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99 20/3/02 5:16 pm Page 1

• Do not touch the surface of the disc when handling, hold it by the edge. • To keep the disc clean,
wipe gently with a soft cloth. Keep the disc scratch free • Keep the disc away from extremes of
temperature, direct sunlight or exposure to excessive moisture. • Never use a cracked or warped disc
or one that has been repaired using adhesives. This could lead to operating problems.



A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures when exposed to certain
patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain light patterns or backgrounds on a television screen or
while playing video games may induce an epileptic seizure in these individuals. Certain conditions may
induce undetected epileptic symptoms even in persons who have no prior history of prior seizures or
epilepsy. If you, or anyone in your family, has a epileptic condition, consult your physician prior to
playing. If you experience any of the following symptoms while playing a video game: dizziness, altered
vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary movement, or

Bryn Williams www.f1picturenet.com

convulsions, IMMEDIATELY discontinue use and consult your physician before resuming play.

Copying commercial games, such as this, is copyright infringement and is a
criminal offence. So is using copied games, so is possessing copied games. Copying
and re-supplying games can lead to a term of imprisonment for up to 10 years.


If you are aware of someone who is involved in copied games please telephone ELSPA CRIME UNIT
on 01386 833810, who will be pleased to hear from you.

© 1999 The Codemasters Software Company Limited. (“Codemasters”) All Rights Reserved. “Codemasters” ® is a registered trademark owned by Codemasters.
HeadCam™ is a trademark of Codemasters. For home use only. Unauthorised copying, adaption, rental, lending, re-sale, arcade use, charging for use, broadcast, cable
transmission, public performance, distribution or extraction of this product or any trademark or copyright work that forms part of this product are prohibited. Published
by Codemasters. Developed by Codemasters.
BTCC, The British Touring Car Championship, TOCA, and all its variations, copyrights, trademarks and images used or associated with the Auto Trader RAC British
Touring Car Championship and/or depicting BTCC cars are all copyrights and/or registered trademarks of TOCA Limited and are being used under license by
Codemasters. The word "Jaguar", the leaping cat device and the characters"XJ220" are registered trade marks of Jaguar Cars Ltd., England and are used under licence.
All other marks are trademarks of their respective owners.

Front Cover Photography by Bryn Williams. Tel: +44 (0)1869 337 170 Email: bryn@f1picturenet.com Internet: www.f1picturenet.com
•TOCA2PCMANUK3.3.99 20/3/02 5:16 pm Page 1

• Do not touch the surface of the disc when handling, hold it by the edge. • To keep the disc clean,
wipe gently with a soft cloth. Keep the disc scratch free • Keep the disc away from extremes of
temperature, direct sunlight or exposure to excessive moisture. • Never use a cracked or warped disc
or one that has been repaired using adhesives. This could lead to operating problems.



A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures when exposed to certain
patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain light patterns or backgrounds on a television screen or
while playing video games may induce an epileptic seizure in these individuals. Certain conditions may
induce undetected epileptic symptoms even in persons who have no prior history of prior seizures or
epilepsy. If you, or anyone in your family, has a epileptic condition, consult your physician prior to
playing. If you experience any of the following symptoms while playing a video game: dizziness, altered
vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary movement, or

Bryn Williams www.f1picturenet.com

convulsions, IMMEDIATELY discontinue use and consult your physician before resuming play.

Copying commercial games, such as this, is copyright infringement and is a
criminal offence. So is using copied games, so is possessing copied games. Copying
and re-supplying games can lead to a term of imprisonment for up to 10 years.


If you are aware of someone who is involved in copied games please telephone ELSPA CRIME UNIT
on 01386 833810, who will be pleased to hear from you.

© 1999 The Codemasters Software Company Limited. (“Codemasters”) All Rights Reserved. “Codemasters” ® is a registered trademark owned by Codemasters.
HeadCam™ is a trademark of Codemasters. For home use only. Unauthorised copying, adaption, rental, lending, re-sale, arcade use, charging for use, broadcast, cable
transmission, public performance, distribution or extraction of this product or any trademark or copyright work that forms part of this product are prohibited. Published
by Codemasters. Developed by Codemasters.
BTCC, The British Touring Car Championship, TOCA, and all its variations, copyrights, trademarks and images used or associated with the Auto Trader RAC British
Touring Car Championship and/or depicting BTCC cars are all copyrights and/or registered trademarks of TOCA Limited and are being used under license by
Codemasters. The word "Jaguar", the leaping cat device and the characters"XJ220" are registered trade marks of Jaguar Cars Ltd., England and are used under licence.
All other marks are trademarks of their respective owners.

