunder is the biggest purely
to undermine EBMs main backup Bronleigh and l T A Properties in corporate solo operation up to this


time, with over one hundred solos The compound is destroyed and the rations; there follows a further three
on each side. With unspecified help
wounded Griinwalder captured. months of sporadic conflicts as the
from certain European govern- Confronted by this fait d'acompli, computer giant turns on it's erst-
ments (who want to see EBMs and faced with a growing govern- while partners, absorbing two or
monopoly broken), OA launches an ment and megacorp determination three of them in the end. So ends the
to put both sides out of business,
assault against the sumptious living first major conflict between the meg-
compound of EuroBusiness CEO EBM breaks and reliquishes full and acorporations; a sorry monument to
Ulf Griinwalder, nestled in the uncontested control of Transworld waste, stupidity and corporate
mountains of Bavaria. Objective: to Orbital Air in exchange for Grun- greed.
capture or kill the brains behind walder and other minor conces-
EBM's corporate war machine. sions. By February of 2006, EBM and Next Month: The Second Viet-
Orbital Air have worked out a per- nam-Petrochem and SovOil in
O K s government agent help is manent peace agreement. This final the South China Sea.
somewhat offset by Militech mercs agreement does not sit well with
augmenting EBMs defense force. some of EuroBusiness' allied corpo-

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An Equal Opportunity Employer


The World of Government Solos
bv Eric Wells
When you think “solo”,you think of a tive Branch. In assuming much of
highly paid professional corporate the FBI’s law enforcement role, the
soldier, right? But long before the Agency has been given broad and
megacorps were hiring, there was sweeping powers of arrest; whether
another class of solo. These well- they can make ‘em stick in a U.S.-
trained pros worked in one of the hostile world is another matter.
most exacting and dangerous cor-
porate environments in history-the Thanks to the NSA (National Secu-
national governments. rity Agency, responsible for signal
intelligence and gov’t communica-
Recently, Solo ofFortunesent writer tions security) and DARPA (De-
Eric Wells to dig out the background fense Advanced Research Projects
on the modern day “operatives” of Agency) the U.S. retains the lead in
the national arena. In his special
report, he fills in the gaps on who’s
who, who’s still in operation, and
one of the most
more importantly, whose side you exacting and de- CIA
want to be on when things get inter- Common Skills: Pistol, Driving, Athletics,
nationally hot. manding corporate Martial Arts or Brawling, Notice, Specific
environments in Knowledge (criminology), Stealth, Shadow-

cI 0 oflo
history- national
ing, Basic Tech. Most of these skills are at
level +5 or above.
Central lntelllgence Agency Additional Skills: Interrogation, Research,
The Agency, reorganized after the governments. Streetwise, Rifle, Disguise, Language
disaster of ’96, is now truly central, (simple, usually French, German or
dealing with domestic counter intel- intelligence gathering equipment Spanish), Human Perception, Gunsmithing
ligence, foreign drug trafficking into and espionage gadgets. Most cy- (fixing or modifying guns. Tech based).
the United States, and foreign polit/ bewired agents have eventually
Cyberware: 1 set of interface plugs, 1-2
economic intelligence and/or covert gone freelance (except those in the cyberoptics, with possible audio. Rarely:
action. Since 1999, the National Se- covert action departments), but cyberlimbs, reflex or sensory boosters.
curity Council (NSC) has been abol- newcomers pride themselves on
ished, with remnents of the Federal what they can do with drugs, de- Hardware: Survelliance gear, mini weap-
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and vices, and training alone. ons, at least one heavy caliber, highly
accurate automatic pistol, combat dorphs,
the Drug Enforcement Agency brain & reflex boosters, medical gear for
(DEA) blended into one powerful Primary Target- The Euro Eco- battlefield repair.
entity responsible only to the Execu- nomic Community (EEC). The
Agency specializes in economic dis- ‘94, followed by the Mideast Melt-
ruption, political sabotage against down in 1997. Some old-liners had
corporations on the EuroCouncil, been “rehabilitated” and allowed
and industrial theft (the DIA, millitary back in the govt. From this position,
intelligence, would tackle orbital they criticised the regime’s reluc-
sabotage). There is little or no coop- tance to take advantage of the U.S.
eration with the Soviets, and only situation plus its loss of useful surro-
limited cooperation with the gate states in the Mideast. With
remnants of Britain’s DI-6 organiza- these crisies to cast doubt on the
tion. They are (mutually) cool in their new ruling clique of Andreyev Gor-
relationship with Mossad, and get borev (Gorbechev’s successor) a
along well with the Japanese via the “political direct action” was decided
zaibatsus. There is Chinese sup- on.
port for Soviet monitoring and possi-
bly full concerted action against The KGB, with its party membership
Triads and Golden Triangle war- entrance requirement and duty of
lords. Taiwan is now a target nation maintaining internalpoliticalcorrect-
because of Triad problems and the ness, was a major haven for the
new U.S. alliance with China. apparatchniks and so became the
chosen instrument of change. Its
1i.G.B. middle-road director (replacing an
old-liner who mistakenly was al-
(Komitet Gosudarstvennoy lowed to live) could be bypassed
Bezopastnosti /Committee for and the organization was in perfect
State Security) position to isolate strategic portions
After 1992, with the “Gorby revolu-
of the country and seize or kill the
tion”at high tide (one or two EuroSo- supreme Soviet. They were
cialist opposition parties, a “peoples stopped in the nick of time by the
senate” half full of reformers, and a personnelof the GRU, alongsideair-
decentralized agricultural operat- borne troops under their command.
ion), the remaining old-line
Kruschev-Breznev Communists Being Army intelligence [with the
Common Skills: Pistol, Driving, Athletics,
Brawling, Notice, Thief, Intimidation,
armed forces’ dedication to the de-
Stealth, Shadowing, Basic Tech. Most of
these skills are at level +5 or above.
The (KGB) revolt
. . fence of the Rodina (motherland)
and its determination to stay apart
Was played Out in a from intracene Party struggles], the
Additional Skills: Interrogation, Language GRU commander saw-how- the
(complex, usually Arabic, Japanese), Rifle,
Disguise, Language (simple, usually
series Of firefights Gorborev regime had changed the
French, German or Spanish), Human within the Moscow country. With social and economic
Perception, Specific Knowledge (Torture). reforms came the slack needed to
area... streamline and modernize the army;
Cyberware: 1 set of plugs, maybe. single this progress must be preserved at
cyberoptic, with IR, camera or dartgun. If were reduced to sulking, semi-ob- all cost. The revolt was playedout in
cyberlimbs, they are heavy, slow and
scurity. They left behind though, a series of intense firefights within
massive, with heavy caliber gun in arm.
Phone link only. hundreds of “apparatchniks”; sup- the Moscow area and two other Rus-
porters in low and middle-level sian cities. All across the continent,
Hardware: Same drugs as CIA. Many posts, who could still wield varying individual acts of sabatoge and as-
miniweapons disguised to resemble amounts of influence. The ap- sassination erupted.
common harmless items. Thief tools. paratchniks covered for their former
Note: GRU operatives stress more mentors and bosses until the day the Followingthe attempted coup was a
Demolitions skills (setting, disarming great wheel of internal Party struggle year of purge/reorganization similar
explosives. Tech based), Heavy Weap- turned their way again. This oppor- to that undergone by their rivals, the
ons, more cybertlimbs with strength boost, tunity came with the U.S. collapse in CIA. Apparatchniks were removed,
limited body plating on torso. the aftermath of the Great Crash of being replaced by administrators
58 SOIA) OF POR’I’UNE, MAY, 2013
sympathetic to change. A certain “wet” work, is also carried out
number of GRU men were trans- against competetors. The needs of
ferred over to “enliven” the defunct the moment can move Africa up to
service, though this practice was not primary target status.
followed in all cases, as it tended to
highten the rivalry and hatred be-
tween the organizations. I”r1~RI’OIA
Prlmary Target-It’s still the U.S. Between the formation of the EEC in
The United States now threatens the ’92 and the Second Corporate war in
Soviet’s economic resurrection with 2007, the Euros were dropping in-
it’s anti-EEC actions. As a result, the ternal barriers and tightning external
Soviet intelligencecommunity coop- ones (especially against U.S. “Gang
erates closely with the Euromarket of Four” chaos, but later against
in keeping security on space and USSR infiltration due to Euro-tech-
tech projects. This doesn’t rule out nical high-handedness). With no
the possibility of subversion of select passport controls and weak conspir-
Euro-corps to gain more leverage. icy laws, there was an even greater
The GRU (Glavnoye Razvedy- mixing of political terrorist forces
vatelnoye Upravleniye/Army intelli-
gence and special action) handles The U.S. threatens
middle-scale raiddsabotage, espe-
cially in near orbit. The Soviet’s the Soviet’s eco-
secondary theatre of ops is what
remains of Near and Middle East,
monomic resurecl
with regards to Islamic tensions tion with it’s anti-
within the southern Soviet Repub-
lics. China and Japan are closely EEC actions...
watched (Japan more because of it’s
role as a major U.S. ally and techni- (IRA/lreland+ETA/Basques in
cal innovator), but no major action is Spain+Breton Revolutionary Army/
taken as long as they do not threaten France +Lotta Continua/ltaly+RAF/
Sino-Pacific access at Vladivostok W.Germany) along with reorgan-
(or to a lesser extent Cam Rahn bay). izing native European crime groups Interpol
such as the Union Corse (Southern
Common Skllls: Pistol, Driving, Athletics,
Spy tech expertise is still behind the France & Corsica), Union Sicilano Martial Arts, Notice, Specific Knowledge
U S . capability, except in the field of (original Mafia in Sicily & Napoli), (criminology), Stealth, Shadowing, Interro-
unusual killing devices and interro- plus local vice/smuggIing/strongarm gation, Research, Streetwise, Basic Tech.
gation procedures. Technical aid gangs in Spain & England. By the Most of these skills are at level +6 or
advent of the Second CentralAmeri- above.
from-theEuropeans will remedy this
in the long run. can war in ’03, foreign criminal refu- Additlonal Skills: Rifle, Disguise,
gees were battling native mobs and Language (simple, usually French, German
Important note: Both “superpow- terrorism had swung from left to right or Spanish), Human Perception, plus
ers” (and to an extent the EEC) with the infamous Europe For Euro- usually an aircraft or Shuttle Pilot Skill.
consider Africa to be an important, workers Movement.
