Essays On The Economics of Two-Sided Markets - Economics, Antitrust and Strategy
Essays On The Economics of Two-Sided Markets - Economics, Antitrust and Strategy
Essays On The Economics of Two-Sided Markets - Economics, Antitrust and Strategy
Given the subject of this collection, there is some irony in how I’ve chosen
to bring these essays to you. Publishing has traditionally been a two-sided model.
Publishers get authors and readers together. They typically make their money
by charging the reader and giving some fraction of the earnings to the author as
This 20th century model of publishing doesn’t serve authors of academic
books well. Often, publishers set the price of academic books relatively high,
expecting to earn the greatest profits from libraries and a handful of aficionados.
For most books that aren’t aimed towards a popular audience, including most
academic books, royalties are quite small. Optimistically, I might have been able
to buy a pretty good new bicycle if I had published these essays in the traditional
fashion, but I’d rather have more people read my work than collect the chump
change from royalties.
Therefore, the two-sided publishing model fails in two ways: the author
doesn’t make much money, and the author doesn’t get read by very many
people. Moreover, most publishers in my experience are still using 20th century
technology to produce and distribute books. It can take many months—if not
years—from a book’s conception to its appearance in a reader’s hands.
The irony is apparent that, in order to bring my work into the 21st century,
I have decided to publish my collection of essays about two-sided markets in a
one-sided way. I ditched the intermediary and chose to connect directly with
likely readers. I’m sure some of you would prefer the feel of paper and leather but
hopefully the price is right. It was easy for me to decide to make this volume free
because it cost almost nothing to produce and distribute it.
This version of the book consists of a series of urls (website addresses) that
will take you to the original papers. It is easy to download and store them as pdfs
on your iPad or whatever e-reader you use, as well as on your personal computer.
For those who find multiple downloading inconvenient, just wait: I am planning
to release a downloadable pdf of the entire volume in the early part of 2011. It
will have all of the chapters available in a single download.
This approach is novel, and no doubt imperfect, but I’d like to make it better
next time. Please feel free to post your comments on the LinkedIn group that I’ve
created (Two-Sided Market Economics, Strategy, and Law) or email me directly
at with your suggestions.
- David S. Evans
1 TABLEElectronic
OF CONTENTScopy available at:
I would like to thank Richard Schmalensee for his collaboration on several of the
articles and books on multi-sided platforms we have done over the last decade as well as
Jean-Charles Rochet and Jean Tirole who have been generous with their comments and
time. None of them necessarily agrees with anything I say of course. I also want to extend
my appreciation to Justin Unger who led the effort to design and assemble this book.
2 TABLEElectronic
OF CONTENTScopy available at:
his volume collects a series of essays that I have written, sometimes with col-
leagues, over the last decade on businesses that create value by providing products
that enable two or more different types of customers to get together, find each
other, and exchange value. These businesses were called “two-sided markets” in the seminal
paper by Jean-Charles Rochet and Jean Tirole that was first circulated in 2001. 1 I typically
avoid this term since it tends to obscure the fact that we are talking about businesses rather
than markets. I prefer the term “multi-sided platforms” because these businesses provide a
place for customers to meet and interact and often support more than two interdependent
types of customers. In writing for business audiences I use the term “catalyst” to denote the
fact that these businesses create value that couldn’t be had without bringing these customer
types together.2 The term “two-sided markets” has stuck, though, and I will use it here.
The Rochet and Tirole paper ignited work on two-sided markets in economics, law, and
business. Several other papers, in circulation around 2000, touched on some of the interest-
ing aspects of intermediaries3 or on the increasingly widespread phenomenon of giving one
product away for free to attract revenue from another product. 4 The Toulousians’ contribu-
tion was fundamental because it recognized for the first time that a very diverse set of busi-
nesses were two-sided, presented an elegant economic model of them, and derived several
robust aspects of these businesses including the critical importance of the price structure (the
relative prices charged to the various types of customers) in their making money.
Economic theorists and empiricists were quickly attracted to this topic. The mill of ar-
ticles and dissertations has flourished ever since.5 It soon became apparent that this new
area had important implications for antitrust. Many competition authorities took notice
and law review articles addressed various aspects of these newly-recognized business forms.6
The corporate world seized on this new field. Strategy articles and courses focused on these
platforms began appearing.7 Companies found the subject eye opening, including firms that
were multi-sided platforms but had not quite understood the ramifications.8
My modest contributions to this literature are presented in this volume. Part I presents
background pieces on the economics of multi-sided platforms and industries in which these
platforms are common. Part II examines the antitrust economics of two-sided markets includ-
ing the difficult problem of defining the boundaries of competition. Part III comprises several
papers that apply two-sided market analysis to web-based businesses. Part IV does the same
for payment cards which is the industry that attracted much of the early two-sided analysis—
in part because this framework was helpful for understanding the hotly debated issue of in-
terchange fees. Part V collects several article and book chapters on software platforms. These
platforms have become especially important in the last several years because they are now the
basis for revolutionary developments with mobile devices (e.g. the iPhone and Android), so-
cial networking (Facebook in particular), and payments (PayPalX). The essays are published as
originally written (usually, in fact, whatever version I could make freely available).