Front Cover Photography by Bryn Williams. Tel: +44 (0)1869 337 170 Email: bryn@f1picturenet.com Internet: www.f1picturenet.com
Introduction 1 Single Race 13

Installation 1 Time Trial 14

Setup Screen 2 Test Track 14

Getting Started 2 Game Options 15

Entering Your Name 3 Controller Setup 16

Game Controls 4 Game Views 17

Start Menu 6 High Scores 18

Car Setup Screen 7 Information 19

Championship 8 Performance Driving Guide 19

Challenge 11 Basic Driving Tips 20

Support Car Championship 12 Technical Support 21

TOCA Touring car Installation

The British Touring Car Championship You will require a minimum of 55Mb free hard
(BTCC) is one of the most exciting motor disk space to install TOCA 2 Touring Cars.
racing competitions in the world, where Place the disc into your CD drive and close the
mass production four-door 2-litre cars door. Wait a couple of seconds for the drive to
take-on each other in a rough and thrilling initialise. If auto-run is enabled on your PC
series of races. The touring cars conform to the disc will run automatically, otherwise:
a strict set of rules, with revs limited to Select `Run` from the Start menu. Then Type
8,500 and a mechanical gearbox. the drive letter for your CD drive, followed by
`Setup.Now.Exe`. For example if your CD
Carefully replicated within TOCA 2 the 1998 letter is D, type: D:\SETUP.NOW.EXE (ENTER)
season BTCC rules have been changed to You will then be promted to select your
include a short 'sprint' race and a longer preferred language, you have the choice of
'feature' race, which includes a compulsory English, French, German, Spanish or Italian.
pit stop to intensify the action! Follow the on screen instructions and you
will be presented with 4 different installation
Alongside the main BTCC event, there are a types.
variety of support car events which take Compact, Normal, Full or Network
place during the race day, where drivers The game requires DirectX 6.1 & DXMedia in
compete in identical cars for tight, order to run, if you do not have the software
competitive racing. Several of these currently installed or are not sure, when
support cars are included in TOCA 2 prompted to install the software select the
alongside some specially designed ones. YES option.
Please shut down all other applications before launching TOCA 2 Touring Cars.
The 1st time the game is launched you will Insert the disc into your drive and close the
be taken to the setup screen, allowing you door. If auto-run is enabled a box will
to select your display device (Graphics automatically appear on screen, giving you
Card), if the setup program detects the following options.
multiple devices then it will default to the
highest. Play - Play the game.
Setup - Select Display Device & Configure
NETWORK Controller
Uninstall - Remove TOCA 2 from your system.
Quickstart Exit - Exit game and return to Windows.
To Select Network Quickstart go to:
Start > Programs > Codemasters > TOCA 2 Click on the Play option to play the game.
> TOCA 2 Network Quickstart.
If auto-run is not enabled then go to
This enables you to configure your settings START > PROGRAMS > CODEMASTERS >
for the Network game. These settings TOCA 2 or Double click on the Desktop Icon
include the number of laps you wish to race, if you selected this option during
car type, drivers name and so on. installation.
This option will launch the game with your
chosen settings. Note: If you do not have the TOCA 2 CD in
your drive, you will only be allowed to play
a network game. If you use a compact
install you will still need the CD to play a
Network game.

The in-game display shows you
the following information:

Current lap Position

+ Total laps

Time of nearest
car behind Speed + Revs
and in front + Gear

Entering Your Name

For all play modes, each player is asked to enter
their name. This name is used throughout the
game and stored for any records or high scores
achieved. A name can be up to 9 characters in

Game controls
Look Left Ins Home Look Right
Player one - keyboard
Del End

Gear Up Accelerate

Rear Camera F Left

Z X C V Ctrl Right

Change Gear Handbrake Brake

Camera Down

Steering Wheels Gamepads

No default

Player two - keyboard

Accelerate -
Gear Down
Handbrake Gear Up
7 8 9
Camera 5 Left 4 5 6 Right

1 2 3

Note: As there are no default settings for You will be prompted to input each control
Gamepads or Steering wheels in TOCA 2 you in turn. ie: accelerate, brake, turn left, turn
must set up the controls yourself. right etc. After each prompt press a
keyboard button, controller button, move a
An analog controller has to be calibrated joystick or a wheel to setup your preferred
first and then can be fine tuned using the controls. For more help on setting up
advanced settings. To set up the control external controllers please read the help
interface you have to enter the Game file. This can be displayed by going to:
Options > Controller Setup option where Start > Programs > Codemasters > TOCA 2
you will be able to select the type of > TOCA 2 Help.
Gamepad, Wheel or Joystick that you have.
Main Menu Start MEnu

