FNF 02 I33514 Ankit Shukla
FNF 02 I33514 Ankit Shukla
FNF 02 I33514 Ankit Shukla
1. Gross Salary 125,933
2. Less: Allowances Exempt Under Section 10
(f) Amount of any other exemption under section 10
3. Balance (1-2) 125,933
4. Deductions:
Standard Deduction 50,000
Tax On Employment 200
5. Aggregate of 4 50,200
6. Income chargeable under the head 'Salaries' (3-5) 75,733
7. Add: Any other income reported by the employee
Total of above 0
8. Gross total income (6+7) 75,733
9. Deductions under Chapter VI-A Qualifying Deductible
Gross Amount
(A) Section 80C, 80CCC and 80CCD Amount Amount
(a) Section 80 C
a. Provident Fund 3,600 3,600
Total of Section 80C, 80CCC and 80CCD 3,600 3,600 3,600
(B) Other Sections under Chapter VI-A
Total of Other Sections under Chapter VI-A
10. Aggregate of deductible amount under Chapter VIA 3,600
11. Total Income (8-10) 72,140
12. Tax on total income based on Old Regime 0
13. Less: rebate u/s 87A 0
14. Tax payable and surcharge thereon 0 +0 0
15. Add: Education CESS 4.00% on (14) 0
16. Less: Rebate Under Section 89 0
17. Total Tax Liability (14+15-16) 0
18. Less Tax deducted at source till Last Month 0
19. Tax payable/refundable (17-18) 0
20. Tax payable/refundable this month 0