Alex Collier Andromedan Update Interview
Alex Collier Andromedan Update Interview
Alex Collier Andromedan Update Interview
don't know if the Andromedans have given you any information about it, but we are
wondering about your take on Chemtrails and what that’s all about?
A: I actually have no information from the Andromedans about that at all. I have not
really had a chance to talk to them about it. My own take on it is mixed. The problem
that I have as a human being is that I am trying to rationalize; why would you want to
poison your entire civilization or poison your own country? Especially if you are from
that country? I try to rationalize that, and that's a difficult one. On the other hand I
absolutely do not trust the government. And the Canadian is just as bad as the
American I think.
A: So it doesn't make sense why they would want to take out their own. There's the
theory that that it's actually some kind of an antidote for a biological that they know is
coming. I don't know, I honestly don't know. I try to rationalize it and the question keeps
confronting me; why do they want to kill their own?
Q: There has been various discussions regarding what happens after death of the body.
Apparently they say that the light is seen, and many sources have suggested that we go
to that light. Have the Andromedans told you anything about this light? And suggestions
as to what to do after we become disembodied?
A: As a matter of a fact that was one of the very first questions I asked as a kid about
that. And significantly I had asked about it a lot after my mom had died. According to the
Andromedans, what we know as the Van Allen belt in a higher frequency is basically a
place where the souls go to be reprocessed. Now lets me explain that first before I tell
you what they said we should do. Yes there is a tunnel of light, and essentially the souls
that are on the Earth are constantly being brought back. They're kind of being recycled.
Now I realize that sounds a bit wacky, but the reality of it is; those souls that we know as
ourselves are essentially being used to animate the body. It is the body that they are
really interested in. But they themselves cannot animate the body. Only we can animate
the body, you know the soul. So basically what they do is they shoot us back down into
the bodies. It would be similar to bleaching, they erase our memories before we come
in. And essentially I do not know the process on how they do that; but that is how they
compared it to, and that is bleaching. They basically hit us with so much of a low
frequency, that it erases much of our genetic memory.
Q: Sort of like reformatting a hard drive almost.
A: Exactly. Now what they said we should do: The Andromedan perspective is that
instead of going up into the hole, what we all should do is turn around and look behind
us. Because according to them if we could do that we would not be recycled and we
could literally take ourselves out of the Earth's reincarnational cycle. And we could see
the entire universe, and we could go anywhere we wanted to go. Now the soul can
travel anywhere in an instant. Their impression is, is if we did that as souls, we would
instinctively know exactly where to go because that's where we came from. To add to
that in their situation where the soul passes over and comes back, where the soul
comes back and reincarnates back into their physical form, it's a matter of choice. Now
they also have a choice not to reincarnates back into that society because they don't
have the white tunnel. They can choose to leave, or they can choose to wait and come
back, to choose a physical form. But they come back with their full memory. So lifetime
after lifetime they are fully conscious of the lessons they learned in the lifetime before,
and who they were in the lifetime before. Therefore that is what they call the Law of
Consistency. Every lifetime the soul evolves, it never has to start all over. And this is
why many societies and civilizations are far more evolved then we are. Technologically
we are evolving quite rapidly but on a soul level we are stuck big-time.
Q: How does it bring into when you are saying to turn away from the light when in the
video (Dallas Workshop) you mentioned that on all the planets that at 19.5 degrees
North and South latitude they have structures that are, if I remember correctly a direct
antipode to who we are as spiritual beings and is designed to keep us with in this solar
A: That's correct and it is an electric light it's like a fence. I do understand that that's a
contradiction. I acknowledge that that is a contradiction and I honestly do not know how
to address that question. That is a question that I have had and it's not really been
answered yet to be honest with you. That was really smart of you to put that together.
Q: I was just going to ask you quickly on the subject of the Andromedans being involved
with us and us having intent. Showing at least 10 percent. I believe that's what the figure
was. Now if it came down to it like rock bottom and the Earth people like myself and
others etc., if they actually asked to get involved more directly, and I guess my point is
would the Andromedans supply us with technology and weapons to fight the
regressives if it ever came to that?
