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gdhZjeV\V^chi]^bVcYaV^Y]^badl#Bdhid[i]Z[Zlhjgk^k^c\ d[Vi]djhVcYcVbZhVcYXgVla^c\X]Vdh!k^h^iZYEVaZC^\]i[gdb
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XdlZg^ci]Z^g]^YYZcXdgcZghVhY^Y9V\dcVcYEVojojdg [Zld[i]ZbgdhZ^cedlZgZcdj\]idWZXdbZYZbdcadgYh#
h^bean]VYb^cYhiddVa^ZcidYZh^gZhjX]edlZgVh^ci]ZXVhZ HX]daVghl]dhZZ`id^YZci^[nEVaZC^\]i»hjc`cdlcbViZWn
d[EVaZC^\]idgi]ZBVa\di]#I]^hi^bZd[WZigVnVaVcYgj^c i]Zh]VeZhd[]ZgX]^aYgZc[^cYdcan[jgi]Zg[gjhigVi^dcVcY
VgZ^cedlZg!VcYbVni]ZbhZakZhVaa]VkZWZZcheVlcZYWnY^[" dispel magic, greater teleport, plane shift (DC 33),
[ZgZci[Vi]Zgh#AjeZgX^d!i]Z7Vgdcd[Hadi]!^hVYVg`"h`^ccZY shapechange, telekinesis (DC 31), unhallow, unholy
Vbdge]djhXgZVijgZi]Vih]gdjYh^ihjcYjaVci[dgb^cXadjYhd[ aura (DC 34), unholy blight (DC 30)
YVg`cZhh#KjXVg^`^h]jbVcd^Y^ch]VeZ!Wji]^hVXijVa[ZVijgZh 3/day—dominate person (DC 30), quickened greater
VgZ]^YYZcWni]ZXd^ahd[X]V^chlgVeeZYVgdjcY]^h[gVbZ# dispel magic, symbol of persuasion (DC 32), empow-
O^kdg\^Vc!i]ZAVYnd[G^eZ8Vgg^dc!^hVWadViZYi]gZZ"]ZVYZY ered unholy blight (DC 30), veil (DC 32)
VWdb^cVi^dc!cdifj^iZkjaijgZVcYcdifj^iZVc\Za#6cYAVYn 1/day—trap the soul (DC 35), wish
G]nmVa^]VhcdigjZWdYnViVaa# *10-point Power Attack
NZiVbdc\Vaai]ZhZheVlc!dcandcZldjaY\ddcid\gZVi" Abilities Str 31, Dex 32, Con 42, Int 37, Wis 24, Cha 42
cZhh#DcandcZldjaYWZXdbZedlZg[jaZcdj\]idWZVXdc" SQ dark grace, item master, tanar’ri traits
iZcYZg[dgi]Zi]gdcZd[i]Z6Wnhh#DcandcZldjaYhjgeVhh Feats Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes,
ZkZci]ZWd\\a^c\edlZgXdbbVcYZYWn]^hdWng^i]bdi]Zg# Dark Speech*, Dodge, Empower Spell-Like Ability
I]ViX]^aYlVh<gVo»oi!i]Z9Vg`Eg^cXZd[i]Z6Wnhh# (unholy blight), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard
sword), Improved Critical (bastard sword), Improved
Disarm, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quicken
6A0IÀIC Spell-Like Ability (greater dispel magic), Weapon
C7430A:?A8=24 Focus (bastard sword)
Skills Balance +15, Bluff +56, Concentration +56, Diplomacy
=Z^hYVg`an]VcYhdbZ!i]^hYVg`eg^cXZ!VcZWdc"h`^ccZYbVccZVgan +68, Disguise +56 (+60 when acting), Escape Artist +51,
.[ZZi^c]Z^\]i#=^hha^\]ianed^ciZYZVgh!nZaadl[Vc\h!\gZZc\adl^c\ Forgery +53, Gather Information +56, Hide +47, Intimi-
ZnZh!VcYh^m"[^c\ZgZY]VcYhbVg`]^b[dgi]ZYZbdc]Z^h# date +60, Jump +18, Knowledge (arcana) +53, Knowl-
edge (history) +53, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +53,
Knowledge (religion) +53, Knowledge (the planes) +53,
GRAZ’ZT CR 32 Listen +47, Move Silently +51, Search +53, Sense Motive
hp 758 (37 HD); fast healing 15; DR 20/cold iron, epic, +47, Spellcraft +57, Spot +47, Tumble +51
and good Possessions +5 full plate (normally not worn), +5 heavy
CE Large outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar, tanar’ri) fortification heavy steel shield, +5 acidic burst bastard
Init +15; Senses darkvision 60 ft., true seeing; Listen sword
+47, Spot +47 *Dark Speech is a feat from Fiendish Codex I. If you
Aura unholy aura (spell-like ability always in effect) don’t have access to this book, replace this feat with
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal; Improved Sunder.
telepathy 300 ft.
True Seeing (Ex) Graz’zt is under the constant effect of
AC 54, touch 36, flat-footed 43; Dodge true seeing, as per the spell of the same name. This
(–1 size, +11 Dex, +11 natural, +7 shield, +16 ability cannot be dispelled.
deflection) Fear (Su) As a free action, Graz’zt can inspire fear (as
Immune critical hits, electricity, poison, sneak attack the spell of the same name) by sneer and word once
Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 45 per round in any target creature within 120 feet. This
Fort +36, Ref +31, Will +27 effect can be resisted with a DC 44 Will save. Crea-
tures normally immune to fear (save for mindless
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect)
creatures, but including intelligent constructs and
Melee* +5 acidic burst bastard sword +42/+37/+32/+27
undead) can even be affected by this potent attack,
(2d6+25 [+41 against good or lawful targets]/17–20
although if they fail the Will save they are only shaken
plus 1d6 acid [plus 1d10 acid on a critical hit])
for 1d6 rounds. This is a mind-affecting fear ability.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
The save DC is Charisma-based.
Base Atk +37; Grp +51
Summon Lamias (Su) Once per day, Graz’zt can auto-
Atk Options Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes,
matically summon 2d6 lamias or 1d4 lamia nobles
Improved Disarm, Power Attack
(see Expedition to the Demonweb Pits).
Special Actions fear, summon lamias, summon tanar’ri,
Summon Tanar’ri (Sp) Once per day, Graz’zt can auto-
matically summon 2d4 succubi, 1d2+1 glabrezu, 1d2
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 25th):
lilitus, or 1 balor.
At will—astral projection, blasphemy, charm monster
Tyranny (Su) Once every minute, Graz’zt can speak with
(DC 30), desecrate, detect good, detect law, fly, greater
overwhelming authority, commanding those who
would normally not follow his tyrannical orders and
punishing those who resist his word. Graz’zt need 01>DCC74BC0CB
only speak to use this ability—it’s a free action for The statistics for the CR 32 version of Graz’zt pre-
him, but he cannot utilize any spell-like abilities on sented here were generated by advancing and adapt-
the same round he uses tyranny. He can target any ing his basic statistics from the CR 22 version detailed
one creature within 120 feet and line of sight with in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss, with a few addi-
tyranny. The target can attempt to resist the tyran- tional benefits here and there. If your campaign needs
an even tougher Prince of Demons, you can advance
nical order by making a DC 44 Will save, but if he
Graz’zt’s statistics even further, either using the method
fails, he is struck with Graz’zt’s mental rage and
presented in Fiendish Codex I or the standard rules for
must attempt a DC 44 Fortitude save, with failure
advancing outsiders detailed in the Monster Manual.
indicating the creature is stunned for 1 round.