Cybemare: Usually 2 interface plug sets,
but secondary theatre of ops. The twin cyberoptics, with full audio, often one
struggle is to maintain sources of Prompt action had to be taken, and cyberlimb with knife or gun in compart-
strategic materials and secure prime so an old idea was revived. The ment. Chipped for Martial Arts, Eurotheatre
space launch or space oriented International Criminal Police Or- Law.
manufacturing sites. This is carried ganization (Interpol) had been an
out by secret influence of standing information sharing bank since the Hardware: Survelliance gear, medical gear
for battlefield repair, thief tools, usually
gov’ts and covert takeover of others. 192Os, but had no enforcement or chipped for 9mm full auto
Information gathering and “special investigation powers (and had been handgun (gyrojet).
actions”, i.e. sabatoge, kidnapping, abused for political purposes by
Germany in the 1930~-40s,Taiwan reputations, East Bloc countries are
in the 80s, and the U.S .in the early asked only to contribute technical
90s). West Germany and Italy, hard- and informational assistance for
est hit by terrorism (and with the security operations. Interpol is also
reluctant help of France, who, with the major law enforcement arm of
the Low Countries, had the worst the EuroSpace agency, and main-
organized crime problem), pushed tains extensive facilities in orbit.
to update and expand the responsi-
billities of the organization while A paramilitary intervention capabil-
narrowing its focus. And so, the new ity vs political terrorists and “black
lnterml was born. ops” sabateurs is provided by men
of the GSG9 (the anti-terror depart-
With the U.S. out of the picture, and ment of the West German police),
with Russia and China never signa- the GlGN (a French equivalent), and
tories to the agreement, it was rela- a special unit of Italian Carbineri
tively easy to push out the other (Italy’s para-military state police).
small countries worldwide and bring Foreign Intelligence and C.I. can be
the former East Bloc nations back handled in many different ways;
into the fold. By absorbing the infor- corporate solos and fixers can be
mal discussionkooperation groups hired on a contract basis, informa-
on terrorism and utilizing shared tion or technology can be traded with
manpower/data resources, Interpol a host country adjacent to the target
in return for the intelligence, or
agents of the members’ former spy
Pushed to the agencies (because the EEC Council
was to handle foreign affairs, mem-
wall, the Israeli re- ber countries were asked to moth-
sponse is to be- ball the majority of their espionage
apparats) can be employed. Former
come tougher, operatives of DGSE (France) and
MfSlHUA (East Germany) are pre-
more ruthless- to ferred for their ruthlessness and ef-
W the point of fanati- ficiency. In terms of espionage tech-
nology, the Europeans are behind in
MOSSAD cism, if need be. ElintlElsur (electronic intel/survel-
lience), but their agentkolos carry
Common Skills: Pistol, Rifle, Driving, Ath-
letics, Martial Arts, Notice, Heavy Weap- the latest in cyberware, usually with
ons, Stealth, Demolition. Shadowing, could now meet the duties of policing minor spy gear built in.
Interrogation, Intimidation, Streetwise, a unified Europe and maintaining a
Basic Tech, Survival (Desert). Most of security watch on her enemies. Primary Target- Interpol has no
these skills are at level +7 or above. primary target; it feels it has its
Additional Skills: Disguise, Language
Interpol today investigates crimes hands full just keeping Europe and
(simple, usually French or German), against, and enforces the laws of the the Mediterranean basin clean. It is
Human Perception, Gunsmithing, Forgery, EEC where they pertain to interac- also the main law enforcement
Fast Talk, Thief Skills. tion among members, or action from agent in the L5 and Luna colonies,
outside against the membership as where it’s power is akin to that of the
Cyberware: 1 interface plug set, cyber a whole. Far more than in America, U.S. Texas Rangers of the late
optics or audio only for replacement of lost
body parts, cyberlimbs very rare. Oca-
this counterbalances the fixerkolo 1800’s.
sional sensory or reflex boost. forces of the corporations. Man-
power for internal security purposes Special note concerning Great
Hardware: Survelliance gear, medical gear is primarily drawn from personnel of Britain: Britain is the poor relative of
for battlefield repair, booster and dorph the former DST and B N (French and the EEC, with a rampant crime and
drugs. Usually chipped for mini UZI, Galil.
W.German equivalent of FBI). Be- unemployment problem almost
cause of their former repressive equal to America’s. Because of its
relationship with the American lowed the once close relationship ponents of “a greater, secure Israel
“cousins” in the Gang of Four, and between the two nations to die a or nothing” are part of the former in-
repressive reactions at home, both quiet (and both sides hoped, telligence service. With it’s main
D15 and D16 are disorganized, de- amicable) death. Hopefully, the Is- operations base in the Mid East and
moralized, and in disfavor among raelis might help out their mentor at the Mediterranean Basin (where an
the other European security and in- some future time, but no one was uneasy protocol exists with Inter-
telligence organizations. Individual willing to bet on it, particularly in the pol), Mossad must strike a balance
British agents will help American wake of the Second Central Ameri- between pacifying the Shin Bet fac-
solos for their own reasons, but the can and First Corporate Wars rav- tion (which is demanding a full out
majority are busy fighting their rival aging the West. break with Interpol and a realliance
services at home. The GCHQ (Brit- with the remnants of the South Afri-
ish equivalent of America’s NSA) With the Arab Jihad’s formation in can apartheid state) and pursuing an
supports Interpol, and is usually the first decade of the 2000’s and active intelligence war with the
looked down upon by the other the EEC’s growing cultivation of the EEC’s individual corporations. Ex-
sevices as a result. SAS was the Soviets, Israel became more and pect the Mossad to be operating
inspiration and/or teacher for the more isolated. This isolation was not selectively against particular corpo-
United States’ (and many of the Eu- helped by the loss of it’s South rate targets in the EEC (especially
ropean) co unte r-terror paramilitary American client states and the de- those with clients in pro-Jihad
groups, and is the best special struction of a favored customer in states), Arab terrorist groups and
intervention group in the world. This South Africa. Pushed to the wall, the agents of the Jihad in the Mideast,
puts SAS in a rather delicate position Israeli response is to become and gathering intelligence in the
between the “cousins” and EEC. tougher, more ruthless-to the point U.S. for use elsewhere.
The British govt (for monetary rea- of fanaticism, if need be.
sons) has put them “on hire” to the
EEC council to assist their forces, Professionalism is the Mossad key-
but will discreetly loan them, free of word; they are as profficient as the
charge, to the U.S.. best the EuroTheatre has to offer
and strongly motivated by national
patriotism. Equipped with a mixture
of U.S. and European equipment,
relying on gadgets and drugs over
Still emphasizing the tough minded, cyberware, the Mossad specializes
individual intiative that character-
in teamwork. Astanding rule is if you
ized it in the mid 20th century, the see one Mossad agent, there are at
Mossad tempers it’s daring least four more as backup some-
operations with expedient practical- where. Only the most astute and
ity. After the “Mid East Meltdown” of
daring operatives work without a
1997, the Shin Bet (Israeli Security
team. The Mossad style combines
Service) took control over the Mos- careful training with a hefty dose of
sad, as Israel moved to occupy
innovation and improvisation; al-
immediate cross-border areas to most all Israeli agents are Fixers or
provide a buffer zone. By the early Techies on the side. An increase in
2000’s,the Mossad re-emerged as Orthodox religious sentiment has
teams were sent to the devastated inhibited cyberwear use among
Arab Zones for recon and “salvage”. most operatives, except for those
(in the manner that the Russians and recruited (usually for “strongarm”
Allies confiscated Nazi Germany’s work) from the Army Paratroops;
archives and remaining industrial they will happily be chipped and
capacity after WWII.) enhanced to handle anything.