A: I don't believe it's actually going to get to that. But I will tell you this, they will probably
help us with healing technology. But I don't think that we could actually use their
technology. The truth is we are absolutely no match for some of these other races. We
are simply not. Not intellectually and not technologically either. That's why they are out
there actually involved in intervention, because they know there's no way we could free
ourselves at this point.
A: Yes, they would help and they are going to help. They have been helping
Q: Alex the question was asked earlier about the chemtrails and the spraying. I mean
that's just one of the many problems as you probably know about. The point is that there
are many, many Terrans sick on the planet and it was mentioned that they are doing it
up here and probably all over the world. So I'm thinking once they are given their
mandate to be off the planet, the E.T.s by 2003, I'm just wondering will the chemtrails
still continue, will the lies the still continue? And if that's the case, what might be the
Andromedans backup plan if there is something, or what is the next step? I guess
maybe that's a better question.
A: That's a really good question and that's a fair question to ask. Here's how it's been
laid out for me: If things progress what they are supposed to do in the Middle East
September, Oct., if that probability becomes a reality. And I want to stress IF THAT
PROBAILITY BECOMES A REALITY, there is going to be direct intervention. There is
absolutely going to be direct intervention. In other words we will probably see them.
They will probably come in the atmosphere. They will probably land and they will say,
“What do you think you guys are doing to each other and to your planet? What do you
think you are doing?” Because it would be nuclear. Israel would have to go nuclear. And
in order to keep us out of it, we are probably looking at nuclear terrorism here. They are
just not going to let that happened because it affects them as well. 2: The next thing is
that before that happens, we are probably all going to get a download. Where on a
conscious level, I don't know if it's going to come at night or if it's going to come in the
day; suddenly all of us are going to be given the knowledge that we need specifically
regarding the history of the planet and whose actually in control and the betrayal that we
have bought into. That will probably happen before they get here because; number one,
we have to know what's going on, we have to know how to handle it. Because most of
the population without the download will probably freak thinking it's an invasion. When in
fact it is not. And it easily could be perceived as an invasion. I totally acknowledge that.
But if they do that download first, giving us the information, letting us know specifically
who the bad guys are, who’s betrayed the races for power and for self, I know a majority
of us will probably handle it a lot better. Because we know that there is something really
wrong. Even complete idiots know that this is not right, what is going on and how we are
living and how everybody treats each other. This is not right. We all intuitively know that.
And I think that between now and the end of the year there is going to be a huge leap in
consciousness on the planet. And it's going to be forced.
Q: You mentioned before the binary Sun, that we have two Suns in our system, and that
possibly we might be able to start seeing the second sun soon. Is there anything else
you could add to that?
A: No, they're really isn't much more I could add other than the fact that at some point
we are supposed to see it. I know that if you are on any of the other planets other than
Earth and the Moon you can and that see it. And it is much smaller and it is in fact
behind and we are in a perfect opposite orbit from it. If you look at Saturn; if you look at
Jupiter; if you look at Uranus; if you look at Neptune, all the outer planets. Scientists
have always asked why is it they put out twice as much energy, that fact that Jupiter
puts out over three times as much energy as it actually receives from the sun. That
absolutely defies physics as we know it, unless there was a second sun. Or the planet
themselves are pulling energy in from another dimension. Which is in fact what Jupiter
is doing as well.
Q: It has been reported on the Web Ring that the Niburu have joined the Andromedan
Council. That in itself has raised many eyebrows. Do you know why they joined the
Andromedan Council Alex?
A: No I actually don't. I just know they were given permission to enter the solar system
to retrieve lost or left behind mining equipment. But apparently they are not supposed to
have any contact with us unless the state of Israel’s survival is completely threatened.
The reason they are adamant about that is that the Ibri (spelling unknown), which is the
ancient Jewish tribes; one specific tribe is in fact a direct genetic lineage to them. And
they don't want their seed eliminated from the planet.
A: Well, one specific part of the family is. And that would be the part of the family that is
connected or its lineage is delineated from Enki, who we know as Pa’tah. My
understanding is that Enlil, Jehovah has not actually been allowed in. Niburu is many
different tribes. They made up many different tribes. But you have to understand that the
word Niburu according to Moraney means; Marriage Of Two Tribes. One of the things is
that they do a lot of things separately because they are not always united. Hence the
Sumerian texts and other things that have gone on apparently in our galaxy as well.
