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The Source of Essential, High-Quality Products: Rendering

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The Source of
Essential, High-Quality

Second Edition


he North American rendering industry is a major force in maintaining a clean
............. environment: Every year it recycles approximately 59 billion pounds of per-
ishable material generated by the livestock and poultry meat/poultry process-
ing, food processing, supermarket and restaurant industries. The rendering industry
1. turns this material into valuable ingredients for various soaps, paints and varnishes,
Product Quality 3
cosmetics, explosives, toothpaste, pharmaceuticals, leather, textiles, and lubricants.
2. In fact, the industry returns the majority of its finished products to the feed industry
Quality Control 5 in the form of high-energy fats and high-quality protein ingredients that supplement
the diet and enable efficient production of beef, veal, pork, poultry, fish, eggs, and
Animal Nutrition 9 milk. The pet food industry also benefits by having access to a vast array of nutrient-
rich and flavorful ingredients for rations that maintain healthy companion animals.
Non-Food & Feed
Products 18
2005 Production and Exports of U.S. Rendered Products

Environmetal Aspects 19 in 1000 in 1000
PRODUCT metric tons metric tons
6. Inedible Tallow 2,208 650
Biosecurity 20
Meat Meal & Tankage 2,704 194
7. Edible Tallow 790 139
Cost & Economics 23
Yellow Grease 606 289
Feather Meal 393 42

Source: US Dept. of Commerce, M20K Series, US Bureau of Census

The economic impact of the rendering industry is significant as the manufacture

and trade in rendered products is an important component of the agricultural
economy of the United States. During 2005, the production value of US rendered
products was estimated at approximately $2.7 billion. The total production vol-
ume of rendered products in 2005 was 8,067 thousand metric tons with exports
totaling 1,427 thousand metric tons.

These valuable ingredients are in demand because they are high quality, uniform,
stable, affordable, and nutritionally dense. Because North American renderers
process at optimum temperatures over a prescribed length of time and because
they use strict quality control procedures such as ISO 9000, good manufacturing
practices (GMPs), and embrace the principles of hazard analysis critical control
points (HACCP), they produce protein meals and fats that are safe and reliable
feed ingredients for animals.

Animal protein meals are excellent sources of calcium, phosphorus, protein, and
essential amino acids. Animal fats added to feed rations provide needed energy
and improve palatability. Animal fats can also be used as a biofuel or as a raw
material to be used to produce biodiesel.
To render: “to reduce, convert, or
melt down (fat) by heating.”
— from Old French rendre, “to give back.”

Animal byproducts that

would otherwise have
been discarded have for
centuries been rendered
into fat which is an
A nd indeed rendering does give back. Animal byproducts that would other-
wise have been discarded have for centuries been rendered into fat which
is an essential ingredient in the manufacture of soap, candles, glycerin, and
industrial fatty acids. More recently animal protein meals have been produced as
feed supplements for companion, meat-producing animals, poultry, fish and fat is
essential ingredient in the used as a biofuel.
manufacture of soap,
candles, glycerin, and
industrial fatty acids.
The Producers and the Process
More recently animal
protein meals have been Renderers operate about 302 rendering plants in North America. Some of these are
produced as feed supple- associated with a slaughtering facility (packer/renderers) and process only the facil-
ments for companion, ity’s by-products. The others are independent facilities that gather raw material from
meat producing animals, other processors, supermarkets, butcher shops and restaurants.
poultry, fish and fat is
used as a biofuel. Rendering is a cooking and drying process that yields fat of varying grades, both edi-
ble and inedible, and animal and poultry protein meals. At one time fat was sepa-
rated from raw material by boiling the raw material with water, a process known as
wet rendering. Now it is done by dry rendering, a process that releases the fat by
dehydrating raw material in a batch or continuous cooker. This process eliminates
the direct physical contact of added water and live steam with raw materials.

In batch cooking, the horizontal vessel is filled with raw material and sealed. The
material is processed under controlled conditions at atmospheric pressure depend-
ing on the raw material, the cooked material is discharged, and the cycle is repeat-
ed. With continuous cooking, the raw material is fed semi-continuously to the cook-
er, and the cooked material is discharged at a constant rate. A continuous render-
ing system normally consists of a large single cooking unit, whereas the batch sys-
tem consists of a few to many, smaller cooking units. A continuous system usually
has a higher capacity than a batch system, which allows for more efficient process-
ing of the raw material by processing more material in less time. When the raw
material is processed, it is first mechanically sized and then cooked. As the materi-
al cooks, it releases moisture and fat.

Rendering is a cooking The discharge from the cookers is either passed across a vibrating screen or is con-
and drying process that veyed over a perforated screen (drain screw) to allow the free-run fat to drain. This
yields fat of varying process separates the greasy cooked product (tankage—35% fat content) from the
grades, both edible and free fat. These greasy protein solids (4 to 6% moisture) are processed through a
inedible, and animal and screw press to reduce the residual fat in the pressed protein to approximately 10 to
poultry protein meals. 12% dry rendered tankage, called cracklings. Cracklings are sometimes sold as a
commodity and priced on their protein content. Otherwise, cracklings are screened
and ground with a hammermill to produce meat meal (less than 4% phosphorus), or
meat and bone meal (more than 4% phosphorus).

1. Product Quality

Product quality begins roduct quality begins with the raw material, but timeliness is also essential.
with the raw material, but Subjecting the raw material to heat as quickly as possible will prevent
timeliness is also essential. enzymes and bacteria, that occur naturally in all raw animal byproducts,
from degrading the protein and fat. The raw material is cooked at a predetermined
Quality of the finished and continuously monitored and maintained temperature, at atmospheric pressure.
products also depends on To ensure that the raw material throughout the vessel cooks uniformly (which, inci-
conveying, pumping, and dentally, increases production rate and decreases energy costs), it is chopped into
storage conditions. pieces of 2.5 cm (1 inch) in diameter or smaller. The same heat that removes mois-
ture and extracts fat also inactivates pathogenic organisms in the animal's tissues.

