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A Survey of Virtual Prototyping Techniques For Mechanical Product Development

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A survey of virtual
prototyping techniques for
mechanical product
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Citation: ZORRIASSATINE, F....et al., 2003. A survey of virtual prototyping

techniques for mechanical product development. Proceedings of the Institution

of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 217(4),

pp. 513-530.

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A survey of virtual prototyping techniques for

mechanical product development

F Zorriassatine1 *, C Wykes2 , R Parkin1 and N Gindy2

Mechatronics Research Centre, Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough
University, Loughborough, UK
School of Mechanical, Materials, Manufacturing Engineering and Management, University of Nottingham, UK

Abstract: Repeated, ecient, and extensive use of prototypes is a vital activity that can make the
dierence between successful and unsuccessful entry of new products into the competitive world
market. In this respect, physical prototyping can prove to be very lengthy and expensive, especially
if modi®cations resulting from design reviews involve tool redesign. The availability and
aordability of advanced computer technology has paved the way for increasing utilization of
prototypes that are digital and created in computer-based environments, i.e. they are virtual as
opposed to being physical. The technology for using virtual prototypes was pioneered and adopted
initially by large automotive and aerospace industries. Small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) in the
manufacturing industry also need to take virtual prototyping (VP) technology more seriously in
order to exploit the bene®ts. VP is becoming very advanced and may eventually dominate the
product development process. However, physical prototypes will still be required for the near
future, albeit less frequently. This paper presents a general survey of the available VP techniques
and highlights some of the most important developments and research issues while providing
sources for further reference. The purpose of the paper is to provide potential SME users with a
broad picture of the ®eld of VP and to identify issues and information relevant to the deployment
and implementation of VP technology.

Keywords: virtual prototyping, product development, design, modelling, simulation

1 INTRODUCTION (c) detailed design to carry out and document the actual
The purpose of this paper is to provide a general survey (d) process planning,
of available techniques in virtual prototyping (VP) in (e) commissioning of the product into production.
order to provide a broad picture of the ®eld and to
Any problems found during or between any of the above
identify issues and information relevant to the deploy-
stages will require revision of design speci®cations and
ment and implementation of VP technology. Such
repeating of all or some of the preceding stages.
discussion should ultimately aid short-term as well as
During product development, many questions need to
long-term decision making and/or planning eorts for
be answered. Prototypes, by providing such answers,
adopting VP, especially with small-to-medium enter-
in¯uence the development process. In this article, the
prises (SMEs) as the main bene®ciaries in mind.
terms `model’, `mock-up’ and `object’ all refer to the
A typical scenario for product development consists of:
same meaning as that conveyed by `prototype’. Success-
(a) product planning to de®ne the product purpose and ful entry of a product into the market can best occur if
targeted market sector, it can complete the above cycle in the shortest possible
(b) conceptual design specifying intended functions and time and at the lowest cost while maintaining very high
properties, product quality and reliability.
The availability and aordability of advanced computer
The MS was received on 6 June 2002 and was accepted after revision for technology has paved the way for increasing utilization of
publication on 29 November 2002. digital (hence the term `virtual’), as opposed to physical,
*Corresponding author: Mechatronics Research Centre, Wolfson School
of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough Univer- prototypes. A virtual prototype may be represented as a
sity, Ashby Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK. series of graphical images or computer aided design
B08102 # IMechE 2003 Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture

(CAD) models, in animated or still format, created in the materials (e.g. clay or wood) by specialist labour.
form of mathematical models and stored digitally in Still practised examples include clay models of
computer usable memory. VP is about presentation, test- passenger cars and reduced scale mock-ups of large-
ing and analysis of three-dimensional CAD models prior sized structures and products such as cranes, bridges
to creating any physical prototypes. The technology for and naval vessels and aircraft.
using virtual prototypes was pioneered and adopted 2. Using a combination of manual (including mental
initially by large automotive and aerospace industries. calculations based on interpretations by a skilled
SMEs in the manufacturing industry also need to take machinist of two-dimensional engineering drawings)
this technology more seriously in order to exploit the and machining skills to operate devices such as
bene®ts that can prove crucial to their success and survi- drilling, lathe or milling machines.
val. The progressively lower prices of computer aided 3. Entirely automatically after setting up modern
engineering (CAE) hardware and software and potential computer numerical control (CNC) machines to
savings may justify the deployment of virtual prototypes. create complex and accurate shapes. The incessant
Presently, numerous websites discuss and present the advances in CNC machining have resulted in increas-
latest developments in VP. Many research papers also ingly fast, more accurate, higher-resolution and
discuss various aspects of VP. Pratt’s 1994 article [1] is precision performance, while at the same time
one of the earliest reviews about VP with its main allowing complex shape generation [2, 3].
emphasis on integration of product realization tools.
The present paper provides a fresh literature review of
the state of the art of VP. Section 2 provides a classi®ca- 2.2 Rapid prototypesÐmaterial addition
tion of the available types of physical prototype that
A recent generation of physical prototypes, using a
preceded and still coexist with virtual prototypes.
technology known as rapid prototyping (RP), appeared
Justi®cation for using alternatives to physical prototypes
®rst in the mid-1980s. The basis of RP (also known as
is also given. In section 3, the main branches of VP,
solid freeform fabrication, desktop manufacturing or
including their main capabilities and limitations, are
layer manufacturing technology) is that initially a com-
discussed. Detailed explanation of each individual
puter three-dimensional model of the required design is
method is avoided where applicable, especially if
created. Next, the solid or surface model to be built is
valuable review papers can be oered instead. Finally,
converted into a digital ®le format referred to as STL.
in section 4, some of the pressing issues concerning
Subsequently, a computer program analyses the STL
deployment of VP are presented. This paper speculates
®le to control the RP machine in producing the model.
that SMEs should seriously consider moving into VP,
The fabrication process is accomplished by adding
because in the coming years their success will most
slices of the original model, generated from the STL
likely depend on such a move.
®le, layer upon layer until a physical model that closely
resembles the original design is obtained. However,
2 PHYSICAL PROTOTYPES depending on the RP process in use, various post-
processing tasks may be needed in order to ®nish the
RP model. These tasks consist of a variety of secondary
Real material such as wood, clay, foam or metal is used
processes that include removal of either untreated or
to make physical prototypes, although they do not
excess material from the RP model. The accuracy of
necessarily possess the same properties as those of the
these models can be aected by the post-processing
®nished products. These prototypes can be classi®ed
operations, especially if done manually. Furthermore,
into three main groups according to the possible nature
RP of sophisticated designs with multiple and graded
of physical change used to create them. These changes,
materials in one uni®ed part [4] may soon become
and hence their associated classes of prototypes, are
commercially available too. A number of publications
described in sections 2.1 to 2.3.
[5±11] discuss various RP developments in great depth,
and numerous Internet websites provide useful informa-
2.1 Traditional prototypesÐmaterial removal tion for those who wish to embark on using this rapidly
evolving technology.
Traditionally, through a variety of processes, material is
continuously removed (subtracted) from an initial block.
The most suitable or convenient methods and manufac- 2.3 Hybrid prototypesÐboth material removal and
turing processes may be used in any combination to addition
create the required prototypes in one of the following
Recently, hybrid forms of additive and subtractive
prototyping have been investigated in order to shape the
1. Entirely manually using hand tools, such as carving parts more accurately [12, 13]. The hybrid rapid
or sculpting knives, to create objects from various prototypes combine additive RP with subtractive CNC
Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture B08102 # IMechE 2003

