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Chemical Engineering Calculations: Input Output Accumulation

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ChE 111


Module 3



IN this module we consider mass and heat balance where no chemical reaction is involved. Usually,
heat balance is part of the chapter on energy balance. However, the principles involved are simple enough to be
included in this chapter. Moreover, a heat balance requires the associated mass balance. The real problem you
will encounter is recognizing and collecting the necessary data and information to set up the equations. As a
starting Chemical Engineering student, your available stock knowledge comes from the courses you have taken
such as mathematics, chemistry, and physics. However you have to tailor them to the chemical engineering
techniques. Some unit operations will be considered in this chapter.

At the end of this module you are expected to be able to apply the technique of solving material balances
without chemical reactions in single- and multiple-unit system.

Practice exercises (PE) are given at the end of each particular topic. You are expected to solve them and submit
to the professor on/before the due date.


As introduced in Chapter 2, we can state a mass balance around any system as:

or specifically for multiple input and output streams,

mass inputs−mass outputs=mass accumulation(2.2)

Normally, we set up mass balance around an equipment, an enclosure, or a vessel where mass (gas,
liquid, solid, or combination) can be retained. Some examples are a pipe section, a storage tank, a mixing tank,
a pot, etc.) Consider a tank shown in Figure 3.1 with water flowing in and out. Q1 is the input flow rate while Q2 is
the output flow rate. At any time t, M is the mass of the fluid within the tank.

Q1 For a finite time interval Δt,

at time t, the flow rates are Q1lt and Q2lt

at time (t+Δt), the flowrates are Q1lt+Δt and Q2lt+Δt

Figure 3.1

The average input rate over the period Δt is

Q1<¿+Q 1< + ∆t
and the average output rate is

Q2<¿+Q 2< + ∆t

Applying a mass balance for the time interval, Δt

Mass input−Mass output=Mass accumulation
Q 1 It +Q 1 It + Δt Q 2 It +Q 2 It + Δt
Δt− Δt =ΔM (3.1)
2 2

Where ΔM is mass accumulation and is the change in mass for the finite time interval, Δt. Dividing both sides
by Δt,

Q 1 It +Q 1 It + Δt Q 2 It +Q 2 It + Δt ΔM
− = (3.2)
2 2 Δt

Q 1−Q 2= (3.3)

The mass balance equation can thus be restated as

[mass flow rate into the system] – [mass flow rate out of the system] = [time rate of change of mass in the
In general, the mass balance equation applies to system with more than one input and output streams
and equation (3.3) becomes

∑ Q¿−∑ Q out = dT (3.4)


As almost all processes deal with different components, we have to consider both the overall and
component balances. Consider a system where components A, B, C, and D are involved. See figure 3.2. As the
diagram shows, the block has three input streams (1,2, and 3) and two output streams (4 and 5). M represents
the masses while x, the composition in mass fraction. We apply mass balances around the system.

Xa1 Xa4
Xa2 1 M1 Xb1 Xb4
Xb2 2 M2 4 M4 Xc4
Xc2 Xd4

Xb3 Xa5
Xc3 3 M3 5 M5 Xb5
Xd3 Xc5

Figure 3.2

Overall mass balance (OMB):

∑ massinputs=∑ mass outputs

M1 + M2 + M3 = M4 + M5 (3.5)
Component A balance:
A in stream 1 + A in stream 2 = A in stream 4 + A in stream 5
(there is no A in stream 3)

M1 Xa1 + M2 Xa2 = M4 Xa4 + M5 Xa5 (3.6)

Component B balance:
B in stream 1 + B in stream 2 + B in stream 3 = B in stream 4 + B in stream 5

M1 Xb1 + M2 Xb2 + M3 Xb3 = M4 Xb4 + M5 Xb5 (3.7)

Component C balance:
C in stream 2 + C in stream 3 = C in stream 4 + C in stream 5

M2 Xc2 + M3 Xc3 = M4 Xc4 + M5 Xc5 (3.8)

Component D balance:
D in stream 3 = D in stream 4
M3 Xd3 = M4 Xd4 (3.9)
The above equations show that in a mass balance setup involving N components, N+1 relationships are
available: one overall mass balance and N component balances.

