333 Hollenbeck Street - Rochester, NY 14621 USA 585-336-2200 - Fax: 585-336-2357
333 Hollenbeck Street - Rochester, NY 14621 USA 585-336-2200 - Fax: 585-336-2357
333 Hollenbeck Street - Rochester, NY 14621 USA 585-336-2200 - Fax: 585-336-2357
333 Hollenbeck Street • Rochester, NY 14621 USA
585-336-2200 • Fax: 585-336-2357
following sanitation is not permitted under Section H 96.06 (3) (h) of the Wisconsin
FEATURES: Administrative Code.
• 400 ppm no rinse claim VEGETABLE CONVEYORS: Remove gross food particles and excess soil by a pre-
• Easily dispensed, applied, controlled, and tested. flush or pre-scrape. Wash with a good detergent or compatible cleaner. Rinse equipment
• Hard water tolerant up to 500 ppm hardness. thoroughly with potable water, then rinse equipment with a sanitizing solution. To
• Non-corrosive on metal and plastic surfaces. sanitize the belt, apply this product at a 150-400-ppm quat level (0.75 to 2 ounces per 4
• Product is heat stable. gallons)(or equivalent use dilution) to conveyors with suitable feeding equipment. Do not
• Effective against Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Salmo- allow this solution to be sprayed directly on food. Controlled volumes of sanitizer are
nella enteritidis and Camplylobacter jejuni. applied to return portion of conveyor through nozzles so located as to permit maximum
• Boot sanitizing applications. drainage of sanitizer from equipment and to prevent puddles on top of belt. During
• Shoe bath sanitizer interruptions in operation, course spray equipment, peelers, collators, slicers and saws
• Drain treatment with this product at a dilution of 150-400ppm active quat. Conveyor equipment must
be free of product with applying this course spray.
• DoorGuard
CREAM PROCESSING PLANTS: For use on conveyors as directed under “For
BENEFITS: Continuous Treatment of Meat and Poultry or Fruit and Vegetable Conveyors” and
• Versatile use in the sanitation of bakeries, beverage, dairy, meat, poultry, and equipment to reduce or eliminate odors in the processing area. Also, for use on filling
other food processing plants. equipment to reduce bacteria associated with condensation on equipment and pipes.
• Potable water rinse not required for sanitation of pre-cleaned surfaces when Follow directions for “Food Processing Equipment Directions”.
used in solution of 0.75 to 2.0 ounces per four gallons of water providing 150- DIRECTIONS FOR FOGGING: For use in dairies, beverage and food processing
400 ppm active quaternaries. plants. To sanitize hard non-porous room surfaces as an adjunct to acceptable manual
• Cost effective. cleaning. All food products and packaging material must be removed from the room or
carefully protected prior to fogging. After cleaning, fog the desired areas using 1 quart
DESCRIPTION: per 1000 cubic feet of room volume with a solution containing 1.5 ounces of F-29 to 1
gallon of water (1200 ppm active quaternary). Vacate the area of all personnel during
F-29 is a concentrated, cost effective, liquid sanitizer for previously cleaned food contact
the fogging and for a minimum of 2 hours after fogging. All food contact surfaces must
surfaces. The formulated blend of four quaternary ammonium chlorides is especially
be thoroughly rinsed with potable water then sanitized with an F-29 solution of 1 ounce
effective in the control of microorganisms on hard surfaces. F-29 is hard water tolerant,
to 4 gallons of water (200 ppm active quaternary) prior to reuse. Allow food contact
non-corrosive on metal and plastic surfaces, and heat stable. Recommended for use in
surfaces to drain thoroughly before operations are resumed.
potato processors, bakeries, beverage, dairy, food, meat, and poultry processing plants.
