Novelnon aqueousMEAsolutionsforCO2capture
Novelnon aqueousMEAsolutionsforCO2capture
Novelnon aqueousMEAsolutionsforCO2capture
Institute for Materials and Processes, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JL, United Kingdom
Keywords: Present obstacles for CO2 capture involve reducing capital and energy costs. This study describes carbon dioxide
Monoethanolamine capture with monoethanolamine (MEA) in organic solvents as a way to reduce the energy consumption during
Non-aqueous solutions desorption. The solvents used in this study are a mixture of ethylene glycol and 1-propanol (EG/PrOH), die-
CO2capture thylene glycol monoethyl ether (DEGMEE), and N-methylformamide (NMF). A microwave regeneration tech-
Energy efficiency
nique was used to easily and quickly screen the performances of the amine solutions and experiments were
Microwave regeneration
designed to investigate the solvent effects on CO2 capture by MEA. Globally, DEGMEE solutions resulted in the
lowest energy consumptions and good CO2 cyclic capacities; the best solutions reducing the energy consumption
by 78% in comparison to the traditional 30 wt% MEA aqueous solution. These findings show that organic sol-
vents have much promise in improving CO2 capture technology. It was also found that using NMF greatly
enhanced the CO2 absorption kinetics but was detrimental during the desorption step.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X. Fan).
Received 7 January 2019; Received in revised form 15 April 2019; Accepted 18 April 2019
Available online 30 April 2019
1750-5836/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Bougie, et al. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 86 (2019) 34–42
oriented toward developing efficient non-aqueous amine solutions a cold trap to avoid significant solvent loss, a non-dispersive infrared
based on their absorption and regeneration performances but also CO2 sensor (COZIR-W-100, CO2 calibration range: 0–70% v/v) and fi-
taking into account their regeneration energy consumption. nally a flow meter (Brooks Instruments SLA5860, 0–500 ml/min) before
Several properties need to be considered when selecting potential exiting through an exhaust line. The outlet CO2 flow rate was calculated
solvents, and low values of its heat capacity, vapor pressure and visc- by multiplying the CO2 sensor and flow meter readings. A blank ab-
osity are expected. The solvent also need to be available at low cost and sorption run was performed with an empty reactor to allow the ab-
it should show good solubility to the amine and CO2 products. Three sorbed quantity of CO2 to be calculated by integrating the difference
different solvents were selected in this study: (i) N-methylformamide between the CO2 breakthrough curves of the blank and sample. The
(NMF), (ii) diethylene glycol monoethyl ether (DEGMEE), and (iii) an CO2 loading in solution was calculated as the ratio of the absorbed
ethylene glycol/1-propanol mixture (EG/PrOH). quantity of CO2 (mol) to the amount of amine (mol) in solution. All
NMF was introduced as it is a common solvent found in laboratories absorption experiments were performed at atmospheric pressure and
with a high boiling point and low heat capacity and there was sig- room temperature and to avoid unexpected CO2 absorption by the so-
nificant interest in examining the effect of a highly polar solvent (high lution, all gas lines were purged with N2 before and between experi-
dielectric constant) with an amide group on CO2 absorption and deso- mental runs.
rption performances. To the best of our knowledge, no other studies
were found in the literature testing NMF for CO2 capture and the effect 2.3. Regeneration setup and procedure
of various polarity values has not been studied. DEGMEE on the other
hand, is a low polar solvent (low dielectric constant) with a high boiling The regenerations of the CO2-loaded MEA solutions were performed
point and a good representative of ether molecules. Ethers were found using the same quartz reactor as in the absorption experiments but
to be good potential solvents for CO2 capture due, in part, to their low using microwave irradiations to heat the sample. This technique was
CO2 Henry’s law constant (Henni et al., 2005; Li et al., 2014). A mixture used for its ease of operation and its ability to quickly heat the solution
of EG/PrOH was the additional solvent used in this study. EG is a sol- to the desired temperature while allowing the determination of the
vent commonly found in literature regarding CO2 capture (Barzagli energy consumption. The microwaves were produced by a magnetron
et al., 2014, 2013; Park et al., 2005; Xu et al., 2002) and the mixture operating at 2.45 GHz and controlled by an Alter SM445 power supply
with propanol produced a solvent containing many hydroxyl groups. with a maximum output power of 1.2 kW. A single mode waveguide
EG was mixed with propanol to reduce the viscosity of the solution directed the microwave energy towards respectively: (i) a dual-direc-
while maintaining a high boiling point as proposed by Barzagli tional coupler (GAE Inc., GA310x, calibrated to take into account the
(Barzagli et al., 2014). presence of the quartz reactor) which measure the forward and re-
Various MEA-based solutions with these solvents were tested flected microwave power flow, (ii) a resonant cavity where the liquid
through single CO2 absorption and regeneration steps as well as from sample is located, and (iii) a sliding short circuit (Sairem) to reflect the
cyclic experiments to assess their CO2 absorption and desorption per- microwave at normal incidence. Non-absorbed microwave power was
formances. Their energy consumptions were monitored during the absorbed by a water dummy-load. The temperature of the solution was
desorption steps to find which solutions required less energy while measured at the center of the liquid bulk every second with a fiber optic
having a high CO2 cyclic capacity. Results were also compared with sensor probe (Opsens OTG-MPK8).
