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European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 39 (2011) 1—5


EACTS Presidential Address

The surgeon and the musician§

Pascal R. Vouhé *
Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery — University Paris Descartes and Sick Children Hospital, Paris, France

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‘Without music, life would be a mistake.’ Friederich 2. First movement: listening to music during surgery
Nietzsche (1844—1900) (medical employment of music)

There is a strong evidence that listening to music during

and after surgery is beneficial to surgical patients [3—6].
‘Everything is music. A painting, a landscape, a book, a Music has been shown to decrease pain, stress and anxiety
journey is worth only if its music can be heard.’ and to reduce the needs for analgesic and anesthetic drugs.
Jacques de Bourbon-Busset (1912—2001) There are many surgical centers in which music is used as a
routine in the operating room as well as in the intensive care
Less attention has been paid to the potential effects of
music on the operating room staff. There is nevertheless
1. Prelude
convincing evidence that music may be beneficial to surgical
teams as well.
These two quotations encapsulate my personal thinking
In a recent study, physicians and nurses working in the
about music. I cannot imagine my life without listening to
operating room in three different hospitals were interviewed
music most of the time. Being both a surgeon and an amateur
to evaluate the perception of the influence of music [7]. Most
musician, I have been, for a long time, intrigued by the
of the participants (93%) reported to listen to music on a
potential relations between medicine and music (Fig. 1).
regular basis outside the hospital and a majority (63%) on a
Indeed there have been in history, many famous people
routine basis in the operating room. Most professionals (63%)
who were both musicians and physicians or surgeons [1]. Just
considered that music had a positive effect on staff
in the field of cardio-thoracic medicine, Leopold Joseph
communication and nearly 80% claimed that music made
Auenbrugger (1722—1809) and René Théophile Hyacinthe
people calmer and/or more efficient.
Laënnec (1781—1826) provide brilliant examples; both were
Allen and Blascovich have studied the autonomic
composers and excellent musicians; the former described
responses and the intellectual performance of surgeons
chest percussion and the latter invented the stethoscope;
during a standard laboratory psychological stressor [8]. Fifty
both were able to use their musical abilities to implement
senior surgeons, who reported to listen to music regularly
their medical achievements.
during surgery, were asked to perform serial arithmetic tasks
In a recent paper, H.M. Evans described three potential
under three different conditions: silence, investigator-
relations between medicine and music: (1) medical employ-
selected music (Pachelbel’s Canon in D) and self-selected
ment of music, (2) medical explanation of music and (3)
music. Autonomic reactivity (as assessed on heart rate,
music as a metaphor for medicine [2]. I would like to follow
systolic blood pressure and skin conductance) was signifi-
the same pathway to explore the potential relations between
cantly reduced in the surgeon-selected music condition than
surgery and music and to try to convince the readers that
in the investigator-selected music condition, which in turn
surgery may also be music.
was significantly less than in the no-music control condition.
Likewise, speed and accuracy of task performance were
significantly better in the surgeon-selected music condition
than in the experimenter-selected music condition, which
Presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association for
was also significantly better than the silence of the control
Cardio-thoracic Surgery, Geneva, Switzerland, September 11—15, 2010. condition.
* Corresponding author. Address: Chirurgie Cardiaque Pédiatrique, Hôpital The effect of music on surgical performance has been
Necker — Enfants Malades, 149 rue de Sèvres, 75015 Paris, France. evaluated in a few studies, involving expert surgeons as well
Tel.: +33 1 44 38 18 67; fax: +33 1 44 38 19 11.
as junior surgeons. In the first study, eight internationally
E-mail address: pascal.vouhe@nck.aphp.fr.

1010-7940/$ — see front matter # 2010 European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 [()TD$FIG]
P.R. Vouhé / European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 39 (2011) 1—5

