FTC Fact Sheet
FTC Fact Sheet
FTC Fact Sheet
The forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria, is a native defoliator of a wide variety of hardwood trees and shrubs
and can be found throughout the range of all hardwood forests in North America. The caterpillars are often mistakenly called
armyworms due to the way they move in large groups. Caterpillars feed primarily on aspen, birch, basswood, and oak.
In Minnesota, outbreaks of forest tent caterpillar develop every 10 to
16 years and can last from three to seven years. During the peak of
an outbreak, caterpillars can number from 1 to 4 million per acre. As
caterpillars wander in search of food or places to pupate from late May
Mature caterpillars are hairy and velvety-black with blue stripes on to mid-June, they become a nuisance to people living or vacationing
their sides. A row of yellow keyhole-shaped markings runs along the in forested areas. Their cocoons are also a nuisance as they can be very
top of the body. By mid-June, full-grown caterpillars wander from difficult to remove from the sides of buildings. Thousands of crushed
trees where they have been feeding to find sheltered places to form caterpillars on roads and sidewalks can cause surfaces to become
pupae inside silken cocoons. slippery.
Adult moths emerge from cocoons 10 days to two weeks after pupae In the west-central counties of Minnesota, forest tent caterpillar
are formed. The yellowish-brown adults fly at night and are attracted populations may synchronize with northern outbreaks or they may
to lights in large numbers. They may be carried have small, localized outbreaks that pop up and collapse quickly.
for miles by strong winds. Females deposit eggs These outbreaks occur in oak, basswood, and aspen, along lakeshores
mainly on upper crown branches in masses of and woodlands and cover a relatively low number of acres.
100 to 350 that encircle small twigs. Eggs are
coated with a frothy, glue-like substance that
hardens and turns a glossy dark brown. The
eggs overwinter, and larvae hatch the following
spring. adult moth
Forest Tent Caterpillar Peak Years, 1937-2001 Mechanical control of forest tent caterpillar is control by hand. Where
practical, remove egg masses from small trees before the eggs hatch
1937 1952 1969 in early spring. Brush caterpillars and cocoons off houses and outdoor
furniture with a stiff broom or brush or knock them down with a
forceful spray of water. Avoid crushing caterpillars or cocoons on
painted surfaces, as they may cause a stain if smeared.