Ex riments in Fluids
9 Springer-Verlag 1993
Abstract. Extensive measurements were conducted in an incom- Xv location of secondary separation (vortex position)
pressible turbulent flow around the wing-body junction formed by Y direction normal to X and Z
a 3:2 semi-elliptic nose/NACA 0020 tail section and a fiat plate. Y+ Y coordinate expressed in wall units, Y(z w O)~
Mean and fluctuating velocity measurements were performed adja- Z transverse, or spanwise direction
cent to the wing and up to 11.56 chord lengths downstream. The 6 boundary layer thickness, defined by U/UE=0.995
appendage far wake region was subjected to an adverse pressure 6" boundary layer displacement thickness
gradient. The authors' results show that the characteristic horseshoe 0 boundary layer momentum thickness
vortex flow structure is elliptically shaped, with 0 (W)/OY forming # coefficient of viscosity of air
the primary component of the streamwise vorticity. The streamwise 0 density of air
development of the flow distortions and vorticity distributions is Zw local wall shear stress in freestream direction
highly dependent on the geometry-induced pressure gradients and f2x component of vorticity in the X direction
resulting flow skewing directions.
The primary goal of this research was to determine the effects of Subscript
the approach boundary layer characteristics on the junction flow.
TC quantity presented in tunnel coordinate system
To accomplish this goal, the authors' results were compared to
several other junction flow data sets obtained using the same body
shape. The trailing vortex leg flow structure was found to scale
on T. A parameter known as the momentum deficit factor (MDF =
1 Introduction
(ReT) 2 (O/T)) was found to correlate the observed trends in mean
flow distortion magnitudes and vorticity distribution. Changes in
6IT were seen to affect the distribution of u', with lower ratios The turbulent flow a r o u n d a wing-body junction is a very
producing well defined local turbulence maxima. Increased thinning complex, highly three-dimensional flow, yet it is commonly
of the boundary layer near the appendage was also observed for encountered. M a n y aspects of this flow are still poorly
small values of 6/T.
understood, despite the efforts of numerous researchers.
Figure 1 shows a simplified wing-body junction flow (note
List of symbols that the tunnel coordinate system and measurement planes
are shown). The dominating flow characteristic is the mean
C chord length of appendage secondary flow structure known as the horseshoe (or neck-
CI skin friction coefficient, ~w/0.5 (Q) (Ura) 2
D cylinder diameter lace) vortex. This vortical flow structure is created by a
G,k coefficients used in Eq. (1) combination of two effects, the skewing and stretching of the
h helicity density, V. f2 transverse vorticity present in the incoming turbulent
H boundary layer shape factor, 6*/0 b o u n d a r y layer as it passes the wing, and the rolling up of the
MDF momentum deficit factor, (Rer) 2 (O/T)
Reynolds number based on ( ) incoming fluid along the centerline due to the large adverse
Re( )
T maximum thickness of appendage pressure gradient created by the wing geometry. This type of
U', P', W' root mean square of X, Y, Z velocity fluctuations secondary flow is widely k n o w n as Prandtl's "first kind" of
--Ul), - - U W time-mean Reynolds stresses secondary flow.
U, V,,W time-mean velocity components in X, Y,,Z directions Flow visualizations performed in the appendage nose
UE local edge velocity
reference velocity region show complex instantaneous velocity distributions
U+ velocity non-dimensionalized by the friction velocity, (Kim et al., 1991) and corresponding velocity histograms
Ul((~lo) ~ display b i m o d a l behavior (Devenport and Simpson, 1990 a).
X streamwise direction The flow resulting as this unsteady vortical structure is
Xs location of primary separation (saddle point)
stretched and skewed a r o u n d the appendage is complex and
* A version of this paper was presented at the 30th AIAA Aerospace not well understood. The authors' study attempts to gain
Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 6-9, 1992 insight into the physical nature of the junction flow by exam-