A creature that fails the initial Will save must
>c XdbWVi! <gVo»oi YdZh cdi ]Zh^iViZ id jhZ ]^h heZaa"a^`Z
follow Graz’zt’s command to the best of his ability,
accomplishing the order within 1 minute. Obviously
suicidal orders are ignored (in which case the target ^cidVaa^Zh!dgjc]danWa^\]ihidlZZYdjiaVl[jaVcY\ddY[dZh#
must save against stunning as detailed above), but =Zji^a^oZhVfj^X`ZcZYY^heZabV\^XVii]ZhiVgid[VcnXdbWVi!
orders to murder allies or otherwise take actions ViiZbei^c\idXViX]VhbVcnd[]^hbdgZedlZg[ja[dZhVidcXZ!
against the target’s normal ethics must be carried Wji hVkZh i]Z di]Zg ild fj^X`ZcZY jhZh [dg iVg\ZiZY Y^heZah
out. If the target fails to accomplish the orders by the V\V^chi [dZh l^i] cjbZgdjh YZ[Zch^kZ heZaah# >c i]Z hZXdcY
end of the minute duration, he must make a DC 44 gdjcY d[ XdbWVi! ]Z [Vkdgh i]Z jhZ d[ ingVccn id dgYZg i]Z
Fortitude save or take 3d6 points of Wisdom drain as higdc\Zhi"add`^c\d[]^h[dZhid[^\]iWn]^hh^YZl]^aZ]Z]^b"
the consequences for failure tear apart his mind. hZa[bdkZh^cidbZaZZidhig^`Zi]ZlZV`Zhid[]^h[dZhl^i]]^h
Alternatively, Graz’zt can use his tyranny to dupli- hldgY#I]ZgZV[iZg!<gVo»oiegZ[Zghid[^\]i^cbZaZZ!gZigZVi^c\
cate the effects of a geas/quest spell. It’s still a DC k^V iZaZedgiVi^dc ^[ Wgdj\]i WZadl '%% ]^i ed^cih# DcXZ ]Z
44 Will save to resist this use of his tyranny, but this gZXdkZgh!]ZgZijgchid[^c^h]i]Z[^\]i#
version otherwise functions as the spell of the same
name. If Graz’zt uses this version of his tyranny, he
cannot use the ability (in either of its uses) again for
24 hours. >i]VhWZZchV^Yi]Vi!a^`Z]^hig^eaZgZVab!<gVo»oibV^ciV^ch
Tyranny is a mind-affecting effect. The save DCs i]g^XZi]ZcjbWZgd[eadihVcY\dVahVhVcndcZdi]ZgYZbdc
are Charisma-based. adgY#L]^aZi]^hbVncdiZmVXianWZi]ZXVhZBVaXVci]ZiXZg"
Dark Grace (Su) Graz’zt’s otherworldly presence and iV^can ]Vh Vc ^begZhh^kZ cjbWZg d[ ZciVc\aZY XdcXjggZci
force of will grants him a deflection bonus equal to eaVch!<gVo»oi^hXZgiV^canVbdc\i]ZbdhihX]Zb^c\VcYeadi"
his Charisma modifier (normally +16) to his Armor i^c\d[]^h`^c#I]dhZl]dhZZ`ideVgi^XjaVgan^chjaii]Z9Vg`
Class as long as he doesn’t wear armor—he can Eg^cXZ]VkZjhZY]^hadkZd[eadihVcYeda^i^XhidXdbeVgZ]^b
use all shields save for tower shields and retain this idVcVgX]YZk^a!dg]VkZgZ[ZggZYid]^hig^eaZ"gZVabd[6ooV\gVi
deflection bonus. In addition, whenever he strikes Vh¸i]ZA^iiaZ=Zaah#¹Bdhid[i]dhZl]d^chjaii]Z9Vg`Eg^cXZ
a lawful or good target in melee with any weapon,
he gains this same bonus on any damage rolls he
makes. A lawful and good target does not take
double damage from this blow.
6ai]dj\] <gVo»oi eVgi^X^eViZh ^c i]Z 7addY LVg! ]^h igjZ
Item Master (Ex) Graz’zt can use any magic item, even
spell completion items such as wands or scrolls. ^ciZgZhihVgZXadhZgid]dbZ·]Z^hbjX]bdgZXdb[dgiVWaZ
<gVo»oi^hVh`^aaZYeda^i^X^Vc!VcYl]Zcedhh^WaZ]ZegZ[Zghid [ZaadlYZbdcadgYhi]VcVcni]^c\ZahZ!VcY]Z]VheZg[ZXiZY
hdakZXdc[gdciVi^dchl^i]Y^eadbVXnVcYYZVah#<gVo»oiZc_dnh i]ZhZh`^aahidVed^cil]ZgZ]Z^hcdli]ZdcanYZbdcadgY
i]Z\VbZd[jh^c\ldgYhVcY[VahZegdb^hZhidig^X`]^h[dZh^cid ^ci]Z6WnhhcdidcanidXdbeaZiZanXdbbVcYbdgZi]VcdcZ
hZgk^c\]^hcZZYh!ZheZX^Vaanl]Zc]ZXVcXdck^cXZi]Zbi]Vi aVnZgd[i]Z6Wnhh!WjiidgZiV^cXdbbVcYd[i]^hig^eaZgZVab
i]Zn]VkZ\diiZci]ZjeeZg]VcY#=^hegZ[ZgZcXZ[dgeda^i^XVa [dgXZcijg^Zh!YZhe^iZi]Z[VXii]Vi]ZgZXZcianheZcihZkZgVa
hdaji^dchVcYiVa`^c\]^hlVndjid[Xdc[gdciVi^dch^h^ccdlVn nZVgh^beg^hdcZYdci]ZBViZg^VaEaVcZ#
Wdgcd[VcZZYidVkd^YXdbWVi!i]dj\]![dg<gVo»oi^hVbdc\ <gVo»oi»hVaaZ\^VcXZhl^i]di]ZgYZbdcadgYh\ZcZgVaanaVhi
i]ZYZVYa^ZhiYZbdchd[i]Z6Wnhh# dcanVhadc\Vhi]Z9Vg`Eg^cXZcZZYhi]ZbidaVhi!Wji^cV
9gV\dcDXidWZg'%%, !
adc\Zhid[i]ZhZi^Zh^hl^i]KZg^c!Vc^cXgZY^Wan^ciZaa^\Zci ^ci]Z^gdlcXdc[gdciVi^dchVcYaZVkZ9Zbd\dg\dclgVX`ZY
]jbVcd^YYZbdcadgYl^i]eVaZh`^c!Vc\jaVg[ZVijgZh!VcYcd l^i]b^gi]VcYYZa^\]i#
WdYn]V^gd[Vcn`^cY#=^h[aZh]ddoZhVhdgid[he^g^ijVaha^bZ DcZ cZZY dcan add` WVX` dkZg i]Z eVhi [Zl YZXVYZh [dg
i]VijccZgkZhbdgiVah!Wjidi]Zgl^hZVXVhjVadWhZgkZgb^\]i cjbZgdjh ZmVbeaZh d[ <gVo»oi»h eadih# =Z ajgZY LVj`ZZc!