They tell us that the families didn't always get along with each other. And this is
absolutely the case. It is still very much going on. This internal feud between these two
families, or step-families I should say. Or step brothers, the lineage of the brothers. The
Enki tribe has in fact been allowed to become a part of the Andromedan Council. And
they are the ones who are apparently in the solar system already retrieving mining
equipment. Now, this has not been said before, and I sometimes sit with information
before I put it out. I admit that openly and freely. But anyways, the solar flares that
astronomers are seeing on Mars obviously are not solar flares. You cannot have solar
flares on Mars because it isn't a sun or a star. What's actually going on is that there is a
group of Greys and Orions that are on the planet Mars who actually are trying to defend
their turf, they're stolen territory more or less. And it is actually the Niburu who are going
in there to retrieve their mining equipment. They are basically blasting them out of the
sky. So that's what you are seeing. You are seeing the battles, you are seeing a war.
Q: Somebody on the Web ring asked about that. That is excellent thank you.
A: Everything’s been sped up. The intervention of the extraction of 2003. It appears that
it's all being sped up. Which I personally think it's a great idea. The place is really
starting to stink.
A: I don't think so. I don't think so at all to be perfectly honest with you. And the reason I
have that feeling is because I specifically asked Moraney when I found out about this;
you must be joking, you are kidding me right? Why would you allow this? And he looked
at me and he just said, “We are only a part of the Council Table. We are not the majority,
we do not control.” And that was his answer. So it was obvious to me that other races
felt that they could be trusted and they voted for it. I think that the Andromedan are leery
and the Niburu have a history of not keeping their word. They are very geared towards
self. They have been.
A: Exactly. And I know that there are many other races that feel the same way. Yes it's
called the Andromedan Council because they meet there. It doesn't mean they control it
or they are the majority on the Council. And that's been a plain ever since I was 8 years
Q: If it came down to it, would the Niburu be able to handle any assaults by the
Draconians because they seem to be superior? And also can you please talk about the
DNA activation?
A: The first question, no I don't think so. But if something were in fact to happen to them,
the Niburu, and they were here under guidance or permission from the Andromedan
Council, my guess is, is that like NATO other races would come to their aid. Because
the point is not only to free this particular solar system, but 21 other solar systems that
are having very much the same problem with the same bunch of assholes. That's how I
feel about them. You have all this technology, you spend all these years, all these
rotations, all these centuries, all these lifetimes to build this technology to create this
other society just so you can go out and suppress other races? Its assinine to me, but
that's what they are doing and that's why I referred to them as assholes. As far as DNA
activation, I really do not have an answer for that. I know that people are in fact growing
a third strand of DNA. I know that many children coming in the already possess it. And I
also know that in many ways a lot of people are waking up, becoming more spiritual.
Suddenly becoming more focused within themselves and their abilities and what their
focused intent is to create. At the same time, and I am sure you are witnessed to this,
there are a lot of people absolutely going crazy, out of their minds. So I think that the
that frequency of the Sun is actually going to activate the DNA, but depending upon the
polarity of your soul, your personality and your soul, you will either become positive or
you will go further into the regressive based upon the polarization of your soul; where
your consciousness is. That's what I think, but do I think that the Isness is going to
suddenly turn on our DNA? Hey man, your guess is as good as mine. Are the
Andromedan going to do it? I don't think so. I don't think that anybody else really has
that power to do it unless they physically came down and did some things to our blood,
which I know that they have not done.
Q: So Alex, with the third strand being activated in everybody on this planet, even if you
do not make the conscious decision to evolve with this universe, they are still going to
have a third strand form with those particular individuals?
A: My understanding is that's exactly right. That everybody will have it and everybody
will have to make a choice. But again it will come down to the polarity of their
personality. There's probably 25 to 30 percent of us who will look at a glass and say that
glass is half full, and then there is 70 percent of the population who will look at that
same glass who will get all pissed off and say that it is half empty. I am just using that as
an analogy.
Q: Are there any books or sources of information that the Andromedans has suggested
to you that would be beneficial in helping us understand ourselves, our place in this
universe, and I hate to say it, but something to act as a guide and understanding as to
who we are? Any particular books or sources of information that they have ever pointed
out to you here on earth?
