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Inclusion of A Support Friction Into A Computerized Solution of A Self-Compensating Pipeline

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4. sonieszczansxi | Inclusion of a Support Friction ‘wwnoarecict | Into a Computerized Solution of a Self-Compensating Pipeline Thermal elo pensated in many cases by bending of pipeline branches. "If the pipeline lies on a horizontal rough end fla fox influenced by friction forces. linear, fourth onder siferental eq coflcients governing the Phenomenon is derived aud soled numerically as a teo-point bonndery problem A ‘wrsion ofthe solution suitable for @ pipeline on discrete supports has heen developed " ‘sed i conjunction vith any existing computer program for pipeline stress sanalysis. The rei strate existence’of a very significant additional bending ‘roment deta friction, It may exceed several times the one computed for a pipeline ox Srictionless foundation, 1 Introdution the nips, but having 8 freedom to aide over tho aura in bot A tongtudinal and lateral drestony, ths proving for redone of providing form high ening aby ors king Inhuence the bending ends bene [PP order to nerve ia lesivilty (ig 1,30), wll have the her” addonal omaaniohen he nce Bae ee sal elongaions nina Geltcompenatd) by hendiog. Tve- ing the ental seca Aceiee ott he Suenuy sh &piptne lis at on w bent, rough surface _inginretee af steaes a theahe Ghee thd ateparaed fom tat surface by deeete spe eles 2 Derivation of the Mathematical Model _ The following well-known propetien of fiton forts are Contin y the sloped in orther ali Daca eet Meting Waka 1 ‘The sense of the reton force vector at a points oppoite Evoneana, Manuserive rethed oe een i the sense of the relative velocity vector at the eame point of ‘Nomenclature: Pipe eros weston (te = deg of righ Tin soe = ie wal thickness (em) tial) torn the pipeline (em) = sil dsplacement (em) bie ater fm) = benting msnene Chem) tb = later dlaplacement (em) displacement (em) imal Tenn mnent rad Teng the pipe = weight of unit length of a weight ayatem with free, wit 8 mi ‘inn (Pig. 1) and pring spring eomtantthgfiem). 19 erperatnr, i thermal elongation. coe Pipe erosenection moment of remeat of the tmpere fio 1/1 dog © inertia fo tie (eg friction eolfiient Intera displacement stz = 0 xia dgplucement resultant displacement of ine finitesimal section of the ous ort rie fem) Journal of Engineering for Industry auoust 1972 / 197 view Fron KA ‘ABOVE. & — 2 For dy friction the frstion foree magatade i a step fae tion of displacement as shown in Fig. 2. Tht dis termives the problem as intrinsically nonlinear and elirinates the possiblity of using the siperposition prineipie. “Tho final state of deformation reacied hy the pipeline in the process of beating from temperature 7, to Ty will be found by analyzing, these deformations and asociated foress an they develop, sinning from the initial undeformed state currespondingg to On the basis of euttent pipeline design practice the simplifying. assumptions tany be made physica sense of the probit lowing ‘without loosing. the 1. ‘Tho diserete supports are spaced closely enough tw permit their replacement by continuous support by fat, horizon rigid and rough foudatin having the friction cuoticient 2 "Unit length of she pipeline weighs g kgf /en; hence, the fc tion foree acting on that vaitlongth ie = qu ka /om. 3 Tr S 200 deg C, 20 that one may neglect change to the ‘Young's modus de to temperatre “LTension/eompresion nergy ie small compared wit ing energy 21 nila stoge. Consider now an infinitesimal pipeline sec tion de (ig. 3) distance = from the fied support uf the pipe- Tine, and let the emperatere increase slowly and uniformly in the wwholesystem, The pipeline tends to axially expand by bend p= are aw that generates n counter seting sia fiction foree canceling the thermal expansion 59 that ‘No displacement of the dzsection will (hen veour, but singe Psm 3) that stale will last until temperature renche threshold iene 188 / avcust 1972 After that temperature threshold is ex tow, friction fureo i fly d hat direction, remains eonstant Tis very small in practical ease Assume, for instaaee the following input valves typical for «| loige diameter pipeline transporting hot water for besing pur poses: led, the pipe begins to roped, and its magnitude, but Tetris at, conveniently Chat D = 1006 (0D), 1 = 166m, ee = 1 x 1041/1 dog C (teat) B= 2X 10 eg /emn, 11.22 kaffem (pip fal of water) += 100% ‘Substiuuting it into equation (), one obtsine are = 5.258 o and for w= 04 Are = Buy deg C. = 200 degC. Piling ‘with the inerease of temperntute for rusted, not maintained sliding surface) his vaine iv negligible compased with Ty Hence,one may state with a ood accuracy that he on due to ternal expansion hogins sinaltaneouay terired by snd lateral Actorng ts actmpti 4 ion, ‘The motion af the pipaing i placement, axial displacement ial 4 (ection 2.1), equation (1), and tha see atthe diretiog, ff tends