When the theory of two-sided markets was first introduced it was common to hear at
least two complaints. The first was that there was nothing new—from economists who sug-
gested that it was just the indirect network effects wine in new bottles or antitrust analysts who
commented that it had all been considered before in advertising cases. The second was that
it was a theory of everything, and therefore nothing, since everything seems to be two-sided.
There’s some truth of course to both comments. Indirect network effects are usually es-
sential to understanding two-sided markets. But the network effects literature among other
things missed the importance of these effects for a very diverse group of industries; the litera-
ture spent a lot of time on fax machines and video standards but not so much on more general
business issues such as pricing or industries such as shopping malls that did not obviously
have indirect network effects. One of the problems with two-sided market analysis is that it is
hard to find formal limiting principles, but that isn’t uncommon in economics. Sometimes a
two-sided market perspective is highly informative while other times it isn’t. It matters when
it matters. What’s now very clear, with the benefit of a decade of work, is that the study of
multi-sided platforms has provided valuable insights to economists, policymakers and busi-
ness people. I hope the chapters below account for a sliver of those.
Jean-Charles Rochet and Jean Tirole, “Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets,”
Journal of the European Economic Association 1, no. 4 (2003): 990-1209.
David S. Evans and Richard Schmalensee, Catalyst Code: The Strategies behind the
World’s Most Dynamic Companies (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press,
Bernard Caillaud and Bruno Jullien, " Chicken & Egg: Competition among Interme-
diation Service Providers," RAND Journal of Economics, The RAND Corporation, vol.
34(2), pages 309-28, Summer.
Geoffrey Parker and Marshall Van Alstyne (2005). “Two-Sided Network Effects: A
Theory of Information Product Design.” Management Science, Vol. 51, No. 10.
With the recent important work of Glen Weyl we have moved on to Two-Sided Mar-
kets 2.0. See Glen Weyl, “A Price Theory of Multi-Sided Platforms,” American Eco-
nomic Review, 2010, 100(4).
OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”), Two-
Sided Markets, DAF/COMP (2009) 20, 28.
See, for example, Thomas Eisenmann “Managing Networked Businesses: Course Over-
view.” Harvard Business Online , 2006;Thomas Eisenmann, Geoffrey Parker, and Mar-
shall Van Alstyne, “Strategies for Two-Sided Markets.” Harvard Business Review, 2006.
Companies in the payment card industry, for example, have fundamentally changed
how they think about that business as a result of the two-sided market concepts.
Part One Economics of Multi-Sided
Platform Businesses
Industrial Organization of Two-Sided Platforms
Many diverse industries are populated by businesses that operate two-sided platforms. These
businesses serve distinct groups of customers who need each other in some way, and the core
business of the two-sided platform is to provide a common (real or virtual) meeting place and to
facilitate interactions between members of the two distinct customer groups. Platforms play an
important role throughout the economy by minimizing transactions costs between entities that can
benefit from getting together. In these businesses, pricing and other strategies are strongly affected
by the indirect network effects between the two sides of the platform. As a matter of theory, for
example, profit-maximizing prices may entail below-cost pricing to one set of customers over the
long run and, as a matter of fact, many two-sided platforms charge one side prices that are below
marginal cost and are in some cases negative. These and other aspects of two-sided platforms
affect almost all aspects of antitrust analysis - from market definition, to the analysis of cartels,
single-firm conduct, and efficiencies. This paper provides a brief introduction to the economics of
two-sided platforms and the implications for antitrust analysis.
Some Empirical Aspects of Multi-Sided Platform Industries
Multi-sided platform markets have two or more different groups of customers that businesses
have to get and keep on board to succeed. These industries range from dating clubs (men and
women), to video game consoles (game developers and users), to payment cards (cardholders and
merchants), to operating system software (application developers and users). They include some of
the most important industries in the economy. A survey of businesses in these industries shows that
multi-sided platform businesses devise entry strategies to get multiple sides of the market on board
and devise pricing, product, and other competitive strategies to keep multiple customer groups on a
common platform that internalizes externalities across members of these groups.
