Half-Life Extension of Biopharmaceuticals Using Chemical Methods: Alternatives To Pegylation
Half-Life Extension of Biopharmaceuticals Using Chemical Methods: Alternatives To Pegylation
Half-Life Extension of Biopharmaceuticals Using Chemical Methods: Alternatives To Pegylation
201600374 Reviews
ChemMedChem 2016, 11, 1 – 23 1 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &
Peptides and proteins constitute a vast pool of excellent drug include PEGylation, fusion to unstructured polypeptide-based
candidates. Evolution has equipped these molecules with su- PEG mimetics, conjugation of large polysaccharides, native-like
perior drug-like properties such as high specificity and poten- glycosylation, lipidation, fusion to albumin or the Fc domain of
cy. However, native peptides and proteins suffer from an inade- IgG, and derivatization with bio-orthogonal moieties that
quate pharmacokinetic profile, and their outstanding pharma- direct self-assembly. This review provides an overview of avail-
cological potential can only be realized if this issue is ad- able conjugation chemistries, biophysical properties, and
dressed during drug development. To overcome this challenge, safety data associated with these concepts. Moreover, the ef-
a variety of half-life extension techniques relying on covalent fects of these modifications on peptide and protein pharmaco-
chemical modification have been developed. These methods kinetics are demonstrated through key examples.
& ChemMedChem 2016, 11, 1 – 23 www.chemmedchem.org 2 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
ChemMedChem 2016, 11, 1 – 23 www.chemmedchem.org 3 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &
Table 1. Currently approved peptide- and protein-based biopharmaceuticals that are PEGylated, lipidated, or fused to albumin or the Fc domain of IgG.[a]
[a] All fusion proteins listed are obtained by recombinant expression. [b] International nonproprietary name. [c] Approval year reflects first approval in
either USA or Europe.
Figure 2. Examples of PEGylation chemistry. A) mPEG-propionaldehyde reacts with an amino group to form an imine, which is reduced to form a secondary
amine. B) PEG-NHS reacts with an amino group to form an amide bond. C) PEG-maleimides react with free Cys to provide a thioether linkage. D) PEG iodo-
acetamides also react with free Cys to form a thioether bond. R: peptide or protein.
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ChemMedChem 2016, 11, 1 – 23 www.chemmedchem.org 5 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &
Figure 4. Dextran conjugation by A) periodate oxidation and subsequent reductive amination, and B) attachment of e-aminocaproic acid at the reducing end
followed by amide bond formation. Only monoconjugated product is shown; R: peptide or protein.
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ChemMedChem 2016, 11, 1 – 23 www.chemmedchem.org 7 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &
Figure 6. Examples of HESylation chemistry. A) The hemiacetal of the reducing end of the polymer chain may be oxidized to yield the corresponding aldonic
acid, which then can be activated by dehydration to form the lactone or by formation of the NHS ester. B) The hemiacetal exists in an equilibrium with the
open-chain aldehyde, which enables HESylation via reductive amination. R: peptide or protein; TSTU: N,N,N’,N’-tetramethyl-O-(N-succinimidyl)uronium tetra-
fluoroborate; DIEA: N,N-diisopropylethylamine.
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ChemMedChem 2016, 11, 1 – 23 www.chemmedchem.org 9 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &
Figure 8. Chemical introduction of PSA. A) The non-reducing end of CA may be oxidized to yield an aldehyde, which may then undergo reductive amination,
enabling conjugation via the N-terminal amino group(s) and Lys Ne amines. B) CA aldehyde may also be further modified by incorporation of a maleimide,
which may then be selectively attached to the thiol functionality of a free Cys. R: peptide or protein.
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& ChemMedChem 2016, 11, 1 – 23 www.chemmedchem.org 12 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Figure 10. Representative GlcA-GlcNAc disaccharides from HA derivatives used for controlled preparation of multivalent HA conjugates: A) HA acetal, B) HA
methacrylate, C) HA vinyl sulfone, and D) HA dialdehyde.
