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Design of H-Plane Sectoral Horn Antenna For Microwave Applications Using Matlab

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Article in Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development · May 2018

DOI: 10.31272/jeasd.2018.3.7


1 author:

Mushreq Abdulhussain Shuriji

Al-Mustansiriya University

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Vol. 22, No.03, May 2018
ISSN 2520-0917



Mushreq Abdulhussain Shuriji

Assist. Lec. Eng Electrical Engineering Department, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq.

Abstract: Wireless communications has become more essential in our life, as well as considered as the
one of fastest growing segment in the communication business. The antenna was and still the main
component of any wireless communication system. In other word the antenna is the eyes and ears of any
wireless communication system. Many recent research has carried out designing of H-sectoral horn
antenna but yet H-plane horn antenna with a very high gain and narrow radiation pattern while keeping
up its compact size is not been completely delivered . Consequently, H-plane sectoral horn operates on c-
band (6GHz) has clarified and successfully designed using MATLAB with an optimum compact size. In
addition, the power pattern of E-plane and H-plane have drawn using MATLAB simulation. In
conclusion, the designed H-sectoral horn antenna is promising a directive, narrow and intense radiation in
the direction of a selected path to support high coverage distances. Besides, a very high power of 21dB of
gain is achieved. This antenna is perfectly suitable to use in numerous microwave applications such as,
feed element in large radio astronomy, satellite tracking, feed for various lenses and reflectors antenna,
and gain measurement for other transmitting antenna.
Keywords: Horn Antenna, H-Sectoral Horn antenna, Microwave Antenna and Microwave applications.

‫تصمين هوائي البوق القطاعي للموجات الدقيقة باستخدام الماتالب‬

‫ كا‬ٙ‫ٓنٕٓائ‬2ٕ‫ ا‬.‫ف يجال االحصاالث‬ٙ ‫ًَٕا‬2V ‫ضا االسشع‬ٚ‫ٔحؼخبش ا‬,‫ُحا‬2‫ا‬ٛ‫ف ح‬ٙ ٙ‫كت اصبحج اكثش فاكثش جضء اساس‬ٛ‫الحصاالث االسه‬2‫ا‬:‫الخالصة‬
‫ذ‬ٚ‫ انؼذ‬.‫ك‬ٙ‫ٔ االرٌ ال٘ َظاو السه‬ٍٛ‫ ْٕ انؼ‬ٙ‫ ٕٓانائ‬, ٖ‫ بؼباسة اخش‬.‫كت‬ٛ‫ف ٘ا َظاو ٍي َاظًت االحصاالث االسه‬ٙ ‫ٔياصال انًٌٕك االساط‬
.‫فش بانكايم‬ٕٚ ‫ش نى‬ٛ‫ قتٔيشكضة يغ ًانحافطت ػٗه حجى صغ‬ٛ‫ان ٔ ٕقة اشؼاع ض‬ٙ ‫ يغ سبح جذا ػ‬ٙ‫ػ نٍك ْٕائ‬ ٙ ‫ انبٕق انقطا‬ٙ‫صى ْٕائ‬
ًٛ ‫ج ػ ٗه ح‬ٚ‫بحد قذ اجش‬
ٕ ‫ٍي ان‬
2‫ْشحض قذ ٔضح ٔصًى باسخخذاو‬ٛ ‫ جا‬ٛ‫ ج‬6 ‫ٔبخشدد‬c ‫ؼـًم ػ ٗه حضيت انخشدداث‬ٚ ‫ػ‬ ٙ ‫ انبٕق انقطا‬ٙ‫نزنك ْٕائ‬
‫ انٕبق‬ٙ‫ خالصت انقٕل ْٕائ‬.‫ باسخخذاو ًاناحالب‬H , E ِ‫ باالضاقت ا ٗن سسى ٕقة انشؼاع باححا‬.ٍ‫اك‬ًٚ‫بشَايج ًاناحالب بحجى اصغش ي‬
٘‫ د‬12 ‫س ٘ٔا‬ٚ ‫ن جذا‬ٙ ‫ اضافت ا ٗن سبح ػا‬.‫ؼذة‬ٛ ‫ف االحجاِ ًانشغٕب نذػى يسافاث ب‬ٙ ‫فش اشؼاع ٕي ّجٔيشكض‬ٕٚ2ٕ ‫ػ انًصًى‬ ٙ ‫انقطا‬
‫ حخبغ ااًلقاس‬,‫بشة‬ٛ‫كت انك‬ٛ‫د انفه‬ٚ2ٕٕٚ ‫ت ًنحطاث انشا‬ٚ‫ػصش حغز‬ ُ , ‫قت يثم‬ٛ‫قاث انًٕجاث انذق‬ٛ‫ش ٍي حطب‬ٛ‫ ًانصًى يالئى ًحايا نهكث‬ٙ‫زا انٕٓائ‬.ْٙ‫ب‬
.‫ئاث االسسال‬ٛ‫ٕٓا‬2ٕ‫نقاط انشبح ن‬ٛ ٔ‫تٔ انؼاكست‬ٛ‫اث انؼذس‬ٛ‫ ٍي ْٕائ‬2‫ش‬ٛ‫ت نهكث‬ٚ‫ػصش حغز‬
ُ ,‫ػت‬
ٛ ‫انصا‬

