Progress Review 5
Progress Review 5
Progress Review 5
Total /5
2 Write.
0 My dog is fatter (fat) than your dog!
1 I’m (tall) than my friend.
2 Their clothes are (dirty) than my clothes.
3 Am I (good) at English than you?
4 The red team is (fast) than the blue team.
5 She is (bad) than you at English!
Total /5
Total /5
Total /5
5 Match.
0 Was Mum at the cinema? 0 No, she wasn’t.
1 Were they tired? a No, he wasn’t.
2 Was it hot on Sunday? b No, you weren’t.
3 Were we late for school yesterday? c Yes, they were.
4 Was Dad sad yesterday? d Yes, I was.
5 Were you hungry? e Yes, it was.
Total /5
6 Write was/wasn’t or were/weren’t.
0 Saturday was sunny. It wasn’t rainy.
1 They at school. They were at the park.
2 She sad. She was happy.
3 Was he tired? Yes, he .
4 We weren’t at the party last night. We at home.
5 Was your brother in an ambulance? No, he .
Total /5
Total marks / 30