Crystalpunk Playtest 2 - Three Subclasses
Crystalpunk Playtest 2 - Three Subclasses
Crystalpunk Playtest 2 - Three Subclasses
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M ome n
Performers of the College of Momentum live for music -
rhythmic beats, intense riffs, and powerful drops. These
When you or a friendly creature within 30 feet of you
that can hear you deals damage with an attack or spell while
bards wield their songs as weapons, not only to entertain you are in your build up, you can use your reaction to end
their fans, but to change minds. your build up and your countercharm in a destructive drop.
Roll all of the dice in your build up pool, adding it as extra
Increasing the Tempo damage against one target of the attack or spell. When a
Starting at 3rd level, your walking speed increases by 10 feet target takes this damage, it must succeed on a Strength
and your movement is unaffected by non-magical difficult saving throw against your bard spell save DC or be pushed
terrain. Also, you gain proficiency all vehicles. 5 feet away from the attacker for each build up die rolled
and fall prone.
Once you end your build up in this way, you can’t start it
Mechanical Momentum
again until you complete a long rest.
As a bard of the College of Momentum, your increased
speed may be a result of many different things - your
character could ride on a magnificent mechanical
Exhilarating beats
When you reach 14th level, you master the art of musical
hoverboard, wear magically enhanced roller skates, or
momentum. Creatures affected by your countercharm gain
simply be invigorated by the power of their own beats.
the ability to move along vertical surfaces and across liquids
on their turn without falling during the move.
Adrenaline Rush Also, when a creature rolls a Bardic Inspiration die you
Also at 3rd level, you grow more aware of when a fight is granted to them, they can use their reaction to move up to
about to break out, starting your music at the perfect time. half their speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
When you roll for initiative and are not surprised, you can
expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration, rolling the die
and adding the result to your initiative roll and the initiative
roll of an ally that can hear you within 30 feet of you. You
can choose to use this feature after a creature makes its
roll, but you can use this feature only once per combat.
Melody of Momentum
Starting at 6th level, your powerful melodies keep your allies
focused on the fight and make them more agile. Creatures
affected by your countercharm have their speed increased
by 10 feet. Additionally, when you use your countercharm,
its range is 120 feet, and your performance lasts for 1
minute, instead of until the end of your next turn.
Beat Drop
Also at 6th level, your songs begin to grow and build to
climatic drops. When you use your countercharm, you can
choose to also start an instrumental build up, which lasts
until your countercharm ends. This build up, as well as your
countercharm, ends early if your turn starts and you or any
of your allies haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your
last turn or taken damage from a hostile creature since
Your build up is represented by a pool of dice, each of
which having an equal size to your Bardic Inspiration die.
Your build up pool starts with two of such dice and gains
two more dice at the end of each of your turns.
They are fearless. Affected creatures can’t be frightened
or charmed for the duration.
Divine Missionary
Starting at 6th level, if you speak to a humanoid or group
of humanoids for at least 1 minute and talk about your
deity, you can attempt to magically infuse them with faith.
At the end of the conversation, the targets must succeed
Clerics of the faith domain operate within a variety of on a Wisdom saving throw against your cleric spell save DC
different orders with have a diverse set of deities, but they or have the thought of your deity linger in their mind for 1
all have been granted the same purpose - spread the word hour. Until then, you and allies you choose have advantage
of their god. For some this mission is a virtuous act, and for on all Charisma checks directed at those creatures. Once
others, it is simply one side of a deal for divine power. the effect ends, or if a creature succeeds on its saving throw
against the effect, a target has no hint that you tried to
Faith Domain Spells magically influence it.
Cleric Level Spells Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you
finish a short or long rest.
1st bless, charm person
Martial Modification
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn to
infuse your weapons with arcane modifications that make
them more powerful and alter how they function.
Weapon Mods. You learn four weapon mods of your
choice, which are detailed under "Weapon Mods" at the end
of this subclass description.
You learn one additional weapon modification of your
choice at 7th, 10th, 15th and 18th level. Each time you learn
a new modification, you can also replace one modification
you know with a different one.
