Dhark Coco, Online Chocolate, Confections, and Treats Boutique Business Description
Dhark Coco, Online Chocolate, Confections, and Treats Boutique Business Description
Dhark Coco, Online Chocolate, Confections, and Treats Boutique Business Description
Business Description
Dhark CoCo is on online chocolate boutique offering couture chocolates, confections and
baked goods. Dhark Coco, a luxury brand, is for the chocolate connoisseur wanting to explore
unique flavor profiles from all over the world, the business professional looking to impress their
clientele, and is the perfect gift during the holiday seasons. Dhark CoCo will become more than a
chocolate, confections and treats brand but will transform into an academy for the home baker
learning to perfect their craft. Physical demonstrations, classes, cookbooks, video blogs is what
the future holds for Dhark CoCo. The chocolate and confection industry is a powerhouse that is
expected to have continuous annual growth and by 2017 have sales of $21.4 billion, with
chocolate accounting for over 20% of those sales. We will specialize in seasonal gifts, special
events, and to satisfy the everyday craving for something sweet. This luxury brand will take it’s
share in the market by delivery excellent customer service, creating a superior product using high
quality ingredients,
Mission Statement: To satisfy every sweet tooth, chocolate craving and to provide luxury gifts
for all occasions.
Company Goals and Objectives: Goals:
1st year • Gross sales of $20,000
• Host a launch party to invite potential • Hire one employee
customers to experience what I have to 5 years
• Brand awareness mainly through social • Gross sales of $100,000
media awareness, using the promotion • Ship internationally
tools that Instagram, Facebook, and • Move into own space
Twitter have to offer • Follower base of 20,000 and more
• To have a customer in at least half of the • Space to include filming kitchen
states in the country • Host cooking/baking demonstrations to
• Attend 3 wedding expos or other events the public and private classes
as a vendor to get the company name out • Launch cooking/baking YouTube
there channel, to generate another source of
• Focus on Search engine optimization income
• Partner which popular brands that will
promote our business 10 years
• Have products sold in a retail shop such • Write and publish cookbook
as Whole Foods or Neiman Marcus • Book tour, traveling the country teaching
• Cater desserts at least 5 local celebratory classes
• 2,000 followers between Instagram and
Facebook business pages
• Featured on a local news station, or
major media outlet
• Professional development class at the
Chicago Chocolate Academy
Business Philosophy: To create a luxury product, with quality ingredients found from all over the
world, catering to the needs of the chocolate connoisseur to the superb gift giver and all in
between, while delivery memorable service.
Market Analysis
There are several segments I plan to market my product and services to. There are four
categories: People hosting celebratory events, Business professionals, Holiday season gifts
(Mainly Valentine’s Day and Christmas), and high income level households.
Chocolate contributes to the majority of the $34.5 billion confectionary industry in the
United States. Chocolate sales accounted for $21.1 billion of the candy industry in 2014 which
was a 2.9% increase from the previous year. The greatest growth was in premium products,
which expanded 11%, and in dark chocolate products, which grew 8%. Sales are expected to
grow another 6% by 2017 to $22.4 billion. Seasonal candy is also a major driver of the
confectionary industry, in 2014 it accounted for over 21% of sales ($7 billion). Premium and
dark chocolate are the strongest segments of the market in the United States. I foresee this
industry with constant growth, especially in the specialty (holiday) segments and in dark
chocolate, with the health studies revealing that dark chocolate is good for your health.
Dhark CoCo will succeed because of the unique, personalized, product and services
offered to potential customers. My company will emphasize building relationships with clients,
something the major companies are missing the mark on due to mass production and an
overwhelming variety of products offered. The products used will only be of high quality, found
from around the world to provide a memorable experience to the chocolatier. Dhark CoCo’s
major competitive strengths will be a heavy presence on all social media outlets, targeting every
potential segment for the various occasions and needs for chocolate. We not only provide
chocolate and confections but baked goods as well, catering to special needs diets such as sugar
free, gluten free, and vegan. We are able to not only have an online presence but be able to
physically cater locally as well. Dhark CoCo will transform from a business that provides
products to a business that also provides learning opportunities for the chocolate connoisseur that
wants to develop their skills in chocolate making
Targeted Market: with high end clients, the everyday
• 25 years old and up chocolate/sweet lover
• Male and Female • Customers who enjoy purchasing
• United States delicacies no matter the cost, to impress
• $70k and up salary others with their taste of luxury
• Upper middle and upper class chocolate and confections.
• Individuals in need of purchasing for • Special diets: Vegan, Gluten Free, Sugar
luxury gifts during the holiday season Free
and other special events • Segments within my market
• Bachelor’s degree or higher a) Bridal
• Lifestyle: foodies (persons appreciative b) Events: Sweets tables at weddings,
of food), the home entertainer, the birthdays, and other celebratory events
luxurious gift giver, the event planner
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A survey was created using Google Forms to gauge family and friends about their chocolate
consumption. I have so far received a good amount of responses by promoting the survey on my
social media accounts. The shortcoming of the results is that the people filling out the form,
don’t necessarily fall into the targeted market, so they wouldn’t even fathom buying luxury
chocolates or confections, but the feedback/concerns were still helpful.