AMEA-HA was subsequently coupled to the Cys residue of formed under mildly acidic conditions to target only the N-ter-
CWRYMVm by Michael addition of the thiol to the methacry- minus of INFa. HAylation increased the hydrodynamic volume
late double bond. By changing the amount of AMEA used for while retaining the secondary structure of INFa, as indicated
preparing the AMEA-HA polymers, the average number of pep- by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and circular dichro-
tides per HA conjugate could be controlled in the range from ism (CD) spectroscopy, respectively. Compared with unconju-
5 to 23. Compared to unmodified CWRYMVm, the multivalent gated INFa, a HA conjugate containing six INFa molecules ex-
HA conjugates had increased hydrodynamic volume and ex- hibited decreased biological activity in an anti-proliferation
hibited increased stability in diluted serum, with no degrada- Daudi cell assay, but displayed improved serum stability (half-
tion observed after 96 h of incubation. The multivalent life of > 120 h, corresponding to a 3-fold increase). Following
CWRYMVm-HA conjugates displayed partially decreased bio- i.v. administration to rats, INFa-HA exhibited prolonged circula-
logical activity in terms of FPR L1 receptor activation, but full tion and could be detected for 50–110 h (depending on the al-
activity was recovered upon treatment with hyaluronidases.[89] dehyde content of the polymer), whereas native INFa was
Using a related strategy, Hahn and co-workers have also pre- cleared within 24 h.[91]
pared multivalent conjugates of exendin-4 (Ex4) and HA using
a 100 kDa HA variant containing a vinyl sulfone functionality at
5. N- and O-Glycosylation
the COOH position (VS-HA) (Figure 10 C).[90] Ex4 was prepared
with an additional C-terminal Cys residues and efficiently con- Protein glycosylation is one of the most important and most
jugated to VS-HA by Michael addition under slightly alkaline complex post-translational modifications.[92] It has been esti-
conditions to yield multivalent Ex4-HA conjugates with a vary- mated that more than 50 % of all proteins may in fact be gly-
ing number of peptides per HA polymer. The conjugates have coproteins, emphasizing the ubiquity of glycosylation.[93] Glyco-
an increased hydrodynamic volume and a markedly prolonged sylation of peptides and proteins has many functions, includ-
half-life when incubated with human serum (half-life of > 96 h, ing modulation of protein physicochemical properties, control
corresponding to a 20-fold increase over unconjugated Ex4). of protein folding, stabilization of protein conformation, pro-
The in vivo efficacy of the Ex4-HA conjugates was evaluated in tein interactions and cellular recognition, protection from pro-
diabetic db/db mice. Compared to unmodified Ex4, the hypo- teolytic degradation, regulation of protein transport and locali-
glycemic effect of Ex4-HA was similar in an intraperitoneal glu- zation, modification of immunological properties, and media-
cose tolerance test (IPGTT) but prolonged following adminis- tion of protein-protein and cell–cell interactions.[94] Many of
tration of a single s.c. dose, with the effect being maintained these effects directly provide half-life extension of a glycosyla-
for up to three days.[90] ted peptide or protein.
Although the periodate oxidation strategy is associated with In N-glycosylation, a glycan is attached by a glycosidic
product heterogeneity, it has been used to prepare multivalent amide from GlcNAc to the side-chain of an Asn residue in an
conjugates of HA and interferon a (INFa) in a controlled fash- Asn-X-Ser/Thr consensus sequence, with X being any amino
ion.[91] Using NaIO4, Kahn and co-workers obtained a partly oxi- acid except Pro.[95] N-linked glycans share a common pentame-
dized 100 kDa HA polymer (Figure 10 D) and used it to prepare ric core motif (Man3GlcNAc2, where Man is mannose) and are
INFa-HA conjugates with varying INFa content (2–9 copies per derived from a common 14-mer oligosaccharide precursor
HA polymer). Conjugation by reductive amination was per- (Glc3Man9GlcNAc2, where Glc is glucose), which is further trim-
ChemMedChem 2016, 11, 1 – 23 www.chemmedchem.org 13 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &
& ChemMedChem 2016, 11, 1 – 23 www.chemmedchem.org 14 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Figure 11. Examples of lipid moieties used for half-life extension of biopharmaceuticals. A) Myristic acid, which is used for acylation of the LysB29 position of
insulin detemir. B) Palmitic acid linked to a g-glutamic acid (gGlu) spacer, which is inserted at the e-amine of Lys26 position of liraglutide. C) Hexadecanoic
diacid with a gGlu spacer, used for modification of the LysB29 position of insulin degludec. D) Octadecanoic diacid coupled to a spacer consisting of gGlu and
two 8-amino-3,6-dioxaoctanoic acid (OEG) units, used for acylating position Lys26 of semaglutide.