Fig. 2. Hypothetical neurohumoral pathway of music action during the human

stress response (reproduced from Conrad C et al. Overture for growth hor-

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mone: requiem for interleukin-6? Critical Care Medicine 2007;35:2709—13 with
kind permission of the publisher Lippincott Williams & Wilkins).
Fig. 1. The surgeon and the musician: Pascal Vouhé (left) and Roland Pidoux
(right). Roland Pidoux is Professor of cello at the Paris National Conservatory.
After Pascal Vouhé’s Presidential Address, Roland Pidoux captivated the audi-
ence with his performance of the J.S. Bach’s third Suite for cello solo. concomitant decrease in serum levels of interleukin-6 and
stress hormones (epinephrine and dehydroepiandrosterone).
These results brought the authors to the following explana-
recognized expert surgeons were randomized to perform tion (Fig. 2). Listening to music may stimulate the
three simple tasks on a laparoscopic simulator [9]. The tasks hypothalamic—pituitary axis and increase the release of
were performed under the four following conditions: silence, growth hormone by the pituitary gland. The stimulation of
mental loading (by mental arithmetic tasks), auditory stress the hypothalamic—pituitary axis while listening to music may
(by dichaotic music, a condition in which a different type of stem from the transfer effect; it has been reported that
music is heard through each ear), and auditory relaxation listening to music can lead to an increased activation of brain
(listening to classical music by Mozart). End-points of the regions that are not directly involved in the process of
study were time to complete the task and its accuracy. All listening. Some studies have demonstrated that there is an
experts performed the tasks more accurately while listening inverse correlation between growth hormone release and
to classical music; the effect on time until task completion interleukin-6 release from peripheral blood mononuclear
was more variable. A very similar study was conducted in a cells. Interleukin-6 is a potent activator of the adreno-
large group of junior surgeons without laparoscopic experi- cortical and sympathoadrenal axes; a decrease in inter-
ence [10]. Forty-five novice surgeons were randomly assigned leukin-6 production may therefore lead to a decrease in
to three groups: silence, listening to activating music stress hormones release. These data were obtained using
(classical pieces known to evoke an activated mental Mozart’s music in critically-ill patients. Further studies are
condition, such as Richard Wagner’s ‘Walkyrie’) and listening necessary to investigate how listening to music influences
to deactivating music (music known to arouse relaxing human physiology in healthy people.
emotions, such as Mozart’s piano sonatas). The participants To summarize the first relation between music and
were asked to subjectively consider the music as pleasant or surgery, this is a common observation that music influences
unpleasant. The results suggested that the group listening to human physiology. Listening to music reduces the cardiovas-
activating music had the worst performance; however, there cular responses to stress, provides relaxation and promotes
was a trend toward improvement when participants con- concentration. There is growing evidence that listening to
sidered the music pleasant rather than unpleasant. In a last music improves manual performance and intellectual
study, twelve experienced surgeons undertook complex efficiency. For all these reasons, listening to music during
laparoscopic tasks on a simulator under three conditions: surgery should be beneficial to surgeons and operative room
silence, noise and music [11]. Speed and accuracy of staff members. However, musical experience and sensibility
performance remained unchanged across the three condi- to music may vary considerably between individuals and,
tions, suggesting that the intense concentration required by therefore, the beneficial effects of listening to music during
a complex task, allows experienced surgeons to effectively surgery may vary accordingly.
‘block out’ noise as well as music.
The exact mechanism by which music might influence
human physiology and particularly reduce stress response 3. Second movement: playing music and performing
remains hypothetical. A recent study may shed some light on surgery (medical explanation of music)
this matter [12]. Ten critically-ill patients were randomized
into two groups: one group did not receive music whereas the The development of modern techniques such as magnetic
other group received relaxing music (slow movements from resonance imaging (MRI) has made possible to obtain three-
the Mozart piano sonatas). In the group listening to classical dimensional high resolution images of the living brain.
music, blood pressure was decreased and the need for Statistical approaches allow precise quantification of differ-
additional sedation was reduced; in this group, there was a ent aspects of brain structure (morphometric MRI). The brain
significant increase in serum levels of growth hormone and a of living musicians has been extensively studied and
[()TD$FIG] P.R. Vouhé / European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 39 (2011) 1—5 3

Performing surgery is also a complex human activity

which involves many cerebral functions. It is interesting to
note that playing music and performing surgery have in
common several cognitive skills; this includes: great
accuracy in motor performance, integration of multimodal
sensory and motor information, coordination between eye
and hand, spatial visualization, intense concentration, low
reaction time, efficient mental rotation. It is therefore
reasonable to speculate that musicians and surgeons may
have in common some brain specializations and postulate
that experience in playing music may help in performing
Fig. 3. Voxel-based morphometric studies have shown that musicians and non-
In a recent study, 30 novice medical students without
musicians have different brains (reprinted from Gaser C, Schlaug G. Brain
structures differ between musicians and non-musicians. J Neurosci laparoscopic experience were asked to perform simple