Quality of the finished products also depends on conveying, pumping, and storage
conditions. Feed grade animal fat or more properly, "fat product, feed grade," as offi-
cially defined by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (2006) is "any
fat product which does not meet the definitions for animal fat, vegetable fat or oil,
hydrolyzed fat, or fat ester. It must be sold on its individual specifications which will
include the minimum percentage of total fatty acids, the maximum percentage of
unsaponifiable matter, the maximum percentage of insoluble impurities, the maxi-
mum percentage of free fatty acids, and moisture. The specifications must be guar-
anteed on the label. If an antioxidant(s) is used, the common name(s) must be indi-
cated followed by the words "used as a preservative." It must be sold on its individ-
ual specifications, including:
Total fatty acids minimum %
Unsaponifiable matter maximum %
Insoluble Impurities maximum %
Free fatty acids maximum %
Moisture maximum %

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has regulatory authority over the pro-
duction of rendered products. Section 201 of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act
defines food as "articles used for food or drink for man or other animals." This sec-
tion of the act categorizes animal feed with food for humans.

Renderers typically incorporate good manufacturing practices (GMPs), hazard

analysis and critical control point (HACCP), or ISO 9000 in their processes. These
procedures ensure that their rendered products will be produced in a sanitary and
wholesome fashion.

As with any dry feed ingredient, animal and poultry meals can be kept for long peri-
ods if stored in the proper environment. The rendering process kills all bacteria from
the product as it leaves the cookers; however like other feed ingredients, the meals
can be recontaminated through various environmental sources during storage, han-
dling, and distribution. Since animal proteins provide a food source that could
enhance bacterial growth, extra care must be taken to prevent bacterial and water
contamination when storing and handling meals. To increase the shelf-life of the
meals, antioxidants can be added, either during cooking or during the blending of
various meals.

Fats should be stored and handled in steel or iron tanks and pipes, and any contact
Fats must be sold on
with brass or copper avoided. Even short exposure to brass or copper accelerates
their individual specifi-
oxidation, leading to rancidity. Moderate heat will not damage dry, clean fat; but
cations, including the
moderate heat in the presence of excess moisture and insolubles increases the free
minimum percentage of
fatty acids and instability of the fat, resulting in a higher probability of rancidity.
total fatty acids, the
When fats are handled properly and stabilized with the right amount and type of
maximum percentage of
antioxidant, they can be stored for long periods. Every effort should be made to
insoluble impurities, the
avoid admitting air to the fat, specifically: Seals on the suction side of truck-unload-
maximum percentage of
ing pumps should be tight; and, fat should be brought into tanks through internal
free fatty acids, and the
down-pipes with tips submerged or floating.
amount of moisture.
The specifications must Fat must be liquid to be pumpable, however care is needed as excess heat acceler-
be guaranteed on the ates all deterioration processes. Storing fats at temperatures slightly above the melt-
label. If an ing point will maintain the quality of the final product. Then, immediately before
antioxidant(s) is used, application, the fats should be heated to improve mixing and absorption in feeds.
the common name(s)
must be indicated fol- Animal feeds contain natural oils and added animal fats and other lipid-like com-
lowed by the words pounds, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K and flavorings. All fats and oils have the
“used as a preservative.” potential to deteriorate (oxidize). The appropriate use of antioxidants prevents dete-
rioration. Environment factors—more than 0.5% moisture, excessive temperature,
the presence of light, contact with oxygen and enzymes—all can influence the
degree and rate of oxidation.

Antioxidants react with free radicals to form molecules that are less reactive, and
therefore stop free radicals from catalyzing the propagation of additional radicals.
Of the many natural and synthetic antioxidants available, those commonly used for
fat are butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), mixed
tocopherols, ethoxyquin, and citric acid. The efficacy of the antioxidant depends on
the fat. Laws and regulations also control antioxidant use. Many countries limit
maximum levels; tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), for instance, is widely used in
the United States but is not authorized for use in the European Union.

2. Quality Control

R endered fats and animal and poultry protein meals are subjected to
various laboratory tests to ensure that the product meets specifications
for its type.

Tests for fats:

Boehmer number refers to a test to find out whether tallow is mixed in with lard.
A number is less than 73 indicates that contamination has occurred.
Chick edema is the name of a test conducted by gas chromatography used to
detect chemicals found in herbicides that cause abnormal accumulation of body
fluid in connective tissue (edema) in chickens.
Color is quantified by comparing a sample of filtered liquid fat to the Fat
Analysis Committee (FAC) standard and assigning it a number from 1 (lightest) to
45 (darkest). Other tests are also commonly used.
At the same time as heat R&B (refined and bleached) color defines tallow grade. For example, the specifi-
removes moisture and cation for extra fancy tallow is usually 1 red, but is sometimes specified at 0.5 red.
extracts fat, it inactivates Fatty acid profile is the relative amounts of the 16 possible fatty acids as deter-
pathogenic organisms in mined by gas chromatography.
the animal’s tissues. Free fatty acids (FFA), the amount of fatty acids split from the triglyceride or fat
molecule and dissolved in the fat, are a measure of the hydrolysis that has taken
place within the fat molecule. Time, temperature, and the presence of mois-
ture, bacteria, and enzymes influence the hydrolysis of fat into free fatty acids
and glycerol.
Insoluble Impurities is defined as the small amount of sediment that is included
as a routine analysis for all fats and oils including tallow and is the “I” portion of
the MIU analysis. Trade of tallow (less than 0.15% impurities) and derivatives
made from this tallow should not be restricted regardless of a country’s bovine
spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) status.
Iodine value (IV) is a measure of the chemical unsaturation of the fat. It is
expressed as the number of grams of iodine absorbed by 100 g of fat sample.
Moisture, impurities, unsaponifiables (MIU) should not exceed 1 to 2%, depend-
ing on how the fat is to be used. Moisture in fat arises from slight emulsification
during processing and is determined by distillation with toluene or by heating; it
should be 0.5 to 1%. Unsaponifiables are any material that will not saponify
(form soap) when mixed with a caustic, including sterols, pigments, and hydrocar-
bons. They are soluble in ordinary fat solvents, however, because the animal
cannot digest them, they lower the energy value of the fat. These particles are
inherent in all fats, both animal and vegetable, and may arise from contamination.
Peroxide value (PV) (also referred to as initial peroxide) is a measure of the
amount of oxidation that has occurred in the fat.
Specifications for Tallows & Greases