For more accurate data, I plan to host an “eye tracker” with individuals from my target
market to compare how my packaging holds up against the known brands. I also plan to host a
focus group with individuals in my target market, that includes tasting products, asking price
point questions, preferences, and more.
When examining my main competition/chocolate companies I am inspired by, the prices
vary. In order for Dhark CoCo to be perceived as a luxury brand, it not only must deliver luxury
products but also the price must match as well. Some of the high end established chocolate
companies sell 3# of a variety of chocolate candies for $398 (La Maison Du Chocolat) whereas
Godiva charges $78 for their signature assorted box of bon bons. My pricing will first depend on
my food & labor costs, but I would like to fall into the “Godiva” price range. As a new start up,
this may be a challenge with high prices, but I will not sell my company or my skills short in
order to successfully enter the market. The quality ingredients and luxury packaging will dive up
my food and wrap around costs, so I will have to price accordingly. In my projected 12 month
profit/loss, I assumed my food cost was at 18%.
Products and Services
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Chocolates can be customized in color, logo, messages and names are available for a
specialized touch
Flavors will be added or removed depended on the season, availability of product, and
demand of the flavors. Will offer Holiday collections, different packaging for Christmas and
Valentine’s day.
Major concern for potential customers is quality of product once shipped. Here are several
shipping methods I plan to incorporate to ensure the high quality of the products
- Educate customers on chocolate care (melting points ect)
- Only ship Monday-Wednesday (to prevent chocolate from being held in transit longer
than three days)
- Always use 2 day shipping
- Shipping prices increase during summer for added wrap around costs to protect chocolate
during high heat seasons
- Having an in detailed “Shipping Policy” page on website
- Always provide tracking number, no P.O boxes, no signature required
Services for special events: party favors/take home gifts to guests that can be specialized but not
limited to. Other ideas include gifts for all occasions, wedding related (will you be my
bridesmaid invitations), and congratulatory gifts.
The products and services I intend to produce will be of high quality falling within the
luxury realm of products and services. My competitive advantages include providing a luxury
experience from the buying process, delivery, and follow up, couture treats catering to the needs
of the customers, open levels of communication with myself and clients, personalization of items
for the various events and celebrations. Disadvantages would be getting my products into retail
shops such as Neiman Marcus and Whole Foods, the limited amount of equipment to be able to
mass produce my products to keep up with the demand, especially during peak holiday seasons
such as Valentine’s Day and Christmas.
Being an online brand there will be several competitors in this industry. Focusing on luxury
brands and those placed in positions that I hope to be in such as high end retail shops like
Neiman Marcus.
List major competitors, and unique qualities:
Godiva Chocolatier, INC • Thank you, business,
wedding/showers, baby shower,
• Large variety congratulations, anniversary
• 6 truffles $17 • Sections are too overwhelming
• Signature truffles, 12 for $32
• 36 for $78 • La Maison Du Chocolat
• Shows the inside of each truffle in • 221 pieces, 3# for $398
picture • Tasting recommendations
• Gift boxes • Holiday gifts, treats, bars, signature
• 12 strawberries for $80 boxes, pastries, exceptional gifts,
• Adds personal message (hat boxes), party favors
• Vosges Haut-Chocolat
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A detailed SWOT analysis has been done including Dhark CoCo, Godiva, & Phillip Ashley
Importance to
FACTOR Dhark CoCo Strength Weakness Godiva Phillip Ashley
Offering a
variety of
High end
services other
chocolates, Uniqueness of Wide variety of Trademark
than just
baked goods, some flavors, products not flavor names,
Products chocolate. Ex. 1
confections, variety of gift limited to helping with
Classes, baked
luxury packaging chocolates charity
goods, local
catering for
dessert bars
May be too
The product Fairly expensive Fairly expensive
Price will match expensive due
Price matches the but a known but a known 4
luxury product to lack of brand
price brand brand
Using those
Pictures of each
high quality
Using high truffle on the
Quality High quality products may High quality 1
quality products inside ensuring
get expensive
high quality
for a start up
Only selecting
the most Experience
Having a
popular using products 76 bon bon
limited Wide selection
products and from around flavors, wide
Selection selection of of high quality 1
flavors, the world, I variety of
items compared productions
depending on know what collections
to competitors
season and works
being a small Can track
business which Operating order, shipping
High levels of Can contact
means being business by info, return
Service service delivery them via their 1
able to take the myself initially, policy and
is a top priority website,
time to build may limit FAQs all on
relationships their website
with customers
Page 8 of 10
Importance to
FACTOR Dhark CoCo Strength Weakness Godiva Phillip Ashley
Limiting Will use every
shipping days, measure to
Reliability only offering 2 make sure each Very reliable Very reliable 1
day shipping to product is top
remains fresh
eliminate risks quality
and cold
Uses the best Chocolate
products to becomes an Very stable,
ensure quality, unstable Product Have had over retail shop only
Dry Ice, Ice product when shipping 100 years to open three days
Stability 1
Packs, exposed to high through all master their a week to keep
Insulation, temperature climates craft up with
sturdy shipping when being production
boxes shipped
Not a complete
expert on
Just myself and
chocolate but I
Will take more my experience,
have ample
professional not having a
amount of
Expertise developments world High level High level 1
to perfect my renowned
working with it,
craft chocolatier chef
and have the
on staff
tools to expand
my skills
Reputation will
Most High ratings on
be based on Being an
My personal recognizable yelp,
superb service, unknown
Company reputation brand, been TripAdvisor
high quality brand, trying to 3
Reputation within my area around for and better
ingredients, and make a name
is positive almost 100 business
innovative for myself
years bureau.