cdiZkZcgZXd\c^oZ]^b[dgl]Vi]Z^h#8ZgiV^can!KZg^c^hi]Z \dYYZhhd[lZVai][gdb;VZgc!^cid]^hX^inVcY^beg^hdcZY
bdhib^aY"bVccZgZYVcYZVhn\d^c\d[YZbdcadgYh!VcY^c]^h ]Zg[dgnZVgh^c]deZhd[gZeaVX^c\]ZgeaVXZ^ci]VildgaY»h
gdaZVh<gVo»oi»hX]^Z[Y^eadbVi!]^hh^akZgidc\jZ^hVii]Zgddi eVci]Zdcl^i]]^hdlcYVj\]iZgI]gVmm^V#=ZYZedhZY[Zaadl
d[bdhid[<gVo»oi»hd[iZcjca^`ZanVaa^VcXZh#9jg^c\<gVo»oi»h YZbdcadgY6Y^bVgX]jh[gdbi]Z6WnhhVcYZc\^cZZgZY]^h
gZXZci ^beg^hdcbZci dc i]Z BViZg^Va EaVcZ! KZg^c idd` ]^h ^beg^hdcbZci^ci]ZVhnajbd[H`jaagdidc8VgXZg^#6cYbdhi
eaVXZVhgjaZgd[6ooV\gViVcYhjXXZhh[jaanYZ[ZcYZYi]Zig^eaZ gZXZcian!]ZcZVganlZV`ZcZYAdai]]ZghZa[^cVcViiZbeiid
gZVab[gdbcjbZgdjhVhhVjaihWndi]ZgYZbdch#I]ViKZg^c ig^X`]Zg^cidjc^i^c\i]ZYZbdcadgYhjcYZg]^haZVYZgh]^e#
\gVX^djhanhiZeeZYYdlc[gdbi]Zi]gdcZ^bbZY^ViZanjedc GjbdghZkZc]daYi]Vi<gVo»oi^hegZeVg^c\idVWhdgWVBViZ"
<gVo»oi»hgZijgcheZV`hkdajbZhd[]^hYZX^YZYanjcYZbdc^X g^VaEaVcZldgaY^cidi]Z6Wnhh!igVee^c\^i^ci]ZeVgX]ZY
cVijgZ#NZiKZg^c^hhV^Yid]VkZVcdi]ZgVheZXiid]^hZm^hiZcXZ! gZVab d[ i]Z CZgZWY^Vc KVhi i]Z YZhZgi a^`Z )-i] aVnZg d[
Vb^ggdgd[]^hl]^iZ"h`^ccZY^cXVgcVi^dc`cdlcVhOiZ[Vcd!Vc i]Z6Wnhh!WdgYZgZYdci]Z[Vgh^YZl^i]]^hh^hiZgG]nmVa^»h
ZfjVaanWg^aa^VciY^eadbVil]dhZheZX^Vaina^Zhcdi^c[dgb^c\ gZVabd[H]VYYdcdc!VcYl^i]l]db]Z]Vh]VYbjX]V^Y
Vaa^VcXZhWji^cegdbdi^c\hX]^hbhVcY[jZa^c\lVgh# ^cegZeVg^c\i]ZKVhi[dgi]^hZkZcijVaXVeijgZVcYijgc^c\
Di]Zg cdiVWaZ Vaa^VcXZh ^cXajYZ i]Z adc\"hiVcY^c\ dcZh ^i^cidV[djgi]`^c\Ydb#
WZilZZc<gVo»oiVcY]^hbnhiZg^djhh^hiZgG]nmVa^!FjZZcd[ 6cYi]ZhZVgZWjiZmVbeaZhd[]^hbdgZWaViVcihX]ZbZh#
H]VYdlh! VcY V Xjg^djh VaaZ\^VcXZ l^i] i]Z 9Zbdc FjZZc ;Zla^k^c\idYVn`cdl![dgZmVbeaZ!i]Vi]Z[Vi]ZgZY]^hhdc
d[;jc\^!Oj\\ibdn#I]ZFjZZc»h8VjhZlVn^c;d\idlc!i]Z 6i]jml^i]cdcZdi]Zgi]Vc:XaVkYgV!i]ZcVcje"VcY"Xdb^c\
¸jeeZgbdhi¹i]^gYd[]^hXVe^iVaX^ind[OZaViVg!^hcVbZY^cOj\" eg^ZhiZhhd[Adai]l]dlVh\gdl^c\^cXgZVh^c\anY^hhVi^h[^ZY
\ibdn»h]dcdg!i]dj\]cdcZjcYZghiVcYi]ZigjZgZVhdch[dg l^i]]ZggdaZ^ci]Vieg^Zhi]ddY#>ilVh<gVo»oil]dZmedhZY
9gV\dcDXidWZg'%%, "
:XaVkYgVidi]ZXjaid[i]Z:aYZg:aZbZciVa:nZVcYi]jhZc\^" k^VbZi]dYhhjX]VhXdciVXidi]ZgeaVcZdgZkZcWnYVg^c\id
cZZgZYViZgg^[^XhX]^hb^ci]ZYgdlX^ind[:gZa]Z^"8^caji]Vi hjbbdc ]^b id i]Z^g egZhZcXZ# ;dg XdjciaZhh V\Zh! <gVo»oi
gZhjaiZY^cX]VdhVaai]ZlVnjei]gdj\]i]Z9ZbdclZW^ihZa[# Zc_dnZYi]ZhZig^ehidi]ZBViZg^VaEaVcZ![dg^ckVg^VWani]dhZ
L]Zc:XaVkYgV[aZYi]ZX]jgX]d[Adai]!<gVo»oilVhi]ZgZid l]d hdj\]i ]^h V^Y jcYZgZhi^bViZY ]^b VcY WZXVbZ a^iiaZ
VXXZei]ZgV\V^c!VcYZkZccdli]Vii]Z^c[VbdjhYgdleg^Zhi bdgZi]Vciddah[dgi]Z9Vg`Eg^cXZidjhZ^c[jgi]Zg^c\]^h
]VhgZijgcZYdcXZV\V^cidAdai]»h[daY!l]dXVchVn^[<gVo»oi»h dlc\dVah#
eaVch[dg]Zg]VkZXdbZid[jaa[gj^i^dc4 I]^hX]Vc\ZYl^i]>\\l^ak#
NZi<gVo»oiYdZh]VkZdcZXZcigVa\dVa^cb^cY!VcYi]^heg^" I]ZL^iX]"FjZZc]VY!d[XdjghZ!WZZcYgVlcid<gVo»oi»h
bVgn\dVaYg^kZhVaadi]Zg\dVahVcYVaadi]ZgeaVch!^cXajY^c\ ViiZci^dcadc\WZ[dgZh]ZhjbbdcZY]^b#H]Z]VYXVj\]i]^h
]^hZiZgcValVgV\V^chi9Zbd\dg\dc[dgi]ZgdaZd[Eg^cXZd[ ZnZcdi_jhil^i]]Zgh]VeZan[dgbVcYWZl^iX]^c\ZnZh!Wji
9ZbdchVcY]^headiidVWhdgWVBViZg^VaEaVcZldgaY^cidi]Z [dg]Zggji]aZhhigZVX]Zgn#=ZgZlVhVbdgiValdbVcl]dhZ
6Wnhh#I]^h\dVa^hcdi]^c\aZhhi]Vcjc^i^c\Vaai]Z[^ZcYhd[ XVeVX^in[dgWZigVnVaVcYYZXZei^dcVaadlZY]ZgidbVc^ejaViZ
i]ZAdlZgEaVcZhcdi_jhii]Z6WnhhVcYaZVY^c\i]Zb^cVc edlZg[jal^oVgYhVcYgjaZcVi^dch#<gVo»oicZkZgXdcXZ^kZYd[
jci]^c`VWaZVgbn^cidi]ZJeeZgEaVcZhidgVoZi]Zbidi]Z i]Zedhh^W^a^ini]Vi]ZgYZXZ^kZYk^Xi^bhXdjaYZmiZcYidi]dhZ
kZgn[djcYVi^dchd[i]Zbjai^kZghZ#:kZgndcZd[<gVo»oi»heaVch! VhedlZg[jaVh]^bhZa[!VcYl]Zc]ZVchlZgZY]ZgXVaaidi]Z
^chdbZlVndgVcdi]Zg!iV`Zh]^bdcZ^c[^c^iZh^bVahiZeXadhZg Adhi8VkZgchd[Ihd_XVci]!]Z[djcY]^bhZa[^beg^hdcZYdc
idi]^hjci]^c`VWaZ\dVa# i]ZBViZg^VaEaVcZWn]ZgbV\^X#NZihdediZcilZgZ>\\l^ak»h
6A0IÀICÀB2D;C VcYi]ZildWZXVbZadkZgh#;gdbi]^hjc^dc!cVi^dchVcY\dYh
9Zhe^iZ ]^h adkZ d[ WZ^c\ ldgh]^eZY VcY ]^h gZaVi^kZan cdc" <gVo»oigZVa^oZY]Z]VYXdbZjedc]^hbViX]^ci]ZVgZcV
YZbdc^X VeeZVgVcXZ! <gVo»oi YdZh cdi bV^ciV^c V aVg\Z Xjai d[igZVX]ZgnVcYYdb^cVi^dc!VcY]ZWZ\Vcidajhi[dg[gZZYdb#
dci]ZBViZg^VaEaVcZ#Bdhid[i]dhZl]dkZcZgViZ]^bYdhd =ZeaVnZYVii]ZhjWhZgk^Zcib^c^dcjci^a>\\l^ak[VaiZgZY^c
VadcZ!hZZ`^c\]^hVYk^XZ^cbViiZghbdgZVgXVcZi]VcY^k^cZ ]ZgXdcigda#<gVo»oihigjX`!nZiZkZc^c]ZgbdbZcid[lZV`"
9gV\dcDXidWZg'%%, #
C7A0;;C>34<>=JE8;4L d[i]Z8]dhZc»hIVWZgcVXaZdcanVhhVXg^[^XZh#
You formally supplicate yourself to a demon prince in 6eVgi[gdbAVkZcYZi]!bVcnd[<gVo»oi»h8]dhZc]VkZ\dcZ
return for a small measure of power.
