Tools of Government
Tools of Government
Tools of Government
Lester M. Salamon
FIGURE 1-1 Nonprofit share of total employment, by
country; 22 countries; 1999. Source: Lester
M. Salamon et al, Global Civil Society:
Dimension of the Nonprofit Sector
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Institute for
Policy Studies, 1999), p. 14.
Nor does the new field of policy analysis that recently has
gained prominence offer much help. The central preoccupation
of this field has been the application of sophisticated techniques
of microeconomics to the analysis of public problems. Of far
less concern has been the nitty-gritty of actual program
operations. Indeed, the implementation of public programs has
long been the “missing link” in the policy analysis world-
administrative control.43
The “new governance” rejects both of these approaches and
suggests a third route for achieving public purposes in the
world of third-party government that now exists. Unlike the
privatization school, it emphasizes the continued need for
public management even when indirect tools are used. This is
so because private markets cannot be relied on to give
appropriate weight to public interests over private ones without
active public involvement. “Government’s relationships with
the private sector are not self-administering,” one expert on
privatization has thus noted; “they require, rather, aggressive
Activation Skills
In the first place, the new governance requires activation skills,
the skills required to activate the networks of actors
Modulation Skills
Finally, the new governance requires the sensitive modulation
of rewards and penalties in order to elicit the cooperative
behavior required from the interdependent players in a complex
tool network. Urban economic development specialists have
referred to this as enoughsmanship—the provision of just enough
subsidy to get private parties to make investments in run-down
areas they might avoid, but not so much that it produces
windfall profits for doing what the developers would have done
anyway. Inevitably, as we have seen, third-party government
leaves substantial discretion over the exercise of public
authority and the spending of public funds in the hands of a
variety of third parties over which public officials have at best
limited control. Under these circumstances, the central
challenge for public managers is to decide what combination of
incentives and penalties to bring to bear to achieve the
outcomes desired. Excessive use of authority can clearly
backfire if partners choose not to “play” or to disguise their
activities in ways that “principal-agent theory” predicts. On the
other hand, insufficient accountability can invite complete
disregard of public goals. Public managers in the era of the new
governance are consequently perennially confronted with the
dilemma of deciding how much authority or subsidy is
“enough” and how much is too much.
Basic Definition
As a first step in this direction, it may be useful to specify more
precisely what is meant by a “tool” or “instrument” of public
Effectiveness is the most basic criterion for gauging the success
of public action. It essentially measures the extent to which an
activity achieves its intended objectives. Although
considerations of cost can enter into this judgment,
effectiveness judgments are typically made independent of
costs. Using this criterion, the most effective tool is the one that
most reliably allows action on a public problem to achieve its
intended purposes.
Degree of Coerciveness
Perhaps the most salient of these dimensions has to do with the
nature of the activity that a tool embodies, and particularly
with the degree of coercion that it utilizes.
Essentially, this dimension measures the extent to which a
tool restricts individual or group behavior as opposed to merely
encouraging or discouraging it.
A third key dimension in terms of which policy tools can be
differentiated is the level of automaticity they embody.
Automaticity measures the extent to which a tool utilizes an
existing administrative structure for its operations rather than
creating its own special administrative apparatus.
The fourth tool dimension that seems likely to be important is
the degree of visibility a tool exhibits in the normal policy
review processes, particularly the budget process. Obviously,
this dimension is highly sensitive to the structure of these
processes. Thus, for example, countries that do not utilize a
capital budget, like the United States, tend to put direct lending
programs at a competitive disadvantage by requiring that the
full value of a loan show up on the operating budget as an
expenditure the year in which the loan is made.
Until changes were made in 1990, this gave a real
advantage to loan guarantee programs over direct lending
programs since the value of loan guarantees shows up on the
budget only if and when they go into default. Similarly, until
the 1970s in the United States no official record was kept of tax
expenditures, making them largely invisible in the annual
budget process.94 Not until the 1990s, moreover, were such tax
expenditures considered in the normal budget decisionmaking
cash versus those that deliver them “in kind”95; and between
those that operate through producers and those that deliver
In the first place, this introduction and a subsequent concluding
chapter are designed to put the “new governance” approach
into perspective, to identify its central features, and to explain
how it relates to other approaches to public problem solving.
Tool Chapters
• The mechanics of tool operations, that is, the tasks that the
tool entails, the actors it engages, and the roles these actors
are typically called on to play;
• The major management challenges the tool poses and the way
they can be handled; and
Crosscutting Chapters
In addition to the overview material and the individual tool
chapters, this book also includes a set of chapters examining the
crucial crosscutting issues that the proliferation of new tools of
public action and the growth of third-party government have
posed. These include:
Tools Workbooks