Yieldspace: An Automated Liquidity Provider For Fixed Yield Tokens
Yieldspace: An Automated Liquidity Provider For Fixed Yield Tokens
Yieldspace: An Automated Liquidity Provider For Fixed Yield Tokens
August 2020
The Yield Protocol introduced the concept of fyTokens, a fungible
token similar to a zero-coupon bond that allows fixed-rate borrowing and
lending and interest rate discovery on the Ethereum blockchain. While
fyTokens can be traded anywhere, including automated liquidity providers
like Uniswap, the formulas used by those systems are not optimized for
fyTokens, resulting in higher price impact and fees for traders of close-to-
maturity fyTokens, and predictable losses due to arbitrage for liquidity
providers. This paper introduces a new formula for automated liquidity
provision, the “constant power sum invariant,” which incorporates time
to maturity as an input and ensures that the liquidity provider offers a
constant interest rate—rather than price—for a given ratio of its reserves.
The paper also introduces a generally useful methodology that can be
used to derive invariants for pools with desired properties.
1 Introduction
In the Yield Protocol paper [1], the authors introduced fyTokens, a synthetic
token that is redeemable for a target asset after a fixed maturity date.1 The
price of a fyToken floats freely before maturity, and that price implies a particu-
lar interest rate for borrowing or lending that asset until the fyToken’s maturity.
fyTokens can be traded anywhere that supports ERC20 trading, including ex-
isting protocols for pooled liquidity provision like Uniswap. For fyTokens with
a target asset that is itself an ERC20, the most obvious pair for it to be traded
against would be that target asset.
For this paper, we will focus on fyDai, the first token that is being imple-
mented using the Yield Protocol [2] (although the design described will likely
1 In previously released versions of that paper, and of this one, fyTokens were called
work for other fyTokens). fyDai are fyTokens with Dai as the target asset. fy-
Dai may be redeemed one-for-one for Dai at maturity. When far from maturity,
fyDai could trade at varying prices. When close to maturity, fyDai is likely to
trade close to 1 Dai, regardless of the interest rate, because of its impending
redeemability for Dai.
Most popular protocols for swapping tokens on Ethereum use pooled liq-
uidity provision and set their prices automatically based on a formula. These
formulas are typically expressed as invariants specifying some fixed relation
between the reserves of the two assets. For example, Uniswap uses the con-
stant product invariant x · y = k, where x and y are the pool’s reserves of the
two assets. These invariants can be chosen based on the properties that they
guarantee the pool’s reserves will always obey.
The invariants used by existing automated liquidity providers are not op-
timized for fyTokens. The constant product formula used by Uniswap [3] and
Balancer [4] would likely be capital-inefficient for fyTokens that are close to
maturity. The constant sum formula used by mStable [5] gives up on price
discovery entirely, and thus would likely discourage trading (since the price of
fyDai will vary over time and will almost always be below 1 Dai before matu-
rity). Hybrid formulas like Curve’s compromise between these two models, but
do not tell us how to adjust their parameters based on time to maturity.
Indeed, these formulas are typically pure functions of reserves (and other
constant parameters), and none of them incorporate time. For given reserve
balances, the price offered remains constant as time passes. These pools would
therefore suffer from predictable losses to arbitrage as maturity approaches and
fyDai price moves toward 1, even if interest rates do not change.
This paper introduces a new invariant that is optimized for market-making
between fyTokens and their target tokens, the “constant power sum formula”:
Reserves in a constant power sum pool (x1−t + y 1−t = k)
t = 0.99 . . .
t = 0.5
fyDAI Reserves (y)
2 Invariant-based liquidity provision formulas
Most of the popular protocols for swapping tokens on Ethereum, including
Uniswap, Curve, Balancer, and Bancor, make use of some invariant—an algo-
rithm for automatic liquidity provision that can be expressed (ignoring fees) in
terms of the relation between the pool’s reserves of one asset, y, and its reserves
of another asset, x.
x+y =k (3)
mStable [5] is a protocol that builds on this basic formula to provide liquidity
between stablecoins.