Prerequisite: Chaotic evil alignment.
Benefit: Once per day, while performing an evil act, Vi^c\[gdbi]ZhbVaa!jcVhhjb^c\gjgVaidlcd[HdWVclnX]!
you can call upon your demonic patron to add a +1 WZVji^[ja 6cVhiVh^V 8: [ZbVaZ ]jbVc XaZg^X , ^h V XaVhh^X
luck bonus on any one attack roll, saving throw, ability ZmVbeaZd[V<gVo»oiXjai^hil]d]VhhZ^oZYXdcigdad[VhZiiaZ"
check, skill check, or level check. bZci[gdbWZ]^cYi]ZhXZcZh#>ci]ZYZei]hd[VYZhZgiiZbeaZ
Special: This feat can be taken only once. A character who XVaaZY i]Z =dbZ d[ 9Vg`cZhh! >h]V"9ZcVgi]jc 8: [ZbVaZ
takes this feat cannot also take the Disciple of Darkness or aVb^VXaZg^X+XdbbVcYhbdgZi]Vc[^kZYdoZcaVb^Vh#6jYgn
Scion of Sorrow feat. (This feat first appeared in Book of Vile A^anWgdd` 8: [ZbVaZ ]jbVc VYZei + aZVYh V YdjWaZ a^[Z Vh
Darkness and then later in Champions of Ruin.) HVaibVgh]»hb^higZhhd[i]ZadXVadge]VcV\ZVcYXdkZcaZVYZg
You transform one of your spells into an evil spell, and k^aZe^gViZX^ind[HXjiiaZXdkZ!IngVaVcY^8:[ZbVaZ]Va["[^ZcY
the wounds the spell inflicts are tainted. cnbe] gVc\Zg &$i]gVaa d[ <gVo»oi &% Xdcigdah i]Z cdidg^djh
Prerequisite: Any evil alignment. Wgdi]ZaEdge]ngn=djhZVcY]VhWZXdbZdcZd[i]Zbdhiedl"
Benefit: This feat adds the evil descriptor to a spell. Zg[ja[^\jgZh^ci]ZX^in#
If the spell deals damage, half the damage dealt is vile I]Z8]dhZcegZ[ZgidhVXg^[^XZaVl[jaVcY\ddYhdjahidi]Z
damage (and can be healed only in an area under the 9Vg`Eg^cXZ·eVaVY^chVcYXaZg^Xhd[aVl[ja\ddYYZ^i^ZhWZ^c\
effect of a consecrate or hallow spell). A violated spell V[Vkdg^iZk^Xi^b#AZhhZgWgVcX]Zhd[<gVo»oi»hX]jgX]h^bean
uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s hZZ`djiVcYXVeijgZi]ZhZhVXg^[^XZhVa^kZVcYhVXg^[^XZi]Zb
actual level. dcVaiVgh!bdhid[iZcWnXjii^c\i]Zk^Xi^b»hi]gdVil^i]VhldgY#
l]d hZZ` ]^h VYk^XZ ^chiZVY hZZ` dji ]^h eg^Zhih! ^ckVg^VWan
aVb^Vh dg hjXXjW^ dg di]Zg Vaajg^c\ iZbeigZhhZh l]d i]Zb"
XaZg\n ^h hegZVY i]gdj\]dji YdoZch d[ ldgaYh! nZi i]Z gZa^"
<VaaZc\]Vhi# =ZgZ! i]Z [V^i]»h ]^\] eg^ZhiZhh! V a^a^ij YZbdc
9gV\dcDXidWZg'%%, $
J^hWbbe\=hWp¼pj >_j:_[0Z,
Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Charm +1 level of existing class
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Spell betrayal +1d6 —
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Dark Charisma +1 +1 level of existing class
4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Spell betrayal +2d6, summon minor demon —
5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Dark Charisma +2 +1 level of existing class
6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Spell betrayal +3d6, spellstrike +1d6 —
7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Dark Charisma +3 Bonus feat or +1 level of existing class
8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Spell betrayal +4d6, spellstrike +2d6 —
9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Summon major demon +1 level of existing class
10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Spell betrayal +5d6 Bonus feat or +1 level of existing class
YVn!VcYZVX]ZkZc^c\i]Zldgh]^eZgbV`ZhV98(%8]Vg^hbV [ZlaZkZah^cgd\jZidZc]VcXZ]Zgh`^aaViig^X`ZgnVcYYZXZe"
X]ZX`idYZiZgb^cZ^[]Z]VhViigVXiZY<gVo»oi»hViiZci^dc·]Z i^dc#I]gVaahd[<gVo»oid[iZcldg`^cXVWVah·h^c^hiZg!hZXgZi^kZ
\V^chVWdcjhidi]^hgdaaZfjVaidi]ZcjbWZgd[YVnhi]Vi]Z]Vh dg\Vc^oVi^dchi]VihdbZi^bZhid^a^ciVcYZbl^i]VhhVhh^cdg
WZZc[Vhi^c\#DcXZhjXXZhh[ja!<gVo»oicdi^XZhVcYhZcYhdcZd[ i]^ZkZh»\j^aYhidV^Y^cbVcV\^c\VX^in»hXg^b^cVajcYZgldgaY#
]^hb^c^dchidWaZhhi]Zldgh]^eZg#I]^hb^c^dc^hine^XVaanV I]Zajhi[dgedlZgVcY`cdlaZY\ZVi]gVaad[<gVo»oi]Vh`cdlh
]Va["[^ZcYd[hdbZhdgi#I]^h[^cVahZ\bZcid[i]Z=daadl;ZVhi cdWdjcYh#
^ckdakZhi]Zb^c^dc^bW^W^c\k^Vahd[VX^YVcYi]Zc`^hh^c\i]Z I]^hegZhi^\ZXaVhh[^ghiVeeZVgZY^ci]Z7dd`d[K^aZ9Vg`cZhh
hjeea^XVci!Yjg^c\l]^X]h]ZeVhhZhi]ZVX^Y^cidi]Zhjeea^XVci»h eV\Zh+-¶+.#>i^hegZhZciZY]ZgZ!jeYViZYVcYha^\]iangZk^hZY
bdji]#I]^h^c[a^Xih&Y+ed^cihd[YVbV\Zdci]Zk^Xi^beZg`^hh! [dgjhZl^i]i]Z(#*gjaZhZi#
9gV\dcDXidWZg'%%, %
4=CAHA4@D8A4<4=CB 6A0IÀICÀB<8=8>=B
Skills: 7aj[[ ' gVc`h! 9^eadbVXn ' gVc`h! @cdlaZY\Z 6aahdgihd[YZbdchVcYWZVhihhZgkZ<gVo»oi!Wji]Z\ZcZgVaan
VgXVcV*gVc`h# [Vkdghi]ZWZVji^[jaVcYi]Z\a^WdkZgi]ZWZhi^VaVcYi]ZXgVhh#
Feats:I]gVaaid9Zbdc!K^daViZHeZaa# =^h gZVab ^h g^[Z l^i] aVb^Vh! hjXXjW^! ]Vge^Zh! VcY a^a^ijh!