If we analyze the streams around a unit, we can identify a component (or components) that enter in one
input stream only and goes out in one output stream only. The quantity of this material can easily be traced in
the process. We call this component a “tie component” or “tie material”. If we know the quantity of a tie
component, we can use this information to relate the masses of the two streams, which contain that tie
Consider figure 3.3. The process involves four components. Let us see whether we can identify a tie
component. Component A enters in streams 1, 2, and 3 and leaves in streams 4 and 5; component B enters in
streams 1, 2, and 3 and leaves in streams 4 and 5; component C enters in streams 2 and 3 and leaves in
streams 4 and 5; and component D enters in stream 3 only and leaves in stream 4 only. It is clear that D is the
tie component.

Xa1 Xa4=0.05
Xa2 1 M1 Xb1 Xb4=0.10
Xb2 2 M2 4 M4 Xc4=0.20
Xc2 Xd4=0.65

Xb3 Xa5
Xc3 3 M3=200 5 M5 Xb5
Xd3=0.2 Xc5

Figure 3.3

Let is illustrate the use of component D as a tie component. From Fig. 3.3, M 3=200 kg and xd3=0.2. The
composition of stream 4 (M 4) is Xa4=0.05, Xb4=0.10, Xc4=0.20, and Xd4=0.65. D, as a tie component, can relate
stream 3 to stream 4. Setting up a D component balance,
D in stream 3 = D in stream 4
D in stream 3 = Xd3M3 = 0.2(200) = 40 kg
We can solve for M4. From the data, we know that 1 kg of M 4 contains 0.65 kg of D. This corresponds to the ratio
1 kg M4/0.65 kg D or its reciprocal 0.65 kg D/kg M4. Therefore,

kg M 4
M 4 =40 kg Dx =61.5 kg
0.65 kg D

MASS BALANCE SETUP FOR CONTINUOUS PROCESSES (batch processes will be discussed in a later
In a continuous process, we know that the stream flow rates are constant. In this case, we base our
calculation on a fixed time interval (normally a second, minute, hour, day, etc., whichever is convenient). Taking
a basis of one minute operation, for example, Figure 3.4 shows that the amount of A and B flowing in the
process within one minute is equal to the amount of C flowing out of the process within one minute.

10 kg/min A
20 kg/min C

10 kg/min B

Figure 3.4

In a process, we deal with several streams that have different flow rates. In mass balance calculations,
we should be clear as to what quantities or streams we are referring to. To be consistent in our calculations we
should take a basis of computation. A basis of computation is a quantity of a specific stream or component
upon which our calculation is based. Depending on convenience or calculation technique, we can choose the
amount of any input or output streams or a corresponding component as the basis.
Usually 100 kg, 100 kmol, or 100 units of a material is convenient. If the stream is expressed in terms of
rate, say kg/h, the convenient basis is the number of kilograms flowing in one hour. In this case, the basis can
be a unit of time, say basis = 1 hour. Frequently we ca deduce the proper basis from the statement of the
problem. We cannot underestimate the importance of a properly chosen basis.

SOLUTION OF MASS BALANCE PROBLEMS (this augments Lesson 6 in Chapter 2)

We have to follow some steps to achieve a systematic solution to mass balance problems. Almost every
chemical engineering work starts with a mass balance, hence you should not take these lessons for granted.
These are the steps to follow in solving mass balance problems.
1. Read the problem carefully. Determine what particular types of process and equipment are involved.
2. Draw a simple flowchart (or block diagram or schematic diagram) that represents the system. Arrows
pointing to the block depicts the materials entering, while arrows pointing outward depict the output
streams. Draw broken lines around the unit in which the mass balance will be set up. See figure 3.5

