Additional Exercises
Elaine Rich
Part I: Introduction
1 Why Study Automata Theory?
2 Languages and Strings
1) Let L be the language {Austin, Houston, Dallas}. How many elements are there in L*?
2) Let L = {w {a, b}* : every a in w is immediately followed by a b}. List the first six elements in a
lexicographic enumeration of L.
3) Let L = {w {1, 2, 3}* : |w| is even}. List the first twelve elements in a lexicographic enumeration of L.
, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 1111, 1112
4) Are the following sets closed under the following operations? If not, what are their respective closures?
a) The even length strings over the alphabet {a, b} under Kleene star.
b) The odd length strings over the alphabet {a, b} under concatenation.
Not closed. The closure is all strings over the alphabet {a, b} with length at least 1.
5) For each of the following statements, state whether it is True or False. Prove your answer.
a) L ((L+)+ = L+).
b) L ((L*)+ = (L+)*).
c) L (L* = L+ )
f) L (L* L = L+).
Chapter 2 1
g) L1, L2, L3 (L1* (L2 L3)+ = (L1* L2+ L1* L3+)).
h) L ( L* = ).
False. Counterexample:
Let L1 = {a} and L2 = . Then L1 - L2 = {a}, but L2 - L1 = .
False. Counterexample:
Let L1 = and L2 = a*. Then L1 L2 = = L2 L1.
False. Counterexample:
Let L1 = {a} b*. Let L2 = b*. Then L1 - L2 = {a}, which is finite. But neither L1 or L2 is.
n) The set of strings that correspond to binary encodings of positive integers is closed under concatenation.
Chapter 2 2
3 The Big Picture: A Language Hierarchy
4 Some Important Ideas Before We Start
1) Recall the function chop(L) defined in Example 4.10. Chop(L) = {w : x L (x = x1cx2, x1 L*, x2 L*, c
L, |x1| = |x2|, and w = x1x2)}. What is chop({anb2n : n 0})?
2) Are the following sets closed under the following operations? Prove your answer. If a set is not closed under
the operation, what is its closure under the operation? Assume an alphabet = {a, b}.
a) FIN under complement.
No, which we prove by counterexample. Let L = {a, b}*. L is infinite. But L = is infinite.
Yes. For any language L, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the elements of L and LR, so the
cardinalities of the two sets are the same.
Yes. For any language L, every string in L must also be in L*. So L* has at least as many elements as L
Chapter 4 3
Part II: Regular Languages
5 Finite State Machines
1) Show a DFSM to accept each of the following languages:
a) {w {a, b, c}* : w does not end in a}.
b, c
b, c
1 2 a
b, c b b
a a
a c
b, c c
D a, b, c
c) {w {a, b}* : if #a(w) is even, then #b(w) is divisible by 3; if #a(w) is odd, then #b(w) is divisible by 2}
b0 b b1 b b2 b b3 b b4 b b5
a a a a a a
a a a a a a
b0 b b1 b b2 b b3 b b4 b b5
Chapter 5 4
b) {w {a, b, c}*: w contains both ab and bcc as substrings}. (Note that they may overlap. So abcc
b a,b,c
a b c c
a, c
a,b,c b
b c c a
c) {w {a, b, c}*: w contains either or both of: (1) both the substring abb and the substring bbc, or (2) the
substring abc}.
a b c
a,b,c a,b,c
b b c a b b
a,b,c b a,b,c
a b b c
a a,b,c
b b c
Chapter 5 5
d) {w {a, b}* : w has even length and contains the substring ab}.
a found ab found
a b
a, b a, b
a, b b a, b
3) Suppose that a language L can be accepted by a four-state NDFSM M. Can we guarantee that it is possible to
construct a DFSM with fewer than 10 states that accepts L? Why or why not?
No. If we construct a DFSM M to accept L, it is possible that Mwill have one state for each set of states
that M could be in. So the possibilities include each element of P(KM) except . |P(KM)| = 24 = 16. So M’
may need as many as 15 states.
4) For each of the following NDFSMs, use ndfsmtodfsm to construct an equivalent DFSM. Begin by showing the
value of eps(q) for each state q:
1 ,a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5
Chapter 5 6
1 0 2 , 1 3 0 4
{1}, 0, {1, 2, 3}
1, {1}
{1, 2, 3}, 0, {1, 2, 3, 4}
1, {1, 3}
{1, 2, 3, 4}, 0, {1, 2, 3, 4}
1, {1, 3}
{1, 3}, 0, {1, 2, 3, 4}
1, {1}
The start state is {1}. All but {1} are accepting.
. a b, a
1 2 3 4 5
a, b, a,
6 7 8 9
Chapter 5 7
b 1 2
, a
a 3 4
eps(1) = {1, 2}
eps(2) = {2}
eps(3) = {3}
eps(4) = {4}
. a
1 2 a
a b
b b
4 3 a
eps(1) = {1}
eps(2) = {2, 3}
eps(3) = {3}
eps(4) = {4}
eps(5) = {5}
eps(6) = {6}
Chapter 5 8
{1}, a, {2, 3, 4}
b, {3}
{2, 3, 4}, a, {5}
b, {1}
{3}, a, {5}
b, {1}
{5}, a, {2, 3}
b, {3}
{2, 3}, a, {5}
b, {1}
5) Let M be the following NDFSM. Construct (using ndfsmtodfsm), a DFSM that accepts L(M).
. a a, b
1 2 3
a, b
5 6
Chapter 5 9
2) Add the dead state, D, and the transitions:
{1}, b, D
D, a, D
D, b, D
3) Swap accepting and nonaccepting states, making all states except D, {1}, {3}, and {3, 4} nonaccepting.
6) Let M be the following NDFSM. Construct (using ndfsmtodfsm), a DFSM that accepts L(M).
1 1 2 , 1 3 1 4
3) Swap accepting and nonaccepting states, making all states except D and {1} nonaccepting.
Chapter 5 10
7) Let M be the following NDFSM. Construct (using ndfsmtodfsm), a DFSM that accepts L(M).
. a
1 2 4
b a b b
3 b 5 a
1) Convert to deterministic:
3) Swap accepting and nonaccepting states, making D, {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {2} and {4} accepting.
Whatever L is chosen in a), the machine shown here will have exactly three states.
Chapter 5 11
9) (Note: Some of these problems should be given after regular expressions have been introduced.) For each of
the following languages L:
(i) Describe the equivalence classes of L.
(ii) If the number of equivalence classes of L is finite, construct the minimal DFSM that accepts L.
a) (a )a*b*a*.
[1] [a*]
[2] [a*bb*]
[3] [a*bb*aa*]
[4] [everything else]
a b a
1 b 2 a 3
a,b 4
[1] []
[2] [0 and odd length strings of length greater than 1 that do not begin 11]
[3] [1]
[4] [11(0 1)*]
[5] [even length strings that do not begin 11]
1 1 3 1 4 0,1
0 0
2 5
Chapter 5 12
c) {a*bnc* : n 1}
[1] [a*]
[2] [a*bb*]
[3] [a*bb*cc*]
[4] [everything else]
a b c
1 b 2 c 3
c a a,b
a,b,c D
a a a,b
1 2 5
b a b
3 4 8
b a b
6 b 7
Chapter 5 13
11) Minimize the following FSM M:
. a
1 2
b a
a b
b b
b a
4 3
Step 1: Convert to deterministic (and name the states for later convenience):
eps(1) = {1}, so the start state is {1}.
[A] {1}, a, {2, 3, 4}
b, {3}
[B] {2, 3, 4},a, {5}
b, {1}
[C] {3}, a, {5}
b, {1}
[D] {5}, a, {2, 3}
b, {3}
[E] {2, 3}, a, {5}
b, {1}
Step 2: Minimize:
0 = [B, C, E]
[A, D]
1 = B, a, D C, a, D E, a, D
b, A b, A b, A
A, a, B D, a, E
b, C b, C
So we have two states: [B, C, E] and [A, D]. No further splitting is required. So a minimal DFSM M* that
accepts L is:
a, b
A, D B, C, E
a, b
Chapter 5 14
12) Consider the following FSM M:
1 2 a 4
b a b a
3 5
a b
b a
a, b
13) Construct a Büchi automaton to accept each of the following languages of infinite length strings:
a) {w {a, b, c} : no a is immediately followed by a c}.
b, c
1 2 c 3 a, b, c
Chapter 5 15
6 Regular Expressions
1) [Luay Nakhleh] What is the cardinality of L = a*b* - ab?
The language defined by a*b* is countably infinite. When we subtract a single element, we still have a
countably infinite set.
2) Describe in English, as briefly as possible, the language described by each of these regular expressions:
a) a*(ba)a*(ba a*)*a*.
The set of strings over the alphabet {a, b} that contain at least one b and where every b is immediately
followed by at least one a.
b) {w {a, b}* : w contains bba as a substring that starts in an even numbered position in the string (where
numbering starts at 1)}.
c) {w {a, b, c}* : w ends with a character that occurs no where else in it}.
e) {w {a, b}* : w does not contain any occurrences of an a immediately followed by another a}
a, b a, b
b) ((a b) (a b))*
a, b
a, b
Chapter 6 16
c) (a b) (a (a b) b (a b))*
a, b
a, b
a, b a, b a, b
a a
5) For each of the following regular expressions , draw the smallest FSM that accepts L().
a) a ((a b) (b a))* a ((a b) a)* a ((b a) b)*
a, b
a, b
a, b a, b
a b a
6) Let L = {w {a, b}* : the first a in w is immediately followed by two b’s}.
a) Show a regular expression for L.
b a, b
a b b
7) Let L = {w = xcy: x, y {a, b}* and |x| is even and |y| is odd}. Indicate whether each of the following regular
expressions correctly describes L:
a) (a b)* c (a b) (a b)*
Chapter 6 17
c) (aa ab bb ba)* c (aa ab bb ba)*(a b) (a b)*
No. Both length requirements must be met, but there are odd length strings, such as abaaa, that cannot be
generated as |y|.
No. Since concatenation has higher precedence than , this expression can generate the string b, which is
not in L.
8) Let L = {w {a, b}* : w ends in a}. Indicate whether each of the following regular expressions correctly
describes L:
a) (a*b* b*a*)a
b) (a*b* b*a*)*a
c) (b*a*b*)*a
d) (b*a)*b*a*
9) Let L = {w {a, b}* : w contains at least two a’s}. Indicate whether each of the following regular expressions
correctly describes L:
a) a(b*a)*(a b)*
No. All the strings it generates start with a. So, for example, it cannot generate baa.
c) b*ab*a(a b)*
d) b*(ab*a)*(a b)*
Chapter 6 18
10) Let L = {w {a, b, c}* : w contains at least one a and at least one b}.
a) Show a regular expression for L.
The regular expression has two parts: One generates the case where a comes first; the other allows b to
come first.
c a, c a, b, c
a b
b a
b, c
11) Let L = {w {a, b, c}* : w contains no instance of the string bba}.
a) Show a regular expression for L.
(a ba)* b*
a b
a, b
The trick here is that the second half of the expression generates all the strings that the first one does. So
we can ignore the first one to build a simple FSM.
Chapter 6 19
13) Write a regular expression for the language recognized by the each of the following FSMs:
b a
(ab ba)*
b a, b
b a
a a, b
a b
(a b)*
Chapter 6 20
15) [Luay Nakhleh] A language L * is called normal if and only if at least one of the following holds:
L = .
L = {}.
L = {a}, where a .
L = L1 L2, where L1 and L2 are normal languages.
L = L1 L2, where L1 and L2 are normal languages.
L = {ww: w L1}, where L1 is a normal language.
For each of the following assertions, state whether it is True or False and prove your answer:
a) Every normal language is regular.
True. Notice that every normal language is finite. The definition does not include the Kleene star operator,
or any other operator that can build an infinite language from one or more primitive (and finite) ones.
Every finite language is regular.
False. By the same argument, no infinite language is normal. Yet there are infinite languages, for example
a*, that are regular.
16) For each of the following statements, state whether it is True or False. Prove your answer.
a) (a b)*(a* )a(a b)*a = aa(a b)*.
False. The string baa can be generated by the first expression, but all strings generated by the second
expression must start with aa.
b) (a b)* = (a b ba ab)*
c) b* (a b)* a* = b* (a b)*.
False. The second expression can only generate two strings: a and b. The first expression can generate
many others, including, for example aa.
g) (a b)* ab = (a b ba ab)+.
False. The second expression cannot generate but the first one can.
h) (a b) a* = ( b) a*.
False. The empty string is in the language defined by the expression on the right but it is not in the
language defined by the expression on the left.
Chapter 6 21
i) (a b )+ (a b) = (a b)+.
True. Any string generated by either of these expressions contains 0 or more substrings generated by ,
preceeded and/or followed and/or separated by zero or more substrings generated by .
Chapter 6 22
7 Regular Gramamars
1) Show a regular grammar for each of the following languages:
a) {w {a, b}* : w ends in aa}.
S aS
S bS
S aT
S bS
S aT
c) {w {a, b}* : w contains no two sequential characters that are the same}.
S aA
S bB
A bB
B aA
A aO
B bE
O a | b | aE | bE
E | aO | bO |
S 0S | 2S | 4S | 6S | 8S
S 1T | 3T | 5T | 7T | 9T
T 0S | 2S | 4S | 6S | 8S
Chapter 7 23
b) Give a simple English description of L.
S aV | bW
V aW | bW |
W a | b |aV | bV
a, b
b a, b
a, b
d) How many states are there in the mimimal FSM that accepts L?
Chapter 7 24
8 Regular and Nonregular Languages
1) For each of the following languages L, state whether or not L is regular. Prove your answer.
a) {anbn : n 5}.
Regular. L is finite. The following regular expression defines it: ab aabb aaabbb
aaaabbbb aaaaabbbbb.
Regular. We can build an FSM to accept L. We need the special start state since there must be at least one
a. There is only one accepting state since there must also be at least one b.
a a
a0 a1 a2
b b b
b b
b0 b1 b2
d) {w {a, b, c}* : every c has an a immediately to its left and a b immediately to its right}.
e) {w {0, 1, 2}* : every 1 is immediately preceded by 0 and immediately followed by 2}.
(1 01)* 00 (1 10)*
g) {w {a, b, c, d}* : if there are any a’s in w, then there is at least one c, and if there are any b’s, then
there is at least on d}.
Chapter 8 25
h) {w {a, b, c}* : w contains at least two occurrences of the substring ac or w contains no more than 3
Regular. L = L1 L2, where: L1 = {w {a, b, c}* : w contains at least two occurrences of the substring
ac} and L2 = {w {a, b, c}* : w contains no more than 3 c’s}. L1 is regular because it can be accepted
by a straightforward NDFSM (must show it). L2 is regular because it is defined by the regular expression:
(a b)*(c )(a b)*(c )(a b)*(c )(a b)*. The regular languages are closed under union,
so L must also be regular.
i) {w {a, b, c}* : #a(w) is even or #b(w) is divisible by 3 or w contains at least one c}.
Regular. There exists a straightforward NDFSM that accepts L. It has three branches, one of which
accepts all strings w where #a(w) is even, one of which accepts all strings w where #b(w) is divisible by 3,
and the last of which accepts all strings w where w contains at least one c. Alternatively, L can be
described by the regular expression:
k) {0n1m: n, m 1}.
l) {w {a, b}* : w has an even number of a’s and an odd number of b’s or w has an odd number of a’s and
an even number of b’s}.
a, b
a, b
Regular. L = {w {a, b, c}* : |w| is odd or w contains an even number of a’s}. Build an FSM for {w
{a, b, c}* : |w| is odd} and one for {w {a, b, c}* : w contains an even number of a’s}. The regular
languages are closed under union.
{anb*an : n 0} = (aa)* b* {some strings that start with a and contain both a’s and b’s}.
{bna*bn : n 0} = a* (bb)* {some strings that start with b and contain both a’s and b’s}.
L contains all strings that are in both of those languages. So L = (aa)* (bb)*.
Chapter 8 26
o) {w {a, b}* : w contains at least one instance of the substring aabaab and one instance of the substring
Regular. There exists a straightforward NDFSM that accepts L. It has two branches, one of which accepts
aabaab followed (eventually) by bb and the other of which accepts bb followed by aabaab.
p) {xy : x, y {a, b}* and z (z is a prefix of y and z = as for some s {a, b}*)}.
Regular. A string w is in L iff it contains at least one a. To see why this is so, call the part of w that comes
before that a x. Call the part that starts with that a y. That a can then be the beginning of z, which is thus a
prefix of y. So L is defined by the following regular expression: (a b)*a(a b)*.
q) Let = {a, b}. L = {w *: (w contains the substring ab) (w contains the substring ba)}.
Regular. Let L1 be (ab)n. We can describe L1 with the regular expression (ab)(ab)*. Thus L1 must be
regular. L is just the complement of L1. Since the regular languages are closed under complement, L must
be regular.
Regular. L = a*b*.
Regular. The key to understanding L is to observe that, while every string in L must contain at least string
from L1, L1. So we can simply ignore L1+ and form L’s strings from (a b)*. So L = (a b)*. We
prove this by showing that any string s in (a b)* can be generated as follows:
1. Generate x with the first (a b)*.
2. Choose from L1+.
3. Choose from (a b)*.
Regular. But now it’s a bit more difficult because L1. But we can choose strings in L1 that are formed
by letting w be just a single character. So all that is required is that there be a double letter somewhere. L =
(a b)* (aa bb) (a b)*.
w) {w {0, 1}* : k 0 and w is a binary encoding (leading zeros allowed) of 2 k+1}.
Chapter 8 27
x) {w : w is, for some n 1, the decimal notation, without leading zeros) for the number 10n}.
y) {w {1}* : w is the unary notation for a natural number that is a multiple of 7}.
z) {w {0-9}*: w is the decimal notation for a natural number that is a multiple of 7}.
Regular. We can build a deterministic FSM M to accept L. M is based on the standard algorithm for long
division. The states represent the remainders we have seen so far (so there are 7 of them, corresponding to
0 – 6). The start state, of course, is 0, corresponding to a remainder of 0. So is the final state. The
transitions of M are as follows:
si {0 - 6} and cj {0 - 9} ((si, cj) = (10si + cj) (mod 7)).
So, for example, on the input 962, M would first read 9. When you divide 7 into 9 you get 1 (which we
don’t care about since we don’t actually care about the answer – we just care whether the remainder is 0)
with a remainder of 2. So M will enter state 2. Next it reads 6. Since it is in state 2, it must divide 7 into
2*10 +6 (i. e., 26). It gets a remainder of 5, so it goes to state 5. Next it reads 2. Since it is in state 5, it
must divide 7 into 5*10 + 5 (i. e., 52), producing a remainder of 3. Since 3 is not zero, we know that 862 is
not divisible by 7, so M rejects.
b b even a’s
a a a
a a a
b b odd a’s
cc) {w {a, b}*: y (y is a nonempty prefix of w and y occurs at least twice in w)}. Example: aabbaab L.
Regular. L = {w {a, b}*: if x is the first character of w then x occurs again at least once}. So L is:
a(a b)*a(a b)* b(a b)*b(a b)*
Chapter 8 28
dd) (L)*, where L = {w {a, b}* : #a(w) #b(w)}.
