Avid Cte
Avid Cte
Avid Cte
Sector 10-A Gandhinagar 382 010
Phone (079) 23226295
Fax (079) 23232156
Website www.op'cbgovin
BY R:I'.A.D.
"Consent to Establish"
CTE - 57229
NO: GPCB/CCA-YRD-250/1D: 21592/ ~c;. b S 'l-..z.. DATE: a,\- \ '\. \ \ -t. ••.~ ~
PLOT NO: 460 II,
DlST: VADODARA - 391 780.
SUB: Consentto Establish (NOe) under Section 25 of Water Act 1974 and Section 21 of Air Act 1981.
REF: Your online NOe· Amendment application No. 67792, dated: 07/06/2013.
Without prejudice to the powers of this Board under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act-
1974. the Air Act-198I and the Environment (Protection) Act- t 986 and without reducing your responsibilities under the
said Acts in an~''l}vay. this is to inform you that this Board grants Consent to Establish (NOC) for industrial plant
activities at PLOT NO: 460 II, VILL: POICHA, TAL: SAVLI, DlST: VADODARA - 391780 for the
following items. The Validity period ofthe order will be up to 06/06/2018.
You shall obtain the permission from all the relevant Agencies I Authorities as applicable.
You shall not carry out auy activities that may attract the provision of the EIA Notification-2006.
The ti'llit shall install meters for measuring category wise consumption of water (category as
given in Water - Cess Act 1977, Schedule - II).
The project proponent shall not start any Construction I Project enabling activities unless and
until all requisite prior Permission I Clearance are obtained.
I. The quantity of the industrial effluent from the manufacturing process and other ancillary industrial operations
shall not exceed 15200 Lit / Day and entire quantity of generated waste water shall be sent to MEE to achieve
Zero Discharge.
2. The quantity of the domestic waste water (sewage) shall not exceed 8000 Lit / Day.
seweNtcl'ftrgGfJ.lti.'f'Cit PiGreen Gujar ~
ISO - 9001 - 2008 & ISO - 14001 - 2004 Certified orga~
4. The applicant shall install & operate air pollution control system in order to achieve norms prescribed belov,;:
5. The flue gas emission through stack attached to IBR Boiler. Thermic Fluid Heater & D.G. Set shall conform to the
following standards:
D.G.Set standards:-
The flue gas emission through stack attached to D.G.Set shall conform to the following standards:
a) The minimum height of stack to be provided \••.. ith each of the generator set shall be H=h + 0.2 (KVA) li2•
w~re H= Total stack height in meter, h= height of the building in meters where or by the side of which the
generator set is installed.
b) Noise from DO set shall be controlled by providing an acoustic enclosure or by treating the room
acoustically. at the users end.
c) The acoustic enclosure or acoustic treatment of the room shall be designed for minimum 25 dB (A) insertion
loss or for meeting the ambient noise standards, whichever is on the higher side ( if the actual ambient noise
is on the higher side. it may not be possible to check the perfonnance of the acoustic enclosure/ acoustic
treatment. Under such circumstances the perfonnance may be checked for noise reduction up to actual
ambient noise level, preferably, in the night time). The measurement for insertion loss may be done at
different points at 0.5 m from the acoustic enclosure/room, and the averaged.
d) The D.G. Set shall be provided with proper exhaust muffler \\-'ith insertion loss of minimum 25 dB (A).
e) All efforts shall be made to bring down the noise level due to the D.G.Set outside the premises, within the
ambient noise requirements by proper sitting and control measures.
f) Installation of a D.G.Set must be strictly in compliance with the recommendations of the D.G.Set
g) A proper routine and preventive maintenance procedure for the D.G.Set should be set and followed in
consultation with the DG Set manufacture which would help prevent noise levels of the DG Set from
deteriorating with use.
All D.Gs installed will be with acoustic enclosures. Anti-vibration mountings will be inserted bet\veen the base
frame and enclosure floor of DG sets to prevent from noise pollution. I DG sets will be installed with proper
acoustic measures sound calculation shall be shared once the make & vendor gets finalized.
All D.Gs smoke / emissions extract will be take up to minimum height 30 meters I Stack height will be provided as
per CPCB norms & same shall be complied & certified with CPCB nonns at the time of installation through D.G.
,., •.,
~ Sector 10-A.Gandhinagar 382 010
Phone (079) 23226295
Fax (079) 23232156
Website www.gpcbgovin
6. The process emission through stack attached to various stacks I vent of reactors, process vessel shall conform to
the following standards:
7. Stack monitoring facilities like port hole, platform/ladder ete"., shall be provided \\...ith stacks/vents chimney 10
8. The concentration of the following parameters in the ambient air within the premises of the industry and a distance
of lOmeters from the source) other than the stack/vent) shall not exceed the following levels_
The applicant shall provide portholes, ladder. platform etc at chimney(s) for monitoring the air emissions and the
same shall be open for inspection to/and for use of Board's staff. The chimney(s) vents attached to various sources
of emission shall be designed by numbers such as 5-1. 5·2, etc. and these shall be painted .I displayed to facilitate
10. The Industry shall take adequate measures for control of noise levcls from its own sources \\lithin thc premises so
as to m.aintain ambient air quality standards in respect of noise to less than 75 dB(a) during day time and 70 dB
(A) du~ing night time. Daytime is reckoned in bctv-ieen 6a.m. andlO p.m. and nighttime is reckoned hetween 10
p.m. and 6 a.m.
II. The applicant shall provide temporary storage facilities for each type of Haz Waste as per Hazardous Waste
(Management. Handling & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008 as amended from time to timc.
12. The applicant shall he obtained membership of common T5DF site for disposal Haz. Waste as categorized in
Hazardous Wa<;te (Management, Handling & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008 as amended from time to
13. The applicant shall obtained membership of common Haz Waste incinerator for disposal of incinerablc waste.
14. Hazardous Waste generated shall be disposed off in accordance with the Hazardous Waste (Management,
Handling & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008 and unit shall have to obtain authorization of the Board for all
applicable categories of Hazardous wastes.
15. The ap~licant shall obtained authorization for recovery / reuses of any Hazardous Waste materia~
16. Adequate plantation shall be carried out all along the periphery of the industrial premises in such a way that the
density of plantation is at least 1000 trees per acre ofland and a green belt of 10 meters v"idth is developed.
17. The applicant shall have to submit the returns in prescribed form regarding water consumption and shall have to
make payment afwater cess to the Board under the Water Cess Act- 1977.
18. In case of change of ownership/management the name and address of the new ovmers/partners/directors!proprietor
should immediately be intimated to the Board.
19. The applicant shall however, not without the prior consent to operate of the Board bring into use any ncv ..' or
altered outlet for the discharge of effiuent or gaseous emission or sewage waste from the proposed industrial plant
The applicant is required to make applications to this Board for this purpose in the prescribed forms under the
provisions of the Water Act-I974, the Air Act-198I and the Environment (Protection) Act-I986.
20. The applicant also comply with the General conditions as per Annexure - I attached herewith (No.1 to 38)
(whichever applicable).
21. The concentration of Noise in ambient air within the premises of industrial unit shaH not exceed follo\'\'ing levels:
22. Apphc~mt is required to comply with the Manufacturing, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules-1989
framed under the Environment (Protection) Act-1986.
23. If it is established by any competent authority that the damage is caused due to their industrial activities to an:
person or his property .in that case they are obliged to pay the compensation as determined by the competent