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2003;23:9240—5 with kind permission of the publisher and the corresponding laparoscopic tasks on a simulator [18]. Some students
author). never played a musical instrument; some used to play but
were not playing anymore and the remaining was currently
playing routinely. The participants, who were currently
playing a musical instrument, performed the laparoscopic
compared to the brain of non-musicians (Fig. 3). All these tasks significantly faster than those who did not. The visuo-
studies have clearly established that musicians have spatial abilities used in laparoscopic performance may be
structural and functional brain specializations [13—15]. enhanced in individuals involved in playing a musical
Playing a musical instrument is a complex activity which instrument.
requires many cognitive skills (e.g., the translation of These data should be put together with other results
virtually perceived musical symbols into motor commands which show that learning during sensitive periods of
with simultaneous auditory monitoring of output). Musical development does not only affect selectively the develop-
performance involves several brain areas including the motor ment of particular skills, but can also influence the brain
and sensory cortex in the frontal and parietal lobes, the response to new learning experiences. This so-called meta-
auditory cortex in the temporal lobe, the anterior portion of plasticity (‘learning to learn’) has been demonstrated in
the corpus callosum between both hemispheres and the recent studies. Professional pianists showed greater improve-
cerebellum; accessory areas are involved as well in the ment in tactile acuity, following fingertip stimulation [19].
inferior frontal area (music reading), the inferior temporal From the surgical point of view, several studies have shown
cortex (pitch) and the superior parietal area (rhythm). that experience in playing video games is correlated with
Structural and functional modifications have been demon- improved surgical performance on skills simulators and in the
strated in all these brain regions, when comparing profes- operative environment [20—22].
sional musicians with amateur musicians and non-musicians. As a summary of the second relation between music and
These specializations are often instrument- or effector- surgery, it can be said that musicians have special brains and
specific and correlate with aspects of the training history that playing music and performing surgery have in common a
supporting the view that they are the result, rather than the number of cognitive functions. One could also speculate that
cause, of skill acquisition [16]. The changes are correlated surgeons have a special brain and that playing a musical
with the age at which musical practice has begun and to the instrument may help them in enhancing their surgical
intensity of the practice. The musician brain constitutes a performance. This offers a large field for further research
model, ‘par excellence’, of neuroplasticity. The results and thought.
obtained in musicians suggest that structural brain differ-
ences in adult experts (whether musicians or expert in other
areas) are likely due to training-induced brain plasticity [17]. 4. Third movement: music as a metaphor for surgery
Dysfunctional plasticity in musicians, known as musician’s
dystonia, may even lead to deterioration of extensively An organizing metaphor has been defined by Burke as
trained fine motor skills. follows: ‘a device for seeing something in terms of something
Some cerebral modifications noted in musicians may, else; it brings out the thisness of a that, or the thatness of a
however, be innate. Some people are born with the ability to this’. The intellectual goal of an organizing metaphor is to
identify a sound by its pitch, without any reference; this is provide a detailed analysis of both terms of the comparison,
known as absolute pitch. Absolute pitch has been linked to but the practical goal is to enlarge our understanding
one specific structure in the human brain (left planum productively.
temporale). It has been demonstrated that the left planum My purpose is to show that a detailed analysis of music
temporale in musicians with absolute pitch is more devel- performance may enlarge our vision of surgical practice. Most
oped than in musicians without absolute pitch. Discussion is human activities are based on a tripartite concept made of
ongoing to determine whether this specific modification is the performer, the practice and the recipient. In music, the
congenital or secondary to some form of functional plasticity triad includes the musician, the interpretation and the
which is possible only during a critical period of brain listener; in surgery, it includes the surgeon, the operation and
development. the patient.
4 P.R. Vouhé / European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 39 (2011) 1—5