Output 1

Input 1 Output 2

Feed input
Input 2 Output 3

Figure 3.5

3. From the statement of the problem, identify the given or known quantities (or streams) together with the
relevant properties, such as temperature, pressure, and flow rate, among others. Indicate the unknown
quantities or properties required.
4. Take a basis of computation. Be sure that you choose the most convenient one, which you can deduce
from the statement of the problem. You can change the basis within the problem but you should indicate
this properly.
5. Set up overall and component balances. Extra relationships can be developed from physical and
chemical principles. Solve the unknowns or desired quantities using any of the techniques to be
discussed later. Be practical in your solution. You will be able to sense an error if you get impractical
results such as too large quantities or negative masses or flow rates.
6. Check your answers by considering the given conditions or by using common sense if applicable.

We can solve the unknowns in a mass balance problem by considering stream to stream relationships
or by solving simultaneous equations. Use any of the following methods:
a) Arithmetic method – most appropriate for beginners.
b) Algebraic method – can be used by anybody who knows algebra; it is recommended for those
already adept in mass balance calculations
c) Combination of algebraic and arithmetic methods – for learning purposes, this is the best method
d) Graphical technique – to be used in higher chemical engineering subjects
e) Computer applications including packaged software – used for solving a system of simultaneous
equations with more than four unknowns

This method uses stream to stream analysis based in the tie component. We choose a stream which
has a tie component and start the calculation using this component as it relates the quantities of the two streams
where it is found.
Example 3.1
A batch dryer can handle 5,000 kg feed per hour. 5,000 kg of a material containing 30% moisture is to
be dried. How much moisture evaporates per hour if the dried material contains 5% moisture? Solve using
arithmetic method.

 Note: in drying, water is usually removed from wet materials by using a medium such as hot air to
transport the water vapor.

Water evaporated

Wet material
Dried material out

5 000 kg 5% moisture
30% moisture

Required: kg water evaporated per hour

basis: 5,000 kg of wet material entering (Note: 1 hour can also be used. This means that our basis is
one hour operation.
Wet material in = 5,000 kg

Bone-dry solids in
kg bone dry solids
¿ 5 , 000 kg wet material x ( 1−0.3 ) =3,500 kg
kg wet material
Bone-dry solids balance:
Bone-dry solids in = bone-dry solids out = 3,500 kg

Dried materials out

kg material with 5 %
¿ 3,500 kg bone−dry solids x =3,684 kg
( 1−0.05 ) kg bone−dry solids

The water evaporated can now be calculated by using an overall material balance (OMB).
Kg wet material in = kg water evaporated + kg dried material out
kg water evaporated = 5,000 – 3,684 = 1,316 kg
Answer: kg water evaporated = 1,316 kg

In this method, we identify which streams, composition or other quantities are unknown. We assign
appropriate symbols to these unknowns. As we have learned from algebra, we have to set up independent
equations, the number of which should equal that of the unknown quantities. The overall and component
balances are the primary relationships available. If the number of equations is not equal to the number of
unknowns, we have to find extra relationships. For example, this could be the efficiency of the process or
physical relationship. The system of equations is then solved. The method is simple and similar to solving verbal
problems in algebra.

Example 3.2 Solve example 3.1 using the algebraic method

Solution: Refer to the same figure above.
Basis: 5, 00 kg or 1 hour
The unknown streams are the dried material out and the water evaporated
Let: x = mass of water evaporated
y = mass of dried material

With 2 unknowns, we need 2 equations. Three equations are available, one overall and two component
OMB: 5,000 = x + y (1)
Bone-dry solids balance: (tie material) 5,000(1-0.3) = y(1 – 0.05) (2)
y = 3,684 substitute in equation (1)
5,000 = x + 3684
x = 1,316 kg water evaporated
or: using a water balance
water in the wet material in = water evaporated + water in the dried material out
5,000(0.3) = x + 0.05y (3)
From equation (1), y = 5,000 – x substitute in (3)
1,500 = x + 0.05(5,000 – x)
X = 1,316 kg water evaporated per hour (as before)

Example 3.3
We desire to produce two ethyl alcohol-water mixtures each containing 90% and 50% alcohol by mole
from a dilute mixture containing 20% mole alcohol by distillation. 98% of the ethyl alcohol in the feed is to be
recovered in these two products, that is, only 2% of the ethyl alcohol in the feed may go into the bottoms. If the
bottoms contains 0.6% alcohol, calculate the amount of the different streams per 1,000 kmol of feed stream.