Between widespread U.S. espio- Primary Target-As the Jihad
nage activity by the Israelis and their gathers force, Shin Bet is challeng-
own internal problems, the United ing Mossad’s importance once
States intelligence community al- again. Many of the most vocal pro-
SO110 OF FORTUNE, MAY, 2013 61
This month marks the the anniver- We are presenting a list of the Before leaving make sure your
sary of the signing of the Costa Rica world's active combat zones that we medical information, discharge pa-
accords, ending formal government know about. This is by no means a pers and I.D. are up to date. It is best
involvement south of the border. comprehensive list, nor a detailed to provide your prospective em-
With the cessation of hostilities, the one. We are just telling you what's ployer with hardcopy, as computers
U.S.deactivated a significant por- up, and where to get more informa- are rare in a lot of these more under-
tion of its ground forces. But for all tion. If you find a place of interest, developed nations. Be considerate
those Nightstalkers, Grunts, Wire- find out as much about it as you can. of local customs when you get there,
heads, T.Vs, Cat Cultists, Salvo Use the addresses provided for Forgetting your manners may make
Saviors, Brick Pilots, Head Flyers, more detailed information. Do your you a conspicuous target, or at least
Jungle Jammers, and assorted own mission pre-planning. Find out mark you. Notoriety is not a survival
Chipped Beef, the employment if the climate and resources avail- trait. Make your credit arrangements
opportunities never looked better. able are adequate for you. Some of with a multinational like Suisse
Many of our fellow comrades in arms these places may be hellholes no Bank, American Express, or
have found lucrative employment matter how good the pay, and no Sumitomo. Trusting local financial
around the world, in hot spots ne- one likes to be the losing side. Most institutions is not advised due to the
glected by the superpowers, and of the organizations here, unless instability of currency in a wartime
even the media. These are small otherwise noted are good for at least situation. If possible, take your pay-
places where fighting skills are re- half up front, but this magazine of- ment in multinational stocks or pre-
warded. fers NO guarantees. cious commodities. At the least ac-
cept only stable currencies like the some cases they are grounds for term employment, and often at the
Eurodollar, the Soviet Ruble, or the arrest. completion you will be without sup-
Australian Dollar. Check with your port. Often it is government forces
employer for weapons arrange- What are the prospective employers looking for elite forces to back their
ments. Often your prospective em- looking for? Mostly they need small sovereignty (like in the case of the
ployer will be working at cross pur- groups of chipped and wired soldiers Phillipines). Often these govern-
poses to the people in charge of cus- for long duration surgical counter -in- ments fight against Marxist guerril-
toms. You will be lucky if you get to surgency (COIN) ops. A lot of them las, oppressed minority liberation
use your own weapons and equip- need drill instructors and training movements, other countries, inter-
ment. Try to be inconspicuous. It cadre, either for the formation of elite nal strife, multinationals, or some-
doesn’t take much detective skill to units, or beefing up the defensive times combinations of the above.
figure out where a tall Anglo with ratings of their outlying villages by The multinationals are represented
milspec shoes, shiny spots on his training the villagers how to fight. A here as often they need uniquely
wrist, a predilection for dark or mir- few are requesting Rangers (read: qualified contractors for specific
rored shades and baggy, informal Cat Cultists) for long duration,Salvo tasks. Again, this is by no means a
clothing is going, but try to hide the style , anti guerilla operations in the complete list.
Cat Cult tattoo and the chromed hinterlands. Specific, short duration
cyberarm. Equipment like that does missions come up from time to time What is going on? Well, globally
not go over well in the more primitive, as these are cost effective for the speaking, there are no major wars
or strongly Catholic countries. In employers, but they are not long happening. The northern hemi-
sphere is basically calm. Only a few South America is considerably matic action, but tensions between
hot spots here and there, usually worse. Peru, Bolivia, Columbia, Armstrong Base and Tycho City re-
some nationalist uprisingwith little or western Venezuela, and northern main high. There are always the
no money. As always, it is the mon- Ecuador have almost fractured into occasional raids on orbital pharma-
soon belt that is hopping the most. warlord states due to the fighting be- ceutical labs, but these are between
Africa has cooled down a bit in just tween the new and former members the corporates and the criminals,
the past few years. Only the occa- of the Andes cocaine cartels. The though these stations and the corpo-
sional tribal conflict, resource dis- beleaguered governments of these rations are hiring security to guard
agreement, or coup disturbs the countries are begging for experi- them.
countryside. The K. M. D. C. has enced "yanqui" help. Argentina is as-
been working to bring the benefits of sembling an elite unit of border That, in a nutshell, is the world situ-
space exploration (in the form of guards to deal with the problems on ation. Lets go to specifics, shall we?
profits) and prosperity to Africa. The its northern border. Chile has re-
question is: will the rising population turned to an inquisitional mode un- Capsule Situations
in the poorer areas choke off Africa's der the current military junta. Lucky
economic hope, and cause the Brazil is only now feeling the begin- The following are a number of cap-
whole continent degenerate into a nings of an economic pinch. Ja- sule updates on world situations in
myriad of tiny little guerrilla actions maica and Cuba are still agents of which professional mercenaries
as they fight over food and dwindling instability in the Carribean and the seeking employment might find their
resources? That would not be a northern coast of South America. fortune.
meat and potatoes war, folks.
The independence movements of
" J u t try to hide the native populations of the Pacific
ruined their chances of fully partici- The Phillipines
the Cat Cult tatoo pating in the twenty first century. The Moslem tribesmen of the south-
Now the more ambitious of them
and the chromed ern islands and the New People's

cyberann Equipment
have again had feelings of conquest
as they had in the days of the ancient
island kings.
Army continue to fight government
forces and the corporations. The
conflict is very low intensity and is
like that doesn't very seasonal, depending on the
The Phillipine conflicts that have monsoons.
go over well in the waxed and waned throughout the
more primitive last century continue to thisday. The Side A: The Government of the
Australians continue to pour money Phillipines. General Manuel "Tony"
countries. '' into the Phillipines. The Indonesians Tiapon has been authorized to form
and Singapore continue to disagree a "Foreign Legion" of elite cyber-
violently over border and jurisdiction soldiers, especially veterans of
Central America is somewhat disputes. The large Moslem popula- Central America. The goal is to hire
stable, the terms of the Costa Rica tions of Indonesia and Malaysia ref- a full battalion before the campaign
Accords still holding. There are use to back down, and even con- season of 2014.There will be little
some corporate conflicts over re- sider themselves the center of Mos- political interference in the unit's
source management and port facili- lem thought in the world. This does mission of Rapid Deployment and
ties, but these are of very low inten- not bode well for the Phillipines if and "killing our enemies". There are also
sity, and are great fodder for the when the Moslems cry Jihadagainst several Euro-corps seeking security
Telenovelas broadcast down there. this predominantly Catholic nation. forces for Phillipine-based
Uncle Sam's Southern Command In what must be supreme irony, the operations. Both corporations and
can still use warm bodies to defend Republic of Vietnam has hired government will provide plenty of
the canal zone, but that is for the American mercenaries to deal with background support (travel ex-
terms of employment that you all its border problems with Laos and penses, steady supplies and perma-
know about. A lot of the large land China. nent barracks). All fighting is long-
owners in that area would like duration COIN-ops. The Phillipines
guards for their estates, and they Near Space remains calm- what government has the confidence of
are known for their generous terms looked like a possible conflict on the the city-dwellers and is trying to
of employment. Moon was averted by furious diplo-
soldify the rural community. Against member, if serving with the NPA, ernment would like to see the rebels
the NPA, Tiapon's position is, "no re- that the Goverment has a"no mercy" crushed in any way possible, so that
treat, no surrender". Against the in- policy towards them. they can go about the business of
dependent Moslems, his govern- forming an independent govern-
ment would like to contain their mili- Side C: Manong/AnderssohnA.G. ment and establishing trade rela-
tary activities so that a limited-au- The Negros Island Facilities of An- tions with other western nations.
tonomous state can be negotiated. derssohn A.G. are in need of spe-
cialized corporate security. Their Side B: Communist rebels, sup-
Pay is $4000 a month for Top NCO Salt refinery in the town of Bacolod ported by socialist Philippine forces
with the pay grades for enlisteds fol- and the plantation in the town of La with the help of Cuba, wish to over-
lowing the usual stepdown to a mini- Carlota are being harassed by units throw the current government and
mum of $2500 a month for the lowest believed to be, or attached to the set up a socialist state. Their num-
enlisted ranks. Officer's pay is sub- NPA. Specifically, the company bers are small, but they have outside
ject to negotiation. Facilities are at would like to hire solos with en- help and are well stocked with Cu-
the Aquino Barracks. Fax your serv- hanced perceptive capabilities and ban supplied Soviet weapons. They
ice records and resume to the familiarity with long range sniping to have sought the help of the people,
Aquino Barracks before booking be posted on swing and grave shifts. but have had little success.
your trip. The number is (45)-137- Opponents are usually non-en-
6384-021. hanced, but well trained indigenous Jobs: Work on either side is of a hit
rebels with a small amount of sup- and run nature. Both sides seek
Side B: The NPA (New People's port in the countryside. They pos- specialists trained in recon and
Army.The NPA, a homegrowncom- sess no heavy weapons, and maybe counter insurgency tactics. The
munist group and a separatist coali- the occasional RPG. Pay is $2500 to Palauan government officials need
tion of Moslemtribes are fighting the $3000 a month in Australian dollars body guards to protect against as-
same war against the government with a second track benefits pack- sassination, while the rebel forces
for different goals. The NPA wants a age guaranteed by Anderssohn seek assassins trained to circum-
reformed Chinese-style collective A.G. Finances are handled by the vent the governments precautions.
state with all corporations removed Chartered Bank of Sydney. There is Solos should have little trouble
or nationalized. They seek weapon- also free transport into Manila on finding pilots with amphibious
smiths for maintenance and modifi- your off days. Please contact the planes in the Philippines willing to
cations of their current stock, plus Manila offices of Anderssohn. transport passengers to Palau for
commo experts for secure coordina- Voice: (45) 146-2124-773, Faxed: the right price. Be warned that a
tion of their scattered forces. The (45) 146-2126-928. large number of Australian solos
NPA is rather mercurial in organiza- have already undertaken contracts
tion and flighty in action, so secure Palau for both sides in the conflict, and are
your pay and your own line of with-
drawal. They prefer ex-government The island nation of Palau is under- wary of outside competition. Be pre-
mercs and freelancers, preferably going a struggle for control of the pared for a cold reception from the
from Eastern hemisphere nations. ailing government. In the wake of native population, and above all,
Corporate solos need not apply. closures of U.S. bases due to agree- keep an eye open for large scale
ments with the Soviets, this island intervention by U.S. and Soviet
The Moslem faction is fighting for chain south of the Philippines is up forces, predicted to occur at any
semi autonomy and religious free- for grabs. The two major forces in time.