Special:BjhiWZVWaZidXVhi(gY"aZkZaheZaahl^i]i]ZZk^a Vadc\ l^i] cjbZgdjh i^Z[a^c\h! XVbW^dch! ]Va["[^ZcYh! VcY
YZhXg^eidg di]ZgXgZVijgZhi]VigZhjai[gdbi]ZYVaa^VcXZWZilZZchjX]
Special:<gVo»oi»h[daadlZgh^c^i^ViZcZli]gVaah^cV]dgg^[^X gVeVX^djhYZbdchVcYbdgiVak^h^idghidi]ZgZVab#NZicdiVaa
g^iZXVaaZYi]Z=daadl;ZVhi!l]^X]^hYZiV^aZYVWdkZ#6i]gVaa" d[<gVo»oi»hb^c^dchVgZWZVji^[ja·YZ[dgbZYgjiiZg`^chhZgkZ
id"WZbjhiZcYjgZVcYhjgk^kZi]^hg^iZ# Vhi]ZadlZhiXVhiZd[X^i^oZc^c]^hX^inVcYVhi]ZadlZhigVc`
Class Skills) >cibdY^[^ZgeZgaZkZa/7aj[[8]V!8dcXZc" d[hdaY^Zg^c]^hVgbn#I]ZbV\^XVaan\^[iZYXVgcZkjhYZbdch
igVi^dc8dc!9ZX^e]ZgHXg^ei>ci!9^eadbVXn8]V!<Vi]Zg d[[heg^c\d[ViVcVg»g^VcYVaVb^VcdWaZ0hZZ:meZY^i^dcidi]Z
>c[dgbVi^dc8]V!=^YZ9Zm!@cdlaZY\ZVcn>ci!A^hiZc 9ZbdclZW E^ih VgZ eVgi^XjaVgan [VkdgZY Wn <gVo»oi WZXVjhZ
L^h!BdkZH^aZcian9Zm!DeZcAdX`9Zm!EZg[dgb8]V! d[i]Z^gVgXVcZedlZg!nZiVaabVccZgd[YZbdchZgkZ^c]^h
HZVgX]>ci!HZchZBdi^kZL^h!HaZ^\]id[=VcY9Zm!HeZaa" Xjaihdg^ci]ZX^in·]Zogdjh!kgdX`h!X]VhbZh!VcYWjaZoVjh
XgV[i>ci!HediL^h!JhZBV\^X9Zk^XZ8]V# ^ceVgi^XjaVg#
2;0BB540CDA4B V[iZgeaViddcd[YZbdc`^cY#I]ZWja`d[]^hVgb^ZhXdch^hid[
l^ZaY hldgYh edhhZhhZY Wn higVc\Z YZbdch `cdlc Vh XVa^\"
[dg i]Z^g XgZVi^dc# I]ZhZ aZ\ZcYVgn KVh]VgVch VgZ V gVXZ d[
Charm (Sp)NdjXVcjhZX]VgbeZghdcVhVheZaa"a^`ZVW^a^in
Spell Betrayal (Su)HiVgi^c\Vi'cYaZkZa!l]ZcndjXVhiV
i^dcVa &Y+ed^cihd[YVbV\Z#I]ZYVbV\ZYZVai^cXgZVhZhVh
Dark Charisma (Ex) Ndj \V^c i]Z a^hiZY Wdcjh Vh Vc
Zc]VcXZbZci Wdcjh dc Vaa 8]Vg^hbV"WVhZY X]ZX`h l]Zc
Summon Demon (Sp)HiVgi^c\Vi)i]aZkZa!ndjXVchjbbdc
Spellstrike (Su)6i+i]"aZkZa!ndjYZVaVcVYY^i^dcVa &Y+
YVbV\Z^cXgZVhZhid 'Y+ed^cihd[YVbV\Z#
9gV\dcDXidWZg'%%, &
hdgXZgZg&&lVhdcXZed^hZYid^c]Zg^ii]ZY^k^c^inXVhiVh^YZ Vcdi]Zg\dYa^c\idjcaZVh]jedcVldgaYcZlid]^hidjX]!l]^X]
WnLVj`ZZcd[i]Z;DG<DII:CG :6ABH!VcYhZgkZh]Zg[Vi]Zg XdjaYZmeaV^cl]ni]Z9Vg`Eg^cXZ]VhWZZchd[dgi]Xdb^c\^c
idYVnVhVeg^kViZVhhVhh^c#8jghZYl^i]VaVX`d[VbW^i^dc!6go^Va ]^hiVa`hd[aViZl^i]]^hdcZ"i^bZb^higZhhVcY_V^aZg#
aZVhi"VXXdbea^h]ZYX]^aYgZc!nZi]ZgZbV^ch`Zn^c]^h[Vi]Zg»h 20;86A>BC>
eaVch[dg]^hXdcigdadkZgi]Z6WnhhVaWVgdcnd[KjaYZgeVncZ 6]Von!\]dhianldbVchiVcYhgZVYn[dgWViiaZ#=ZgZnZh\adlgZY!
^cVgZbdiZXdgcZgd[EVojc^V#DcZd[i]Z9Vg`Eg^cXZ»hbdhi WVia^`Zl^c\hjc[jga[gdb]ZgWVX`!VcYV[dg`ZYiV^aXd^ah^ci]ZV^g
dWhXjgZX]^aYgZc^h7ZanVgV8:[ZbVaZ]Va["[^ZcYaVb^Vgd\jZ WZ]^cY]Zg!Wji]Zg[aZh]^h]VonVcY^cY^hi^cXi!VabdhiVh^[h]ZY^Yc»i
($WVgY,$VgXVcZig^X`hiZg-!l]d!gjbdg]daYh!]VhgZXZcian fj^iZZm^hi#I]ZXgjZa!_V\\ZYhldgYh]Zl^ZaYh!]dlZkZg!^hYVc\Zg"
ZhXVeZY [gdb WZ^c\ ^beg^hdcZY Wn V edlZg[ja ZaVYg^c Xdc" djhanhda^YVcYgZVa#
NZiVaad[i]ZhZX]^aYgZceVaZ^cedlZgl]ZcXdbeVgZYid CALIGROSTO CR 6
<gVo»oi»heg^YZVcY_dn!i]ZXVbW^dcVcYYZb^\dY>jo#8dcXZ^kZY hp 68 (8 HD); Ref lective DR 15/bludgeoning and
Yjg^c\]^hV[[V^gVcY^beg^hdcbZciWn>\\l^ak!>jo]VhWZXdbZV piercing
edlZg[ja[dgXZ^c]^hdlcg^\]iVcY]Vh[VgZmXZZYZYi]ZZmeZXiV" CE Medium outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar, incor-
i^dchd[Wdi]]^heVgZcih#CdlVYZb^\dYVcYi]ZgjaZgd[VkVhi poreal, loumara)
Zbe^gZ!>jo]VhbjgYZgZY`^c\Ydbh!hiVgiZYlVgh!VcYhaV^cXdjci" Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +13, Spot +13
aZhh]ZgdZh^c]^hgZaVi^kZanh]dgii^bZdcDZgi]#>ci^bZ!>jobVn Languages Abyssal, Common; telepathy 100 ft.