GRADE Min °C max max max

Edible Tallow 41.0 0.75 3.0 none *

Lard 38.0 0.50 *** none *
Top White Tallow 41.0 2.00 5.0 0.5 1
All Beef Packer Tallow 42.0 2.00 none 0.5 1
Extra Fancy Tallow 41.0 3.00 5.0 none 1
Fancy Tallow 40.5 4.00 7.0 none 1
Bleachable Fancy Tallow 40.5 4.00 none 1.5 1
Prime Tallow 40.5 6.00 13-11B none 1
Feeding trials of extracted Special Tallow 40.0 10.00 21.0 none 1
fats and oils to animals
No 2 Tallow 40.0 35.00 none none 2
have been reported since
A Tallow 39.0 15.00 39.2 none 2
the 1890s, but fats and
oils in quantity did not Choice White Grease 36.0 4.00 13-11B none 1
become available at Yellow Grease *** **** 39.0 none 2
affordable prices until * moisture maximum 0.20%, insoluble impurities maximum 0.05%
the 1940s. ** Lovibond Color 51⁄4 cell–max 1.5 red. Lard peroxide value 4.0 ME/K Max.
*** Titer minimum and FFA maximum, when required, to be negotiated between buyer and seller
on a contract-by-contract basis.
**** FFA Maximum, when required, to be negotiated between buyer and seller on a contract-by-
by contract basis.
Source: American Fats & Oils Association

Pesticide residue must not exceed defined levels for certain chemicals that are
toxic to animals—0.5 ppm for DDT, DDD, and DDE; 0.3 ppm for dieldrin; 2.0
ppm for PCB.
pH is determined on a scale of 0 to 14: 7 is neutral, below 7 is acid, above 7
is alkaline.
Polyethylene (PE) is a foreign material in tallow, which finds its way into the
rendering plant as meat wrappers mixed in with raw material.
Rate of filtration is an analytical method in which a given volume of liquid fat
sample will filter in a specified time under standard conditions. Filtration is
slowed by the presence of fine particles and glue substances; the rate of filtration
indicates whether a batch of fat will give processing difficulties.
Saponification value (SV) is an estimate of the mean molecular weight of the
constituent fatty acids in a fat sample. It is defined as the number of milligrams
of potassium hydroxide required to saponify 1 g of fat. The higher the SV, the
lower the mean chain length of the triglycerides.
Titer is the solidification point of the fatty acids, an important characteristic in
fats used to produce soap or fatty acids. Trade practice is to designate animal
fats with titers of 40°C and up as tallow, and those below 40°C as grease.
Total fatty acids (TFA)—both the free fatty acids and those combined with glyc-
6 erol (intact glycerides)—should exceed 90%. Fat is composed of approximately
Average Nutrient Composition of Animal Protein Feeds


Crude Protein (%) 55 50 80 58 85

Crude Fat (%) 10 10 6 12 1
Crude Fiber (%) 2 3 3 2.1 1
The energy value of 50% Crude Ash (%) 15 28.8 2.8 18 4.5
protein meat and bone Moisture (%) 7.5 7.5 7.5 6.5 9.5
meal is approximately Metabolizable
2500 kcal/kg. Energy (kcal/kg) 2776 2444 3240 3300 3420
TDN (g/kg) 78 69 82 88 94
The most efficiently used Calcium (%) 8.5 10.1 0.33 3 0.3
protein supplement is
Phosphorus (%) 3.5 5.0 0.55 1.7 0.25
blood meal; it guarantees
Methionine (%) 0.8 0.7 0.6 1.2 0.6
85% crude protein.
Methionine &
Cysteine (%) 1.15 1.05 3.6 2.2 2.0
Lysine (%) 3.2 2.75 2.0 2.7 7.0
Tryptophan (%) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.1
Choline (mg/kg) 2100 2000 1090 5940 750

* Average values of US commercial samples decreased by 1⁄2 standard deviation according to

actual variation
Source: National Renderers Association

90% fatty acids and 10% glycerol. The calorie content for glycerol is about
4.32 calories per gram compared with 9.4 for fatty acids. Since fatty acids con-
tain more than twice the energy of glycerol and some other fatty substances, the
TFA content of fat indicates energy content.

Tests of animal and poultry protein meals:

Ash is the percentage of the residue of mineral matter remaining after incinera-
tion. The ash content varies with the raw material, reflecting the ratio of bone to
soft offal processed.
Calcium to phosphorus ratio in meat and bone meal cannot exceed 2.2 to 1 with the
actual content being approximately 9 to 10% calcium and 4.0 to 4.5% phosphorus.
Digestibility is the percentage of feed stuff taken into the digestive tract that is
absorbed into the body. Meat and bone meal is 85% digestible or better using
.2% pepsin.
Fat content of animal and poultry protein meals is the residual fat left after
centrifuging and pressing, usually 8 to 11% for meat meals and 10 to 14% for
poultry meals.
By the time the product Fiber is a relatively indigestible carbohydrate of little value to animals other than
leaves the cookers, the ruminants. Fiber content of meat and bone meal is normally less than 2% (soy-
rendering process has bean meal contains 5 to 6%).
killed all bacteria. Microscopic analysis reveals impurities such as sand or glass and metal particles.
Moisture content in meals is the residual water after the raw material has been
cooked; it typically varies between 4 and 6% with a maximum of 10%. A lower
percentage indicates overcooking.
Pesticide residues—tolerance levels for the residual fat are the same as for free
fats (0.5 ppm for DDT, DDD, DDE; 0.3 ppm for dieldrin; 2.0 ppm for PCB).
Protein content varies with the product: 45 to 55% for meat meals with 50%
being the standard; 80 to 90% for blood meal; 58 to 70% for poultry byproduct
meal; 80 to 90% for feather meal; 57 to 77% for fish meal.
Salmonella contamination can be reduced by adhering to good manufacturing
practices, namely preventing traffic of workers and equipment from the raw-
material–handling area into the finished goods area and controlling excessive
dust and moisture in finished material, handling equipment, and storage area.
8 An insect, bird, and rodent control program is essential.
3. Animal Nutrition