A: No, none. Because Vasais has always stressed what you are looking for you already
are. The problem is we are turning our focus outside and then looking back at
ourselves, as opposed to going inside of us, and then looking out from within.
A: Exactly because like minds attract. And if you become who you want to be, and you
will be that thing, and at the same time you will attract other people like you who are
exactly the same way.
A: Bingo
Alex believes that there was CIA involvement in the destruction of the World Trade
Center. He highly suspected that but did not have confirmation of such and that this was
his own opinion. He wasn’t aware of any secondary event that may have caused the
towers to collapse. He hasn’t received any information from the Andromedans on this
Something of planetary size is coming into our Solar System and is intelligently
controlled, but Alex would not say more about it over the phone.. There are 2 Niburian
motherships parked behind the Moon, one in the rings of Saturn and one in orbit around
If the Arabs move against the Hebrew in a way that would threaten their existence it will
be a big mistake for the Arabs. This is because the Niburu will not allow the Hebrew
race to be destroyed and will directly intervene to protect them. The Hebrew race has a
genetic lineage to the Niburu. With this genetic lineage, the Niburu can come to Earth. If
there is no genetic lineage to any inhabitants on Earth, then a race cannot come here
unless invited by the World Government. Or else it would be considered direct
intervention if they were not invited. Therefore the Niburu will protect the Hebrew race
because if it is annihilated then they will not be able to come to Earth unless invited by
the World Government. This will be the Sirius B (Enki) faction of the Niburu. Zecharia
Sitchin wrote books about this lineage.
The Israeli Government is now in contact with this E.T. group. The original problem
between what is known today as the Hebrews and the Arabs started when they were
constructing the spaceport known as the Tower Of Babel in biblical stories. The North
American Indians have a genetic lineage to the Sirius A E.T. group. Because we have a
genetic makeup of 22 different races, a particular race that is genetically connected to
us from this pool of 22 is allowed to visit or come here to Earth without it being
considered direct intervention.
There is a device underneath Lake Vostok in the continent of Antarctica that has been
triggered by the arrival of the Niburu. Scientists and personnel in that region are being
evacuated, many under the guise of health problems when reported in the media. This
is a cover-up to hide the fact that these people are being removed because this areas
has been classified under National Security. The reason for this is because the specific
intelligence groups in this area do not want any information to leak out. They have taken
over the region and are studying the device. They are using a combination of X-Ray and
ultrasound in trying to find out what this device is. This device was put there by the
Niburu in the past.
The Andromedans have set up 4 contingency plans to enact after all the E.T. races are
off the Earth by 2003. This is because there probably would still be an attempt by the
world governments to continue their plans of global control and domination on the
people. One of the things that the Niburu and the E.T.’s underneath the Earth agreed
upon is that the E.T.’s were not supposed to abduct and take humans from the surface
of the planet, but they have been violating that agreement, and this is one of the issues
that the Niburu have to take care of. This has been going on for many thousands of
years, as these underground E.T.’s have been here that long, even into the millions of
Technology based methods of manipulating humans are becoming less effective by
those that are trying to control us. The new European Currency, which is to take effect in
2002, is backed by 20% gold, where the American dollar is backed by 100% debt. This
European currency is going to cause major destabilization of the American economy.
This is part of a design to undermine and destroy the U.S. Constitution and take away
our freedoms. Also you are seeing more drastic actions taken against us to control us
even to the point of using biological weapons. It is known that the Bush administration
has made an effort to purchase 170 million doses of smallpox vaccine. With a
population of 300 million people in the USA, something is wrong then if they only
ordered 170 million doses of smallpox vaccine. What does this tell you? Smallpox is
very deadly. It has a 35% mortality rate and is very contagious. This smallpox vaccine
will have a microchip in each dose and will be injected along with the vaccine. This
microchip is what is known in the bible as the Mark Of The Beast. This microchip is a
means of ownership. It is far more advanced than the types of implants that are used on
pets. If you really want your freedom, you are going to have to fight for it, no matter
The timeline has been sped up in Alex’s opinion. He feels that by 2011 or even 2010
that the transition into 5th density will occur. A lot of people have this feeling inside
them. Many have questions within them in which they are trying to find answers to. A lot
of changes are happening, and many feel it like a pressure. This is all connected to the
evolution that we are experiencing into these higher densities.