machining. Consequently, the process planning for hybrid machined and created from a new block of material. In
rapid prototypes is complicated as it involves two dierent non-CNC production, such reviews may necessitate
technologies at the same time. The purely additive rapid costly retooling of dies and castings. This drawback
prototypes are restricted to 2.5 dimensions as opposed to prohibits extensive testing of dierent possibilities and
pure three dimensions. This is because, although additive hinders innovation and inspiration of new design ideas
rapid prototypes possess greater freedom of movement because every individual prototype incurs an additional
and hence higher resolution along the x and y axes, they cost. It is not surprising that many companies avoid
are limited to movement in ®xed increments along the z prototyping as much as possible.
axis (hence the term 2.5-dimensional). The hybrid proto- Concurrent engineering (CE) is crucial to successful
types provide better accuracy than rapid prototypes and product development [15]. Physical prototyping greatly
can process the material as intended for incorporation reduces design errors. However, owing to the inherent
into the ®nished product. isolation of physical processes and resources, it does
not always lend itself to implementing CE in an
optimized manner. Team members from dierent
2.4 Why also consider non-physical prototyping engineering and non-engineering disciplines cannot
methods? simultaneously share their knowledge and often need
to apply their skills sequentially with delays, and some-
The answer to the above question is that either better times through costly iterations. In addition, data (such
alternatives or improvements to the existing array of as dimension and quality information) are not immedi-
physical prototyping methods are required for many ately available in a central database and have to be
reasons, some of which are described below. It can be collected or extracted, interpreted and only then commu-
expensive in terms of both cost and time taken to nicated, and therefore inaccuracies and discrepancies
create physical models. Despite reliability and high may still occur, albeit at a much-reduced rate compared
accuracy of CNC, its increased time and cost over with product development with no prototyping.
other available processes have discouraged its use, Although the above set of reasons is not exhaustive, it
although high-speed CNC machining attempts to nevertheless provides sucient argument for search for
improve shortcomings of CNC by decreasing machining better alternatives to physical prototypes. One of the
cycle times and increasing material removal rates [3]. important advantages of VP models is their digital
Recent hype about RP should not create the confusion nature which, coupled with much faster and aordable
that it is the best prototyping method either. This is computer processing power, permits revision and optimi-
because RP has its own limitations. In comparison zation of the functionality of the designed parts in a very
with its predecessor, i.e. the traditional material subtrac- fast, economic and ecient manner. VP allows:
tion based prototyping, RP provides tremendous time-
(a) greater communication, productivity and eciency
savings in making fully functioning physical models of
through realistic graphical modelling based on full
very high complex internal and external geometry
colour, natural texture and appearance;
directly and automatically from CAD ®les. Unlike
(b) largely reduced drawing times;
other physical prototyping methods, RP does not need
(c) dynamic viewing of models from any user-speci®ed
expensive tooling such as dies, or any jigs or ®xtures.
angle and orientation.
The weakness of RP, however, is that it can fall short
of the speci®ed tolerances and surface ®nishes; and the Hence, an examination of VP technology follows on in
required engineering materials are not always feasible the next section.
for use by RP. Properties and functions of the parts
produced using RP depend on the application (e.g.
thermal resistance of certain polymers may not be 3 VIRTUAL PROTOTYPING METHODS:
adequate, resistance to wear is another issue). With CLASSIFICATION, CAPABILITIES AND
some RP methods, physical deformation problems, LIMITATIONS
such as shrinkages and warps, can pose a major draw-
back. In such cases, even when RP parts ®t well, there The rapid increase in both computing power and sophisti-
is no assurance that they are dimensionally correct, as cation of computational methods and models of physical
shrinkage of two or more parts in the same direction phenomena and the growing ability to transport results
could still produce a good ®t [14]. between various models are improving the scope of appli-
Once made, physical prototypes are either dicult or cations, robustness, accuracy, realism and cost eective-
impossible to modify. In the case of precision CNC ness of VP technology at an incredibly fast pace [16]. VP
machining, if a prototype that has been made proves to consists of many capabilities, the best known of which is
be too small along some dimensions, e.g. after design the creation and viewing of three-dimensional solid
reviews or during tests of ®t and interference, it cannot models with various colours and surface textures. A rela-
be enlarged. Therefore, a new prototype has to be tively large number of additional software simulation
B08102 # IMechE 2003 Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture

tools either are embedded directly into existing three- Reverse engineering (RE) as an alternative to design-
dimensional CAD packages or oered by third-party ing a new product may also be considered as an indirect
vendors as add-on modules. Other familiar examples of type of VP activity. RE takes place by ®rst scanning
VP include digitally generated animations of mechanisms, existing physical products using both ®xed and portable
®nite element analysis (FEA) and computational ¯uid coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) [22]. Next, the
dynamics (CFD) of mechanical products and structures. ultimate scan result is converted into a three-dimensional
At a higher level, VP may even include the simulation of model that may be further processed, manipulated and
human users and their interactions with a product and even parameterized, as with any three-dimensional
its environment. Chang et al. [17] provide an interesting CAD model. In the present study, in line with the
and comprehensive example of implementing VP using adopted terminology of the established CAE industry,
various commercial CAE [including CAD and computer VP refers to any or a combination of the CAE software
aided manufacture (CAM)] software programs to design applications, which rely on digital models and can be
a simpli®ed two-stroke airplane engine. used without ®rst building any physical prototypes.
One way of determining the dierent classes of virtual The purposes for which prototypes are used are uni-
prototyping tools is to examine the commercially avail- versal, irrespective of whether the prototype is a physical
able products. The main categories of VP tools on oer or virtual one. In general, prototypes are required for
by a major supplier of a CAE family of products [18] were: three main purposes: communication, design develop-
ment, and design testing and veri®cation [23]. Baxter
(a) mechanical design, e.g. two-/three-dimensional
[24] classi®ed prototypes deployed during the design
drafting, sketching and solid modelling;
process into three categories:
(b) shape design and styling to address innovative forms
and complex shapes such as freeform curves; (a) structural prototypes (used mainly to evaluate
(c) analysis and simulation solutions including stress appearance, and form and ®t);
analysis, design optimization in terms of mass, dis- (b) functional prototypes for verifying working princi-
placement and principle stresses, and kinematic ples;
and dynamic simulation. (c) structural and functional prototypes created to
examine potential preproduction and production
The manufacturing solutions included generation, veri®-
cation, implementation and maintenance of the NC
machine tool path. Another category by the above In the previous section, physical prototypes were classi®ed
vendor was equipment and systems engineering which according to the nature of the physical change that is
covered VP tools to handle ®t and interference between applied to create them. The VP process does not create
three-dimensional objects, simulated walk through any physical models. Thus, based on the modelling
three-dimensional designs and system pathway de®nition objectives and purposes, ®ve broad classes of VP methods
as required by wiring or tubing within a design such as a are identi®ed. These classes consist of prototypes for:
car or a camera, and assembly trajectory of parts to
(a) visualization,
identify clearances and possible collisions. Nowadays,
(b) ®t and interference of mechanical assemblies,
many car manufacturers conduct virtual tests at the
(c) testing and veri®cation of functions and perfor-
planning and design stages of vehicle development to
study issues such as durability, crashworthiness, hand-
(d) evaluation of manufacturing and assembly opera-
ling, stability, noise, vibration and harshness. Virtual
testing is used to prove the quality of major components
(e) human factor analysis.
such as engines, transmissions and suspensions.
There is no standard or universal classi®cation for VP They are described below in sections 3.1 to 3.5. Some
functions (e.g. references [19] and [20]). There is even a overlap between the elements of the above classes is
slight dierence of opinion in the way the term virtual not avoidable.
prototyping is used. Virtual reality (VR) is one of the
many VP modelling tools, inducing in the user the illu-
sion that he/she is in the same environment as that of 3.1 Visualization models
the model. Jasnoch et al. [21] suggest that, in the broadest
sense, VP consists of three domains: VR, simulation, and Visualization models are used for examination of form as
manufacturing process design. On the other hand, Pratt well as appearance. These models play a crucial role in
[1] states that almost any form of computer model will communication of product information between a
serve for some purpose as a virtual prototype, and variety of users including marketing people, customers,
hence VP terminology should not be restricted to the managers, product development teams and engineering
domain of VR. Most of the CAE commercial packages and even repair and maintenance personnel. Visual
examined also refer to digital modelling as VP, without appearance also serves as an attraction factor. Baxter
necessarily specifying any application of VR. [24] shows at least three aspects of product attractiveness
Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture B08102 # IMechE 2003