Livestock, poultry, and
ivestock, poultry, and fish require approximately the same nutrients as
fish require approximate-
human beings—protein, carbohydrates, fat, minerals, vitamins, etc.
ly the same nutrients as
Animals must be well-nourished if they are to be healthy and produce high-
human beings—protein,
quality meat, milk, eggs, and fish.
carbohydrates, fat, miner-
als, vitamins, etc.
Animals must be well Animal Fats
nourished if they are to
be healthy and produce The following categories of animal fats are recognized:
high quality meat, milk,
Choice white grease – A specific grade of mostly pork fat defined by hardness,
eggs, and fish. color, fatty acid content, moisture, insolubles, unsaponifiables, and free fatty acids.
Edible tallow – Exclusively beef, this product is rendered from fat trimmings and
bones taken from further processing at a slaughterhouse. The product is of light
color and low moisture, insolubles, unsaponifiables, and free fatty acids. The
tallow may be further refined, polished, and deodorized to become a cooking
fat. The pet food industry generally uses the crude product not shipped under
seal, often referred to as technical tallow.
Edible – Fats and proteins produced for human consumption which are under
the inspection and processing standards established by the US Department of
Agriculture, Food and Safety Inspection Service (USDA/FSIS).
Fat products – Tallow and grease.
Feed grade animal fat – Also known as “Fat product, feed grade” is any fat prod-
uct which does not meet the definitions for animal fat, vegetable fat or oil,
hydrolyzed fat or fat ester. It must be sold on its specifications which will
include the minimum percentage of total fatty acids, the maximum percentage of
unsaponifiable matter, the maximum percentage of insoluble impurities, the
maximum percentage of free fatty acids and moisture.
Inedible – Fats and proteins produced for animal, poultry, and fish consumption
or for other non-edible uses.
Lard – Edible grease, the process and parameters of which are the same as for
edible beef tallow, but with pork as the raw material.
Poultry fat – Animal fat produced from poultry.
Tallow – Primarily from beef fat, defined by hardness, moisture, insolubles,
unsaponifiables, free fatty acids, fatty acid content, and color with a titer of
40.0°C or higher.
Yellow grease – This material is usually made up of restaurant greases (fats and
oils from cooking). Another source could be from rendering plants producing
lower quality tallow, fats, and greases.
Uses of Animal Fats
Of the many uses for rendered fats and greases, in North America the largest mar-
ket is as a supplement in animal feeds. Occasional feeding trials of extracted fats
and oils to animals have been reported since the 1890s, but fats and oils in quan-
tity did not become available at affordable prices until the 1940s.

The practice of feeding fats grew rapidly in the 1970s and 1980s. Adding fat to
diets improves the profitability of livestock and poultry production by lowering the
cost of production. Specifically, added fat offers the following advantages:

reduces dust
provides essential fatty acids
enhances food palatability
Fats contain approxi-
increases energy density of rations and feed efficiency
mately 2.25 times the
energy content of cereals prevents constipation
and soybean meal. counteracts heat stress
Moreover studies indi- serves as an efficient energy source
cate that fat has a syner- improves absorption of fatsoluble vitamins
gistic response in swine increases egg weight
feeds and can be worth improves persistence of lactation and milk yield
as much as 3.8 times the improves piglet survival and litter size
value of corn on a net is a source of energy
energy basis.
is a carrier of fat-soluble vitamins.
usually guarantees low feed conversion rates.
can affect shrimp body cholesterol level, hence molting and
growth rates. It also affects body fatty acid profiles and fatty
acid profiles in the hepatopancreas.

Animals convert carbohydrates and fats to heat energy to maintain body tempera-
ture and energy for growth, strength, and vital bodily functions. Simple carbohy-
drates, such as starches and sugars are highly nutritious and easily digested.
Complex carbohydrates, like those from the fiber of plants, are much less digestible
and are important only to cattle, sheep, goats, and other ruminants. Traditional
small grains for ruminants usually contain from 1 to 3% fat, 8% minerals, 18% pro-
tein, and 71% carbohydrates. Fats contain approximately 2.25 times the energy
content of cereals and soybean meal. Moreover studies indicate that fat has a syn-
ergistic response in swine feeds and can be worth as much as 3.8 times the value of
corn on a net energy basis.

Dietary fat also contributes an extra caloric effect by interacting with other dietary
components to increase their absorption that, in turn, increases the metabolizable
energy of the diet. Furthermore, added fat increases utilization of the metabolizable
energy by reducing the heat increment, which increases the net energy of the diet.
Dietary fat also con- Thus energy and nutrients are much more concentrated in a diet high in fats than
tributes an extra caloric one high in carbohydrates. This concentration permits greater flexibility in formu-
effect by interacting with lating cost-effective feeds. Such flexibility is especially important in regions of the
other dietary components world where grain is considered too valuable to be used in animal feed; areas where
to increase their absorp- the feed manufacturer must rely on less expensive, low-energy grain byproducts.
tion that, in turn, increas-
Other improvements include the lubricating value of fats, reduction of dust, reduc-
es the metabolizable
tion of particle separation, and improved palatability of feeds for all species. Adding
energy of the diet.
fat to feeds prevents particle settling as it reduces dust in equipment.
Furthermore, added fat
increases utilization of Dairy cows may lose 1 to 1.5 kg (2 to 3 lb) body weight per day during early lacta-
the metabolizable energy tion. If weight loss is excessive or if body fat stores are depleted, milk production,
by reducing the heat health, and reproduction will be compromised. Consequently, maximizing energy
increment, which intake during early lactation becomes critical. Supplemental animal fat can con-
increases the net energy tribute as much as 3.5% of dry matter. A rule of thumb is to feed an amount of fat
of the diet. equivalent to that secreted in the milk. For the first 6 weeks of lactation, supplemen-
tal fat should be limited to 0.25 to 0.5 kg (0.55 to 1.1 lb) per cow per day. Animal
fat can be mixed in rations as long as milk yield or body conditions respond, per-
haps 20 to 30 weeks of lactation.

The major use of fat in beef cattle diets is to increase average daily weight gain and
11 efficiency of feed utilization. For example, supplementing diets of flaked milo or dry
Recycling rolled corn with 4% fat increased daily gain and feed efficiency, and
improved the carcass characteristics, as did adding 4 to 8% yellow

Animal grease to barley-based diets.

Today, producers are successfully feeding 2 to 4% supplemental fat

Byproducts in ruminant diets. This variation depends on the level of residual fat
content in the principal feed grains used in the ration. Tallow (which
produces a much higher response than grease or vegetable oil),
grease, and animal–vegetable fat blends are economical sources of
fat for this purpose.