The options available at the main menu are: Selecting 'Start Menu' displays a further
menu of race types:
Start Menu - Select and start Race
Show Replay - Watch a previously saved Championship
replay Challenge
Game Options - Sound, Graphics, Support Car Championship
and Controller Setup Single
High Scores - View High Scores Time Trial
Tables Network
Information - Car, Driver and Track Test Track
Quit - Exit the game When navigating the menu systems pressing
the ESCAPE key at any stage will move you
back to the previous menu. Use the CURSOR
KEYS and ENTER to select your options.

CAR SET-UP SCREEN qualify you have the option of a front,
back or random place on the grid.
The car set-up will appear at the start of
Change setup
all races in all the game play modes except
for 'Challenge'. Below is the car set-up
This option allows you to change the set-
up of your car:
Change Tyres: Changes the tyres on your
Brake Bias: Alter the balance between
front and rear brakes.
Downforce: Change the amount of
downforce which improves grip, but
increases your car’s air resistance
Gears: Alter the gear ratios, a trade off
between better acceleration and higher top
Qualify: Start the qualifying session for the
next race.
Suspension: Alter suspension to make it
Start Race: Start the next race. Your grid
harder or softer on each wheel
position will be decided by your finishing
Default: Reset all settings to the default
position during qualifying. If you have
Load set-up: Load a pre-saved car set-up
gone straight to the race without
Save set-up: Save your current car set-up
qualifying then you will be placed at the
Quit Game: Quits to Windows ‘95/98
back of the grid. If you are playing a 2, 3
or 4 player game and you choose not to
Championship ‘Feature’ Race

The rules have changed for the 1998 season The feature race is approximately 25%
of the TOCA Touring Car Championship. The longer than the 1997 races and also now
race meeting structure is now Qualifying - includes a compulsory pit stop. This must be
'Sprint' race, Qualifying - 'Feature' race. taken between 15% and 75% of the race
Both of the qualifying sessions are now just distance and a tyre change must be made.
one lap in length with a rolling start. Your
fastest time from each session will Pit Stops
determine where you are placed on the grid
for each race. You can skip the qualifying Once the car enters the pit lane the
session at any time by selecting the 'End computer takes control of your car and
Qualify Session' option from the pause drives it to your pit crew. Once the car
menu. comes to a halt the pit stop commences.
You can select the type of tyres to change to
‘sprint’ Race and also any damage incurred prior to the
pit stop can be fixed, although this will take
This is approximately 25% shorter than the extra time.
1997 race and therefore it is much more
important to get as high a grid position as starting the
possible. championship

Once selecting the championship mode you

are presented with the choice of starting a
new game or loading an old game. The season has 13 meetings in the order
Selecting a new game brings up the listed below:
following menu:
Players: 1 player or 2 player team Round Venue
Difficulty: Novice/Standard/Expert Rounds 1&2 Thruxton
Continue: Move on to the enter name screen Rounds 3&4 Silverstone International
Rounds 5&6 Donington Park National
Rounds 7&8 Brands Hatch Indy
Rounds 9&10 Oulton Park Fosters
Rounds 11&12 Donington Park National
Rounds 13&14 Croft
Rounds 15&16 Snetterton
Rounds 17&18 Thruxton
Rounds 19&20 Knockhill
Rounds 21&22 Brands Hatch Indy
After entering your name you arrive at the Rounds 23&24 Oulton Park Fosters
following menu: Rounds 25&26 Silverstone International
Car Colour: You only get this option if you
are choosing a support car To progress to the next round you must
Auto/Manual: Selects automatic or score 15 points at each race meeting.
manual gears In Novice mode you will race at only the
Select Car: Choose a car to race the first 6 venues, in Standard mode you will
championship with race at the first 9 venues, and in Expert
Continue: Race mode you will race at all 13 venues.
Championship 2 Player team
points system Championship