to bevnane parallel to he pipe si, fia eonelasion of section 2.1, ne the xed support point), because ds (honfinear funetion af 2) that w {linear function of 2), when 3 Jeeretees. Ono nay, sus approximate the path of « plat aft DISPLACEMENT PATH | DiRECTion=# cook, DURING HEATING Hor Transactions of the ASME pipeline, aa « straight line connecting tho initial and the final positions of that point. Hence, for angle in Fig. - tan y = w/a a and the fiction foree may be resolved into lateral aad axial com- ponents: P= Fe w]e + wh Reoetae Using, again, assumption A (section 2.1) to eliminate the in uence of Fon x, one obtains, applying equation (0), By = Bowe BP 2 bending may now smnponent trate arivontal plane: ‘The elomentary equation of the theory of be i written with respect to the fiction Iseral continnovts naling acting on the pipe the co) When enuations (8) and (0 F = qu are taken (+ {tis an ontinary diflerential equa ‘Yoriable eoefiient that is «nonlinear C0 tea independent variables, 'No solution in elewed form ies type. Soliton has tobe sought Hom tobe carried mt specifically for « particular pipeline configuration ast oak ao 0) 1 ofthe fourth order with fon of hath dependent yen for sy equation of this mens of rmnerical iategea 3) Numerical Solutc ‘The enuation slition involves four integration constants hat sro abe dete ry enti ei teh fend of the stright live sector of the sef-zompensating pipeline, rhe theory of differential equations the determination ofthese aatants from boundary conditions formulated at both ends of ind from the bol ‘he intograion interval snow as asorealed two point problem, for which a. vaioty of sition methods, usally iterative, are Aseribod inthe standard mathematical ets heh ‘Fox [1]? oF Tildebrant [2 ‘The following denunstrates a a emplary pipsineshown in Fig. 5.7 feient to consider only me of the branches, for instance branch AB. Boundary conditions are the commer A Ae to the symmetry st point B due to fall elamping ‘Computations hwvebeen carted out for three valuesof f= 10m, of Engineering for Industry VIEW FROM ABOVE 202, 100m, typical for design practice nnd for x = 0.4. Ad: ‘itienlly, 2 Ost hts been als input for = 100m, fn order to tigate the system rensitiity to the variance ofp. Results sre ilustrate in Figs 6, 7, 8, 9 where the no-rietion (= 0) sulution was also plotted for comparison, The graphs show striking increase of the bending’ earvature, particularly for The longe branch systetn shown in Fig. fr which bending netion Concentrates clearly in the neighborhood of the earner, ‘The re- ig ening moment exceeds many’ tmesits value thst occurs in o-ficton pine, a shown in Fig 7. Examination of the results plotted in Figs, 6 to 9 swggests the folowing ta ng vo72 / 1 Friction may be responsible for & very significant incrense of bending strenes in slf-compensating heated pipeline. 2. Thabending curvature deoreaes when y is reduced, but i ia avery wonk relationship 4 Approximated, Simplified Method of Solution [Equation (11) has a form similar to that ofthe cassie equation ‘of abeam on an elastic foundation $Me = 0 For full similarity, one would have 10 pat: (+ Gir) Therefore, one may fix 8 atthe value whieh oc Thus, oy however the corner a (#)"-cvannean)-% aay sd maxinal bending moment, knows from the solution forthe Tbeam on elastic foundation ecurs a= = f, and is determined by 2 2B8ET as) where ty = Gwar = AT It hos to be elensly understood that the “elastic founulation”™ 800 / aucust 1972 referred {0 shove, ism fititious foundation created to represent the actinn of the lateral fiction eomponest Fy (section 2.2) ating i lognontal plane. (Comparing, tent from equation (15) with the one cote sponding to a elementary solution far the pipaine with no fre e veal foundation ou whieh the pipe rests (Maden (vaeraar) "0" (19) Discrepancy Uelween the results of surnerical integration of exget equation (11) and the semplified solution represented by equation (16) is plotted in Fig. 10. Tn the region 40m $US 1GOm, maximal etror in terms of ratio i 1S percent ofthe more facurate value; mean orrur i 10 percent. ‘The error gives over fstimation of the bending moment Ti viow of the above nad the uncertainty of the input data re gording frietion coueient sy one may sceept equation (18) as Sliciently eoring prnctie. Teil, however, spy en ‘race pipeline designs i whieh the pine rests directly on the surface or x ipported by discrete spe ports spaced su closely that they may be idealized as continuous support tiserte supports with friction spaced wide apart relevant the actual design practice, is discussed 5. Adaptation ofthe Algorithm to the Discrete Supports and Existing.Computerized Procedures, In section 4, action of the dry frietion foree hasbeen ideaied by a fetiiou clastic foundation characterized by a eoelicient deterouned yy equation (1d) Such elastic foundation may be disereized to set uf elesticsupports springs). Sprigg constant Transactions of the ASME of the support willdepend on the