Being in a
location where Three retail
No overhead
my luxury stores: Neiman
Produce items costs due to
products don’t Marcus,
in Daytona renting Website,
quite fit. Being Horchow,
Beach, Fl, commercial Closest location
Location online, people Horsehoe 5
targeting all of kitchen, while is in Sanford,
are hesitant to Tunica,
the United being able to Florida
order online Corporate
States. service locally
because of location is in
as well
melting or lack Memphis, TN
of freshness
Taking time to
Will also have
create eye Access to Variety of Unique color
unique colors
Appearance pleasing unique mold packaging, combinations 1
and designs for
chocolates and shapes excellent gifts and molds
my products
Not having a
Utilizing social physical store
Online/Direct Online Online
Sales Method media to drive location to 4
Sales Sales/Direct Sales/Direct
online sales generate more
Credit No Customers may Warm weather No returns or
refund/returns, 3
Policies refund/returns be upset will no guarantee refunds offered
but will go
Page 9 of 10
Importance to
FACTOR Dhark CoCo Strength Weakness Godiva Phillip Ashley
Marketing Strategy
My Niche is luxury chocolates and confections delivering a personalized touch for the
chocolate connoisseur, hostess with the mostess, or anyone sent into a sweet tooth frenzy. Dhark
CoCo will also be an educational brand, teaching the public in an intimate setting on all things
chocolate. Promotion
Marketing and Promotion will be mainly be done through social media, website, bloggers and
other popular pages, and utilization of SEO’s. Using Facebook and Instagram, you can
specifically identify your audience, post content, interact with customers through posts and their
Facebook and Instagram live option. On Facebook you can promote specific posts for a s little as
$5 to reach a certain amount of people in your targeted audience. The goal is to post twice a day
on all social media outlets, being that my business will be solely online while posting an action
video of my producing my products at least once a week. I also plan to network with bloggers
and other personalities that have similar target markets with an established fan base to promote
my business as well. In the beginning of starting this business, I plan to attend bridal shows,
trade shows related to my industry and other events where I can promote my business. The
image I want to project to my customers is a luxury brand of artisan chocolate, confections, and
baked goods. I want the customers to view my chocolates, treats, and packaging as art. I do plan
on hiring a graphic consultant to create a luxury logo to match my brand along with brochures,
letterheads and cards, brochures, signage and table cloth. One my website, I plan to have the
option where a customer can register their information to set up a profile, to track their buying
habits and special occasions celebrated.
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When it comes to placement, my ultimate goal is to be placed in established luxury retail stores
such as Neiman Marcus. Being that the majority of chocolate sales come from grocery stores,
being placed in Whole Foods is also another goal.
Depending on food and wrap around costs, prices may vary. Researching competitors, you notice
there is no set trend from pricing certain items. Six chocolate truffles may cost $12 for one brand
but $45 for another. Godiva is the most recognized brand amongst my targeted market, so I will
strategically price possibly slightly lower than Godiva or at the same price, it just depends on the
cost it takes to produce, package, and ship the products. My targeted customers don’t make their
decisions based on price, so I may be able to set higher prices, the shortcoming is being an
unknown brand. I will provide an in-detail food/production cost of each item.
In order to produce all products for Dhark CoCo, a commercial bakery kitchen located in
Daytona Beach, Florida will be rented for 2-3 days for 5-8 hours, each day to produce and
package all items.
Due to page restrictions, not everything has been included in this document. A complete business
plan has been formulated, along with financial documents that include, break even analysis, start-
up expenses, personal financial statement, 1st year projected sales forecast, and 1st year projected
profit-loss sheet.
Break Even Analysis: $7980
1 Year Sales Forecast: $77,940
Profit-Loss Profit:
Total Revenue: $77,940
Cost of Sales: $13,979
Gross Profit: $63,911
Total Expenses: $8430
Net Operating Income: $55,481