AC 21, touch 21, flat-footed 16
(+5 Dex, +6 deflection)
Immune acid, electricity, fire, incorporeal traits
Resist cold 10; SR 17
Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +8
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Melee +1 keen greatsword +15/+10 (2d6+12/17–20) or
touch +13 (1d6 Str damage)
Base Atk +8; Grp +8
Atk Options Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm
Special Actions possess blade
Abilities Str —, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 22
SQ fiendish shade, infuse weapon, invisibility, martial
Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved
Initiative, Weapon Focus (greatsword)B, Weapon
Specialization (greatsword)B
Skills Bluff +17, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (local) +12,
Knowledge (the planes) +12, Listen +13, Search +12,
Sense Motive +13, Spot +13, Tumble +16
Possessions +1 keen greatsword
Fiendish Shade (Su) As long as a caligrosto is wielding
a weapon, it creates a phantom image of the last
creature it damaged, although this incorporeal image
is of a fiendish incarnation of the creature dupli-
cated. A caligrosto can only duplicate the image of
a creature capable of wielding a slashing weapon,
and it remains Medium size no matter what size the
original creature was. Once a caligrosto has taken on
the shade of an enemy in this manner, it gains a +2
insight bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage
9gV\dcDXidWZg'%%, '
rolls made against that target. detected by most effects that detect creatures (such
Infuse Weapon (Su) A caligrosto can infuse a magic as see invisibility or locate creature). Detect chaos and
weapon it has possessed with the keen weapon detect evil reveal that the possessed weapon has that
quality. More powerful caligrostos can infuse addi- alignment, but not that a demon lurks inside. True
tional weapon qualities into their blades. A caligrosto seeing reveals the weapon to be seething with coils
with at least 14 Hit Dice can infuse its weapon with of what appears to be mist flecked with lightning.
keen and wounding special qualities. The most pow- The caligrosto can still observe the world around it,
erful caligrostos (those with 20 or more Hit Dice) but its ability to interact with the world is limited to
can infuse a possessed weapon with keen, wounding, telepathy.
and vorpal qualities. Infused weapon qualities stack A creature can wield a caligrosto-possessed
with any existing weapon qualities a weapon may weapon as if it were a normal weapon. Often, the
have, but not with weapon qualities of the same caligrosto infuses the weapon (see above) to make it
name. Thus, a 20-HD caligrosto that possesses a +3 more appealing and more likely that it will be used in
unholy speed longsword would be able to infuse it into combat. It may even use telepathy to try to convince a
a +3 unholy speed keen wounding vorpal longsword. creature that it is an intelligent weapon—in this case,
Invisibility (Su) A caligrosto is invisible in its natural the caligrosto tries to encourage its new “owner” to
(nonshade) form when it isn’t possessing a blade. attack creatures capable of wielding weapons.
This ability is constant, allowing the caligrosto to Once a caligrosto-possessed weapon strikes any
remain invisible even when attacking. This ability creature that is capable of wielding it (regardless
is inherent and not subject to the invisibility purge of the creature’s size), the caligrosto can attempt
spell. to wrench free from its wielders grasp and create a
Martial Prowess (Ex) A caligrosto is uncannily adept at fiendish shade of that creature. A caligrosto often
wielding bladed weapons. Once it has possessed a tries to convince its wielder telepathically that this is
blade, it is treated as if proficient with that weapon, merely a short-lived but potent variant of the dancing
and as if it had Weapon Focus and Weapon Special- quality, hoping to let its wielder allow the effect to
ization with that weapon type. More powerful calig- occur without resisting. The wielder can attempt a DC
rostos gain additional bonus feats—a caligrosto with 20 Will save to prevent a wielded caligrosto weapon
at least 12 Hit Dice also gains Greater Weapon Focus from flying out of her hands to utilize its fiendish
with its currently possessed weapon as a bonus feat. shade ability. This save DC is Charisma-based.
Finally, a caligrosto with at least 18 Hit Dice gains Once a caligrosto gets free of its wielder and
Greater Weapon Specialization with its currently pos- assumes a fiendish shade, it can remain in that mode
sessed weapon as a bonus feat. Although caligrostos eternally. Typically, a caligrosto helps its previous
have no Strength score, they use their Dexterity mod- owner defeat the creature before turning on her in
ifier to modify their attack rolls with their possessed hopes of creating a fiendish shade of her, but some-
weapon, and modify damage with the weapon using times a caligrosto can’t wait for treachery and attacks
their Charisma modifier (in the same manner that its previous wielder as soon as it escapes.
Strength adjusts damage with weapons). A caligrosto can be forced out of a weapon it is
Possess Blade (Su) Unlike most loumaras, caligrostos possessing by banishment, dismissal, dispel chaos,
cannot possess living creatures. Their ability to pos- or dispel evil. When a caligrosto is driven out in this
sess is limited to slashing weapons. A caligrosto may manner, the weapon it was possessing drops to the
attempt to possess any unattended slashing weapon ground. The caligrosto can attempt to re-possess the
by taking a full-round action (this provokes an attack weapon on its next action (although if the weapon is
of opportunity). Against nonmagic weapons, a calig- magical, it gains a new Will save to resist this new
rosto is automatically successful. A magic weapon possession attempt as if the demon had never before
can make a DC 20 Will save (this save DC is Cha- attempted to possess it). If a caligrosto-possessed
risma-based) to resist the possession—if the object weapon is destroyed, the caligrosto is forced out of
succeeds, the caligrosto may never again attempt the weapon and must make a DC 20 Fortitude save
to possess that particular bladed weapon. Once a to avoid being stunned for 1d3 rounds.