How Catalysts Ignite:
The Economics of Platform-Based Startups
Entrepreneurs who start multi-sided platforms must secure enough customers on both sides,
and in the right proportions, to provide enough value to either group of customers and to achieve
sustainable growth. In particular, these entrepreneurs must secure “critical mass” to ignite the
growth of their platforms; the failure to achieve “critical mass” quickly results in the implosion of
the platform. There are a number of strategies available to entrepreneurs to reach critical mass.
For example, the “zig-zag” strategy involves successive accretions of customers on both sides to
build up the value to both. The relevant strategies depend in large part on whether the nature of
the platform requires securing participation by both platform sides at launch (e.g. dating venues),
whether it is possible to acquire one side before approaching the other side (e.g. search engines),
and whether it is necessary to make pre-commitments to one side to induce them to make
investments (e.g. video games).
Antitrust Economics of Multi-Sided Platforms
“Two-sided” markets have two different groups of customers that businesses have to get on board
to succeed - there is a “chicken-and-egg” problem that needs to be solved. These industries
range from dating clubs (men and women), to video game consoles (game developers and
users), to credit cards (cardholders and merchants), and to operating system software (application
developers and users). They include some of the most important industries in the economy.
Two-sided firms behave in ways that seem surprising from the vantage point of traditional
industries, but in ways that seem like plain common sense once one understands the business
problems they must solve. Prices do not and prices cannot follow marginal costs in each side of the
market. Price levels, price structures, and investment strategies must optimize output by harvesting
the indirect network effects available on both sides. By doing so, businesses in two-sided industries
get both sides on board and solve the chicken-and-egg problem. There is no basis for asking
regulators or antitrust enforcers to steer clear of these industries or to spend extra effort on them.
The antitrust analysis of these industries, however should heed the economic principles that govern
pricing and investment decisions in these industries.
Two-Sided Market Definition
This paper addresses the analysis of market definition when the parties involved in an antitrust
or merger analysis include one or more two-sided platforms. We discuss how standard market
definition measures such as SSNIP tests, diversion ratios, and conditional logit demand analyses
have to be modified to account for the unique characteristics of two-sided platforms. We also
review how market definition of two- sided platforms was treated in recent US and EC case law.
Defining Markets that Involve Two-Sided Platforms
A multi-sided platform (MSP) serves as an intermediary for two or more groups of customers
who are linked by indirect network effects. Recent research has found that MSPs are significant
in many industries and that some standard economic results - such as the Lerner Index - do not
apply to them, in material ways, without some significant modification to take linkages between the
multiple sides into account. This article extends several key tools used for the analysis of mergers
to situations in which one or more of the suppliers are MSPs. It shows that the application of
traditional tools to mergers involving MSPs results in biases the direction of which depends on the
particular tool being used and other conditions. It also extends these tools to the analysis of the
merger of MSPs. The techniques are illustrated with an application to an acquisition by Google in
the online advertising industry.
Economics of the Online Advertising Industry
Online advertising has grown rapidly and accounts for about 7% of US advertising spending. It is projected to increase
sharply as more consumers spend time online on their personal computers and as additional devices such as mobile
phones and televisions are connected to the web. This article describes how the online advertising industry works. The
industry is populated by a number of multisided platforms that singly or in combination facilitate connecting advertisers
to viewers. Search-based advertising platforms, the most well developed of these, has several interesting economic
features that result from the combination of keyword bidding by advertisers and single-homing.
The Online Advertising Industry: Economics, Evolution, and Privacy
Online advertising accounts for almost 9 percent of all advertising in the United States. This share is expected to
increase as more media is consumed over the internet and as more advertisers shift spending to online technologies.
The expansion of internet-based advertising is transforming the advertising business by providing more efficient
methods of matching advertisers and consumers and is transforming the media business by providing a source of
revenue for online media firms that compete with traditional media firms. The precipitous decline of the newspaper
industry is one manifestation of the symbiotic relationship between online content and online advertising. Online-
advertising is provided by a series of interlocking multi-sided platforms (also known as two-sided markets) that facilitate
the matching of advertisers and consumers. These intermediaries increasingly make use of detailed individual data,
predictive methods, and matching algorithms to create more efficient matches between consumers and advertisers.
Some of their methods raise public policy issues that require balancing providing consumers more valuable advertising
against the possible loss of valuable privacy.
Web Economy, Two-Sided Markets, and Competition Policy
The web economy has grown rapidly in the last decade. Online businesses have several key features that are
important for understanding the pro-competitive and anti-competitive strategies they may engage in. The two-sided
markets literature helps elucidate many of these strategies. It also provides guidance for the antitrust analysis of market
definition and exclusionary practices for web-based businesses.