Pole Position 1pt This game is basically the same as the single
1st 15pts player except that both players drive for the
2nd 12pts same team. The goal is for the 2 players to
3rd 10pts win the constructors championship by
4th 8pts working together through the season.
5th 6pts However, the players will both be striving to
6th 5pts win the drivers championship. To progress to
7th 4pts the next round a total of 27 points combined
8th 3pts must be scored.
9th 2pts
10th 1pt Dangerous
The Cup System
TOCA, the governing body of the Auto Trader
Cups are awarded throughout the RAC Touring Car Championship, will not
Championship season after every race, tolerate dangerous driving. If you are
based on your performance. If you perform judged to have driven into a fellow
well enough you will be given secret cheats competitor deliberately, you may be
for the game. penalised with a dangerous driving warning.
Penalty points will be deducted at the end

of each race, you will not lose any points Novice
that you have already accumulated. Penalty
points which cannot be deducted from the Snetterton
current meeting will not be carried forward Silverstone International
to future races. Dangerous driving penalties Brands Hatch Indy
only apply in Championship races. Donington Park National

Warnings Penalty
3 2 Points
4 4 Points Silverstone International
5 8 Points Brands Hatch Indy
6 Disqualification Donington Park National
on finishing Oulton Park

Challenge Expert

This mode is very similar to arcade type Brands Hatch Indy

racers where your objective is to get as far Donington Park National
as you can in the series of 2 lap races, by Oulton Park Fosters
reaching each checkpoint before your Croft
allotted time runs out. The player will start Thruxton
at the back of the grid at each race. The Knockhill
race structure is different depending on
the difficulty level selected: 11
SUPPORT CAR Each of the championships will be raced
CHAMPIONSHIP over 4 meetings. Each meeting includes a 1
lap qualifying session and then a 3 lap race.
This play mode allows the player to race in Points are awarded as follows in the
many of the support events that are held on Support Car Championship:
TOCA Touring Car weekends - as well as
some that we specially created!
The support car championships are raced by Position Points
a field of 10 cars. All the cars that race are 1st 10
the same make, model and performance, 2nd 9
the only differentiation being the colour of 3rd 8
the cars’ bodyshells. 4th 7
5th 6
6th 5
7th 4
8th 3
9th 2
10th 1

To unlock more support championships you

need to gain a certain amount of points in
the previous support championships as
shown in the following table.

Accumulated Support Car SINGLE RACE
Championship Points

Points needed
to unlock Championship Name
0 Ford Fiesta
0 Van Diemen Formula Ford
30 Lister Storm
60 AC Superblower
90 Grinnal Scorpion Players: Select 1, 2, 3 or 4 players
120 TVR Speed 12 Laps: Select the race duration
150 Jaguar XJ220 Computer Cars: Race with or without
computer cars in multiplayer mode
Qualify: Qualify or start at back of grid (or
Once you have completed all four races in front/random if in 2, 3 or 4 player mode)
the championship you are given the option Weather: Choose between Default, Sunny,
of saving the game after you exit from the Cloudy, Rain, Foggy or Storm
support car championship high score table. In single race mode you can qualify if you
wish, or skip qualification and start from
the back of the grid for an extra challenge.

A single race can take place at any of the

tracks you have unlocked in the game,
including any of the special bonus tracks.
TIME TRIAL countdown reaches 0. When one player fails
to make a checkpoint then the other player
Standard Time Trial: This mode enables you is awarded a win.
to race around any of the tracks in the You can alter the weather conditions in this
game. After the first lap a ghost car of your mode as well as the time gap that is allowed
fastest lap will appear, which will race between players crossing the checkpoints.
around the track as a marker. You are
allowed to alter the weather conditions in NETWORK
this mode.
Time Trial Challenge: Similar to Challenge This mode offers you the chance to race
mode, players will be pitted against the over a computer network against other
clock. The aim is to complete as many laps human opponents.
as possible before the timer runs out. Extra
time awarded by crossing the start line will TEST TRACK
decrease with each lap completed.
You can alter the weather conditions in this The test track allows you to select one of
mode. eight unique routes around which you can
2 Player Pursuit Mode: This mode is a race any car, and try out different car
time-lag based race. 2 players race on the setups. These routes are:
track at the same time. When the first
player crosses a checkpoint then a Short Dusty Road
Medium Skid Pan
countdown appears and the second player
Medium 2 Runway
must cross this checkpoint before the Long Oval

Selecting 'Game Options' allows you to

access and alter the various settings for


Allows you to alter the music and sound

levels for various parts of TOCA 2.


Allows you to customise the graphics for

your PC. For further information see the
help file.

The sensitivity setting applies to both
From within this option you can select and digital and Analog Controllers and adjusts
reconfigure keyboard and Controller devices how much you have to move the Controller
for each player. to get full lock, whilst steering the car.