caligrosto possesses a weapon, it may come and go Reflective Damage Reduction (Su) As long as a calig-
as it pleases, taking a move action to enter and leave rosto’s fiendish shade ability is in effect, it gains
the blade. DR 15/bludgeoning and piercing. Slashing damage
While possessing a sword, the caligrosto is immo- negated by this damage reduction is applied to the
bile and cannot take attack actions, nor can it be creature whose shape is currently being mocked by
9gV\dcDXidWZg'%%, (
the loumara’s fiendish shade ability. For example, i]ZYj`Z»h[Vb^an!i]ZXjggZciYj`ZegZ[ZghidjhZldgYh^chiZVY
if a caligrosto’s fiendish shade is imitating Lidda, d[lZVedchidhdakZegdWaZbh#Jc[dgijcViZan[dg]^b!]Zcdl
and Krusk strikes the demon with his +3 greataxe [VXZhVh^ijVi^dcl]ZgZ]Z]VhZm]VjhiZYldgYhVcYbjhibV`Z
and causes 25 points of damage, 15 points of that Vh]dld[b^\]i#L^aa]Zl^ZaYi]ZhldgY]^bhZa[!dgl^aa]Z
damage are negated and applied to Lidda instead, aZcY^iidhdbZdcZ]Zigjhih4
while the caligrosto takes the 10 points of damage
not negated by the damage reduction. Nonmagic 4R^[^Vh
weapons cannot harm the caligrosto (due to its 6XVa^\gdhid^h[VgbdgZa^`ZanidedhhZhhVlZVedc^cVcVXi^kZ
incorporeal traits) and thus are not affected by this h]de![dg\Z!dgVgbdgni]Vc^i^hidedhhZhhlZVedch^cgZbdiZ
unusual defensive ability. ]^YYZcigZVhjgZXVX]ZhdgVWVcYdcZYWViiaZ[^ZaYh#I]ZhZ]ViZ[ja
Strength Drain (Su) A caligrosto deals 1d6 points of YZbdcha^kZ[dga^iiaZZahZi]Vci]Zi]g^aad[Xjii^c\!Wjiedl"
Strength damage with its touch attack. Whenever it Zg[jaYZbdchdgdi]ZgXgZVijgZhXVchdbZi^bZhXdck^cXZeaV"
deals Strength damage to a target, a caligrosto heals iddchd[XVa^\gdhidhidhZgkZi]ZbVh\jVgYhdghdaY^Zgh#6hadc\
5 points of damage; if the demon is healthy, it instead VhVXVa^\gdhidaZ\^dc^hVaadlZYidXjiVcYhiVWdcVgZ\jaVg
gains this healing as temporary hit points.
8Va^\gdhidhVgZeZg]Vehi]ZbdhihVY^hi^Xd[i]Z`cdlcineZhd[ edlZg[jaadgY#
adjbVgV·VcYXdch^YZg^c\i]Zdi]Zgi]gZZ^cXajYZi]ZcVijgZ" Environment:6hcdiZYVWdkZ!XVa^\gdhidhXVcWZ[djcY^c
gVo^c\lgVi]d[i]ZbVc^idjh!i]ZXdgehZ"]Vjci^c\YZXVYZcXZ VcnZck^gdcbZcii]VildjaY]VkZVhaVh]^c\lZVedc!Wjii]Zn
d[ i]Z YnWWj`h! VcY i]Z bjgYZg"]Veen bVaZkdaZcXZ d[ i]Z egZ[ZgidWZ^ci]dhZeaVXZhi]Vi]VkZi]Z\gZViZhiediZci^Va[dg
\jZXjWjh!i]^h^cY^XViZhVaZkZad[XgjZaini]VihdbZYZbdch Wdi] l^ZaYZgh VcY k^Xi^bh i]dj\] V l^ZaYZg XVc YZ[^c^iZan
b^\]iZkZcWZh]dX`ZYVi#HeVlcZY^ci]Z9gZVb^c\<ja[d[ WZXdbZVk^Xi^b#
i]Z6Wnhh[gdbi]Zc^\]ibVgZhd[Vadc\"[dg\diiZcYZVY\dYd[ Typical Physical Characteristics:L]ZccdiedhhZhh^c\
]ZVa^c\VcYXgV[ihbVch]^e!i]ZXVa^\gdhidXdbZ^cidi]ZldgaY VhaVh]^c\lZVedc!VXVa^\gdhidadd`h[^ZcY^h]anh^b^aVgidi]Z
l^i]VgZYajhi[dgi]ZZY\Zd[VWaVYZ# aVhiXgZVijgZ^iYVbV\ZY!i]dj\]^igZbV^chhdbZl]ViWajggn
6ai]dj\]^cXdgedgZVaVcYgZbV^c^c\hddcXZi]Zn]VkZXgZ" VcY\]dhian^i^h^cXdgedgZVaVhV[^ZcY^h]h]VYZ#>[^i^hc»iedh"
ViZYV[^ZcY^h]h]VYZ!VXVa^\gdhid»hlZVedcgZbV^chVe]nh^XVa hZhh^c\VWaVYZdg^c^ihh]VYZ[dgb!i]ZXVa^\gdhid^hVc^ck^h"
dW_ZXiVcY^hi]jhhjW_ZXiidVgbdg#A^`Zl^hZ!l]^aZVXVa^\" ^WaZ!h]VeZaZhhbVhh#
gdhidXVcbdkZi]gdj\]hda^YdW_ZXih!i]ZnYdhddcan^cXVhZh Alignment: 6h V YZbdc! V XVa^\gdhid ]Vh V X]Vdi^X Zk^a
d[ZmigZbZeZg^a!h^cXZYd^c\hd[dgXZhi]ZbidaZVkZWZ]^cY Va^\cbZci#
l^i]gZXaV^b^c\Xdcigdad[i]VilZVedc!VcYdcXZ^iYdZhhd!^ih 20;86A>BC>;>A4
lgVi]^ckVg^VWanijgchjedci]dhZl]d[dgXZY^iidVWVcYdc^ih Characters who have ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
WaVYZ# can learn more about caligrostos. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower DCs.
[dgVegdheZXi^kZl^ZaYZgidiV`Z^i#6[iZgVXVa^\gdhid]VhiVhiZY Ademb[Z][J^[FbWd[i
DC Result
VcYWZXdbZh[jaanVWaZidXVggndcl^i]^ihgZbdghZaZhhcZZY 16 This tanar’ri demon from the Abyss is a caligrosto. When
idXjiVcYha^XZa^k^c\[aZh][gdbWdcZ!jhjVaanhiVgi^c\l^i] in its natural, invisible form, it often inhabits weapons.
^ihdcZ"i^bZl^ZaYZg# 21 A caligrosto is immune to acid, electricity, and fire, plus
it is resistant to cold. It has spell resistance, darkvision,
BP\_[T4]R^d]cTa and telepathy.
26 A caligrosto in a blade can take the form of the last crea-
I]ZbdhiXdbbdcZcXdjciZgl^i]VXVa^\gdhiddjih^YZd[i]Z ture it damaged. Slashing weapons aren’t particularly
6Wnhh^ckdakZh^iWZ^c\[djcYVhVlZVedc^cVadXVi^dcWnegd" effective against it, and slashing attacks can cause unex-
heZXi^kZl^ZaYZgh!VcY^iegZ[Zghid[^cYV]dbZ^chdbZi]^c\ pected damage to the being the caligrosto is imitating.
31 Caligrostos can infuse weapons with various qualities,
i]VieZdeaZlVa`WnZkZgnYVn# plus they can weaken an opponent by a mere touch. They
A New Weapon (EL 6):6cdgcViZadc\hldgY\a^cihdci]Z can be forced out of a weapon by banishment, dismissal,
lVaad[VYj`Z»h`ZZe#I]dj\]i]ZhldgY]VhVadc\]^hidgnl^i] dispel chaos, or dispel evil.
9gV\dcDXidWZg'%%, !
;>D<0A034<>=B ig^X`ZYVX^ind[YZkVh^cidb^c^c\i]ZhidcZ[dg]^b!Wjii]Vi
The loumaras are a relatively young race of demons
spawned from a layer of the Abyss called the Dream-
ing Gulf, an empty realm where the lingering dreams id]^b]ZgZ^ci]Z6Wnhh#L]ViWZXVbZd[i]ZhZYZkVh^hWZhi
and nightmares of a now-forgotten pantheon of gods aZ[ijchV^Y#
is slowly being consumed and digested by the Abyss. Cd[ZlZgi]Vch^min"h^midlZghd[^kdgn!ZVX]l^i]^ihdlc
What the Abyss “excretes” from these dreams are the i]ZbZhVcYejgedhZ!\gVXZi]ZeVaVXZ#H^md[i]ZbdgZlZaa"
loumaras, which are bodiless demons with the ability `cdlcidlZghVcYi]Z^gXdciZcihVgZYZiV^aZY^cWg^Z[WZadl#
to possess living creatures or objects to carry out their The Hundredfold Hall of Silver:I]Zgddbhd[i]^hidlZg
own twisted and evil goals. Their indistinct natures and VgZa^cZYl^i]b^ggdghVcY\jVgYZYWnVaZ\^dcd[h^beZg^c\
lack of physical forms have resulted in relative obscurity b^ggdgbZe]^ih#<gVo»oiZc_dnhk^h^i^c\i]^hidlZgYjg^c\]^h
on the Material Plane, but their presence is well-known [^ihd[kVc^inVcYeg^YZ#
on the Abyss. The Lady’s Study:HV^YidWZi]ZdcanidlZgidl]^X]<gVo»oi
Loumara Traits: A loumara has the following traits
(unless otherwise noted in the creature’s entry).