This formula could be generalized to support prices other than 1. The fol-
lowing is the formula for a liquidity provider that always buys and sells asset x
at price p:
p·x+y =k (4)
The constant sum formula is optimized for tokens that always trade at ex-
actly the same relative price. If the relative price of the tokens diverges from
the expected price, a pool using a constant sum formula would be expected to
end up holding only the less valuable token, and doing relatively little volume
(since it would have none of the more valuable token to sell, and would only
offer the less valuable token above its market price). Since fyDai can trade at
varying prices over their lifetime, the constant sum formula would be a poor fit
unless the fyDai is already mature (and thus should trade at parity with Dai).
x·y =k (5)
This formula was implemented on Ethereum as part of the Uniswap protocol
[3]. This formula maintains the property that at the current price offered by
the protocol, the pool’s reserves of each token are equal in value.
2 Around the same time, Bancor [6] [7] proposed an equivalent formula, expressed in a
different way. Bancor’s formula—which, changing some variable names, can be written as
∆s = s0 · ((1 + xxin )wx − 1)—relates a minting or burning of “smart tokens” to deposits or
withdrawals of just one of the reserve assets. It can be shown that this formula is equivalent
to the invariant x x · y wy · z wz . . . = s, where s is the current supply of the smart tokens.
Lu also proposed a version of the constant product formula that supports
more than two assets (x, y, z. . . ), as well as custom weightings (wx , wy , wz . . . )
for the pool’s holdings:
xwx · y wy · z wz . . . = k (6)
This formula was implemented on Ethereum as part of the Balancer protocol
Constant product formulas could be suitable for fyTokens whose maturities
are very distant. However, they are a poor fit for fyTokens that are closer to
maturity (such as those maturing within a year).
First, as a fyToken approaches maturity, its price tends towards parity with
its target token. The constant product formula reserves liquidity for prices along
the full price spectrum, leaving a relatively small amount of liquidity around
any particular price. This means that larger trades will likely have a significant
impact on the interest rate earned or paid.
Second, the trading fees charged by those formulas are proportional to the
amount traded, regardless of the time to maturity or the current interest rate.
When the fyToken is very close to maturity, even a small fee could result in a
huge interest rate spread. For example, if a fyToken is 1 month from maturity
and annualized interest rates are 5%, a 0.3% fee would mean that the marginal
borrow rate would be 0.95·0.99712 −1 = 9.1% and the marginal lending rate would
be 0.95 − 1 = 1.01%—more than an 8% spread.
Finally, because these formulas do not take into account time to maturity,
liquidity providers are subject to predictable “impermanent loss” as fyTokens
approach maturity and traders execute arbitrage trades that push the price
toward parity. While the constant power sum formula cannot eliminate imper-
manent loss, it may reduce it, by exposing the pool to arbitrage only when the
interest rate changes, rather than whenever the price changes.
χ · k · (x + y) + x · y = χ · k 2 + (7)
Note that if χ = 0, this curve reduces to the constant product formula. As
χ approaches infinity, the curve approaches the constant sum formula.
While Curve’s formula is more flexible than the constant sum or constant
product formulas, it does not give us a way to compute this amplification factor
χ as a function of time to maturity. As a result, it does not ensure that the
interest rate offered by the pool remains constant, or that the pool’s liquidity
remains balanced across a range of interest rates, as time passes.
3 How to build your own invariant
Suppose you want to come up with a liquidity provision formula that satisfies
some desired property. For example, suppose we are looking for the formula that
maintains a 50-50 portfolio of two assets. Given this desired property, how can
we come up with a liquidity provision formula that satisfies it, expressed in
terms of an invariant relationship between the reserves x and y?