 Note: Distillation is the process of separating the components or substances from a liquid mixture
by using selective boiling and condensation. Distillation may result in essentially complete
separation, or it may be a partial separation that increases the concentration of selected
components in the mixture.
98% of ethyl alcohol in the feed goes to the two product streams.
Examining the different streams, water and alcohol are found in all of them such that no component can serve
as a “tie material”.

Distillate, D
90% alcohol
10% water

Feed, F
Side stream, S
20% alcohol 50% alcohol
80% water 50% water

Bottoms, B
0.6% alcohol
99.4% water

Required: D, S, B
Let: D = represent the 90% alcohol stream (distillate)
S = represent the 50% alcohol stream (side)
B = represent the 0.6% alcohol stream (bottoms)
Basis: 1,000 kmol of feed
OMB: 1,000 = D + S + B (1)
Alcohol balance: (0.2)(1,000) = 0.90D + 0.50S + 0.006B (2)
Alcohol recovery: 98% of the alcohol in the feed goes to D and S; 2% of the alcohol in the feed goes to B.
(0.02)(0.2)(1,000) = 0.006B (3)
B = 666.7 kmol substitute in (1)
1,000 = D + S + 666.7; D + S = 333.3; S = 333.3 – D (4)
Substitute (4) and B = 666.7 in (2)
(0.2)(1,000) = 0.90D + 0.50(333.3 – D) + 0.006(666.7)
D = 73.37 kmol
S = 259.93 kmol
Answer: D = 73.37 kmol; S = 259.93 kmol; B = 666.7 kmol

Practice exercises.
1. A moist paper containing 20% water by weight goes into a drier in a continuous process. The paper
leaves the drier containing 2% water by weight. Calculate the weight of water removed from the paper
per 100 kg of the original moist paper.

2. Fifty pounds (lb) of NaCl solution (40% NaCl and 60% H 2O), 100 lb of a sugar solution (20% sugar and
80% H2O), and 40 lb of a water solution (10% NaCl, 5% sugar and 85% H 2O) are mixed together and
heated. Some of the water is lost by evaporation. If the resulting mixture contains 15% NaCl, what
percent of the total water charged were lost through evaporation? (All %’s are weight percent)


A process usually consists of several units. The mass balance calculation for a multi-unit system is
basically the same as that for a single unit system. An overall balance and component balances are set around
the whole system. Then balances around individual units are made as well. Likewise, balances around points
where mixing of streams occur and points of splitting of streams are set up. One output from one unit may be
the input for another and so on. Usually the solution proceeds from one unit to another, with a solved quantity
used for the next unit. Figure 3.6 shows a schematic diagram of a multiple unit process.

1 2

3 4

Figure 3.6

Example 3.4
A two-column still is separating a three-component mixture. The analyses of all streams entering and
leaving are given below:
Feed: 20%A, 30%B, 50%C
Overhead from the 1st column: 61.9%A, 5%B
Overhead from the 2nd column: 15.2%A, 80.8%B
Bottoms from the 2nd column: 0.5%A, 5.5%B
Bottoms from the first column will be fed to the second column.
(a) Calculate the percent recovery of the various components in each output stream.
(b) Determine the composition of the bottoms from the first column.