either the N-terminus or a Lys residue carrying an orthogonal chloride-mediated denaturation of insulin detemir (Levemir,
protecting group. In Fmoc-SPPS, this could be for example, al- Novo Nordisk) showed that myristoylation increases the free
lyloxycarbonyl (Alloc),[107b] 2-acetyl-5,5-dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexa- energy of unfolding by 30 %.[113]
nedionyl (Dde),[108] or (4-methoxyphenyl)diphenylmethyl Lipidation with dietary fatty acids such as myristic acid and
(Mmt).[109] During assembly of the peptide chain, the orthogo- palmitic acid is generally perceived as a safe approach to half-
nal protecting group may be selectively removed to reveal an life extension, as these compounds are known to be complete-
attachment point for anchoring of the lipid moiety. By per- ly metabolized by the human body. Whether this is also true
forming the lipidation on-resin, purification in one step is usu- for the structurally similar fatty diacids remains unknown. Gen-
ally sufficient to achieve a pure product.[107b] eration of antibodies toward lipidated biopharmaceuticals has
The ability of fatty acid conjugation to improve the half-life been reported,[114] but so far the level of antibody formation is
of biopharmaceuticals relies on noncovalent binding to albu- low and without clinical relevance. The long-term safety profile
min. Human serum albumin (HSA) is the most abundant pro- associated with more elaborate lipid motifs containing PEG-
tein of the bloodstream and contains nine different fatty acid based spacers is currently unknown.
binding sites, which may bind free fatty acids as well as fatty The first lipidated polypeptide to obtain regulatory approval
acids conjugated to larger molecules.[110] When bound to HSA, was insulin detemir in 2004. Insulin detemir is a basal insulin
lipidated peptides are sterically shielded from proteolytic deg- for treatment of type 1 diabetes (T1D). It is based on desB30
radation, and because of the large size of HSA (MW of human insulin and is derivatized with myristic acid (C14) at the
~ 66 kDa), this protein, along with any molecule associated Ne-amine of LysB29 (Figure 11 A). It has a half-life of 5–7 h fol-
with it, is protected from rapid glomerular filtration. lowing s.c. administration to healthy human subjects.[115] The
Following binding to serum albumin, lipidated biopharma- mechanism underlying the half-life extension involves both al-
ceuticals are released gradually into the circulation, thereby bumin binding (more than 95 % of circulating insulin detemir
obtaining a protracted half-life and an extended mode of is albumin-bound)[111, 112] as well as self-association. Insulin dete-
action. Early studies on fatty acid-modified insulin analogues, mir is co-formulated with phenol and Zn2 + to induce forma-
which include insulin detemir, revealed that half-life was corre- tion of insulin hexamers, but size exclusion chromatography
lated with the affinity for HSA, such that strong albumin affini- (SEC) studies have revealed that insulin detemir exists in a sta-
ty resulted in prolonged action of these analogues.[111] bilizing hexamer–dihexamer equilibrium in the s.c. depot,
Conjugation with fatty acids has in several cases been which delays the absorption. Once in the bloodstream, the
shown to elicit in vivo self-assembly of drug monomers into hexamers dissociate into monomers, which are then able to
stable oligomeric structures.[112] Such oligomers are less suscep- bind to albumin.[112a] The X-ray crystal structure indicates that
tible to proteolytic degradation and may also form a depot dihexamer formation is mediated by hydrophobic interactions
from which the active monomer is gradually released. In some of the myristic acid groups.[113]
cases, lipidation also increases the chemical stability of the In 2009, the once-daily GLP-1 analogue liraglutide (Victoza,
modified protein. For instance, a study of guanidinium hydro- Novo Nordisk) was marketed for the treatment of type 2 diabe-
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