Significant Viking Textile Finds For Women's Clothing: Bibliography
Significant Viking Textile Finds For Women's Clothing: Bibliography
Significant Viking Textile Finds For Women's Clothing: Bibliography
Avdusin, D.A. & T.A. Puškina. 1988. Three Chamber Graves at Gniozdovo. (Tre kammergraver fra
Gniozdovo). Fornvännen 83: 20-33. Stockholm. Date last accessed 20 Oct 2015.
Bau, F. 1981. Seler og slæb i vikingetid, Birka's kvindedragt i nyt lys (Straps and trains in the Viking age:
Birka’s female costume in a new light.). Pp. 13-47 in KUML 1981, Årbok for Jysk arkæologisk
Beck, M.A. 2016a. Unikt vikingedødehus rummer fornemt stormandspar. Date
Last Accessed 14 Nov. 2016. {Unique Viking Death House houses a magnificent Stormandspar}
Beck, M.A. 2016b. Unique Viking tomb contains remains of noble couple. Date Last Accessed
16 March 2017.
Blindheim, C. 1945. Vernesfunnene og kvinnedrakten i Norden i Vikingtiden. Oslo: Viking IX, 143-162. Last accessed September 2015. {Vernes finds and
women’s costume in Scandinavia in the Viking Age.}
Gabra-Sanders, T. 1999. The textiles from Scar: A summary. Pp. 133-135 in Scar: A Viking boat burial
on Sanday, Orkney, O. Owen, M. Dalland, and A. Allen (eds.). Tuckwell press in association with
Historic Press.
Geijer, A. 1938. Die Textilfunde aus den Gräbern. Birka: Undersuchungen und Studien III. Uppsala:
Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akadamien. {The textile finds from the graves. Birka:
surveys and studies III.}
Geijer, A. 1983. The textile finds from Birka. Pp. 80-99 in Cloth and Clothing in Medieval Europe;
Essays in Memory of Prof. E.M. Carus-Wilson. N.B. Harte and K.G. Ponting (eds). Pasold studies in
Textile History 2. London, Heinemann Educational Books/The Pasold Research Fund Ltd.
Gräslund, A-S. 2008. Some powerful women at Valsgärde. Pp. 65-82 in Valsgärde Studies: The place
and its people, Past and Present, Norr (Ed). (OPIA 42). Uppsala. last accessed
22 Nov 2016 (NOTE: contains only odd pages).
Hägg, I. 1974. Kvinnodräkten i Birka: Livplaggens rekonstruktion på grundval av det arkeologiska
materialet, Uppsala: Archaeological Institute. {Women's costume in Birka: Livplaggens
reconstruction on the basis of the archaeological material.}
Hägg, I. 1983. Viking women’s dress at Birka: A reconstruction based on Archaeological methods. Pp
316-350 in Cloth and Clothing in Medieval Europe; Essays in Memory of Prof. E.M. Carus-Wilson, ed.
N.B. Harte and K.G. Ponting. Pasold studies in Textile History 2. London, Heinemann Educational
Books/The Pasold Research Fund Ltd..
Hägg, I. 1984. Die Textilfunde aus dem Hafen von Haithabu. Berichte über die ausgrabungen in
Haithabu, Bericht 20. Neumünster: Karl Wachholz Verlag. {The textile finds from the port of
Haithabu. Reports on the excavations in Haithabu.}
Hägg, I. 1991. Textilfunde aus der Siedlung und aus den Gräbern von Haithabu. Berichte über die
ausgrabungen in Haithabu, Bericht 29. Neumünster: Karl Wachholz Verlag. {Textile finds from the
settlement and from the graves of Haithabu. Reports on the excavations in Haithabu.}
Hayeur Smith, M. 2003b. Dressing the Dead: Gender, Identity and Adornment in Viking-Age Iceland.
Pp. 227-240 in Vinland Revisited: the Norse World at the Turn of the First Millennium. St. John's, NL:
Historic Sites Association of Newfoundland and Labrador. {maybe!}
Hayeur Smith, M. 2015. Dress, Jewellery and Textiles from the Textile Specialist’s perspective. Pp. 25-
43 in Bláklædda konan – Ný rannsókn á fornu kumli (Bundled in blue – the reinvestigation of a
Viking grave). B. Sverrisdóttir (ed). Reykjavik: National Museum of Iceland.
Holm-Olsen, I. M. 1976. Noen gravfunn fra vestlandet som kaster lys over vikingtidens kvinnedrakt.
Viking XXXIX, Tidsskrift for norrøn arkeologi, Norsk arkeologisk selskap, Oslo. pp. 197-206. Last accessed 1 September 2015. {Some graves
from the west country that shed light on Viking Age women’s costume.}
Ingstad, A. S. 1982. The Functional Textiles from the Oseberg Ship. Pp. 85-96 in Textilsymposium
Neumünster: Archäologische Textilfunde, 6.5. - 8.5. NESAT 1. L. B. Jørgensen and K. Tidow (eds).
Neumünster: Textilmuseum Neumünster.