1. Introduction
Wireless communications is extremely crucial in our life, also deliberated as the
fastest developing section in the communication business [1]. Furthermore, wireless
communications is regarded as one of our utilities nowadays. Wireless technology was
invented for more than 200 years ago with the significant benefit of the antenna [2]. In
*Corresponding Author mushreq22@yahoo.com

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 03, May 2018 https://doi.org/10.31272/jeasd.2018.3.7

other word, the antenna was and still the main and the most important player in any
wireless system. Likewise, the antenna is the eyes and ears of any wireless
communication system. The antenna is a device aimed at transmitting and/or receiving
signals [3, 4]. It's clear to say that, a good antenna is intended to be "in tune", or in
other words is designed to transmit or receive a signal that seeking for. Horn antenna is
used regularly as a microwave antenna [3, 5].
In addition, there are several typical electromagnetic horn antenna configurations,
which are E-plane, H-plane, conical and pyramid [3]. Numerous research claimed that,
there are only two types of horn antenna pyramid and conical, and extra alteration such
as; septum, ridged, exponential corrugated and sectoral (E &H) [5, 6]. Furthermore, the
horn antenna is simply a hollow pipe taking different type of cross sections with a large
opening [4, 5]. In this research, one of the classical types of microwave antenna has
selected to design, which is H-plane sectoral horn antenna. H-plane sectoral is selected
due to its compact size, simple construction, preferred radiation, high gain and suitable
for microwave applications [3, 4, 5].
To design and fabricate H-plane sectoral antenna, various parameters should be
carefully taking into consideration; Such as, anticipated operating frequency,
bandwidth, gain and radiation pattern [5, 6]. Therefore, in this proposed design, H-
plane sectoral is intended to meet the following constraints; operation frequency 6GHz,
maintain a high power gain about 20dB over the entire range of the operating frequency
and directive and narrow beamwidth in the direction of transmitting or receiving to
support high distances. Additionally, after extensive survey, few recent researches have
carried out designing Horn antenna using different type of approach and simulation.
In paper [7], the practical and simulation design is aimed to support tunable
bandwidth using balanced screws. Which is successfully completed while maintain a
compact size but with a very wide radiation beamwidth in the direction of H- field, that
cause low antenna directivity and less radiating distance for high distance radiation. In
paper [8], an H- plane sectoral is designed also using different sized, then it analyzed
depending one each approach. It is found that the radiation pattern is almost acceptable
in compare with [7] but with a very low power gain, which makes this antenna is not
suitable for middle and high range of microwave applications.
In paper [9], H-sectoral has designed operate on x-band (8-12GHz) using acceptable
size and optimum 16dB of gain but again a very wide radiation pattern with a large side
loop in compare with [8]. In addition, a Substrate integrated waveguide technology is
studied, which is widely used in antenna and microwave [10, 11]. In brief, a design of
an H-plane horn antenna with a very high gain and narrow radiation pattern while
keeping up its compact size is not been provided.

2. H-plane Sectoral Horn

Basically, the H-plane sectoral is feed by a rectangular waveguide and keep the other
side open with a rectangular dimensions in the direction of the H-field [3,5,6]. The
waveguide is commonly a transmission line used to collecting or feeding signals from

or into the antenna, its conductive wall connected to a coaxial cable [3,4,5,10,11]. H-
plane sectoral horn antenna is shown in Figure 1 below.

The construction design of the H-sectoral horn antenna is clarify in the coming

Figure.1 H-Plane Sectoral Horn

3. Design of H-Plane Sectoral Horn Antenna

To begin with, the microwave frequency band start with 300MHz up to 300GHz
[4]. In this design, 6GHz is been selected among various frequency at c-band by
reason of this antenna is work at optimum level, besides most of H-sectoral antennas
designed do not support this band due to gain limitations [7,8,9]. Moreover, the
suitable waveguide size is selected based on the operating frequency of the antenna
[5,6,10,11]. Therefore the waveguide standards based on 6GHz (c-band) are as
follows [4,5,6]:
WR-137 this waveguide has size of a=1.37inch and b=0.622inch.
WG-14 this waveguide has size of a=1.37inch and b=0.622inch.
In this design, numerous factor are carefully examined, such as maintaining a
compact size H-sectoral horn with a high power gain to support high coverage
distance as well as directive and narrow radiation beamwidth. This inspiring
requirements is subjected to shape and size of the waveguide and the antenna body
Consequently, waveguide and antenna body sizes are tested and examined
cautiously to make an optimum H-sectoral horn antenna. Hence, the optimum design
of H-Plane sectoral antenna is found and exposed as follows:
 Waveguide optimum design (WR-137):
a=1.37 Inch (0.6958λ) and b=0.622 Inch (0.3159λ).
 Other important parameters:
λ=C/F = 0.05m (f=6GHz), β=2π/λ =2π/0.05=125.6637.
 H-sectoral Horn antenna optimum design:
A=8.66 Inch (4.4λ) and R0=11.81 Inch (6λ).
The power gain of this design is calculated using the following formula also using a
simulation plot [3,4,5]:
32 𝐴 50
𝐺= ( √𝑅 ) (1)
𝜋 1