Antitrust Issues Raised by the Emerging Global Internet Economy
Web-based businesses are increasingly the subject of antitrust concerns. Plaintiffs in the United States have sued
eBay for tying its online payments service to its transaction service. Multiple jurisdictions in the European Community
have claimed that Apple has violated the competition laws by limiting the ability of its music player to play music
from competing music stores and limiting the ability of competing music players to play music purchased from its
music stores. During 2007, although the U.S. Federal Trade Commission decided not to block Google’s acquisition
of DoubleClick after a lengthy investigation, it expressed its intent to “closely watch these markets” involved in online
advertising. The web economy poses two major challenges to competition authorities. The law and economics for
analyzing the multi-sided platforms that dominate the internet sector is not well developed. At the same time the
web-economy is evolving very rapidly and in ways that are sure to result in antitrust complaints and investigations.
Competition authorities and courts will need to exercise great care in balancing the protection of consumers from
anticompetitive behavior against causing harm from interfering in complex businesses that are both rapidly moving and
not fully understood.
More Than Money
The simple payment card has been around since at least the beginning of the twentieth century.
Hotels, oil companies, and department stores issued cards before World War I. In response to
customer requests, Sears began offering lines of credit in 1910 to customers of “unquestionable
responsibility,” although the Sears card came more than a decade later. Some large retailers
gave cards to their wealthier customers that identified them as having a charge account with the
store. By the 1920s, several department stores allowed cardholders to pay off their bills in monthly
installments. Metal “charge-plates” with embossed consumer information were introduced by
department stores in 1928. During the 1920s as well, oil companies issued “courtesy cards” for
charging gas. By the end of World War II, charge cards were no longer a novelty, but they were
about as far from the cards of today as barter was from coin.
Interchange Fees and Their Regulation
This essay surveys the economic literature on interchange fees and the debate over whether interchange
should be regulated and, if so, how. We consider, first, the operation of unitary payment systems, like
American Express, in the context of the recent economic literature on two-sided markets, in which
businesses cater to two interdependent groups of customers. The main focus is on the determination
of price structure. We then discuss the basic economics of multi-party payment systems and the role
of interchange in the operation of such systems under some standard, though unrealistic, simplifying
assumptions. The key point of this discussion is that the interchange fee is not an ordinary price; its most
direct effect is on price structure, not price level.
We then examine the implications for privately determined interchange fees of some of the relevant market
imperfections that have been discussed in the economic literature. While some studies suggest that
privately determined interchange fees are inefficiently high, others point to fees being inefficiently low. Moreover, there is a consensus
among economists that, as a matter of theory, it is not possible to arrive, except by happenstance, at the socially optimal interchange
fee through any regulatory system that considers only costs. This distinguishes the market imperfections at issue here for multi-party
systems from the more familiar area of public utility regulation, where setting price equal to marginal cost is theoretically ideal.
Next, we consider the issues facing policy makers. Since there is so much uncertainty about the relation between privately and socially
optimal interchange fees, the outcome of a policy debate can depend critically on who bears the burden of proof under whatever set
of institutions and laws the deliberation takes place. There is no apparent basis in today’s economics - at a theoretical or empirical
level - for concluding that it is generally possible to improve social welfare by a noticeable reduction in privately set interchange fees.
Thus, if antitrust or other regulators had to show that such intervention would improve welfare, they could not do so. This, again, is quite
unlike public utility regulation or many areas of antitrust including, in particular, ordinary cartels. By the same token, there is no basis in
economics for concluding that the privately set interchange fee is just right. Thus, if card associations had to bear the burden of proof -
for example, to obtain a comfort or clearance letter from authorities for engaging in presumptively illegal coordinated behavior - it would
be difficult for them to demonstrate that they set socially optimal fees.
We take a pragmatic approach by suggesting two fact-based inquiries that we believe policymakers should undertake before
intervening to affect interchange. First, policymakers should establish that there is a significant market failure that needs to be
addressed. Second, policymakers should establish that it is possible to correct a serious market imperfection, assuming one exists,
by whatever intervention they are considering (such as cost-based regulation of interchange fee levels) and thereby to increase social
welfare significantly after taking into account other distortions that the intervention may create. We illustrate both of these points by
examining the recent Australian experience.