those of the well-known 30 wt% MEA aqueous solution. To the best of Prior to the start of the microwave irradiation, a nitrogen flow was
our knowledge, similar results are not available in the open literature established at 100 ml/min to purge the gas lines from possible residual
but are essential for further improvement in the design of energy-effi- CO2 and then acted as a sweeping gas. The microwave source was
cient CO2 absorbent solutions. turned on at an initial power of 125 W to heat the solution from am-
bient to the desired regeneration temperature and then the power was
2. Methods & experimental manually reduced and controlled to maintain a constant temperature.
The installed dual-directional couplers measured the forward and re-
2.1. Reagents flected microwave power flows and the difference between them re-
presented the amount of energy absorbed by the solution. At the end of
In this work, all solutions were prepared using MEA (CAS No. 141- the regeneration time, the magnetron was turned off and the solution
43-5, 98%, Sigma-Aldrich UK) and DEGMEE (CAS No. 111-90-0, 99%, was allowed to cool down. The amount of stripped CO2 was determined
Honeywell), NMF (CAS No. 123-39-7, 99%, Acros Organics), or an EG by direct integration of the outlet CO2 flow rate. For all the tested so-
(CAS No. 107-21-1, 99%, Sigma-Aldrich UK) and PrOH (CAS No. 71-23- lution, it was visually observed that the solution quantity was qualita-
8, 99%, Acros Organics) mixture (1:1 vol ratio at 25 °C). A Sartorius tively at the same level than before the regeneration step.
ED224S balance with a precision of ± 1 × 10−4 g was used to prepare
the solutions and it was calculated that the uncertainty of the reported 2.4. Studied systems
concentrations was less than 0.1 wt%. Gases used for absorption and
desorption experiments (CO2 and N2) were of commercial grade with a As the first test, MEA solutions (20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 wt%) with
minimum purity of 99.99% (Linde Group UK). each of the selected solvent (DEGMEE, NMF and EG/PrOH) were
characterized by a single CO2 absorption and desorption step. The se-
2.2. Absorption setup and procedure lected range of concentration is based on our previous work (Bougie
and Fan, 2018) which showed that the MEA concentration needs to be
As an exhaustive description of the absorption/regeneration setup high enough to sustain a fast absorption kinetic but not too high to
can be found in our previous work (Bougie and Fan, 2018), only the avoid highly viscous solutions. For these experiments, the CO2 ab-
important characteristics will be summarized here. All experiments sorption was accomplished until the solution was almost saturated
started with an absorption step where 5 g of solution was contained in a which took between 30 and 50 min depending on the MEA concentra-
small cylindrical quartz reactor which had an inside diameter of 14 mm tion. Then the solutions were regenerated at 90 °C for 50 min. Based on
and a wall thickness of 1.5 mm. A binary gas mixture (20% CO2 and the absorption capacity and regeneration performances (quantity of
80% N2) was bubbled at the bottom of the solution through a small stripped CO2 and energy consumption), the best solutions were sub-
quartz tube at a total flow rate of 100 ml/min via two calibrated mass mitted to cyclic absorption-regeneration experiments to mimic the in-
flow controllers (Brooks Instruments GF-Series, 0–400 ml/min N2, dustrial CO2 capture process. Absorption steps of 15 min were followed
0–100 ml/min CO2). The outlet gas stream passed successively through by 12 min of regeneration at 90 °C. Several cycles were done until the
F. Bougie, et al. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 86 (2019) 34–42
Fig. 1. Values of various physico-chemical properties for selected pure organic solvents and MEA in comparison to water; (a) viscosity at 20 °C; (b) vapor pressure at
25 °C; (c) specific heat capacity at 25 °C; and (d) dipole moment. *Estimated values based on mole fraction of each component in the mixture.
absorbed CO2 quantity was similar to the stripped one, indicating that a circumvent this problem, EG was mixed in a 1:1 vol ratio with propanol
steady-state condition was reached. This usually took up to 4 cycles (μ = 2.26 mPa·s at 20 °C (Kroschwitz and Seidel, 2004)) to reduce the
depending on the MEA concentration and nature of the solvent. viscosity while maintaining a high boiling point (˜150 °C) as proposed
by Barzagli (Barzagli et al., 2014). Propanol was used instead of the
3. Results and discussion traditional methanol or ethanol for its higher boiling point and lower
evaporation tendency while higher alcohols (e.g. butanol, pentanol,
3.1. Solvent properties hexanol) were discarded to avoid solubility issues with the amines and
products obtained after CO2 absorption.
MEA was selected for this study as it is considered as a benchmark
amine for CO2 capture in the literature (Luis, 2016). The solvents NMF, 3.2. CO2 absorption experiments
DEGMEE and EG/PrOH were chosen for their low heat capacity, rela-
tively high boiling point (so low vapor pressure), and low cost (Bipp As explained in Section 2.4., CO2 absorption experiments were first
and Kieczka, 2011; Chiu and Li, 1999; Daubert, 1989; Dow Chemical performed with all the selected solutions and their absorption capacity
Company, 1989; Lewis, 2007; Riddick et al., 1985). Some important profiles are presented in Fig. 2 to visualize the solvent’s effects on the
physico-chemical properties of these solvents (Li et al., 2009), MEA loading capacity and kinetics of CO2 absorption by MEA.