Regular. L = (a b)*. To see why that is so, observe that , a and b are all in L.
ee) {w {a, b}* : |w| is a leap year in the modern Western calendar}.
Regular. A year is a leap year if and only if it is divisible by 4, unless it is divisible by 100, in which case it
is not a leap year, unless it is divisible by 400, in which case it is. An FSM can check these constraints.
ff) {w {0-9}* : w corresponds to the Social Security number of the oldest person ever to have a United
States Social Security number}.
gg) Assume that we represent dates as strings of the form mm/dd/yyyy, where each m, d, and y is drawn from
{0-9}. We will accept that, with this representation, we can only describe dates starting at 00/00/0000
and going up to 12/31/9999. Given this representation, let L = {strings that occur in years that are prime
hh) {w {0-9}* : all 0’s precede all 1’s precede all 2’s, etc.}.
ii) PartialBal = {w {), (}* : all (’s in w occur before all )’s}.
Regular. PartialBal can be accepted by a three-state FSM that stays in its initial state as long as it is reading
left parens. As soon as it sees a right paren, it goes to state 2. It stays there as long as it continues to read
right parens. If it sees a left paren in state 2, it goes to state 3, its dead state. States 1 and 2 are accepting.
Alternatively, it can be described by the regular expression (* )*.
kk) {w {a, b}* : exactly two prefixes of w contain one or more a’s}
Regular. L can be described by the regular expression b*a(b a). To see why this is true, observe that
any prefixes that contain only b’s don’t count. As soon as an a appears in the string, the first prefix to
contain it counts as one. To get a second one, there must be one more character. To prevent there being
more than two, there can be no more characters.
Regular. L = {a b c}*. To see why, note that we can let both s and t be . Then, to produce any
string w in {a b c}*, we let r be w.
Not regular. L = {anbanb, n 0}, which we show is not regular by pumping. Let w = akbakb. y must
occur in the first a region and be equal to ap for some nonzero p. Let q = 2. The resulting string is
ak+pbakb, which is not in L.
Chapter 8 29
nn) {w {a, b}* : #a(w) is evenly divisible by 4 and #b(w) is evenly divisible by 7}.
There exists a four-state DFSM that accepts L1 and a seven-state DFSM that accepts L2. So both L1 and L2
are regular. Since the regular languages are closed under intersection, L must also be regular.
Not regular. It is possible to do this directly using the Pumping Theorem, but it is tedious. Instead, note
that if L were regular, then LR would also be regular. LR = {an(cba)n : n 0}. We show that this is not
regular by using the Pumping Theorem. Let w = ak(cba)k. y must occur in the initial a region and be
equal to ap for some nonzero p. Let q = 0 (i.e., pump out). The resulting string is: ak-p(cba)k. This string
is not in L because the number of initial a’s no longer equals the number of occurrences of cba.
Not regular, which we show by pumping. Let w = a3kbk. y must occur in the a region and be equal to ap
for some nonzero p. Let q = 0. The resulting string is a3k-pbk, which is not in L, since 3k-p 3k.
Not regular, which we show by pumping. Let w = a2k+1bk. y must occur in the a region and be equal to ap
for some nonzero p. Let q = 0. The resulting string is a2k+1-pbk, which is not in L, since 2k+1-p is not
greater than 2k.
Not regular. We use the Pumping Theorem to show this. Let w = bkak. y = bp, for some nonzero p. Let q
be 2. The resulting string is bk+pak. It is a suffix of itself and the number of b’s is greater than the number
of a’s. So it is not in L.
Not regular. We use the Pumping Theorem to show this. Let w = ck+1ak. y = cp, for some nonzero p.
Pump out. The resulting string is ck--pak. There are no longer more c’s than a’s. So it is not in L.
tt) {w {a, b, c}* : the number of occurrences of the substring aba in w equals the number of occurrences
of the substring bab in w}.
Not regular. If L were regular, then L = L (abaa)*c(babb)* would also be regular, but it is not, as we
can show using the Pumping Theorem. Let w = (abaa)kc(babb)k. y must occur in the first k characters,
so it must be in the (abaa)k region. If y (abaa)p for some p then pump in once. The resulting string will
not be in (abaa)*c(babb)* and so is not in L. If y = (abaa)p for some p then pump in once. The
resulting string will have more aba’s than bab’s and so will not be in L.
uu) {w {0 - 9}* : the number of odd digits in w equals the number of even digits in w}.
Not regular. We use the Pumping Theorem to show this. Let w = 0k1k. y must occur in the first k
characters, so it must be in the 0 region. Pump in once. The number of 1’s (and thus odd digits) no longer
equals the number of 0’s (and thus even digits).
Chapter 8 30
vv) {w = xan: x {a b c}* and |x| = n and #b(x) = n/2}}.
Not regular, which we can show using the Pumping Theorem. Let w = akbkak. y must occur in the first k
characters, so it must be ap for some nonzero p. Pump in once. If p is odd, then the resulting string is not in
L since every string in L has even length. If p is even, then there is at least one b in the second half of the
new string. No string in L has that property.
Not regular, which we can show using the Pumping Theorem. Let w = akbk. y must occur in the first k
characters, so it must be ap for some nonzero p. Pump out once. The resulting string is not in L because it
is a prefix of itself but it has more b’s than a’s.
Not regular. If L were regular, then L = {w {a, b, c}* : #a(w) = max(#b(w), #c(w))} would also be
regular. But we show that it isn’t by pumping. Let w = akbkck. Note that max(#b(w), #c(w)) = k. y = ap,
for some nonzero p. Pump out once. The number of a’s in w is now less than max(#b(w), #c(w)), so this
string is not in L. Thus neither L nor L is regular.
yy) {w = st : s {a, b}* and t {b, c}* and #b(s) = 2#a(s) and #c(t) = 3#b(t)}
Not regular, which we show by pumping. Let w = b2kakc3kbk. y must occur in the first b region. It is bp,
for some nonzero p. Note that, when we pump, the boundary between the s and t regions cannot move
because there can be no a’s in s or c’s in t. Let q = 0 (i.e., pump out). The resulting string is b2k-pakc3kbk.
The s region is b2k-pak. It doesn’t have twice as many b’s as a’s. So this string is not in L.
zz) {w is of the form x#y, where x, y {1}+ and y = x+1 when x and y are interpreted as unary numbers} (For
example, 11#111 and 1111#11111 L, while 11#11, 1#111, and 1111 L.).
Not regular. Intuitively, L isn’t regular because any machine to accept it must count the 1’s before the #
and then compare that number to the number of 1’s after the #. We can prove that this is true using the
Pumping Theorem: Let w = 1k#1k+1. Since |xy| k, y must occur in the region before the #. Thus when we
pump (either in or out) we will change x but not make the corresponding change to y, so y will no longer
equal x +1. The resulting string is thus not in L.
aaa) {x#y : x, y {0, 1}*, and, when viewed as binary numbers, y = 2x}. For example, 100#1000 L.
Not regular. If L were regular, then L = L 10*#10* would also be regular. But it is not. We use the
Pumping Theorem to show this. Let w = 10k#10k+1.
If y includes the initial 1, then set q to 0 (i.e., pump out). The resulting string will no longer start
with 1, as required by L.
If y does not include the initial 1 then it is 0p, for some nonzero p. Let q = 3 (i.e., pump in twice).
The resulting string has more 0’s in the initial region than in the second one and so x > y. So y
2x. So the resulting string is not in L.
bbb) {x#y: x, y {0, 1}*, when viewed as binary numbers, x+y = 3y}
Not regular, which we show using the Pumping Theorem. We must start by choosing a string that is in fact
in L. Let w = 100k#10k. Then w L since 3y is 110k. We must consider three cases for where y can fall:
y = 1 Pump out. Arithmetic is wrong. The left side is 0 but right side isn't.
y = 10* Pump out. Arithmetic is wrong. "
y = 0 pump out. Arithmetic wrong. Decreased left side but not right.
Chapter 8 31
ccc) {aibj : 0 i, 0 j, and i+j is prime}.
Not regular. The regular languages are closed under letter substitution. So if L were regular, so would be
L = L with every b replaced by an a. But L = Primea, which we have already shown is not regular. So L
is not regular either.
Not regular, which we show using the Pumping Theorem. Let w = 1k2k. So n = 0, m = j = k, and m =
max(n, j), since k = max(0, k). Since y must occur in the first k characters, it must be 1p for some nonzero
p. Set q to 2. The resulting string is 1k+p2k. max(n, j) has not changed. But m has grown. k+p > max(0,
k). So the new string is not in L.
2) Let L = {w {a, b}* : #a(w) = #b(w)}. Answer each of the following questions and prove your answer:
a) Is L regular?
b) Is L* regular?
No, which we show using the Pumping Theorem. Note that every string in L* also has an equal number of
a’s and b’s. Let w = akbk. y must occur in the first k characters, so it must be ap for some nonzero p. Pump
out once. The resulting string is not in L because it does not have an equal number of a’s and b’s.
3) Let L = {ap : p is prime}. Answer each of the following questions and prove your answer:
a) Is L regular?
b) Is L* regular?
Yes. L = {aa, aaa, aaaaa, …}. So L* contains plus every string that consists of only a’s except for
the single string a. L* can thus be described the regular expression a*.
For any language L over , we can define the function midL(L) as follows:
midL(L) = {t * : t = mid(s) for some s L}
a) What is midL(a*ba*)?
Yes. Each string in L can produce no more than one string in midL(L), so |midL(L)| |L|.
Yes. Every string s in L of length greater than 2 produces at least one string in midL(L) of length |s| -2. If L
is infinite, then there is no upper bound on the length of its strings. Thus there is no upper bound on the
length of the strings in midL(L). So midL(L) is infinite.
Chapter 8 32
d) Are the regular languages closed under midL?
Yes. Note that midL(L) contains all strings that can be derived by taking some string in L and erasing the
first and last characters. If L is regular, then it is accepted by some DFSM M = (K, , , s, A). From M, we
construct a new FSM M that accepts midL(L). Initially, let M be M. Create a new start state s and a new
accepting state a. Make a the only accepting state of M. For every transition ((s, c), q) in , add to M the
transition ((s, ), q). (So, for every first move that M can make on some input character, M can make the
same move without that character.) Similarly, for every transition ((q, c), a) in , where a A, add to M
the transition ((q, ), a). (So, for every last move that M can make on some input character, M can make
the same move without that character.)
No. Let L = {1ap1, p > 0 and prime} {0ap0, p > 0 and not prime}. L is not regular. But midL(L) = {ap,
p > 0}, which is regular.
Yes. Each string in L can produce no more than one string in edges(L), so |edges(L)| |L|.
Yes. For all L, every string in edges(L) is of length 2. Since || is finite, for all L, edges(L) is finite. Every
finite language is regular.
No. By the argument in part d, for all L, edges(L) is regular. A specific counterexample: Let L = {anban :
n 0}. L is not regular. edges(L) = {aa}, which is regular.
True. If L is regular, then it is accepted by some DFSM M. From M we construct a new DFSM M that
accepts min(L). M is just M except that we remove every outgoing edge from every accepting state.
Fasle, which we show by counterexample. Let L = {ambn : n, m > 0 and m n}, which isn’t regular. But
min(L) = {ab, aab, aaab, aaaab} = aa*b, which is regular.
Chapter 8 33
7) Define the binary function on pairs of languages with alphabet , as follows:
Yes. Note that L1 L2 = pref(L1) pref(L2). We’ve shown that the regular languages are closed under
pref. So both pref(L1) and pref(L2) are regular. We’ve also shown that the regular languages are closed
under intersection. So pref(L1) pref(L2) is regular.
8) [Luay Nakhleh] Let A and B be two regular languages over some alphabet . Which of the following languages
are necessarily regular? Prove your answers.
a) L1 = {x : xR A}.
b) L2 = {x : x A and xR B}.
Necessarily regular. L2 = L(A) L(B)R. The regular languages are closed under both reverse and
c) L3 = {x : x A and xR B}.
Necessarily regular. L3 = L(A) L(B)R. The regular languages are closed under reverse, complement,
and intersection.
d) L4 = {x : x A and x = xR}.
Not necessarily regular. Let = {a, b}. Let A = *. Then L4 = {x = xR : x {a, b}*}, which we can
show, using the Pumping Theorem, isn’t regular. Let w = akbak. Then y is ap, for some nonzero p, and it
must occur in the initial a region. Pump in once. The resulting string is ak+pbak. It is not in L because
there are k+p a’s before the b reading from the left but only k a’s before the b, reading from the right.
9) [Luay Nakhleh] Let be an alphabet containing symbols a and b and possibly others. Then:
For any string y *, let yab be y with every occurrence of a replaced by b.
For any language L *, let Lab be the language {yab: y L}.
For example, if L = {aa, ab, abc}, then Lab = {bb, bbc}.
This claim is true. If L is regular, then there exists some DFSM M that accepts it. We modify M in the
following way so that it accepts Lab: Change every transition labeled a to one labeled b.
This claim is false, which we prove with a counterexample. Let L = {anbn : n 0}. Lab(L) = {bnbn : n
0} = (bb)*. So Lab(L) is regular, but L is not.
Chapter 8 34
10) [Luay Nakhleh] For any two languages L1 and L2, define:
split(L1, L2) = {x1yx2 : x1, x2 L1 and y L2}.
symsplit(L1, L2) = {x1yx2 : x1, x2 L1 and y L2 and 0 |x1| - |x2| 1}.
a) Let L1 = 0* and let L2 = 1*. Give precise descriptions of split(L1, L2) and symsplit(L1, L2).
b) Are the regular languages closed under split? Prove your answer.
This claim is true. split(L1, L2) is simply L1L2L1 and the regular languages are closed under concatenation.
c) Are the regular languages closed under symsplit? Prove your answer.
This claim is False The languages described in part (a) give a counterexample. Both L1 and L2 are regular,
but symsplit(L1, L2) is not.
Chapter 8 35
9 Decision Procedures for Regular Languages
1) Define a decision procedure for each of the following. Argue that each of your decision procedures gives the
correct answer and terminates.
a) Given two regular expressions 1 and 2, are there at least three strings that can be generated by both 1
and 2?
1. From 1 and 2 construct M1 and M2 so that L(1) = L(M1) and L(2) = L(M2).
2. Construct M* to accept L(M1) L(M2).
3. Apply ndfsmtodfsm to M* to construct M**.
4. Let be the alphabet of M** and let k be the number of states in M**.
5. Run all strings in * of length < k through M**, keeping track of how many are accepted.
6. If none were accepted, halt and return False.
7. If 3 or more strings were accepted, halt and return True.
8. If L(M**) is infinite, return True, else return False.
c) Let = {a, b} and let be a regular expression. Does the language generated by contain an infinite
number of strings that start with a?
e) Let = {a, b}. Given two nondeterministic FSMs M1 and M2, does L(M1)L(M2) contain exactly two
Chapter 9 36
f) Let = {a, b}. Given a regular grammar G, are all strings in L(G) of even length?
1. Since we want only to consider binary strings, remove from M all transitions with labels other than 0
or 1.
2. Make M deterministic.
3. Minimize M. This step removes all unreachable states.
4. If there is a transition ((p, 0), q), for some accepting state q, return True. Else return False.
It can also be done by simulation. To do this, examine M and count its states. Call that count k. Then it is
necessary to try all binary strings that end in 0 of length up to k-1.
h) Given an FSM M, does L(M) contain at least one string that starts with ab?
It is sufficient to try only strings up to length 2k because: By the argument that we used in the proof of the
Pumping Theorem, if M accepts any string of length k or more, it must go through a loop to do so. By
trying all strings up to length k-1, we find out whether M accepts anything at all. If it accepts no such
“short” strings, then it can’t accept any longer ones either since those longer ones would be able to be
pumped down to shorter ones that would also have to be accepted. So, if it accepts none, our procedure
will correctly return False. And, if it accepts more than one such short string, our procedure will also
return False. We check strings of length between k and 2k to see whether M can accept by going through a
loop. If we find even one string in this range (and thus at least two total), M accepts an infinite number of
strings. Our procedure will return False.
Chapter 9 37
10 Summary and References
1) Let L = {w {a, b}* : every b in w has an a immediately to its left and two a’s immediately to its right}. For
example, the following strings are in L: a, aaa, , abaa, aabaa, abaabaa. The following strings are not in
L: b, bb, ababab.
a) Show a regular expression that describes L.
a b a
[L - ]
[all strings of the form xab, where x L]
[all strings of the form xaba, where x L]
[everything else, i.e., strings that can never become in no matter what comes next]
S | aT
T | aT | bW
W aX
X aT
2) True or false:
a) [Luay Nakhleh] If L* is regular, then L is regular.
b) If M1 is a nondeterministic FSM with k states, then there may exist a deterministic FSM M2 with fewer than
k states such that L(M1) = L(M2).
c) There is a countable number of regular languages over the alphabet ={a, b}.
True. The number of regular languages over is at least countably infinite because it includes all of {a},
{aa}, {aaa}, {aaaa}, … There can be no more than a countably infinite number of regular languages
over since every regular language can be described by some regular expression. The number of regular
expressions, given the alphabet , is countably infinite because it is possible to enumerate them
d) Every regular language can be accepted by some FSM with exactly two states.
False. There is a finite number of such FSMs and an infinite number of regular languages, so there aren’t
enough such FSMs.
Chapter 10 38
e) The finite languages are closed under concatenation with the regular languages.
f) The finite languages are closed under intersection with the regular languages.
True. For any two languages L1 and L2, |L1 L2 | min(|L1|, |L2|).
g) [Luay Nakhleh] Any infinite regular language properly contains another infinite regular language.
True. Let L be any infinite regular language and let w be some string in L. Then L {w} is infinite,
regular, and a proper subset of L.
True. Complement is self-dual (i.e., the complement of the complement is itself). So the complement of a
nonregular language cannot be regular. If it were, its complement (i.e., the original language) would also
be regular since the regular languages are closed under complement.
False. Let L1 = {ap: p is prime}. Let L2 = a*. L = {ap: p 2}, which is regular. But L1 is not regular.
False. Let L1 = {anbm : 0 n m}. Let L2 = {anbm : 0 m n}. L1 L2 = a*b*, which is regular. But
neither L1 nor L2 is regular.
True, since the regular languages are closed under reverse and reverse is a self inverse. So, if LR is regular
then so is (LR)R, which is L.
False. Counterexample:
Let L1 = {a}. L1 is finite.
Let L = L1*. L = a*, which is infinite.
Chapter 10 39
q) Every subset of a nonregular language is nonregular.
False. Let L = {anbn : n 0}. L is not regular. But {} is a regular subset of L.
r) The finite languages are closed under maxstring = {w: w L and z* (z wz L)}.
True. Every string in maxstring(L) is also in L so there cannot be more strings in maxstring(L) than there
are in L.
False. Counterexample:
Let L = {anban, n 0}. L is not regular. But chop(L) = {an, n is even}, which is regular.
u) Define the class IR to be the class of languages that are both infinite and regular. If L1 and L2 are in IR and
L1 = L2 L3, then L3 must also be in IR.