Let: x = moles of A-rich stream (overhead from the 1st column)
y = moles of B-rich stream (overhead from the 2nd column)
z = moles of C-rich stream (bottoms from the 2nd column)

x y
61.9%A 15.2%A
5%B 80.8%B
33.1%C 4%C


20% A 1 2
30% B
50% C z
for (b) 0.5% A
5.5% B
94% C

(a) percent recovery of the various components in each output stream.
(b) composition of the bottoms from the first column.
Basis: 100 moles feed – 20 moles A, 30 moles B, 50 moles C
OMB: 100 = x + y + z (1)
A balance: 20 = 0.619x + 0.152y + 0.005z (2)
B balance: 30 = 0.05x + 0.808y + 0.055z (3)
Equation (1)x(-0.619) + (2)
-61.9 = -0.619x – 0.619y – 0.619z
20 = 0.619x + 0.152y + 0.005z
-41.9 = -0.467y – 0.614z (4)

41.9−0.614 z
Equation (4)x(-1); y=
Equation (1)x(-0.0.05) + (3)
-5 = -0.05x – 0.05y – 0.05z
30 = 0.05x + 0.808y + 0.005z
25 = 0.758y + 0.005z

(4) in (5):

41.9−0.614 z
25=0.758 + 0.005 z
z = 43.36 moles
y = 32.70 moles
x = 23.94 moles

23.94 (0.619)
% recovery A= ( 100 ) =74.09 %

% recovery B= (100 )=88.07 %
% recovery C= ( 100 )=81.52%

(b) composition of bottoms from the 1st column

Components No. of moles % mole

A 20 – 0.619(23.94) = 5.18 6.8%
B 30 – 0.05(23.94) = 28.80 37.86%
C 50 – 0.331(23.94) = 42.08 55.34%
Total (nT): 76.06 100%

Example 3.5
A glycerol plant is treating a 10% glycerol solution with a 3% NaCl content with butyl alcohol in a solvent
extraction tower. The alcohol fed to the tower contains 2% water. The raffinate leaving the tower contains all the
original salt, 1% glycerine and 1% alcohol. The extract from the tower is sent to a distillation column. The
distillate from this column is the alcohol containing 5% water. The bottoms from the column is 25% glycerine and
the rest, water. The two feed streams to the extraction column amount to 1,000 pounds (lb) per hour each.
Calculate the output of glycerine per hour from the distillation column.

1,000 lb EXTRACT A
10% glycerine 95% alcohol
3% NaCl 5% water


Raffinate 1,000 lb solvent 25% glycerine
all salt 98% alcohol 75% water
1% glycerine 2% water
1% alcohol

Required: output of glycerine per hour from the distillation column

Let: G = lb of glycerine product
A = lb of alcohol product
R = lb of raffinate
OMB: 1,000 + 1,000 = G + A + R (1) 2,000 = G + A + R

100−0.01 R
Glycerine balance: 0.10(1,000) = 0.01R + 0.25G (2) G=
980−0.01 R
Alcohol balance: 0.98(1,000) = 0.01R + 0.95A (3) A=
(2) & (3) in (1)
100−0.01 R 980−0.01 R
2,000= + +R
0.25 0.95

R=598.67lb in (2)


G=376.05 lb

Answer: G = 376.05 lb glycerine per hour from the distillation column

Practice exercises

3. A labeled flowchart of a continuous steady-state two unit process is shown below. Each stream contains
two components, A and B, in different proportions. Three streams whose flowrates and/or compositions
are not known are labeled x, y, and z. Calculate the known flowrates and compositions of streams x, y,
and z.

40 kg/hr 30 kg/hr
0.90 kg A/kg 0.90 kg A/kg
0.10 kg B/kg 0.10 kg B/kg

100 kg/hr x y z
0.50 kg A/kg
0.50 kg B/kg

30 kg/hr
0.30 kg A/kg
0.70 kg B/kg

4. The feed to a continuous two-column still consists of a mixture of 30% benzene (B), 55% toluene (T),
and 15% xylene (X). The overhead stream from the 1 st column is analyzed and contains 94.4%B,
4.54%T and 1.06%T. The bottoms from the 1 st column is fed to the 2 nd column. In this 2nd column, it is
planned that 92% of the original T charged to the unit shall be recovered in the overhead stream and
that the T shall constitute 94.6% of the stream. It is further planned that 92.6% of the X charged shall be
recovered in the bottoms from this column and that the X shall constitute 77.6% of that stream. If these
conditions are met, calculate:
(a) analysis of each stream leaving the unit;
(b) percentage recovery of benzene and toluene in the overhead stream from the 1 st column.


