What Is Fluency?: Raising Readers: Tips For Parents
What Is Fluency?: Raising Readers: Tips For Parents
What Is Fluency?: Raising Readers: Tips For Parents
What is Fluency?
Adapted from: Elish-Piper, L. (2010). Information and ideas for parents about
fluency and vocabulary. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 38(2), 48-49.
Reading fluency is the ability to read a text easily. Reading mean that children should read as fast as they possibly can.
fluency actually has four parts: accuracy, speed, expression and Rate needs to be combined with accuracy, expression and
comprehension. Each part is important, but no single part is comprehension to produce fluent reading. Some schools
enough on its own. A fluent reader is able to coordinate all four provide a target rate for students in each grade level, usually as
aspects of fluency. the number of correct words read per minute. You may wish
to ask your child’s teacher if there is a rate goal used for your
Accuracy: Reading words correctly is a key to developing
child’s grade level. Those rate targets are important, but they
fluency. Children need to be able to read words easily without
are not the only goal for fluency. For example, if a child reads
having to stop and decode them by sounding them out or
very quickly but does not read with expression or understand
breaking them into chunks. When children can accurately and
what is read, that child is not reading fluently.
easily read the words in a text, they are able to think about what
they are reading rather than putting all of their effort toward Expression: Expression in fluency refers to the ability to read
figuring out the words. To read a text fluently, a child should in a way that sounds like spoken language. This means that the
be able to read almost all of the words easily. In fact, a goal child uses appropriate emotion to read aloud, pauses for periods
of fluent reading is for the child to read at least 98 out of 100 and commas and emphasizes important words. Expression also
words accurately and easily. Accuracy combines with the other shows that the child understands what is being read.
three parts of fluency to produce fluent readers. Comprehension: Fluency is the bridge between being able
Speed: When children read fluently, they read at an efficient to read (or decode) words and to comprehend or understand
rate. This means that they read quickly. Rate does not what is read. The real goal of reading fluency is to help children
read a text with ease so they can focus on understanding what
they read. The human brain is amazing, but it can only handle a
limited number of tasks at the same time. If a child is struggling
to identify words, the child’s brain must focus all of its energy
on figuring out words rather than understanding what is read.
Jerry L. Johns Literacy Clinic
When the child is able to combine accuracy, rate, expression
College of Education
and comprehension, that is reading fluency.