First, let’s observe an important fact about all of these curves. If Alice sells
some quantity of the x asset to the pool, the pool’s x reserves increase by that
amount—call it dx—and the pool’s y reserves decrease by some amount—call it
−dy (since y is going down, the change in y, dy, is negative, so −dy is the amount
of the y asset that is sent out). The ratio −dy dx represents the price at which
Alice sold the x asset. This ratio for an infinitesimally small dx— lim —the
dx→0 dx
negation of the derivative at that point—gives you the marginal price offered
by the contract at that point.
px = − (8)
This means that if we want a formula that satisfies some relation between
price, reserves, and any other quantity (like time), we can try to find an invari-
ant that satisfies it by rewriting that property as a differential equation. (By
specifying xstart and ystart , we can turn it into an initial value problem.)
For example, suppose we want a formula that always offers to trade at the
fixed price of 1. This can be expressed as the trivial differential equation:
1=− (9)
As shown in Appendix A, the solution to this is the constant sum formula.
As another example, suppose we wanted a formula that gives us the property
that, at the current price offered by the contract, the reserves of the pool’s two
assets are equal in value. Since px is the price of the x token in terms of the y
token, this desired relationship can be expressed as px · x = y. Since px = − dx ,
we can rewrite this property as:
dy y
− = (10)
dx x
As shown in Appendix B, the solution to this differential equation is the
constant product formula x · y = k.
The same process can be used to find the version of the constant sum formula
that offers tokens at prices other than 1, as well as the versions of the constant
product formula that support more than two tokens, or weights other than
Not every desired relation will give us a differential equation that can be
solved, but this works often enough to be a powerful tool to discover new for-
mulas with desired properties.
4 The constant power sum formula
We want to build a liquidity provision formula that works in “yield space”
rather than “price” space. Specifically, we want the interest rate—not the
price—to be a pure function of reserves.
There are many possible choices for what this function could be. We chose
to find the formula where the interest rate3 is the ratio of the fyDai reserves (y)
and Dai reserves (x), minus one.
r= −1 (11)
We can motivate this choice by analogy to the constant product formula,
which, as described above, uses the ratio between the reserves as the price.
We also note that it observes the desirable property that increases in fyDai
reserves increases the interest rate, while increases in the Dai reserves decrease
the interest rate. Finally, this property happens to give us a solveable differential
equation, allowing us to find a closed-form invariant that can be efficiently
implemented in the contract.
As described in the Yield Protocol paper [1], the interest rate of fyDai can
be computed as a function of the current price of Dai in terms of fyDai, p, and
the time to maturity, t:
r = pt − 1 (12)
For example, if 1 fyDAI that expires six months from today is currently
worth 0.5 DAI (meaning the Dai price in terms of fyDai, p, is 2), that implies
that the annualized interest rate is 2 0.5 − 1 = 300%.
Simplifying the two equations above gives us this equation:
y t
p= (13)
In any invariant-based liquidity provision formula, the price at any point
along the curve is equal to the negation of the derivative at that point.
p=− (14)
So, finding the curve where the interest rate is always equal to the ratio of
the reserves minus one reduces to solving the following differential equation:
dy y t
= − (15)
dx x
As shown in Appendix C, the solution to this differential equation is the
following equation:
4.1 Properties
As mentioned in Section 1 and shown in Appendix D, the constant power
sum formula gradually evolves from the constant product formula at limt→1 to
the constant sum formula at t = 0:
t = 0.99 . . .
t = 0.5
fyDAI Reserves (y)
Evolution of reserve formula in a constant power sum pool (100% rates)
t = 0.99 . . .
t = 0.5
fyDAI Reserves (y)
The marginal price (of Dai in terms of fyDai) for a given xstart , ystart , and
t is given by the formula:
x1−t 1−t 1−t
y t
start + ystart −x
= (17)
x x
t = 0.99 . . .