There was a group of beings from 11th density called the PaTaal. Within that group was
another group that evolved to 11th density without the use of emotion, compassion etc.
they used unemotional analytical thought. With this group being on 11th density, it
created a block on all the lower densities whereby all the consciousnesses got stuck on
their particular density and could not evolve. Beings from the 12th density informed the
beings that were on the 11th density that didn’t evolve by emotion of their mistake. This
group then moved into 5th density in order to learn compassion and emotion again so
that when they do start to evolve back to 11th density and above, they will be able to
keep everything open so that all could evolve into higher densities. From there they
created 4th, then 3rd density. Most of them currently reside in 4th density.
The reason that at the point of transition from 3rd density reality we see a tunnel is
because this is a bypass from 4th density, where many dark souls are stuck, into 5th
density. At the end of the tunnel is light. It is a reprocessing center whereby our
memories are wiped clean. Because we only have 2 strands of DNA in our current
genetic makeup, we do not have the cellular memory to recall past lives. At the moment
of transition we will have the choice to go into the tunnel toward the light, or to look
behind and see the whole Universe. If we decide not to go into the light then we will go
home. We will be off the reincarnational cycle of Earth. Also at the moment of transition
you are not sucked up like a vacuum. You will come to a place where you go into the
tunnel towards the light or to look behind you to the whole Universe. If you make the
decision to go home, and tell yourself you want to go home, then you will go to the
density and planet from where you originally came from before you got stuck in the
reincarnational cycle of Earth. You always have a choice.
Some people follow a so-called Master throughout their life with the understanding from
this Master that they will be guided properly at the time of transition. Alex stated what
makes this so-called Master better than any one of us? What makes him greater? If we
do that, then we are giving away our power and our choices are also taken away from
There was contact in the 1960’s from an E.T. group from the planetary system of
Deneb. They were an aquatic race and were off the coast of Greece.
In regards to the Hellas and Hellanians, Alex did not know of them, but would ask
Moraney. He did ask though if Hellos was what was being referred to, not Hellas.
There has been a recent sonar-imaging discovery of underwater structures located off
the west coast of Cuba. This is apparently in 2200 feet below the surface of the ocean.
It is connected to Atlantis as it is a colony of Atlantis. It is not Atlantis itself.
The reason that these large storms are occurring on Mars is because Deimos, one of its
moons, crashed into the surface of Mars. This literally wreaked havoc on the orbit and
rotation of the planet and the result is these serious climatic changes such as global
wind storms engulfing the planet as well as the polar ice caps melting. The moon
Phobos left orbit as it is a Grey mothership. Many astronomers have been asking NASA
questions as to the whereabouts of these two moons of Mars as they cannot see them
in their telescopes. Even the ESA (European Space Agency) has started to ask similar
questions because they too cannot see the moons.
We do not have a Terran representative on the Andromedan Council. Alex doesn’t know
what is required in order to be a representative but doesn’t want the job. It would means
he would be away from home and family too much on business trips. Alex did say
though that he will try to get a transcript of the minutes from one of the actual
Andromedan Council meetings, including which races were present. When that is done,
it will be posted on the websites.
The Zenetae don’t really have pets like we do but are a part of their society. They do
interact with the Zenetae, like we would with our pets, but then return to the wild back to
their communities. Nobody owns a pet, nor do they control these animals like we do.
There has been some information that there are shuttle flights to Alpha Centauri from
Earth for people that have managed to escape from harassment by various forces
including the MIB’s. Alex has never heard of this information and therefore does not
know anything about it at this time.
A question was presented to Alex inquiring if the geometric light matrix around which
our bodies form are a stepped down frequency formulated on the 6th dimensional level.
This was presented by a healer in the modality known as Polarity Therapy. Alex stated
that he believes it is formed on the 5th density, not the 6th density.
In the January 12th lecture and other lectures, Alex will be talking about the 22 races
that are a part of our genetic pool including those races that he hasn’t ever mentioned