False. Let L2 = {anb* : n is even}. Let L3 = {anb* : n is prime}. Then L1 = aab*. All three of these
languages are infinite. But, while L1 and L2 are regular and thus in IR, L3 is not regular and thus is not in
False. Let L2 = a*. Let L1 = {an : n is prime}. Then L1 L2 and L2 is regular, but L1 is not.
w) [Luay Nakhleh] Let L be such that, for each w L, there exists some DFSM that accepts w. Then L must
be regular.
False. Given any individual string w, there is a simple DFSM that accepts it. But there’s only a DFSM that
accepts L (thus making L regular) if there’s a single DFSM that accepts all the strings in L. We are not told
that that is true. If this claim were true, every language would be regular.
True. G is not a regular grammar. But it defines a regular language, namely the set of odd length strings of
a’s and b’s.
True. G is not a regular grammar. But it defines a regular language, namely the set of even length strings
of a’s and b’s.
False. L(G) = {w {a, b}* : #b(w) = #a(w) + 2k, for some nonnegative integer k}, which can easily be
shown, using the Pumping Theorem, not to be regular.
Chapter 10 40
bb) If L(G) is finite, then G is a regular grammar.
False. Let G = {S aaa}. L(G) = {aaa} is finite and thus regular, but G does not satisfy the constraints
of a regular grammar.
False. Let G = {S aS, S a}. L(G) = a*, which is infinite, but G is a regular grammar.
Chapter 10 41
Part III: Context-Free Languages and Pushdown Automata
11 Context-Free Grammars
1) Show a context-free grammar for each of the following languages L:
a) {aibj : j = 4i + 2}.
S aSbbbb | bb
S aS
S aSc
S aB
B bb
S L1L2 S |
L1 0 L1 1 |
L2 a L2 b |
e) {w {a, b}* : each even length prefix of w contains at least twice as many a’s as b’s}.
If w is otherwise in L and its length is even, then, once, we can tack a b onto the right of it and it will still
be in L since adding the b adds no new even length prefixes. So, as we’re generating w, we need to keep
track of whether its length is even or odd so far. E will generate even length strings. O will generate odd
length ones.
S Eb | E | O
E Oa | aO
O Ea | aE
E aaOb | aaOa
O aaEb | aaEa
Chapter 11 42
b) Write a context-free grammar to generate L.
Two solutions:
S aXdd, X Xd, X aXd, X bbYccc, Y bbYccc, Y , or
S aSd, S Sd, S aMdd, M bbccc, M bbMccc)
3) For each of the following languages L, state whether L is regular or context-free but not regular. If L is regular,
show a regular grammar for it. Otherwise, show a context-free grammar.
a) {w {a, b}* : w = x (aa)* xR, for some string x {a, b}*}
b) {w {a, b}* : w does not contain any substring of three consecutive a’s}
S bS
S aA /* After an a, there can only be one more.
A bS
A aB /* The second a, so need to end or generate a b.
B bS
4) Let L = {w {a, b}* : every suffix of w has at least as many a’s as b’s}.
a) Show the first five strings in a lexicographic enumeration of L.
S Sa | bSa | SS |
c) Is the grammar you wrote for part b ambiguous? Prove your answer.
Our grammar is very ambiguous. An example of a string with several derivations is bbaaaa.
d) Show an invariant that can be used to prove that your grammar generates no strings that are not in L. Show
that your invariant is true when the working string is S and that it is maintained by every rule in your
Let st be the working string. Then I = “every suffix of st has at least as many a’s as b’s”.
S Sa: increases only the number of a’s. So if I hold before it is applied, it still does.
S bSa: does not change the relationship between the number of a’s and the number of b’s.
S SS : does not change the relationship between the number of a’s and the number of b’s.
S : does not change the relationship between the number of a’s and the number of b’s.
Chapter 11 43
5) Let L be the language generated by the following grammar G:
S 1S2
S 1S2S
S 12
Notice that, for any string s in L, #1(s) = #2(s). We use the Pumping Theorem to show that L is not regular.
Let w = 1k2k. Then y must be 1p for some nonzero p. Let q = 2. The resulting string will have more 1’s
than 2’s. It is thus not in L.
I XC /* i < j
X aXb | Xb | b
C cC |
K AY /* j < k
Y bYc | Yc | c
A aA |
b) Show that your grammar is ambiguous by showing one example of a string in L that has two parse trees.
Show the trees.
Any string of the form aibjck : i < j < k will have two parse trees. So, for example, bcc does.
7) Consider the grammar of English that is given in Example 11.6. Add to it the following rules:
ADJ nesting | green
ADV gallantly
N birds | popsorn | murals
V paint | paints | swim | swims
Using this augmented grammar, show a parse tree for each of the following sentences:
a) Swim gallantly.
b) Birds paint.
c) Birds paint murals.
d) Green popcorn swims.
Chapter 11 44
8) Consider the following context-free grammar G:
A aA
B bB
C cC
b) G is ambiguous. Prove this claim by showing a string that has at least two parse trees. Show at least two of
the trees.
Chapter 11 45
c) Convert G to Chomsky normal form. You must use the procedure described in class (and show your
work). It is not sufficient simply to write down the final result.
X1 X#T
S# S#
T XaA | a T XaA | a
T XbB | b T XbB | b
T X cC | c T X cC | c
A X aA A XaA
Aa Aa
B X bB B XbB
Bb Bb
C X cC C X cC
Cc Cc
Xa a Xa a
Xb b Xb b
Xc c Xc c
X# # X# #
Chapter 11 46
9) Convert each of the following grammars to Chomsky Normal Form:
a) S A | B
A aA | aC
B bB | bC
C pqrW
Chapter 11 47
12 Pushdown Automata
1) Build a PDA to accept each of the following languages L:
a) {aibj : j = 4i + 2}.
a//aaaa b/a/
a// c/a/
c/a/ //
Chapter 12 49
2) Consider the following (highly ambiguous) grammar G for Boolean expressions:
E (E)
E id E
E id E
E id
b) Trace the execution of one accepting path of your PDA on the input id (id (id id))
3) Let L be the language of Boolean queries. A primitive query is just id = id or it is id id. Then we can
build Boolean queries from primitive queries using the logical connectors , , and . Parentheses are also
allowed. Here are some example grammatical queries:
(id = id) (id id)
(id = id) (id = id id = id)
Remember that we’re just using id as a shorthand here for any identifier, which could be a field name or a
constant such as 3. Clearly these queries don’t make much sense if you take id as a literal.
a) Show a context free grammar that generates L.
S (S)
P id = id
P id id
Chapter 12 50
b) Show a PDA that accepts L.
It is straightforward to build one from the grammar shown above by using either cfgtoPDAtopdown or
c) We could augment L in various ways. For example, we could allow wildcards. We could provide the
ability to required that a value be an element of some set. Choose a useful feature and augment your
grammar from part (a) to allow it.
1//1 2/1/
2// 2//
{1n2m : 0 n m}
No. Whenever there is a 1 on the stack and the input symbol is 2, the two transitions from the start state to
the other state compete with each other.
Yes. There exists a deterministic PDA that accepts L(M). It works similarly to the way M works except
that, before it begins reading input, it pushes a marker # onto the bottom of the stack. Then it only takes the
2 transitions that don’t pop a 1 if the stack contains no 1’s.
S aS
S aSb
S Sc
b/a/ /a/
Chapter 12 51
6) Let L = {w {a, b}* : the first, middle, and last characters of w are identical}.
a) Show a context-free grammar that generates L.
A a MA a
B b MB b
a//c a/c/
b//c b/c/
2 a// 3 a// 4
1 a//c a/c/
b//c b/c/
5 b// 6 b// 7
7) Let L = {w {a, b}* : #a(w) = #b(w) and, for every prefix p of w, #a(p) #b(p)}.
a) Show a context-free grammar that generates L.
S bSa | SS |
N aNb | /* Generate anbn.
K | bbbK /* Generate b3k.
Chapter 12 52
b) Show a PDA P that accepts L.
a//a b/a/
b// b//
b// b//
c) Is P deterministic? If not, can you make an equivalent deterministic PDA for L? If so, do it. If not, can
you make a deterministic PDA that accepts L$? If so, do it.
There is not a deterministic PDA that accepts L. But there is one that accepts L$:
a//a b/a/
$/#/ b/#/
b/#/ b//
S 112B
S 11S2
B B2 |
Chapter 12 53
10) [Luay Nakhleh] Let A and B be two regular languages. Let C = {xy : x A, y B, and |x| = |y|}. Prove that C is
context-free by showing a PDA M such that L(M) = C.
a) Describe in English the key ideas in the construction of M.
Since A and B are regular, there exist DFSMs MA and MB that accept them. The first piece of M will
essentially run MA except that, every time it reads an input symbol, it will push a # onto its stack. The
second piece of M will essentially run MB except that, every time it reads an input symbol, it will pop a #
from its stack. M will have one -transition from each accepting state of MA to the start state of MB. Taking
that transition is equivalent to guessing that the middle of the input string has been reached. M will accept
iff it reads all its input, lands in an accepting state of MB, and clears its stack.
Since A is regular, it is accepted by some DFSM MA = (KA, A, A, sA, AA). Since B is regular, it is accepted
by some DFSM MB = (KB, B, B, sB, AB). To construct M, do the following:
1. Rename the states of MA and MB so that they have no state names in common.
2. For every transition ((p, c), q) in MA, add to M the transition ((p, c, ), (q, #)).
3. For every accepting state q in MA, add to M the transition ((q, , ), (sB, )).
4. For every transition ((p, c), q) in MB, add to M the transition ((p, c, #), (q, )).
5. Make sA the start state of M.
6. Make each state in AB an accepting state of M.
Chapter 12 54
13 Context-Free and Noncontext-Free Languages
1) For each of the following languages L, state whether L is regular, context-free but not regular, or not context-
free and prove your answer.
a) {xwxR : x, w {0, 1}+}.
Regular. The idea is that x can contain a single symbol and the rest of any string in L can be thought of as
being in w. So, all it takes to be in L is to have length at least three and to begin and end with the same
symbol. The we have that: L = {x w x : x {0, 1} and w ={0, 1}+}
= (0(1 0)+0) (1(0 1)+1).
d) {w {0 - 9}* : w, when viewed as a base 10 integer, with no leading zeros, is divisible by 20}.
0 (((1-9)(0-9)* ) (0 2 4 6 8) 0)
Regular. A straightforward FSM keeps track of whether it has yet seen an instance of cc. If it has, then, if
it sees an instance of aa, it goes to a dead state. All other states are accepting.
Regular. The key is that x can be equal to . So, letting x be , this expression can generate exactly the
language (a b)*. If x takes on any other value, all we get is an alternative derivation for some string that
can be generated just from (a b)*. So L = (a b)*, which is regular.
Chapter 13 55
i) L(G), where G = S TSb
S Tb
T Ta
Regular (even though this grammar isn’t regular). T generates a*. S generates strings that end in at least
one b and that may have an initial a region. So L(G) = a*b+.
j) [Luay Nakhleh] {u#v : u and v are the binary string encodings (with no leading zeros) of integers 1 and
u+v is an odd number}.
Regular. The key is that if one, but not both, of u and v ends in 1, then u#v L. Otherwise it isn’t. So the
following regular expression defines L:
k) [Luay Nakhleh] {u#vR : u and v are the binary string encodings (with no leading zeros) of integers 1 and v
= 2u}.
Context-free not regular. The key is that, if v = 2u, then <v> = <u>0. So every string in L has the form
u#0uR. The following context-free grammar generates L:
Proof not regular is by pumping. Let w = 1k#01k. Then y is 1p, for some nonzero p, and it must occur in
the initial 1 region. Pump in once. The resulting string is 1k+p#01k. But it is not true that 1k0 = 2(1k+p).
So this string is not in L.
l) {w {0-9}* : the number of odd digits in w is equal to the number of even digits in w}.
E 0 | 2| 4 | 6 | 8
Proof not regular by pumping. Let w = 1k2k. Since |xy| k, y is 1p, for some nonzero p. When we pump
in, we increase the number of odd digits (1’s) but not the number of even digits.
Proof not regular by pumping. Let w = a2kbkbka2k. Then y is ap, for some nonzero p, and it must occur in
the initial a region. Pump in once. The resulting string is a2k+pbkbka2k. It is not in L because there are
more a’s in its first half than in its second half. Thus its first half is not the reverse of its second half.
Chapter 13 56
n) {w wR : w {a, b}*}.
Context-free not regular. L can be generated by the grammar G = ({S, D, X}, {a, b}, R, S}, where R =
S aSa | bSb | D
D aXb | bXa /* D generates one mismatched pair.
X aXa | aXb | bXa | bXb | | a | b
If L were regular, then L = {w = wR : w {a, b}*} would also be regular. But we show that it is not by
pumping. Let w = akbak. Then y is ap, for some nonzero p, and it must occur in the initial a region. Pump
in once. The resulting string is ak+pbak. It is not in L because there are k+p a’s before the b reading from
the left but only k a’s before the b, reading from the right.
S [T]
T aTa | bTb | ][
We show that L is not regular by pumping. Let w = [akb][bak]. y must occur in the first a region, so it
must be ap, for some nonzero p.. Set q to 2. The resulting string is [ak+pb][bak], which is not in L because
the first bracketed region changed but the second one didn’t.
Context-free not regular. L = {aibjck : i, j, k 0 and i j or j k}. L can be accepted by the PDA shown in
Example 12.8 except that the top branch should not be present.
L = {w {a, b, c}* with letters out of order} {anbncn : n 0}. If L is regular, then so is:
L1 = L a*b*c*. But:
L1 = {anbncn : n 0}, which is not even context-free, much less regular.
q) {anbmck: n = m + k or m = n + k}.
A aAc | A /* n = m + k
A aA b |
B B 1B 2 /* m = n + k
B1 aB1b |
B2 bB2c |
Proof not regular by pumping. Let w = a2kbkck. Note that w L because it satisfies the first condition (n =
m + k). (Do not get confused by the two different uses of the variable name k.) Then y is ap, for some
nonzero p. Pump in once. The resulting string is a2k+pbkck. It is not in L because it satisfies neither of the
conditions for membership in L:
2k + p k + k, and
k 2k + p + k
Chapter 13 57
r) {aibjck}* : i, j, k 0 and j < i + k}.
Not regular, by pumping. Let w = ak+1bk. Set q to 0. The resulting string is ak+1-pbk. It is not in L because,
since p is at least 1, there are not more a’s than b’s.
C | cC
A1 | aaA1bb
A2 a | aaA2
K | bKc
We show not regular using the Pumping Theorem. Let w = a2kb2k. y must occur in the first k characters, so
it must be ap for some nonzero p. Pump in twice. There will still be an even number of a’s. But the
number a’s won’t equal the numer of b’s. So the resulting string is not in L. Alternatively, pump in once.
If |y| is even, the argument is the same as the one we just gave. If |y| is odd, the resulting string is also not in
L because the number of b’s doesn’t equal the number of c’s.
t) {w {0, 1}* : #0(w) = #1(w) and, at every point in w, reading from the left, there have not more 1’s than
0’s}. =
We show not regular using the Pumping Theorem. Let w = 0k1k. y must occur in the first k characters, so
it must be 0p for some nonzero p. Pump out once. The resulting string is not in L because it does not
contain equal numbers of 0’s and 1’s.
Chapter 13 58
u) [Luay Nakhleh] {aibjck : i, j, k 0 and j > i + k}.
T aTb |
X bXc |
B bB | b
Not regular, by pumping. Let w = akbk+1. Set q to 2. The resulting string is ak+pbk+1. It is not in L because
there are not more b’s than a’s.
Not context-free. We prove it using the Pumping Theorem. Let k be the constant from the Pumping
Theorem and let w = akbk+1ck. Let region 1 contain all the a’s, region 2 contain all the b’s, and region 3
contain all the c’s. If either v or y crosses numbered regions, pump in once. The resulting string will not
be in L because it will violate the form constraint. We consider the remaining cases:
(1, 1): Pump in once. This increases the number of a’s and thus the max of the number of a’s and c’s. But
the number of b’s is unchanged so it no longer greater than that maximum.
(2, 2): Pump out once. The max of the number of a’s and c’s is unchanged. But the number of b’s is
decreased and so it is no longer greater than that maximum.
(3, 3): Same argument as (1, 1) but increases the number of c’s.
(1, 2).(2, 3): Pump out once. The max of the number of a’s and c’s is unchanged. But the number of b’s is
decreased and so it is no longer greater than that maximum.
(1, 3): Not possible since |vxy| must be less than or equal to k.
w) {x#y#z : x, y, z {a, b}+ and (|x| - |y| = 2 or |y| - |z| = 2}. For example, abbbb#aabbb#aba L.
ACAC /* |x| - |y| = 2
BCBC /* |y| - |z| = 2
L is not regular, which we show by pumping. Let w = ak+2#ak#ak+2. y must occur in the first a region and
must be ap for some nonzero p. Pump in. The three regions of the resulting string are now of the following
x: k + 2 + p
y: k
z: k + 2
So neither of the required conditions is met and the resulting string is not in L.
Context-free not regular. A grammar for L1 is in the book. The context-free languages are closed under
Kleene star. But this fact isn’t really necessary, since L = L1.
Chapter 13 59
L is not regular, which we show by pumping. Note that every string in L contains an equal number of a’s
and b’s. Let w = akbk. y must be ap for some nonzero p. Pump in once. The resulting string is not in L
because it has more a’s than b’s.
Context-free but not regular. L can be generated by the following context-free grammar:
L is not regular. If it were, then L = L 01*01* would also be regular. But we can use the Pumping
Theorem to show that it is not.
Let w = 0 1k 0 1k
1 | 2 |3| 4
If y includes region 1, pump in once. The resulting string will no longer be in 01*01*. So it is not in L.
The only other place y can fall is in region 2. Pump in once. The number of 1’s in region 2 will no longer
equal the number of 1’s in region 4. So the resulting string is not in L.
Context-free but not regular. L can be generated by the following context-free grammar:
S S | T
S a S a | b S b |
T a T a | b T b |
L is not regular, which we show using the Pumping Theorem. Let w = ak b b ak bk a a bk.
1 |2 |3 | 4 | 5 |6|7| 8
s | sR | t | tR
Note that, although either s or t may be empty, given the definition of L, neither of them can be empty in w
since w starts with an a and ends with a b. y must fall in region 1. It is ap for some nonzero p. Pump in
once. The resulting string is not in L. The boundary between s and t cannot move since t ends in a b. So it
must also start with a b. But s starts with an a, so it must end in one also. Thus the boundary between s
and t must remain at the boundary between regions 4 and 5. But, after pumping, the number of a’s in
region 1 does not equal the number of a’s in region 4. So the substring in regions 1 through 4 is no longer
of the form ssR.
Chapter 13 60
bb) {ssRssR : s {a, b}*}.
Not context-free. If L were context-free, then L1 = L a*bba*a*bba* would also be context free. But
we show that it is not by pumping.
Let w = ak bb akak bb ak
1 | 2 | 3 | 4|5
Observe that any string in L1 must satisfy both of the following properties that relate the lengths of the five
regions of any such string (including w):
If either v or y from the Pumping Theorem contains two or more distinct letters, pump in once. The
resulting string will not be in L1 because it will violate the form constraint. If nonempty v or y is in region
2 or region 4, pump in once. The resulting string will violate the constraint that both region 2 and region 4
must be exactly the string bb. We consider the remaining cases for where nonempty v and y can fall:
Not context-free. If L were context-free, then L1 = L a*b*c* would also be context free. But we show
that it is not by pumping.