Likewise, with lactating sows, supplementary fat increases energy

density, reduces voluntary daily feed intake (thereby lowering the
feed cost per sow), increases metabolizable energy intake, reduces
weight loss, and increases weanling weights. Feeding high levels of
fat to sows before farrowing and during lactation has been shown to
increase lipid content of both colostrum and milk by about 2%;
adding 9% fat to the lactation diet has improved pig weanling
weights by 8%. Thus increase in fat content is associated with
increased piglet survival.

Chickens and turkeys also benefit from increased dietary energy and
nutrient density. Poultry eat primarily to satisfy their energy needs.
When animals have met their energy needs, they tend to stop eating.
If the amount eaten at that time is inadequate in protein or other
nutrients, then they suffer from a deficiency of those nutrients and the
increased energy is of little or no value. The use of fats in broiler
rations increases palatability, provides essential fatty acids, reduces
losses from dust, and increases egg weight.

Traditionally ducks were raised for egg production, but now they are
being raised primarily for meat. Ducks grow faster than chickens, for
example an 8-week-old duck weighs about 3 kg (6.6 lb) to the chick-
en's 2 kg (4.5 lb), while their daily food consumption is only some-
what greater. Ducks' energy requirements are high enough for them
to benefit from a diet supplemented with 20 to 25% fat.

Formulated aquaculture feeds are often high in lipids, the bulk of

which is generally provided by fish oil. Because of its cost, foresee-
able long-term supply problems, and more recently, concerns over
contaminant levels, it is widely acknowledged that fish oil should be
used more sparingly in aquaculture feeds.
These photographs illustrate the
recycling of animal byproducts
into millions of dollars worth of
new products.
After slaughter, the non-edible parts of the animals (some 60%)
are sent to state-of-the-art rendering plants throughout the
United States. At the rendering plant the nonfood parts are
made into tallow and meal. The tallow and meal are stored in
specially adapted facilities to await shipment to buyers around
the world who will use them as ingredients in a vast array of
new products – animal feed (including petfood), fabric soften-
ers, lubricants and plasticizers, candles, soaps, crayons,
waxes, cleaners, personal care products, buffing compounds,
and biofuel.
Rendered animal fats,
because of their low
costs and wide availabili-
ty, could be an interest-
ing alternative for part of
the fish oil in fish feeds.

The cost of aquafeed

could be reduced by
about US$3/ton for every
percentage point (1%) of
fish oil replaced by ren-
dered fats.

Fish oil availability is increasingly problematic since the demand has grown consid-
erably with the expansion of the aquaculture industry. Various projections suggest
that within a decade, the demand for fish oil will be well above the available supply.
Along with this increase in demand, the price of fish oil has also risen considerably.
The market price for fish oil has varied between US$0.20 and $0.80/kg over the past
decade. Prices in recent years have consistently remained high.

Rendered animal fats, because of their low costs and wide availability, could be an
interesting alternative for part of the fish oil in fish feeds. Opposite to fish oil prices,
the price of inedible animal fats has decreased in the last 10 years by 40-50% to a
current price of about US$0.30/kg for good quality choice white grease and tallow.
Substantial savings could be made immediately by substituting some of the fish oil
in feed formulae with these more economical lipid sources. The cost of aquafeed
could be reduced by about US$3/ton for every percentage point (1%) of fish oil
replaced by rendered fats

For all livestock and poultry, the most significant response to added fat will likely
occur in summer when heat stress reduces voluntary feed intake. Digestion and
metabolism of feed nutrients produces heat. If an animal is heat stressed, it eats less
to reduce the heat load and stress of dissipating heat. Many species of animals have
been shown to generate less heat during digestion and metabolism of fat than of pro-
teins and carbohydrates. Therefore, feeding fat during heat stress lessens the heat
load as it increases the energy density of the diet during periods when feed intake is
depressed. Reducing heat stress with added fat may tend to reduce livestock death
loss associated with hot weather.

Fats are required in the diets of pets for absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D,
E, and K, and they enhance the palatability of the food. Fats also serve as an excel-
lent source of essential fatty acids and of dietary energy, yielding approximately 2.25
times more energy than either soluble carbohydrates or proteins.
Animal Protein Meals
Proteins, composed of 20 different amino acids, are liberated during digestion.
These amino acids are essential to formation, maintenance, and repair of muscles,
tissue, and organs. The roughage feeds (plants including pasture grasses, wheat,
corn, oats, rye, barley, and sorghum) have limited protein, whereas, meat and bone
meal, feather meal, blood meal, poultry meal, poultry byproduct meal, and fish
meal are high in protein content.

Variable raw materials (dead stock, offal, meat trimmings, bones) contribute to the
great diversity of commercial meat and bone meals, and influence protein quantity
and quality. High bone content reduces crude protein as a percentage of the whole,
Meat and bone meal is a
but increases calcium and phosphorus levels.
staple ingredient in poul-
try feed. The energy Meat and bone meal is produced from mammalian tissues including bone but
value of 50% protein excluding extraneous blood, hair, hoof, horn, as may occur, and stomach and
meat and bone meal is rumen contents. It contains 45 to 54% crude protein, 11% fat, and more than 4%
approximately 2,500 phosphorus.
kcal/kg. Meat and bone
meal is rich in protein and As crude protein increases in the meals, amino acid content also increases. Meat
undegradable protein. and bone meal and meat meal tend to vary in nutrient content both among samples
produced at the same rendering plant and among different processing plants.
Meat and bone meal is a Processor-to-processor variation suggests that feed formulators should modify nutri-
high protein feed ingredi- ent contents based on the origin of meat and bone meal and meat meal.
ent for carnivorous and
Meat and bone meal is a staple ingredient in poultry feed. The energy value of 50%
omnivorous aquatic ani-
protein meat and bone meal is approximately 2,500 kcal/kg. Meat and bone meal
mals and should be
is rich in protein and undegradable protein. It, like blood meal, is an excellent
mainly considered for its
source of lysine.
cost advantage over fish
meal (FM). Meat and bone meal and meat meal are the predominant rendered animal proteins
fed to swine. Both are excellent sources of available phosphorus and calcium and
are moderate sources of digestible amino acids and digestible energy.