Recycling operations refer to processes in which part of the product is returned and mixed with the feed
entering a process.
In any process, some of the objectives are to enhance the yield and to obtain products with minimum
impurities. Many organic reactions do not give 100% yield of the desired product. A catalyst, which specifically
speed up the desired reaction is frequently used. Even then, the yield may be limited by equilibrium
considerations. If yield is low, the unreacted starting materials are separated from the product and sent back to
the reactor as a recycle stream. A recycle is also used in several unit operations, generally to gain a more
desirable product.
Other unit operations employ recycle operations for energy conservation and for better control of
product quality. Figure 3.7 shows a recycle stream. Stream A is the fresh feed while stream D is the net product
obtained from the system. Stream C, on the other hand, is the total product obtained from the process. This
splits to form streams D and E. stream E is the recycle stream, which is mixed with the fresh feed to form the
gross feed, stream B. In some cases, stream E may be recycled to other units located ahead of the unit where it
comes from.

Figure 3.7

Mass balance calculations involving recycle operations should pose little difficulty if balances are set up
properly. Arithmetic or algebraic method is suitable depending on the presence of a tie component. Mass
balances can be taken around four positions:
1) Taking a balance around the whole system, (boundary represented by 1) the mass in stream A
equals the mass in stream D. Note that the recycle loop is within the system so that stream E is not
2) Taking a balance around the process within the recycle loop (represented by line 2), the mass in
stream B equals the mass in stream C.
3) Taking a balance around the mixing point of the recycle and the fresh feed, (line 3), the mass in
stream E plus the mass is stream A equals the mass in stream B.
4) Taking a balance around the point of splitting of the total product line, (line 4), the mass of stream C
equals the mass of recycle stream E plus the mass of the net product, stream D.
Two important terms in recycle operation are the:
1) recycle to fresh feed ratio
2) total feed to fresh feed ratio

Example 3.6
In a pilot process plant, a sticky material containing 80% water is to be dried. To facilitate the operation,
a part of the dried product containing 5% water is recycled and mixed with the feed. If the material entering the
drier contains 30% water, calculate
(a) the kg water removed per 2,000 kg of fresh feed
(b) the recycle-to-feed ratio. Solve using the arithmetic and algebraic methods.

water evaporated, E
Recycle stream

2,000 kg MIXER DRIER

Fresh feed 30% water Dried product, P

80% water J 5% water

(a) the kg water removed per 2,000 kg of fresh feed
(b) the recycle-to-feed ratio.
Basis: 2,000 kg feed
Let: E = kg water evaporated
P = kg of dried product

OMB: (balance around the entire loop)

2,000 = E + P (1)

Bone dry solids balance (tie material)

0.20(2,000) = 0.95(P) (2)
P = 421 kg in (1)

2,000 = E + 421
E = 1,579 kg

Making balances around the drier,

E = 1,579 kg Let: x = kg of material with 30% water entering the drier

y = kg of material with 5% water leaving the drier
OMB: x = E + y subs. E
x, kg y, kg x = 1,579 + y (3)
30% H2O DRIER 5% H 2O water balance: 0.30(x) = 1,579 + 0.05y (4) subs (3)
0.30(1579+y) = 1579 + 0.05y
y = 4,421kg
x = 6,000 kg

Making balances around junction J,

R Therefore, the recycle-to-feed ratio is:

R 4,000 kg
y=4,421 kg P= 421 kg = =2
F 2,000 kg
J Answer:
OMB: 4,421 = R + 421 (a) 1,579 kg water removed
R = 4,000 kg (b) R/F ratio = 2

In some cases part of a process stream may be bypassed around a unit of the process to rejoin the
main stream after the unit, as shown in Figure 3.8 below. Without the bypass, the desired product would not be