Dai Price (in yDai) ((y/x) )
t = 0.5
t = 0.125
However what if we look at interest rates instead of price? Recall the formula
for the marginal interest rate:
y x1−t 1−t
start + ystart − x
1−t 1−t
−1= −1 (18)
x x
The graph of interest rates changes only minimally as maturity approaches:
t = 0.125
5 Fees
To incentivize liquidity providers to deposit tokens into the pool, it is cus-
tomary to charge a fee on every trade.
Because the constant power sum formula buys fyDai (and earns interest on
it) when interest rates rise and sells it when interest rates fall, it is possible
for the pool to outperform the returns on both fyDai and Dai, even before
fees. (By contrast, a static invariant that does not incorporate time will always
underperform at least one of its constituent assets, before fees.) Still, to further
reward liquidity, we can build a fee into the protocol.
In other protocols, fees are typically charged in proportion to the amount
being sold. For example, in Uniswap v2, a 0.3% fee is charged on the tokens sent
into the contract before the amount sent out is computed. However, when a
fyToken is close to maturity, even a modest fee can translate into a wide spread
in interest rate terms.
We want our fees, like our prices, to be computed in “yield space” rather than
“price space”—meaning that they should impose some proportional spread on
interest rates, rather than on prices. For example, in a fee-adjusted formula, a
buyer of fyDai should receive a lower interest rate (equivalent to paying a higher
price) than with the no-fee formula derived in section 4. We believe the simplest
way to adjust the interest rate downward is to raise it (before subtracting 1) to
some constant power g that is less than 1:
y g
r= −1 (19)
For example, if the pool’s fyDai balance is 110, its Dai balance is 100, and
g is 0.95, then the unadjusted formula would give us a marginal interest rate of
100 − 1 = 10%. The adjusted formula will give us a marginal interest rate of
110 0.95
100 − 1 ≈ 9.47%.
Notice that the fee charged—0.5%—was approximately 5% of the current
interest rate. When interest rates are relatively small and g < 1, the binomial
approximation tells us that (1 + r) ≈ 1 + gr.
The actual invariant used depends on the direction of the trade. When the
trader is buying fyDai from the contract, the above invariant is used with a g
less than 1 to reduce the interest rate (and thus increase the price paid for the
fyDai). If the user is selling fyDai to the contract, the interest rate is raised to
the power of g1 instead, causing the user to pay a higher interest rate (in other
words, receive a lower price for the fyDai they are selling).
In the above example, the marginal interest rate for a borrower—someone
selling fyDai to the pool—would be 110 100
− 1 ≈ 10.55%.
By transforming the fee equation described above into a differential equation
and solving it using essentially the same steps used in section 4 and Appendix
C, we derive the following invariant (replacing gt with gt when selling fyDai4 ):
precision errors). When fees are charged as a percentage of the tokens sent in (as
they are in Uniswap and most others), this property does not hold—a user who
splits a trade into multiple pieces pays higher fees than if they had combined
them. This helps make fees more amenable to analysis.
6 Liquidity tokens
As in Uniswap, anyone can add liquidity to a pool by providing Dai and
fyDai in proportion to the reserves that are already in the pool. When they
provide liquidity, they are minted a proportional share of liquidity tokens.
6.1 Initialization
Pools must be initialized with equal reserves of Dai and fyDai, implying a
price of 1 and an interest rate of 0%. To initialize a pool with a different interest
rate, you can initialize it at 0% and then atomically trade with it to push it to
the desired interest rate.
The number of pool tokens initially minted is equal to the quantity of Dai
When liquidity pool tokens are initialized in this way, the following invariant
is guaranteed to not decrease with any state changes of the contract (as shown
in Appendix E):5
! 1
1− t 1− t 1− t
g g g
xstart +ystart
As the pool accumulates fees from trading and interest from its fyDai hold-
ings, the value of this invariant rises.
