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Skills Test 4: What's The Future of Space Exploration?

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Skills test 4 Elementary FOURTH EDITION

Reading 1 Read the article. Match sentence beginnings 1–10 with

endings a–j.
1 j The American space shuttles
What’s the future of space exploration?
2 ___ US astronauts are going to fly in
Scientists and engineers are already working on many future space
projects. Let’s take a look at some possibilities! 3 ___ NASA want private companies
4 ___ There are still many things that scientists
2011  The last space shuttle flights took place in February 2011. Until
NASA, the American space agency, develops a new rocket to replace 5 ___ Asteroids are pieces of rock
the shuttles, the USA is going to send people into space on Russian 6 ___ It takes many months for a rocket
rockets. Russia and China are the only countries in the world at the
moment that can send people into space. The American agency is 7 ___ The Mars programme needs to
still going to send unmanned satellites into orbit, but they want 8 ___ The ships that will fly to Mars
private companies to start financing some of the programmes. 9 ___ Scientists need to learn more about Mars
2011–2020  The International Space Station (ISS) is going to remain 10 ___ We could fly to
in service until about 2020. The five space agencies that started the
ISS programme are going to continue expanding the station. There a Russian rockets.
are still many things scientists want to find out about space, earth, b other stars in the future.
and our universe. c make sure astronauts can stay healthy in space.
2025  NASA is going to work on an asteroid programme. Asteroids d to get to Mars.
are pieces of rock, from small ones that you could hold in your hand, e want to study about the universe.
to larger ones bigger than a skyscraper, flying in space. Astronauts f are going to be bigger than any ships before them.
are going to land their ships on asteroids and investigate the origins
g before astronauts can go there.
of our solar system.
h which can be bigger than skyscrapers.
2030  Astronauts are going to orbit the planet Mars. It takes 8 or 9
i to help finance space exploration.
months to reach Mars from earth. The biggest problem for scientists
and engineers is how to maintain the astronauts’ health and fitness. j have now stopped flying into space.
Another problem is how to make sure there is enough food and
water for them. The ships are going to be the biggest ships ever built 2 points for each correct answer  18
because they have to take all the supplies and equipment the
astronauts will need. Space agencies have never built anything on 2 Match the underlined words or phrases to the
that scale before. definitions.
2035  When astronauts are successful in orbiting Mars, the next 1 happened took place
step is going to be landing people on the planet. But scientists need 2 so large __________
to learn more about Mars first.
3 making it larger __________
Are we going to fly to other stars – the way they do in films like Star
Trek, Star Wars and Avatar? The future holds the answer. 4 keep in good condition __________
5 without people on board __________
6 paying for __________
7 continue working __________
8 study, explore __________

1 point for each correct answer  7

Reading total 25

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2011 1

Skills test 4  Continued Elementary FOURTH EDITION

Writing Listening
1 Correct the relative pronoun (who, which or where) if 1 Listen to six short extracts. Match the dialogues (1–5)
the sentence is incorrect. Tick (✓) the two correct to the topics (a–e).
sentences. a ___ announcement at an airport
1 Ferihegy is the airport which many foreign visitors first b ___ weather forecast
arrive.  where
c ___ announcement at a railway station
2 Adam Clark was the engineer which designed the first
d ___ directions to a railway station
bridge in Budapest.  ______
e ___ tourist guide speaking
3 Balaton is the name of a popular lake where people
f 1 radio interview
spend their holidays.  ______
4 I love the mountains who are in the north of the 1 point for each correct answer  5
country. ______
5 Nickelsdorf is a busy town which my parents 2 Listen again. Complete the sentences with one word
live. ______ only.
6 It was András Török who wrote the best guidebook 1 We’ve booked tickets to go on the London Eye.
about Budapest.  ______ 2 Friday’s going to be ______ with temperatures between
1 point for each correct answer  5
3 Go ______ the high street, past the supermarket.
2 Write a short article about the country where you live. 4 The next train to ______ at Platform 5 is the 11.55 …
Write about: to Wheatfield.
• where it is, how big it is and how many people live 5 You can see some colonial stone ______ from the 17th
there. century.
• the most important parts of the country.
6 Passengers with e-tickets, please go to ______ desks 14
• what the country is famous for.
• what you like about it. and 15.

Write your article in 100–150 words. 2 points for each correct answer  10
_____________________________________________ 3 Listen again. Write true (T) or false (F).
_____________________________________________ 1 He’s booked tickets to see a London show.  F
_____________________________________________ 2 Thursday is going to be windy all day.  ___
3 You need to cross the street at the traffic lights.  ___
4 The Wheatfield train is going to arrive after the
Twyford Express.  ___
5 Today they are visiting the local museum.  ___
_____________________________________________ 6 The BA flight to Dubai is leaving at 08.25.  ___

Writing task  20 2 points for each correct answer  10

Writing total 25 Listening total 25

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2011 2

Skills test 4  Continued Elementary FOURTH EDITION

Speaking 3 A  Look at the information. Use the words to make five

1 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.
1 What is your favourite place in your hometown? Why? Holiday in Ibiza!
2 How do you travel to work/school each day? What is Things to do before the trip
the best way to travel in your town?
finish packing tomorrow evening?
3 Where are you going on your next holiday? What are
you going to do there? collect euros ✓
4 What’s the weather like in your country in winter / check in do online
summer? Has it changed in recent years? How? directions to hotel ask Tom for address!
5 Have you ever been to a music or art festival? What was weather on Internet ✓ sunny, 32oC!
it like? What festival would you like to visit? Why?

max. 1 point for each topic  5 1 packing ?

2 collect money ?
2 Look at the photos. Compare living in the country and 3 how / check in ?
in a city. Talk about what’s good or bad about each 4 know / where / hotel ?
place, and where you would like to live. 5 weather in Ibiza ?

1 point for each correct question  5

B  Answer the questions.

1 point for each correct answer  5

Speaking total 25
Skills test 4 total 100

max. 10 points  10

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2011 3

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