If either v or y from the Pumping Theorem contains two or more distinct letters, pump in once. The
resulting string will not be in L1 because it will violate the form constraint. We consider the remaining
(1, 1) Pump in. Fewer b’s than a’s.
(2, 2) Pump out. Fewer b’s than a’s.
(3, 3) Pump in. Not enough a’s or b’s.
(1, 2) Pump out. Fewer b’s than twice the number of c’s.
(2, 3) Pump in. Unequal a’s and b’s.
(1, 3) |vxy| must be less than k.
Chapter 13 61
dd) {w {a, b, c}*: #a(w) = max(#b(w), #c(w))}.
Let w = ak bk ck.
If either v or y from the pumping theorem contains two or more distinct letters, pump in once. The
resulting string will not be in L because it will violate the form constraint. We consider the remaining
(1, 1) Pump in once. Too many a’s, since the number of a’s increased but max(#b(w), #c(w)) didn’t
(2, 2), (3, 3), (2, 3) Pump in once. max(#b(w), #c(w)) increased, but #a(w) did not.
(1, 2) Pump out. max(#b(w), #c(w)) doesn’t change, but #a(w) does.
(1, 3) |vxy| must be less than k.
ee) {w {0-9}* : the number of digits that are equal to 0 mod 3 equals the number of digits equal to 1 mod 3
equals the number of digits equal to 2 mod 3}. For example, 012, 312, 645, 645672 are in L, but 111,
12123 are not.
Not context-free. If L were context-free, then L1 = L 1*2*3* would also be context-free. But we show
that it is not by pumping.
Let w = 1k 2k 3k .
If either v or y from the pumping theorem crosses regions, pump in once. The resulting string will violate
the form constraint and so not be in L1. We now consider the other ways in which v and y could occur:
(1, 1): We change the number of digits in 1 but not in 2 or 3, so we’ve changed the number of digits
equal to 1 mod 3 but not the number equal to either 2 or 0.
(2, 2): Same argument except we change the number of digits equal to 2 mod 3 and not the others.
(3, 3): Same argument except we change the number of digits equal to 0 mod 3 and not the others.
(1, 2): We change the number of digits equal to 1 mod 3 and the number equal to 2, but not the number
equal to 0.
(2, 3): Same argument except that we don’t change the number of digits equal to 1 mod 3.
(1, 3): Not possible since |vxy| k.
Not context-free. To avoid clashing with the names from the pumping theorem, we will rename the regions
of each string in L to m and n. So each string in L is of the form mnnRm. To make it easy to see why L is
not context-free, we focus on the case where n is empty. If L were context-free, then L1 = L a*b*a*b*
would also be context-free. But we show that it is not by pumping.
Let w = ak bk ak bk.
If either v or y from the pumping theorem crosses regions, pump in once. The resulting string will violate
the form constraint and so not be in L1. If |vy| is odd, pump in once, resulting in an odd length string. All
strings in L (and thus also L1) have even length. We now consider the other ways in which v and y could
(1, 1): Pump in once. m must start with an a (since the first character of w is an a) and end with a b (since
the last character of w is a b). The first copy of m starts with k + |vy| a’s, so the second one must too, but
there aren’t enough.
Chapter 13 62
(4, 4): A similar argument. Pump in once. Now the second copy of m ends with k + |vy| b’s, so the second
one must too, but there aren’t enough.
(2, 2): Pump in once. m must start with an a and end with a b. The first copy of m ends with k + |vy| b’s,
so the second one must too, but there aren’t enough.
(3, 3): A similar argument. Pump in once. m must start with an a and end with a b. The second copy of m
starts with k + |vy| a’s, so the second one must too, but there aren’t enough.
(1, 2): Pump in once. As for (1, 1), the a region of the first m grows, but the a region of the second m
(3, 4): A similar argument. Pump in once. As for (3, 3), a region of second m grows, but a region of first
m doesn’t.
(2, 3): Pump in once. If we think of the resulting string as still being just mm, we’ve changed the first half
and the second half in different ways. But maybe we’ve just introduced a nonempty n. But that cannot be
so since that n would have to start with a b. So nR would have to end with a b also, but the pumped in
string ends with an a. So there is no way to parse the resulting string so it is in L1.
(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4): Not possible since |vxy| k.
gg) {w = xyz : x 0*, y 1*, z 0*, |x| = |z| and |y| = 2|z|}.
If either v or y from the pumping theorem crosses regions, pump in once. The resulting string will violate
the form constraint and so not be in L. We now consider the other ways in which v and y could occur:
(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 3): Pump in once. The lengths of the x and z regions will no longer be equal
because one changed and the other didn’t.
(2, 2): Pump out. Since the length of the y region changed and the length of the z region didn’t, it will no
longer be true that |y| = 2|z|.
(1, 3): Not possible since |vxy| k.
hh) {x xneg : x {0, 1}*}, where xneg = x with all 0’s replaced by 1’s and 1’s replaced by 0’s.
Not context-free. If L were context-free, then L1 = L 0*1*0*1*0*1* would also be context-free. But
we show that it is not by pumping. Let w = 0k 1k 0k 1k 0k 1k.
If either v or y crosses regions, pump in once. The resulting string will violate the form constraint and so
not be in L1. If |vy| is odd, pump in once. The resulting string cannot be in L1 since all strings in L, and
thus in L1, have even length. Otherwise:
If v and y are in some combination of regions 1, 2, 3: Pump in once. At least one 0 from region 3
flows into the beginning of the second half of the string. But then both the first half and the second
half start with a 0. Thus the second half is not xneg.
If v and y are in some combination of regions 4, 5, 6: Similar argument except now both halves of the
string end in 1.
(3, 4): Pump out. The 1 region that begins the second half of the string won’t have as many 1’s as
there are 0’s at the beginning of the first half of the string.
All other combinations: Not possible since |vxy| k.
Chapter 13 63
ii) {w {a, b}*: w = xyz, |x| = |y|, z = (x with every a replaced by b and every b replaced by a)}.
Not context-free. If L were context-free, then L1 = L a*ba*b*a would also be context-free. But we
show that it is not by pumping. To avoid clashing with the names from the pumping theorem, we will
rename the regions of w d, e, and f.
| d | e | f
Let w = ak b ak+1 bk a.
| 1|2| 3 | 4 | 5
We break w into regions as shown above. If either v or y from the pumping theorem crosses numbered
regions, pump in once. The resulting string will not be in L1 because it will violate the form constraint. If
either v or y contains region 2 or 5, pump in once and the form constraint will be violated. If |vy| is not
divisible by 3, the resulting string will not be in L1, since |d| = |e| = |f|. We now consider the other ways in
which v and y could occur:
(1, 1): Pump in once. Since |vy| is divisible by 3, each of the three segments, d, e, and f, grows by at least
one character. In other words, the boundaries between regions shift to the left. So d still starts with a. But
f also starts with a, when it needs to start with b. So the resulting string is not in L1.
(3, 3): Same argument except that the d/e boundary shifts to the right.
(4, 4): Pump out once. The boundaries now move to the left. d will end in a, but so will f.
(1, 3): Pump in once. f now starts with a, as does d.
(3, 4): Pump in once. d ends in a, as does f.
(1, 4): Not possible since |vxy| k.
Not context-free. If L were context-free, then L1 = L 0*1*a0*1* would also be context-free. But we
show that it is not by pumping. Let w = 0k 1k a 0k 1k.
| 1| 2 |3 | 4 |5
We break w into regions as shown above. If either v or y from the pumping theorem crosses numbered
regions, pump in once. The resulting string will not be in L1 because it will violate the form constraint. If
either v or y contains region 3, pump in once and the form constraint will be violated. We now consider the
other ways in which v and y could occur:
(1, 1), (2, 2), (1, 2): Pump in. The region before the a is too long to be a substring of the region after the a.
(4, 4), (5,5 ), (4, 5): Pump out. The region before the a is too long to be a prefix of the region after the a.
(2, 4): Pump out. There are more 0’s before the a than after the a. So the region before the a does not
occur as a substring of the region after the a.
All other possibilities are ruled out by the requirement that |vxy| be k.
kk) {w {a, b, c}* : every a has a matching b and a matching c somewhere in w (and no b or c is considered
to match more than one a)}.
Not context-free. If L were context-free, then L1 = L a*b*c* would also be context-free. But we show
that it is not by pumping. Let w = ak bk ck.
We break w into regions as shown above. If either v or y crosses numbered regions, pump in once. The
resulting string will not be in L1 because it will violate the form constraint. We now consider the other
ways in which v and y could occur:
Chapter 13 64
(1, 1): Pump in once. The number of a’s went up, but the number of b’s didn’t so there is no longer a
matching b for every a.
(2, 2): Pump out once. The number of b’s went down, but the number of a’s didn’t so there is no longer
a matching b for every a.
(3, 3): Pump out once. The number of c’s went down, but the number of a’s didn’t so there is no longer
a matching c for every a.
(1, 2): Pump in once. The number of a’s went up, but the number of c’s didn’t so there is no longer a
matching c for every a.
(2, 3): Pump out once. The number of c’s went down, but the number of a’s didn’t so there is no longer
a matching c for every a.
(1, 3): Not possible since |vxy| k.
Not context-free. If L were context-free, then L1 = L a*b would also be context-free. But we show that
it is not by pumping. Let w = anb., where n is the smallest prime that is greater than k + 1. Copy proof
from Example 8.13 for the rest.
Not context-free. Let w = 1(k + 1)!. vy must be 1p for some 0 < p k. Pump in once. The maximum length
of the resulting string is (k + 1)! + k. Since k 1, k < (k + 1)!. So the new string is less than twice the
length of the original w. But the next string in L, after w, has length (k + 2)! = (k + 2)(k + 1)!. This string
has more than twice the length of w. So the string that results from pumping is too short to be in L.
Not context-free. Let w = 0 k1k . Let region 1 be all the 0’s and region 2 be all the 1’s. For any string x,
initially w but then any string created by pumping, let p(x) be #0(x) and let q(x) be #1(x). In order for x to be
in L, it must be the case that q(x) = p(x)2. (Alternatively, p(x) = q(x) ).
First, we notice that neither v nor y can cross regions or, when we pump in, we will get interleaved 0’s and
1’s and thus strings that are not in L. So we must consider three possibilities for (x, y):
(1, 1): Pump out, thus reducing the number of 0’s and creating a string x where p(x) < q(x) .
(2, 2): Pump in, thus increasing the number of 1’s and creating a string x where q(x) > p(x)2.
(1, 2): Pump in. We require that q(x) = p(x)2. We’ve started with p(x) = k and q(x) = k2. Suppose we
add just a single 0 when we pump. Then p(x) = k + 1. So q(x) must be k2 + 2k +1. So we must add 2k + 1
copies of 1. But |vxy| k. So we can’t add that many 1’s. And if y contains more than one 0, we will need
even more 1’s. So there is no way to pump in once and get a string in L.
If L is CF, then so is L1, since the CF languages are closed under intersection with the regular languages.
But we have already proved (in the previous problem) that L1 is not CF.
Chapter 13 65
pp) {x#y : x, y {0, 1}* and when x and y are viewed as binary numbers, y = 2x}. For example, the string
101#1010 L.
If L is CF, then so is L1, since the CF languages are closed under intersection with the regular languages.
But L1 is not CF, which we show by pumping.
Let w = 1k 0k # 1k 0k+1.
1 | 2 |3| 4 | 5
We break w into regions as shown above. If either v or y from the pumping theorem crosses numbered
regions, pump in once. The resulting string will not be in L1 because it will violate the form constraint. If
either v or y contains region 3, pump in once and the form constraint will be violated. We now consider the
other ways in which v and y could occur:
(2, 4): Set q to 2. The arithmetic constraint imposed by L will be violated since it requires that the
number of 0’s in region 5 be exactly one greater than the number of 0’s in region 2.
All other possibilities are ruled out by the requirement that |vxy| be k.
2) Let L1 = L2 L3.
a) Show values for L1, L2, and L3, such that L1 is context-free but neither L2 nor L3 is.
b) Show values for L1, L2, and L3, such that L1 is regular but neither L2 nor L3 is.
Let: L1 = {a*b*}.
L2 = {aibj : j i}.
L3 = {aibj : j i}.
3) Give an example of a regular language L1 that has a superset L2 that is context-free but not regular.
L1 = {}. L2 = AnBn.
Not context-free, which we prove using the Pumping Theorem. Let w = a#aa#aaa#aaaa …#ak. The
next longer string in L contains k+2 additional characters (k+1 a’s plus one new #). Pump in once. The
maximum number of pumped-in characters is k. So the resulting string is too short to be in L.
b) Now consider L. Is it regular, context-free but not regular, or not context-free? Prove your answer.
Context-free. The idea is that, to recognize that a string w is not in L, it suffices to find a single adjacent
pair of a regions that fail to satisfy the constraint that the second one contain exactly one more a than the
first one does. So a PDA for nondeterministically chooses a region to begin examining. It pushes the a’s
in that region onto the stack. It then pops a’s for each a in the next region and accepts if there’s not exactly
one extra a in the second sequence.
Chapter 13 66
5) [Luay Nakhleh] Let L = 1*0*. Define xneg = x with all 0’s replaced by 1’s and 1’s replaced by 0’s. Consider
the language:
Is L regular, context-free but not regular, or not context-free? Prove your answer.
Regular. Consider any string x in L. Its 1’s (if there are any) come first, then its 0’s (if there are any). So,
in xneg, the 0’s come first, then the 1’s. No string with 0’s followed by 1’s can be in L. So the only strings
that can be both in L and equal to xneg for some x in L are strings that have at most one distinct symbol.
Thus the only candidates for w2 are strings in the language (0* 1*). But w can be any string in L. So:
L = 1*0*(0* 1*)
Chapter 13 67
6) Remember the childhood song, “Old McDonald”. In case you don’t, here are the words to one version:
Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
And on his farm he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had a horse, E-I-E-I-O
With a “moo” “moo” here and a “moo” “moo” there With a “neigh” “neigh” here and a “neigh” “neigh”
Here a “moo” there a “moo” there
Everywhere a “moo” “moo” Here a “neigh” there a “neigh”
Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O Everywhere a “neigh” “neigh”
With a “snort” “snort” here and a “snort” “snort”
Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O there
And on his farm he had a pig, E-I-E-I-O Here a “snort” there a “snort”
With a “snort” “snort” here and a “snort” “snort” Everywhere a “snort” “snort”
there With a “moo” “moo” here and a “moo” “moo” there
Here a “snort” there a “snort” Here a “moo” there a “moo”
Everywhere a “snort” “snort” Everywhere a “moo” “moo”
With a “moo” “moo” here and a “moo” “moo” there Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
Here a “moo” there a “moo”
Everywhere a “moo” “moo” ...mouse.. “squeek”
Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
...porcupine... “oo-ah”
Suppose that we want to consider the language of Old McDonald songs, which we’ll define to consist of songs with
the form of the original but that may contain any finite number of verses and any set of animals (with their
associated sounds), in any order. So the classic song, as given above, can be defined by specifying: cow/moo,
pig/snort, horse/neigh, mouse/squeek, porcupine/oo-ah. We want to define grammars for verses and for whole songs
of this form. We want a grammar that is general and allows for an arbitrarily large collection of animals and sounds.
(Clearly if the set of possible songs is finite, the song language is regular and not interesting from our current point
of view.) We’ll start by defining the following nonterminal symbols:
a) As a first step, we will ignore the way in which one verse of this song must be related to the verses that
come before and after it. Instead, we will focus just on what a single legal verse can look like. Do the best
you can to write a context-free grammar for such a single verse.
Chapter 13 68
b) Are there any characteristics of a legal single verse that are not captured by your grammar? If so, show an
example of a verse that you can generate but that is not allowed.
We could fix this problem by having a separate verse grammar for each animal/sound pair.
c) Ignoring any of the problems you mentioned above, how would your grammar have to change to add dogs,
who say, “bow” “wow” (instead of, for example, “bow” “bow”).
We would need to distinguish between SOUND1’s, which can be the first syllable and SOUND2’s, which
can be the second syllable.
d) Now consider the problem of writing a grammar for an entire song. Again, do the best you can to capture
legal song structure as a context-free grammar. In addition to any problems that you mentioned in part b,
are there characteristics of legal songs that you cannot describe?
We can write:
WITHA With a SOUND SOUND here and a SOUND SOUND there Here a SOUND there a SOUND
Everywhere a SOUND SOUND
This lets us produce a song that is a sequence of verses. And each verse can be an arbitrarily long sequence
of sound fragments. But we have two new problems:
Nothing guarantees that each verse has one more song fragment than the one before it.
Nothing guarantees that the order of the song fragments matches their order in earlier verses.
Neither of these problems can be fixed in a context-free grammar that’s general enough to allow us to add
arbitrary animal/sound pairs to the repertoire.
Chapter 13 69
7) Define bothways(L) = L LR. Are the context-free languages closed under bothways?
No. Let L = {anbnam : n, m 0}. L is context-free since it can be generated by the following grammar:
S1 aS1b |
A aA |
9) For each of the following claims, state whether it is True or False. Prove your answer.
a) If L = L1+ and L is context-free, then L1 must be context-free.
10) Let (L) be as defined in Section 13.7, in our discussion of Parikh’s Theorem. For each of the following
languages L, first state what (L) is. Then give a regular language that is letter-equivalent to L.
a) {w {a, b}* : the first, middle, and last characters of w are identical}.
(L) = {(3+i, j) : i, j 0 and i+j is even} {(i, 3+j) : i, j 0 and i+j is even}.
Chapter 13 70
b) {w {a, b}* : w wR}.
Chapter 13 71
14 Decision Procedures for Context-Free Languages
1) Give a decision procedure to answer each of the following questions:
a) Given an FSM M and a PDA P, is L(M) L(P) empty?
Chapter 14 73
15 Parsing
1) Let L be the language defined by the following grammar G (with BLOCK as the start symbol):
ST do id = id to id BLOCK
ST do BLOCK until BOOL
ST id := id
BOOL id OP id
OP = | | > | <
We need to apply the heuristic to the rules for BLOCK and to two of the ST rules:
ST do ST
ST id := id
ST id = id to id BLOCK
BOOL id OP id
OP = | | > | <
Chapter 15 74
c) M is clearly nondeterministic. Show the places where nondeterminisim occurs. For each, indicate whether
or not a one character lookahead would be able to resolve the nondeterminism.
Rules [3] and [4] conflict. One character lookahead won’t help.
Rules [5], [6] and [7] conflict. One character lookahead solves the problem.
Rules [8] and [9] conflict. One character lookahead does not solve the problem because BLOCK could
begin with id.
Rules [11], [12], [13] and [14] conflict. One character lookahead solves the problem.
d) Is G ambiguous? If not , argue why not. If so, show some string w L that has more than one parse in G
(and show at least two parses for it).
[1] SD
[2] SE
[3] D dD
[4] D dDe
[5] D dF
[6] E Ee
[7] E dEe
[8] E Fe
[9] F
{dnem : n m}
b) Use removeleftrecursion to remove the left recursion in G (so that it could be used for top-down parsing).