dom in the Islamic southern islands. the conflict have been hiring merce-
They'll take almost anybody, al- naries to do the dirty work that their El Paso/Ciudad
untrained troops cannot handle.
though co-religionistsare preferred, Juarez
for a variety of training cadre and
"point man" jobs. At least a working Side A: The former U.S.-backed There is fierce competition for con-
knowledge of Islamic practices and government is fighting for survival. trol of the remaining independent
prejudices is required, but once a The nation's peoplewere never very border companies in the impover-
steady bond has been forged be- happy to be under the wing of the ished industrial zone running be-
United States, and are loathe to tween these two adjacent cities. The
tween employer and employee, they
enlist in the government's battle lure of pre-establishedfactories and
are quite reliable. Expect less in the
way of background support and re- against the rebel forces. The gov- an endless supply of cheap labor


has made the border companies hot thing and the opposition is not above
properties. Although the troops of Cyprus going out in a blaze of glory so long
the Mexican Socialist Republic do When the majority of the Middle East as they can take you with them. In
their meager best to defend the was consumed in the fires of numer- addition to security work, there are
companies‘ interests, industrial es- ous holy wars, a small handful of rich always “special assignments”. Be
pionage and sabotage are wide- Arab businessmen and aristocrats prepared to have an impressive res-
spread. escaped the carnage and set up ume, as there will be highly trained
shop elsewhere. The Grecian terri- European solos competing for your
Side A: The owners of the inde- tory on the island of Cyprus is one of job opportunities. Salaries: $5-6000
pendent border companies have put the areas resettled by these post month.
aside their differences in order to modem sheiks and sultans. Unfor-
pool their resources to fight the tunatelyfor them, and for the island’s
hostile take-overs of their busi- residents, the enemies of these
nesses. They are supported by the people have long memories. Nu- Honolulu
Mexican government, but the aid is merous terrorist attacks by the Job opportunities have recently
all but useless against trained remnants of bands of “holy warriors”, opened on this island of Hawaii
operatives. have led the Arabs and the govern- when Network 54 announced “re-
ment on Cyprus to seek outside curring troubles” on and near the set
Side B: There are any number of help. of “Hardman and Grace”, their rat-
European, American, and Japanese ings grabbing series, filmed on loca-
companies vying for control of the Side A: The wealthy sons and tion on the island. Sabotage by rival
border companies and their labor. daughters of former Arab ruling Dynamic MediaSystems Inc. is sus-
They have resorted to threats, kid- class live in fear for their lives and pected. Incidents have included the
napping and murder of officers of the are willing to pay handsomely to bombing of sets as. well as two re-
companies, the intimidation of the protect themselves. They have ported attempts on the lives of actors
local work pool, bribery of govern- drawn their forces from all over the and actresses in the series.
ment officials, undercutting wages, world. Side A: Network 54 is looking for
and sabotaging production lines. freelance Solos to hire on indefi-
Side B: The numerous crazed ter- nitely to act as body guards, combat
Jobs: Most sources have given up rorist organizations launching them- drivers, security guards, and
the border companies as a loss. In selves towards martyrdom in their counter terrorist forces. They sus-
spite of this, they fight on, and are zeal to destroy their accursed ene- pect leaks of inside information, and
desperately seeking professionals mies do not hire outside of their for this reason, they do not maintain
to counter the agents of the foreign circles. Their goals are simple: in house security at the film site.
companies. They are willing to pay destroy the infidels. Many of the Side B: Operatives from Dynamic
salary (about $1000 mo.), or on a terrorists are seasonedveterans, al- Media Systems are seeking to shut
“per kill” basis for major operatives though most traces of reason have down “Hardman and Grace” once
($400 ea.). The pay is not the great- long since boiled away. and for all. The series has hurt the
est, in spite of the pooling of com- ratings of their own action adventure
pany resources, but the work is Side C: The Greek government on shows, and they are willing to risk a
considered low risk, at least for the Cyprus is trying to defuse an explo- corporate war to get it off the air.
next few months, as the opposition is sive situation. They do not like the Jobs: As listed, most jobs pretain to
not expecting well trained resis- wealthy Arabs who have set up shop security. Solos should be capable of
tance. in their country, but they money they handling themselves in overt situ-
bring to the economy is not to be ations, Le., they should have some
Alternately, you may wish to apply to passed up. Besides, it makes the social graces, as they will be seen at
one of the invading corporations. Turks on the other side of the border the side of famous Vid stars. Solos
Most of them are using “in house” envious. will be up against other freelancers,
operatives, but they have been hired by D.M.S.. It is also rumored
known to hire from the outside for Jobs: On Cyprus you can find some that Network 54 is hiring a team to
special assignments. Be prepared of the highest paying securitywork in strike back at high ranking D.M.S.
to face the ill will of an entire section the world, but it can also be some of programs, but sources refuse to
of the Southwest ifyour role with the the most dangerous. They say that elaborate. Salaries: $4-6000 mo.
corporations is discovered. if you intend to die, you can do any-
operation experiencewould be help-
Buenos Aries ful, as infiltration of the Nomad gang
Another revolution is underway, the Southern New will most likely be required for re-
fourth so far this year in a country moval of the ring leaders.
that is in the grip of 78% unemploy- Mexico
ment and 2000% inflation. As usual, The city of Columbus is under siege
both sides are looking for outside by a roving Nomadgang calling itself Pacific Ocean
help and promising the moon and The Jackelopes. They have staged
the stars to anyone aiding them on a number of raids on the city in the (lOCatiOn Varies)
the climb to the top. last few months, and with the state Members of the Goid Trident Club,
forces tied UP on the border, the city the wealthy and prestigious Owners
Side A: This month’s ruling party, planners have decided to turn to out- of the majestic yach&” that
led by Juan Fidel Perez the Third is side help for their troubles. dot the oceans and harbors of the
offering a bounty ($1000 ea.) for the world, have been having trouble
head of each terrorist brought to him Side A: The City Of Columbus is the Pacific with attacks on
at the palace. He also needs couri- looking for daring individuals with a their supposively isolated domains.
ers to help bring in the new ship- mind for civic responsibility. They individual of these super
ments of currency (bearing his like- know that only a small army could yachts, as wellas charter members
ness), from the printing presses in stop an entire Nomadgang, but they of the Gold Trident organization,
Europe. The rebels have made it feel that “trained Vigilantes” would have been hiring solosfor protec-
their personal goal to stop these be able todeal with the leaders of the tion.
shipments. Jackelopes, and thus discourage
further attacks. Side A: Owners of super yachts, the
Slde B: The revolutionary front sleek 100 to 200 foot, high tech won-
needs trained Solos to counter the Side B: The Jackelopes number ders which have become a symbol
superior (at least in numbers) gov- close to three hundred members, of ‘‘the ultimate in lifestylesls,
ernment forces. Their main goal is traveling throughout New Mexico, from all walks of life. The majority
the capture of the palace and the Texas, and Arizona in a rag tag fleet are ultra-rich corps and power bra-
deaths of Juan Fidel Perez the Third of stolen greyhound buses and bat- kers, netrunners who
and his chief staffers. They have tered recreational vehicles. Most made it big and wish to remain ob-
promised ashare of “the riches of the dangerous are their armed scouts, scure, wealthy inheritors of ~~~~i~~
national treasury” to all ‘Yriends”who who raid local townships with motor and moneylg, and of
help them into power. cycles and flatbedtrucks- The are course, the most powerful of crime
ruled by an extended criminal fam- bosses and fixers. People of this
Jobs: How many times must we ily, and take their new blood from the stature always have enemies, and
point out the sheer lunacy of working dregs of society, raiding local pris- many of these enemies have the
freelance in South America? Still, ons to strengthen their ranks. The to and assault the
there are those who like the chat- City Of Columbus has become a floating castles on which they live.
lenge. Of course, neither side is to favorite target, due to their isolation salaries:$5-6000month
be trusted, and you will be consid- from other cities and their under-
ered expendable at all times. Be manned police forces. Side B: The enemy ranges from
prepared to take the rewards of your organized groups of high tech pi-
labors by force. Exercise caution Jobs: AS stated, the city wishes the ratesto personal enemieswithequal
when “sneaking” into the country, “removal” of the leaders of the Jack- resources. Occasionally, there are
and be ready to bug out at any time elopes, as well as defensive forces conflicts bemeen the Owners of
should the whimsies of these insane to protect against the armed scouts. these super yachts, in
would be dictators turn against you. The pay is not the greatest (wages spectacular and expensivesea
equal to policeOffi-
for local battles. Corporate black teams and
Of rank-about $2000 drug lords with gangs of well armed
a but solos would be aiding boosters have also been known to
in the continued existence of an attack members of the Gold Trident
American city and their people, a Club.
perfect assignment for those who
still believe in causes. Covert Jobs: Owners of super yachts ex-
pect only the best from everyone hiring combat experienced merce-
under their wings, and Solos hired naries with expertise in close quar- Santa Cruz,
for protection are no exception. ters combat, demolition, sabotage California
Security personnel must be well and infiltration. Interested parties The west coast town of
versed in the use of small arms and should contact David Jester at the fighting to cruz is
the Petrochem
heavy weapons, especially ground Armalite headquaters in Vienna.