Meat and bone meal (MBM) is a high protein feed ingredient for carnivorous and
omnivorous aquatic animals and should be mainly considered for its cost advantage
over fish meal (FM) as its nutritive value is slightly lower than fishmeal. The maxi-
mum FM protein replacement rate by MBM is 60% for L. vannamei and 80% for P.
monodon. Under the limited water exchange culturing system, the FM protein
replacement rate could be increased to 100% by poultry byproduct meal and MBM.
Decisions on ingredients selection and their inclusion rates when formulating aqua
feeds should largely be based on an accurate nutrients composition, digestibility,
palatability, and the risk of anti-nutritional factors.

Meat meal is produced from the same mammalian tissues as meat and bone meal,
except that it contains less bone. The product contains 52 to 60% crude protein,
11% fat, and less than 4% phosphorus.

Hydrolysis of feathers under heat and pressure transforms the protein in feathers to
an easily digested (68 to 93% depending on species) feed supplement. Pure
hydrolyzed feather meal normally contains 80% crude protein and 3 to 5% fat, but
processing methods affect the quality of the meal. Feeding feather meal can be
made more economical by adding 12.5% to 25% blood meal because blood meal
and feather meal combine synergistically

Feather meal can be used to increase the nutrient and energy density of poultry
feeds, improving feed efficiency and reducing the amount of feed that must be
mixed, handled, and consumed for each pound of poultry meat or dozen eggs pro-
Feather meal can be duced. Unsupplemented poultry rations based primarily on corn and soybean meal
used to increase the are almost equally deficient in the amino acids, methionine, and cysteine. Soybean
nutrient and energy den- meal could be replaced by feather meal up to a level of 6% in the starting diet and
sity of poultry feeds, 4% in the finishing diet without adding additional amino acids.
improving feed efficiency
Feather meal has also been found to be a useful feed ingredient for turkeys. One
and reducing the amount
diet recommends using blood meal at 2%, feather meal at 2 to 4%, and meat and
of feed that must be
bone meal at 7 to 8% of rations for growing turkeys.
mixed, handled, and
consumed for each The most efficiently used protein supplement is blood meal. Produced from clean,
pound of poultry meat or fresh animal blood, exclusive of extraneous material such as hair, stomach contents,
dozen eggs produced. and urine, it guarantees 85% crude protein. Spray-dried and ring-dried whole blood
meals are vastly superior to the vat-dried blood meals used in the past. Vat-dried
blood meals have very low nutritional value because the required heat damages the
protein (especially lysine). Dried blood meals are relatively uniform in digestibility
and nutrient content: most contain 87 to 89% crude protein, about 40% more sup-
plemental protein than soybean meal. Only 20% of the blood meal is degraded in
the rumen allowing it to be available in the small intestine, whereas soybean meal
protein is about 70% degraded. Blood meal, like meat and bone meal, is deficient
in methionine, but contains about 8% lysine, 1% tryptophan, and 4% threonine.
Blood meal can be added at the rate of 0.2 to 0.5 kg (0.5 to 1 lb) per cow per day.

Spray-dried porcine plasma contains non-nutritive factors that stimulate feed intake
in the 14- to 21-day-old weaned pig. Used at an inclusion rate of 5 to 7.5% this
product has essentially eliminated the post-weaning lag in performance common to
weaned pigs. But the response is short-term; by 7 days after weaning, pigs are adapt-
ed to dry feed intake and the response to spray-dried plasma diminishes.

Proteins, composed of 20
different amino acids, are
liberated during diges-
tion. These amino acids
are essential to forma-
tion, maintenance, and
repair of muscles, tissue,
and organs.

Spray- and ring-dried blood meals are widely used in salmonid feeds due to their
very high digestibility and consistent quality. Good performance of fish have been
observed for fish fed diets containing approximately 8 to 20% blood meal.

Pure hydrolyzed feather- Poultry byproduct meal consists of ground, rendered, clean parts of the carcass of
meal normally contains slaughtered poultry, such as necks, feet, and viscera, exclusive of feathers. Feed
90% crude protein (guar- grade meal typically consists of 58 to 62% protein, 12 to 15% fat, and 18 to 23%
anteed 80%) and 3 to ash. It is a good source of lysine and methionine. Because of its availability, nutri-
5% fat. ent profile, and price structure, poultry byproduct meal is being used more and more
as a replacement for fishmeal. It compromises as much as 5 to 10% of broiler and
turkey rations. When poultry byproduct meal is added to broiler rations, it provides
essential energy and nutrients.

Poultry byproduct meal is also a very important ingredient in pet foods, typically
supplying at least 64% protein, a maximum of 14 to 15% ash, and 12 to 15% fat.

Poultry byproduct meal is a high protein animal source of dietary ingredients for car-
nivorous and omnivorous aquatic animals. Recent research indicates that poultry
byproduct meal resembles fish meal in nutritive value (composition, digestibility, FI,
FCR and body composition of fish and shrimp) and could replace most of the fish
meal (up to 80%) in shrimp and several economically important fish diets without
causing a reduction in weight gain.

4. Non-Food & Feed Products

R endered animal fat has been used to provide light (oil lamps and candles)
and to make soap for more than 2,000 years. People still use rendered fat
to make candles and soap, but this does not imply lack of progress. Today,
the 5- to 10-day soap-making process has shrunk to an 8- to 16-hour process; air and
lighter products can be incorporated into the soap to make it float; it can be multi-
colored or translucent; deodorant and antibacterial agents can be incorporated; the
soap can be liquid or solid; it can foam or not; it can contain abrasives such as
pumice or not.

Biodiesel is an alternative fuel that burns cleaner, is renewable and can be refined
from domestic feedstock, including animal fats, recovered cooking oils and vegetable
oils. Growth in the biodiesel industry creates new markets for domestic Ag commodi-
Biodiesel is an alterna- ties as well as rendered animal byproducts and restaurant greases, making biodiesel
tive fuel that burns refined from animal fats and yellow grease, a truly “recycled” domestically produced
cleaner, is renewable renewable fuel.
and can be refined from
Because of their chemical composition, fats release concentrated amounts of ener-
domestic feedstock,
gy when burned. This energy can be used as a biofuel in industrial boilers or to fuel
including animal fats,
furnaces. Most fats provide comparable amounts of heat to common fuel oils.
recovered cooking oils
and vegetable oils. An important byproduct of alkaline soap manufacturing and biodiesel production is
glycerin, first identified in 1779. Among other things, it is used in adhesives,
Animal fats and oils can antifreeze, cleaners and polishes, corrosion-prevention coatings, cosmetics, dental
be used as a biofuel in creams, explosives, food and beverages, leather tanning and finishing, metal pro-
industrial boilers or to cessing, paper, pharmaceuticals, photography, resins, textiles, and tobacco. By the
fuel furnaces. end of the 1980s, 1.5 billion lb (680 thousand metric tons) of refined glycerin was
being produced globally.