The Effect of Regulatory Intervention in Two-Sided Markets:
An Assessment of Interchange-Fee Capping in Australia
The Reserve Bank of Australia reduced interchange fees by almost half thereby eliminating a significant
source of revenue to issuers of credit cards. The purpose of this intervention was to align the prices of
using various payment instruments with their social costs and thus reduce the use of cards, which the RBA
viewed as a socially less efficient payment method than cash, checks, and PIN debit cards. The short-
run result of this regulatory intervention has been the following: (1) Bank issuers have increased the fixed
prices for cards and thereby recovered between 30 and 40 percent of the loss of interchange fee revenue;
this fraction is likely to increase over time as cards renew and new solicitations go out. Bank issuers have
not changed the per-transaction fees for cards much. (2) Merchants experienced a very small reduction
in their costs. Both theory and limited empirical evidence suggest that the highly concentrated merchant
sector in Australia has captured the reduction in interchange fees as profits and has not passed it on in
the form of lower consumer prices. (3) The per-transaction price at the point of sale has not changed
significantly. Merchants have not generally availed themselves of their right to surcharge card transactions
and the per-transaction price faced by consumers from their card issuers has not changed much. Holding
the number of cards fixed, the regulatory intervention has not altered prices in a way that could achieve
the intent of the intervention. (4) There is relatively little evidence thus far that the intervention has in fact
affected the volume of card transactions in Australia as intended by the regulation. (5) In the short-run, the
effect of the regulation has been to transfer significant profits to the Australian merchant sector with that
transfer being borne partly by bank issuers and partly by cardholders. (6) Since proprietary systems such
as American Express were not subject to the pricing regulations and since American Express can enter into
deals with banks to issue cards, banks have shifted volume from the regulated association systems to the
unregulated proprietary systems.
Invisible Engines: Introduction to the Chinese Edition
The use of software platforms to drive innovation and transform industries has exploded in the
four years since the publication of the English-language edition of Invisible Engines in 2006.
Around the globe, invisible engines are ushering in a new era of software-based technological
change. The Apple iPhone has shaken the mobile phone industry worldwide in part by creating a
massive applications business built on the phone’s operating system. Firefox has revolutionized
the browser industry by encouraging web developers to write add-ons and in doing so toppled
Microsoft’s Internet Explorer from dominance in many countries. Facebook has created a powerful
social networking platform by opening itself up to developers. Amazon has released a cloud-
computing platform that enables entrepreneurs to access its vast software, hardware and global
communication systems over the Internet. A less well known company, IPCommerce, is starting to
transform the payments business in the United States by helping developers build applications that
work with the diverse hardware and software than handle the various types of payments.
In this preface to the 2010 Chinese edition of Invisible Engines we will survey what has happened
since we finished the book and explain why software platform-based business models continue
to create enormous social value, while often producing great profits for the companies and
entrepreneurs behind them.
Invisible Engines: Both Sides Now
Two features of the technology we described in the last chapter shape the economics of software
platforms. Software platforms are a written product of the mind. They are in effect documents,
usually written in a high-level computer language. The code involved is malleable. It can be moved,
altered, added to, and sub-tracted from with great ease. It is created almost entirely by people—
“almost” because, like composers and writers, most programmers use computers for help. Software
platforms are inherently multisided. They usually serve distinct groups of customers, who benefit
from having each other on the same platform. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) forge the
crucial relationship between application developers and end users.
What’s Next in Payments: Invisible Engines
Invisible engines drive innovation and transform industries. They made personal computers
indispensable, glued boys and men to their video game consoles, and turned the mobile phone
into a device that may be able to do just about anything except wash the dishes. And they are
about to revolutionize payments — accelerating the pace of innovation, providing new services for
consumers and merchants, and making new sources of profits available. I want to tell you what
these magical invisible engines are, and why they are going to transform the payments industry.
Author Biography
David S. Evans specializes in the application of economics to competition policy. He is the founder of
Competition Policy International which provides comprehensive resources and continuing education for
the global antitrust community.
David has served as an expert on antirust and merger matters in the United States and the European
Union, has testified before the US and EU courts, and has presented before US and EU competition
authorities on merger and antitrust matters. He has advised many law firms and corporations in many
jurisdictions around the world on matters involving antitrust economics. He has also served as a
senior economic advisor on competition policy matters to the general counsel of several multinational
David has written more than 100 articles and seven books, primarily on industrial organization and
antitrust economics. Much of his recent work has concerned the economics of two-sided markets and the
internet economy. His book, Invisible Engines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation and Transform
Industries, won the American Publishers Association best book award in the 2006 professional/scholarly
book competition.
David holds teaching positions at the law schools of the University of Chicago and the University
College London and was previously a professor at Fordham University Law School. He earned his Ph.D. as
well as undergraduate degrees in economics from the University of Chicago.