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SELEX Sensors and Airborne Systems UK Case Study: Company Profile

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Health and Safety


SELEX Sensors and Airborne

Systems UK case study
Company profile
SELEX Sensors & Airborne Systems UK, a Finmeccanica
company, is one of Europe’s leading defence electronics
companies, providing world class capabilities in
surveillance, protection, tracking, targeting, navigation and
control and imaging systems. It is the UK’s foremost
supplier of electronic systems for military platforms in the
air, at sea and on land. With its head office in Basildon,
SELEX S&AS has major sites in southern England, as well
as Edinburgh in Scotland. In total there are some 4500
employees, with 1100 working from the headquarters in
Live working area - tool box talk. From left to right: Andy Gunn,
The Basildon site won the East and South East region HSE Dave John, Maggie Lovett and Ron Morris
Health and Safety Award at the 2005 Orange National
systems within the company, in order to provide a safe
Business Awards. In winning the award the company
working environment for its employees.
demonstrated their approach to health and safety
management, including how they communicate their policy
As a further step to enforce these responsibilities, managers
and apply controls to hazards and risks. Key areas presented
and supervisors were set health and safety objectives in their
covered the management's commitment and overall worker
annual personal development reviews.

The next step was to introduce worker involvement. Employees

were encouraged to take on responsibility for the health and
safety management of their own work areas. Health and safety
co-ordinators in assembly areas and worker representatives in
The problem all other areas of the business were appointed and given
The company had always recognised the importance of specific health and safety training. Health and safety
health and safety but wanted to improve overall workplace awareness, guidance and training were provided to employees
integration, ownership and understanding of good health and at all levels, and this was supported by improvements to the
safety practice. To facilitate this step to the next level of health incident and near miss reporting. This had a major impact in
and safety awareness, the company embarked upon a removing the ‘I knew it would happen’ culture.
programme to further strengthen the link between heath and
safety and successful business practice. Dave John said: ‘The important key to making this happen
and making it successful was people involvement. We simply
The solution had to have our teams involved in both the planning and
Dave John, Operations and Group Services Director, took on operation of good health and safety practice. Without their
the role of SHE (Safety, Health and Environment) Director support and involvement this simply could not have
three years ago working alongside the company’s SHE happened.’
Manager, Maggie Lovett. They set about tackling the lack of
health and safety ownership at the top with an educational Communication with the workforce and management was an
campaign targeting company directors and senior managers. important factor in the improvements undertaken, and key to
The aim was to inform directors and managers of their health the success of the scheme. Regular communication was
and safety responsibilities, and educate them on the established through safety committees, trade unions, safety
requirement for established health and safety management representatives, and the company’s Joint Consultative
SELEX Sensors and Airborne Systems UK case study – worker involvement

were prohibited. This interactive approach encouraged

employee involvement and has become a best practice
feature recognised by many external customers.

The result
Health and safety has become an integral part of the job for
each and every employee. It is now very rare for a serious
accident to occur on site and employees’ lost-time accident
rates are low.

Current health and safety activity includes:

■ awareness campaigns and training in relation to the

reporting of near-miss incidents and accidents;
■ all employees are encouraged to use Safety
Risk assessment review - enviromental screening
From left to right: Lee Bird, Maggie Lovett and Spencer Tilbrook Investigation forms to raise concerns;
■ awareness campaigns are carried out to show the
Committee. Furthermore, the company also used their possible risk of injuries in the event of the incorrect
Intranet, formal documentation, posters and toolbox talks in use and application of personal protective
the communication process. equipment.

Representatives in each of the manufacturing and assembly Dave John added: ‘Everyone at this site is a safety adviser.
cells on the shop floor became responsible for health and Workers show far more interest and enthusiasm for
safety in their area. The machine shop cells carry out audits health and safety when they are empowered, as they are
on all cells in turn. The audits are undertaken to ensure able to make changes and stop the job if they consider it to
compliance with best practice and act as a measure of be unsafe. The establishment of this empowerment supports
performance. The audits include checks on vital health and the company’s zero tolerance approach to working in unsafe
safety practices such as risk assessments, Control of environments.’
Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) assessments,
workplace inspections and use of Personal Protective Each department now holds its own health and safety
Equipment (PPE). meetings. In addition, weekly production meetings with
managers also have health and safety on the agenda.
Innovative computer solutions were developed for the clean
rooms. This allowed the workforce to have full access to all A visible process is used across the site including posters,
health and safety information in an area where paper copies which are changed on a regular basis to provide more impact.

Health and safety meeting From left to right: Ken Green, Diane Nastri, Linda Shields, Kevin Brooks, John Inglis, Chris Hatchard and Maggie Lovett
SELEX Sensors and Airborne Systems UK case study – worker involvement

The Basildon site also gives Excellence Award vouchers for

health and safety suggestions made by employees.’

The future
There is an ongoing review and improvement of management
processes. A new visual screen and database linked to the
SHE Intranet site will show staff who is responsible and
accountable for each area. It will also list members of
personnel who are trained to carry out risk assessments and
detailed risk assessment procedures. The annual health and
safety auditing plan for the site will be visible within this new
process improvement. This upgrade will further encourage
ownership and communication in maintaining the standards
now established.
Machining cell - Darren Perry

Photographs of all the members of staff within the

machining cells identify their roles, whether they are a
first-aider or a health and safety representative, etc.
Machining cells measure health and safety competence using
a skills matrix, which is displayed in all cells, providing a
comprehensive view of the possible risks specific to that area.

As a further encouragement to health and safety awareness,

the company has introduced award elements. During
European Health and Safety Awareness Week in October this
year, Maggie ran a competition with a prize of £250.

Cell hazard risk assessment. From left to right: Kristian Brown,

Apprentice of the Year with Brian Kendall, manufacturing controller

Dave John and Maggie Lovett believe that winning the 2005
Risk assessment. From left to right: Maggie Lovett and Ken Grant,
shop steward for Basildon site Regional National Business Award for Health and Safety has
provided both internal and external recognition for the
Said Maggie, ‘It was well supported. We put up posters Basildon team. This has encouraged everyone at the site to
about European Health and Safety Awareness Week in the keep focused and maintain standards.
canteen and organised a quiz, which had questions on noise
at work and road safety. In addition, the local police force
displayed road safety awareness information. Published online by the Health and Safety Executive 12/05

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