6.3 Capital efficiency
Under normal circumstances, 1 fyDAI will never naturally trade at a higher
price than 1 DAI (which would correspond to a negative interest rate). The core
fyDai protocol always allows you to mint 1 fyDAI by depositing 1 DAI collateral
(with no risk of liquidation), so there is no reason to buy fyDai from the pool at
a price greater than 1 DAI. Additionally, the above formulas assume that the
price of fyDAI is never greater than 1.6 As a result, the pool checks at the end
of each trade that the fyDAI price is not above 1 DAI—or, equivalently, that
the fyDai reserves are greater than the Dai reserves.
As a result of this requirement, there is some portion of the fyDai reserves
that the pool will never touch:
t = 0.99 . . .
t = 0.5
fyDAI Reserves (y)
For example, when the pool is first initialized, the fyDai reserves and Dai
reserves are equal, so none of the fyDai remaining in the pool can be sold.
The quantity of inaccessible fyDai at any given time is given by computing the
amount of fyDai that would be in the contract if there was an immediate trade
to a 1-to-1 ratio. The solution to this7 happens to be this formula:
! 1−gt
x1−gt 1−gt
start + ystart
6 For example, the fee formula is constructed under the assumption that the interest rate
is positive.
7 Note that this formula assumes that the trade needed to push the price to parity is a
fyDai buy rather than a sell. The latter case can happen after someone donates Dai to the
pool, but in that case, no fyDai is accessible at all, since buys are prohibited, so we do not
need to consider that case.
We can improve the capital efficiency of the pool by making some of these ex-
cess reserves “virtual” and not requiring liquidity providers to contribute them.
Notice that the above formula is similar to the numerator from the invariant
in equation 21. As shown in Appendix F, the amount of inaccessible fyDai will
always be greater than or equal to the total supply of shares.
As a result, we can use the total supply of liquidity tokens s as the virtual
fyDai reserves. Whenever a trade occurs, the virtual fyDai reserves are added to
the actual fyDai reserves to determine the reserves used to calculate the outcome
of the trade. But whenever liquidity tokens are minted, the minter only has
to provide fyDai proportional to the actual fyDai in the pool’s reserves. The
virtual fyDai reserves will automatically go up in proportion (since total supply
s increases proportionally, thanks to the newly minted liquidity tokens).
For example, suppose Alice initializes a pool with 100 Dai. The new total
supply of liquidity tokens s is 100, and Alice receives 100 liquidity tokens.
Suppose Alice then sells 100 fyDai to the pool at time t = 0.5. Since this is
1− t 1− t 1− t 1− t
a sell, the pool uses the invariant xendg + yendg = xstart
g g
+ ystart . For xstart , the
pool uses the actual Dai reserves, 100. For ystart , the pool adds the actual fyDai
reserves (0) to the virtual fyDai reserves, which is equal to the total supply s,
100. Finally, for yend , the pool adds the fyDai in (100) to ystart (including the
virtual reserves), to get 200. Solving for xend (with g = 0.95) gives us the result
x = 34.31, meaning 100 − 34.31 = 65.69 Dai is sent out of the contract.
Now suppose Bob mints 10 new liquidity tokens (10% of the total supply)
by adding liquidity. The pool currently has 34.31 Dai in its reserves, so Bob
deposits 3.43 Dai. The pool has only 100 actual fyDai, so Bob only has to
deposit 10 fyDai. Finally, when the 10 liquidity tokens are minted to Bob, the
total supply (and thus the virtual fyDai reserves) increases to 110. In the next
trade, the value for ystart will be 100 + 110 = 210.
With this optimization, the contract has zero inaccessible fyDai upon ini-
tialization. However, as soon as there is a trade, the fees increase the value
of liquidity shares. As the pool accumulates trading fees and the value of its
fyDai increases due to interest, the invariant above increases, meaning that an
increasing share of fyDai becomes inaccessible.
7 Acknowledgments
This paper is heavily indebted to discussions with Hayden Adams, Guillermo
Angeris, Dmitriy Berenzon, Tarun Chitra, Zubin Koticha, Hart Lambur, Teo
Leibowitz, Mikhail Vladimirov, Cyrus Younessi, and Noah Zinsmeister. The
authors are particularly grateful to Paradigm for supporting this research.