A is the aperture length which is equal to 8.66 Inch.
𝑅1is can be found using the following formula 𝑅1 = 𝜆√(6)2 + (4.4)2 = 6.3906𝜆 which
is equal to 12.5799 Inch.
The antenna power gain of this H-sectoral horn antenna is 21dB, which is extremely
promising and appreciated.
The optimum waveguide and H-sectoral body design is drawn in Figure 2 below.

Figure.2 Design of H-sectoral horn and rectangular waveguide

4. Plotting The Power Pattern Using Matlab

The power pattern (E𝜃, EØ) of the H-plane sectoral horn antenna operates on
frequency equal to 6GHz at C-band is plotted using MATLA. The equations of the
power pattern and other parameters are as follows:
1) E-Plane (𝑦𝑧-Plane ) (Ø=𝜋 ,EØ = Er = 0):

λ= = 3*108/6*109=0.05 (2)

b=.3159*λ = 0.015795 (3)

  90o
2𝜋 (4)
1  cos sinb / 2sin
F ( )  )5(

2 b / 2sin
2) H-Plane ( xz-plane ) (Ø=0,E𝜃 = Er = 0):

λ= 𝑐= 3*108/6*109=0.05 (6)
  0o
2𝜋 (7)


I ( ,  )  e j ( R 1 / 2 )(  sin cos  / A)2 2 ')  jS '

)  C(s1 ' ) jS (s1 ' )]
(s2 
/ 2 )(  sin cos  / A)2
.e j ( R1
[C(t2 ') jS (t2 ' )  C(t1 ' ) jS (t1 '
 )]
 (9)

When (Ø=0) then:

j ( R1 / 2 )(  sin  / A)2
I ( ,  )  e 2
') jS '
)  C(s ' ) jS (s ' )]
[C(s  (s2 
1 1
j ( R1 / 2 )(  sin  / A) 2 (10)
.e 2
') jS '
)  C(t ' ) jS (t '
[C(t  (t2  )]
1 1

5. Results of the Power Pattern Plots (E & H)

The power pattern E-plane and H-plane plots are indicate the radiation of the
electromagnetic in free space. Constantly, changing the size of both the waveguide
and the antenna itself has a substantial effect on the beamwidth. Thus, the optimum
size of the waveguide is a=1.37 Inch and b=0.62 Inch. While, the body of the H-
sectoral size is A=8.66 Inch and 𝑅𝑜=11.81 Inch. The electromagnetic radiations of
the compact H-sectoral horn design both E-plane and H-plane are shown in figure 3
& 4 (respectively) below.
Figure.3 E-Plane of the H-plane Sectoral Horn Antenna

Figure.4 H-Plane of the H-plane Sectoral Horn Antenna

From the plots, the main lobe of the E-plane is narrow and very directive in the direction of
H field. This beamwidth promises a very sharp and intense transmitting or receiving signals, as
well as a very high power gain of 21dB, which is normally not found especially at c-band where
most of the antennas design have a limited power gain.

6. Applications Zone
The designed compact size H-sectoral horn antenna with a concentrated and narrow
radiation pattern as well as a very high power gain of 21dB is perfectly suitable for
several microwave applications, such as; added as a Feed element for radio astronomy,
Satellite tracking, Communication dishes and lenses and Gain measurement.

7. Conclusions
To sum of all, in this paper, H-plane sectoral horn operates on 6GHz is illuminated
and successfully designed using MATLAB. In addition, constantly manipulating the
size of the waveguide and the H-sectoral antenna body and testing the optimum sizes
resulting a compact size antenna. Similarly, promising a directive, narrow and intense
radiation in the direction of a selected path to support high coverage distances. Besides,
a very high power of 21dB of gain is delivered by the designed antenna. Furthermore,
the power pattern of E-plane and H-plane plots have drawn and illustrated using
MATLAB simulation. In conclusion, this H-sectoral horn antenna is seamlessly proper
for numerous microwave applications such as, feed element in large radio astronomy,
satellite tracking, feed for various lenses and reflectors, and gain measurement for other
transmitting antenna.

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