to air defenses. Combat pilots are drilling rigs for their bay.
preferred, but not the rule. .As Solos History: On July 10,2012, Consoli-
will be working and living among Since the Gang of Four came into
dated Agri-Mining received a key
members of the highest social power, there has been ongoing oil
contract to mine the uranium from
classes, they will be expected to be drilling in the Santa CrudMonterey
the Navahopi mines in eastern
Bay. Initially, the residents of Santa
well cultured and capable of attend- Arizona. Armalite Manufacturing,
ing to the needs of a wide variety of Cruz resorted to petitions and some-
the other firm that had bid for the job,
guests. The actual work varies, but times denial of harbor use to prevent
accused ConAm of paying off cer-
the drilling. Unfortunately for the
can range from simple guard duty to tain officialsand demanded that the
out-and-out warfare with enemy residents, Petrochem took over the
mining be halted until a formal inves-
naval forces. Be prepared for any- drilling operation on Dec. 5, 2008.
tigation could decide the validity of
thing. Petrochem had the influenceto keep
these claims.
their operation running without hav-
ing to worry about the citizens and
Contacting the Gold Trident mem- While the two corporations were
how they felt about the drilling.
bership is best accomplished by legally battling over the contracts, a
sending your resume through the group of Native Americans on the
On March 27, 2010, the citizens of
Net, or by Fax directly to the yachts reservation seized the mines for
Santa Cruz along with a local nomad
owner. If you are hired, you will thirty days, demanding that both cor-
given their location at sea or current gang (The Rabid Lefties) managed
porations get off their land. This
port of call. FAX (20) 176-591-0331 to take over and completely destroy
was, however, perceived to be an
the operation. It was not until this
Armalite plot which insured ConAm
year that Petrochem has finally been
of the contract, which was reinstated
able to overcome the sabotage that
on September 8,2012.
has plagued the reconstruction of
Navahopi On December 25, 2012, acting on
their rigs.
Reservation, company orders, agroup of Armalite
The city of Santa Cruz is has offered
technicians and solos seized the
Arizona mining control room. Following the
a bonus of sixty thousand eurobucks
Consolidated Agri-Mining (ConAm) for each rig destroyed. In addition,
seizure, 125 solos were sent into the
has and is using agovernment spon- they are offering five thousand euro-
mines and began to execute every
sored licence to mine uraniumon the bucks for each confirmed destruc-
ConArn miner.
Navahopi Reservation in eastern tion of a vehicle or ship assigned to
Arizona. Armalite Manufacturing, the project.
Since that first attack, ConAm has
the next highest bidder on the proj- regained control of the mines, but
ect, invaded the mines with the hope Side A: Petrochem is looking for
there are repeatedattempts at sabo-
of gaining control. anti-insurgency experts along with
tage by Armalite and the reservation
solos experienced in naval personal
Side A: ConsolidatedAgri-Mining is combat. Contact Julie Marks at the
looking for combat experienced Petrochem office in Night City for
solo’s, especially those with experi- more information.
ence in close quarters combat,
heavy vehicle operations, sabotage Side B: Santa Cruz is hiring solos
and anti-insurgency. Contact Mar- with experience in sabotage, infiltra-
garet Atwater at the ConAm offices tion and underwater demolitions.
in Zurich.FAX (41)-01-331-5252 Interested parties should apply at
the Santa Cruz City Hall, Santa
Side B: Armalite Manufacturing is Cruz, California, USA.


both sides, as well as full scale urban rebels have resisted all attempts at
Hong Kong, battlesat several sites. Specialists in destruction.
urban combat, infiltration and covert
People’s Republic activities would do well to inquire. Jobs: Straight guerilldcounter-
of China Trade Commercial flights available to guerillawarfare, with both urban and
Hong Kong from most major cities. rural theaters. The guerillas need
Zone Contact Arasaka at their regional people with the ability to knit their
After a small disagreement concern- headquarters. Contact Big Len’s or- forces into a cohesive fighting group,
ing a shipment of weapons to one of ganization via street operatives. Be and enable them to take the capital.
Arasaka‘s enemies, relations be- aware: unusual environment. Ethnic They also desire assassination and
tween the mighty corporation and differences may be involved. There demolitions or bombing experts.
the powerful weapons dealer have will many non-englishspeakers, and The government needs solos who
deteriorated into all out war. traditional methods will be common. are experts at tracking and destroy-
ing insurrectionist cadres in urban
Side A: Arasaka corporation is hir- and rural environments. Solos
versed in infiltration and interroga-
ing: specialists in undercover work Mexico City, tion will be able to contract as well.
and gun running, solos specialized
for urban combat and solos special- Mexico Contact the Mexican government at
izing in the Hong Kong theater of South of the border, the entrenched, any embassy* To get in touch with
operations. Individuals familiar with repressive ~~~i~~~ government the rebels, send a cardwith informa-
Big Len’s operation are especially wages its ongoing war against lib- tion On how to Contact YOU to PO BOX
desired. Salaries: $2-3000 mo. era1 democratic rebels. It‘s guerilla 387, Night City, 94887.
warfare at its nastiest, both urban
Side B: Big Len is hiring anybody and rural.
willing to fight against Arasaka’s re-
gional office in Hong Kong. Arasaka Side A: The Mexican Government is
veterans and defectors with inside hiring solos specializing in counter-
information especially desired. Pay terrorism and anti-guerillawarefare,
by job (usually $5-7000). plus specialists in urban and rural
combat and potential infiltrators.
Additional Background: This is a
sticky one. It seems that Big Len trod Side B: The Mexican rebels are
on Arasaka’s toes when he for- hiring absolutely anyone who is will-
warded some major weapons ship- ing to work for them, and who can
ments to a group of terrorists in-
A new profile In 2011, Solo of Fortune was hired
by the Mirage Corporation, an infor-
1) Speed: How fast was the vehicle
in comparision to others of it’s class?
of vehicles mation brokerage, to help compile
information on choosing vehicles for
As important, how rapidly could the
vehicle increase or decrease speed,
and vehicle use in grey or black operations.
Solo, using vehicles “donated” by
particularly under combat situ-
ations? A multi-leveled test track at
combat various corporations and sophisti-
cated computer models from
Arasaka’s Otokome Training Facil-
ity, using mined and wired fire simu-
statistics Microtech’s Image and Reality Mod-
elling Division, created a report for
lations was used in this test.
By Solo Staff Mirage’s use. Excerpts of this two2) Manuverability:How easy was it
Writer Mikuru year study are reprinted here. for Solo’s test pilots to perform cer-
tain selected manuvers with the
Ponsumisu In testing the vehicles selected, vehicle, relative to other vehicles in
Solo’s testing staff looked at: it‘s class (ground or air)? These tests
generated the raw data used to de- ROTATE
termine the vehicle's overall han- This maneuver is possible for AV-4s, Os- Make a Maneuver Roll when:
dling ability. preys, airogyros and helicopters only. It is
much like a hover, but has the addedcompo- A maneuver is made while the
nent of allowing the vehicle to rotate on it's vehicle is movingfasterthanit's
MANBIJVJMNG center up to 90"in either direction (see illus- listed manuver speed.
In order to compare the relative ca- tration). A i m , Ospreys, and helicopters ro-
pacities of most modern vehicles in tate by rotor pitch; AV's by shifting their When the driver has been
combat, our SOLO staff broke all fans.The vehicular version of this is called a
"bootlegger turn". It is performed by rotating
possible movements into a series of the vehicle 180"and moving it four vehicle
When the vehicle takes a hit.
distinct maneuver actions. These lengths along the original direction of travel
maneuvers were then factored into (see illo). Under dangerous road condi-
the basic maneuverability of the ve- tions, such as ice, gravel roads
hicle type and compared by vehicle PULL AWAY or fog.
class (ground or air) between ve- The maneuver allows the vehicle to pull back
in reverse from an obstacle, combining the
hicles in a combat situation. Each rearwards movement with an upwards mo-
manuver was given a difficulty rat- tion. This rnanuver is possible for Ospreys,
ing-a total ability to perform the airogyros and helicopters only. The AV-4
manuver. version of this is called "viffing". and is pos-
sible only by AV's. "Viff ing" uses the vehicle's
TIIB MANBUVIIRS fans to push it back and over.
This action allows the vehicle to make turns MANEUVER ROIJ,
tighter than 45' in one action. In aircraft, this To make a maneuver,consult the
is known as a break.
Maneuverability Table on page 77.
SWERVE Cross reference the type of maneu-
This action allows the vehicle to move later- ver with the type of vehicle. The
ally around obstacles in it's path, then return result is the Maneuver Difficulty.
to the previous line of travel at high speed.
Used to avoid obstacles (like pedestrians, If piloting a flying vehicle, add +2 for
mines, etc.).
every 50mph over the maneuver ROTATE
HARD BRAKE speed (pg.77, Movement Data
The action of bringing the vehicle to a com- Table) If driving a ground or water
plete stop in a shorter space than is normally vehicle, add +2 for every 10 mph
safe. R is usually used when a crash is over the listed manuver speed.

REVERSE Add the maneuver difficulty and

Straight line movement backwards. your speed modifiers. The total is
the number you must roll greater
TAKE OFWLAND than in order to perform what ma-
This is the action of getting avehicle airborne neuver you've chosen. A failed roll
or putting it back on the ground.
means you have lost control of the
This maneuver is possibile for AV-4s,
Ospreys,airogyros and helicopters only. In Example: I am driving a sports car at
this action, the vehicle can move up or down90 mph. I decide to make a tight turn
up to it's maximum vertical climb/dive rate
per phase.