—Immunity to acid, electricity, and fire.
—Resistance to cold 10. id6ooV\gVi#
—Incorporeal: All loumaras have the incorporeal The Spiral of Storms:I]Zil^hi^c\gddbhd[i]^hidlZgVgZ
subtype when not possessing a physical body. \^kZcdkZgidk^daZcil^cYhidgbh!WaVhihd[a^\]ic^c\!idggZci^Va
—Possession (Su) All loumaras can possess physical Ydlcedjgh!VcYdi]ZgiZbeZhih<gVo»oi]VhXdaaZXiZYVcYegZ"
objects or creatures. The exact kind of object or crea- hZgkZY]ZgZ[dg]^hZciZgiV^cbZci#>i^hhV^Y]ZjhZhi]ZidlZg
ture and the nature of its possession ability is noted in VhV\VjciaZiidiZhicZlgZXgj^ihid]^h^ccZg\jVgY·^[i]Zn
the creature’s description. XVccVk^\ViZ^ihX]VbWZghVcYhjgk^kZ!i]ZnVgZ\gVciZYheZX^Va
—Telepathy. [Vkdgh#I]Z[VXii]Vii]ZHe^gVad[Hidgbh^hi]ZaV^gd[kgdX`h!
8Va^\gdhidhYdc»iXVggnigZVhjgZl^i]i]Zb·i]ZniV`Zi]Z[dgb The Tower of Doors:I]^hidlZg^hhV^YidXdciV^ccjbZgdjh
d[haVh]^c\lZVedch^chiZVY# edgiVah!^cXajY^c\dcZid6go^Va»hbVcdgdcEVojc^V!dcZidV
6A0IÀICÀBA40;< c^jb!VcYdcZidVc^gdc[dgigZhhgjaZYWndcZd[<gVo»oi»h[Zl
<gVo»oi^hi]ZdcanYZbdcadgYid]VkZi]Z]dcdgd[XVaa^c\i]gZZ bVaZjaigVadi]l^oVgY&)#
6WnhhVaaVnZgh]^hdlc#L]^aZdi]ZgYZbdcadgYhbVn]VkZV The Velvet Realm:Cdidg^djhi]gdj\]djii]ZeaVcZh!i]^h
Xdcigdaa^c\^ciZgZhi^ccZ^\]Wdg^c\aVnZghhjX]Vh9Zbd\dg" idlZg ^h hlVi]ZY ^c WaVX` VcY hXVgaZi VcY ^c]VW^iZY Wn i]Z
\dc»h]daYdkZgi]Z7addYH]Vaadlh!dgEVojoj»h^c[ajZcXZdkZg YVg`eg^cXZ»heZghdcVaeaZVhjgZhaVkZh!X]dhZc[gdbi]Zbdhi
i]Z h`^Zh d[ EVojc^V! dcan <gVo»oi ^h i]Z adgY d[ i]gZZ# I]^h WZVji^[jaVcYYZXVYZcid[hjXXjW^!^cXjW^!aVb^Vh!]jbVcd^Yh!
ig^eaZ"gZVab^h`cdlcXdaaZXi^kZanVh6ooV\gVi!VcY^iXdch^hih VcYdi]ZgXgZVijgZh!bVaZVcY[ZbVaZVa^`Z![gdbi]gdj\]dji
d[i]Z)*i]!)+i]!VcY),i]aVnZghd[i]Z6Wnhh#<gVo»oi»hXVe^iVa i]Zbjai^kZghZ#DcZd[BVaXVci]Zi»ha^a^ijhe^ZhgZXZcian^c[^a"
X^ind[OZaViVghigVYYaZhVaai]gZZaVnZgh!^ihX^inlVaahZcXdb" igViZYi]^h]VgZbVcYhZYjXZY<gVo»oi#L]Zc]ZY^hXdkZgZY
eVhh^c\;d\idlcdci]Z)*i]aVnZg!<VaaZc\]Vhidci]Z)+i]!VcY i]ZigZVX]Zgn!]ZbjgYZgZYVaad[]^hXdchdgihVcYhZVaZYi]Z
9Vg`[aVbZdci]Z),i]#H^b^aVgan!<gVo»oi»h6g\ZciEVaVXZZm^hih idlZg·gjbdg]daYhi]Vii]ZjcYZVYhe^g^ihd[i]ZhaVj\]iZgZY
h^bjaiVcZdjhanl^i]^cVaai]gZZd[i]ZhZhZXi^dchd[OZaViVg!nZi Xdchdgihcdl]daYXdjgil^i]^ci]ZKZakZiGZVab!]de^c\dcZ
l]ZgZVhi]Zi]gZZhZXi^dchd[i]ZX^inVgZVaaY^[[ZgZcilVgYhd[ YVnidajgZi]Z^g9Vg`Eg^cXZWVX`[dgjc]daneaZVhjgZh#
i]ZhVbZXVe^iVa!i]Z6g\ZciEVaVXZgZbV^chjcX]Vc\ZYYZhe^iZ Weal of the Blooded:I]^hZci^gZidlZg^hYZY^XViZYid
i]ZadXVi^dcd[^ihZcigVcXZh#I]ZeVaVXZ^hi]ZXdgZd[<gVo»oi»h WaddYVcY^ihaZii^c\!ViiZcYZYWnVXVWVad[h^mkVbe^gZhadnVa
`^c\Ydb!i]ZancX]e^cdcl]^X]]^hZci^gZig^eaZ"gZVab^hWVa" id<gVo»oihdbZd[i]Z[ZljcYZVYi]Z9Vg`Eg^cXZgZiV^ch#>i»h
VcXZY#LZgZ]ZidadhZXdcigdad[i]^h^begZhh^kZeVaVXZ!Vaai]gZZ jcXaZVg^[i]Z9Vg`Eg^cXZkVajZhi]^hidlZg»hXdciZcih[dgVc
d[]^hgZVabhldjaYhj[[ZgVXViVhigde]^Xh]ViiZg^c\# jc`cdlcegVXi^XVaejgedhZdg^[^ihYg^ee^c\]VaahVgZbZgZan
;dgijcViZan[dg<gVo»oi!i]Z6g\ZciEVaVXZ^hdcZd[i]Zbdhi VZhi]Zi^X# 8ZgiV^can i]Z ^bbZchZ idgijgZ X]VbWZg! Wj^ai id
lZaa"YZ[ZcYZY[dgigZhhZh^ci]Zbjai^kZghZ#AZ\^dchd[kgdX`h gZhZbWaZVWaddY"hdV`ZYZaVYg^ciZbeaZ!hZZheaZcind[jhZV[iZg
eVigdai]Zh`^ZhVWdkZ!VcYXdjciaZhh]dggdgh^c[Zhii]ZYjc" VhjXXZhh[jalVg#
9gV\dcDXidWZg'%%, !