(Mandal et al., 2003) and water are shown in Fig. 1. Estimated prop- From Fig. 2 (a–c), it is possible to see, as expected, that the total
erties of the EG/PrOH solvent were also included, based on mole amount of absorbed CO2 increased with the amine concentration and
fraction of each component in the mixture. They were included for that generally, the absorbed quantity of CO2 at a specified MEA con-
qualitative comparisons and discussions only as no precise calculations centration (as in Fig. 2d) at the end of the absorption time follow this
were made with these data. It should be noted that all data included in trend: water > NMF > DEGMEE > EG/PrOH. The difference in the
figures in this work can be found in a dataset available online (Bougie final CO2 loading (e.g. highest at 0.50 mol/mol in water and lowest at
et al., 2019). 0.47 mol/mol in EG/PrOH for the 30 wt% MEA solutions) is however
As mentioned in the Introduction section, NMF (CH3-NH−CHO) quite small indicating a limited effect of the solvent on the total ab-
was introduced into the study as there was significant interest in ex- sorption capacity. This shows that the majority of the CO2 reacted
amining the effect of a highly polar solvent with an amide group in chemically with the amine and that the CO2 partial pressure was not
combination with MEA on CO2 absorption and desorption. To the best high enough to modify significantly the amount of physically dissolved
of our knowledge, no other studies were found in the literature using CO2 in solutions. The presence of bicarbonate/carbonate in the aqueous
NMF as a solvent for CO2 capture. DEGMEE (C2H5-O−CH2CH2- solution may explain the slightly higher absorption capacity using
O−CH2CH2OH) on the other hand, is a low polar solvent and a good water (Dang and Rochelle, 2003; Idris et al., 2014).
representative of an ether molecule. Ethers were found to be good po- Results displayed in Fig. 2(a, b, d) show that the kinetics of CO2
tential solvents for CO2 capture due, in part, to their low CO2 Henry’s absorption by MEA in EG/PrOH and DEGMEE are similar and that more
law constant (Henni et al., 2005; Li et al., 2014). A mixture of EG/PrOH concentrated solutions have better kinetics; the initial slope of their
(HO−CH2CH2−OH/CH3CH2CH2−OH) was the additional solvent absorption curves are higher. The CO2 absorption is clearly different in
used in this study. EG is a solvent commonly found in literature re- NMF (Fig. 2c) where all the curves are overlapping initially and then
garding CO2 capture (Barzagli et al., 2014, 2013; Park et al., 2005; Xu diverged one by one instead of spreading in an array of curves like in
et al., 2002) and the mixture with propanol produced a solvent con- Fig. 2a or b. A more spectacular way to notice the difference in ab-
taining many hydroxyl groups. EG was not used as a sole solvent due to sorption behaviour in NMF is to plot the CO2 absorption rate, as pre-
its high viscosity (μ = 19.9 mPa·s at 20 °C (Barzagli et al., 2014)) which sented in Fig. 3a for all the tested solutions in NMF and in Fig. 3(b–c)
could lower the solutions mass transfer and absorption efficiency. To where comparisons of the 30 wt% MEA solutions are shown. On Fig. 3b,
F. Bougie, et al. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 86 (2019) 34–42
Fig. 3. CO2 absorption rate for MEA solutions in (a) NMF. In (b), curves for
30 wt% MEA solutions in all tested solvents as a function of time and in (c), as a
function of the CO2 loading (mol/mol).
F. Bougie, et al. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 86 (2019) 34–42
toward zero as a loading near 0.5 is reached which indicate that almost
all the free MEA in these solutions have reacted.
F. Bougie, et al. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 86 (2019) 34–42
Figs. 5d and 6 show that the quantity of CO2 released during the
desorption process was generally higher from EG/PrOH or DEGMEE
non-aqueous solutions than from aqueous solutions. This corresponds to
a reverse trend from what is seen in Fig. 3b concerning the absorption
rate and show that a solvent improving the absorption will generally
have the opposite effect during desorption. Similarly, the amount of
CO2 stripped from MEA-NMF is much smaller than from the other
solvents. The reason for this poor performance may be the same used to
explain the fast absorption kinetics of CO2 with NMF in Section 3.2.1.: if
MEA is a stronger base (higher pKa) in NMF, the bonds with the ab-
sorbed CO2 in the carbamate (RNHCO2−) will be more difficult to break
leading to reduced desorption capacities. It was also noticed that during
the regeneration of the rich MEA-NMF solutions, some crystallization
occurred with crystals forming on the quartz reactor wall just above the
meniscus of the solution. This is the reason why these regenerations
were stopped earlier than with the other solvents.
F. Bougie, et al. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 86 (2019) 34–42
F. Bougie, et al. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 86 (2019) 34–42
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