that are conveyed through product appearance: dimensional tolerances must be included in designs to
allow for the inherent process variations. Fit and interfer-
(a) attraction due to recognition of previously used
ence studies contribute to reducing costs of scrap and
rework arising from poor ®t. It can also improve part
(b) symbolic attraction (appeal to personal and social
values of customers),
Fit and interference assessment is generally an itera-
(c) intrinsic attraction (inherent beauty of the product
tive, time consuming and error-prone process that
would bene®t from being replaced with VP using three-
Three-dimensional CAD models, which form the core of dimensional models. Two-dimensional drawings require
VP, are ospring from two-dimensional CAD technol- at least two orthogonal projections to provide sucient
ogy. The latter started in the early 1960s and was geometrical information about a design. However,
delivered on multiuser mainframe computers in the late unlike three-dimensional models, with two dimensions
1960s and early 1970s. In the mid-1970s, with the it is often necessary to create very accurate physical
availability of three-dimensional curves and surface mock-ups in order to check ®t and interference. Worse
models, it became possible to incorporate more shape still, as the complexity and number of components
detail and complexity in the digital prototypes, allowing increase, so do the diculty and time duration for
ever increasing realism and complexity as computer checking ®ts and interferences. Using VP, the latter can
graphics and modelling developed into more sophisti- be evaluated automatically with great accuracy and
cated and robust techniques. Solid modelling started in speed, resulting in a listing of all the interferences. It is
the late 1960s and early 1970s and has been the preferred also possible visually to inspect the virtual prototypes,
technique for de®ning three-dimensional geometry since where clearances and interfering areas of the CAD
the 1990s [25]. The existing commercial CAD software model can be highlighted with dierent colours.
uses three-dimensional solid models to provide photo Visual inspection of a digital three-dimensional
realistic images (both still and animated) that satisfy all assembly can be achieved using a variety of options
the above appearance requirements. Visual perception including dynamic viewing of any part from any desired
and appeal can be evaluated for digital models with a angle, or via virtual ¯ights through the assembly, where
variety of forms regarding product layout, describing magni®ed viewing allows close examination. It is also
the overall product components and subassemblies, possible to verify the ability of sliding or mating parts to
their associated colours and surface textures and ®nishes. achieve their intended movements at each level of dimen-
In a two-dimensional drawing, it is only possible to sional values within the tolerance zones [26]. Using new
show statically the order in which components of an capabilities such as dynamic interference detection, for
assembly ®t together. The visualization may be enhanced example, the animation of sliding mechanisms will cease,
by using exploded or fully assembled isometric views. and the interference areas will be highlighted, enabling
Isometric views are probably the clearest way within the designers to identify the problematic design features.
framework of a two-dimensional environment to mimic The accuracy of VP for ®t and interference checking has
three-dimensional views in order to communicate how increased to such a high level that the Boeing 777, as the
the components are to be assembled together. VP visuali- ®rst commercial aircraft designed 100 per cent digitally
zation excels over conventional isometric representation with solid models, did not require any physical prototypes
by providing dynamic three-dimensional viewing from to obtain accurate ®t [16]. During quality checks of the
any angle, plus graphical animations that can be used to post-production phase, the grade of a ®t for a given part
show a variety of situations and scenarios depending on feature can be determined by subjective comparison of
the target audience. Examples include intended product the force required to ®t two parts against the feel of a
operation for marketing and sales, and the sequence of variety of standard gauges including go and not-go and
assembling components into ®nished products for plug gauges [27]. The main limitation of VP as compared
manufacturing engineers. Modern visualization software with physical tests for ®t and interference tests is that
can simulate interactive navigation capabilities (such as currently there are no commercial programs allowing
variable-speed walking and ¯ying) through complex such subjective examination of ®t that could provide
assemblies of any size (whether microscopic or macro- useful clues for suitability of mating parts during the
scopic) to enable eective and accurate visual inspection. virtual design stage. Increasing the power of VR with
new haptic applications and interfaces (see section 4.4)
may provide a solution through simulating sense of touch.
3.2 Fit and interference

In any mechanical assembly, it must be clear where and 3.3 Testing and veri®cation of functions and performance
how well every subassembly or component ®ts with the
rest of the product components and parts. Since it is impos- Prototypes are used frequently to verify the functionality
sible to manufacture components to exact dimensions, and performance of various features of a new product
B08102 # IMechE 2003 Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture

during its development phase. Virtual prototyping relies expensive sensors (such as strain gauging to evaluate
on three-dimensional solid models to create accurate strength and deformation).
models that are complete and comprehensive in terms The main applications of FEA (see references [16] and
of both detailed geometrical (e.g. centre of gravity, sur- [31] for a discussion of example applications) comprise
face, volume) and non-geometrical (e.g. properties such the following areas:
as density, stiness, etc.) data. The resulting wealth of
(a) structural integrity analysis including fatigue predic-
information satis®es the data needs of advanced CAE
tion under various loading conditions, e.g. [32] static
tools for carrying out extensive and specialized tests
and dynamic stiness analysis and transient and
and analysis. As for the test data, they may be either
vibration analysis;
simulated or collected from previous physical testing of
(b) acoustics analysis: predicting and avoiding acoustics
®nished products. The latter option can provide more
problems, for example eliminating transmission gear
con®dence regarding the relevance of testing data but
rattle in automotive applications;
cannot always be comprehensive enough to include all
(c) analysis of electrical and magnetic and other coupled
the operating conditions. Therefore, a hybrid of real
phenomena [33].
and simulated data may be a more eective alternative.
Failure mode and eect analysis (FMEA) uses sets of FEA is the solution of a ®nite set of algebraic matrix
dierent tests to identify and minimize potential failures equations that approximate the relationships between
and their eects on the customer [28]. In design FMEA, load and de¯ection for static analysis and velocity, and
in particular, the system, subsystem or product at a given acceleration and time for dynamic analysis. The ®nite
level of the design process and their functions must be element method breaks down a real object into a large
de®ned, and the scope of the tests must be determined number of elements. The `®nite element’ is a small, but
(e.g. short-term normal or extreme long-term condi- not in®nitesimal, part of the mechanical structure being
tions). Using computer simulation, all or parts of the modelled that incorporates the complex strength of
possible scenarios can be simulated in order to study material formulations into a relatively simple geometric
the behaviour of the selected functions, system or sub- shape. The behaviour of each small element is readily
systems involved. Once potential failures are detected, predicted by sets of mathematical equations. The sum-
the designed components or parts may be modi®ed to mation of the individual element behaviour produces
improve their functions by eliminating any de®ciencies. the predicted mechanical behaviour of the actual
Alternatively, the safe operational levels for the system object. The simplest examples are rods, beams and
components or functions that are subjected to these triangular plates. Elements include quadrilateral plates,
tests can be established. Tests of this nature can be curved shells and three-dimensional solids such as
classi®ed into three main groups as described in section hexahedra. Software at the high end of the price scale
3.3. An informative discussion of an integrated CAE features extensive capabilities (such as plastic deforma-
system to conduct VP for full-vehicle system analysis tion and other non-linear phenomena) for simulation
and simulation, covering vehicle durability and fatigue of phenomena such as metal forming, or crash and
analysis, noise/vibration/harshness, dynamics analysis, impact analysis (see section 3.3.2).
crashworthiness, and safety analysis, appears in refer- Generally, an FEA requires three modules [30]:
ence [29].
1. A ®nite element modeller (sometimes called a mesher
or preprocessor). It generates a mesh of elements fully
3.3.1 Structural and physical phenomena analysis automatically, manually or using a hybrid of both.
2. Finite element solvers, which are the engines of FEA
Finite element analysis. Finite element analysis is the
and use the elements, boundary conditions and loads
most accepted and widely used VP tool. It calculates
as input in order to output a solution containing all of
the relations between material properties and structural
the information needed to review and understand
performance to predict the behaviour of a structure
results. Solvers may be divided into two categories:
with respect to virtually all physical phenomena (see
linear and non-linear. Linear FEA is dierentiated
reference [30] for a detailed discussion). Using sophisti-
from non-linear in that all de¯ections are assumed
cated FEA software packages, engineers can design
to be small, no boundary conditions change during
complex structural systems and perform detailed analy-
the analysis and material properties are linear (i.e.
sis of complexities with either none or only very few
physical prototypes prior to production. Without
3. Post-processors or visualizers. These modules utilize
FEA, development of structures must be based on
the data generated by the solver to create more
hand calculations where the simplifying assumptions
easily understandable graphics and reports.
can lead to conservative and heavy designs, any sub-
stantial change in designs will be risky and designs Although FEA software tools are continually being
will require building of prototypes for non-destructive improved, it is important to be aware of some of the
and destructive ®eld tests that may also involve problems of their use. One of the disadvantages is that
Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture B08102 # IMechE 2003

