03 Preface
03 Preface
03 Preface
The present thesis entitled 'Vibrational Spectra and Raman Excitation Profile Studies
of Some Aromatic Molecules' is in fulfillment of the requirement of the Degree of Doctor
Philosophy (.)cience) r~f the University of Burdwan. It embodies the work carried out jointly
in the department of Spectroscopy, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science,
Jadavpur, Calcutta - 700 032 and in the department of Physics, University of Burdwan,
Golapbag, Burdwan - 7I 3 104.
The thesis comprises of six chapters. Chapter one and two contain a general
introduction and experimental methods, respectively. In the first section of the chapter three
normal coordinate analyses were carried out employing a systematic procedure based on a
general valency force field The remaining part of the chapter three and others chapters
(four to six) contain the results related to Raman excitation profiles of the different aromatic
molecules containing one or more phenyllpyridyl rings.
All the results incorporated in the thesis have already have been published in different
esteemed journals. A list of publications along with available reprints is included in the
Research is a task requiring patience, perseverance and strength of mind There are
moments of unfettered joy as well as great disappointment. I have beenfortunate enough, in
having the unflinching support and encouragement of my supervisor Prof Subroto
Chattopadhyay of the department of Spectroscopy, Indian Association for the Cultivation of
Science, Jadavpur, Calcutta- 700032, who provided the impetus and inspiration required for
this arduous work. I take this opportunity to convey my deep sense ofgratitU;de to him for his
keen interest, invaluable suggestions and untiring supervision throughout the course of
I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my joint supervisor Prof Prabal
Kumar Mallick, Head of the Department of Physics, University of Burdwan, for his sustained
interest, meticulous supervisation, continued guidance and untiring inspiration throughout
the course of investigation. I also sincerely acknowledge. the freedom and friendly
atmosphere I enjoyed while working with Prof Mallick
I am extremely grateful to late Prof T N Misra of the department of Spectroscopy,
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, for providing me with various valuable
suggestions, which have helped to explore interesting aspects of the problems studied. His
perennial help has accelerated the progress of my work.
Thanks are especially due to Dr. M Ghosh for laboratory cooperation and
assistance. Thanks are also due to Mr. A. Banerjee for assisting me in purification of
samples. I appreciate and thank them for their friendly cooperative attitude and innumerable
ways they have helped me throughout to make the experiment success.
I woulcj like t~ remember the love and co-operation of Dr. P. Bangal, Dr. M Maiti, T
Mishra and A. Chanda during the. preparation of the thesis.
I extend my sincere thanks to D. Chatterjee for her help in typing the present treatise.
It is my utmost pleasure to acknowledge her as the thesis would have never been completed in
time without her kind cooperation, sympathetic understanding and spontaneous
Most importantly, I offer my deepest gralitude to my 'Ma ', 'Mama' and all the
members of my family, for their love, care, encouragement and constant emotional support
right from the very first day of my life, without which I could have attained nothing.
Last, but not the least, I am deeply indebted to my research institute, Indian
Association for the Cultivation of Science, for providing me with the financial support and
enlightened atmosphere for carrying out my research work.
Department of Spectroscopy,
Raman Laboratory,
Indian Association for the Cultivation ofScience,
Jadavpur, Calcutta- 700032. (Pinaky Sett)