(+lo). Because 90 mph is 30 mph
faster than the car's manuver
HOVER speed, I add an additional +6 to the
This maneuver is possibile for AV-4s, Os- Maneuver Difficulty. I must roll a
preys, airogyros and helicopters only. The value higher than 16 in order to keep
vehicle may hold positin in one place, bal- control of the car.
anced by it's thrusters or rotors.
72 SOU) OF FOR'I'UNIS, MAY, 2013
Note: in most cases, you will not vehicle will take 1D10 in damage. If armored and relatively unmanuver-
need to require players to make two moving vehicles collide head on, able, ground cars can easily be
maneuvering rolls. The rolls should average both speeds together and penetrated by small arms fire alone.
come into play at any time when the assign the total amount of dice Occasionally, boostergangs or
player is trying to accomplish a feat damage to both vehicles, rounding nomads will mount hand weapons
more difficult than the normal uneven values down. on a vehicle, usually with duct tape
operational use of the vehicle (a car and spring triggers, but again, this is
chase, using an unfamiliar vehicle, Example: Derek still can’t pull his rare-it’s too easy to steal a vehicle-
or manuvering while under fire). A V-4 out of the fatal nosedive it has mounted weapon while the owners’
taken. He hits the deck moving at away. When encountered, these
MODIFIERS 2OOmph. The A Vtakes 1OD 10 worth ‘‘jury rigged’ weapons will fire with a
These are listed on page 77, and of damage. -2 penalty to their basic accuracy.
may be added to the basic difficulty Meanwhile’Mike skids his Toyo into
of the maneuver when applicable. the front of his opponent’s Mustang Example: Derek mounts an M- 16 in
V. The ’Stang is moving at 50, while the front of his Toyo. Normally, the
JABSING AND IWGAININ(; the Toyo is moving at 60. The M-16 has an accuracy of 2. In this
CONTIWI, average is 55. 55 divided by case, because it is fastened to a
Compare the total amount by which 20=2.75; rounded down, this equals harder-to-aim vehicle, it’s accuracy
you have failed your Maneuver roll. 2010 to each vehicle. is reduced to 0.
Compare the result to the table for
your particular vehicle (below). PASSENGIER IIAMAGJE On those rare occasions where mili-
All passengers within a crashing tary-class ground vehicle weapons
The base Roll required to regain vehicle will automatically take one are encountered on the street, ex-
control is 15, plus the amount by half as many dice as their vehicle pect to find swivel mounted machin-
eguns and turrets, firing the equiva-
would (round lent of squad light machine guns
CONTROL ROhL RESUL’I’S odd values (such as the Soviet RPK or US M-
1-3 Minor Skid Slew, aircraft lurches
60), or grenade launchers. These
ample: Mike’s types of light machineguns can
4-6 Major Skid Stall, go into spin, lose 500 ft. alt. per
Toyo takes 2 commonly be found on Corporate
7+ Roll vehicle, Stall, go into tumble, lose 1,000 ft. dice of dam- security jeeps and light troop carri-
crash. aR. per turn. age. However, ers, usually in a dorsal mount or tur-
Mike will only ret.
which you have failed your original take 1 die of damage.
Maneuver Roll. If the Regain Control Aircraft, particularly AVs and rotor-
attempt fails, you must add the Damage to passengers must be lo- wing vehicles have a three dimen-
amount by which you failed the pre- cated by using the random hit tables sional volume of space to work in,
vious attempt to your next attempt. from Friday Night Firefight. allowing machineguns to be used
You may attempt to regain control with far greater effectiveness. It is
once per turn. here that a solo will encounter a full
range of heavy anti-vehicle weap-
Example: Deke misses his Maneu- ons, including heavy machineguns,
Contrary to most “postholocaust” rockets and missiles.
ver rollby4points. To regain control,
genre films, the modern corporate
he must roll greater than 19
mercenary rarely encounters mach- AV’s and airogyros are most often
(15+4=19). Let’s assume that he
ineguns or other projectile arms in armed with the M-134 7.62 minigun,
fails this roll by 5 points. He must
ground vehicles; unless swivel as most of their work is anti-person-
now roll higher than 2 4 (19+5=24) to
regain control of his tumbling A V-4.
mounted, these weapons are nearly ne1in nature. The M-134 is effective
impossible to track on a moving tar- against lightly armored AV’s and
CRASHING get. unarmored airogyros, and is usually
Whether a vehicle hits the ground, a nose-mounted. In most AV-4 com-
On the “street level”, it is far easier to bat, however, TOW missiles or
wall or another vehicle, it will take
lean out of a window and track a modified AIM-9S “Sidewinders” are
damage based on it‘s speed. For
target with shoulder arms. Lightly used for their longer range and ef-
each 20mph increment of speed, a
fectiveness. These are mounted in M-60 Squad Llght Machlnegun to determine the value the missile
two hardpoints to either side of the RIF 1 P 7.62N 100 10 ST must roll below.
aerodyne vehicle. A standard U.S. military machinegun since AIM9S Sidewinder (75%)
the late 195Os, the M-60 is belt fed. It is All-angle heat seeker. Can be confused with
readily available to most corporate forces in flares. Damage: 5D10.
Helicopters (such as the Apache 2013.
and Cobra) are armed with a vari- TOW Mlssile (75%)
ation of the Hughes M230B-2 30mm RPK Sovlet Squad Machlnegun Wire-guided anti-tank missile. Optically
automatic cannon or a scaled down RIF 1 P 7.62SOV 40-75(drum) 5 VR tracked. Can be confused by ECM or flares
version of the 20m Vulcan machine A modified AK-47 without belt feet capacity. (which blind the operator’s optical sight.
Instead, 75 round drum magazines are avail- TOW missiles can be launched from a shoul-
cannon. These aircraft are some-
able. Commonly used in the EuroTheatre. der weapon against air or ground
what less common than AV-4’s (they targets.Damage: 6D10
are military vehicles exclusively), Mk19 Grenade Launcher
and carry the heavier AGM 114A GRL 0 R (see rifle-mountedgrenades) AGM 114A Hellfire (60%)
“Hellfire” or Euromissile HOT anti 50 20 ST Laserguidedairtoground missile. Cannotbe
tank missiles. On rare occasions Designed to fire belt fed 40mm high explo- confused by conventionalcountermeasures.
sivegrenades. Theeffective range is@ 1600 Damage 6D10.
when in the Eastern EuroTheatre feeti500 meters, making this a verydanger-
and the Soviet Bloc, the huge and ous weapon to use in urban areas. Euromlsslle “HOT” (75%)
heavily armed MIL Mi-24 “Hind” can Wire-guided anti-tank missile. Optically
be encountered, with it’s four bar- HEAVY MACHINEGUNS tracked, wire guided. Can be confused by
relled 20mm nose cannon, four side- ECM or flares (which blind the operator’s
M-134 Mlnlgun
mounted rocket pods and anti-tank optical sight. Damage: 5D10.
RIF 0 N P 7.62 NATO 2-4000rounds

Heavy Weapons: Heavy weapons Chaff (-30%)
are defined as grenade launchers, Hughes m3OB-2 Aluminized metal flakes or strands to con-
autocannon, heavy machine guns RIF 0 N P 30mm 1,200 rounds 30 VR fuse radar guided missiles.
A heavy firepower autocannon used in heli-
and missile and rocket launchers* copter warfare. Damage: P/B 8, Close: 18D6 Flares (-15% per flare)
The skill gives the USef the ability to Med L ~9 ~~ ~ 6 ~ f : 6D6
i ~ ~ ~ Extremely ~ : hot and bright magnesium flares,
use any or all of these weapon types. usually with a parachute or shroud to keep
Heavy Weapons Skill can only be 20mmMachlneCannon the flare airborne. Used to attract heatseek-
squired through the Military Educa- RIF 0 N P 20mm 2,3000 rounds 30 VR ers or dazzle optically sighted missiles.
tion Path. Extra IP Cost=+5. A lighter duty machine cannon also used in
helicopters. This version is a “generic” type, ECM (-30%)

any direction). This requires that the Missiles are self propelled, self-con-
target be passing in front of you or trolled weapons. As a result, they roll SIBS ()p
that you be in a tailing position rela- separately to destroy targets. Each COMMON VLlHICIX WAIJLf
tive to the target. If using figures or missile listed has a base Percentage Bell F-52 Airogyro 40 SP
models, position will be fairly obvi- To Hit for it’stype. This percentage is Bell Boeing Osprey (military)
20 SP
ous. If working from descriptions reduced if chaff (metallic strips de- Cessna Swingswing 5 SP
(more common in a roleplaying
context), the Referee will have to tell
signed to confuseradar homing mis-
siles), flares (to confuse heat seek-
~~~~!~~~ 50 SP
15 SP
Dowlass AV-4 Tactical Aero 40 sp
you the relative positions of your ers) or ECM (electronic jamming) Lear-Douglass AV-6 Aerodyne 60 SP
vehicles. are used. Subtract the Defense per- Douglass AV-7 Aerodyne 10 SP
centage for each countermeasure Unarmored automobile 10 SP
LIGHT MACHINEGUNS from the missile’s Percentage to Hit 40 SP
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t o m o b10iSP l e
it difficult to exactly delineate the the US and EuroTheatres, with it’s 1D 10. His total is 4. The Toyogoes
amount of damage a vehicle could civilian equivalent in the ubiquitous into a spin. Mike still has time before
take in a combat situation. This Colt AR-15 used by many corporate he hits the up coming wall. In the
made comparisions quite impos- Solos and police departments. Our next turn, he rolls to regain control.
sible. Eventually, b o scales were profiles produced this information: He needs to beat 15. He scores an
used. The first, called Stopping 18 and pulls out.