The only left recursive rule is [6]. We replace rules [6], [7], and [8] by:
E dEeE
E eE
3) Consider the precedence table, for an arithmetic expression grammar, shown in Section 15.3.3. Call the
precedence relation that it encodes R.
a) What happens if we add (T, *) to R?
Nothing. F can’t be followed by an id in the expression language, so this entry doesn’t make any
Chapter 15 75
Chapter 15 76
16 Summary and References
1) For each of the following languages L:
(i) State whether L is regular or context-free but not regular.
(ii) If L is not regular, prove that it is not.
(iii) Write a grammar for L. If L is regular, write a regular grammar. If L is context-free, write a
context-free grammar.
a) {w {a, b}* : w = x (aa)* xR, for some string x {a, b}*}.
2) [Luay Nakhleh] For each of the following pairs of languages L1 and L2, state (with a justification) whether:
L1 L2,
L2 L1,
L1 = L2, or
None of the above.
a) L1: The language generated by the CFG whose rules are: S 0S1 | 1S0 | .
L2: The language generated by the regular expression (0 1)*.
L1 L2. L2 contains all strings over the alphabet {0, 1}. But L1 requires equal numbers of 0’s and 1’s.
For example, 0 L2 but 0 L1.
b) L1: The language accepted by the PDA M = ({p, q}, {0, 1}, {X}, q, {p}, ), where =
{((q, 0, ), (q, X)),
((q, 1, X), (p, )),
((p, 1, X), (p, ))}
L2: The language generated by the CFG whose rules are: S 0S1 | 0S | .
Chapter 16 77
c) L1: The language defined by the regular expression (0 1)* 11 (0 1)*.
L2: The language defined by the regular expression (0* 1*11)* 0*110* 1*.
L2 L1. L1 contains all strings over the alphabet {0, 1} that contain the substring 11 somewhere. Every
string in L2 also contains the substring 11. But there are additional constraints. So, for example, 11010
L1 but 11010 L2.
d) L1: The language accepted by the NDFSM M = ({p, q}, {0, 1}, q, {q}, ), where =
{((q, 0), {p}),
((q, 1), ),
((p, 0), {p, q}),
((p, 1), p)}
L2: The language generated by the CFG whose rules are: S AS | , A 0B, B 0B | 1B | 0.
L1 = L2 = (0 (0 1)* 0).
3) True or false:
a) If L1 L2 is regular and L2 is regular, then L1 must be context free.
False. Let L2 = {aa}. It is regular. Let L1 = {ap : p is prime}. It is not context-free. But L1 L2 = {aa},
which is regular.
False. Let L2 = {aa}. It is regular and thus also context-free. Let L1 = {ap : p is prime}. It is not context-
free. But L1 L2 = {aa}, which is regular.
False. Let L1 = {ap : p is prime}. Let L2 = {ap : p is not prime}. L1 L2 = a*, which is context-free. But
neither L1 nor L2 is.
False. Let L1 = {anbncn : n 0}. Let L2 = {anbncm : n, m 0}. L1 L2 and L2 is context free, but L1 is not
False. Let L1 be {anbn: n 0}, which is context-free but not regular. Let L2 be , which is a subset of L1
and is regular.
Chapter 16 78
i) If L1 is context-free and L2 L1, then L2 must be regular.
False. Let L1 be {anbn: n 0}, which is context-free. Let L2 be , which is a subset of L1 and is regular.
j) The regular languages are closed under intersection with the context-free languages.
False. Let L1 be a*b*, which is regular. Let L2 be {anbn: n 0}, which is context-free. L1 L2 = {anbn: n
0}, which is context-free but not regular.
k) The context-free languages are closed under concatenation with the regular languages.
True. Every regular language is also context-free and the context-free languages are closed under
l) The regular languages are closed under concatenation with the context-free languages.
False. Let L1 be {}, which is regular. Let L2 be {anbn: n 0}, which is context-free. L1 L2 = {anbn: n
0}, which is context-free but not regular.
m) The context-free languages are closed under union with the regular languages.
True. Every regular language is also context-free and the context-free languages are closed under union.
n) The regular languages are closed under union with the context-free languages.
False. Let L1 be , which is regular. Let L2 be {anbn: n 0}, which is context-free. L1 L2 = {anbn: n
0}, which is context-free but not regular.
o) If M1 is any nondeterministic PDA, then there exists no finite state machine M2 such that L(M1) = L(M2).
False. Let M1 be the NDPDA that, from its start state, has two transitions labeled a//, one to state q1 and
one to state q2. Make both q1 and q2 accepting. L(M1) = {a}, which is regular. So there exists an FSM M2
such that L(M2) = {a}.
p) If M1 is is an NDPDA with k states, then there cannot exist a DFSM M2 with fewer than k states such that
L(M1) = L(M2).
False. M1 could have many redundant states. Or M1could be a PDA that doesn’t use its stack. Then it can
easily be transformed into an NDFSM. But then that can be transformed into an equivalent DFSM.
q) If there exists a top down, context-free parser for a language L, then there must also exist a bottom up
context free parser for L.
True. If there exists a top down, context-free parser for L, then L is context-free. Any context-free
language can also be parsed bottom up.
r) {wwR : w {a, b}*} is accepted by some NDPDA with exactly two states.
True. This is true for any context-free language, as we saw in the proof of Theorem 12.1.
s) (a b c)* - {ambncp : m> n and n > p} is accepted by some NDPDA with exactly two states.
True. This is true for any context-free language, as we saw in the proof of Theorem 12.1.
Chapter 16 79
t) Let M1 be an arbitrary NDFSM. Then there exists some NDPDA M2 such that L(M1) = L(M2), but it is
possible that there does not exist a DPDA M3 such that L(M1) = L(M3).
False. There exists some DFSM M4 such that L(M1) = L(M4). From M4, we can build M3. It makes
transitions just as M4 does. It ignores its stack.
u) If L1 and L2 are both deterministic context-free then L1 L2 must also be deterministic context-free.
False. Let L1 = {anbnc* : n 0}. Let L2 = {a*bncn : n 0}. L1 L2 is not deterministic context-free.
Any PDA to accept it would not be able to decide whether or not to push a’s.
dd) Let G = {S [S], S SS , S }. There exists a Chomsky normal form grammar for L(G).
ee) The set of context-free languages that can be generated by some context-free grammar with an odd number
of rules is closed under concatenation.
True. Suppose that L1 can be generated by G1, which contains an odd number of rules. Suppose that L2 can
be generated by G2, which contains an odd number of rules. Then we can build G3 to generate L1 L2. First
rename the nonterminals of G1 and G2 so that there is no overlap between the two grammars and the
symbol S isn’t used. Let S1 be the start symbol of the new G1 and let S2 be the start symbol of the new G2.
G3 then contains all the rules of G1, all the rules of G2, and one new rule S S1S2. G3 has an odd number
of rules (odd + odd + 1).
ff) The context-free languages over a single character alphabet are closed under intersection.
True. By Theorem 13.8, any context-free language over a single-character alphabet is regular. The regular
languages are closed under intersection.
Chapter 16 80
Part IV: Turing Machines and Undecidability
17 Turing Machines
1) Consider the following Turing Machine M, described in our macro language:
h Lx h
c) Assume that M = {a, b}. Give a short English description of what M does. Don’t describe how it
operates. Describe its result.
Blanks out the input string except that, if there is a middle character, it remains.
Chapter 17 81
2) Consider the following Turing Machine M:
1,b 2,c
> R 1 a R 2 b R 3 c L
b 3 ,c,3,a ,1,a,b
b R c
bR 1,a,b,
c L R c R 1,2,a,b n
2 c,3
Chapter 17 82
3) Give a short English description of what each of these Turing machines does:
a) M = {a, b}. M =
>R a R b R a Lc
b) M = {a, b}. M =
b b
2 2
1,2 c L R 1 a
2 h
If the input string is of even length, it is unchanged. If it is of odd length, the middle character is replaced
by c.
>R L 0 1
0 L
Viewing its input as a binary number, M subtracts 1.
Chapter 17 83
d) Assume that the input to M is in 1 (0 1)*. M =
>R L L 1 0
1L 1 L
Viewing its input as a binary number, M adds 2.
e) M = {a, b}. M =
The leftmost a will be moved to the right end of the string (and the resulting hole closed up).
f) M = {a, b, c}. M =
>R a 1
b, c
L #
h L#, # 1 R
R 1
Chapter 17 84
g) M = {a, b}. M =
b L
Squeezes out all the a’s in its input string and moves the b’s so they are all together, without holes.
4) Give a clear formal description of language accepted by each of these Turing machines:
a) M = {a, b, c}. M =
c a,%,
R% a,b,c n
{bkcak : k 0}
Chapter 17 85
5) What function does the following Turing machine M compute?
>R L 0 1L 1 0 L
0 L
R0L R0R 1
Call M’s input w. Interpret w the as the binary encoding of some natural number n. If w is , treat it as an
encoding of 0. Then M computes:
f(n) = 0 if n is 0
n - 1 otherwise
6) Using our macro language, describe a Turing machine that decides L = {aibjck, i > k, 0 j <3, k 0}.
First check for form (a’s then b’s then c’s). Then, since what we need to do is to make sure that there is an
a for every c, we’ll work from the right. To make the machine easy to read, there will be three states
labeled n.
n n
L c # L Ra,,# a % R#
a b % , #
y a L %, n
a b
%, , b
Chapter 17 86
7) Consider the following TM M, where M = {a, b}:
>R a,b R
y n
b) Suppose that we want to invoke the Universal TM U on M and the input string ab. Show the input to U.
First we must write compile the macro language statement of M into a set of transitions. Then we can
encode them.
>R a
a R n
(a b)* bb (a b)*
b) Suppose that we want to invoke the Universal TM U on M and the input string ab. Show the input to U.
First we must write compile the macro language statement of M into a set of transitions. Then we can
encode them.
9) Suppose that M is a Turing machine with 6 states and a tape alphabet of 5 symbols (including ). We’re going
to consider encoding M for input to the Universal Turing machine U. Let c be the third symbol in M’s tape
alphabet. How would the following transition be encoded:
Chapter 17 87
10) Consider a two-tape Turing machine M, where M = {, a, b, c}. Suppose that we want to simulate M with a
one-tape Turing machine T using the technique described in Section 17.3.1. How large must T be?
11) Consider a three-tape Turing machine M, where M = {, a, b, c}. Suppose that we want to simulate M with a
one-tape Turing machine T using the technique described in Section 17.3.1. How large must T be?
Chapter 17 88
18 The Church-Turing Thesis
19 The Unsolvability of the Halting Problem
20 Decidable and Semidecidable Languages
1) [Luay Nakhleh] Consider the language L = {<A, B> : A and B are FSMs and L(A) L(B)}. Is L decidable?
L is in D. Note that saying that L(A) L(B) is equivalent to saying that L(A) L(B) is empty. The
following procedure exploits algorithms from Chapters 8 and 9 and decides L:
1. From B, construct (using the technique described in the proof of Theorem 8.4) a new FSM B that
accepts L(B).
2. From A and B, construct (using the technique described in the proof of Theorem 8.4) a new FSM F
that accepts L(A) L(B).
3. Return emptyFSM(F).
D. We don’t need to consider the infinite number of possible configurations of M. All we need to do is to
examine M’s (finite) transition table to see whether there is any transition from some state other than q
(call it p) to q. If there is such a transition (i..e., if p, , , D such that (q, ) = (q, , D)), then the answer
is yes. Otherwise, the answer is no.
Notice that this solution worked because we did not ask whether M, when operating on some input string,
ever reaches state q. That question is undecidable. We asked only whether there is some configuration (be
it reachable or not) that could lead M to state q. And that question can be answered by a simple
examination of .
b) {<M, w> : M, on input w, begins by moving right one square onto w. Then it never moves off w}
D. If M = (K, , , , s, H) cannot move off w, then it is operating with only a fixed length (|w| + 1) tape.
There are |K| states. There are |||w|+1 distinct tape values and |w| + 1 squares on which the read/write had
can be. So the maximum number of configurations M can enter is max = |K| |||w|+1 |w|+1. If M has not
halted after max steps, then it is in a loop and it will just keep doing the same thing over and over. So the
following algorithm decides L:
1. Run M on w for 1 step. If it did not move right, halt and reject.
2. If it did move right, then run M on w for max steps or until M halts or moves off the w region of the tape.
If M halted without moving off w, halt and accept.
If M moved off the w region, halt and reject.
If M did not halt, halt and accept (since it is just going to loop and continue not to move off w).
D. If M = (K, , , , s, H) cannot write on its tape, it is effectively an FSM. More importantly, observe
that there are |K| states. There is only one value for the tape. If M moves off its input onto the blank
region, it can count up to |K| blanks past the end of w by keeping the count in its state. If it moves farther
than that off the end of w (without writing anything), it is in a loop and it will continue to move without
writing, since it must, a second time in state q, reading a blank, do the same thing it did the first time it was
in state q reading a blank. So we need consider only |w| + 2|K| positions for M’s read/write head. Let max
= |K| (|w| + 2|K|). If M has not written on its tape after max steps, then it is in a loop and it will just keep
doing the same thing over and over. So the following algorithm decides L:
D. Without being able to move left, M cannot read what it writes on its tape. Further, if it can move only
to the right (with one exception allowed), then it must eventually either halt or move off its input and onto
the blank region that comes after the input on the tape. Once it does that, the only thing that can affect its
future behavior is its state. It has a finite number of states. If it ever enters one a second time, it is in a loop
and it will continue forever doing exactly what it has been doing. In particular, if it didn’t move left during
Chapter 21 91
its first time through the loop, it won’t on later passes through the loop. So the following algorithm decides
1. Begin running M on w.
2. If, at any point, it moves left a second time, halt and reject.
3. If, at any point, it halts without moving left a second time, halt and accept.
4. If, before one of those things happens, it moves off its input then continue the simulation, but begin
keeping track of the states that M enters.
5. If, without moving left, it halts, halt and accept.
6. If, without moving left, it enters a state a second time, halt and accept. It is in a loop that does not force
it to move left, so it never will.
7. If it had already moved left once before it ran off its tape then it may not do so again. If it moves left
even once more, halt and reject.
8. If it had not already moved left once before it ran off its tape, it may do so exactly once. If it does, start
over keeping track of states. We need to find out whether the leftward move is part of a loop (and so
will happen again). Continue the simulation. If M moves left again, halt and reject. If it halts without
moving left, halt and accept. If it reenters a state, halt and accept. It’s in a loop that doesn’t cause it to
move left.
e) {<M> : there exists some input on which M eventually moves right at least once}. (Assume our usual
convention that says that M’s read/write head is initially positioned immediately to the left of its first input
D. Note that the input to M is irrelevant since our decision procedure will make its decision before M has a
chance to read any of its input. The following algorithm decides L:
1. Simulate M on a blank tape (or on any other fixed input string), keeping track of each (state, input
character) pair that is encountered.
2. If M ever moves right, accept.
3. If M ever enters a (state, input character) configuration a second time, reject. It is in a loop in which it
doesn’t move right.
Notice that, eventually, this procedure must halt either in step 2 or step 3 since there is a finite number of
distinct (state, input character) pairs.
f) {<M, w> : if |w| is even then M halts on input w in exactly |w| steps}.
D. L must be finite and thus regular (and thus in D), since the number of strings of length < 2 over the
fixed alphabet that is used to encode Turing machines is finite and every element of L must be of length <
2. In fact, using the TM encoding scheme described in the book, there are no legal TM descriptions of
length less than 4. So L = .
D. A halting state is a state with no transitions out. So a decision procedure for L simply walks through the
description of M and checks whether there are any such states.
Chapter 21 92
i) {<Ma, Mb> : the number of states in Ma is twice the number of states in Mb}.
D. A decision procedure walks through the descriptions of the two machines and counts the number of
states in each. Then it checks that the first contains twice as many states as the second.
D. L is finite and thus regular (and thus in D), since the number of strings of length < 1000 over the fixed
alphabet that is used to encode Turing machines is finite and every element of L must be of length < 1000.
k) [Luay Nakhleh] {<M> : M is a Turing Machine that has fewer than 100 states and that halts on input 0}.
1. Lexicographically enumerate the strings w of length < 50 in M*. For each do:
1.1. Run M on w for 2|w| - 1 steps or until it naturally halts.
1.2. If it did not naturally halt, exit the loop and reject.
2. If all simulations halted, accept.
m) {<M> : there are more than three strings w such that M halts on w in some number of steps t and t is less
than the number of income tax returns filed in the US in 2000}.
D. Let r be the number of income tax returns filed in the US in 2000. The key to the fact that L is
decidable is that, if M can execute only r steps, then it can look at only the first r characters of any input
string. So, to check whether there are at least three strings that meet the requirement, it suffices to consider
only strings of length up to r. And we need only run M on each of them for at most r steps. So a finite
number of simulation steps gives us the answer. Thus the following algorithm decides L: On input <M>
D. L = . There is always an equivalent machine that has extra states and transitions and thus has a longer
D. L = {<M>}. For every TM, there’s another one that accepts the same language.
p) [Luay Nakhleh] {<M> : <M> L(M0), where M0 is a fixed Turing machine that halts on all inputs}.
Chapter 21 93
q) [Luay Nakhleh] {<M, w> : M0 (w L(M) L(M0))}.
D. L includes all strings of the form <M, w>. This is so because there exists an M0 such that L(M0) = .
Then, for any M, L(M) L(M0) = . So no string w is in that language.
Run M on the odd length strings in * in lexicographic order, interleaving the computations. As
soon as one such computation has accepted, accept.
Run M on the strings in * in lexicographic order, interleaving the computations. As soon as four
such computations have accepted, halt and accept.
Chapter 21 94
t) {<M, q> : M ever enters state q when started on an empty tape}.
Run M on , keeping track of each state this is entered. If M ever reaches state q, halt and accept.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Save x.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w on the tape.
1.4. Run M on w.
1.5. If x is , or a or b, accept; else reject.
2. Return <M#>.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w on the tape.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4 Accept.
Return <M#>.
Chapter 21 95
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H:
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so M# always gets stuck in step 1.3. M# accepts nothing. So
|L(M#)| = 0, which is less than 3, so Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M halts on w, so M# always accepts. |L(M#)| >3. So Oracle does not accept.
But no machine to semidecide H can exist, so neither does Oracle.
The following algorithm semidecides L: Run M on the binary encoding of the 6th Fermat number. If it
accepts, accept.
x) {<M> : TM M accepts at least one string that is the binary encoding of a prime Fermat number}. Assume
the existence of a procedure primeF(x: binary number), which returns True if x is the a prime Fermat
number and False otherwise.
1. Create a generator by lexicographically enumerating the strings in {0, 1}+. As each string is
generated, test to see whether it is the binary encoding of a prime Fermat number. If it is, then
output it.
2. In interleaved mode, run M on the set that is generated in step 1. If M ever accepts one of those
strings, halt and accept.
Chapter 21 96
If Oracle exists and decides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) decides H:
<M, w> H: M halts on w so M# accepts everything. There exists at least one string (e.g., 11) that is
the binary encoding of a prime Fermat number. Since M# accepts everything, it accepts that string.
Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M doesn’t halt on w so M# accepts nothing. M# does not accept at least one string that is
the binary encoding of a prime Fermat number, so Oracle rejects.
But no machine to decide H can exist, so neither does Oracle.
y) {<M> : ab L(M)}.
Run M on the strings in * whose length is divisible by 3 in lexicographic order, interleaving the
computations. As soon as one such computation has accepted, halt and accept.
If Oracle exists and decides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) decides H: Note that the result of running M#
is independent of its input. It accepts everything or nothing, depending on whether M halts on w.
<M, w> H: M halts on w so M# accepts everything, including at least one string whose length is
divisible by 3. So Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M doesn’t halt on w so M# doesn’t halt on any inputs. So it does not accept any strings
whose length is divisible by 3. Oracle rejects.
But no machine to decide H can exist, so neither does Oracle.
Chapter 21 97
aa) {<M> : 1|<M>| L(M)}.
1. Run M on 1|<M>|.
2. If it halts and accepts, accept. Else loop.
If Oracle exists and decides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) decides H: Note that the result of running M#
is independent of its input. It accepts everything or nothing, depending on whether M halts on w.
<M, w> H: M halts on w so M# accepts everything, including 1|<M>|. So Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M doesn’t halt on w so M# doesn’t halt on any inputs. So it does not accept 1|<M>|.
Oracle rejects.
But no machine to decide H can exist, so neither does Oracle.
bb) {<M> : M accepts both a and b and takes the same number of steps to do so in each case}.
If Oracle exists and decides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) decides H. Note that the result of running M#
is independent of its input. The number of steps it executes is a function only of the length of its input
(since it must erase its tape). So it will behave identically on a and b.
<M, w> H: M halts on w so M# accepts everything, including a and b. It takes the same number of
steps to do so in both cases. So Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M doesn’t halt on w so M# doesn’t halt on any inputs. So it accepts neither a nor b.
Oracle rejects.
But no machine to decide H can exist, so neither does Oracle.
cc) {<M, w> : M halts on w and does so in some number of steps k, where k > 2|w|}.
Run M on w, counting the steps that are executed. If M halts and the number of steps is greater than 2|w|,
halt and accept.
Chapter 21 98
Proof not in D: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M halts on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1 Compute k = 2|x| + 1.
1.2 Erase the tape.
1.2 Write w on the tape.
1.3 Run M on w.
1.4 Loop for k steps, then halt
2. Return <M#, w>.
If Oracle exists and decides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) decides H. R can be implemented as a Turing
machine. And C is correct. If M# halts on input x, then it takes more than 2|x| steps to do so. So:
<M, w> H: M halts on w so M# halts on everything, including w. It takes more than 2|w| steps
to do so. So Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M doesn’t halt on w so M# halts on nothing. In particular, it does not halt on w. So
Oracle rejects.
But no machine to decide H can exist, so neither does Oracle.
Run both machines on in parallel. If either Ma accepts or Mb rejects, halt and accept.
If Oracle exists and decides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) decides H. R can be implemented as a Turing
machine. And C is correct. Note that M# rejects nothing. M## accepts everything or nothing, depending
on whether M halts on w. So:
<M, w> H: M halts on w so M## accepts everything, including . So Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M doesn’t halt on w so M## accepts nothing, including . M# rejects nothing. So
Oracle rejects.
But no machine to decide H can exist, so neither does Oracle.
ee) {<M, n> : M accepts at least one string of length > n}.
Run M on the strings in * of length > n in lexicographic order, interleaving the computations. As
soon as one such computation has accepted, halt and accept.
Chapter 21 99
Proof not in D: R is a reduction from H to L defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description <M#> of a new Turing machine M#(x), which that operates as
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w on the tape.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4. Accept.
2. Return <M#, 1>.
Run Ma and Mb in parallel on on . As soon as one of the computations accepts, halt and accept.
Chapter 21 100
Proof not in D: R is a reduction from H to L defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description <M#> of a new Turing machine M#(x), which operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w on the tape.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4. Accept.
2. Construct the description <M##> of a new Turing machine M##(x), which operates as
2.1. Accept.
3. Return <M#, M##>.
Run M on aabb and bbaa, interleaving the computations. As soon as one such computation has
rejected, halt and accept.
ii) {<M> : M accepts the string that corresponds to the binary encoding of |<M>|}.
Run M on the string that corresponds to the binary encoding of |<M>|. If it accepts, halt and
Chapter 21 101
Proof not in D: R is a reduction from H to L defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description <M#> of a new Turing machine M#(x), which that operates as
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w on the tape.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4. Accept.
2. Return <M#>.
jj) {<M> : M does not accept the string that corresponds to the binary encoding of |<M>|}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w on the tape.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4. Accept.
2. Return <M#>.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w on the tape.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4. Accept.
2. Return <M#>.
Chapter 21 102
ll) {<M> : M rejects at most two even length strings}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w on the tape.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4. Reject.
2. Return <M#>.
mm) {<M> : when the strings in L(M) are listed in lexicographic order, the third such string is bbbb}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. If x is or a or bbbb, accept.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w on the tape.
1.4. Run M on w.
1.5 Accept.
Return <M#>.
nn) {<M> : M does not accept any string w such that 000 is a prefix of w}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w on the tape.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4 Accept.
Return <M#>.
Chapter 21 103
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H:
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so M# always gets stuck in step 1.3. M# accepts nothing, and, in
particular, no string that has 000 as a prefix. So Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M halts on w, so M# always accepts. In particular, it accepts strings with 000 as a
prefix. So Oracle does not accept.
But no machine to semidecide H can exist, so neither does Oracle.
oo) {<M> : M accepts every string in a+ and rejects every string in b+}
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. If x a+ then accept.
1.2. Save its input x on a second tape.
1.3. Erase the tape.
1.4. Write w on the tape.
1.5. Run M on w for |x| steps or until it halts.
1.6. If M would have halted during the simulation, then loop,
1.7. Reject.
2. Return <M#>.
SD. R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(s) that operates as follows:
1.1. If s {x a*: |x| is even}, accept.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w.
1.5. Accept.
2. Return <M#>.
Chapter 21 104
qq) {<M> : L(M) is not regular}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Save its input x on a second tape.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w for |x| steps or until it halts.
1.5. If M would have halted, then loop.
1.6. Else: if x anbn, accept. Otherwise reject.
2. Return <M#>.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Save its input x on a second tape.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w.
1.5. See whether x H by doing:
1.5.1. Check the syntax of x to see if it’s of the form <M, w>. If not, reject.
1.5.2. Run M on w.
1.5.3. Accept.
2. Return <M#>.
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H. Note that, if M# makes
it through the gate at step 1.4, then the language that it accepts is H (which is not decidable). If it fails to
make it through the gate, then the language that it accepts is , which is decidable. So:
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so L(M#) = , which is decidable. Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M halts on w. So L(M#) = H, which is not decidable. So Oracle does not accept.
But no machine to semidecide H can exist, so neither does Oracle.
SD: Assume that . R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined
as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Save its input x on a second tape.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w for |x| steps or until it halts.
1.5. If M would have halted, then loop.
1.6. Else accept.
2. Return <M#>.
Chapter 21 105
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H:
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so M# always gets to step 1.6. So it accepts everything,
including the binary representations of all even numbers, so Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M halts on w. Suppose it does so in k steps. Then, for all strings of length k or more,
M# loops at step 1.5. For any k, there is a binary string of length greater than k that represents an even
number. So it is not true that M# accepts all binary representations of even numbers. So Oracle does
not accept.
But no machine to semidecide H can exist, so neither does Oracle.
SD: Assume that . R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined
as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Save its input x on a second tape.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w for |x| steps or until it halts.
1.5. If M would have halted, then loop.
1.6. Else accept.
2. Return <M#>.
uu) [Don Baker] {<M> : TM M does not halt on any input that is the binary encoding of a prime number}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M# that operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w.
1.3. Run M on w.
2. Return <M#>.
Chapter 21 106
vv) {<M> : There exists at least one prime number whose encoding as a binary string is not accepted by M}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4. Accept
2. Return <M#>.
ww) {<M> : TM M halts on all strings of the form 1p, where p is prime}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Save its input x on a second tape.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w for |x| steps or until it naturally halts.
1.5. If M would have halted naturally, then loop.
1.6. Else accept.
2. Return <M#>.
xx) {<M> : TM M halts on all strings s, where s is the binary encoding of a prime number greater than 5}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Save its input x on a second tape.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w for |x| steps or until it halts.
1.5. If M would have halted, then loop.
1.6. Else accept.
2. Return <M#>.
Chapter 21 107
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H:
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so M# always gets to step 1.6. So it accepts everything,
including all strings that represent the binary encoding of a prime number greater than 5, so Oracle
<M, w> H: M halts on w. Suppose it does so in k steps. Then, for all strings of length k or more,
M# loops at step 1.5. For any k, there is a prime number greater than both 5 and k and thus a binary
string that encodes it. So M# fails to accept all such strings. So Oracle does not accept.
But no machine to semidecide H can exist, so neither does Oracle.
yy) {<M> : w (if w is the binary encoding of some integer n, then: if M halts on w then M also halts on the
binary encoding of 2n)}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Save its input x on a second tape.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w.
1.5. If x = 1, then halt, else loop.
2. Return <M#>.
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H. Note that we can
rewrite L as: {<M> : w (if w is the binary encoding of some integer n, then: M does not halt on w or M
does halt on the binary encoding of 2n)}.
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so M# always gets stuck in step 1.4. It halts on nothing. So, for
all strings that are binary encodings of integers, the first condition is satisfied. The second doesn’t
matter. Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M halts on w. M# always makes it to step 1.5. Consider what happens when x is the
string 1. It is the binary encoding of the integer 1. M# halts on it. So, if M# is to be in L, it must also
halt on the string 10. But it doesn’t. So Oracle does not accept.
But no machine to semidecide H can exist, so neither does Oracle.
zz) {<M> : M halts on all strings of the form 1k, where k = 2i for some integer i 0}. So, for example, if M is
in L, then M halts on 1111 and 11111111.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Save its input x on a second tape.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w for |x| steps.
1.5. If M would have halted, then loop.
1.6. Else halt.
2. Return <M#>.
Chapter 21 108
aaa) {<Ma, Mb> : L(Ma) L(Mb) = }
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M# that operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4. Accept.
2. Construct the description of M## that operates as follows:
2.1. Accept.
3. Return <M#, M##>.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M# that operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4. Accept.
2. Construct the description of M## that operates as follows:
2.1. Accept.
Return <M##, M#>.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M# that operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4. Accept.
2. Construct the description of M## that operates as follows:
2.1. Reject.
Return <M#, M##>.
Chapter 21 109
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H:
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so L(M#) = . L(M##) = . Each of them has cardinality 0. 20
= 0, so Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M halts on w, so L(M#) = *, so it is uncountably infinite. 0 20. So Oracle does
not accept.
But R cannot exist, so neither does Oracle.
ddd) {<Ma, Mb> : Ma accepts exactly one string that Mb does not accept}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows on input x:
1.1. If x = then accept. Else:
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w.
1.5. Accept.
2. Construct the description of M## that operates as follows:
2.1. Reject.
Return <M#, M##>.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M# that operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4. Accept.
2. Construct the description of M## that operates as follows:
2.1. Loop.
3. Construct the description of M### that operates as follows:
2.1. Loop.
4. Return <M#, M##, M###>.
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H. Note that L(M##)
L(M###) = .
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so L(M#) = . So L(M#) = L(M##) L(M###), so Oracle
<M, w> H: M halts on w, so L(M#) = *. So L(M#) L(M##) L(M###). So Oracle does not
But R cannot exist, so neither does Oracle.
Chapter 21 110
fff) {<Ma, Mb, Mc> : L(Mc) = L(Ma) L(Mb)}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4. Accept.
2. Construct the description of M##(x) that operates as follows:
2.1. Loop.
3. Construct the description of M###(x) that operates as follows:
2.1. Loop.
4. Return <M##, M###, M#>.
W3e3If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H. Note that L(M##)
L(M###) = .
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so L(M#) = . So L(M#) = L(M##) L(M###). Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M halts on w, so L(M#) = *. So L(M#) L(M##) L(M###). Oracle does not
But R cannot exist, so neither does Oracle.
ggg) {<M> : M views its input as a binary encoding of an integer and the only prime number it accepts
is 2}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. If x is the binary encoding of 2, accept.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w.
1.5. Accept.
2. Return <M#>.
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H. Note that M# accepts 2,
no matter what. At issue, then, is whether or not it accepts anything else.
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so, on any input other than 2, M# loops. L(M#) = {2}. Oracle
<M, w> H: M halts on w, so L(M#) = *. Since there exist prime numbers other than 2 and they
will be accepted, Oracle does not accept.
But R cannot exist, so neither does Oracle.
hhh) {<M> : M accepts all strings that start with a and accepts no strings that start with b}.
SD. R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. If the first character of x is a, accept. Else:
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w.
1.5. Accept.
2. Return <M#>.
Chapter 21 111
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H.
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w. M# gets stuck in step 1.3. So M# accepts all strings that start
with a. It doesn’t accept anything else, including any strings that start with b. So Oracle halts and
<M, w> H: M halts on w. M# accepts everything, including strings that start with b. So Oracle
does not accept.
But R cannot exist, so neither does Oracle.
iii) {<M> : TM M accepts all strings that start with a and rejects all strings that start with b}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. If the first character of x is a, accept. Otherwise:
1.2. Save its input x on a second tape.
1.3. Erase the tape.
1.4. Write w.
1.5. Run M on w for |x| steps.
1.6. If M would have halted, then loop.
1.7. Else reject.
2. Return <M#>.
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H. M# accepts all strings
whose first character is a.
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so M# always gets to step 1.7. So it rejects everything except
strings that start with a (those it already accepted in step 1.1.). So M# rejects all strings that start with
b. So Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M halts on w. Suppose it does so in n steps. Then, for all strings of length n or more,
M# loops at step 1.6. But there are strings longer than that that start with b. M# won’t reject them. So
Oracle does not accept.
But R cannot exist, so neither does Oracle.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Save x for later.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w.
1.5. Accept
2. Construct the description of M##(x) that operates as follows:
2.1. If x = b, accept, else reject.
3. Return <M#, M##>.
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H. Note that L(M##) =
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so L(M#) = . {b}. Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M halts on w, so L(M#) = *. * {b}. Oracle does not accept.
But R cannot exist, so neither does Oracle.
Chapter 21 112
kkk) {<Ma, Mb> : L(Ma) L(Mb) L(Mb) L(Ma)}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Save x for later.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w.
1.5. If x = a, accept, else reject.
2. Construct the description of M##(x) that operates as follows:
2.1. If x = b, accept, else reject.
3. Return <M#, M##>.
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H. Note that L(M##) =
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so L(M#) = . {b}. Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M halts on w, so L(M#) = {a}. Both {a} {b} and {b} {a} are false. Oracle does
not accept.
But R cannot exist, so neither does Oracle.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4. Accept.
2. Return <M#>.
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H. Note that an alternative
way to write the description of L is: {<M> : s * (s L(M) sR L(M))}.
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so L(M#) = . For any s, s L(M). Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M halts on w, so L(M#) = *. So, for any s, neither s nor sR fails to be in L. Oracle
does not accept.
But R cannot exist, so neither does Oracle.
mmm) [Luay Nakhleh] {<M, x, y> : M accepts exactly one of the two strings x and y}.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. If x = , accept.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w.
1.5. Accept.
2. Return <M#, , a>.
Chapter 21 113
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H.
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so M# accepts and nothing else, including a. Oracle accepts.
<M, w> H: M halts on w, so L(M#) = *. So, M# accepts both and a. Oracle does not accept.
But R cannot exist, so neither does Oracle.
SD: R is a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L, defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Save x.
1.2. Erase the tape.
1.3. Write w.
1.4. Run M on w.
1.5. If x = , else reject.
2. Return <M#, , a>.
If Oracle exists and semidecides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides H. Note that <M, x, y> is
in L iff either both x and y are accepted by M or neither of them is.
<M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so M# accepts nothing. Both and a are outside L(M#). Oracle
<M, w> H: M halts on w, so M# accepts and nothing else. In particular, it does not also accept a.
Oracle does not accept.
But R cannot exist, so neither does Oracle.
R(x) =
1. If x AnBn, then let M* be the simple TM that immediately accepts. Return <M*, >.
2. If x AnBn, then let M* be the simple TM that immediately loops. Return <M*, >.
b) If H M AnBn then H is in D.
If H M AnBn then H is decidable if AnBn is. But AnBn is decidable. So H would also be. Since the
decidable languages are closed under complement, H would then also be decidable.
Chapter 21 114
3) [Luay Nakhleh] Suppose that there are four languages A, B, C, and D. Each of the languages may or may not be
in SD. However, we know the following about them:
There is a mapping reduction from A to B.
There is a mapping reduction from B to C.
There is a mapping reduction from D to C.
MAYBE. If C is not in SD, then it’s possible that none of the others are either, so the statement could be
true. On the other hand, if C is decidable, then all the others must be too. In that case, the statement would
be false.
CERTAIN. If C is decidable, then all the others also are (since all are reducible to it). Since the set of
decidable languages is closed under complement, the complement of D must also be decidable.
NEVER. For any two languages L1 and L2, if R is a mapping reduction from L1 to L2, then it is also a
mapping reduction from L1 to L2. So we have that A is reducible to B. Thus, if B is in SD, so is
NEVER. For any two languages L1 and L2, if R is a mapping reduction from L1 to L2, then it is also a
mapping reduction from L1 to L2. So we have that B is reducible to C. Thus, if C is decidable, so
is B.
MAYBE. Suppose that A = B = . Then both A and B are decidable and the statement is true. But
suppose that A is and B is H (the halting problem language). Then A is decidable but B isn’t and the
statement is false.
MAYBE. Suppose that A = and C = D = H (the halting problem language). Then A is reducible to C
and is decidable. D is also reducible to C, but it is not decidable. This makes the statement true. But
suppose that A = C = D = . Then both A and D are decidable and the statement is false.
Chapter 21 115
22 Undecidable Languages That Do Not Ask Questions
about Turing Machines
1) Consider the following instance of the Post Correspondence problem. Does it have a solution? If so, show one.
i X Y
1 ab a
2 ab ba
3 aa baa
2) Consider the following instance of the Post Correspondence problem. Does it have a solution? If so, show one.
i X Y
1 ab aabb
2 ab baba
3 bba aba
4 bb bbbb
Has no solutions.
3) Construct a nontrivial instance of PCP, different from the ones in the book, for which a solution exists and show
the solution. By nontrivial we mean one in which the X and Y lists are not identical.
4) Is L = {<M> : M is a DFSM and L(M) = {a, aa}} decidable? Prove your answer.
5) [Luay Nakhleh] Is L = {<M> : M is a PDA and L(M) = {x : x {a, b}* and m (|x| = 2m}} decidable? Prove
your answer.