A Deriving the constant sum formula
We can show that the solution to the differential equation below is the con-
stant sum formula, by integrating both sides with respect to x and simplifying.
1=− (24)
dx = −dy (25)
x + c1 = −y + c2 (26)
x + y = c1 + c2 = k (27)
− ln y + c1 = ln x + c2 (31)
ln x + ln y = c1 − c2 (32)
c1 −c2
By raising e to the power of each side, and defining the constant e as
k, we can rewrite this as the constant product formula:
x·y =k (33)
C Deriving the constant power sum formula
We can show that the solution to the differential equation below is the con-
stant power sum formula.
dy y t
− = (34)
dx x
First, we rewrite the equation:
− = x−t · y t (35)
−y −t ·= x−t (36)
We then integrate both sides with respect to x:
−y dy = x−t dx
y 1−t x1−t
− + c1 = + c2 (38)
1−t 1−t
By multiplying both sides by 1 − t and defining the constant (1 − t) · (c1 − c2 )
as k, we can rewrite this as the constant power sum formula:
ln (x1−t 1−t
start + ystart − x
ln (y) = (41)
When t = 1, the right side of the equation is the indeterminate form 00 , but
applying L’Hôpital’s rule gives us the limit:
∂t ln (x1−t 1−t
start + ystart − x
ln y = lim ∂
∂t (1 − t)
− ln (xstart ) − ln (ystart ) + ln (x)
ln y = (43)
E.1 Initialization
When the pool is initialized, xstart , ystart , and s are all equal. Substituting
s for the other variables in the above formula shows that the initial value for
the invariant is 1:
1− t 1− t 1− t
s g +s g g
t 1− t
s1− g g
1 (49)
E.2 Minting and burning
We can show that minting or burning shares (which causes x, y, and s to be
multiplied by the same proportion, m) does not change the invariant:
1− t 1− t
g g 1− t
(m·x) +(m·y) g
1− t 1− t
1− t
m1− t ·(x g +y g ) g
1− t 1− t
g g 1− t
(x +y ) g
m· 2
1− t 1− t
g g 1− t
(x +y ) g
E.3 Trading
Next, we will show that the invariant does not decrease as a result of trading.
Since s and 1−1 t do not change during trading, we can simplify our analysis and
look only at the core expression of this invariant:
t t
x1− g + y 1− g (54)
Note that this is exactly the same invariant that is enforced by the formula
for selling fyDai described in section 5. As a result, we only need to show that
this invariant only increases during buys of fyDai.
The above invariant was constructed so that the derivative dx would be:
dy y t
=− (55)
dx x
Buys of fyDai use a different adjusted version of the constant power sum
Buys involve an increase in x and a decrease in y. For a given increase in x,
we need to show that the decrease in y using the invariant for buys is less than
or equal to than the decrease in y using the other invariant:
g g1
y t y t
≤ (58)
x x
Raising both sides to the power of 1t , taking the logarithm of both sides, and
multiplying both sides by g gives us:
y y
g 2 · ln
≤ ln (59)
x x
Since g ≤ 1, this inequality will be true if we can divide both sides by ln xy
without flipping the inequality, which will only be possible if ln xy > 0. This
will be true when y > x. Since buys are disallowed whenever y ≤ x, this is
guaranteed to be true for all buys, so the invariant will never decrease during a
E.4 Time
Finally, we can show that as time passes (causing t, time to maturity, to
decrease), the numerator of the invariant always increases (or stays the same).