Ingstad, A.S. 1999. Kaupang – Funnene Bind II Textilene Del C. Nordske Oldfunn XIX. Pp 219-269 in
Kaupang – funnene I. (Norske oldfunn, XIX). Blindheim, C., B. Heyerdahl-Larsen, and R.L. Tollnes
(eds.). Oslo: Universitetets oldsaksamling. {Kaupang – Finds I.}
Jensen, M.A. 2016. Enestående fund fra den vikingetidige gravplads ved Bryndum kirke.
ravplads-ved-bryndum-kirke/ Date Last Accessed: 20 April 2017. {Outstanding find from the Viking
age graveyard at Bryndum church.}
Larsson, A. (Curator if not author). 2014a Bucklor på behagen – vikingatida kvinnodräkt berättar
(Buckles on Bosoms: A Viking age women’s costume speaks). [The top-level web page no longer
works, but the individual links to all 6 parts are given here Last accessed 3
August 2015.
Lindblom, C. 1993. Køstrup - en nordvestfynsk vikingetidsgravplad. Fyndske minder, Odense Bys
Museer, Årbog, Pp 143-166. {Køstrup - one northwest Funen Viking burial place.}
Løngborg, B. 1993. Vikingtidens kvindedragt. Fyndske minder, Odense Bys Museer, Årbog, Pp. 169-
174. {Viking Women’s clothes}
Lukešová H. 2011. Fragmenter fra kvinnedrakter fra Vikingtiden – Metode for identifikasjon av gamle
tekstilfunn. Viking LXXIV, 149-164. Last accessed
18 August 2015,. {Fragments of female costumes from Viking Age - Method for the identification of
ancient textile findings.}
Lukešová H. 2015. Old Fragments of Women’s Costumes from the Viking Age – New Method for
Identification. Pp 145-154 in Aspects of the Design, Production and Use of Textiles and Clothing
from the Bronze Age to the Early Modern Era. K. Grömer and F.Pritchard (eds.) NESAT XII. The
North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles, 21st – 24th May 2014 in Hallstatt, Austria.
Archaeolingua Main Series 33. 145-154. {not as thorough as the 2011 publication, but it is in
Nockert, M. 1994. Textiliema frå Tuna i Badelunda. Pp. 112-117 in Tuna i Badelunda: Guld, Kvinnor,
Båtar, 1., E. Nylèn and B. Schönbäck (Eds.). Västeriås Kulturnamnds Skriftserie 27, Västeriås.
{Textiles from Tuna in Badelunda}
Orfinskaya, O. and T. Puškina. 2011. 10th century AD textiles from female burial Ö-301 at Gnëzdovo,
Russia. Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 53: 35–51.
extiles_from_female_burial_%D0%A6-301_at_Gn%C3%ABzdovo_Russia Last accessed 18 August
Øye, I. 2015. Production, quality, and social status in Viking Age dress: Three cases from Western
Norway. Pp. xx. in Medieval Clothing and Textiles 11. G.R. Crocker and R. Netherton, eds. Boydell
& Brewer.
Parsons,A.J., C. Paterson, C. Howard-Davis, N. Johnson, and RM. Newman. 2014. Shadows in the
Sand: Excavation of a Viking-Age Cemetery at Cumwhitton. Oxford Archaeology North: Lancaster.
Rasmussen, L. and B. Lønborg. 1993. Dragtrester i grav ACQ, Køstrup. Fyndske minder, Odense Bys
Museer, Årbog. pp. 173-182. {Costume Remains of grave ACQ, Køstrup.}
Russell, I. and M.F. Hurley (eds). 2014. Woodstown: A Viking Age settlement in Co. Waterford. Four
Courts Press.
Silkjær, S.L. 2016. Unikt vikingefund i Bryndum. {Unique Viking finds in
Speed, G. and P. Walton Rogers. 2004. A Burial of a Viking Woman at Adwick-le-Street, South Yorkshire.
Medieval Archaeology 2004; 48(1), 51-90. DOI: 10.1179/007660904225022807
vol48/48_051_090.pdf Last Accessed 28 July 2015.
Stalsberg, A. 1984. Skandinaviske vikingetidsfunn fra Russland med særlig vekt på kvinnefunnene,
Unitekst 6(1984): 86-103. {Scandinavian Viking finds from Russia with particular emphasis on the
female finds.}
Walton Rogers, P. 2014. Appendix 2: Textiles. Pp 225-233 in Shadows in the sand. A.J. Parsons et al
Wielandt, H. 1980. Præparat FSM 3502 x 494. Analyse af textiler fra grav ACQ. Analyserapport,
Odense Bys Museer. Odense. {Preparation FSM 3502 x 494. Analysis of textiles from burial ACQ.}
Zubkova, E.S., O.V. Orfinskaya, and K.A. Mikhailov. 2010. Studies of the Textiles from the Excavation of
Pskov in 2006. Pp. 291-298 in NESAT X. Oxbow Books: London. (before the paper was published, a
report was temporarily published in Russian as Zubkova, E.S., O.V. Orfinskaya, and D.S. Likhacheva.
2006. Tkanoe sokrovische (nachodki tekstilia v kamernom pogrebenii X veka, 2006 god. This site no longer exists and has never been accessed by me.
q.v., Kies 2007 and Beatson 2007)