Bypass stream

Net Feed Process

Feed Equipment Product

Figure 3.8

The splitter consists of control valves. Bypassing a stream is useful in attaining precise control of
concentration. In general, it is easier to make a large change in concentration or property in a small rather than
make a small change in a large mass.
Mass balance calculations involving bypass streams are similar to that for recycle operations. Either the
arithmetic or the algebraic method is suitable. Mass balances can be taken around four positions as shown in
Figure 3.9. Comparing the balance around the whole system and that within the bypass loop, it is seen that a
bypass stream results in the use of a smaller-sized equipment in contrast to that of a recycle stream where the
equipment has to be larger.

Figure 3.9

Example 3.7 2 Equipment 4

We desire to lower the n-hexane content of a nitrogen-hexane mixture at 45°C (the partial pressure of n-
hexane = 310 mm Hg) and a total pressure of 757 mm Hg to a mixture containing 15% mole n-hexane. This
could be achieved by chilling the mixture to 10°C to condense out some of the n-hexane. The gas leaves
saturated at 10°C (the partial pressure of n-hexane = 64 mm Hg) and at a pressure of 750 mm Hg. The bypass
gas then mixes with the gas from the chiller to form the 15% mixture. 300 m 3/min of the original gas mixture is to
be treated.
Bypass stream

Net Feed
300 m3/min CHILLER T = 10°C 15% n-hexane
Nitrogen gas PT = 757 mm Hg 85% N2
T=45°C Pn-hex = 64 mm Hg
PT = 757 mm Hg
Pn-hex = 310 mm Hg condensed n-hexane
PN2 = 447 mm Hg

(a) How much n-hexane is condensed in the chiller?

(b) What is the volume of the gas that bypasses the chiller? Assume ideal gas behavior.
Basis: one minute operation
This can better be solved using the arithmetic method.
Note: n-hexane-free nitrogen is a tie component
n-hexane balance: n-hexane condensed = (n-hexane in N 2 entering) – (n-hexane in product)
kmol N2 entering (using ideal gas equation, PV=nRT)

447 m3
( atm)(300 )
760 min
¿ =6.67 kmol N 2 entering (n−hexane−free N 2)
m3 −atm
(0.08205 ) ( 45+273 ) K

kmol N 2 310 kmol n−hexane

n−hexane entering=6.76
min (
447 kmol n−hexane−free N 2 )
=4.69 kmol /min n−hexane entering

N2 balance: N2 entering = N2 leaving

kmol N 2 0.15 kmol n−hexane

n-hexane in nitrogen leaving = 6.76
min ( ❑
=1.19 )
(a) n-hexane condensed = 4.69 – 1.19 = 3.50 kmol n-hexane condensed/minute

(b) to calculate for the volume of gas that bypasses the chiller

consider the chiller alone,

Pn-hex = 310 mm Hg CHILLER Pn-hex = 64 mm Hg

PN2 = 447 mm Hg PN2 = 686 mm Hg

condensed n-hexane =

Since N2 is the tie component, get:

kmol of n−hexane entering 310

kmole of n−hexane−free N 2 entering 447
310 kmol n−hexane cond
difference= =0.60
kmol of n−hexane entering 310 447 kmole of n−hexane−free N 2
kmole of n−hexane−free N 2 entering 447

kmol N2 entering the chiller

kmol n−hexane condensed kmole of n−hexane−free N 2 kmol N 2

¿ 3.50
min (
kmole of n−hexane condensed
min )