FEA models are typically developed to analyse homoge- otherwise take a very long time if design complexities
neous materials, and they require signi®cant user input were not simpli®ed [39].
to simulate the more complex behaviour of multiphase
composites. Evaluation of design modi®cations and 3.3.2 Motion analysis
options and failure analysis are highly dependent on
The motion of any mechanical assembly may be
user skill and knowledge of ®nite element modelling.
modelled, evaluated and optimized in two or three
The cost eectiveness of FEA is heavily dependent on
dimensions. The results can be recorded using powerful
the meshing process, since the vast majority of human
animation tools and can be replayed at any time later.
time involved in FEA can be spent on creating a suitable
The two main types of motion simulation are:
model for analysis. Automatic transfer from a three-
dimensional CAD model to mesh generation is not 1. Kinematics performance. Velocity, acceleration,
always problem free and requires user judgement. position, displacement and rotation are determined
Mesh generation methods can be time consuming and without considering the mass or force properties.
prone to errors when applied to large or complex The main objective is to verify proper geometry of
models, e.g. models with many faces or a large variety motion as intended for the design. Traces (as two-
of shape features [34]. dimensional objects) and envelopes (as three-
dimensional volumes) are used to show the path of
Computational ¯uid dynamics (CFD). Originating from the outline or centre of gravity of a body at various
automotive, aerospace and nuclear industries, CFD is a intervals during its motion. This information is
VP tool that is used to simulate ¯ow and/or heat transfer useful in identifying possible interference and colli-
for ¯uids (liquid and gaseous) and solids (homogenous or sions between various parts of an assembly. It can
porous). CFD provides increasingly more reliable also be used during tolerance analysis to provide
prediction of movement and velocity, shear, temperature integration and space requirement tests, which other-
and pressure contours and distribution patterns inside wise can only be achieved through expensive physical
the systems under study. This is achieved by solving the prototypes.
Navier±Stokes transport equations using the conservation 2. Dynamic motion. The main dierence from kine-
of mass, energy and momentum. In general, using CFD matics simulation is that dynamic analysis considers
allows the design to be functionally correct in more additionally both the mass and the forces (e.g.
aspects than merely the mechanical domain. gravity, drag and electrostatic forces) associated
Scott and Richardson [35] provide an informative with the constituent elements of an assembly. Thus,
description of CFD and of what is available to any detailed design information such as the power
potential CFD user, including software and hardware required to drive a mechanism, stiness, safe loads,
solutions. Orszag and Staroselsky [36] provide a brief etc., can be obtained. The underlying method for
review of the state of the art in CFD and describe calculation of the dynamics of forces and motion is
CFD as an eective tool that allows rapid and cost the `numerical method’ [40] which is used to approx-
eective uncovering of ¯uid phenomena without relying imate the motion of mechanical systems by solving
only on physical experiments. dierential equations (using integrators such as
Some of the CFD-related shortcomings include the Euler or Runge±Kutta) derived from principles of
need to reduce the size of the total number of degrees mechanics (e.g. see references [41] to [43]). Therefore,
of freedom (DOFs) of turbulence when representing an FEA problem is subdivided into small, discrete
some complex ®elds (e.g. in excess of 1024 in real-world time steps where the solution is obtained at each
applications such as aircraft and ships) [36]. Such critical time step. The smaller a time step, the more accurate,
problems will persist in spite of the phenomenal growth but slower, the computation of motion will become.
in the power of both computing technologies and numer- Existing commercial packages allow the users to set
ical methodologies. Other more detailed consideration of the level of accuracy so that a trade-o can be made
complicated physics boundary conditions and multi- to balance speed and accuracy. Using sophisticated
physics phenomena including `phase change’, electro- integrators adaptively to change the step size can
magnetic eects and multiple phases is still required also signi®cantly reduce execution time. Combining
[37]. One practical way of addressing this complexity is the dynamic motion simulation capability with FEA
to simplify a given problem and assess the accuracy of by several commercial VP tools has resulted in
the results. For example, a design geometry simpli®ca- powerful dynamic loading simulations that provide
tion method for intelligent ®ltering of CAD data for a structural behaviour (e.g. stress, vibration and
particular part or assembly and the creation of a simpli- noise), geometrical deformation and failure predic-
®ed `equivalent’ for analysis purposes is used to transfer tions. Typical applications in automotive design
parts and assemblies to and from an air¯ow analysis include suspension design, vehicle dynamics analysis,
CFD software [38]. This simpli®cation is claimed to braking studies, prediction of chassis behaviour on
provide accurate and appropriate results that would acceleration, assessment of durability, engine design,
B08102 # IMechE 2003 Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture

timing chain design and simulation, crankshaft load Boothroyd et al. [49] discuss design for manufacture
prediction, powertrain engineering [44, 45] and crash- and assembly (DFMA). Greco [50] points at aspects of
worthiness tests [46]. DFMA that will have diculty in ®nding software
solutions. For instance, design for variety (DFV)
Motion simulation objects are divided into two main
requires expert knowledge of products and processes,
groups, bodies and constraints. Bodies are shapes or
otherwise known as `tricks of the trade’, which is not
CAD-drawn objects that represent a mechanism, part
easy to convert into software code. Kimura [51] provides
or assembly. Constraints generally consist of two types
a useful discussion of product and process modelling
of object:
requirements of VP. Tseng et al. [52] report an example
(a) the entities, such as revolute, pin and slot joints, that of VP design environment implementation where,
limit the degrees of freedom for movement of their through capture and utilization of information generated
associated bodies; during the design phase, data for manufacturing and
(b) those entities, such as springs, ropes, motors and production and assembly planning are simultaneously
actuators, that apply force or a torque to a body generated.
or parts of it (e.g. see references [44], [47] and [48]). After process planning, manufacturing process
simulation is also needed to verify the capability of
Currently, most dynamic motion simulation tools
each of the manufacturing processes to achieve the
assume that each body has a mass, volume and centre
desired geometry. However, as yet, such simulation
of gravity while a constraint does not. Constraints are
does not cover all manufacturing processes. Until
also usually left out of calculations of any collision
recently, it was mainly the machining processes that
with other constraints or bodies. Although such assump-
had been successfully modelled, whereas other tradi-
tions help to produce reasonably practical simulations,
tional processes such as metal forming, forging,
they may also cause oversimpli®cations that can reduce
stamping, moulding and assembly had usually lagged
the reliability and accuracy of motion modelling.
behind the rest [1]. More recently, Hattangady et al.
[53] reported that commercial packages using FEA
have been very successful in the computer modelling of
3.4 Manufacturing evaluation metal forming operations, where the workpiece mesh
model is allowed to evolve to represent the material
Ideally, virtual prototyping should comply with the
¯ow. They pointed out that automation of the re-
requirements of concurrent engineering (CE), as opposed
meshing of the workpiece, re¯ecting the deformations,
to sequential engineering, and must therefore allow
remains a bottleneck to obtaining cost and time eective
simultaneous product exploration and collaboration by
solutions. Furthermore, although the simulation of NC
various engineering teams. Prototype evaluation should
and CNC machining is well established, much of the
include prediction and simulation of manufacturing
present CAM technology is still limited to tool path
processes and production planning both during the
and geometrical simulation rather than determining
conceptual design when design data are incomplete and
cutting forces and their direction.
during the later stages when the design has matured
New virtual machining systems that simulate real
after several design iterations. The risks of transition to
machining for a given set of NC codes by considering
full production can be reduced by integrating virtual
important physical properties such as cutting forces
design and testing with manufacturing simulation. The
and machined surface errors already exist [54]. However,
human factor analysis of manufacturing is discussed
some important considerations in CNC, i.e. chip forma-
separately in section 3.5.
tion, machining temperature and tool life, are not yet
3.4.1 Manufacturability properly incorporated in virtual manufacturing [17].
More recently, manufacturing simulations of non-
Manufacturability is a condition that must be satis®ed metallic materials such as the injection moulding of
before a design can be considered valid. Lack of any plastics have become commercially available (e.g. see
prototyping of the manufacturing stage heightens the reference [55]). The simulation of non-traditional
risks of having to carry out design changes shortly after machining processes that are less common, including
commissioning expensive dies, tools and other production electrodischarge machining, electrochemical machining
equipment. Process planning involves selection of the type and ultrasonic machining, is not commercially available.
and sequence of the manufacturing operations that are Fixture design is also one of the issues that must be
needed to create a component eciently. Once a design considered during evaluation of manufacturability.
is expressed as a two- or three-dimensional engineering Cecil [56] reviews the state of the art of computer aided
drawing, production process planning is needed to ®xture design (CAFD) in which the clamp, support and
identify the optimum con®guration of manufacturing locator design attributes are generated automatically
processes using the most appropriate materials and for the CAD solid model of a product. Cecil concludes
running at the lowest possible cost. that, in spite of the availability of numerous CAFD
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techniques, ®xture design continues to be a major VR peripheral devices that excel those of the existing
bottleneck in the integration of CAD and CAM and commercial VP tools because the latter have limited
recommends the deployment of VP concepts to integrate manipulation power when used with only non-VR
CAFD with other product and process design techniques interfaces, although new specialist assembly/disassembly
within CE environments. add-on modules, oered by third-party vendors that
Finally, with commercially available software continually enter the VP market, may have already
packages (e.g. reference [57]) it is possible automatically addressed such limitations. By using VR and dynamic
to program coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) for simulation of the behaviour of objects and the user
quality control tasks prior to starting actual production. (based on laws of physics), on-line identi®cation of
Sen and Daniel [58] illustrate how process capability practical problems for complex assemblies and modi®ca-
studies of parametric solid models based on dimensional tion of CAD data while performing virtual assembly
variability can measure the ability of a designed product operations has become possible [60]. Although, using
to meet its speci®cations. CAD and VR, software assembly operations involving
loose-®t insertions are not dicult to simulate, simula-
3.4.2 Assembly analysis tion of force-®t insertions, e.g. in a bearing assembly, is
complicated and still needs to become commercially
The important requirements of assembly analysis for VP available.
are described in reference [52]. The main capabilities Finally, the eciency and ease of disassembly of a
of existing o-the-shelf (OTS) VP tools for assembly product is as important as its assemblability. The ulti-
analysis (e.g. reference [59]) include: mate purpose of disassembly is to allow maintenance
and recycling. Virtual disassembly (including the dis-
1. Assembly plan generation. Rules of the assembly
assembly sequence, tool change and the path of removal
method for feeding, grasping, orientation and inser-
of components and fasteners) may be carried out auto-
tion of all the elements are applied to evaluate
matically [62] or interactively, requiring extensive user
assemblability and the reliability of an intended
input. Some research workers [63] have reported using
assembly system. Sequencing checks establish the
a combination of automated reasoning and interactive
order of operations through which components and
disassembly of the product in a virtual environment.
subassemblies can be assembled. The exact assembly
Owing to irreversible fastening processes, it is not
path can also be scripted into a specialized program
always true that if a part can be disassembled it may
to provide realistic parts animation, collision detec-
then be assembled, and vice versa [60]. Therefore, the
tion and swept volume generation and trajectory
existing capability of commercial VP tools for assembly
editing for clearance inspection.
simulation does not necessarily guarantee successful
2. Assembly system design. Ease of maintenance, quality
control checks, recon®guration, workplace layout and
station design for all the various stages of assembly are
evaluated following the generation of an assembly 3.4.3 Manufacturing management
plan. This will include the creation and con®guring
Financial (e.g. the costs of implementing various
of assembly stations, and operations and resources
manufacturing and assembly plans) and logistics and
such as tooling, and ®xtures can be assigned to each
production control requirements (e.g. resource schedul-
process on the basis of a bill-of-material structure.
ing and bottleneck identi®cation through simulation of
Two similar research virtual assembly design environ- queuing events) are the direct result of design decisions.
ments that successfully address the shortcomings of Manufacturing management needs to evaluate the
existing computer aided assembly planning systems are implications of these requirements prior to commission-
reported in references [60] and [61]. The above systems ing new products into actual manufacture. Various
make VR software and hardware accessible to expert software, such as DFMA, use databases of assembly
assembly engineers. The system of Jayaram et al. [60], time standards and manufacturing process properties
referred to as VADE, for example, is based neither on to estimate manufacturing costs so that optimum manu-
an interactive method of question and answer nor on facturing processes and materials can be chosen for a
automatic algorithmic assembly planning. Instead, given design con®guration [50]. Advanced simulation
using constrained CAD models (both in terms of geome- tools can re¯ect the dynamics of the factory ¯oor and
try and assembly) within a VR environment representing emulate complex control mechanisms with accurate
the assembly area, an expert human assembler can move and reliable predictions such as production lead times
CAD parts and the assembly tools (e.g. fasteners and by simulating the ¯ow of materials and parts through
wrenches) using both hands and dexterous ®nger tip constrained resources (e.g. reference [64]). Agents tech-
based manipulations to perform realistic assembly and nology can be used to address both information
maintenance operations. The present capabilities of VP modularity and the physical realities of manufacturing.
research software (such as VADE) support a variety of Various autonomous agents can collaborate for ecient
B08102 # IMechE 2003 Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture

and eective recon®guration of available production gravity, friction, stiness, etc., is becoming possible
resources (e.g. labour, machines, facilities, material [73]. Paradigms for investigations and natural experi-
handling and inventory) for virtual manufacturing mentation using VR and VP, especially regarding the
operations [65]. veri®cation of assembly and maintenance processes,
One of the goals during the design and development can be found in the literature [74, 75].
stage is to achieve low-cost production. Manufacturing Ultimately, evaluation of human factor aspects can
management simulation tools can identify all the costs reveal faults, which are then propagated back either auto-
associated with a new product to allow design teams to matically (via new parametric values of design features)
identify and improve inecient design features. Para- or manually (as modi®ed product speci®cations) up
metric CAD provides the required infrastructure for along the design stream. Seamless integration of CAD
fast and ecient evaluation of the impact of manage- with methods engineering [76] and other human factor
ment decisions on design changes. analysis tools is available commercially. However, auto-
matic and speedy correction of design faults after
performing such analysis requires customization of the
3.5 Human factor analysis OTS software.