Power (SP), is relatedto the scale on
which we have previously measured Locating Damage: When attacking When a vehicle reaches one half of
armorjacks and flack vests (see vehicles, you first must locate where it’s SDP, it must automatically make
Solo, March, 2012) ,and is a meas- you’ve hit. It is nearly impossible to a Control Roll as if it has taken a
ure of the vehicle’s effectiveness as make aimed shots with vehicle- critical hit. At 0 SDP, the vehicle
cover. mounted weapons. However, you automatically crashes if Hying, and
may elect to make aimed shots us- stops moving if on the ground.
Example: Derek throws himself be- ing hand-held weapons. Each ve-
hind the armored door of a Trauma hicle has a random damage location Crashing aircraft automatically take
Team AV-4. The door has an SP of table, much like those used on damage based on the last speed of
40. A hail of assault weapon fire fol- human targets, listed on page 76. the aircraft before the loss of control.
lows him-although a 7.62 slug
would normally cause an average of Critical Hits: SDP is a measure of Armoring Critical Areas: If you are
20 or 3Opoints of damage, the heav- sheer physical volume of the ve- attacking a vehicle directly, you may
ily armored door stops the bullets in hicle. However, every vehicle has still use it’s SP to blunt the effects of
their tracks. Scott isn’t so lucky-he critical areas which, if damaged, can damage. For example, an AV-4‘s
dodges behind a car door with an SP incapacitate it completely. These heavy armor will usually blunt most
of 70. The 7.56 slugs tear through critical hits areas are wings, en- attacks before they can cause criti-
the light door and shred Scott. gines, tires or rotors. Damage done cal damage to the aircraft. Rotors,
in these areas are automatically thrusters, engines and tires can all
The second scale, Structural Dam- tripled. be armored up to an SP of 15.
age Points (SDP), is a relative meas-
ure of how much firepower can be Example: Derek fires at an airogyro, Example: Once again, Derek fires at
poured into the vehicle before it is doing 2Opoints. Normally, this would an airogyro. This one has armored
unable to function as designed. Us- reduce the airogyro’s SDP to 20. rotors and hubs (SP 15). His 20
ing a baseline in which a NATO 5.56 However, his hit slams into a main points of damageare reduced to 5
rotor-a critical hit. The damage (20- 75), which, when the critical
SDl’S OF triples to 60 points-20 more than location rule is applied, is only 15
COMMON VIIIIICJJN the airogyro can take. It goes out of total. The airogyro turns, levels it’s
Bell F-52 Airogyro 40 SDP
control and crashes. minigun, and reduces Derek to snail
Bell Boeing Osprey (military) 200 SDP snot.
Cessna Swingswing 60 SDP Control Rolls: If a vehicle takes a
Helicopter 90 SOP critical hit, it automatically reacts to Hits on Humans Using Vehlcle
Douglass AV-4 Tactical Aero 100 SDP the damage as if it has failed it‘s Weapons: Most of the time, a hu-
Lear-Douglass AV-6 Aerodyne 85 SDP
Control roll. Roll 1D10 and add 3. man taking damage from a vehicle
Douglass AV-7 Aerodyne 50 SDP
Unarmored automobile 50 SOP This is the amount by which the roll type weapon will be reduced to
Bike 30 SDP has been failed. Example: The ai- paste. The firepower is just too over-
Speedboat 60 SDP rogyro Derek plugged back in a whelming. In general, if you’re not
TrucWVan 80 SDP previous example is going down in interested in calculating the impact
flames. The pilot rolls 7070+3 to of every bullet from a minigun spray
steel-jacketed slug causes thirty two determine how bad he’s lost it. He (up to 200 bullets in some cases), we
SD points at point blank range, the rolls a 5-a total of 8! The airogyro suggest you use the following rule of
number of shots required to totally drops 7000 feet in an uncontrolled thumb.
destroy the vehicle in question was tumble. Unfortunantly, it’s only 600
generated via computer modelling, feet up at the time. Splat. 1) All miniguns and autocannon
using field data from various military have an automatic modifier of +5 to
sources. The 5.56 was selected as a Meanwhile, Mike’s Plymouth Toyo hit. Add this to the attackers REF stat
standard round in use throughout takes a hit in the tires. He rolls the + Heavy Weapons Skill + 1D10 ver-
I Scon Ruggeis

sus the Defender’s REF Stat + Ath- calculate a vehicles’s actual scale Vehicles are also rated on three
letics Skill +1 D10. movement, multiply the given speed other factors, found in the Table.
by 1.5. To make this simpler, we These are:
2) Roll 2D10 to determine how many have included a table with common
bulletsthe target took. Usually by the speeds on page 77. When aspeed is AccelerationlDeceleratlon:this is how fast
third or fourth hit, it’s academic. not listed, add the values for the the vehicle can gain or lose speed per phase.
These weapons were designed to nearest combined speeds together:
Maximum Speed: this is the fastest speed
stop tanks and armored cars. Locate the vehicle can achieve.
damage as in Friday Night Firefight. Example: you are moving at 350
mph. On the table, 300mph= Manuever Speed: this is the fastest the
450meters per phase. 50mph=75 vehicle can perform a maneuver without
CAIEULATING SPlZED meters m r phase. Your total move- requiring special drivinglpiloting skills.
In most cases, vehicles (particularily ment is 450+75=525 meters per
aircraft) will be moving far too fast to phase.
accurately use models in scale. To

7 Body Body Body , Driver Body , R.Wing . Body . Rotor Body
8 I Body I Body I Body I Driver I
Body I
Body I
Body I
Rotor I
9 I Body I Weapon I Body Driver Body M Y I Body I M Y M Y
10 Weapon Weapon Body Body Body Body Body Body Body
Attacker chooses location
lOmph 15m 70mph 105m
20mph 30m 80mph 120m
MOVEMIZNT 1)ATA TABLE 30mph 45m 90mph 135m
40mDh I
60m I lOOrnDh I 150m
VEHICLE Max spd. Manuever spd. AccVDecel. 50mph I 75m 1200mph I 300m
1 50pIphase
I60mph I 90m 1300m~hI 450m-1

AV-7 20Omph 1Oomph 50pIphase

Osprey II 350mph 150rnph 50pIphase *Add to Diff icuity Roll
Airogyro. 1Oomph 50 mph 50plphase
Helicopter 2OOmph 150mph 50pIphase Road Hazards MOD
Wet road ........................ +3
Sports car 180mph 60mph 1Optphase Gravel, dirt ..................... +2
Bike 120mph 50mph 1Optphase Ice .................................. +5
Compact 1Oomph 40rnph 5plphase Downhill grade ............... +1
Sedan 1Oomph 30mph 5pIphase
TruckNan 1Oomph 30mph 2plphase Conditions MOD
Speedboat 30mph 15rnph 5pIphase Heavy fog,rain ................ +3
lnsufficient light .............. +3
Driver wounded .........+2 to +6

I EHICLE Tight Swerve Hard Reverse Takeoff Vertical Hover Rotate/ Pullaway
Turn Brake Land Climb/Dive Bootleg

4V-4 (Transport) 1 15 I 10 I 10 I 20 1 15 I 10 I 15 I_ 20 I 25
4V-6(Assautt) I 12 I 10 I 10 1 18 I 15 I 10 I 15 r 18 I 20
4V-7 (Private) 12 10 10 19 15 10 15 19 22

)$prey II 15 10 10 20 15 10 15 20 25

ielicopter 123 10 10 19 15 10 15 19 24

31ke 15 10 15 NA NA NA NA 20 NA
sportscar I IO I io I io I IO I NA I NA I NA I 20 I NA
ampact 1 12 I 12 I 12 I 10 I NA I NA I NA 1 25 I NA

VanKruck 20 20 20 15 NA NA NA 30 NA

Speedboat 15 10 15 20 NA NA NA 20 20

NOTE: You may only make ONE manuver per phase.

AVs, Opsreys & Rotorcraft: Add +2 to difficulty for every 50mph over maneuver spd.
Groundvehicles, boats :Add +2 to difficulty for every 10mph over manuver spd.