4.1. The performer: musician and surgeon Strictness. A strict respect of the musical score is
obviously mandatory. Similarly, the steps of a surgical
To achieve an optimal performance (musical or surgical), procedure must be followed strictly to provide a
the performer should be an expert. The question then arises satisfactory outcome.
to know how to acquire expertise. Anticipation. A musician is reading the score many bars in
For many years, the prevalent accepted theory suggested advance of what he or she is playing. A surgeon should also
a single factor, deliberate practice, as the necessary prepare subsequent surgical steps well in advance.
component for acquiring expertise in a given field [23]. Improvisation. Improvisation is the essence of jazz music.
Deliberate practice includes all the voluntary activities which Even in classical music, there is place for some
are designed specifically to improve performance. The improvisation called rubato; this makes the expressive
validity of this theory has been established for various differences in interpretation between several performers.
activities, including sports, music, chess, mathematics, and Improvisation in surgery is necessary to take care of any
even medical diagnosis. Deliberate practice should be unexpected operative event.
started as young as possible and carried out intensively for Virtuosity. Musical virtuosity includes several elements

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a long period of time (at least 10 years). Intense deliberate such as style, elegance, rhythm, spontaneity, rapidity or
practice leads probably to domain-specific cognitive mod- risk-taking. The same words can be used to define surgical
ifications, an example of neuroplasticity. virtuosity which makes a surgical operation safer and
The deliberate practice theory has been improved, at quicker.
least in the musical domain, by the summation theory, as Ability to listen. A mandatory quality for a musician is the
proposed by Detterman and Ruthsatz [24]. In addition to high ability to listen to other musicians. In a surgical team, the
motivation and intense deliberate practice which remain the surgeon should also be able to listen to the ideas and
leading factors, expert musicians have a general intelligence concerns of all the other team members.
above the average population and domain-specific skills, Capacity to create harmony. Harmony is the essence of
known as musical intelligence. Musical intelligence includes a musical performance. This a common experience that an
combination of technical and expressive abilities which are efficient surgical team is constituted by a group of several
mandatory for musical practice. Interestingly, specific tests people, physicians and nurses, working in harmony.
(such the Gordon’s Test of Music Audiation) have been
developed to evaluate musical aptitude and the potential to I am convinced from personal experience, that developing
learn in the musical domain. Expert musicians are bright those qualities inherent to musical practice and adapting
(high intelligence quotient), exceptionally talented them to surgery could improve surgical performance.
(enhanced domain-specific skills) and highly motivated
(intense deliberate practice).
I believe that these data can productively be applied to 4.3. The recipient: listener and patient
the education of expert surgeons. In most European countries
there is currently a disturbing situation; bright young people The recipient, third element of the operative triad, is the
are not attracted by medical studies anymore, and bright actual finality.
medical students are not attracted by a surgical career; this The finality of music is to arouse in the listener emotions of
situation must be changed and the brightest students should all kinds. According to the external circumstances and the
be prompted to become surgeons. The most talented of them music itself, these emotions could provide pleasure,
should then be selected; it is therefore necessary to design refreshment, consolation or fulfillment and, finally, restore
specific tests to evaluate the potential technical and harmony and well-being [25]. As previously discussed, recent
psychological abilities to perform surgery. Once selected, studies begin to elucidate the physiologic mechanisms by
young surgeons must be trained as early as possible, which listening to music may influence human physiology and
intensively and efficiently (including animal laboratories, psychology.
simulators and clinical practice). The finality of surgery is, apparently, simple; it is to
restore normal anatomy or physiology. This is, actually, the
4.2. The practice: interpretation and operation finality of surgical ‘science’, which is disease-centered and
based on procedures, techniques and evidence-based pro-
It is intriguing to note that, at least in the English tocols. This is forgetting the humanistic dimension of
language, the same words are used to describe both medicine (and surgery) which is medical humanism, often
practices: a musical ‘performance’ is produced in a ‘theatre’ called medical ‘art’ [26]. Humanism in medicine can be
and a surgical procedure is ‘performed’ in an ‘operating defined as those aspects of patient care which, in addition to
theatre’. However, the metaphor can be carried out much restoring good health, include meeting patient’s needs for
further than this simple semantic analogy. harmony and well-being. It is centered on the patient as a
Most of the qualities developed by musicians during whole, not only on the disease. The finality of medical
performance, can be applied metaphorically to surgical humanism is therefore pretty much similar to that of music.
practice: The core qualities of medical humanism are empathy and
Concentration. Intense concentration is a basic require- During the last century, medical science has obviously
ment for both musical performance and difficult surgical been privileged and medical humanism devalued in favor of
procedures. techniques and procedures. However, it is increasingly
P.R. Vouhé / European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 39 (2011) 1—5 5

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