Alkyd resins provide versatile, low-cost paints and varnishes for purposes ranging
from house painting to portrait painting. Leather processors use fats and oils as
detergents and as additives (fat liquors) to soften leather. Textile processors use oils
and fats for scouring, dyeing, and softening. Topical (applied to the skin) pharma-
ceuticals rely on fats and oils to keep the therapeutic agent on the skin long enough
to deliver the desired dose of medication. Cosmetics—hand and body lotions and
creams, hair conditioner, hair dressing, powder, makeup, sunscreen, bath prod-
ucts—incorporate lipids and triglycerides found in fats and oils.

5. Environmental Aspects

T he US rendering industry recycles more than 26 million metric tons of ani-

mal byproducts annually because only about 50% of a cow, 60% of a pig,
72% of a chicken, and 78% of a turkey actually end up in the meat case.
In more concrete terms, a 454 kg (1000-lb) steer consists of about 182 kg (400 lb)
of inedible material. Without the rendering industry, byproducts from meat and
poultry processing would fill up the landfills. But volume is not the only problem.
These inedible parts are highly perishable, so the volume must be disposed of
before it decomposes (malodorously) and contaminates our soil and water with dis-
ease-causing microorganisms and vermin. The rendering industry does just that by
converting this material into value-added usable commodities—tallow, greases,
and animal proteins.

Wastewater from a rendering plant derives from 3 sources: condensate from the
cooking vapors, wash water to clean the plant and the collection trucks, and dis-
Feed is abrasive and
charge from the wet scrubbing system. Unlike petroleum oil, animal fat is
dusty and can cause
biodegradable. Treatment removes suspended solids and fat and grease; reduces
excessive wear on equip-
biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, and fat and grease; and recov-
ment. Adding fat reduces
ers fats and protein solids for processing. It also reduces user charges, if any, for
the abrasiveness, thereby
industrial discharges to municipal sewers.
increasing the life of feed
mixing and handling The type and degree of wastewater treatment depends upon whether the effluent
equipment. Similarly, from a treatment plant discharges to a city sewer, to a navigable stream, or to land
adding fat reduces the for crop irrigation. Federal and state water pollution control agencies establish
power requirement for water quality standards for discharges to streams. In exchange for user fees, a ren-
pelleting feeds and derer may discharge wastewater to a city sewer.
increases the life of the
pelleting dies. Moreover, Wastewater can be stored in lagoons, or stabilization ponds, 6 to 12 ft (2 to 6 m)
1 or 2% of feed is no deep, during winter in a northern climate, or for evaporation of wastewater in an
longer lost to dust. arid climate. Before discharge, and after filtration, the wastewater passes through a
chlorinating chamber to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms such as fecal col-
iform. To protect aquatic life, the chlorinated water is then dechlorinated before it
is discharged to a stream.

Other types of treatment can include activated carbon adsorption to remove organ-
ic compounds and precipitate phosphorus removal as well as ion exchange for
removal of inorganic dissolved solids. Denitrification uses bacteria in the absence
of oxygen (anaerobic digestion) to convert nitrite and nitrate to nitrogen gas.

6. Biosecurity

T he principles of biosecurity have been introduced into the quality assurance

regime of the rendering industry and assure compliance with voluntary
guidelines and regulatory standards. The industry members consider that it
is in their best long-term interest to follow quality principles and procedures. The
industry maintains a working relationship with government to cooperate in the pro-
duction of safe rendered products.

That is why the North American rendering industry has developed and implement-
ed process control programs that include good manufacturing practices (GMPs) and
hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) principles. The industry has
used these principles and other established programs in an aggressive approach to
quality assurance by developing a Rendering Code of Practice. Participating facili-
ties receive accreditation upon passing an audit conducted by the Facility
Energy and nutrients are Certification Institute, a third-party auditing firm.
much more concentrated
GMPs are preventative practices that minimize product safety hazards by instituting
in a diet high in fats that
basic controls or conditions favorable for producing a safe product. A “raw materi-
one high in carbohy-
al GMP” would be one example and would provide validation that raw materials
drates. This concentra-
were not exposed to toxic chemicals or metals prior to processing in a rendering
tion permits greater flexi-
facility. GMPs are necessary for development of a Production Control (PC) program.
bility in formulating cost-
Rendering companies in the United States have adopted voluntary PC programs
effective feeds.
as an important component of their biosecurity and food safety programs. PC
programs require
Other improvements
include the lubricating an evaluation of the entire rendering process;
value of fats, reduction of identification of potential biological, physical, or
dust, reduction of parti- chemical hazards;
cle separation, and identification of critical points in the process
improved palatability of where the hazard(s) can be controlled; and
feeds for all species. development of procedures to control these
processes and ensure the hazard is eliminated or
reduced to acceptable levels.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) encourages a risk-based approach to iden-
tifying and developing limits for hazardous contaminants within feed, and establish
process controls with regulatory oversight to ensure compliance. This is consistent
with recommendations from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), which
called for full traceability and implementation of a code of practice for handling ani-
mal by-products and mortalities to ensure safety. The rendering industry Code of
Practice fulfills this guidance.
Disease Emergence
The rendering industry is continuing to examine the many variables or combinations
of factors that can contribute to animal disease emergence (for example, the 1985
occurrence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in the United Kingdom) and rec-
ognizes that newly emergent infectious diseases may result from environmental
changes or evolution of existing organisms. The National Renderers Association and
the Animal Protein Producers Industry program participants recognize their role in
preventing the spread of animal disease by participating in the following:

NASA developed HACCP Coordinating with the industry, governmental agencies, and allied groups for the
30 years ago to ensure early detection, tracking, and evaluation of emerging infections of livestock,
the safety of equipment poultry, and humans in North America.
in space. HACCP pre- Improving the international network with Canada, Mexico, the European Fat
vents hazards that could Processors and Renderers Association (EFPRA), and the Australian Renderers
cause food-borne illness- Association (ARA), for the anticipation, recognition, control, and prevention of
es by applying scientific potential problems.
controls at every stage of Strengthening communication and coordinating nationally and internationally to
food production. share information relative to new initiatives such as the Rendering Code of
Practice, HACCP-like programs and new technologies.