Yes. L = , which is regular and thus decidable. The reason is that L = {x : x {a, b}* and m (|x| = 2m}
isn’t context-free. So there is no PDA that accepts it. We prove that L is not context-free by observing
Chapter 22 117
that, if it were, then L = L a* would also be context-free. But we show that it is not by pumping. Let
w = a string of 2k a’s. We note that the next longest string in L is a string of 2k +1 a’s.
vy = ap for some nonzero p. Since |vxy| k, p must also be k. So, if we pump in once, the longest string
that can result is one with 2k+k a’s, which isn’t long enough, since, for all k, 2k+k < 2k +1. So the string that
results from pumping is not in L. So L, and thus L, is not context-free.
6) [Luay Nakhleh] Is L = {<G> : G is a context-free grammar and, for every string w L(G), either w is of even
length or w is of odd length and the last character of w is #} decidable? Prove your answer.
Approach 1: A grammar G is in L unless it can generate an odd length string that doesn’t end in #. Let b be
the branching factor of G and let n be the number of nonterminals it uses. Then the following procedure
decides L:
P(G) =
1. For each odd-length string w in G* of length up to 2bn+1 do:
If the last character of w is not #, check whether w L(G). If it is, exit the loop and
2. Accept.
If there are any odd length strings in L(G) that don’t end in #, this procedure will find at least one of them.
Suppose that there were one of length greater than 2bn+1. Call it s. The Pumping Theorem tells us that we
can pump v and y out of s and produce another string that is also in L(G). And we can keep doing that as
long as the length of the pumped string is greater than k, which is bn+1. Suppose that |vy| is even. Then
every time we pump out, we get another odd length string. So we will eventually get an odd length string
of length less than k and thus certainly less than 2bn+1. Suppose, on the other hand, that |vy| is odd. Then, if
we pump out an odd number of times, we’ll produce an even length string. Even length strings tell us
nothing about whether G is in L. But, if we pump out an even number of times, we’ll produce another odd
length string. We know that |vy| k (= bn+1). So any string of length greater than 2bn+1, can be pumped out
twice. So do double pumps on s. We will eventually get another odd length string of length less than 2bn+1.
P will find that string.
Chapter 22 118
7) Show that it is decidable, given a pushdown automaton M with one state, whether L(M) = *. (Hint: Show that
such an automaton accepts all strings if and only if it accepts all strings of length one.)
Next we show that M accepts all strings if and only if it accepts all strings of length one:
If direction: Suppose that M accepts all strings of length one. We must show that it accepts all strings of
any length. We prove this by induction on k (the length of the input string).
Base case: k = 1. True by assumption.
Induction step: Show that, if the claim is true for k = n then it must be true for k = n+1. Assume it is true
for k = n. This means that q is an accepting state and, on any input of length n+1, there exists at least one
path by which M will first read the initial n characters and land back in q with its stack empty. Since,
starting in q with an empty stack, it can accept any single character, it can next read charater n+1, at which
point it will also be able to accept.
Only if direction: If M does not accept all strings of length one then L(M) * since there are strings in *
(e.g., some of length one) that M doesn’t accept.
Chapter 22 119
23 Unrestricted Grammars
1) Write an unrestricted grammar for each of the following languages L:
a) {anbmcndn+m, n, m ≥ 0}.
The idea is that we’ll start by handling the case where n = 1. To do that, we’ll generate the string aMbbR.
We can then expand M as often as we like, each time introducing an a on one side and the special
multiplier symbol X on the other side. Then, we’ll push each X all the way to the right. As it goes over
b’s, it will double them. So the total number of b’s will be doubled exactly the same number of times as an
a was introduced.
Chapter 23 121
d) [Don Baker] {anb2ncn+2 : n 0}.
e) [Don Baker] {w {0, 1, #}*, where w is of the form bi#bj and bi and bj are the binary encodings, without
leading zeros of the nonnegative integers i and j respectively and i < j}. For example, 1101#1111 L.
The idea is that we’ll first generate a string of the form bi M biR R + T. Then we’ll reverse biR so we’ll have
bi M bi R + T. Now, to get rid of the + will require adding 1 to the second bi. We can also insert additional
copies of + so that we can add one an arbitrary number of additional times.
Chapter 23 122
f) {xyx : x, y {a, b}* and |x| = |y|}.
The idea is that we’ll first generate a string of the form X%xR$. X is x except that after each symbol there is
a C. Next, we’ll reverse xR. Then the C’s will get moved to the middle of the string and used to make y.
S S1 $
S1 a C S1 a /* Generate X%xR$.
S1 b C S1 b
S1 % /* An example, at this point, is aCaCbC%baa$
%%P /* Reverse xR. Use P as a pusher.
Paa aPa /* This group of rules pushes a character to the right wall.
Pab bPa
Pba aPb
Pbb bPb
Pa$ $a /* These next two rules jump the wall.
Pb$ $b
%$ # /* All characters have jumped. Make a new divider before second x.
CaaC /* Push C’s to the right, up against the #.
C##a /* Each C that is in the right place gets converted to an a or b.
# /* If this fires prematurely, any remaining C’s will be stuck.
The idea is that we’ll first generate yx#xRyR%. At this point, the boundary between y and x (and thus
between xR and yR) has not been fixed. Then we’ll randomly choose a boundary between xR and yR. Then
we’ll reverse the characters after the boundary by pushing them to the right and jumping them over the %.
We must be careful to choose a boundary that leaves at least one character in xR and one in yR.
S S1 %
S1 a S1 a /* Generate yx#xRyR%.
S1 b S1 b
S1 #
#aa$ /* Leave at least one character in xR.
$aaa$a /* Push the boundary marker $ as far as we like but not past the
$aba$b last character.
$@ /* Commit to location of boundary marker.
@@P /* Spawn a pusher to be used to reverse the chars after @.
Paa aPa /* This group of rules pushes a character to the right wall.
Pab bPa
Pba aPb
Pbb bPb
Pa% %a /* These next two rules jump the wall.
Pb% %b
Chapter 23 123
{( ab) 2 : n 0} .
S # ab %
##D /* Each D is a doubler. Spawn (n-1) of them. Each of them will get
pushed to the right and will turn each ab into abab as it passes over.
Dab ababD /* Move right and double.
D% % /* D’s work is done. Wipe it out.
# /* Get rid of the walls.
2) [Luay Nakhleh] Consider the language L = {wtw : w, t {a, b}* and |w| = |t|}. If L is context-free, show a
context-free grammar for it. Otherwise, show an unrestricted grammar for it.
L is not context-free, so we show an unrestricted grammar for it. The basic idea is that we’ll start by
generating a string of the form X%wR#, where X is w except that there’s a T after every character of X. So,
for example, we might have aTaTbT%baa#. We’ll reverse the final third of the string by hopping the
characters, one at a time over the #. Then, we’ll move all the T’s to the right until the entire T region is
immediately to the left of the %. Once a T has joined that region, it will become either an a or a b.
Chapter 23 124
c) even?(n) = m, where value1(n) is a natural number and m = 1 ifvalue1(n) is even and m = 11 ifvalue1(n) is
d) f: {a, b}* {a, b}*. f(w) = w with every even numbered character removed. (Start numbering the
characters at 1.) For example, f(abba) = ab.
SaaT /* S means an even number of characters to the left. T means an odd number.
TaS /* When going from T (odd) to S (even), wipe out the current character.
For example:
On input SaaabS, your grammar should produce aab.
On input SbaabS, your grammar should produce aabbaa.
Chapter 23 125
4) Show that {<G> : G is an unrestricted grammar that does not generate } is not semidecidable.
We prove the claim by describing R, a reduction from H = {<M, w> : TM M does not halt on w} to L,
defined as follows:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description of M#(x) that operates as follows:
1.1. Erase the tape.
1.2. Write w on the tape.
1.3. Run M on w.
1.4 Accept.
2. From M#, construct the description <G#> of a grammar G# where L(G#) = L(M#).
3. Return <G#>.
Chapter 23 126
24 Context-Sensitive Languages and the Chomsky
26 Summary of Part IV
1) Consider the language L defined by the following grammar G = ({S, A, a, b, c}, {a, b, c}, R, S), where R =
S ccASb
S ccAb
Ac cA
Ab ab
Aa aa
{a2nbncn : n 1}
b) Consider the following language classes: regular, context-free, context-sensitive, D, and SD. What is the
smallest class to which L belongs? Prove that L is in the class you name and that it is not in the next
smallest class.
2) True or False:
a) For every language L, *L = L.
c) The context-free languages are closed under union with the regular languages.
True. Every regular language is also context- free and the context-free languages are closed under union.
d) If M1 is a nondeterministic PDA, then there exists a nondeterministic Turing machine M2 such that L(M1) =
L(M2), but it is possible that there does not exist a deterministic Turing machine such that L(M1) = L(M2).
False. Since every context-free language is in D, there exists a deterministic TM that accepts L(M1).
True. Since there exists a PDA that accepts it, L(M1) is context-free and thus in D. Since it is in D, there
exists a deterministic TM M2 that decides it. M2 is also an NDTM.
f) If M1 is a deterministic Turing machine and if there is a PDA M2 such that L(M2) = L(M1) then M2 must be
False. Every context-free language can be decided by some deterministic TM, but not every context-free
language can be decided by a deterministic PDA.
True. Since every regular language is context-free and the context-free languages are closed under union,
the union of a context-free language and a regular one must be context-free. Every context-free language is
in D.
True. If L has 2 equivalence classes, then L is regular. Every regular language is decidable.
False. This language is indeed not in D. But Rice’s Theorem doesn’t apply since the property in question
is of an ordered pair of SD languages, not a single language.
k) Rice’s Theorem tells us that {<M, w1, w2> : M accepts w1 and rejects w2} is not in D.
False. This language is indeed not in D. But Rice’s Theorem doesn’t apply since the property in question
is of an ordered (language, string, string) triple, not a single language .
l) Rice’s Theorem tells us that {<M> : M accepts all even length strings} is not in SD.
False. This language is indeed not in SD. But Rice’s Theorem only tells us that it is not in D.
False. This language is indeed not in SD. But Rice’s Theorem doesn’t apply since the property in
question is of an ordered pair of SD languages, not a single language.
n) It is decidable, given two context-free grammars G1 and G2, whether L(G1) = L(G2).
t) The game of Life and the lambda calculus have equivalent computational power (i.e., any problem that can
be solved by one of them can be solved by the other) .
True. Both formalisms can be used to describe exactly the semidecidable languages.
u) There exist functions that can be defined in the lambda calculus but that cannot be computed by any Turing
machine. .
False. Turing showed the lambda calculus and Turing machines have equivalent computational power.
v) Unix-style regular expressions and Turing machines have equivalent computational power (i.e., any
problem that can be solved by one of them can be solved by the other) .
True. We showed in Section 17.5.2 that a two-stack PDA has the same computational power as a Turing
y) If H were decidable then the semidecidable languages would be closed under complement.
True. If H were decidable, then every SD language would also be decidable and D is closed under
True. The definition of an SD language is that it is accepted by some Turing machine. So L ={<M> :
True. The context-free languages are closed under union. And every context-free language is in D.
ii) The intersection of a context free language and a semidecidable one could be regular.
False. Let L1 be H and let L2 be {a}. Then L1 L2 = , which is semidecidable. But L1 is not.
False. Let L1 be {a}H (i.e., the string a concatened on the front of each string in H) and let L2 be {b}H.
Neither L1 nor L2 is decidable. But L1 L2 = , which is decidable.
True. If L’s complement is context-f ree, then it is also in SD. By Theorem 20.6, if L and its complement
are both in SD then L is in D.
mm) It is possible that the union of an infinite number of decidable languages might also be decidable.
True. Let L2 = a+. Let L1 = {ap : p is prime}. L1 L2 = a+, which is regular. But L1 = {ap : p is prime} is
not regular.
oo) If we subtract a finite number of strings from a decidable language, then it is possible that the result is
pp) If we add a finite number of strings to a semidecidable language, then it is possible that the result is
True. Let L be any decidable language. Then L is also semidecidable. The union of a decidable language
and a finite one must be decidable.
False. If L is semidecidable but not decidable, the claim is true. But L could be decidable. So, for
example, let L = {a}, which is regular, decidable, and semidecidable. Let = {a}. Then L = aa+,
which is also regular and decidable.
True. L1 can be decided by composing the reduction with the decider for L2.
ww) Given any two undecidable languages L1 and L2, it must be true that L1 L2 is undecidable.
False. Let L1 be H. Let L2 be H. Then L1 L2 is {<M, w>}, which can be decided by the simple
procedure that checks for valid syntax.
xx) Let L = {w: w is a syntactically well-formed sentence in first-order logic and w is a tautology}. L is in D.
yy) Let L = {w: w is a syntactically well-formed sentence in Boolean logic and w is a tautology}. L is in D.
True. A straightforward decision procedure simply enumerates the truth table for w.
zz) Let PCP = {<P> : P is an instance of the Post Correspondence problem and P has a solution}. PCP
SD/D. .
bbb) Consider the Post Correspondence Problem instance with X = (aa, bb) and Y = (aba, ba). This
problem has a solution. .
ccc) (1, 2, 2) is a solution to the Post Correspondence Problem instance with X = (ab, bb) and Y = (ba, abb).
ddd) (3, 2, 1) is a solution to the Post Correspondence Problem instance with X = (bba, ba, ba) and Y
= (a, abb, bab).
eee) Let TILES = {<T> : any finite surface on the plane can be tiled, according to the rules described in the
book, with the tile set T}. TILES SD.
fff) For every nondeterministic Turing machine there exists an equivalent deterministic one.
ggg) For every deterministic Turing machine there exists an equivalent nondeterministic one.
hhh) Let M be a Turing machine that never reads more than 17 squares of its tape on any input. M must
halt on all inputs.
False. There exists a decision procedure to decide whether M will halt on any given input This follows
from the fact that there is a finite number of configurations of M if we consider only 17 squares on either
side of the square the read/write head starts in. But it it possible that M loops reading the same squares
over and over.
iii) Let M be a Turing machine that never reads more than 2 squares of its tape on any input. L(M) is regular.
True. The number of configurations of M, if we consider only 2 squares on either side of the square on
which the read/write head starts is finite. So we can simulate M with an FSM.
jjj) Let M be a Turing machine that never reads more than 2 squares of its tape on any input. L(M) is finite.
False. Let M be a TM with = {a} and that immediately halts and accepts. M never reads more than 2
square of its tape on any input. But L(M) = *, which is inifinite.
kkk) The set of semidecidable languages over the alphabet {a, b} is not countable.
False. Each such language is semidecided by some Turing machine. The set of TMs with = {a, b} can
be lexicographically enumerated and so is countably infinite.
True. Using the encoding technique described in the proof of Theorem 17.1, such a machine can be
mmm) If M is a 4-tape Turing machine that decides some language L, there exists a 1-tape Turing
machine with a 2-character tape alphabet that also decides L.
True. Using the encoding technique described in the proof of Theorem 17.1, a one-tape machine can be
constructed. Then a new machine that uses only two tape symbols can be constructed by encoding
everything in binary.
nnn) If a nondeterministic Turing machine decides some language L in O(|x|) steps, where x is the input
string, then we know that there exists a deterministic Turing machine that decides L in O(|x|2) steps.
False. We know that a deterministic machine exists, but the best technique we have for constructing it may
result in a machine that takes exponential time. We cannot prove, however, that it isn’t possible to do
ooo) If a k-tape Turing machine decides some language L in O(|n|) steps, then there must exist a 1-tape
Turing machine that decides L in O(n2) steps.
ppp) If L can be decided by a 2-tape deterministic Turing machine M in O(n2) steps, then we are
guaranteed that L can be decided by a 1-tape deterministic Turing machine that, on input w, will never
require more than 4|w|2 steps.
False. Since {anbn : n ≥ 0} is in D, if H were reducible to it, H would also be in D. But it is not.
uuu) ({S, R}, {a, b}, {S aSR, S , aR Ra, R b}, S) is a context-sensitive grammar.
True. It can be done using the technique that is sketched in Section 17.4.
False. If this were true, then the set of legal Java programs, including the type constraints, would be a
context-free language and we showed that it is not.
True. Theorem 23.1 tells us that, if L is in SD, then there exists an unrestricted grammar that generates it.
H is in SD. So there exists an unrestricted grammar that generates it.
False. {a} is mapping reducible to H, but H is not mapping reducible to {a}. So the relation is not
aaaa) There exist three languages L1, L2 and L3 such that: L1 L2 L3, L1 D, L3 D, and L2 D.
True. Let L1 be EqTMs = {<Ma, Mb> : L(Ma) = L(Mb)}. Let L2 be {Ma, Mb}. Let L3 be L2 H.
bbbb) It is possible for the intersection of two languages that are in SD/D to be regular.
cccc) It is possible for the union of two languages that are not in SD to be regular.
True. Let L1 = HALL {strings over the TM-encoding alphabet that are not legal TM descriptions}. Then
the language:
L1 HALL = *.
True. Let L be an arbitrary regular language. Then L is also SD. Since the regular languages are
closed under complement, L must also be regular.
eeee) The intersection of a semidecidable language and a decidable language must be decidable.
False. Let be any nonempty alphabet. Let L1 = *. Let L2 = H. L1 L2 = L2, which is not in D.
ffff) The intersection of a semidecidable language and a decidable language must be semidecidable.
True. Every decidable language is also semidecidable and the semidecidable languages are closed under
False. There are only countably infinitely many TMs, but there is an uncountably infinite number of real
numbers. So there are not enough TMs to be able to do this.
False. AANY is semidecidable (although it is not decidable). AALL is not in SD. But if it were mapping
reducible to AANY, it would be in SD, since the composition of the reduction with the TM that semidecides
AANY would semidecide AALL.
iiii) Every language that is accepted by some deterministic LBA is decided by some deterministic Turing
True. If L is accepted by some deterministic LBA, then it is context-sensitive. By Theorem 24.2, every
context-sensitive language is decidable.
3) For each of the following statements, circle all of the language classes for which it is true. Remember that if L
is regular, then it is also context free, etc.
a) If L1 and L2 are languages in this class, then L1 L2 must be a language in this class.
b) If L1 and L2 are languages in this class, then L1 L2 must be a language in this class.
d) If L is in this class, then there exists a Turing machine M that lexicographically enumerates the elements of
e) If L is in this class, with alphabet , then there exists a decision procedure that determines whether an
arbitrary string w * is an element of L.
g) Let L be the language defined by the grammar: S SaS, S . L must be in this class.
Circle ii and iii. The limit of 2n2(n-1) over n2 is infinity so the first does not hold. The second holds with c
= 3 and k = 3. The third holds with c = 2 and k = 1. The fourth does not hold because the limit of 2n2(n-1)
over n5 is zero.
b) Suppose timereq(M) = 2n n2. Circle all of the following statements that are true:
i) timereq(M) O(n5). False
ii) timereq(M) O(2n). False
iii) timereq(M) O(n!). True
Circle iii. The limit of 2n n2 over either of the first two is infinity. The third holds with c = 1 and k = 8.
(8! > 28 82 and increasing n by 1 for n 8 increases the right-hand side by a factor of at most 2 (9/8)2 < 8
while the left-hand side increases by a factor of more than 8.)
2) [David Bunde] Let M be the Turing machine shown in Example 17.11. M duplicates a string. Analyze
Let n be the length of the input string w. M is described as two smaller machines, a copy machine and a
shift machine. The copy machine repeatedly moves n+2 places to the right and then moves n+1 places to
the left. It does this n times before halting on the space between the two copies. The shifting machine
makes 3 moves to shift each of the n characters, for 3n total moves. The last thing M does is move back to
the beginning of the input, which requires 2n moves. Thus, the total number of moves is n(2n+3)+3n+2n =
2n2+8n O(n2).