0 OF FORTUNE, MAY, 2013 77

__ - ~ _ _ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~

SO! CYBERWARE CONT FROM PG.25 The second story exploded and a behinds. Instead, they began to
Boris' face paled. "We are sol- metal monstrosity plummetedto the close in, and I could see they were
diers in elite guard. We do no such street, cracking the pavement. The calling for the youth's arrests. But it
things. In big cities, younger boys, Sovs opened up like it was Christ- was too late. The pair were winging
bad children, buy on underground mas, but the walking battleship their way down the block, and there
and do things for money and goods. waded right through their 7.62 must have been some feelings of
They have been a problem for some rounds and decked one of the vans gratitude amongst the grunts, be-
time." He shook his head sadly, and like it was a pencil-necked prize cause they never opened fire.
his partner nodded in agreement. fighter. Walking through the carnage, I
Well, at least there was a hint of The hardware was hopelessly was drafted into helping evacuate
action. Maybe the younger genera- crude, almost a parody, but there the wounded. I helped an young
tion had found the time to lighten up was no denying what Iwas seeing. A injured officer to his feet and intro-
and make a profit for itself. I was borged-out Russian, five blocks duced myself as a reporter working
beginning to look forward to my stay from Red Square! for the London Times. Fortunately,
in Moscow. My respect for the bulky Soviet he spoke passable English and after
I made it past Boris and his pal cyberware increased geometrically he got over his initial surprise,l was
without them discovering the .177 with every passing second. It may able to ask him about the two appar-
explosive tipped caseless rounds not look nice, but it sure can kick the ent Solos we had just seen in action.
concealed in the arm. They didn't hell out of everything that gets in its "There are a few." he began.
even bother to examine the eye. I way. "Mostly younger men and women.
guess they have never seen a one Lightly armed, I ran for cover. They like Western things; music,
shot optic before. Icaught a cab into Behind me, there was a sound like food. There are places to buyevery-
the city and made myway to the U.S. two trains crashing. I chanceda look thing. There are doctors who
embassy. After filling out too many over my shoulder. smuggle cybernetic parts in from
forms, I acquired my gear and a The big Russian borg was on his Europe and America." He grimaced,
rented car. I also picked up a tail. It back, a dent the size of a basketball showing his displeasure. "They are
looked like the old style government in his chest. Standing over him was young and reckless. They replace
paranoia was still in effect. a young man with three blades the things that do not need replacing.
This would never do. The Ameri- size of garden shears poking out of Interfere with business which is not
can rental, designed for visiting his forearm. Behind him, a woman their own. It is most illegal."
Dips, was equipped for plugs, and I jacked in to a .50 anti-tank rifle was I pointed out that their interfer-
quickly jacked in and lost my frus- in a ready crouch. The borg stag- ence had probably kept his butt out
trated follower. Moments later, gered to his feet and launched him- of the intensive care ward. That
cruising through the back streets, self at the two young Russians. produced the hint of a smile.
looking for signs that Moscow had They danced out of the way and let "The children these days. Who
something to offer me, I was re- him have it from both sides. The girl can understand them?"
wardedby sirens. Two red and white shoved the rifle barrel through the Who indeed?
police vans screamed by, sirens chest plates and held down the trig-
wailing, four heavily armed soldiers ger. The guy with the blades deliv-
hanging onto the running boards for ered an expert wheel kick that caved
dear life. Acting on a hunch, I gave in the side of the 'borg's armored
chase. I was richly rewarded. head. They were suicidal moves,
To make a long story short, I found and Iwaited for the 'borg to clamp its
what I was looking for. The police paws down on the both of them, but
had surrounded one of the city's the action never came. The pair
newer ferro-concrete apartment rolled out of the way as something
blocks and had heavy weapons deep inside the cyberpsycho ma-
trained on the front doors. I worked niac gave way, and blood and
my way around the barriers, flashing smoke poured out of lethal wounds.
fake Pravda credentials to a pair of The borg was finished.
soldiers who were too stressed to You would expect that the police
argue. I unpacked my Nikkon and would have dashed out and kissed
waited. those two for saving their Bolshevik


choice of hard styles expected. We
prefer applicants who can “get the
point across” through intimidation
before resorting to other methods. A
bartenders’ license is a plus. Walk in
applications now being accepted.

F. Solo, expert in infiltration and in-

formation gathering. Corporate and
Street experience Will arrange
Adventure, Information and other personnel for delicate
operations. A perfect record of over
Classifieds for the four years of professional freelance
work. For resume, contact via SOF
Professional Corporate Soldier code #23113.

ground, we just need you to get the

Are You job done.
Looking for a challenge? Applications now being accepted at
Willing to stare death In the Night City Precinct #1
face and laugh?
Kind and considerate of Security team needed for inter-corp
others? wedding reception. Corporate ex-
Just in it for the money? perience and good social skills pre-
Too crazy to know when to ferred. Reply via SOF code #23684
Former cybersoldier (Lima, Pan- Is always looking for fresh tal-
REO Meatwagon is looking for ama, Nambia, Philippines). ent. We have competitive sala-
above average Solos who want Chipped and plugged. Looking for ries and benefits, and the
a supplement to their regular extraction work. Reply via SOF comfort of the largest security
freelance work. With REO, code #23399 force in the business.
you’ll have the chance to hone
your skills while working with Rated class 12 sniper (C.I.A. clas- We are looking for Solos with
trained professionals from sification) w/ optics and plugs. corporate experience. The
other fields. You’ll make new Weapons designed custom for as- more companies you have
connections, score big deals, signments. Inquire via SOF code worked for, the better. You
earn good wages, and earn the #23176 for extended resume. may have the skills and knowl-
respect given to all members of edge we need to make you a
Trauma Teams. Former government Limo driver w/ competitor in your field.
Apply at any of our local of- combat driving experience seeks
fices in your city. If you got what work in similar field. Reply via SOF Arasaka is not for everyone.
it takes, you’ve got the job! code #23856 You must be willing to invest
your heart in the company, as
Now hiring for “investigation and in- we invest our time and dollars
Skip this if YOU don’t live on the formation gathering” inside Hondu- in you. The rewards of loyal
Edge ras. Jungle experience a must, Spe- service are generous.
Every Solo with a liittle hardware cial Forces recon preferred. For Send us your application via
thinks they can handle Cyberpsycho more information, log in Net code the Net and you will be consid-
duty on a city police force. Most are “White Crown” via New York uplink ered for an interview.
wrong. You will be outgunned, out- #13 Arasaka Security: The last
classed, and up against nearly unkil- career move you will ever
lable maniacs. If you are not the Bouncer needed at “The Afterlife” need to make
best, you won’t last a week. bar in Night City. I.R. optics re-
We don’t want to know your back- quired. 3rd Dan or above in your
attendants. Live the excitement of
ORBITAL AIR show business with us. Our employ-
ees get full backstage priveleges.
The New American Revolutionary
Is now accepting applications for Meet the stars and work with re- Party wants men and women with
security position On weekly to spected, professional personal se- guts. We are sinking into decrepi-
L-5*Orbital work experience a must* curity contractors. No experience tude. Our weak kneed government
Good interpersonal skills- ex- necessary, just toughness. Some has sold our country out from under
periencepreferredbut not familiarity with booster/posergangs us. Only through the establishment
Send via Our Officers preferred. Must be able to work of a new order born of the fire in your
will be in touch. nights, weekends. Stop by the back soul and the blood of those who have
entrance and ask for Howie. Bring betrayed us can we once again rise
your studded gloves! to ourdestined might. May the Eagle
We're the Oldest in the Fly Again! Call 05-28-555-FREE. No
Business Night City Police wimps.
We're always looking for a few good The Night City police department is
men and women. The American hiring promising young men and 6'4", can bench 380 and a
Central Intelligence Agency has women for it's regular force. Learn Bear at box 423.
been keeping the world safe for police and investigative skills. Help
democracy for close to a century. If make the streets safer for those less We're looking for combatvetswith at
you would like to be part of the win- capable than yourselves. We espe- least years in-country experi-
ning team, send your name and cially need candidates for the 'borg ence to help Our cause. J.

social security number to our Wash- squad. Apply at City Hall today. Swaggarti p-o- 7356 Berkeley,
inaton branch. If YOU check out, we CA 94707-0356.
w'il get back to iou. Citizens of
socialist nations need not apply.
SOLI)1111W Souvenirs: Authentic Vietnam War
The Republic of Mexico needs bat- surplus. American and Sino-Soviet
I CENTRAL IRTEUIGENCE I tlefield-experienced solos to aid in rifles. arenades and other miscella-
I UENCY I our ongoing war with savage insur-
rectionist forces. Pay negotiable.
neousequipment. West Coast Sur-
plus 666 Devils Lane, Night City, CA
The C.I.A.
It's not just a job It's a way Good chow. Contract immediately
for tours from one month to four
of life
years. We can provide the latest Is it true that you can buy used cy-
equipment. Extra benefits for indi- beware from the U.S. Government
IllterTech viduals with command experience for only !$44eb? Call 1-800-555-
We're a and comin?9 or special skills. Help preserve a 8872 for details.
nanotechnology company based In benign, democratically elected gov-
Night city- Our security forces are in ernment. Enlistment bonus if you If you need a job done, then I'm your
the latter stages Of assembly, but sign up before the end of the calen- man. I have over 3 years combat
larger* establishedcops are dar year. Se habla EspaTiol. See experience in covert operations. In-
ready attempting to steal the your local Mexican recruiting board terested parties reply to box 341.
mation that will enable our company or tourism office.
to succeed. We need more man- Are you female? An expert in infiltra-
power! If you're long on talent, but Strike a Blow for Libem! tion with at least 4 years field expe-
short On talkto We Help the valiant Mexican freedom rience? The Bitch, an all female solo
want personnelwho can grow fighters throw of the tyrannical yoke group, wants you. Contact Debbie
with Our company- Add a 'lid entry of the totalitarian government. Our at Box 2013, Palo Alto, CA 94301.
to your with an lnterTech leaders are puppets of big business.
tour Of dub', and be On the They grow fat on the backs of our T.C. We met down at the canal in the
edge! people! Reasonable wages. Must 21st Infantry. The Rat PAck is hav-
OMUEBUE@rn have your own equipment. All solos
accepted. We need you . Send a
ing a reunion and we'd like to see
you. Call Butch at Rick's Bar on the
Solos letter stating how we may contact 29th.
The Maelstrom, Night City's hottest YOU to Box 387, Night City, 94887-
live music club, needs bouncers and Help US in Our hour of need!

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