International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine
International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine
International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine
e-ISSN: 2456-4435
Oct-Dec 2018 | Vol. 02 nd | Issue :6 th
8. KASA VEGA (coughing urge) [2] nausea, discoloured patches on face and
Suppression of cough causes in
its increase and further leads to 13. SHUKRA VEGA (urge to discharge
dyspnoea, anorexia, heart disease, seminal fluid)
emaciation and hiccups.
Suppression of urge to void
9. SHRAMASHWAS VEGA (urge to semen often results in its increased flow,
breathe heavily on exertion) [2] swelling and pain in genitals, fever, pain
in heart region and all over the body,
Suppressing heavy breathing after
obstruction in micturation, enlargement
exertion leads to gulma ( abdominal
of scrotum, seminal calculi and
tumor), heart disease and delusions.
10. JRUMBHA VEGA (urge to yawn)[2]
Other than these above described
To suppress a yawn means to vegas Acharya Charak has explained
indirectly vitiate vata dosha by inhibiting ‘udgara vega’ (urge to belch) instead of
its gati (flow) which is almost similar to kasa vega. Suppression of udgara vega
that in case of sneezing. It thus produces causes hiccups, dyspnoea, aversion
all the symptoms similar to that of towards food, tremors, heaviness or
suppressing sneeze. gripping pain in chest and heart region.[3]
11. ASHRU VEGA (urge to cry) [2] Although it is very true that one
should never control a non suppressible
Ashru means tears, controlling
urges, but it is also equally important not
weeping can cause running in nose, pain
to forcibly initiate an urge, as it can
in eyes, headache and heart pain,
create an imbalance n functioning of vata
stiffening of neck, anorexia, giddiness
dosha causing related disease.
and gulma.
12. CHARDI VEGA (urge to
vomiting)[2] Reflexes are not given importance
while explaining about physiology, but
Visarpa (herpes), rashes, various instead concentrated on the contents of
skin diseases, irritation of eyes, itching, that particular excretory product about to
get expelled from the body and
fever, anaemia, cough, dyspnoea,
symptoms are interpreted logically
depending upon the long term
suppression of body toxins and its re- These are the various urges and
absorption into the blood circulation and symptoms arising out of their
its consequences are discussed. These are suppression. From above description we
some of the interpretations made based understand one thing is that nine times
on articles published [4, 5] and there are no heart related symptoms are mentioned. It
such evidences related to the vegdharana is our prime duty to seriously look at this
and its consequences related to its long concept of ayurveda while global cardiac
term suppression but an attempt is made epidemic is ready to break out. It is very
by studying thoroughly and essential for our good health not to
understanding the basic physiology of suppress any urge so do not ignore
the body reflexes. There are many more nature’s call, attend to it at once.
interpretations also can be withdrawn,
but depending on their own yukti many REFERENCES:
assessments are made ranging from acute 1. Yadavji Trikamji, Charak Samhita,
complications to late and severe (Ayurved dipika commentary),
complications grading can be done. Choukhamba Surbharti Publication
There are such symptoms mentioned in Varanasi, Reprint 2000, Sutra sthan,
samhitas which can’t be correlated to Navegandharniya Adhyaya, page
any future consequences, but still an no.1-29.
attempt is made here to understand the 2. Brahmanand tripathi, Ashtang
limitations of Ayurveda. Hridaya, Chokhamba Surbharti
Publication Varanasi. Reprint
CONCLUSION: 2003,Sutra sthan, Roganutpadhaniya
Adhaya, Page no. 54-58
Ayurvedic texts attribute the cause 3. Brahmanand Tripathi Charak
of various disorders to the forceful Samhita Chouukhamba Surbharti
suppression of these natural urges. This Publication Varanasi. Reprint 2006,
is due to the fact that suppression of Sutra sthan, Navegandharniya
natural vega causes vitiation of the Adhyaya, page no. 163-174.
humors of the body mainly vata dosha 4.
and further cause accumulation of Ama ves/category/9-volume-1-issue-
(toxins) in the body. “Prevention is better 7?download=25:review-article- cited on
than cure” hence it is advisable not to date: 1/8/2018
suppress natural vegas. 5.
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