The manufacture of a product may involve handling,

assembling, packaging and maintenance by human 4 DISCUSSION
operators. Traditionally, expensive full-size mock-ups
of the product, together with either life-size human
Despite its acclaimed successes, there are reports of
models or real users, are used to evaluate safety, ergo-
limitations of the present VP systems. Chua et al. [19],
nomics, visibility, manoeuvrability, etc. The latter, as
for example, report about a company that found VP be
well as other human factor aspects of manufacturing
unable to `simulate process problems eciently and
and assembly operations, can be studied extensively
eectively’. The accuracy of FEA was also said to be
using VP techniques.
limited `because of the inconsistent behaviour of
VP software tools using a variety of techniques includ-
material’, etc. In reporting another example of problems
ing manipulation and animation of programmable virtual
with VP, the above authors point at the lack of any
biomechanical manikins exist (e.g. see references [66] and
tactile feeling (e.g. in relation to the design of keypads)
[67]). These tools can be used to evaluate design alterna-
and inadequate visualization for viewing the assembly
tives, e.g. the evaluation of a work centre against
of some components (e.g. PCBs inserted at an angle).
common criteria including production rate, unit cost,
It is therefore necessary to shed some light on some of
health and safety risks, eciency, quality measures, user
the important issues likely to be encountered during
friendliness, maintenance procedures and component
deployment of VP.
accessibility [68±70]. In the automotive industry, examples
of application of VP for assessing user-safety aspects
include seat belt mechanism design, airbag deployment 4.1 Three-dimensional versus two-dimensional
simulation, occupant crash simulation, prediction of representation
driver-speci®c and course-speci®c handling response,
tyre±roadway interactions including driver behaviour, VP has been used in product design and development
controls design and braking simulation [46, 71, 72]. since the 1970s [14]. Eective VP, especially for detailed
Until recently, the available computer speed was design, cannot be accomplished without using three-
insucient to provide smooth and realistic animations, dimensional models. The latter have progressed from
especially when the product detail and complexity were wireframe and surface models into solid models. The
high. Simple two-dimensional and three-dimensional ¯exibility and power of solid models have also continu-
motion simulations are not adequately ¯exible to provide ally developed from parametric to constraint-based and
accurate and useful feedback for ergonomics studies. ®nally to feature-based modelling. In comparison with
However, with the increasing availability and aordabil- two-dimensional modelling, the solid models are capable
ity of very powerful dedicated graphics workstations, of incorporating more uni®ed information which enables
large computer memory and more ecient and sophisti- them to provide increased potential for model interpreta-
cated software algorithms that avoid tying down the tion and analysis [1]. Although two-dimensional models
computer processing power with unnecessary model also represent simpli®ed models of a product, many
details, the aforementioned problem will become much prototyping activities will be inferior to non-virtual
less of an issue. Integration of VP with VR is enabling alternatives if they are limited to only two-dimensional
user interactions with three-dimensional models that representation. Yet, a survey of CAD users in the
are more realistic (see section 4.4). Thus, better represen- mechanical engineering sector of the United Kingdom
tation of the behaviour of physical objects under simu- [77] indicated that only just over half (51 per cent) use
lated real-world conditions and physical laws such as three-dimensional CAD. However, 68 per cent of the
Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture B08102 # IMechE 2003

companies that use two-dimensional CAD said they have accuracy of automotive engine cooling systems [82],
no plans to adopt three-dimensional CAD. The ®ndings and comparison of actual and simulated structural
of an earlier survey of US CAD users in 1999 [78] had deformations (see references [32] and [83]). Miller [16]
also shown the dominance of two-dimensional usage, presented an illustrative examination of the limitations
although a great percentage of the user companies and capabilities of VP modelling and simulation with
sampled (75 per cent) wanted to upgrade to three respect to three case studies in the US aircraft industries
dimensions. A greater awareness of the potential and found that the accuracy of VP was either equal to or
bene®ts of three-dimensional solid modelling may higher than its traditional engineering alternatives. How-
encourage more manufacturing companies to exploit VP. ever, as the following discussion shows, there are still
many aspects that require further improvement.
Geometry is created in ®nite (as `single’ or `increased’)
4.2 Conceptual design tools precision, depending on the CPU hardware in use. On
most systems, geometry is mathematically stored
VP tools that are limited to the detailed design phase (for
between 7 to 16 signi®cant digits, although the number
instance, requiring precise three-dimensional models)
of digits displayed is smaller than the actual value. This
can result in wasted time and eort for detailing designs
®nite precision of the ¯oating-point number forces geo-
that may not work. This limitation arises owing to the
metry algorithms to converge to some epsilon rather
imprecise and incomplete nature of design knowledge
than the absolute zero required by mathematical theory
and requirements at the early phases of a product life
[25]. Consequently, depending on the algorithm being
used, dierent CAE (and especially CAD) programs
Recently, research has begun to tackle some of the
can produce dierent results (e.g. in ®t and interference
challenges to pave the way for realization of computer
analysis), although the dierence may not always be
aided conceptual design [79]. Dynamic motion analysis,
apparent. Kasik [25] predicts that new computing tech-
for instance, is oered commercially at both conceptual
niques (e.g. neural, quantum and optical) will support
and detailed levels of design. Some of the latter tools are
more reliable algorithms than the current silicon-based
dedicated to the conceptual design of speci®c types of
critical component (e.g. aircraft landing gear [80]) using
A factor crucial to the success of VP is that CAD/CAE
models created by a variety of techniques such as linking
software must make more comprehensive use of both
graphical symbols representing various properties and
functional and manufacturing features [84] and para-
functions and without requiring any engineering drawings
metric modelling (i.e. dimensional and geometrical
as input. Other dynamic analysis tools can be more
constraining of product features). Libraries of design
general and applicable to a wider variety of mechanical
features, and reuse and scalability of design instances
parts using simpli®ed two-dimensional CAD models
found in such libraries, can greatly reduce the design
sketched by the users (e.g. reference [47]). However,
cycle time. Such data can be compiled from archives
most other CAE tools tend to be applicable only to
and histories of objects modelled in CAD/CAM/CAE
improving detailed design and detailed manufacturing
systems, as well as through automatic feature recognition
planning and until recently have been far from satisfac-
and updating when new objects are developed [85].
tory for conducting integrated conceptual design and
New materials as well as new manufacturing processes
process planning and manufacturing analysis [81].
are also being developed all the time. The production
prototype for manufacturing a new part, e.g. using a
4.3 Prototyping accuracy new rotary forging operation, must be produced by
means of a manufacturing virtual prototype that closely
Accuracy of prototyping depends on faithful simulation resembles the actual nature of the manufacturing opera-
of all the factors representing the product and its tion. The manufacturing simulation tools are not yet
intended operating environment. Such factors include fully linked to the design models. This can either prevent
product speci®ed geometry, functions and performance or slow down the automatic translation of the problems
and the intended fabrication technology, as well as the identi®ed during manufacturing simulation into the
human users and their interaction with the product. A required CAD modi®cations. CE in its true sense
high level of detail must be incorporated in a digital should not allow a signi®cant gap between the various
model to achieve accurate virtual prototypes. The phases of product realization, e.g. between design and
accuracy of all the analytical processes and models manufacture. Therefore, as far as most SMEs are
need to be assessed to measure the correlation between concerned there is a need for the development of
predicted results and the corresponding physical equiva- manufacturing and assembly simulation modules that
lents. Some studies provide examples of how such can simulate a large range of possible operations.
measurements can be achieved. Examples of these The testing of designs in rare conditions that are
include assessment of the quality of CFD in order to extremely dicult or impossible to mimic and where
identify opportunities for improving the modelling human life is at stake is another area that needs
B08102 # IMechE 2003 Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture

improvement. Although virtual prototypes are becoming displays, which continually update the simulation to
progressively more advanced and powerful, there is still a re¯ect a new perspective as the user’s head moves
gap between physical testing and virtual testing. Simula- forwards, backwards or sideways, or as he/she looks in
tion programs are still not relied upon with 100 per cent dierent directions. Cubicle interfaces known as
con®dence. One of the requirements of simulation is to CAVEs [89] are also a recent VR innovation. However,
convert simulated data to subjective data (e.g. driver currently for many potential users they may prove to
comfort in a virtual car) in order to evaluate a design. be too expensive to use. CAVEs provide a greater sense
Consequently, physical test rigs that simulate the of immersion without needing helmets or viewing
environmental conditions are still used to act as a boxes, and using a much larger ®eld of view by projecting
bridge to link full-scale physical testing and virtual data in stereoscopic images onto the walls and ¯oor of
testing. For instance, the ®nal commissioning of space the interface. Utilization of haptic interfaces allows
vehicles into operation relies on actual physical `drop simulation of touch and feel, precision positioning
tests’ from an aircraft to simulate ¯ight conditions input and high ®delity, and force feedback output for
similar to those encountered by a re-entering craft. virtual objects. With the commercial availability of
haptic interfaces [90], programs dedicated to simulation
of laws of physics that handle complex computations,
4.4 User interfaces and interaction techniques thus freeing developers to deal with high-level objects
and physical properties such as location, mass, friction
As the interfaces and interaction techniques are being and stiness [91], and application programs [92, 93],
continually developed, VP designers and users are VR can provide realistic sensory feedback models for
moving closer to more ecient and eective model performing assembly analysis and general product
manipulation. A still evolving method for product evaluation. Gomes de Sa and Zachmann [74] discuss
visualization is the three-dimensional display of solid both the application of VR in VP systems and the
models using laser holography which is meant to address integration of CAD with VR. Simulation of weight and
the shortcomings of two-dimensional display screens but stiness, which can improve VR eectiveness in VP
is still far from satisfactory [86]. More model manipula- applications, has not been reported.
tion power is being provided with the availability of Some researchers [94, 95] maintain that pure VP may
recent innovations such as: reduce cognition and communication. Balet et al. [94]
argue that lack of correlation between manipulation
(a) three-dimensional mice held in the air above the
and eect and the great distance between the mental
image assumed by the user and that of the edited
(b) three-dimensional motion controllers (e.g. see refer-
models are the major drawbacks of systems that
ence [87]);
manage three-dimensional environments via two-
(c) two-handed controls that allow the user to mimic
dimensional GUIs. Therefore, full three-dimensional
push, pull and twist motions using a combination
interfaces such as VR may not always be appropriate,
of a standard mouse and an additional hand-held
and instead it is more useful to create mixed interfaces
sensitive ball or cap devices.
to interact with articulated three-dimensional objects
However, more eective user interfaces with higher such as pipes, wires and human bodies. An in-depth
resolution and greater degrees of freedom are still discussion of the new possibilities for product realization
required [74]. To date, VPs are mainly visualized on that arise from the combination of virtual and real
computer screens. Another alternative is that, once models can be found in reference [96].
designed, virtual engineering components and objects
may be manipulated by immersing the users in
computer-simulated environments to provide them 4.5 Task automation
with better model viewing and manipulation power.
Ideally, a designer must be able to interact with a virtual In its present commercial OTS form, virtual prototyping
environment that allows the touching and feeling, move- is still not fully automated since there is still a need for
ment and even modi®cation of a virtual prototype with interpretation and feedback of various modules higher
similar realism to that experienced during examination up or lower down the design stream from any given
of a physical prototype [88]. prototype. A browse through various Internet sites will
The above-mentioned improvement in model manipu- quickly reveal that new specialist modules aimed at
lation and examination can be achieved through VR and particular products or sectors of manufacturing industry
the use of a new generation of interface devices and their are continually arriving in the software market as add-on
specialist programming tools. Examples of these inter- modules to enhance the capabilities of existing
faces include data gloves, which allow movement commercial VP systems. VP requires mastery of the
through virtual worlds by combining hand gestures software and the ability of trained users to con®gure/
with the pitch and roll of hands, and head-mounted integrate systems and interpret their prototyping results.
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Therefore, for typical SME companies, a move towards be problematic as long as dierent geometry implemen-
VP is more than just purchasing VP software and then tation algorithms are being used [25].
expecting results. A signi®cant amount of human Product data management (PDM) systems encompass
involvement is still required, thus making successful the integration and management of processes, applica-
implementation of VP sensitive to the level and quality tions and information. PDMs aim to resolve the problem
of user competence and interpretation skills. Awareness of `islands of automation’ in order to support CE by
of the current problems and limitations, and issues providing a collaborative environment. Features enable
such as occasional training, must be accompanied with various processes to share information across the
commitment to frequent investment continually to spectrum of the product development cycle (i.e. between
update both systems and users skills and knowledge. design, analysis and manufacturing). Successful integra-
Currently, users of VP systems need to possess tion of VP tools relies on feature modelling as a key
competence in engineering as well as enjoying sucient enabling technology. Ovtcharova and Vieira [100]
understanding of the infrastructure of their VP software provide a detailed discussion. Greipel and Colpaert
tools. Physical systems with highly complex and non- [101] also show how an object-oriented and applica-
linear structures require very sophisticated and highly tion-independent approach coupled with modern
integrated software tools and management in order to intelligent user interface techniques can further extend
monitor large numbers of interactions between various the potentials of feature-based and parametric model-
subsystems and their prototypes. The present authors’ ling. PDM systems use features to integrate CAD and
experience of using modern CAE systems has shown simulated functional data in order to add intelligence
that some understanding of the hierarchical nature of to graphic representations of a product. Intelligent
object-oriented software systems could improve the CAD systems enable better understanding of the real
learning curve and user competence. With the availability requirements of a product and determination of its key
of scripting languages, the automation of VP tasks is parameters. CAD intelligence is provided in the form
becoming more feasible, although technical expertise, of a wide range of additional information including
including software programming, will be required. behaviour and performance related to ®nal assembly,
operation and maintenance. This information is in
addition to the already existing dimensional, geometrical
4.6 Tools integration and product life cycle and kinematic data. PDMs should enable engineers and
management other users to search design models that are updateable
in real time, and reuse knowledge and company best
Successful VP requires comprehensive integration of and practices by combining arti®cial intelligence techniques
communication between various analysis tools so that such as neural networks and expert systems with CAD
new products are designed with inputs from all con- and object-oriented databases [102±104] and agent-
cerned. This in turn requires easy data conversion and based technology [105, 106]. Although PDMs are
compatibility. An integrated approach to product available as commercial systems and being used by
design and assembly planning is crucial for achieving large enterprises, they are still not fully ¯exible, are
true CE. A variety of the existing commercial CAE dicult to implement and customize and therefore
tools that can facilitate product design and planning, need further improvement to mature.
together with their implementations, are discussed in Product life cycle management (PLM) considers the
references [97] and [98]. product life cycle (consisting of design, manufacture,
Prior to any computer implementation, however, steps use and ®nally disposal of a product) as a whole and opti-
are required to ensure data compatibility. Pratt [1] mizes the interaction of product design, manufacturing
provides an informative discussion of the required inter- and life cycle activities in order to protect energy,
face between various VP models. A detailed discussion of material, information, physical and human resources
the tool integration requirements and techniques for and maximize eectiveness during their usage. Product
conducting VP is given in reference [99]. The latter structure and composition can be read from the CAD
suggests the use of parameterized CAD and non-CAD or a PDM system and charted as a tree model with all
product data models representing engineering data, pro- assemblies and components in order to predict both
duct views from the perspectives of various engineering short-term and long-term costs such as production and
disciplines, two-way data translation and transmission material costs and tool and investment costs for dierent
between engineering tools and product data models, design alternatives. Other factors such as reliability,
and design process management to monitor and availability and maintainability may also be evaluated.
manage design process and its infrastructure. Although The goals of PLM may be achieved by means of PDM,
CAD standards such as PDES/STEP are improving the life cycle assessment [107], technical support and life
robustness of geometry descriptions and translation cycle costing [108].
accuracy over other older standards (such as IGES), The existing approaches to PLM and their visions and
moving data from one CAD application to another will further development are discussed in reference [109]. The
B08102 # IMechE 2003 Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture

environmental impacts of product life cycles are discussed JAVA [114] programs and three-dimensional viewing
in reference [110]. A generic template for deployment of based on VRML ®le formats allows members of various
PDM as the framework to integrate VP applications, engineering teams to review, annotate, visualize or
cross-functional teaming and information integration to interact in real time and simultaneously with virtual
allow sharing and discussion of ideas from the outset of prototypes using a standard Web browser (e.g. references
a product life cycle by dierent product development [115] and [116]).
teams can be found in reference [111]. Andert and Moreover, installing an expensive CAE program on
Morgan [112] provide an example of collaborative VP in the client workstations is no longer required as dedicated
naval engineering. Collaborative design does not merely and powerful CAE Web-servers that contain most of the
involve a technical decision-making process. A compre- software modules can send only the minimum number of
hensive methodology to model and analyse sociotechnical necessary programs to the client browsers (e.g. as JAVA
interactions between all the various teams and their applets). Thus, the servers will perform tasks depending
con¯icts is discussed in reference [113]. on requests made from the client browsers. Web-based
As companies move more into adopting full and CAE services are increasingly on oer from leading
integrated VP, the management and storage of large CAE and CAD vendors.
amounts of information become even more critical The sharing of data over the Internet may, depending
issues. Therefore, the importance of realizing cost on the application software being used, range from
eective and ecient model scalability, data warehous- simultaneous viewing and annotation to user interaction
ing and knowledge reuse, data con®dentiality and with the model according to the user’s rights and net-
security, and data storage and maintenance (i.e. work system con®guration. The role of standards for
updating, reformatting and revalidating to make existing geometric models, such as STEP/IGES for product
design models usable with continuously evolving soft- three-dimensional data interchange between client and
ware and hardware product) is growing rapidly. Such server computers, has been discussed by many
growth is especially critical for the frequently occurring researchers, e.g. by Gadh and Sonthi [117]. STEP-
new design versions, speci®cally with respect to large based browsers oering more powerful manipulation
and/or complex products as found in the automotive, than the existing information-reducing VRML formats
aircraft and naval industries. On the other hand, SMEs are emerging. Hyperlinking (the ability to link electroni-
and manufacturers of less complicated products and cally interrelated pieces of information) is being extended
components can look forward to an immediate bene®t from text and raster images to vector CAD ®les through
from the increasing availability and aordability of new vector ®le formats such as DWF and CGM. An
cheaper and yet very powerful CAE software and example virtual collaboration system that allows
hardware. designers of a DDG-51 destroyer ship to share virtual
Using CAE analysis tools eectively requires deep prototype simulations across an IP network is given in
understanding of their theory and practice. Nowadays, references [112], using low-cost PC workstations (both
user-friendly, and increasingly more graphics- than high and low performance) and specialized graphics
text-based, OTS CAE tools allow designers in a com- and communication servers. The new trend in CAE
pany, who may not be specialists in CAE, to conduct Web information publishing is to move from pre-
preliminary and what-if studies of their designs to high- determined static formats (otherwise known as `push’
light potential problems during the conceptual design technology) into dynamic and synchronized `pull’
stage. Currently, the next step for SMEs that seek to technology where all the information is kept current all
produce high-quality products may still be to contract the time (e.g. see reference [118]).
out the optimization of detailed design of their overall
products or systems to specialist CAE consultants.

4.7 Virtual prototyping and the Internet Modern physical prototyping (e.g. high-speed CNC
machining and RP) and virtual prototyping techniques
Internet and Intranets capability enables communication continue to advance and become more powerful. The
of accurate and up-to-date product information through question is which options are most appropriate? Various
text, two/three-dimensional images and drawings and criteria, including physical, operational and application
multimedia. This capability relies on networks that run considerations, need to be satis®ed by the chosen proto-
transmission control protocol (TCP) and Internet typing methods. These requirements include (though are
protocol (IP) standards to enable cross-platform data not limited to) time, cost, material properties, modelling
communication irrespective of the type of computer accuracy and reliability, size, quality, level of detail, etc.
platforms, operating system, application programs or The existing VP and non-VP methods may or may not
geographical locations of the users. Using Internet satisfy such requirements depending on the design
technology such as platform independent plug-in requirements. Therefore, the merits of each option need
Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture B08102 # IMechE 2003

to be assessed against the individual requirements of into appropriate process plans for production of ®nal
each enterprise and its speci®c products. Ultimately, products.
the ideal prototyping solution, whichever form it may In the coming years, adoption of state-of-the-art virtual
take, is the one that can quickly, and accurately, generate product development methods can play a crucial role in
a design that will have high quality and low production industrial success. In spite of the diculties and shortcom-
cost in the shortest time. ings of VP, SME manufacturers will need continually to
Although VP is already well established in the auto- stay abreast of developments on its great capabilities
motive and aerospace industries, many SMEs still cast and bene®ts, and prepare themselves for commitment to
doubt on the practicality and bene®ts of VP and favour its adoption. This will include implementation of asso-
physical prototypes if any at all. This paper has ciated technical and organizational changes.
attempted to support the belief that it will be hard to The implementation of VP is more successful and less
reject the great probability that VP will become the dicult to achieve at component level than at system
most promising prototyping solution. VP has reduced level because the latter necessitates comprehensive
the required number of physical prototypes in many modelling of complex interactions between constituent
®elds of engineering, especially in the aerospace and subassemblies and components. VP at the system level
automotive industries, which are at present the main may only be achieved with full integration of product
visionaries and pioneers of VP. and process data, although it can be expensive in the
In the quest for fast and economic product develop- short term. However, integration can give long-term
ment, some forms of physical prototype will still be dividends through more eective VP solutions. SMEs
required for the near future, albeit with a rapidly deal with a smaller number of components, and often
decreasing degree of frequency. Special emphasis must less complicated product structures, and consequently
be kept on using RP, which complements VP for require a more limited range of situations to simulate
modelling purposes. The latter mainly include proof of and test their products and processes. Compared with
concept through veri®cation of expected functioning of larger manufacturers, this might mean that SMEs will
a design, or creation of ®nal tooling (such as dies and face fewer risks. Hence, they can have more con®dence
investment castings) prior to going into production to consider utilizing VP technology for product
phase. Most of the VP simulations and studies such as development. Stand-alone VP tools may not be as
FEA, dynamic motion analysis and ®t and interference ecient as fully integrated systems. However, if the
checks are capable of providing equally, if not more, product is complicated enough, even the more aordable
reliable and accurate predictions compared with their stand-alone VP can still provide powerful and cost
RP counterparts. Virtual testing of prototypes is still eective solutions, especially if the latter can replace
evolving, while physical testing is proven and reliable expensive physical prototypes. In the past, and judging
[119]. A comprehensive study of all the major proto- by the commercial catalogues and literature, VP vendors
typing options needs to be carried out in the future, have created custom add-on solutions mainly for their
especially when VP tools will have reached a high larger clients (i.e. the automotive and aerospace indus-
degree of maturity. Such study would provide the tries). These vendors should increasingly also cater for
much-needed benchmarks to allow independent and the more general-purpose and at the same time limited
objective comparisons of available alternatives. Any (and thus more aordable) solutions suitable to the
such research will be a major undertaking, as it would needs of other sectors of the manufacturing industry.
have to reveal the accuracy, reliability and risk informa- Increased customization and parameterization capabil-
tion for dierent prototyping strategies. ity, wider integration with existing CAD solutions,
Ideally, once the extensive simulations of virtual greater adaptability to diverse business aspects of
prototypes are over, it must be possible to build the manufacturing enterprises, enhanced visualization of
®nal product right ®rst time and with no safety risks or digital reviews, more realistic consideration and model-
product failures. In spite of its great achievements and ling of the constraints imposed by physical laws, more
widespread use by large aircraft and automotive user-friendly interfaces, ever-growing storage capacity,
manufacturers, it seems that the existing limitations of accelerating processing speed and aordable software
VP technology have not permitted the full realization prices will eventually pave the way for widespread
of the above ideal. Some requirements of product adoption of VP solutions.
development, which are in need of automation and there-
fore further research, will continue to prevent the full
potential of virtual prototyping from minimizing pro- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
duct time-to-market. VP solutions that cannot make
their output information available to other applications The authors thank the UK Government’s Department
reduce the transparency and speed of the impact of of Trade and Industry and the PRIME Faraday
changes in the product structure. One such obstacle is Partnership (http://www.primefaraday.org.uk/) for
the diculty of automatic translation of detailed designs sponsoring this research.
B08102 # IMechE 2003 Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture

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Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture B08102 # IMechE 2003

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