(Since the denominator of the invariant does not change as time passes, we can
ignore it. We can also use t rather than gt, since this coefficient will not change
whether the derivative with respect to t will ever be positive.) To do this, we
will take the partial derivative with respect to time, and show that it is always
less than or equal to 0:
x1−t +y 1−t
∂ 2
≤0 (60)
∂t s
1 !
x1−t + y 1−t ln x1−t + y 1−t − ln 2 x1−t · ln x + y 1−t · ln y
· − ≤0
2 (1 − t)2 (1 − t) · (x1−t + y 1−t )
We can divide both sides by the numerator from our invariant, multiply by
(1 − t)2 · (x1−t + y 1−t ), and further rewrite some terms to get:8
x1−t + y 1−t
· x1−t + y 1−t − x1−t · ln x1−t + y 1−t · ln y 1−t ≤ 0 (62)
We can show with substitution that if x1−t = y 1−t , then the left side of the
expression is equal to 0.
8 The values used in these multiplications and divisions are guaranteed to always be greater
than 0.
ln x1−t · 2 · x1−t − 2 · x1−t · ln x1−t
We can then show that this is a local and global maximum—the left side is
only equal to 0 if x1−t = y 1−t , and is less than 0 if they are not equal.
First, we define a = x1−t and b = y 1−t , which allows us to rewrite the
expression as:
ln · (a + b) − (a · ln a + b · ln b) (64)
We can take the derivative of this expression with respect to a, and show
that it is only equal to 0 if a = b:
∂ a+b
ln · (a + b) − (a · ln a + b · ln b) = 0 (65)
∂a 2
ln − ln a = 0 (66)
ln = ln a (67)
=a (68)
b=a (69)
Finally, we can determine that this is a maximum rather than a minimum
or inflection point by taking the second derivative and showing that it is less
than 0 when a = b (and indeed for any positive a and b):
∂ a+b
ln − ln a (70)
∂a 2
− (71)
ab + a2
This proves that the derivative of the invariant with respect to t is less than
or equal to 0 at all points, meaning that as time to maturity decreases, the
invariant will either increase or stay the same.
y∅ ≤ s (72)
As shown in Appendix E, the following condition is guaranteed to hold
throughout the lifetime of the contract:
1− t 1− t 1− t
x g +y g g
≥1 (73)
This can be rewritten as:
! 1
t t
1− t
x1− g + y 1− g g
≥s (74)
Note that when x = y, the left side is equal to 0. Therefore, all we need to
show is that this is a global minimum of that expression. To do that, we take
the first derivative of the expression with respect to x:
1− gt 1− gt
ln x + y − ln 2
1−gt 1−gt
d ln x +y − ln 2
− (79)
dx 1 − gt 1 − gt
y gt yg
− t t (80)
x · y gt + y · xgt x · yg + y · xg
t t
t t
x · y gt+ g + y 1+gt · x g − x · y gt+ g + y 1+ g · xgt (81)
t t
y 1+gt · x g − y 1+ g · xgt (82)
By solving for when this first derivative is 0, we can find the function’s only
stationary point:
t t
y gt− g = xgt− g (83)
y=x (84)
Therefore, this derivative is only equal to 0 when x = y (given that gt − gt 6=
To prove that this is a minimum, we can take the second derivative with
respect to x:
∂ 1+gt gt t
y · x − y 1+ g · xgt (85)
t 1+gt gt −1 t
·y ·x − gt · y 1+ g · xgt−1 (86)
When x = y, x > 0, and 0 < t < g < 1 this second derivative is positive:
t gt+ gt t
·x − gt · xgt+ g (87)
t t
− gt · xgt+ g (88)
This means this point is a minimum. This tells us that the expression above
always greater than or equal to 0, and thus that y∅ ≤ s.
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8 Disclaimer
This paper is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute
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vestment and should not be used in the evaluation of the merits of making any
investment decision. It should not be relied upon for accounting, legal or tax
advice or investment recommendations. This paper reflects current opinions of
the authors and is not made on behalf of Paradigm or its affiliates and does
not necessarily reflect the opinions of Paradigm, its affiliates or individuals as-
sociated with Paradigm. The opinions reflected herein are subject to change
without being updated.