What Is An Auditor's Report?
What Is An Auditor's Report?
What Is An Auditor's Report?
The independent and external audit report is typically published with the
company's annual report. The auditor's report is important because banks and
creditors require an audit of a company's financial statements before lending to
The first paragraph states the responsibilities of the auditor and directors.
The second paragraph contains the scope, stating that a set of standard
accounting practices was the guide.
The third paragraph contains the auditor's opinion.
An additional paragraph may inform the investor of the results of a separate audit
on another function of the entity. The investor will key in on the third paragraph,
where the opinion is stated.
The type of report issued will be dependent on the findings by the auditor. Below
are the most common types of reports issued for companies.
Qualified Opinion
A qualified opinion may be issued in one of two situations: first, if the financial
statements contain material misstatements that are not pervasive; or second, if
the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which to
base an opinion, but the possible effects of any material misstatements are not
pervasive. For example, a mistake might have been made in calculating
operating expenses or profit. Auditors typically state the specific reasons and
areas where the issues are present so that the company can fix them.
Adverse Opinion
An adverse opinion means that the auditor has obtained sufficient audit evidence
and concludes that misstatements in the financial statements are both material
and pervasive. An adverse opinion is the worst possible outcome for a company
and can have a lasting impact and legal ramifications if not corrected.
Regulators and investors will reject a company's financial statements following an
adverse opinion from an auditor. Also, if illegal activity exists, corporate officers
might face criminal charges.
Disclaimer of Opinion
A disclaimer of opinion means that, for some reason, the auditor is unable to
obtain sufficient audit evidence on which to base the opinion, and the possible
effects on the financial statements of undetected misstatements, if any, could be
both material and pervasive. Examples can include when an auditor can't be
impartial or wasn't allowed access to certain financial information.
Example of an Auditor's Report
Excerpts from the audit report by Deloitte & Touche LLP for Starbucks
Corporation, dated Nov. 15, 2019, follow.
In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the
financial position of the Company as of September 29, 2019, and September 30,
2018, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three
years in the period ended September 29, 2019, in conformity with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America."