3) [David Bunde] Assume a computer that executes 10 10 operations/second. Make the simplifying assumption that
each operation of a program requires exactly one machine instruction. For each of the following programs P,
defined by its time requirement, what is the largest size input on which P would be guaranteed to halt within an
a) timereq(P) = 80n.
b) timereq(P) = 3n2.
c) timereq(P) = 4n-1.
There are 60 60 = 3600 seconds in an hour so we are looking for the largest value of n that is at most
3600 1010.
a) Dividing the number of seconds by 80 gives 45 1010 as the largest possible value of n.
b) Dividing the number of seconds by 3 gives 1200 1010 as the largest possible value of n2. The largest
possible value of n is 3464101 since 34641012 = 11999995738201 and 34641022 = 12000002666404.
(You can get in the right neighborhood by taking the square root of 1200 and then multiplying by 10 5.)
c) Calculating some powers of n shows that 421 = 4398046511104 while 422 = 17592186044416. Thus,
the largest possible value of n is 22 (recall that timereq(P) = 4n-1, not 4n). (A somewhat more
mathematically-satisfying technique than trying values is to use a logarithm base 4.)
Chapter 27 137
4) [David Bunde] Let each line of the following table correspond to a problem for which two algorithms, A and B,
exist. The table entries correspond to timereq for each of those algorithms. Determine, for each problem, the
smallest value of n (the length of the input) such that algorithm B runs faster than algorithm A.
n2 1000000n
n3 1000000n
2n 1000000n
n! 1000000n
Row 1: At n = 1000000, the two algorithms have equal running time and at n = 1000001, algorithm B runs
Row 2: At n = 100, the two algorithms have equal running time and at n = 101, algorithm B runs faster.
Row 3: Algorithm B first runs faster at n = 25 because 224 = 16777216 < 24000000 and 225 = 33554432 >
Row 4: Algorithm B first runs faster at n = 11 because 10! = 3628800 < 10000000 and 11! = 39916800 >
The basic idea is that timereq(M) is only defined if M halts on all inputs. We prove that L is not in D by
reduction from H. Define:
R(<M, w>) =
1. Construct the description <M#> of a new Turing machine M#(x) that, on input x, operates as
1.1. Run M on w for |x| steps or until it halts naturally.
1.2. If M would have halted naturally, then loop.
1.3. Else halt.
2. Return <M#>.
{R, } is a reduction from H to L. If Oracle exists and decides L, then C = Oracle(R(<M, w>)) semidecides
If <M, w> H: M halts on w. So, on some (long) inputs, M# will notice the halting. On those inputs,
it fails to halt. So timereq(M#) is undefined and thus not in O(n). Oracle(<M#>) rejects and C
If <M, w> H: M does not halt on w, so M# will never discover that M would have halted. So, on all
inputs, M# halts in O(n) steps (since the number of simulation steps it runs is n). So timereq(M#)
O(n) and Oracle(<M#>) accepts. So C rejects.
6) True or False:
a) n O(n4) True
b) 2n= O(2n) False
c) 2n + 2n O(2n) False
d) n3 + 2n + 3 (n4) False
e) n3 + 2n + 3 O(n3) True
f) n3 O(3n3) True
g) n2 = O(n3) False
h) 2n3 + 2n + 3 (n5) False
i) 2n + 2n O(n!/2) True
Chapter 27 138
j) 7n4 + 2n + 3 O(n7) True
Chapter 27 139
28 Time Complexity Classes
1) Prove that P is closed under:
a) difference (where the difference between two languages L1 and L2 is L1 - L2).
If L1 and L2 are in P, then there exist deterministic, polynomial-time Turing machines M1 and M2 that
decide them. We show a new, deterministic, polynomial-time Turing machine M that decides L1 - L2. On
input w, run M1 on w. If it rejects, reject. Otherwise, run M2 on w. If it accepts, reject. Otherwise accept.
b) reverse.
If L1 is in P, then there exists a deterministic, polynomial-time Turing machine M1 that decides it. We show
a new, deterministic, polynomial-time Turing machine M that decides LR. On input w, first reverse w.
(This can be done in polynomial time.) Then run M1 on wR. Accept if it accepts; reject if it rejects.
If L1 is in NP, then there exists a nondeterministic, polynomial-time Turing machine M1 that decides it. We
show a new, nondeterministic, polynomial-time Turing machine M that decides LR. On input w, first
reverse w. (This can be done deterministically in polynomial time.) Then run M1 on wR. Accept if it
accepts; reject if it rejects.
3) Show that each of the following languages is NP-complete by first showing that it is in NP and then showing
that it is NP-hard:
a) CHROMATIC-NUMBER = {<G, k> : G is an undirected graph whose chromatic number is no more than
k}. Recall that the chromatic number of a graph G is the smallest number of colors required to color its
vertices, subject to the constraint that no two adjacent vertices may be assigned the same color.
We first show that CHROMATIC-NUMBER is in NP by exhibiting Ver, a polynomial-time verifier for it.
Let c be a certificate: a list of vertices and, for each, a color. On input <G, k, c>, Ver operates as follows.
Let V be the vertices of G and E be its edges. Then:
1. Check that c contains exactly one entry for every vertex in V. If it does not, halt and reject.
2. Count the number of colors that are used in c. If it is greater than k, halt and reject.
3. For each vertex v in V do:
3.1. For each vertex v that is connected to v by an edge in E do:
Check that v and v are colored differently in c. If not, halt and reject.
4. Halt and accept.
Ver runs in polynomial time. Step 1 can be easily implemented to run in O(|V|2) time. Step 2 runs in
O(|V|) time. Step 3 runs in O(|V||E|) time.
Chapter 28 140
4) [David Bunde] Let ONE-CLIQUE ={<G, k>: G is an undirected graph with vertices V, k is an integer satisfying
1 k |V|, and G contains exactly one k-clique}. Does the following nondeterministic, polynomial-time
algorithm decide ONE-CLIQUE? Explain your answer.
decideONE-CLIQUE(<G,k>) =
1. Nondeterministically select a set S of k vertices of G.
2. If S does not form a clique, reject.
3. Else nondeterministically select another set T S of k vertices.
4. If T forms a clique, reject.
5. Else accept.
No. The problem is that a nondeterministic program will accept if even one path accepts. Thus, this
algorithm will accept if there is a k-clique and another group of k vertices that do not form a clique. The
algorithm designer probably intended step 3 to select another k-clique if one exists, but nothing forces that
to happen.
5) [David Bunde] Show that, if P = NP, then there exists a deterministic, polynomial-time algorithm that finds a
Hamiltonian path in a graph if one exists.
We begin by calling A on the input graph G. If A rejects <G>, then our algorithm says there is no
Hamiltonian path and exits. If A accepts <G>, then we need to find which edges it uses. To do this, we
make a series of calls to A, giving it slight modifications of the graph G. Specifically, for each edge e of G,
we remove e and call A on the modified graph. If A accepts the modified graph, then we know that edge e
is not necessary for a Hamiltonian path so we leave it out of the graph used in subsequent calls. If A rejects
the modified graph, edge e must appear in every remaining Hamiltonian path so we return it to the graph.
The modified graph resulting from this procedure contains at least one Hamiltonian path because G started
with a Hamiltonian path and A accepts the modified graph at the end of each time through the loop (after
edge e is added back if necessary). The modified graph also cannot contain any edge whose removal leaves
a Hamiltonian path in the remaining graph or that edge would have been removed when selected by the
loop. Therefore, the modified graph contains exactly the edges of a Hamiltonian path.
How long does this procedure take? It makes one call to A for each edge of G plus one extra. Since each
edge is listed in the input, the number of calls is proportional to the length of the input. Each of these calls
is on a graph no larger than G so each takes time polynomial in the input length. Therefore, the total time
devoted to calls to A is polynomial in the input length. The rest of the procedure also runs in polynomial-
time since it only makes simple changes to the graph.
Chapter 28 141
6) [David Bunde] Let R be the reduction from 3-SAT to VERTEX-COVER that we defined in the proof of
Theorem 28.20. Show the graph that R builds when given the Boolean formula:
(P S Q) (S P S) (Q S T)
7) [David Bunde] Recall that a wff in Boolean logic is said to be valid iff it is true for any assignment of truth
values to its variables. We will say that a wff is non-valid iff some assignment of truth values makes it false.
Show that the following language is NP-complete:
We first prove that NON-VALID is in NP: We describe Ver, a deterministic, polynomial-time verifier for
it. For w, a wff in Boolean logic, our certificate c will be an assignment of truth values to the variables.
Ver can take this assignment and, using the procedure described in the proof of Theorem 28.12, verify that
w evaluates to False given the assignments provided by c.
Next we show that NON-VALID is NP-hard: We give a deterministic polynomial-time reduction R from
SAT. To perform this reduction, R uses the input <w> to create <(w)>. This clearly runs in polynomial
time. To show that it is correct, we must show that <w> NON-VALID iff <(w)> SAT.
We first show that <w> NON-VALID <(w)> SAT. If <w> NON-VALID, then w is non-valid
and there is some assignment of truth values that makes w evaluate to False. This same assignment of truth
values makes (w) evaluate to True so <(w)> SAT.
Next, we show that <(w)> SAT <w> NON-VALID. If <(w)> SAT, then (w) is satisfiable
and some assignment of truth values makes (w) evaluate to True. This same assignment of truth values
makes w evaluate to False so <w> NON-VALID.
We give a deterministic polynomial-time reduction R that takes <G, k>, the encoding of graph G = (V, E)
and desired size of the vertex cover k. Reduction R creates a set of linear inequalities. For each vertex v in
G, the set of linear inequalities has a variable xv. It has the following groups of inequalities:
-xv 0 and xv 1 for each variable xv
-xu - xv -1 for each edge (u, v) E
v V xv k
There are two inequalities for each vertex in V, one for each edge in E, plus one other. All the inequalities
have length at most proportional to the number of vertices. Thus, the total length of these inequalities is
polynomial in the input size. Since each inequality is straightforward to compute from G, they can also be
computed in polynomial-time.
Chapter 28 142
It remains to show that <G, k> VERTEX-COVER iff R(<G, k>) INTEGER-PROGRAMMING. We
first show that <G, k> VERTEX-COVER R(<G, k>) INTEGER-PROGRAMMING. Let S be the
set of vertices in the vertex cover. We create an integer vector by setting the variables corresponding to
members of S to one and all other variables to zero. The first group of inequalities are satisfied because all
variables have value either 0 or 1. Each inequality in the second group is satisfied because each edge is
incident to at least one vertex in the vertex cover (by definition of a vertex cover) and the variable
corresponding to that vertex therefore contributes -1 to the left-hand side of that inequality. The inequality
from the third group is satisfied because at most k vertices are included in the vertex cover and only the
variables corresponding to those vertices contribute to the sum.
We complete the proof by showing that R(<G, k>) INTEGER-PROGRAMMING <G, k>
VERTEX-COVER by taking an assignment of values to the variables and creating a vertex cover. In
particular, the vertex cover includes all vertices corresponding to variables given value one. The first two
groups of inequalities imply that every edge is incident to at least one vertex in the vertex cover. The first
and third groups of inequalities imply that at most k vertices are included.
9) [David Bunde] The night manager of a university print center is responsible for seeing that all handouts are
printed for the next day’s classes. At the beginning of the evening, he receives copies of all the handouts to be
printed along with the number of copies of each that are required. (The time to make copies of a handout is
proportional to the number of copies required.) He tries to divide the handouts between two copy machines and
makes the copies; print center policy forbids using both copy machines on the same handout. His goal is to
minimize the completion time of the last machine to finish since he goes home once all the handouts have been
a) Convert this optimization problem to a language recognition problem.
PRINT-QUICK = {<S, k>: S is a multiset of integers, k is an integer, and there is a way to divide S into two
subsets A and S-A such that the sum of the elements in each subset is at most k}
b) Make the strongest statement you can about the complexity of the resulting language.
PRINT-QUICK is NP-complete. The members of A form the certificate used by a deterministic verifier.
To see that PRINT-QUICK is NP-hard, we give a reduction from SET-PARTITION to it. (Observe that
SET-PARITION is an almost identical problem; it lacks the parameter k and always tries to divide the set
into equal parts.) Our reduction takes an instance <S> of SET-PARTITION, adds up all the values in S,
and creates an instance <S, k> of PRINT-QUICK with k equal to half the sum of values in S. (If the sum is
odd, we round down; S cannot be partitioned and the resulting word will not be in PRINT-QUICK.) Since
we are just rephrasing the problem, <S> SET-PARTITION iff <S, k> PRINT-QUICK.
Chapter 28 143
a) For every nondeterministic Turing machine, there is known to exist an equivalent deterministic one that
runs in no more than twice the time.
False. There exists an equivalent deterministic one but the best guarantee that we know that we can make
is that it take exponentially more time.
False. There exists an equivalent deterministic one but the best guarantee that we know that we can make
is that it take exponentially more time.
c) There exists a polynomial-time nondeterministic Turing machine for which it is known that no equivalent
deterministic polynomial-time Turing machine exists.
False. While we cannot prove that an equivalent polynomial-time deterministic Turing machine exists,
neither can we prove that one might not.
d) Let TILES = {<T> : any finite surface on the plane can be tiled, according to the rules described in the
book, with the tile set T}. There exists an exponential-time algorithm to decide TILES.
1 2
3 4
1 2
3 4
5 6
Chapter 28 144
h) Consider the string S: (P Q) T. S is in SAT.
Chapter 28 145
29 Space Complexity Classes
1) [David Bunde] Prove that AnBnCn = {anbncn: n 0} is in L.
We give a deterministic Turing machine M to decide this language using logarithmic space. M uses its
work tape to store three counts in binary, separated by # signs. Each count stores the number of times one
type of character occurs. M reads the input, incrementing the first counter as long as the character a is
read. Once the character b is read, then M begins incrementing the second count. Similarly, once a c is
read, M begins incrementing the third count. If a character corresponding to an earlier count is ever read,
M rejects immediately because the input word does not have the correct form. Once the input word ends,
M begins to check whether the counts have the same value. To do this, it first examines the leftmost digit
in each, replacing these digits with # signs. Then it compares the second digits by looking at the first digit
after each group of # signs, followed by the third digits (found the same way) and so on. If there are ever
fewer than three digits occurring after groups of # signs, then one of the counts was too small and M rejects
immediately. Similarly, if any of the corresponding digits ever differ, M rejects immediately because the
counts differ. M only accepts if the non-blank part of its work tape becomes entirely # signs.
Because the counts are stored in binary, each has only logarithmic length with respect to the input. Since M
uses three counts (a constant number) and only a constant other amount of space for the separating # signs,
the total space used is still logarithmic and AnBnCn L .
Chapter 29 146
30 Practical Solutions for Hard Problems
1) [David Bunde] Give a randomized polynomial-time algorithm that takes a wff of Boolean logic in 3-conjunctive
normal form and outputs an assignment of truth values to variables that satisfies at least half the clauses in
expectation. (Hint: Analyze the algorithm that makes a random assignment of truth values to variables.)
As suggested in the hint, we consider the algorithm that makes a random assignment of truth values. Each
literal separately is satisfied by half the truth assignments (those assigning the appropriate truth value to the
variable occurring in the literal). Since a clause is satisfied if at least one of its literals is satisfied, each
clause is satisfied by at least half the truth assignments. (Exactly one half is achieved by a clause where the
same literal appears three times, though clauses containing distinct literals are satisfied by a higher
proportion of truth assignments.) Thus, any single clause in the formula has at least a 50% probability of
being satisfied by the random assignment. By linearity of expectation, this implies that the expected
number of satisfied clauses is at least half the total number.
2) [David Bunde] A popular word puzzle requires us to try to find a path between a pair of words, where each step
changes only one letter at a time and results in a valid word. For example, consider the following path between
the words GAME and HARD:
Suppose you want to write a program using A* to find paths between pairs of words. Your program takes an
initial word and a goal word, plus a dictionary listing all the valid words. Each node of the search is a word
reached from the initial word. As you expand the search tree from the initial word, the function g = f + h
gives the distance of each node from the initial word. Which of the following functions h are admissible for
this search?
a) h1(n) = 0.
b) h2(n) = the number of words in the dictionary occurring alphabetically between n and the goal word.
c) h2(n) = the number of words in the dictionary occurring alphabetically between n and the goal word.
d) h4(n) = the number of letters in which n and the initial word differ.
A function h(n) is admissible iff it never overestimates the number of words that must be visited on a path
from n and the goal word. The functions h1 and h3 satisfy this definition. Function h1 is admissible because
the actual distance between any pair of words is at least zero. Function h3 is admissible because each step
changes only one letter so the number of different letters is a lower bound on the number of steps between a
pair of words. Function h2 can overestimate the distance because changing a single letter can move a
considerable distance through the dictionary. (For example, the move BARD HARD above skips over
GAME, BORE, and BARE.) Function h4 can overestimate because it has no particular relationship with
the distance to the goal word. For example, h4(BARD) = 3 in the sample above even though this word is
one step from the goal word.
Chapter 30 147
31 Summary and References
1) True or False:
a) L = {<M>: M is a Turing machine and timereq(M) O(n)} is in D.
False. timereq(M) is defined only on TMs that always halt and that question is undecidable.
False. timereq(M) is defined only on TMs that always halt and that question is not semidecidable.
{(chocolate, sugar), (sugar, cinnamon), (cinnamon, nutmeg), (onions, cheese), (cheese, peppers)}
a) Let GWRT be the reflexive transitive closure of GW. List the elements of GWRT.
{(chocolate, sugar), (sugar, cinnamon), (cinnamon, nutmeg), (onions, cheese), (onions, peppers),
(chocolate, chocolate), (sugar, sugar), (cinnamon, cinnamon), (nutmeg, nutmeg), (onions, onions),
(cheese, cheese), (peppers, peppers),
(chocolate, cinnamon), (chocolate, nutmeg),
(sugar, nutmeg),
(onions, peppers)}
No, because it isn’t symmetric. To be symmetric, it would have to contain, for example, (sugar, chocolate).
But it doesn’t.
Appendix A 149
Appendix B: The Theory: Working with Logical Formulas
1) Consider the following Boolean formula F:
(P R) (W S T)
a) Using the procedure conjunctiveBoolean (described in the proof of Theorem B.1), construct a new formula
F that is equivalent to F and that is in conjunctive normal form.
(P R) (W S T)
(P R) (W S T)
(P W S T) (R W S T)
b) Using the procedure 3-conjunctiveBoolean (described in the proof of Theorem B.2), construct a formula
F’ that is in 3-conjunctive normal form and that is satisfiable iff F is.
2) Show an example that proves that conjunctiveBoolean does not run in polynomial time. You can do this by
describing a family of Boolean formulas with the property that the length of the output of conjunctiveBoolean
grows exponentially with the length of the input.
Let w be any formula of the form (X1 Y1) (X2 Y2) (X3 Y3) … (Xn Yn). The output of
conjunctiveBoolean on input w will have 2n clauses.
Appendix B 150