Applied Research
Integrating the Animal Protein Producers Industry's laboratory findings to expand
epidemiologic and prevention effectiveness. Members use Salmonella testing to
improve processes and products.
Participate in research by the Fats and Proteins Research Foundation to gain new
knowledge on thermal kill times and other conditions to control pathogens
Encouraging laboratories that serve the rendering industry to develop diagnostic
tests, reagents, improved methods, and state-of-the-art technology to meet the
changing demands of the industry.

Prevention and Control
Establishing the mechanisms and partnerships needed to ensure rapid and effec-
tive implementation of preventive measures through planning and working with
allied groups, coalitions, and regulatory agencies.
Using diverse communication methods, including publications and press releas-
es when applicable, for more effective delivery of critical messages.
Coordinating with the industry’s technical resources, regulatory agencies of
government, academia, and allied groups to assist disease prevention and
control initiatives.

Strengthening the industry’s infrastructure and communication capability to sup-
The North American ren- port surveillance, disease-related research, and prevention and control initiatives
to ensure prompt implementation of planned strategies. Ensuring the ready
dering industry has
availability of professional expertise to help the industry to better understand,
developed and imple-
monitor, and control potential problems.
mented process control
programs that include Providing training and continuing education programs to support the established
objectives of the industry.
good manufacturing
practices (GMPs) and
hazard analysis and criti-
cal control points
(HACCP) principles. The
industry has used these
principles and other
established programs in
an aggressive approach
to quality assurance by
developing a Rendering
Code of Practice.

Animal protein meals

are loaded into clean
bulk containers and
shipped to customers
around the world.

7. Cost & Economics

A nimal protein meals are often used in least-cost diet formulations because
they are a concentrated source of essential nutrients.

A 100lb (45.4kg) bag of meat and bone meal contains roughly:

50 lb (23 kg) of high quality protein
8 to 9 lb (3.5 to 4 kg) of calcium
4 to 4.5 lb (1.5 to 2 kg) of phosphorus
10 lb (4.5 kg) of fat

a 100lb (45.4kg) bag of dehulled soybean meal contains roughly:
48 lb (22 kg) of protein
and few other critical nutrients
Poultry byproduct meal is
a high protein animal
source of dietary ingredi- Research & Development
ents for carnivorous and ....................................
omnivorous aquatic ani-
mals. Recent research The purpose of the Fats and Proteins Research Foundation (FPRF) is to direct and
indicates that poultry manage a research process that results in an enhanced current usage and the
byproduct meal resem- development of new uses for rendered animal products. FPRF has carried out
bles fish meal in nutritive extensive evaluation and assessment studies for the renderers and animal feed
value (composition, industry since 1962.
digestibility, FI, FCR and
The scientific process is fundamental to scientific investigation and to the acquisi-
body composition of fish
tion of new knowledge based upon physical evidence by the scientific community.
and shrimp) and could
However, scientific research, like other cooperative endeavors, requires trust to
replace most of the fish
flourish. Cooperation and trust in the rendering industry are reflected by the fact that
meal (up to 80%) in
since establishing the foundation, FPRF has completed over 550 projects. One of
shrimp and several eco-
the priority areas of FPRF has been to support research on the utilization of animal
nomically important fish
by- products/co-products processed by the rendering industry, such as blood meal,
diets without causing a
meat & bone meal, tallow, hydrolyzed hair, and feather meals. During the past 40
reduction in weight gain.
years, FPRF research has documented the continued improvement in the rendering
industry products as measured by bioavailability, biosecurity, and consistency.
Likewise, analytical technology has provided specific nutrient data for formulation
purposes. FPRF has also presented an extensive literature base to contest issues such
as the presence of biogenic amines in animal proteins and polyethylene in animal
fats as being nutritionally detrimental.
Growth in the biodiesel Other projects have been related to the ecological aspects of the rendering processes.
industry creates new Many past projects were nutritional studies, with others directed at modifications to
markets for domestic increase their value and applications.
agricultural commodities
as well as rendered ani- Biofuel research has been a part of FPRF’s research goals since the early 1990s. The
mal byproducts and rendering industry has experienced significant success in using rendered animal fats
restaurant greases, making as burner fuel. An accumulation of burning characteristics and emission testing by
biodiesel refined from FPRF has allowed for the permitting of substituting animal fats for No. 2 or No. 6 fuel
animal fats and yellow oil or natural gas for the production of steam.
grease, a truly “recycled”
Almost certainly the most remarkable and recent of all the FPRF research achieve-
domestically produced
ments have been the official opening of the Animal Co-Products Research and
renewable fuel.
Education Center at Clemson University (ACREC), Clemson, South Carolina. As a
result, an initial base of nine specific interdisciplinary alternative use and biosecuri-
ty projects were initiated in April 2004. Current research projects at ACREC include
chemical analysis of tallow, investigation of growth factors, peptides and pesticides
residues in by-product meals, odor remediation, and identification of bacteria isolat-
ed from rendering products.
National Renderers

801 North Fairfax Street

he National Renderers Association (NRA), headquartered in Alexandria,
Alexandria, VA 22314 Virginia, was formed in 1933 as the professional organization of the indus-
try. It represents its members' interests to regulatory and other governmen-
703.683.0155 tal agencies, promotes the greater use of animal byproducts and fosters the opening
Fax: 703.683.262 6 and expansion of trade between foreign buyers and North American exporters.

In addition to maintaining a roster of all members, the NRA publishes a

newsletter, Renditions; a magazine, Render; and a bulletin, NRA Bulletin,
with copies on the NRA web site, renderers.org. Members can use the
organization as a technical resource on disease-related issues, as well. The
NRA’s annual convention provides a forum for renderers from around the
world to share experiences and discuss common issues.

801 North Fairfax Street

Alexandria, VA 22314

703.683.0155 Fax: 703.683.2626

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