For use in dairies, beverage and food processing plants to prevent cross-contamination
F-29 is easily dispensed, applied, controlled, and tested. It provides a residual bacterio-
between processing areas. Boot wash or baths containing one inch of freshly made
static film on food contact surfaces when used as a sanitizer. Certified Kosher.
sanitizing solution should be placed at all entrances to buildings and hatcheries. Scrape
boots and allow contact of 0.75 to 2.0 ounces of F-29 to 4 gallons of water solution to
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: boots for 60 seconds prior to entering the area. Change the solution daily or when solution
FOOD PROCESSING EQUIPMENT: For sanitization of previously cleaned food pro- becomes visibly dirty. For use with non-porous water-resistant boots.
cessing equipment and food utensils, remove gross food particles and soil by pre-flush, Nonfood Contact Applications:
or pre-scrape, and when necessary, pre-soak. Then thoroughly wash or flush objects with ENTRYWAY : Wash, foam or spray boots with solution of 1.25 to 2.5 ounces of F-29
a compatible detergent followed by a potable water rinse before application of santizing to one gallon of water. Allow all treated surfaces to air dry. Change the solution daily or
solutions. Spray or immerse with sanitization solution containing 0.75 to 2.0 ounces when solution becomes visibly dirty. For use with non-porous water-resistant boots.
of F-29 to 4 gallons of water to provide 150-400 ppm of active quaternary. For a spray DRAIN CLEANING: For treating drains, dilute 1.0 ounces of F-29 per one gallon
application, use a coarse pump or trigger sprayer. Spray 6 to 8 inches from surface. of water. Pour solution down drain being sure to coat all sides of drainpipe. Leave all
Rub with brush, sponge or cloth. Do not breathe spray. Wish spray applications remove treated surfaces exposed to solution to air dry.
food products. From a closed loop Dilution Center, apply 150-400 ppm active solution
to the surface to be sanitized. Surfaces must remain wet for at least 1 minute followed PROPERTIES:
by adequate draining and air drying. NO POTABLE WATER RINSE IS REQUIRED. Biodegradable when diluted:....................Yes Pounds/Gallon:...............................................8.3
All food contact surfaces must be thoroughly rinsed with a F-29 solution of 0.75 to 2.0 Wetting Action:.......................................Rapid Metal Safety:........................ Safe on all metals
ounces to 4 gallons of water (150 to 400 ppm active quaternary) prior to reuse. Allow Solubility:.........................................Complete VOC %”........................................................ 1%
food contact surfaces to drain thoroughly before operations are resumed. Hard Water Tolerance:.....Stable to 500 ppm Flash Point TCC:.......................................None
DAIRIES: To sanitize dairy equipment such as tanks, lines, pails, and milk cans, first Recommended Use Temp:.............60 - 140°F
Specific Gravity:..................................... 0.993
clean and rinse the equipment thoroughly. Then flood or spray sanitization solution
pH:........................................................6.9 - 7.5 Appearance:......................Clear, orange liquid
containing 0.75 to 2.0 ounces of F-29 to 4 gallons of water (150 to 400 ppm active
Viscosity:..................................................6 cps Odor:...................................................mild odor
quaternary). NO POTABLE WATER RINSE IS REQUIRED. Use a minimum contact
time of 60 seconds or increase contact time as required by the Local Health Board. pH 1%:....................................................7-7.15 Storage:..................................... Avoid freezing
RESTAURANT AND BAR RINSE: To be used on dishes, glassware, silverware and Conductivity: .................................188 µS/cm Shelf Life:............. 5 years at room temp
cooling utensils. Scrape and pre-wash utensils and glasses whenever possible. Wash
with a good detergent or compatible cleaner (a commercial cleaner or PACKAGING:
detergent can be recommended as long as it is not of an anionic nature). Rinse with 55 gallon drums, 5 gallon pails, and 1 gallon containers
potable water. Sanitize in a solution of .75 to 1 ounce per 4 gallons of water (or
equivalent dilution)(150 to 200 ppm). Immerse all utensils for at least two minutes or For handling and precautionary information, reference the product label and
use contact time specified by governing sanitary code. Drain thoroughly before reuse.
material safety data sheet.
NO POTABLE WATER RINSE IS REQUIRED Note: A clean potable water rinse
All data statements and information presented herein are believed to be accurate and reliable but are not to be taken as a guarantee, express warranty or implied warranty or merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose, or representation, express or implied, for which seller assumes legal responsibility, and they are offered solely for your consideration, investigation and
verification. Statements or suggestions concerning possible use of this product are made without representation or warranty that any such use is free of patent infringement and are not
recommendations to infringe on any patent. Printed in USA. Copyright © 2001 Rochester Midland Corporation.
Form # 7032-LIT (REV. 06/26/07)