The Mood Cure
The Mood Cure
The Mood Cure
so much better? The main concern is that 5-HIAA (440) 552-8824 Take charge of your
may be as important as serotonin for your emotional emotions today
well-being. 5-HIAA can protect us from some of the
most destructive of all negative moods, ones that
through Nutrition
lead to violent crime, suicide, severe insomnia and Therapy!
addiction. And unfortunately, most depressed For more information, please read The Mood Cure by
people are already low in both serotonin and 5- Julia Ross. Or visit http://
The Top 5 Bad Mood Foods Vegetables contain key mood-enhancing nutrients like calcium,
What really happens when
Sugar and White Flour Starches- The corn, sugarcane, and magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, and B vitamins.
sugar beets that sugar is extracted from, and the grains that flour is Good Carbs- Fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains included! you donʼt eat?
extracted from, contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals. But after the These carbohydrates are needed in order to fuel our brain, as it
extraction process, most of these beneficial nutrients are gone. is dependent on a constant supply of glucose from
Throws off your Blood Sugar Levels
What’s left is a potent crystallizing concentrate. Theses two refined carbohydrates for quick energy. Without this energy, we would
If you are not eating, you can expect your blood sugar levels to be
carbohydrates can force a release of your brain’s natural feel-good be left feeling down in the dumps.
off all day. Things like coffee, the leading bad-mood eating
neurotransmitters, serotonin and endorphin. This brain chemistry practice, can kill your morning appetite. Skipping breakfast
disruption and depletion leads to the need for another cookie for The Relationship between medications promotes high stress and low energy, leaving you to reach for
another brief mood boost... then another... and another. In another coffee or twinkies by 10:00am.
and nutrients in mood disorders
addition, these foods together produce the blood-congesting fat
called triglycerides, which greatly increases the risk of heart Inhibits Mood Enhancers
disease. Mood disorders are extremely complex, varying from
Low-calorie dieting can be like skipping meals all day, plus it
person to person. Diet choices will depend on a number of
Wheat- Wheat and similar grains contain gluten, a protein that almost immediately inhibits the levels of two of your biggest mood
factors (taste, lifestyle, medication and state of health), as
can irritate, inflame, and rupture the lining of the digestive tract, well as the length you have been on medication. When enhancers- serotonin and thyroid hormone.
to the point that nutrients from food don’t get absorbed well, or individuals are on medication, there are specific nutrition
sometimes at all. recommendations that go along with those medications. Contributes Depression and Irritability
Bad Fats- Including vegetable oil, margarine, shortening, corn oil, The psychological relationship between people and food is Low-fat diets are firmly associated with depression and irritability.
soy oil, canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, sesame Low-fat, often associated with high-carb and low blood sugar, leads
oil, wheat-germ oil, cottonseed oil and walnut oil. Olive oil, What you should know is the relationship between to mood swings, hypoglycemia, and diabetes. Blood sugar levels
coconut oil, and palm oil is not included here! These fats are medications and nutrients in mood disorders. This may can drop with a no fat diet in order to provide alternative fuel that
unstable and can become dangerously rancid very quickly, causing help you make an educated decision on how to move burns more steadily than carb fuel. Without healthy fats, your
damage to your cells and tissues. forward with your medication. brain functions poorly and your sex hormones and stress-coping
Soy- Soy can adversely affect mood-regulating sex and thyroid hormones can’t be properly made.
Nutrients that help with mood disorders include
hormones, and can affect the brain and digestion. The soy it
Tryptophan, 5-HTP, Saint John’s Wort, and Tyrosine.
contains is so hard to digest that its constituent mood protective Tryptophan, the amino acid from which serotonin is made Contributes to Low Energy and Bad Mood
amino acids are not easily absorbed. in the brain, has proven to be an extremely successful Low-protein diets can mean low energy and low mood, because
antidepressant and sleep aid with virtually no side effect. 5- our brains and body are low in amino acids that they need for
HTP can erase symptoms of low serotonin, from making their natural antidepressants and stimulants serotonin and
The Top 4 Good Mood Foods depression and anxiety to insomnia and irritability. Saint
norepinephrine and their naturally relaxing GABA.
John’s wort has also been extensively researched and used
Protein- A recommended two times per week, healthy protein in Eastern medicine enthusiastically, and is also sold in
options include fish, poultry, eggs, lamb, beef, pork, dairy products high numbers here in the United States. Doesn’t ensure a nutrient-dense diet
and shellfish. The neurotransmitters that send out all of the positive Prepackaged diet foods are deficient in calories and nutrients, and
feelings can be made only by using certain of the 22 types of protein These nutrients can have a potentially lifesaving advantage because they’re processed they’re loaded with chemicals.
over the drugs, because both 5-HTP and Tryptophan are
called amino acids. The more protein you eat, the better!
both well-researched champions in raising 5-HIAA levels.
Healthy Fats- Our bodies are made up of 18 percent fat if we’re a If you add 5-HTP or tryptophan to your SSRIs or replace
man, and 28 percent fat if we’re a woman- at least in a healthy body. your SSRIs with them, a more normal serotonin-related Bad Mood Food Additives
Up to 60 % of it should be composed of specialized fatty substances brain flow can resume and your 5-HIAA levels can rise. Caffeine- Depletes mood-vital nutrients, Overstimulates and
that have to be replaced constantly and have very complex mood- Folic acid and a lower-carbohydrate, higher-protein diet weakens kidneys, pancreas, liver, stomach, intestines, heart, nervous
will also effectively help to raise your 5-HIAA levels. When system, adrenal glands; overacidifies pH (premature aging)
related duties that can’t be performed by french fries or corn chips.
your serotonin-deficient brain is nourished by 5-HTP or
We need fats! Food coloring- Promotes irritability, distractibility & hyperactivity
tryptophan, there are plenty of molecules transmitting
Vegetables- Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, away or resting quietly, as needed, and plenty are left over Preservatives- Promotes irritability, distractibility & hyperactivity
these healthy fast foods make good moods possible. They are the to convert into melatonin and 5-HIAA. This will help Artificial Flavors- brain irritants
only carbs guaranteed not to cause blood sugar shocks. restock your brain!