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Iot Base Project

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Electrical Engineering Project Proposal

Design and implementation of IOT based ATM security and theft

monitoring system.

Submitted By:

Akmal khan 17F/EE/036

Sadiq amin 17F/EE/056
M.ishaq 17F/EE/049
Wisal ahmad 17F/EE/031

List of Proposed Supervisor:

1) Engr Sikandar Afridi

2) Engr Sakhi rehman
3) Engr Taimur Ahmad Khan


The Idea of Designing and Implementation of Security Based ATM theft project is born with
the observation in our real life incidents happening around us. This project deals with
prevention of ATM theft from robbery. So overcome the drawback found in existing
technology in our society. Vibration sensor is used here which senses vibration produced
when ATM machine is hammered. This system uses Arduino based system to process real
time data collected using the vibration sensor. Once the vibration is sensed the beep sound
will occur from the buzzer. DC Motor is used for closing the door of ATM and send with the
message to the nearby police station and corresponding authorized person through the GSM.

In today’s technically advanced world, autonomous systems are gaining rapid popularity. As
the social computerization and automation has been increased and the ATM and credit card
has been installed and spread out to simplify the activity for financial activity, the banking
activity has been simplified, however the crime related with financial organization has been
increased in proportion to the ratio of spread out of automation and devices. Those crimes for
the financial organization have been increased gradually from year 1999 to 2003, little bit
decreased in 2004, and then increased again from year 2005. In the year of 2007, 212,530 of
theft and 4,439 of robber cases are happened, and 269,410 of theft and 4,409 of robber cases
are happened in year 2010 and also in the year 2011, 270,109 of theft and 4,509 of robber
cases are happened .so that the cases of theft and robber have been increased gradually
during past 12 years. Among the crime for financial organization, the cases of theft and
robber have very high proportion of over 90% and the crime for the ATM has been increased
because the external ATM has been increased and it is always exposed to the crime.
Therefore, this study is going to suggest the method of rapid reaction and minimization of
loss by detecting the ATM machine at real-time when it has been stolen can be found through
GSM technology. So by using the GSM technology, Vibration sensor, DC Motor, Stepper
Motor, unconscious gas theft of external ATM machine can be predicted. In this project we
are using buzzer to give signal for corresponding bank and police station. Camera is used to
take the continuous video clips. Here DC Motor is used to close the door of the ATM and
stepper motor is used for emit gas and bring the theft to unconscious stage.

Problem Statement
In this project, we are offering more security for ATM machines and also to identify the
robbery quickly by implementing an embedded system. Whenever someone tries to make
damage or want to lift the ATM machine from its place, automatically vibration sensor
attached to the ATM machine will be activated and sends a signal to controller. Once the
controller receives signal, it locks the door of ATM by the rotation of motor, and send a
message to concerned authority about the theft occurring through GSM modem. After this
the sprinkler (DC Pump) installed inside the ATM will get activated and it will spray the
chloroform chemical to make the person unconscious and at the same time buzzer will be
activated. The door is made to open only after entering the password by the bank staff.

The idea of designing and implementation of security based ATM thief project is born with the
observation.in our real life incidents happening around us. This project deals with prevention of
the ATM theft from robbery.so overcome the drawback found in the existing technology in our

Proposed Methodology

The proposed project consists of an idea of implementing Vibration Detection sensors. These
sensors will generate a signal whenever someone tries to forcefully open or damage the ATM
machine. After detection of such signal immediately an SMS will be sent to the authorized
person of the bank and also send sms to main ATM office and near police station, making
him/her aware of the situation. Also we are using a wireless camera, so that in such cases, the
authorized person can have a live footage of the ATM facility onto his/her mobile phone.
Vibrations: Vibration sensors attached to the ATM machine will trigger when the robber tries to
cut the ATM machine using any of cutting tools such as hacksaw or any drilling machine. This
generates a lot of vibration, more than the average activates in the ATM booth.
Temperature sensor [LM35]: Few of them are placed just behind the cash withdrawal chamber.
There is a possibility that the robber can use a gas cutter to cut through the cash chamber rather
than using a cutter, then temperature could easily exceed 400 degree centigrade. The output of
sensor is in the form of analog voltage.
Accelerometer [ADXL335]: The displacement of the machine measured by the 3 axis
accelerometer. Finally there is also a chance that he can try and lift the whole of the ATM
machine. Hence once the predefined threshold level is crossed the microcontroller is trigger
indicating the ATM machine is being tried to shift out of its place.
• If either of the above three things were to happen there is a trigger to the Arduino, the door of
the ATM is automatically shut down. The chloroform gas is released into the chamber.

The next step, the siren goes on, alerting the public. An SMS is sent to the concerned persons
using the GSM module connected to the microcontroller. The SMS could be sent to police, bank
manager and the security guard.
Now there is need of the bank manager or the police to come and open the door and apprehend
the thief. Once the code is accepted, the door is ready to be opened.

This project deals with prevention of ATM theft from robbary.so overcome the drawback
found in existing technology in our society. Whenever robbery occurs, Vibration sensor is
used here which senses vibration produced from ATM machine. This system uses arduino
controller based embedded system to process real time data collected using the vibration
sensor. Once the vibration is sensed the beep sound will occur from the buzzer. DC Motor is
used for closing the door of ATM. Stepper motor is used to leak the gas inside the ATM to
bring the thief into unconscious stage. Camera is always in processing and sending video
continuous to the PC and it will be saved in computer. RTC used to capture the robber occur
time and send the robbery occur time with the message to the nearby police station and
corresponding bank through the GSM. Hear LCD display board using showing the output of
the message continuously. This will prevent the robbery and the person involving in
robbery can be easily caught. Here, there are some tools are used to implement the idea and
results are obtained. keil tools is used for run the DC motor and stepper motor for automatic
door lock and also leak the gas inside the ATM.

Simulation tools
In this project we use simulation proteus.and C++
Functional Block diagram of the proposed system in which how the ARM7
(LPC2129)is interfaced with vibration sensor, stepper motor, GSM Modem, DC Motor,
Stepper Motor, buzzer, RTC and LED display. (i)ATM SECTION
(ii)Receiver section (In side ATM Center)
iii) Via GSM

(i) ATM Section:

(ii)Receiver section :( In side ATM Center)

NOTE: Red Antenna’s

--Transmitters Green

I. Experimental (or) Practical Work

(i)Complete hardware development of this project for ATM Security system

In Existing Methods Commercially available anti-theft systems are used and its very
expensive and open type even thief can disable it. Also a human security was appointed to
monitor the bank. This makes the system costlier. Current camera surveillance systems can
be used for monitoring but they require a huge amount of data storage due to continuous
video recording. However, our system only monitors.our project a more significant When a
human body disturbs an ATM machine our system also sends a quick message to bank and
police station and main office by gsm technology. in case of suspicious activity as it is not
possible to continuously keep a watch on such activities. In our proposed research we use
Microcontrollers with different sensors as observatory to detect or identify intruder or
abnormal activities inside the bank and ATM. The main aim of this research is to design a
system for alerting theft and to auto arrest the thief in bank or ATM itself from centralized
monitoring unit. The purpose of the system is to design a smart and centralized monitoring
and control system using IOT based technologies.

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