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A Template For Creating Reality

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A Template for

experience and situation and person in our
life is created or drawn to us primarily by
the energies of our own emotions, thoughts,
beliefs, words and actions, we can begin to
manifest what we choose, consciously. Our
life becomes a deliberate creation instead of
an unconscious happenstance.

When we accept this inherent, human power

of deliberate creation and begin to use it, we
must also accept the responsibility for what
we create. We can no longer feel victimized
by outside forces; and we no longer have
anyone to blame for our troubles. Taking full
responsibility is a big step and a necessary
one -- and the payoff is that we gain
command of our own life.

There are probably as many ways of

implementing deliberate creation, as there
are people. Once you understand how it
works, you'll discover your own way. The
following procedure is one you can start
with, in any case. If possible, you may like
to begin at the time of a New Moon, which
is, itself, a strong, initializing energy.
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STEP 1: Picture it / Feel it:

What do you desire? Picture it, feel it. Imagine how it will affect all
aspects of your life. Spend some time living in your imagination of it.
Does it truly feel like the right thing for you? If so, take the next step.
If not, let go the desire as initially conceived. Let your imagination
reconfigure it, until either you find a form of it that does feel right or
you decide it was an unwise desire altogether.

STEP 2: Be 100% positive

Once the image feels right to you, you will feel justified in asking for it
to manifest. Once you begin the creation process, it's important to be
free of restrictions and limitations. Any thought that you may not
"deserve" what you're asking for, or that you can only have it if you
give up something else, will be strongly counterproductive.

STEP 3: Put it into words

Manifestation proceeds naturally from Thought to Word to Deed. We
start with a subtle feeling....which usually strengthens and defines
itself in the form of words. The careful making of an "affirmation,"
summarizing our desire precisely and concisely, is a powerful step.
Here are some suggestions:

 Don't use the words, "I want..." Say instead, "I choose..." or "I
do..." or "I have" or "I am..." (When we say we want something,
we energetically perpetuate our lack of it!)

 State your desire as truly and precisely as you can, in the fewest
words. Choose words that are emotionally powerful and
meaningful to you.

STEP 4: Let the universe work out the details

Know that, as a human being, you have the ability and the right to
create anything you can imagine. Be 100% positive in your asking,
and careful not to restrict the form of the answer. The universe has a
much greater imagination than you and I; it's best to let the universe
work out the details of filling our requests. If we ask that our desires
be fulfilled in the best way, for the greatest good, the answer may
exceed our wildest imagination. If we can free our viewpoint from
limitation, we may even see that what we desire is here already; that
we can have it by making a few small changes in our immediate
environment or merely in our way of thinking!
STEP 5: Connect to Source
Now it's time to connect to our Source. Each of us must follow our own
intuition to find the best way. Whether you call it prayer, meditation,
Yoga, Reiki, Chi Gung, Johrei, or nothing at all -- find a way of getting
to that place of absolute stillness and peace that is your spiritual heart.
That's the Source of all wisdom and power and creation, the Source of
life itself.

STEP 6: Energize with Breath!

Once you're still and peaceful in your spiritual heart, a few minutes of
conscious breathing can help to empower the connection. To the
ancient Hawaiians, this was such a natural and indispensable step,
they had a special name for people who didn't do it. They observed
that foreigners did not "breathe" before praying -- and they called
them Haole (Ha = "breath", ole = "lacking"), a term now used to mean
anyone not an ethnic Hawaiian (awareness of the word's meaning, and
of conscious breathing, seem generally to have been lost).

Here's a Hawaiian Huna ("secret") breathing practice, for empowering

the manifestation process:*

1. As you inhale, feel that you're bringing Heaven energy down

through the crown of your head, and Earth energy up through
the feet.

2. Feel the energies meet and mingle at the heart chakra.

3. Pause for one second, then exhale, letting the breath create an
energy field around you. (Try exhaling through the nose, and
then through the mouth - as if whispering the sound "Ha" - and
use whichever feels better to you.)
4. After the fourth exhalation, pause for 5 seconds and sense the
energy field you're creating.

This whole sequence is 1 cycle of breathing. Do 4 of these

cycles altogether. (I find it helpful to involve my hands in the
moving of the energy. As I inhale, the hands are just in front of the
body: I bring one of them, palm down, from above the head, the other
palm up from below, to stop, facing each other, a few inches apart, at
the heart chakra. Then, as I exhale, the hands return to their positions
for the start of the next inbreath.)

STEP 7: Plant the seed

Now we're ready to plant the feeling-image and the affirmation of our
new creation. Being a Reiki person, I like to add Reiki to the process.
You can use your hands in the same way, even if you're not attuned to
Reiki; your hands will be directing your own personal ki (life energy)
instead of Rei-ki (universal life energy).

You can do this standing, sitting, or lying on your back. You'll be

holding your hands in 4 different positions. At each one, you'll
picture/feel yourself in the situation you desire, and repeat a few times
(either mentally or aloud) your affirmation. At the end of the
affirmation, say: "All this in perfect timing for the greatest
good. SO BE IT (or SO IT IS, or THIS IS SO)."

As soon as you speak this, your creation comes into being. It has
reality and life; it awaits only the proper moment in time, when the
greatest good will truly be achieved by its manifestation. Do your best
to feel this reality, that what you have desired and asked for has
indeed been granted; and then say, "Thank You!"

These are the 4 hand positions:

1. One palm centered over each eye, with the fingers of each hand
covering the brow chakra -- OR one palm centered on brow
chakra, the other on back of head, where the spinal cord enters
the skull. This plants your new creation in the realm of

2. Both palms centered on throat chakra; one on the front, one on

the back (if this is not comfortable, you can put both on the
front). This plants your new creation in the realm of
3. One palm centered on heart chakra, the other on solar plexus
chakra. This plants your new creation in the realm of
4. One palm centered on solar plexus chakra, the other above the
head, a few inches above the crown chakra. (In the Huna
system, the solar plexus is considered the home of the
subconscious mind, and above the crown is the super conscious
mind or High Self. With the hands in these positions, have the
intention that you are sending the seed of your new creation
from the subconscious mind to the super conscious.) This
plants your new creation in the super conscious mind or
High Self.

STEP 8: Water the seed every day

Spend some time every day repeating the sequence: connecting to
your inner stillness, energizing with breath, doing the hand positions
and the feeling-image/affirmation. This "waters" the seed you planted.
Do it every day until your desire has fully manifested. Along the way,
give thanks as each element of your creation

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