elastic constant of the elastic foundation F and space h between the supports eo kh an whore & (uit of force unit of length a9.) is related to 8 ceo to theory of a beam on elastic Foundation b= 4hBr as ing fror 412 eupports Considering equations (8), (10), (12), (17), and (18), ene meme yy ‘obtains for a support number J p= ache + wt 19) “The dimension of is, conseyteutly, (anit of force of Length) fase spring constant. For those sectors of pipaline which are Attached to sized pint ne may nse the approsinat y= BP, 20) sre from the fixed Gee stement uy, but only for those sectors which are nat at rob Sonmater promras | ingat this point tht the above elas supports (springs) are fititine ones introduced for sole repre entation of tie tera, horizontal action of ition on the real sliding supports that are stl assuoned sgid with respect to verti fal forces: An exuimple of = selcompensating pipeline s ieatized isshovn in Fig. 11 a — Pipeline on s-definel elastic supports realy Tends itself to « | routine computer sualysis by means of well-sablished standard Dprogeetas. 'A solution may now he abtained hy Herston, in the following steps 1 Assume tj up for a: supports! (assigning to 1 the value by equation (20) for pipe sectors atknched toa hfe paint) Determine ¢, for exch spring j according to cys 3. Useany computer program walleble thst wil slve heated pipeline restrained by isrele springs (example in Pig. 1), tach of the springs having 4 canstant ¢, for displnceients and stress. “¢ Repest steps, 4 a 4 substituting new w,u, exlenlated in step 8, into equation (19) in step 2, sntl wy (or) converge ‘Typmsteps are illustrated by x lowchrt in Pi. 12. ‘The proce ia ally converging due Loe, being ® weak funetion (xpation (19) of ty ty and for typical layouts sllciant accuracy is 0 tined in 305 iterations. ‘This makes the mothod quite prac tical even if data transfer fo and feom « standard computer pr tram used instep (boning 12) nto been hy ha i ‘The above in strutel by nunrien eames in Figs Hi 11 and 15, ELAS computer prgran® (reference (3) hes been ft To ol ings ave yt Fay? = 0 4 suplied in step 8 TL took 4.9 soe of CPU tin on a CDC 6600 amputer per iteration soul converged in 4 iterations to aecaracy ss leper (ota/ityare) D013, Maxiraum bending moment and stress reached 3.43 tines the eorexponding values for the fristionlese solution ve vinw on @ pipeline (Zinyoui on discrete su ing a horizon! plane, idclized fr compote 5 Undeterministic Character of the Problem ‘ Lisa well-known property af anise system with dry frition Journal of Engineering for Industry august 1972 / 801 constraints that it may attain several state ouiibras p within Hits determined by tho fiction force For instance, & Simple system shown in Fig. 14 will stay in equilibrium for any Aistancef provided hes Gu Displacement df reuting fom s static load Pol» flee mines merely the center of theintorval 2 bbe expected in the pipeline prblam disevsed hore In particular, referring to Fig. 6 one may regaed the elastic Hine of bending for w = QA routing from an ‘on procuss in which friction forces stay constant xt oll pints during the whole tine, while temperature rises slowly ahd tonically. In realty, unavoidable vibrations of the fon laions will cause random fluctuations of the vertical pressire vi the Supports and resulting release of the friction constraints. Bach Similac behavior is 10 tale deforma 802 / auoust 1972 felense will let the caste pipelin lugline, eoreesponding to = 0, that is toward lower level of the elastic energy. Sinilae results will have the temperate Bustow ‘due to normal oF unscheduled pipeline modes of opera rdingly, the (rue elastic Hise wil he established between ‘he earvos for a = 0, and j= Of ite exaelpsition being ata dion variable, Similarly, true bending ment will be bounded Iiy the slations without and with friction reep oreard the elastic bende * (1,20 < Mee < ODgno The solution dissusned here is thus, to be understood as an upp bound of the bending moment, the eset value of whieh i dependent on random fctore ‘The while problem then has clearly nut a determiasie, bute tochasticcharseter Conclusions ‘support ie essing heated pipeline sever ines in comparison to at Meal A practical, approsioated analysis with fiction that wakes use of exinting sttuctutal analysis computer programs #8 proposed ‘The problem han a stuchasiie charneter, analyses with and with the lower and upper bounds on the beading anontent valve, which by a random variable within these hounds ‘One may decrease rhe ening moment ly reducing the rition wlicient but a has to be a radical rection, sich w the ane resulting feom replacing: the sTiding wiraces by rollers. Toe fevestingly’ engl rllets shad he positioned ax shown ia Fig (effectively eliminate lateral friction forces (F,), at Ue sxial component, which i essentially Wariles, m_ may inerense bending moment ja sel-oome Reterences i Fguiieni Prob Rasa Transactions of the ASME

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