Example Essay Structure
Example Essay Structure
Example Essay Structure
on relevant theory and research to support your answer.
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Attention Grabbing beginning: Fact, Definition or Stat
Background info (To allow any reader to understand the topic)
Thesis Statement or Research Question (The Main Point of the Essay): Make sure to
indicate the topics that will be covered in the essay, make the essay’s purpose clear
and provide an overview of the points to follow (this helps unify the essay).
Paragraph 5: Conclusion
Revisit and cement the purpose of the essay. Explain, briefly, to the reader why the
subject of the essay is important in the real world.
Summarise what you have covered and touch upon each idea in the prior paragraphs
to tie the essay together as it closes.
You may also leave the reader with an aspect of the topic for them to ponder or point
to the limits of the field in question.
Think of the intro and conclusion as “bookends” to the essay. The intro opens and
pushes your points about the topic. The conclusion pulls the essay together at the end
for a unified ending.