First choose the player whose controls you Digital/Analogue

wish to change or reconfigure. This will This option offers you the choice of using
then lead you to the Controller Setup either Digital or Analogue controllers.
Calibrate Controller
Keyboard/Controller This option allows you to calibrate your
Use the left and right cursor keys to toggle controller axis in-game
between keyboard and Controller.
Most Windows-compatible controllers are
Configure Keyboard/Controller supported by this game. For a list of tested
This option allows you to change the controllers see the Help file.
keyboard/Controller default controls to suit
your driving style. As some Controllers have It is recommended that you set up your
too few buttons to support all the controls controller using the Game Controllers
in TOCA 2, you can also use the keyboard section of the Windows 95/98 control
when reconfiguring your Controller panel.

Advanced Game views
This option allows you to fully customise
your game controller. Please see the help When racing, you can choose between five
file for more details. different views:
Behind Car (close)
Behind Car (far)
Interior TV view
Bumper View

The HeadCam™ view allows you to

experience racing a Touring Car from a
Defaults driver's real view point. The forces that
This option restores the original control operate on a real driver are simulated as
settings of the game. you rocket around the track.

Some of these views are unavailable for

certain support cars and split-screen
multiplayer modes.

High Scores

Displays the best times and scores

achieved. This table shows:

• Championship high scores

• Challenge high scores
• STD Time Trial high scores
• Time Trial Challenge high scores
• Support Car high scores

INfOrMATION Performance
Driving Guide
Tracks: Allows you to view all the tracks for
the championship and gives help and advice The computer cars
on how to take the corners on each circuit. Racing against other drivers is probably the
Cars: Gives you the technical information of most difficult part of circuit racing, but
each make & model of car used for the here are a few handy hints to make sure
championship. that you don't always end up in the gravel
Drivers: Shows the current 1998 season trap.
details of the drivers for each team.
When in traffic, try to hold your line
without swerving, as it may only take one
touch from another driver to send you
skidding off the track. Try to learn each
circuit and discover the best overtaking
spots, slow corners are usually the best.

When braking heavily for a tight corner

always have a quick look behind to see if
another driver is trying to overtake. If so,
take a more defensive line to protect your

The easiest way to overtake an opponent is Basic driving tips
to "out-brake" - him into a corner. (i.e.
taking an inside line and braking later to Use the racing line (See the information
get your nose in front). However, brake too option in the game for a more detailed
late and you may find yourself off the track description)
and losing places.
Utilise the full width of the track, including
Always be patient when trying to overtake the rumble strips.
another driver. A rash overtaking
manoeuvre may result in disaster so, if in Once you are used to the car and track, use
doubt, stay behind and wait for a better manual gears to try to achieve a slight
opportunity. performance improvement.

Scrapes and barging is very much part of a Balance the accelerator through corners.
Touring Car race but don't over do it as you
may enrage another driver who may want Correct any oversteer by steering into the
revenge! direction of the skid.

Some drivers are better than others so try

to work out who the dangerous drivers are
and give them a wide berth.

Tel: +44 (0)20 7928 9655 Fax: +44 (0)20 7261 0540
Lines are open between
1000-1300 and 1400-1700 Monday to Friday.
Before you call the Technical Support line, please check that you have read the
TOCA 2 Touring Cars™ help file, which can be found on the TOCA 2 Touring Cars™ CD-ROM.
e-mail: webmaster@sold-out.co.uk
Sold Out Software, Technical Support,
122 Southwark Street, London SE1 0SW, UK
Sold Out’s website includes technical support, and Hints & Tips,
as well as news about other Sold Out games.

To access the help file

Click on ‘START’ button, then select Programs>Codemasters>TOCA2>TOCA2 HELP

If your answer is not here, please make sure you have the
following details before you call the Technical Support line.
• A detailed description of the problem (eg Soundblaster 16,
• If it is repeatable, under what conditions ? • The version of DirectX installed on your
• Your brand of PC (eg. Dell, Gateway, Viglen) system*** (eg DirectX 6.1,
• Your processor brand and type (eg. Intel • The version of Windows installed on your
Pentium™ 200Mhz) system*** (eg Windows 98, 4.10, Build 1998)
• The make & model of the 3D Graphics card/s in
your system and the version number of the * This information can be obtained by either
drivers* (eg. Diamond Viper V550, launching the TOCA2 setup option from the start->Programs->Codemasters->TOCA2->TOCA2
• The make & model of your CD-ROM drive (eg. setup or from running Dxdiag.exe
Panasonic 562 2 speed) ** This is displayed during your system's boot-up
• Motherboard BIOS version and date** sequence
• The make & model of your soundcard and the ***This information can be obtained by running
version number of the driver*** Dxdiag.exe

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