Volume entering the chiller (PV=nRT)

kmol N 2 757 kmol mixture m 3−atm

( 5.83
min )( 447 kmol N 2 )(
kmol−K )
( 45+ 273 ) K
757 min
(b) volume that bypasses the chiller = volume entering gas mixture – volume entering chiller
= 300 – 258.63 = 41.37 m3/min
If a small quantity of nonreactive material is present in the feed to a process with recycle, it may be
necessary to remove the nonreactive material in a purge stream to prevent its building up above the maximum
tolerable value. If a nonreactive material is added in the feed and not removed in the products, it must
accumulate until purged. In some processes, the nonreactive material may be removed in a product stream. In
other systems, it accumulates and must be purged.
Purge or bleed is a flow arrangement used in recycling operations where a fraction of the recycle stream
becomes an output stream. In some processes with recycle stream, a separator removes only the desired
product form the stream going out of a process unit. The inerts and impurities entering the system gradually
accumulate in the recycle stream. This accumulation can be avoided by bleeding out or purging a portion of the
recycle line.
Recycle stream
Purge stream

Feed stream EQUIPMENT Gross Product
Figure 3.10

If the desired product does not contain any inert material or impurity, then by a component balance around the
whole system, the inerts and impurities in the feed stream is equal to the inerts and impurities in the purge
stream, that is:
(Inerts + Impurities) feed stream = (Inerts + Impurities) purge stream

 In some processes the nonreactive material may be removed in a product stream; in other systems, it
accumulates and must be purged.

Example 3.8
A cooling tower cools water by contacting it with air intimately. Some water evaporates. It gets the latent
heat required from the bulk of the liquid water. This provides the cooling effect. This evaporated water is
replenished by addition of make-up water. The water used normally contains CaCO 3. To avoid scale formation in
the process pipes, the CaCO3 should be kept below 130 ppm. This is done by providing a purge stream.
In a certain cooling tower, the make up water contains 30 ppm CaCO 3. The evaporation is 1,200 kg/hr.
what should be the minimum flow of the purge stream in order to prevent deposition of CaCO 3. Assume no
entrainment of water in the air occurs.

Make-up water, M
30 ppm CaCO3
OMB: M = P + 1,200
Evaporation = 1,200 kg/hr
CaCO3 balance:

Cooling tower

Purge, P
130 ppm CaCO3

30 130
( M )= ( P ) (2)
1 x 10 1 x 106

(1) in (2)
30 130
( P+1200 )= ( P)
1 x 10 1 x 106

P=360 kg/hr
Answer: Purge rate = 360 kg/hr

Practice exercises:
5. A process needs an air supply which should contain 0.12 mol H 2O/mol dry air exactly. 1,500 m 3/min of
air at 25 °C and 101.3 kPa is to be treated. Part of this air goes to a spray chamber where the air picks
up water and goes out with 0.3 mol H 2O/mol dry air. The other part of the air feed bypasses the water
spray and is mixed with the humidified air to produce a mixture containing 0.12 mol H 2O/mol dry air.
What is the water consumption? What is the ratio of the flowmeter readings of the bypass stream and
the stream to the water spray?

6. An air conditioning system supplies 1,000 m 3/min of air containing 0.01 mol H 2O/mol dry air. It is 20 °C
and 1 atm. To conserve energy, part of the exhaust air containing 0.08 mol H 2O/mol dry air is recycled
and mixed with the fresh air from the air conditioner to produce a gross air feed to the room containing
0.035 mol H2O/mol dry air. How many kg of water is picked up by the air per minute? What is the
volumetric flow rate of the recycle stream? (27 °C and 99 kPa).

In solving the practice exercises, you can solve using yellow papers, then take a clear shot of your solutions and
submit t hem to my email ad: cephmina1426@gmail.com. Solutions using MS word or any other means are also

 Due date for online submission of solution to practice exercises will be on/before 8:00 PM of
September 16, 2020.

 First long exam schedule:

2A: September 22, 2020 8:30 – 9:30 AM
2B: September 21, 2020 10:00 AM – 12:00 NN
2C: September 21, 2020 2:30 – 3:30 PM

R.M.Felder and R.W. Rousseau, Elementary Principles of Chemical Process, 2nd edition. New York:
Wiley, 1986
W.I. Jose, Introductory Concepts in Chemical Engineering, 2004
H.S. Stoker, Introduction to Chemical Principles, 2nd edition. New York: Macmillan, 1986

Prepared by:


Subject Professor


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