InnoCentive - Challenge Center
InnoCentive - Challenge Center
InnoCentive - Challenge Center
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Award: $40,000… 1/9
03/03/2021 InnoCentive - Challenge Center
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Solver Agreements
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Your signed Solver Agreements:
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Solver Terms of Use
Detailed Description and Requirements Challenge-specific Agreement
Challenge-specific Agreement
Staying informed about events that impact markets and Summary
business is critical to success in any field. With the ever-
increasing flow of news and information over multiple Information for
channels and forms of media, keeping up-to-date and Academics
informed about the latest events is both easier and more
If you are a US University or
difficult. Easier because news can be obtained anywhere at College Professor, student
any time, but more difficult due to the need to sort and sift (graduate or undergraduate),
through the vast amount of incoming information in order to or you work in a similar type
extract and contextualize valuable intelligence. of institution, read important
information before
The Generation and Trading Business Unit of A2A, the Seeker submitting a solution.
for this Challenge, trades energy commodities such as fuels,
Frequently asked questions
electricity, and environmental certificates on domestic and (
international markets. Commodity prices are volatile and hc/en-
market expectations about demand and supply can influence us/categories/360001771617-
their upward and downward movements. Trader desks try to InnoCentive)
anticipate price changes to close long/short positions,
minimizing company losses or, sometimes, to open
speculative positions for gaining from price movements. Example - EVENTS_titles an…… 2/9
03/03/2021 InnoCentive - Challenge Center
DATA… 3/9
03/03/2021 InnoCentive - Challenge Center
Context Enrichment
Title timestamp
Event name
Event timestamp
Event status (validated/not validated)
Event type (new/old)
Story name
Progressive story timestamp
Story status (validated/not validated)… 5/9
03/03/2021 InnoCentive - Challenge Center
Event name
Event brief description
List of tag types considered to describe an event
List of tags that fully describe the event and enable
Story name
Story brief description at each timestamp
List of tag types considered to describe a story at each
List of tags that fully describe the story and enable
analysis at each timestamp
Data Visualization… 6/9
03/03/2021 InnoCentive - Challenge Center
Project Criteria
The submitted proposal should include the following:… 7/9
03/03/2021 InnoCentive - Challenge Center
Challenge Activity
Solvers by Location… 8/9
03/03/2021 InnoCentive - Challenge Center
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Solvers… 9/9