Applying Weapon Mods. When you finish a long rest,
you can choose three weapons and apply one of your
known weapon mods to each. You must apply a different
modification to each weapon, and each of the weapons
must be of a different type. For example, you could apply
one of your modifications to a warhammer and another to
a longsword, but not to two longswords. Once a weapon is
modded this way, only you are considered proficient in it.
You can choose one additional weapon when applying
weapon mods when you reach 7th level, and one more at
15th level. These must abide by the above prerequisites.
Charges. Each of your modified weapons has three
charges, and each regains all of their expended charges
when you finish a long rest. When you make a weapon
attack with one of your modified weapons, you can choose
to expend one of your weapon's charges to apply the
following effects for that attack only. You must choose to do
so before you make the attack roll.
Arcane Soldier Cloak. Your weapon is coated in darkness, dealing
At 7th level, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill, or, if you necrotic damage. Immediately after making the attack,
are already proficient, one other skill of your choice. you become invisible until the end of your next turn. The
Additionally, you count as one size larger when invisibility ends early if you make an attack or cast a spell.
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can Confuse. Your weapon is imbued with a bizarre energy,
push, drag, or lift, and while attacking with modded weapons, dealing psychic damage. On a hit, a target must make a
you deal double damage to objects and structures. Wisdom saving throw or use all of their movement to move
in a random direction at the start of their next turn. Roll a d8
Lingering Magic and assign a direction to each dice face.
At 10th level, when you make an attack and expend a charge Heal. Your weapon is infused with holy energy, dealing
on one of your modded weapons, some of its energy lingers. radiant damage. Hit or miss, one creature of your choice,
The next time you make an attack with a different modded other than you, regains a number of hit points equal to 1d4
weapon on the same turn and expend one of its charges, + your Intelligence modifier. The creature must be within 5
you have advantage on the attack roll. feet of you or within 5 feet of the target of the attack.
Infect. Your weapon infects the target with venom,
Backup Ammo dealing poison damage. On a hit, a target must make a
At 18th level, while holding one of your modded weapons, Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end of
you can use your bonus action to reload it. It regains one of their next turn.
its expended charges. Melt. Your weapon melts the target's armor, dealing acid
You can use this feature three times. You regain all damage. On a hit, the target's AC is reduced by an amount
expended uses of it when you finish a long rest. equal to 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier until the start of
your next turn.
Weapon Mods Pull (Melee Only). Your weapon is coated with magnetic
The weapon mods are presented in alphabetical order. energy, dealing lightning damage. Immediately before
Boost. Your weapon projects an echoing burst, dealing making the attack, you can choose one target within 30 feet
thunder damage. Immediately before or after making the of you that is no more than one size larger than you. It must
attack, your weapon emits a jet that propels you up to 15 make a Strength saving throw or be pulled towards you
feet in a direction of your choosing. This movement does until it is within 5 feet of you.
not provoke opportunity attacks. Safeguard. Your weapon pulses with protective energy,
Bounce. Your weapon unleashes a propelling blast,, dealing radiant damage. Hit or miss, you gain temporary hit
dealing force damage. On a hit, a target must make a points equal to 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier.
Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 15 feet in a Scope (Ranged Only). Your weapon morphs and sparks,
direction of your choosing. It automatically succeeds on the dealing lightning damage. Your range for the attack is
save if the target is more than one size larger than you. doubled, and you don't suffer disadvantage on the attack
Burn. Your weapon ignites, dealing fire damage. On a roll for being prone.
hit, choose a different creature within 5 feet of the original Seek (Ranged Only). Your weapon locks onto your
target. It takes fire damage equal to 1d4 + your Intelligence target and curves to seek them, firing bolts that deal force
modifier. damage. If you have seen your target within the last minute,
Chill. Your weapon chills your target, dealing cold you can attack them even if you can't see them, and you
damage. On a hit, a target must make a Constitution saving don't suffer disadvantage on the attack roll if the target
throw or have their speed reduced to 0 until the end of their is invisible. Your attack travels freely around corners or
next turn. through openings to reach your target. You also ignore half
cover and three-quarters cover for this attack.
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System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins,
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
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royaltyfree, nonexclusive license with the exact terms of this License Crystalpunk Playtest 2: Three Subclasses, Copyright 2020, Plus
to Use, the Open Game Content. Three Press. Author: Zac Hussein.